Endless Silver Machine

Chapter 3 Past·Reality·Future (3)

Historical pictures flooded into my mind like a movie. The scenery I saw for the first time, the people and things I saw for the first time, did not feel strange at all, and I could even understand the psychology of the characters.

"What are these..."

When Aika came back to his senses, he still stood there, as if he had just had a dream, but he would not feel such a splitting headache in a dream.

The others also frowned because of the severe headache. They also saw the same scene as Aika.

No, with the only exception, Wei Xi didn't seem to suffer from headaches.

But she cried, not howling, but she didn't notice the tears falling.

"Xue Chao... no, Wei Xi!"

Aika, who was suffering from a headache, yelled like this, and Wei Xi came back to her senses from her trance.

"Brother Aika..."

As soon as she spoke, her tears became even more uncontrollable.

"Now can you understand why I want to do this?"

The "she" on the other side still had that cold tone, which made Aika notice the existence of "her".

"In the image just now, Xue Chao...is that you?"

There is so much information that Aika still doesn’t know how to understand it.

"She" didn't answer. The person who answered Aika's question was another voice.

"Brother Aika, I'm sorry..."

"Wei Xi..."

Aika is also aware of this possibility, but she just doesn't want to agree with it.

But Wei Xi herself has admitted it.

Tylua-senpai and Teacher Letika have both recovered from their headaches, and the images just now made them clearly understand the facts.

"This is a memory sealed by me... Because I'm not a human, I can control my own memory..."

Wei Xi said words that would sting her, and laughed through tears. That smile was so sad in everyone's eyes.

"My name is...Xue Chao Xiji."

Wei Xi accurately conveyed the unheard name at the end of the video to everyone present with her trembling voice.

"Classmate Wei Xi, are you Mavis Setia's magic costume?"

Instructor Letika intervened at the right time, and Wei Xi nodded silently in confirmation.

"But classmate Wei Xi... she's still a human being."

"Magic costumes have their own consciousness. This is a fact that has been proven by scholars. But I have never heard of magic costumes being able to appear in human form..."

The consciousness of the magic suit reminds Aika of the rampage of the Light Flame Sword, so it is not difficult to accept it.

But those things are no longer important, now the top priority is the problem here.

We can talk about Wei Xi's matter after we go back, but we must first give up on her insistence on taking Wei Xi away.

"Wei Xi is the consciousness of the magic suit, are you the consciousness of the ruins?"

"In human terms, that's what it is."

"So, are you Wei Xi's mother?"

"...In human terms, that's what it is."

Aika suddenly changed to honorific, and "she" on the opposite side hesitated for a few seconds before answering the same words without changing her expression.

"But your approach is not like welcoming your daughter home."

"Do you think so?"

"In my eyes, that's it."

"Brother Aika, that's not the case..."

Wei Xi anxiously wanted to explain to Aika, probably to avoid the dispute caused by the dispute of words.

But Aika doesn't want to listen to Wei Xi's words now. He just wants to know what Wei Xi's mother wants to do.

"She didn't fulfill her responsibilities, so I'm taking her back."

"The meaning of 'reclaim' is not as simple as letting her live here, right?"

“Since it has lost its meaning of existence, there is no need to continue to exist.”

Aika didn't look back, so I don't know what Wei Xi's expression was after hearing this.

"Mephis Setia allows her to live as a human being. Doesn't this serve as the meaning of existence at all?"

"She has given up on this purpose of existence."

"Wei Xi never gives up! Whether she is crying or laughing, she always strives to live in this world as a living girl!"

"Brother Aika, it's all my fault..."

Suddenly someone hugged her from behind, and Wei Xi could only wrap her arms around her waist.

Even so, he could only control his excitement and calm down.

"I did not fulfill the contract with Mephis, and all the people died because of me... Even if Mephis forgives me, I will not be forgiven by hundreds of thousands of people..."

Aika couldn't interrupt. He wanted to emphasize that he was not as pessimistic as Wei Xi thought, but wasn't this selfish favoritism?

"Brother Aika and Sister Ling's family fell into this situation because of my country..."

Wei Xi is too mature. Her appearance has not grown at all in the past hundred years, but she understands it even better than Aika.

"What kind of person is Mavis Setia?"

Aika asked a question in a deep voice that had nothing to do with the current topic, but Wei Xi did not refuse to recall her former master.

"She is gentle and fair..."

"That's easy to say. Since she, who is gentle and fair, has already decided on a way to get forgiveness for you, you just have to do it obediently."


"The existence of the Principality of Setia has not been recorded in history," Teacher Letika said calmly, "Grand Duke Mephis Setia hopes that you can remember this country."

"If it is not remembered by anyone, it means it has not existed. Although I am not an idealist, the Grand Duke did place this wish on you."


"Wei Xi, I won't let you go there. Because that person doesn't know what it means to be alive."

Aika removed Wei Xi's hand from her waist, then turned around and gently pushed her towards Telua-senpai.

"Senior Tiruya, my opponent's abilities are probably the same as Wei Xi's, so Wei Xi will ask you to take care of him."

"You are really rude to senior sister..."

Tylua-senpai was sarcastic about Aika, but she still accepted the task calmly.

The opponent is the ruins that gave birth to the magic equipment. If he joins the battle, he will undoubtedly not be able to help. Tiruya-senpai is not yet confident enough in her abilities.

"Classmate Aika, leave this place to me..."

"Teacher Letika, this is also my battle." Aika summoned the two guns, "I am now preparing to snatch my daughter from Wei Xi's mother."

When Wei Xi heard this, her face suddenly turned red.

Teacher Letika also understood Aika’s words as a joke and allowed him to take the risk with a wry smile.


"Is this the answer you got after thinking about it?"

"Wei Xi won't leave it to you, but it's okay to come back and check on me often."

"She" responded to Aika's words with a confinement barrier.

"Mechanical Alchemy—Explosion Mode!"

He fired both guns at his feet and controlled the output of the burst mode to a level that could neutralize the magic barrier. Aika used the reaction force of the explosion to jump out of the confinement barrier.

Since the opponent needs to be regarded as a magic weapon, the "mechanical alchemy" ability of the magic weapon must be maximized.

Teacher Letika, who unfolded the magic outfit "Aurora of Mirror Flowers", also spread her wings behind her, and the light beams that had been refracted hundreds of times by the mirror fell like a rainstorm towards the place where "she" stood.

This attack won't be very effective. This was indeed the case. The pale barrier blocked the attack that knocked down the fourth-level monster in one blow.

Instructor Letika, who had already anticipated this outcome, just wanted "her" to use the "Cang Phosphorous Bird Cage", and her goal had been achieved.

The activation and contact stages of magic cannot be interrupted or changed. Instructor Letika is aiming at this process of lifting the "Cang Phosphorous Bird Cage".

There was no magical radiance, but high-energy rays that simply compressed the heat in the air and shot straight out at the speed of light.

However, the high-energy line disappeared silently on the way.

That's because if there is no heat in space, high-energy lines cannot exist.

At the moment when the "birdcage of blue phosphorus" was released, "she" spread out a partially frozen barrier on the trajectory of the high-energy lines.

After that, Aika launched floating cannons from different directions to encircle and shoot, and all the ballistics were blocked by the defensive barrier. When "she" raised her hand, the magic circle that emerged in mid-air surrounded Aika.

Offensive chains were shot out from the magic circle one after another, and Aika could only turn back the floating cannon to smash these chains one after another.

The war situation fell into a stalemate.

"She seems to have seen through our attack patterns."

This was the first feeling Aika had from the battle just now, but Teacher Letika didn't think so.

"It's not that she was seen through, it's just that her barrier magic is too flexible... Aika-san, can you make her turn her attention to you for a few seconds?"

"If it only takes a few seconds, I'll try to get her to look my way."

"You are very important people to her," she said, standing still without moving even a step under such a fierce attack, "so I don't want to hurt you in front of her, please stop. Bar."

"That being said, you also have human emotions."

From time to time, she reveals her human side, but she always regards Wei Xi and herself as simple "existences". "She" seems to be a collection of contradictions.

"I connected with her when she came to this floating island. It was just influenced by her emotions."

"Just think of it like this." It was precisely because "she" had almost paranoid feelings for Wei Xi that she was unable to communicate. Aika did not point out the flaw in her words, "I'm going to do it, Eyes of Fiery Flame. "

Mechanical Alchemy—Spiral Tower!

In response to his call, a torrent of silver magic power gathered in the space, and the entire space was lit up by the torrent of silver magic power.

The dazzling light quickly dissipated and was replaced by a spiral turret standing on the ground.

Teacher Letika waved her wings of light almost at the same time, and golden magic fragments fell into the air.

The torrent of silver magic power was released from the spiral cannon with an unstoppable offensive, and the figure of Teacher Letika turned into a golden stream of light, running alongside the magic power of the spiral tower, or even faster than it.

Before the "Birdcage of Blue Phosphorus" was completely constructed, Teacher Letika used the scorching rapier of light to tear apart the strongest defense from the gaps in the barrier.

Immediately, the silver-white waves engulfed Teacher Letika and her petite body.

"Teacher Letika!"

Aika had no idea that Teacher Letika would sacrifice her life to attack.

But if the attack is stopped now, the chance that Teacher Letika has won will fall short.

The torrent of magic power was not divided into two streams, perhaps because "she" had no chance to deploy a defensive barrier, or perhaps the position she was standing in to protect herself from such an offensive was already at its limit.

Therefore, Aika did not give up and adjusted the magic output to the maximum level that he could release.

Amidst the flying sand and rocks, the vision became blurred, and the ear-splitting roar also eliminated hearing.

After completing its mission, the huge cannon body returned to silver light particles and dispersed in the wind.

"Aika-san, you have done a great job."

The gradually recovering hearing seemed to hear the voice of Teacher Letika.

Aika opened her eyes wide. It would be understandable if it were auditory hallucinations, but it would be difficult to explain the simultaneous occurrence of auditory hallucinations and hallucinations.

"Teacher Letika, are you okay?"

At this time, Teacher Letika has dispelled the Wings of Light, and there is probably no remaining magic power to continue to unfold the "Aurora of Mirror Flowers".

"The 'Aurora of Mirrors' can also refract the trajectory of magic power. In addition to maintaining the magic power of the light wings and lightsaber, all the remaining magic power is used to defend your magic power."

"Feel sorry."

Instructor Letika could barely stand. Aika wanted to support her, but they almost fell down together.

Senior Tiruya quickly put down Wei Xi and ran over to support the two of them.

"Where is that person?"

"It seems to have disappeared. I opened a gap in the 'Cang Phosphorous Bird Cage'. Under that kind of attack, even if the magic formula did not construct a complete barrier, it would not be able to withstand it."

"Very good……"

Aika's peace of mind didn't even last five seconds before Wei Xi's far-away voice broke it.


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