Endless route

Chapter 31 31 Secret Realm and Truth [Dungeon Ending Two-in-One]

Chapter 31 31. Secret Realm and Truth [Dungeon Ending Two-in-One]

Along with a weak vibration, Zheng Yun felt that the surrounding environment suddenly darkened, which meant that he had crossed the starry sky and entered an unknown place.

Everything in front of my eyes was thick white mist.

He was immersed in the water from the waist down, and the sound of water flow sounded from behind him, as if he were standing in a river. The water was warm and cool, flowing gently and softly.

Step forward.

The water becomes shallow beneath our feet.

The white fog is getting thinner and thinner.

Things gradually became clearer before my eyes.

There were two dark moons above his head, casting soft light. With the help of this cold white light, Zheng Yun looked around.

At this time, he walked to a platform. Behind him was a clear pool with clear water and several black jade pillars with finely carved fairy and demon patterns standing on the left and right.

There is a soft jade chair in front of him.

Surrounding the jade chair is a jade table. It is crystal clear and exquisitely carved. It is more than three meters long. There is a faint golden light flowing through it, which is suspected to be a special kind of jade.

Zheng Yun subconsciously estimated the price using the thinking of a pawn shop. Ever since several very large gem mines were discovered, the value of such things has dropped rapidly.

But this jade table is still very valuable.

The corners of the jade table are carved with dense patterns of immortals and monsters, and every stroke is lifelike and exquisite. Even this master-level carver has far more than one million.

Look up and look ahead.

Behind the jade table is the edge of the platform, and the white mist happens to cover it here. The white mist inside the platform makes it difficult to see clearly, but further forward you can see everything at a glance.

There are steps on the left and right leading down. After walking up the three-meter steps, you will see a huge hall.

The hall is in three sections, with one floor lower than the other. He is at the highest position and can overlook the panoramic view.

At the base of the left and right walls, two rows of stone pillars with fairy-demon patterns that even three people could not wrap around supported half of the dome. The middle was completely hollow, and the entire vast Milky Way was clearly displayed.

Zheng Yun was deeply shocked.

This design is so clever.

He seemed to be able to see the earth and the W-02 Dingyuan star, but he couldn't tell where he was.

Look forward again.

In the second section of the hall.

A jade table more than twenty meters long is placed vertically in the front of the hall, with jade chairs on the left and right. Behind each jade chair, there are a large number of wooden tables and chairs.

On the wall behind the stone pillars with fairy demon patterns, there are black jade doors one after another. They are located in a small artificial river and are blocked by a mechanism.

These black jade doors range from large to small. There are ten small ones, corresponding to the long and narrow jade tables and chairs. The large ones are on the third floor, and there are more than twenty in number.

Zheng Yun was shocked.

The material of the black jade door is exactly the same as the black jade pillow, and the purpose of being located in the water is also obvious. As long as the mechanism is turned on, the jade door will be immersed in the water.

If nothing else, these black jade gates are all small seas of mist that can be activated!

This place is full of ancient oriental style. It is obviously an ancient building. The ancients actually played with the Sea of ​​Mist to this extent! What on earth is this place?

Zheng Yun ran a few steps faster, walked out of the hall and looked outside, only to see an extremely dense sea of ​​clouds and white mist in the distance, as if this place was built on top of the clouds in a fairyland.

But there was no one there.

Both inside and outside the hall.

How can one save lives in a place like this?

The adoptive father said that the black jade pillow was a talisman, soaked in water to keep people safe, but what kind of protection was it?

Zheng Yun retreated to the inside of the hall, looked back at the black jade doors on both sides, and fell into long thought.

There is a Triton waist badge in the adoptive father's basement, which reads "Commander of the Western Region Capital". If this is the only waist badge, then it may have been collected.

But the adoptive father also has a black jade pillow and a picture of the Immortal Mansion of Immortality. These things must be a set. When combined, it is absolutely impossible to receive them by accident.

And the black jade pillow leads here.

Is this place a Triton heritage?

Zheng Yun is very familiar with the history of Haiwei. After Haiwei was established in the early Ming Dynasty, Haiwei has been ordered to go to sea and undertake the task of going to sea to explore immortality and immortal gods.

But in the mid-Ming Dynasty, after several heirloom dramas, changes in the clan, and several large-scale population migrations, Haiwei's power suddenly surged.

Then in the late Ming Dynasty, Haiwei, who controlled a large number of people, resources and ships, became extremely powerful in the court and took over the important posts of all shipping routes.

It is a pity that the common problems of dynasties under feudal rule are dependence. Triton is obsessed with the theory of gods and ghosts. Metaphysics develops rapidly and runs counter to science. In the end, it failed to keep up with the development of science and technology and was cannibalized by the West.

It has been more than a hundred years since today.

Because of this hundred years of humiliation, Zheng Yun has always stayed away from the theory of ghosts and gods. He does not have much of a good impression of the Ming Dynasty, and Haiwei is on the same level as Factory Wei.

But things are different now.

He had to find a way to save his life. The key was how to use this mysterious place.

Could it be that he was opening the door to ask for help?

There are so many black jade doors here, each leading to a different place. Maybe there is someone behind the door? Can you give your adoptive father some face and help him?

Not very likely.

No one came when my adoptive father passed away. It was unclear what was behind these doors. No one knew what would happen if they were opened rashly.

Zheng Yun lowered his head and looked at the long jade table. There seemed to be something placed on it. He quickly walked over to check it and found that it was a book, which was quite old.

But just when he picked up the book.

There was a crisp sound all around, and the sound was very soft. If it weren't for the extremely quiet place here, Zheng Yun would not have been able to hear the soft sound.

He looked around.

The sight finally stopped at the original high platform, which was covered by white mist. Even the jade table could not be seen clearly, but the sound most likely came from there.

Because the Sea of ​​Mist is still open.

If the Yin soldiers in the basement walk into the fog, they will most likely walk in here accidentally!

Zheng Yun quickly ran back to the high platform, pulled out his dagger and stirred the fog, checking carefully bit by bit, fearing that the next moment a Yin soldier would appear and face him.


Behind him, probably to the left, there was a sound of water, followed by a suspicious voice:


Zheng Yun immediately held his breath and concentrated.

There is an extra person below! This person must have walked out of the Black Jade Gate, and his identity is secret!

"Holy shit! Why did the main door open? Damn it, what a ghost. Damn it, is there anyone up there?"

The voice was startled, but it sounded like that of a young man, and the words he used were relatively modern. He kept saying "Fuck", not like some fairy or monster.

Zheng Yun walked towards the fog, with one hand already pulling out a pistol, being highly vigilant in case of surprise, and then quietly observed the people below through the fog.

The person is in the third section of the hall.

Just walked out of a big jade gate.

This person is a male, he seems to have a bald head, like a monk, his head is shiny, but he is wearing a robe, and the rest cannot be seen clearly.

He could vaguely see the other person.

The other party could also faintly see him at the same time, and his black figure could be faintly seen through the white mist.

"Damn it, the immortal master has appeared!"

"Master Immortal! I have been guarding the Heavenly Palace for thirteen years. Let me go. My master has hanged himself. There is no one in the Heavenly Palace. There is no use for me to stay!"

The man suddenly knelt on the ground and started kowtowing to the high platform. He was crying with snot and tears at the top of his lungs, complaining that his life was not easy.

"There is only rice and noodles in the Heavenly Palace. This year there is a return frost. Master Dao, I... No, slave, the vegetables I have worked so hard to grow are all dead. Master Xian, look at how puffy and fat I am when I eat rice and noodles every day."

The man lifted up his clothes to reveal a very weird belly. His limbs were the same as those of a normal person, but his belly was extremely fat, and his white flesh was as soft as dough.

This may happen if you eat too many carbohydrates.

But it could also be due to lack of exercise.

This person probably didn't lie, but what kind of heaven was he talking about? Seems to be isolated from the world? What exactly is this hall?

"Master Immortal, I won't go back no matter what. The main door can't be opened, and the auxiliary door can't be opened. This door hasn't been opened in decades. If you don't take me away, I will imitate Lin Xiangru and hit myself on this pillar." !”

The man suddenly ran to a fairy-demon pillar and tried to hit it with his head.

Zheng Yun's brows relaxed a little.

If this person knows Lin Xiangru, he must be a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. No matter what his origin is and what secrets he has here, this can be confirmed.

Moreover, Lin Xiangru was not killed.

It’s nothing more than whether the conditions can be met.

This person calls himself ‘Master Tao’.

He also lives in the ‘Heavenly Palace’.

Maybe he is a Taoist priest living in seclusion somewhere? Maybe he knows how to kill the Yin soldiers?

But the question now is that the situation on his side is urgent. If he finds out that he is not a fairy, will he still help him?

"Do you know about Hades Pavilion?"

Zheng Yun did not choose to confess, but took a step back and hid in the mist, pretending to ask.

"Underworld Pavilion? I know! Where is the Underworld Pavilion? I am willing to go, just for a change! Our master and disciple have guarded the Heavenly Palace for ten generations. We have had enough..."

Zheng Yun paused slightly.

The northern continent of W-06 does not seem to have a name on the map of Changsheng Immortal Mansion, but the sea below the northern continent is called Sanxianying, which also has a ghostly feel.

"Do you know about the Hades Pavilion in the Three Immortals Yingbei?" Zheng Yun asked again, trying to get some information.

"There are three places in the Underworld Pavilion, and they are all extremely evil places. They are listed in... the book. Don't be upset, Master Immortal. I will go back and bring the book here to show you how to memorize it!"

The man thought Zheng Yun was testing him, scratched his scalp, and hurried back to the Black Jade Gate.

Zheng Yun watched him disappear with his heart almost in his throat, fearing that he would never come back.

But the man was more anxious than him. After waiting for a few minutes, he ran back to the hall out of breath and holding the book.

"Master Immortal, I found it. The Hades Pavilion in Sanxianying is located in the valley. It is about ten feet high. It has nine floors. The building is evil, reptiles are scattered, cold and damp, and there are many corpses. The Yin order has gathered early. First Zhang Xun, then Wang usurped, took charge of the Ghost Seal, turned stones into gold, supported troops and amassed wealth, plotted rebellion, and wiped out the land three times, all of which were defeated..."

The man began to read aloud.

But Zheng Yun knew that these things were similar to those written on the map of Immortal Immortal Mansion, and had no effect on the current situation, so he interrupted loudly: "If you are possessed by a Yin soldier, how should you break the situation and save yourself?"

"Master Immortal, wait a minute, I'll take another look." The man's voice was nervous, and he quickly flipped through the book in his hand, reading ten lines at a glance, and finally said excitedly:

"In the Underworld Pavilion here, the Ghost Seal is a forgery. It was a tomb earlier. The real Ghost Seal is in the mouth of the owner of the tomb. It is an exquisite mouth ball. As long as you get the mouth ball and put it in your mouth, you can command all the Yin soldiers.

In the imperial team that exterminated this place, there was an expert who said that the feng shui of this place could not be destroyed but could only be hidden, so the tomb remained intact and the artifacts were returned to their original owners. The secret guards dug a canal to attract floods and flooded the entire tomb. and the entrance is submerged in the river. "

"How to get there?"

Zheng Yun quickly asked.

This is extremely important information! He also doubted why this place was not completely destroyed when the imperial court tried to suppress it. It turned out to be due to Feng Shui issues.

The more important message is.

Hades Pavilion was actually a tomb earlier! The Guixi was forged by later generations, probably for the sake of "legitimacy" of supporting the army to rebel, so that's why it was created.

The real Guixi is a mouthball!

This paragraph is not written on the map of Immortal Immortal Mansion, probably because of the limited space of the chart, so only a brief introduction is given, and these details are also omitted.

But there are also many nautical chart appendices in the basement, and these contents may also be recorded in them.

"Below the attic, there is an underwater secret passage. The air passage was built at that time. There are seven dark caves in the Sanming Cave, and the two seams are connected to form twelve stars. They are exactly the same as the twelve stars of the South Dipper above the head of Sanxian Ying. Start walking from Dou Shao."

"After the waterway, there is a series of secret passages. Collect the black, white and yellow reptile juices and point it on your forehead to have an unobstructed journey. When you encounter the copper gate, use the iron plate to open it. Only go to the Zhongsheng Gate. After going downhill, you will find the main cave of the tomb."

"The cave has been cleaned, all the evil soldiers have been wiped out, and no ghost generals have survived. The coffin guarding mechanism has been removed. All you need to do is go straight into the tomb and take the ball."

"Master Immortal, I have remembered it all! Sanxianying is a good place for Feng Shui! I am willing to go to the Mingfu Pavilion!"

The man immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

His voice was so excited that he was smiling from ear to ear, thinking that Zheng Yun was trying to change his place for him.

Zheng Yun nodded with satisfaction.

But he has no intention of letting him go.

He didn't even know where this place was, and he wasn't the owner of this place. He didn't dare to act rashly, let alone make "personnel transfers" for the owner of this place.

"You go back and wait for the letter."

Zheng Yun used the common language in the workplace to politely reject him, hoping that he would understand.

"Okay, okay, Master Xian, I'll wait!"

The man cried with joy and crawled back to the black jade gate. After a while, the fog gradually dissipated.

Zheng Yun quickly ran to the black jade door and found that the door mechanism was in disrepair and had been soaked in water, so he could open the door.

He took out the dagger, stuck it in the mechanism, let the water flow away, and after confirming that the other party could not open the door, he quickly returned to the high platform and the misty sea, and left this strange place.

Thanks to [Jing Baiye] for the 100 reward, and thanks to [Rain Fox] for the monthly pass.

Many people have abandoned the book at this chapter. The author would like to explain here that this book is really science fiction, and there are many suspected spoilers, but it is really science fiction.

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