Energy Group

Chapter 1000:

Sex is something that every man pursues. Of course, eunuchs are not counted. Seeing the crowd below, Li Cong knew how punctual his idea was, even he didn’t want to go to this street. The police officers who came to work also changed their clothes at this time. Who said that the police can't come to see the beauties? Are they not human?

If this kind of activity is in China, it is estimated that the leaflets have not yet started. The relevant department will get a fine. You have to say that you have not reported it before. This kind of thing is reported to him and he can't specify it. Just follow here. It’s different. The reporters here are all assassinated. If you don’t let them take photos, you’ll have to fight for you. Look at those ladies’ open thighs and swaying breasts, almost every one of them Crazy, even the people in the outside community who were going to fight and create chaos seemed to forget what they were doing and stared at their stage. WWw.YZUU point m

Naturally, it was unnecessary to say that night. These people came in vain, and they did nothing but spent a lot of money. The biggest beneficiary was naturally Sakura Club and the merchants on this street, although they said they didn’t need to spend money. It’s money, but you don’t have to spend money on drinks and some cheap alcohol. Those ladies don’t have to spend money to see it, but it’s not possible to touch them. People who come here are not prepared when they come. They spend money, but when the sun is about to rise, they find that the cash in their pockets is basically gone, so I don't know how many cards have been swiped.

"Boss, this event has received unanimous praise from the merchants. I charged them 20% more protection fees. All of them are still happy. We are required to hold it once a week." Sakurako was also very happy to see the one-hundred-thousand-dollar protection fee she received. She didn't expect that just a method of defending the enemy would bring so much income. The income of her own places was also very high, almost more than usual. More than ten times, some customers who drank too much just ignored the price on the wine list, and took out their own card to spend. Such a high-profile guest could not meet any of them in the past. Did they show up last night? There must be eighty in one hundred.

"Hehe, once a week, there is definitely no such effect. You will release the news once a month, but this is a new start. It can be held for three consecutive days. Of course, I think the enemy will not help us tonight. I have found hundreds of young ladies for us. Tell your pimps to be more active. Don’t wait at home, go and contact those ladies proactively for an extra 20%? This is too conservative. Go talk to The merchants say they want 20% of their turnover. As for how they slaughter customers, it has nothing to do with us." Li Cong said this is also valid. I checked it yesterday and these bosses charged more than usual. Ten times the income will give us 20%. How can this be done? Some bosses have emptied their wine cellars, and all the money earned is drooling. There is no reason to eat meat for you. We have soup.

"Boss, would this be too much?" I don't know what other people's homes are like, but Sakurako knows that the turnovers of her own places exceeded hundreds of thousands of dollars yesterday. If you want them to be 100% The turnover of Twenty is able to collect at least 5 million U.S. dollars a day, and this is not even those who take the wrong side. If you add them all, it is possible to exceed 10 million a day. A gang like myself earns more than 10 million a day US dollars? It's a bit of a joke, of course, only in the days when the Hundred People* Show was held. WWw.YZUU point m

"More? Not much at all. From now on, your thing will slowly form a tradition like Las Vegas, USA. Most of these guests come only once in a lifetime. Don't expect them to look back, just kill them. There are billions of people in the world, and there are too many people who come to Tokyo every day to count. Are you afraid that there are no guests?" People who can travel abroad are generally from the wealthy class. It can be regarded as killing the rich, but I don't have that kind of charity to help the poor.

"Well, other things are easy to talk about. It's just the boss. Our white noodles don't seem to be enough." If there are more people, the thing will naturally be consumed quickly. This addictive thing is naturally the fastest to consume, and it is also coming. The most expensive things are sold by punks in entertainment venues for one hundred yuan each, and it only costs eighty yuan to get the goods from Yingzi. Naturally, you can make thousands of yuan if you sell one hundred and ten in one night. It is tens of thousands of yuan to change into Japanese yen, and you have to know that the labor of digging a sewer is only 10,000 yuan a day.

"Don't worry about this. We are short of everything else. Drugs and munitions are the most indispensable things. I will find someone to contact me. You will bring a few people to the intersection with me and wait." This thing Li It’s the most indispensable thing. The Golden Triangle is now fully controlled by Hongmen. It is said that the weather is going smoothly today, but it's still a lot of wars. Otherwise, how can the price go up? How can Hongmen make money? go with?

Li called Zhong Qingshan from a phone call. This buddy happened to be inspecting in the Golden Triangle. You want us to have nothing else. This white flour and this thing are all pulled by cars in the Golden Triangle, and they weigh more than ten kilograms outside. It's a shocking case. It doesn't matter here at all. How much can the entire Shinjuku consume in one day? Let alone shipping from the Golden Triangle, Hongmen's storage in Japan is an astronomical figure, which is definitely enough for the entire Japanese to absorb for a month.

"You should call me for this little thing. I think your eldest brother's management is getting more and more complicated. No problem. Is a ton enough for me to send someone to you? What? Shinjuku? You run there. What are you doing? Are you going to be the big brother of the club? What can you do about those small clubs? Are you still the dragon lord of Hongmen, don't lose our people from Hongmen, it's okay, not wordy, I'm busy Now, I'll do it for you right away. Don't worry if I do the work. By the way, there is a small matter. We Hongmen recently needed 50 billion kWh of electricity to sell to a leader in Africa to elect the president. This guy promised the people to solve it. You have arranged for me for the electricity problem. After you hang up, it’s okay. Needless to say, bye bye you.” Zhong Qingshan quickly hung up the phone. Good fellow, this car only contains two or three tons of drugs. Is this 50 billion degrees of electricity available?

These three tons of drugs add up to hundreds of millions of yuan. Even if the price there is a little bit higher, it will cost 7.8 billion yuan to sell, but if the 50 billion kWh of electricity is sold by itself, that’s it. A net profit of tens of billions of RMB, this is not a small list. Originally, the African buddy didn’t use that much. It wasn’t for us to fool you. That guy really has a lot of US dollars. If you don't earn it, you have to ask the big gangsters of the Energy Group to earn it. WWw.YZUU point m

Taking advantage of Li Cong's advantage, Zhong Qingshan naturally did not dare to neglect, and a phone call reached Hongmen in Japan.

"Ask me who am I? I am Zhong Qingshan, your boy can't even tell me, so you can send our stock to the cherry blossom team in Shinjuku for three tons, um. Four tons. Money is indispensable for you. No need to collect money, just give it to them." The Japanese Hongmen brother over there hasn't woken up yet, why did such a call come in the morning.

What the hell? Four tons? That's nearly one billion yuan. The sales volume in Japan for half a month. What is this for? We're not living anymore? But this kid wanted to return, but he didn't dare to question the decision of his eldest brother. Didn't you see that those who were not dealing with the eldest brother now have been pulled back to the headquarters and become observers? I have to be windy and windy here in Japan. Except for large organizations like the Yamaguchi group, they can’t afford to provoke them. Others are not based on their own expressions. Nothing else. It’s because we have the goods in our hands, although we will be empty if we lose these four tons. It’s half of it, but the rest can still be delivered next time.

After Li Cong finished the phone call, he asked Yingzi to take a few people with him to stand and wait at the entrance of the street. The warehouse of the Sakura Club was on this street, but the police did not find anything after several surprise inspections because it was there. In a place with no doors on all sides, the wall is broken open every time it is needed, and when it is not needed, it will be smashed to death. If the policeman finds people like himself, he won't have to mess around.

Yingzi looked at her boss a little puzzled. If the goods are not enough, she should go to find the source of goods. Why are you waiting here? Could it fall from the sky here? The most abundant goods in Japan is Hongmen. When the goods were tense a few days ago, the boss asked for dozens of kilograms from Hongmen and sold them for more than a month. To be honest, Sakura Club has never had such goods. This month was comfortable, the price was the lowest, and the goods were the best. It attracted some addicts around here. Of course, the profit was not small at all, and it was 100% profit.

"What? Don't believe I can get you a cart of goods?" Li Cong looked at Yingzi a little disbelief.

"No, no, it’s just that the boss, you may not know much about Japan. Japanese goods are in the hands of several large societies. We all have to get the goods from them. They just dismantle. Home, does the boss have any connection with these demolished houses?" Yingzi asked tentatively. Although the boss is like a **** in his heart, he is not a **** after all. Even if he can do some things that gods can do, he is still a god. A living person.

"My channel is different from them, but I think the price should not be very expensive. I have seen your bills. It used to be one hundred and eighty yuan a gram. We sold it for three hundred yuan. Between 400 yuan, I think today’s goods should be 150 yuan a gram.” Li Cong thought for a while and said. It is estimated that Qingshan will not collect money for this batch of goods, but this matter cannot be told by himself. People like Yingzi would be troublesome if they didn't consider the cost.

"No, boss, even if the Yamaguchi team gets the goods from the Golden Triangle, they won't get this price, right?" Sakurako's small mouth can almost fit an egg.

Li Cong made a walking and watching action. At this time, the car arrived. Outside was a fast food car. Li Cong got into the man's car directly. The person in the car just nodded slightly and did the job. The thing is, if you don’t ask, let’s just do what the boss asks. The person in front of you is his own, with Hongmen’s iconic badge on his chest. Such things are only talents from the headquarters. Yes, it seems that the headquarters has other actions.

When the car drove to Yingzi's warehouse, Li Cong took out more than one thousand dollars and threw it directly to the kid who was driving.

"Go out and have fun, come back and drive a car in a while." The guy nodded, knowing that he can't tell him to see where the stock is stored. Although he is a brother, it is better to be clear about some things.

Li Cong didn’t care about the rest. He closed the door and didn’t care about what was inside. Li Cong, who was smoking at the door, always heard the sound of surprise from inside. It was these mixed clubs. It is estimated that they have seen so many goods once in their lifetime, and they are even more amazed by Li Cong's ability.

"Boss, you really are not an ordinary person, then I want a car of gold. I don't know if someone will send it to you if you make a call?" Yingzi's eyes are always staring up, this boss is really Although the **** is the same as Ren Zhang's, it is undeniable that he is a god, or a high-level god.

"Haha, don't talk about the useless ones. After the goods are counted, you can quickly transfer the money to this account." Li Cong threw a piece of paper to Yingzi with an account number on it, but it was him. Own account.

"Boss, there are too many goods. Our Sakura Club does not have so much money. Can you tell your friends that we will pay later. We now have less than 50 million US dollars. Enough for a quarter of the money, but we will give them the money within half a month." Yingzi said embarrassedly. She also knew that their rules in this industry have always been one-handed delivery. This kind of debt owing is generally not going to happen, but now there is really not that much money.

"50 million U.S. dollars? This is probably difficult, half a month? How do you take out the remaining 150 million U.S. dollars in half a month? Sell the house and sell the land?" Li Cong was a little confused, and now he can't get it. Come out, will you get it out in half a month?

"No, I'll lend it to my brothers first when I go back. They estimate that they have to have a lot of money over the years. It should be fine to collect 30 million US dollars. I still have 20 million US dollars. If several of our stores are mortgaged to the bank, it is no problem to take out 100 million U.S. dollars. Although others see that the 10% interest is a bit high, it is nothing to us." Yingzi's little mouth I kept talking, and after a while, I finished the arrangement of the 50 million yuan.

"Yes, I'll call them and say it should be okay, but why don't you sell part of those goods first? Then we will return a lot of funds?" Li Cong asked, if let If he came to do this business, he would definitely keep it for later use, and just resell the others directly, so that the capital can flow fastest, but this theory is only applicable to serious business, which is definitely not possible. of.

"Hehe, boss, our business is not short of money. As long as we want to make money, there is always a way, but these goods are not so easy to deal with. Transport these things to Japan, we Sakura Club They don’t have that ability. Even the Yamaguchi team would have to waste a lot of energy. We store them and sell them slowly. This goods is also a way to fight the enemy. If there is a famine, we have the goods, the enemy If there’s no stock there, we can sell them a part of it at a high price. Isn’t it a disguised form of weakening people’s combat effectiveness?" Yingzi patiently explained to Li Cong that this side door is different from the legitimate business, and legitimate business is more important. This is to quickly withdraw funds. If a company has no funds, it is not far from bankruptcy. If this side has no money, just ask a few brothers to kidnap a rich person. There is no big money, and the salary is still very large. Coming out soon.

"Hehe, I don’t understand very much, but after listening to you, I understand a lot. Okay, just do what you want. My friend should be fine, but I still think you should sell The price shouldn’t be too high for the part of going out, because we’ve already targeted the North Star’s one-handed blow. If you do it again, you can eat meat and others can’t drink the yours If you’re in trouble, we Chinese people often say that you’re an early bird. If you don’t know how to hide yourself, then you will be the one who beats you. The police and clubs will come to deal with you. "Yes." Li Cong thought about it and felt that this relationship should be clarified to Yingzi. Although Yingzi's method can maximize profits, sometimes it should be considered.

"Well, I know the boss, don’t worry, it seems that it’s almost the end, I’ll take a look at it." At this time, Yingzi is not the same as when she first met her, now she looks like Li Cong. It’s the same as my sister next door, but this sister next door can now hold the largest batch of white noodles in Japan. If such a thing is thrown out, I don’t know how many Japanese people will be poisoned. Li Cong will not care about that much, you If you want to buy it, I will sell it to you. After all, it is your own problem.

It's been a day, how come the people of Beichen Swordsman still haven't moved at all? Did that thing just pass away? I am thinking about your things. If you don't come to me, do I have to come and provoke you again? Are you too courageous? From this moment, Li really hoped that the old guy from that day could come and give himself a precise word, so that he would not guess here. . ..

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