Endless route

Chapter 81 42 Royal Crane Sweeps the Night Sea

Chapter 81 42. The crane flies over the night sea

"You already know whether it is true or false. I would like to ask, are you afraid of your own death, or are you afraid that you will kill your daughter alive because you were deceived?"

Zheng Yun looked down at Xie Laoyu and asked.

As long as the blood pill is fake, then he was deceived and harmed his daughter.

"Being cheated? My daughter is seriously ill and is about to die. What choice do I have? You're not that old, and you have a daughter! Let's see what happens to you when your daughter is about to die!"

Xie Laoyu pointed at Zheng Yun and cursed viciously.


The ghost will draw a sword.

A finger hit the floor.

Zheng Yun glanced at the ghost general. He just told the ghost general to be alert. If this person made any changes, he would strike first. He didn't expect the ghost general to act so quickly.

Just like the middle-aged Taoist priest last time.

The ghost general seemed unable to bear the thought that he was being pointed at. The sword was as fast as lightning and there was no room to stop him.

But that’s okay.

Xie Laoyu had caused chaos in the sea and had harmed countless people. Even if he made outrageous claims, he would not be able to escape from this capital crime, and there would be no way he could get out of the secret realm alive.

The Three Demon Islands are on the high seas, and this place has been a forbidden area guarded by sea guards since ancient times. This person also pretended to be a sea guard and caused trouble for various reasons.

Zheng Yun can definitely execute this person.

To be honest, under the influence of Wang Xi, Zheng Yun saw that Xie Laoyu was actually no more than a piece of grass.

"It seems that you are still afraid of your own death after all, and you don't want to leave any moral integrity to your daughter." Zheng Yun shook his head.

"If I'm caught by you, I have no hope of leaving alive. Why should I be afraid of dying?" Xie Laoyu gritted his teeth.

"I have told you the answer to the matter of immortality. Go ahead and tell me how many subordinates Master Zhang has and what methods he has. If you tell the truth, you can die happily and gain some virtue for your daughter." Zheng Yun waved his hands and did not want to say anything more. A waste of breath.

"Qianxian Taoist Hall, Master Zhang has thirty-two disciples who raise all kinds of blood-drinking monsters. I am one of them, and I am responsible for the Three Demon Islands. If you want to take action, I suggest you hurry up. You will raise this monkey from It’s impossible for Master Zhang not to know about Qianxiantai’s arrest.”

Xie Laoyu said with hatred.

"Why do you have bells in your ears? Who made this thing, but that person behind you?" Zheng Yun asked.

"Zhenren Zhang ordered many believers to swallow blood elixir residues. The more they swallowed, the deeper the control. If they completely lost control, they would be used as materials to make blood elixirs. I don't know who made the bell, but Zhenren Zhang inherited Zhang Kuixi The underground palace left behind has many traps."

Xie Laoyu continued to explain.

"What else do you know? Let me tell you." Zheng Yun was dubious and planned to ask the middle-aged Taoist priest again later.

"I'm not the only one causing trouble at sea. There are three fishing boats out to sea tonight. While you are torturing me here, they are still playing xun outside."

"You take the xun out and blow it three short times on the sea, and you can call them back. Among the pilgrims of Zhenren Zhang, there are some wealthy Western businessmen and dignitaries from various places. In addition, he has some inheritance and is recognized by the West as the Taoist Priest of Qianxiantai."

"So if you take action, it's best to eliminate the root cause and send people to seal the entire Qianxian Dojo. I don't know how many exits there are in the dojo, but as long as he hides, he can call the police and call for help."

"The Pregnant Monster Tower has no access and is difficult to dismantle. There are also secrets under the tower. I can often hear ghostly cries coming from the bottom of the sea. This monster is very huge."

"My daughter's name is Xie Duo. She fell ill when she was three years old. She was sent to the Pregnancy Demon Tower by me when she was five years old. Her ears were deafened by my medicine. She is illiterate and ignorant. She doesn't know what it's like outside, and she doesn't know she has parents. But I I begged the fairy to let her learn carving from the fairy."

"I deserve to be cut to pieces in this life, but she is innocent. I kowtow to you. I beg you. I already know everything. In exchange for my daughter's life, give her a way to live and let her live..."

Xie Laoyu finally revealed his purpose at the end and knelt down on the ground to kowtow to Zheng Yun sincerely.

It seems that his daughter is indeed his weakness. Zheng Yun said something about "accumulating virtue" and he really started to accumulate virtue. But it is true that he has no choice.


Zheng Yun spoke softly.

"That's it. Master Zhang has caused countless harm to people. Every blood pill is mixed with human blood. The pilgrims who buy his blood pills are also evil ghosts and should be eradicated as well."

Mr. Xie Yuzhang knelt on the ground.

Zheng Yun was silent, and he was good at words even when a man was about to die. His last few words sounded fine.

The matter of the Thousand Immortals Three Demon Islands, like the Hades Pavilion, has many levels from ancient times to the present. The ancient times have ancient involvements, and the modern times have modern tragedies.

Earlier, Zheng Yun could not find any clues and could not connect these things. Now that the word "immortality" came out, all the problems became clear and there was no need to think about it anymore.

Live forever.

Once connected with longevity.

From ancient times to the present, no matter which dynasty or generation, there have been countless entanglements and tragedies, from trapping and killing the boat master and taking the vassal to escape, to the sound of xun in the sea to seek wealth and murder.

The Pregnant Demon Tower and the Immortal Demon are the core.

This Pregnant Demon Tower has been standing since ancient times. It has sent away many masters, and no one has really achieved immortality. On the contrary, it has become worse and worse.

After all, Zhang Kuixi was still a traitor to Haiwei, the powerful official in the court, and he had many capable men and strangers under his command.

When it comes to Zhang Zhenren's generation, they only use evil ways to deceive and deceive. There are thirty followers, and they are still middle-aged Taoist priests and Xie Laoyu.

What is immortality?

That's all nonsense.

Asking the ghost general to knock Xie Laoyu unconscious, Zheng Yun looked at the vast Milky Way above his head and fell into a long silence.

"Master Immortal, I found it. Qianxian Terrace has detailed explanations. There is a secret passage in the underground palace here. Haiwei left a back-up when it was banned. There are also some explanations on Three Demon Islands."

The fat Taoist priest walked out of the door holding a pile of ancient books, put the books on the table, and said to Zheng Yun:

"This island of three demons and the gathering of sea monsters was first discovered by local fishermen. It is said that there is an immortal holding a xun, and when he blows it on the sea, the sea monsters will follow him. It is very interesting."

"Later, the matter reached the ears of Haiwei. At that time, Zhang Kuixi was still a member of the Haiwei family. He was admired by the vassal king Qi Wang. He stayed here to investigate. After learning all the details, he reported it to Qi Wang. Qi Wang asked him to use the local fishermen to hook up. The fishing village was massacred due to the siren’s rebellion.”

"Thousands of people in the fishing village were trapped and killed by Zhang Kui. When Immortal Chuixun came again, they followed him, found the Three Demon Islands, and captured the Immortal."

"The feudal king, King Qi, had a rebellious heart. It happened that Zhang Kui Xi reported the incident of the sea monster, so he obtained the magic method of pregnant monster and asked Zhang Kui Xi to build the Three Monster Island Pregnancy Tower."

"At that time, there were many wild temples and trails, and it was difficult for believers to control their rampage in the countryside. Emperor Li Zong of the Ming Dynasty was determined to build Qianxiantai and wanted to move all the temples and temples outside the territory."

"The vassal king, King Qi, recommended the old fishing village site and asked Zhang Kuixi to take charge of the construction, secretly building the Three Demon Islands. Later, the matter was exposed and the two were captured by the sea guards. Zhang Kuixi killed the boat master in the monster pit hidden in the shallow sea and fled with King Qi. "

"None of these ancient books mention the word longevity, but there is an immortal who plays the xun. I don't know if the fishermen are exaggerating and misinforming, or if this person really has some virtues."

"If you want to continue to pursue it, you can only look up the Triton records from that year, and you won't be able to find them for a while."

"It doesn't matter, none of this matters. Can the Tiangong Crane take off in the storm, can it fly to the clouds?"

Zheng Yun asked with a sigh.

"The immortal is joking, can you still call the crane if you can't fly to the clouds? The immortal asked what the crane is doing?"

The fat Taoist priest scratched his scalp.

"Bring the crane out and let me take a look. I plan to go to a place and call some people to level the Thousand Immortals Platform."

Zheng Yun's eyes showed anticipation. He also wanted to see what the legendary crane looked like. In addition, he also wanted to try it to see if he could perform a feat.

After listening to so many legends, the underworld soldiers rose up and borrowed troops from the underworld, and the demons hidden in the shallow sea ambush the emperor.

Now he is somewhat interested in this kind of thing. They are all descendants of Wang Xi, and he can't be worse than his predecessor, so he wants to try one thing:

The crane flies over the night sea.

Thousands of miles to mobilize the Yin soldiers.

Although it’s still not a good level, it’s a good era. There’s no need and I don’t dare to go to this level...

Thanks to [Fei Shiwen] for the 500 reward, thank you very much!

Thanks to [micado] for the 100 reward, thank you very much!

Thanks for your comments everyone! I cried to death, you are so kind.

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