Endless route

Chapter 192 31 There are human bones inside the jellyfish

Chapter 192 31. There are human bones inside the jellyfish

After hearing this, the others walked around the cave and threw three or four flashlight beams into the sea water. The deep cave and the sea water thirty or forty meters below were illuminated blue and clear.

"I'll see if I can catch it."

Kedester found an abandoned hiking pole nearby and reached into the water to tease the transparent tentacles.

Jellyfish tentacles are soft and slippery.

With a slight lift of the trekking pole, the tentacles followed the current and evaded him. He leaned forward to provoke for a long time but to no avail.

"I come."

Ji Dao felt anxious when he saw it, so he found another half of a wooden stick from the surroundings, snatched the hiking pole from Kedester's hand, used the two together as chopsticks, and tried to pick up the tentacle.

"Probably a non-lethal jellyfish."

Li Xiya took out her mobile phone and tried to search. There was a network signal nearby, although it was slow but barely usable.

She could have come to a conclusion without searching.

The jellyfish tentacles suddenly floated out from the water, which means that there must be jellyfish in the water, and the jellyfish are near the water line, otherwise the tentacles will not be accidentally broken by bullets.

Take two steps back and observe the whole situation.

The iron cage and the winch chain above should be, as Kedster said, to sink humans into the water.

However, the grilles of the iron cage are large enough to accommodate a human head, and there is no fine wire mesh around them to prevent the jellyfish's tentacles from extending into the iron cage.

In other words, after a person is submerged underwater in a cage, the jellyfish tentacles can extend into the iron cage, and the person will have close contact with the jellyfish, and even be wrapped around the body by the tentacles.

Jellyfish tentacles are poisonous.

But there are many types.

The most venomous jellyfish can be deadly.

The jellyfish here should not be poisonous, otherwise all the upper-class tourists coming down from here will be poisoned by the jellyfish.

From the current look, it seems that the deepest secret of Goode Manor is this facility, and these jellyfish are a key part of bringing 'paradise-like pleasure'.


Ji Dao suddenly exclaimed, and Kedester beside him was also startled. He raised his pistol and was about to shoot.

Zheng Yun immediately looked down.

In the deep darkness where the flashlight beam gradually stopped shining, a huge creature quickly passed by. Its body was completely transparent and the same color as the sea, completely blending into the sea water.

This thing is like a ghost, and the traces when it swims are like the space deep under the sea undulating slightly.

It wasn't until some of the tentacles entered the range of the flashlight that the light changed slightly due to the different refractive index of the sea water and the body, and only Ji Dao with good eyesight could see the outline.

Pass his finger again.

Others can see a glimmer of it too.

"She looks very beautiful." Li Xiya exclaimed.

"The sanctimonious upper class must play with things that fit their persona." Kedester retracted his gun and mocked.

Now I can understand it.

Even in modern society, there are many famous sea areas offering similar entertainment projects. After learning to dive for a period of time, you can dive and appreciate the magnificent and mysterious underwater ecology.

From ancient times to the present, diving has always been beyond the reach of ordinary people. The cost of money and time just to learn to dive is not something ordinary people who need to make a living can afford.

From the 19th century to the early 20th century, Goode Manor, a facility for diving and contacting jellyfish, must have been quite high-end. At that time, people were curious about the seabed.

The craze for adventure never stops.

The bottom of the ocean is where the adventure ends.

Because underwater exploration is too difficult.

In that era, a number of underwater exploration books emerged, using imagination to depict the mystery of the underwater world. They were serialized in newspapers and magazines. Everyone from upper-class nobles to street newsboys were willing to spend money to buy and read them.

Rich people buy the finely illustrated editions.

The poor people just passed a newspaper around to read.

And Good Manor, a place where you use an iron cage to enter the seabed, get up close to transparent jellyfish, and even get entangled with jellyfish as food, and inject weak toxins to get wonderful pleasure, it is even more worthy of Western nobles traveling thousands of miles to experience it.

This place is ahead of its time.

Therefore, Goode Manor is luxuriously built.

Its experience is really worth the money, and it is an excellent conversation piece for Western upper class society.

As long as you maintain your experience, Goode Manor will definitely make a lot of money, enough for the owner of the manor to save tens of millions of dollars.

"It seems like this is the secret of the manor."

Li Xiya looked around and whispered to Zheng Yun.

As they stood here, the strong historical atmosphere hit their faces, as if they had returned to that era. As an upper-class person, they looked at the novel world underwater with full expectation.

Celebrities who dress luxuriously will go to the cloakroom to take off their clothes, sit on the sofa in bathrobes, taste red wine and cigars, and wait for the right time to enter the iron cage and go into the sea.

Being entangled by jellyfish for a while under the sea.

Due to the influence of the toxin, their faces were full of joy, their limbs were weak, and the aristocratic aura of all their desires being satisfied disappeared, turning into the same expressions as those of the villains in the oil paintings.

The maid helped them to the underground floor, washed away any mucus that might be on their bodies in the bathroom, and then massaged them to take care of themselves.

Of course there is a possibility.

Jellyfish are not found every day.

Many upper-class customers need to live in the manor for a period of time before they can go to the sea when the jellyfish appear.

The whole process is unimaginable to street newsboys. They can only read the latest underwater adventure novels in dirty slums and let literate children read to illiterate children.

Perhaps these nobles will show off their experiences and use their real experiences to provide materials for famous adventure novelists who have already reached the upper class, making their novels more detailed and real.

Perhaps some children among the street newsboys will be enlightened by these increasingly realistic adventure novels, and when they grow up, they will go to sea and embark on endless voyages, see more magical places with their own eyes, and gain adventure experiences far beyond what the upper class can imagine.

The unique thing about Endless Passage is that the sea here is vast and can accommodate endless explorers. As long as you are curious about the sea, the sea will accept you.

The spirit of exploration can transcend class, and the endless voyage is completely fair. Whether it is a suite on a luxury cruise ship or a cargo hold on the bottom of a freighter, the chance of sinking is the same.

For the lower class people in the West, as long as they have the cheapest ferry ticket, they can start a wonderful journey...

Western history also has a unique flavor.

It's completely different from the East.

During the Age of Discovery, the Ming Dynasty was so professional that private explorers were recruited into the army. Ordinary people listened to the legends of foreign wonderlands and cultivated fields and planted vegetables at home.

Because the endless sea route has increased the number of fertile fields, even a family with dozens of acres of land is considered small. The curious and active seedlings from childhood were picked up by the sea guards. The remaining common people will not give up their good days to go to sea to die, and even have no interest in exploration. Not interested in.

The history of Western exploration is a personal history, composed of famous explorers, many of whom came from low-level backgrounds.

The history of Eastern exploration is entirely the history of Triton, with a highly centralized and standardized selection method that has nothing to do with birthplace.

This stuff is the same.

Because Endless Passage is fair enough.

"It should be."

Zheng Yun nodded and sighed softly.

No matter how luxurious it is and how many high-class people come and go, it is dilapidated and lonely at the moment, quietly silent in the depths of the abandoned manor on this unnamed island.

They solved a small mystery. As a Westerner, Li Xiya would inevitably feel a little emotional, and as a reader of Western adventure novels, Li Xiya would also feel a little emotional.

Only Ji Dao didn't feel it.

He kept staring at the jellyfish.

Now I just want to catch a jellyfish and have a look.

But we still can't slack off at this moment, because as the secrets of the abandoned manor are revealed, more incredible problems will follow, and there are more than one.

Why is Good Manor lonely?

The unfinished letter in the study proved that something happened at Goode Manor, causing the management of the manor to be suddenly interrupted, and even letters to win over customers were put on hold.

Before this incident, the manor was still in operation, and the owner had just invested to improve the experience of the manor.

But when this happened, the owner of the manor dropped the pen and went to check. Afterwards, Goode Manor was directly hit and abandoned, and there was no time to pack up and take away the things.

What happened?

A high-ranking figure died in a cage? The owner of the manor couldn't afford to offend the other family, so he chose to escape?

The possibility is high.

But why do people die? Was it because the master-servant dispute caused the servant to kill someone, or was there something going on under the water here?

There is another big problem.

What was the purpose of Jia Si Aileen coming to a place like this, and why did her teammates die? The water below this cave is very deep. Is it connected to something underneath?

Is there really a Triton heritage here?

Are Jia Si Aileen and others dead or alive?

There was also the clicking sound that Ji Dao heard just now, and there were six cages underwater here. Was there someone who was one step ahead of them and had entered the water to go somewhere?

The floor of the underground hall is full of exploration equipment and empty oxygen bottles, and the explorer's relics upstairs. Did they die down there? Are there other things underwater besides jellyfish?

Then comes the most important question.

Did the Tritons leave any remains here? They shouldn't have any plans for these jellyfish, right?

All kinds of mysteries are intertwined.

Even if they have found out the secrets of the abandoned manor, the place is still full of dangers, with a thick cloud hanging overhead and lingering in the basement deep underground.

And the place itself is pretty spooky.

The walls are covered with murals of heaven and pleasure, and the naked angels are lifelike, as if they are watching them, watching them go to the bottomless abyss in order to satisfy their desires.

"There's something wrong with this thing. There seems to be something in the jellyfish's body." Ji Dao suddenly muttered.

He has been fishing for tentacles with the wooden sticks and trekking poles in his hands. His upper body has almost penetrated into the hole in the ground. His perspective is wider and he can see a larger area of ​​​​the sea with a flashlight.

"What?" Zheng Yun asked.

"You can't see clearly, but it should be an artificial object. It seems to be embedded in the body of the big jellyfish. Give me a high-power camera and I'll see if I can capture it."

Ji Dao stood up and looked at Kedester.

When Kedester and the others explored the island before, they sent many clear photos to Master Xian. They must have high-definition cameras in their hands, but they didn't know if they were waterproof or not.

"Okay." Kedester nodded, turned around and took out a special device from his backpack, assembled it and handed it to Ji Dao.

"Shall we go over there and have a look?"

Licia asked looking at the other side.

To the right of the ten grooved iron cages, there is a control room that controls the up and down of the iron cages. It is the last place they have not been to, so they can take a chance to take a look.

Zheng Yun nodded and accompanied her there.

Li Xiya entered the control room and took a glance, and found that there was almost no dust on the handle, there was a dial on the wall, and there was another room deep inside, which should be oxygen-generating equipment.

"Someone has been here, and the equipment is well maintained." Li Xiya exited the control room, and after thinking about it for a while, she said, "Those dark-colored fishermen are still very suspicious."

Listen to her.

Zheng Yuncai remembered that there was a group of dark-colored fishermen on the island who acted strangely. Their behavior was weirder than the fishermen on other islands, and their purpose was even more difficult to understand.

This place is indeed evil enough.

No clues can be found until here.

"Master Xian, what do you think this is?" Ji Dao successfully took a few photos. The device was in Kedester's hand. Ji Dao exclaimed as soon as he brought up the picture.

Zheng Yun and Li Xiya walked over quickly.

Everyone gathered around the screen to take a closer look and found that the photo indeed captured the jellyfish in the distance. Kedster used special means to increase the contrast and present it clearly.

This jellyfish is huge.

Its umbrella-shaped head is estimated to be three to four meters in diameter, and its tentacles are seven to eight meters long. It belongs to the category with relatively short tentacles. It is completely transparent and colorless. You can even see the transmission tissue and digestive tissue in its body from the photo.

Because of this characteristic.

They can see what's inside the jellyfish, and in this photo, the jellyfish has some debris embedded in its transparent body that's almost visible.

"Looks like human bones?"

Kedester zoomed in on the screen and looked at one of the slender objects about half a meter long, but the details were still a bit blurry and he could only make some guesses based on the general shape.

"Doesn't the jellyfish have a mouth? How did the bones get into its body? Is this kind of jellyfish the kind with a mouth?"

Li Xia looked puzzled and asked. She had little exposure to underwater exploration and was only good at Western mysticism and reasoning.

"There are extremely many types of jellyfish, and there are many special jellyfish. Some huge jellyfish can even swallow people, integrate them into the body, and take a long time to absorb and digest them."

Kedester shook his head. The jellyfish is the most outrageous creature. It has too many characteristics that are incomprehensible and can never be speculated on based on inherent research results.

Endless Passage is too big.

New jellyfish are discovered every day.

"You mean, this jellyfish eats people? Digests it until only the bones are left?" Li Xiya asked with a frown.

"It's possible, but I can't be sure." Kedester glanced at the iron cage and continued: "The seawater under the cave may not be connected to the outside world, but the existence of the iron cage proves that there are sea creatures below that can eat humans."

Zheng Yun nodded and agreed with Kedester's guess. He had recorded the depth of the seabed along the way. The seabed around the island had begun to gradually rise within a dozen nautical miles.

The estate is located in the center of the island.

The hole is at least several hundred meters deep.

The terrain here is similar to an underground volcano. The top of the volcano is the surrounding islands, and the crater is a deep sea cave.

Palyeon Cave is nearby.

It is normal for sea holes to appear here.

The grille of the iron cage is too large to protect against small fish at all. The only things it protects against are large fish, or maybe jellyfish that are so big that they can swallow people.

"Since you can take pictures of jellyfish, why don't you look for other iron cages? Where are they?"

Zheng Yun asked a question.

"The leader is right, I almost forgot about it." Kedester suddenly realized that he was urged by Ji Dao to fish and photograph the jellyfish, and ignored another key issue.

He immediately turned the camera to look for the cage.

Ji Dao, however, held the screen and stared directly at the jellyfish and another object inside the body. After a while, he looked up at Zheng Yun and said in a strange and slightly doubtful tone:

"Master Immortal, there are some things in this jellyfish that shouldn't exist. What do you think this thing is?"

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