Endless route

Chapter 117 24 Christmas Islands

Chapter 117 24. Christmas Islands

Lying on the big bed in the cruise ship suite, the aurora is hanging in the sky. When you open your eyes, you can see the aurora. You can also feel the color with your eyes closed. After turning off the lights, the scenery is even more shocking.

Rich people just enjoy it.

There is heating equipment on board.

Going on a date in a place like this, having a candlelight dinner, a mandarin duck bath and the rest afterwards is indeed a top-notch life experience.

Zheng Yun lowered his head and looked down. The icebreaker opened a very wide channel. Even without lighting, he could see clearly the conditions on the ice with the aurora above his head.

Two kilometers away.

There is also an opposite boat channel.

Zheng Yun could see another cruise ship, slowly approaching from the opposite side. The warm light used by the cruise ship to illuminate the ship channel swept over the snow-white ice, and the large ice sheets revealed a warm color.

The boat was like a tiny point of light.

So is the one they are on.

Compared with the ice covering more than half of the planet, these cruise ships and even the waterways opened by humans are extremely small and cannot have any impact on the ice.

There may even be a sense of fear.

For example, if the ice moves and the opened ship channel is squeezed and closed by the huge ice layer, the ship will be completely clamped and unable to move, and can only wait for the rescue of the icebreaker.

Actually this is not common.

Because the ice layer of W-08 has more east-west movement, which is in the same direction as the ship channel, the north-south movement is more extreme.

It is only more common during melting ice periods.

Zheng Yun watched it for a while, then opened the fairy gate and returned to the secret realm. He called out the people in the secret realm and let them see the aurora.

The cruise ship will continue sailing for three days before reaching their destination, which is an archipelago called Christmas, consisting of more than a hundred islands protruding from the ice.

The Christmas Islands are the most popular and most visited attractions on this tourist route. It has a local population of more than 700,000, receives tens of millions of tourists every year, and has a very long history.

As early as the period of great voyages of exploration, there were Western pirates who claimed to be descendants of the Vikings. They used sled dogs to arrive at the Christmas Islands and hid gold and silver treasures here.

Before the emergence of icebreakers, W-08 was a chasm and the boundary between heaven and earth. Hiding treasures here would almost mean hiding them to the ends of the earth, the end of the world.

Sounds reasonable.

Therefore, during the later colonial and gold mining periods, a large number of pirates went to the Christmas Islands, firstly to search for treasures, and secondly to find a place to hide their own things.

This is not a legend.

It's a real thing.

Deep in the glacial mountains to the north of the Christmas Islands, there are several pirate ships that are permanently sealed in glaciers twenty meters above the ice, still maintaining their original state before the crash.

That glacier was polished.

The ice is crystal clear like gems.

When tourists stand under the glacier, they can clearly see many dead pirates, even their expressions before the pirate ship was wrecked, as well as details on the ancient pirate ship.

It is now a famous attraction.

A must visit here.

So until now, there are many "explorers" who are professional or amateur, or even just take pictures, who come here to look for pirate treasures, and they come in an endless stream every year.

There is a Pirate Day in the Christmas Islands, which was originally held on September 3rd in international time. According to legend, the greatest pirate during the Great Discovery of Discovery hid his treasure on this day.

People on the islands will dress up as pirates during the Pirate Day, drink in pirate-style bars, go on sleigh rides, drill on the ice to fish, and grill fish over bonfires.

By eight o'clock in the evening.

People will go out and look for treasure.

There is no concept of day and night here. As long as no one reminds you, the festive atmosphere can be maintained for more than seven or eight days.

Later there were more tourists.

The festival has become once every two months, and there is an atmosphere every day. When a major accident occurs and a large number of tourists fall into the ice and die, the atmosphere will temporarily stop.


The Christmas Islands are also the territory of the West.

This place belongs to several countries in the original Nordic countries. After being injected with capital, it became a pure tourist area.

Western tourist area.

I already understand everything I understand.

Zheng Yun also doesn’t want this to be Eastern territory.

Because the oriental boat masters would not be looking for these pirate treasures. A group of ragged pirates and some dilapidated pirate ships are no match for the official treasure ships.

On the contrary, pirates are very likely to be interested in the frozen treasure ships, and may go to find the sunken ships of the Ming Dynasty.

If this kind of place where birds don't poop comes to the East and leaves some place names, then it's over. It's basically certain that there is something scary nearby.

The fact is indeed not true.

It is safe around the Christmas Islands.

But there is a circle to the north. The circle drawn by my adoptive father is about 200 to 700 kilometers northwest of the Christmas Islands. If the center of the circle is taken, it is about 400 kilometers.

Moreover, the adoptive father's circle was drawn casually. It is an oval shape, and the end is connected to form a cross, so the range needs to be added, and it can be understood as a line.

Just now, Zheng Yun looked north as soon as he came over.

And as expected, to the north are the colder glacial mountains, which are full of giant glacial mountains. The danger level is not bad, but it makes people feel very headache.

Because there are too many glaciers.

Who knows what the adoptive father’s goal is.

If he keeps wandering around one by one, he won't be able to get out of the glacier for three to five years, and he will become an Eskimo.

So the best way is to ask if anyone has had an accident in a crowded tourist spot like the Christmas Islands.

My adoptive father never drew a circle in vain. Since he drew it, there must be something there. If there is something, there must be something wrong, and it is very likely that the tourists will be killed.

When Hu Ruihua and the others were asked to come, they also had this consideration in mind. They might still have to start with rescue.

The only concern is.

In addition to the Christmas Islands, there are also several unique attractions here with a lot of people. For example, there is a Christmas Island in the northwest of the Christmas Islands, which has a Christmas atmosphere.

Christmas Island is truly Christmas.

Christmas in the Christmas Islands is probably a celebration of the birth of some pirate god, and has nothing to do with God.

"Let's talk about it in the past."

Zheng Yun no longer thinks about it.

He looked back to his side.

Li Huawan and the woman in the Pregnant Demon Tower were sitting on the bed by the window, looking up at the Aurora.

Take photos with your tablet at the same time.

They have all learned to use modern technology, taking photos is no problem, and they can even take a couple of selfies.

Occasionally, I would secretly photograph Zheng Yun.

Each of them was smiling, their clear eyes reflected the aurora, but they tried their best to remain quiet.

Because they ran out secretly, if they were discovered by others, it would cause trouble for Zheng Yun. This was what Li Huawan told them, and they did not dare to cheer loudly.

"After reading it, let's go back."

Li Huawan saw Zheng Yun turn his head from the tablet screen, quickly put down the tablet in his hand, and whispered to Zheng Yun.

"It's okay, the door is locked."

Zheng Yun shook his head and asked them to take a closer look.

"There is also an aurora in the secret realm. We have actually seen it." Li Huawan suddenly said.


Zheng Yun was startled by these words.

He almost guessed that W-08 and the secret realm were together due to the inertia of his thinking, but this was unlikely.

The secret realm is also a polar night zone, and it must be on a planet. It is indeed possible that it will be on a planet inhabited by humans, but it should not be W-08.

Because the secret realm is not cold.

And W-06 also has Aurora.

Many planets have auroras.

The new book has just been released. Can anyone help me to see if there are any questions or suggestions? Although it is a cool article and you may not like it, this kind of subject matter is actually quite new. I have never seen anyone else write it, so I thought I don’t know how to modify it, everyone

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