Endless Silver Machine

Chapter 4 The Kingdom of Tebiri·Frontline Battlefield (2)

As they approached the border of the Tebiri Kingdom, Hitomi slowed down the sailing speed of the super-large aviation magic ship "Yectrasil".

The large and small wars taking place on the border of the Tebiri Kingdom have never stopped. Although Pope Sethis prepared a relatively safe route for everyone, for the sake of caution, Aika decided to keep a low profile as much as possible to avoid being discovered by the forces of the Bis Empire.

Everyone is in the cockpit now. Although it sounds grand, in fact, even after including Hitomi and the Light Flame Sword, there are only six people present, which is more than enough for the spacious cockpit.

"So far, there is no shadow other than us in the surrounding airspace, right?"

"At least there is no trace of the aviation magic ship. They can't hide if they are around me."

Hitomi unfolded the spacious three-dimensional airspace map, but it was still empty.

"This is not the main place for fighting on the front line. It is said that there are too many mountains below that are not suitable for fighting. After entering from here, we will speed up to the royal capital."

"There is an aviation magic ship ahead."

"Hitomi, take a look at their identification codes." Aika also glanced at the control panel that Hitomi has full control over. The signals are all from small aviation magic ships that use weakened weapons to enhance speed. "It doesn't matter, the Holy See told us before. The kingdom will send people to help us, and it should be them."

Sethis has already communicated with the Tebiri Kingdom in advance, and sent these small aviation guided ships to escort Aika and the others. If there were no forces from the Tebiri Kingdom around as a sign, I am afraid that "Yuktrashil" would be indiscriminately bombarded by the Kingdom's army as an enemy as soon as it entered the territory of the Tebiri Kingdom.

"Hitomi, come over."

"Yuktrassil" has long since given up its autopilot mode. If Hitomi is around, just tell her which way to go. However, at this time, "Yuktrasiel"'s actions completely changed according to her mood. Although Aika told her many times to slow down, it actually didn't slow down much compared to before. .

"It doesn't matter even if you are attacked."

Hitomi seemed to have absolute confidence in "Yectrasil" as a part of her, and she did not follow Aika's instructions.

The silver-white super large aviation guided ship slowly flew towards the three waiting small aviation guided ships. After confirming each other's signals, the other party turned the ship in the same direction as Aika and the others, which probably meant that they could just follow them.

"Just follow them and keep going."

Aika's goal is to reach an agreement with the Tebiri Kingdom. The primary purpose is to investigate the mimetic magic equipment that has flowed into the battlefield to obtain information that can completely destroy the source of the mimetic magic equipment. Of course, their core purpose remains to end the war, and that will never change.

"The Pope is so proud..." Lan Ming murmured to himself, "Although I knew a long time ago that the Holy See and the Bisi Empire are actually two different organizations, but now it seems that they have long been Before this war broke out, we had established a cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Tebiri. Although the Holy See is just a religious organization on the surface, it is actually a small country, right?"

"What is the Pope's purpose... exactly?"

"I think Dad is thinking about mankind..."

"Is it for the sake of mankind? From the perspective of long-term human development, annexing the Kingdom of Tebiri and unifying the two human countries is also 'for the sake of mankind'. This is the idea of ​​​​the Senate. The idea of ​​unifying mankind. There is nothing wrong in nature, but it is also divided into right and wrong methods. If you use the wrong method, no matter how you flaunt your righteousness, you are just deceiving yourself and others." Lan Ming was a little unwilling, but he must admit the core idea of ​​the Senate, "If it is correct The approach is not bad. I believe that my desire to establish a cooperative relationship between the Bisi Empire and the Tebiri Kingdom has the same goal. Looking at it now, at least the Holy See did not maliciously provoke a war and did not affect the general public."

Aika and the others knew the purpose of Pope Sethis's eagerness to help them connect, but they did not tell Lan Ming at this critical moment, so as not to make her distrust the Holy See and increase her psychological burden. But after thinking about it, Aika decided that it would be better to let Lan Ming know. After all, she was the one who needed to directly negotiate with the Holy See in the future, not Aika as an intermediary.

When Aika made a deal with the Holy See, Inili revealed the true purpose of Pope Thetis. That is to make the royal family and the Senate lose the trust of the people after experiencing this turmoil, and the Holy See can rely on the faith it has accumulated to become a new pillar of mankind.

"Have you ever discussed issues of that level with the Holy See..." Even if Aika didn't tell Lan Ming, she was more or less aware of it. It was only after getting Aika's words that she became more sure, "Now, Elder The radicals of the Academy are the evil that has manifested in mankind. The two countries that rule mankind have a history of hundreds of years. The royal family of the Tebiri Kingdom are also heroes in cross-border wars, and the 'Iela' family is just because of the saint. Your Excellency has gained more popularity as a representative, so we have no reason for the kingdom to give up its rights."

After constant rational thinking, and also out of the desire to make human beings more closely connected, Lan Ming repeatedly proposed the plan to have good relations with the Bisi Empire and the Tebiri Kingdom at the August Council.

Suddenly, the three small aviation magic ships leading the way in front of "Yuktra Hill" were hit by artillery fire from below. The heavy weapons and magic barriers collided, creating a dazzling light, and the thick smoke generated after the explosion instantly Blocked out sunlight. At the same time, the bottom plate of "Yuktra Hill" was also attacked by the same attack.

"As expected, there is also an ambush by the Bisi Empire army here."

The three small aviation guided ships that were hit directly showed no tendency to fall immediately. They began to counterattack frantically against the bombardment from the ground. Fortunately, this is just the border of the kingdom that will become a frontline battlefield sooner or later. The general public has already been evacuated to the interior. However, the ground positions fighting small aviation magic ships will also cause countless casualties of imperial soldiers.

"Hitomi, how are our injuries?"

"no problem."

None of the dashboards raised alarms. Although the shelling from the ground was indeed aimed and hit, the shaking degree of "Yuktra Hill" was not obvious.

Hitomi said that the magic barrier of this super large aviation magic ship is not comparable to ordinary mass-produced products. It was this magic barrier that protected the ship just now. Although the huge "Yectrasil" can easily become a target, as long as there is a magic barrier converted from the oldest molecular power furnace, it is not a fear.

The slow-moving old aviation guided ships in front were not so lucky. This was obviously an ambush that had been prepared for a long time. Despite the ground bombardment by the small aviation magic ship, the attacks from the ground still did not stop.

"Hitomi, just rush out!"

"Aren't you going to fight back?"

"If we fight back, many people will be involved, and we don't need to get entangled with them."

This time Hitomi obeyed Aika's request, and the acceleration of "Yectrasil" began to increase.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third attacks hit the bottom of "Yuktra Hill" one after another.

Compared with those small aviation magic ships, it is obvious that a large target like them is easier to attack. The imperial army may also feel the fear from the majesty of "Yuktra Sil", and they gather firepower to shoot it down. .

"The barrier needs to be converted into power, you have to cover it."

"I see……"

Hitomi said simply, and Wei Xi immediately understood.

The pale blue barrier became the protective umbrella of "Yuktra Hill", and the super-large aviation magic ship whose speed suddenly increased turned into a silver-white meteor and left the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

"Lan Ming, do you know the location of the royal capital?"

"Without a map..."


"Sorry, there are no maps for this era."

"Aika, where's the PDA?"

"By the way, you can use the PDA when you get here!"

Aika activated the PDA, and Yinili's figure seemed to be eager to appear, but she narrowed her eyes after seeing so many people present.

Everyone in the cockpit already knew her. Even Hitomi and the Light Flame Sword, who just came to the real world yesterday, are old acquaintances with the Saint during the cross-border war.

"Is this already the Kingdom of Tebiri?"

"Inili, can you locate the location of the palace? Please, we don't have a navigation."

"Don't think of me as a woman who is as convenient as the machine in your hand..."

Inili frowned as if she was troubled.

"Inili, help me."

"Hitomi has also become good at asking for help."

"It's not a bad feeling."

Hitomi's attention had already left the control panel when Inili appeared, but even so, "Yectrasil" continued to sail smoothly in a straight line.

"If we fly down in the opposite direction at such a fast speed, we will be farther and farther away from the royal capital. If we leave the range of magic technology, the machine will lose its function. Inili, you can It will disappear."

Guangyanjian also interjected. It was obviously just an implicit threat, but it sounded more intimidating than an overt threat.

"Okay, okay... After all, I can be considered a 'product' of electronic magic now. It is still easy to find the map of this country in the network of Tebiri Kingdom."

After having Inili's navigation, everyone was lucky enough to know that there was nothing wrong with heading in the fastest direction.

They have entered the interior of the Tebiri Kingdom, which has not yet been affected by the border war.

There was no raging war, and it was still peaceful on the surface.

But hidden under the tranquility like stagnant water, people's fear has undoubtedly penetrated into every corner.


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