Energy Group

Chapter 1020:

Rubbish, just when Li Cong hit this guy, Li Cong and Hattori Musashi's heart sounded such a voice at the same time. This guy is really rubbish, and he didn't even see such a thing. It was really embarrassing to the extreme. Now, the flaws that people sell to you, just like that? It's weird not to be hurt by others. Now that the twelve people are less than one, they basically can't make a formation. (Crazy f hit)

At this time, it can be seen that the gap between the Japanese and the Chinese is coming. Some Chinese martial arts schools also have such a similar small attack formation, but the Chinese generally do it when one or a few people are missing. Changed another formation method. Although the power is not as great as before, it can still be used. It can always exert the maximum attack power of the remaining people. However, this method is not learned by the Japanese. Eleven people didn't know what to do anymore, all of them were shaking around.

In fact, they were also a little depressed. Why did we start to reduce staff in the first two rounds? This formation is not good for the Chinese? How many people have this idea in their hearts, is this Chinese already strong enough for this? In the past, this formation was tried to compare with others, but no Japanese samurai can rush out, let alone hurt people, but now no one can explain this situation.

What happened to him? Most people on the sidelines are short-circuited with those in front of the TV? Does this ask people to do the next one? This is how powerful Beichen One Swordsman is that every day boasts? What's a joke, these twelve people will be beaten by one of these two? You don't need to expect that guy can stand up and fight anymore. Seeing his appearance, he can't get in. It's strange to get up.

Fortunately, I was fooled by that kid yesterday. Otherwise, I would lose miserably now. The guy next to Li Cong who followed him to see Li Cong touched his chest, and the person next to him looked at this guy with incomprehension. , When we were betting, we also went together. Seeing this kid, Beichen, who bought three million dollars, won with one stroke, why does it seem like a little fortunate now? Is your brain silly? That three million dollars is not money?

"I said, what's the matter with you, do you want that kid to win?" The man asked if he didn't understand.

"Why? How can I hope that kid will win? I can't wait to ask Mr. Hattori to kill that kid directly. Isn't I overly nervous? Okay, don't beep, hurry up, if you miss it But no one will give you another one." In order to cover up his own fault, this kid quickly pulled his companion over, can I tell you about this, good fellow, I did buy three million with you The US dollar Beichen won with a single sweep, but although the three million is a lot, can it still be considered money in our eyes? Last night, I asked this kid to buy Huyou 7 million dollars to win. If this kid really wins, he will immediately have more than 30 million. Good guys, this money is not a trouble. For play.

There are not a few people who think like him. You know that Li Cong fooled more than dozens of people that night. Although some of them were bought at the face of Yamada, but now I can’t wait to go up and kiss Li Cong. Why didn't he see that this kid had such potential at the time? Why did he buy a few million? Such an opportunity to make a fortune just passed away? My company only makes several hundred million dollars a year. If I bought 100 million dollars directly last night, wouldn’t it be 500 million dollars after a while? It’s more than my own company’s. As for every day Are you tired?

The happiest thing here is that Takeshi Yamada, I really spent the money right, if they say that the biggest winner of their group is this old guy, but now it is only billions of dollars, if it is the two Hattori If the old guys are all dead, then he's just making a profit.

"I said, brother, you have to make a lot of money by following my son-in-law, I think you fell in love with him last night." Taken Yamada whispered to the old gentleman who was second only to his bet yesterday, this guy I'm even happier than Yamada Takeshi now.

"Hehe, don't tell me, my father has seen two people right in my life, one is you, the other is your son-in-law, what is your son-in-law? Not married yet, why are you in a hurry? The granddaughter is no worse than your daughter. She is studying in the United States. I immediately called her back and she might become my grandson-in-law." The old man said unkindly, and he really had that idea in his heart at the moment.

"I said, brother, you are not kind. I knew I wouldn't introduce you to my son-in-law, but didn't you have three grandchildren in your family? Where are the granddaughters? Are you going now?" Knowing that this old guy was joking, Yamada just wanted to relax.

"Haha, can't I be illegitimate?" The old guy smiled.

The gaze still has to return to the battlefield. The eleven people of Beichen One Sword Style who are missing one person are more or less a little weak at the moment. The reduction of the attack surface makes this kid run around, the strange speed makes Everyone was surprised that they could only defend passively one by one. Such a situation was still possible at the beginning, but when his energy problems later on, he would eventually be defeated by this kid.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the second injured person appeared, but this guy did not want to be injured. Originally, Li Cong’s goal was not his, but the service department Zhan Er standing behind him. It's a pity that this guy knows that he can continue after he goes out. If Hattori Zhan Er goes out, the whole Beichen will be defeated. Li Cong's kick is really not light, even the people in the audience can I heard the sound of this guy with a cracked bone, but this kid is much better than the first one to go down. At least he just has a cracked bone. There is no problem in living. That guy has died of breath now, this guy just needs a rest period. Time, and basically there is no need to practice martial arts in the future, that body can not afford to toss.

This person's fate caused the two sides to separate again. Li Cong was still standing to the west, and the Beichen one-sword style of the remaining ten people was still in the east. Eleven people were facing each other, and there were two people lying on the sidelines. According to the rules, before the end of the competition, unless one party admits defeat, otherwise no one can go up and carry the dead person out. Besides, there is one other person who is not dead, but fainted.

"Second brother, I think our formation can be over. It is basically useless now. I think we should sacrifice the nine of them to trap Li Cong. Let us find a chance to attack." This method can be said to be very unnecessary. For the face, these two guys are also martial arts masters. To do such a thing is to throw Bei Chen's face to the ground, but they have to do that in the current situation.

"Okay." Hattori Zhan Er's mouth was very happy, but he felt very uncomfortable. After such a war, there were no more reserve cadres in Beichen, and the rest were either here or there. Yes, how long can the two old guys last? Waiting for the next generation to grow up, but not ten years or eight years will not be impossible? I blame that **** Noaka Ichiro, how could he provoke this guy, and implicated our entire sect. I hope Amaterasu will bless us and not wipe Beichen to extinction.

"You will remember your sacrifices. Everything about you will be the object of future disciples' transmission. Go up and trap that kid for me at all costs." Hattori Musashi hated the order, and they have been brainwashed. People who have lived for several decades don't take their own life into their hearts at this time. It is not a problem for them to kill their wives and abandon their children for the sake of the whole teacher, let alone their own lives.

Until now, Li Cong still didn’t take out the treasured sword, but he saw that they had changed their strategy now, and they couldn’t trust it at this time. If the Hattori Musashi brothers fight alone, neither of them will be his opponent, but If these two people played a sneak attack, I guess they would not be able to hold on, throw away the rotten scabbard, Li Cong’s authentic treasured sword gleamed in the sun, and passed the so-called treasured swords over there. Several generations of things have been suppressed.

It was a good knife. The people below looked surprised, but people with knowledge of the goods quickly recognized that this was the treasured sword of Takeshi Yamada’s family. I didn’t expect that Takeshi Yamada was so expensive. In the eyes of the Japanese, this son-in-law is far from his son. The Chinese are still his son-in-law as his half son, but in the eyes of the Japanese, he is not much different from his housekeeper, but Yamada Takeshi Only the only daughter, this son-in-law is very precious.

The Hattori brothers looked ugly when the knife was unsheathed. This knife should belong to theirs. It's all due to the split before. Now it's in the hands of the enemy. Others don't know how powerful he is, but his brother does. , But at this time, I can't shrink back because of a knife.

The nine people and Li Cong immediately started to fight. As for the remaining two brothers in the abdomen, they started looking for Li Cong’s flaws, as long as they appeared, they were guaranteed to be killed in one blow. People who knew martial arts At this time, I was a little shameless to the two Hattori brothers, but there was no alternative. If I changed my position in them, I guess I would do the same. Face is more important than the mountain gate.

"Dang", a person's knife was directly cut off by Li Congzhi from the middle. Although Li Congji's strength was one reason, it is more important to estimate that it was the cause of this knife. After that, the treasure knife didn’t stop. I just cut off the hand of this guy with the knife, and **** scenes began to appear on the scene. If this is in China, except for the TV show, it basically doesn’t. I will see it, but this is Japan. Such scenes are not scary. Instead, they get excited one by one. It seems that the more such scenes, the better.

The guy who had broken his right hand and no weapon would naturally become the third person to lose his combat effectiveness, but he still had some usefulness. Li Cong kicked the guy into the air directly, the direction of flying was where Hattori Musashi was standing.

"Master..." The kicked guy looked at his master and felt that he should be fine. If he just flew out like this, he would definitely be injured, but he should be able to take himself easily with his master. The strength of the body was relieved, and I saw that I lost my arm. In fact, the current medicine can help me to connect it. On the contrary, I was the one with the least injury, and my internal organs on this foot did not suffer too much damage.

It's a pity that the things he imagined didn't appear at all. The speed at which this guy flew was not low. Hattori Musashi had no chance to dodge at all. How could he not understand Li Cong's treacherous look in Li Cong's eyes. Meaning, Li Cong is going to use this guy to hurt himself. If he really wants to save this guy, then he will definitely be too late to deal with him. Then he will have to be injured, but he is not that stupid, for a loss One-handed disciple to ruin himself?

Hattori Musashi kicked the guy in front of him with one kick. The strength of this kick was not low. This guy changed direction directly in the air. The whole time did not exceed two seconds. Li Cong was already ready. It's a pity that Hattori Musashi didn't give himself a chance. If he gave up his apprentice, he should look at him. This guy is really cruel. If he can save this guy, it is estimated that this guy, with his least injured body, may be Beichen's swordsmanship. It’s a pity that Li Cong’s kick didn’t kill him, but Hattori Musashi’s kick really broke his internal organs. This guy flew five meters to the ground and vomited. A big mouthful of blood, with some internal organs still in it, this guy is done.

The audience took a sigh of relief. This old guy is so ruthless. In the past, I used to see the disciples of Beichen Yidao on TV saying how and how they are united. Is it that they are so united? It's really amazing, right? Their stream master can kill their own disciples directly on the battlefield, so what can their disciples do?

Although Li Cong’s move did not hurt Hattori Musashi, it brought even greater gains. Too many Japanese have changed their views at this time. Perhaps the Beichen Sword Art that I thought before was not true at all. The existence of those guys wearing martial arts uniforms are actually hypocrites who only speak big words. In fact, they are nothing, and they will definitely give up when they should give up anyone's life.

Although the other disciples on the field were also surprised, they soon wanted to understand why the master did this. If they were in that position, they would definitely save the guy just now, but the result would be that both of them lost their combat effectiveness at the same time. It is very unfavorable for them, but such a choice is intellectually right, but emotionally unacceptable. Although they all want to understand why the master did that, they still have one in their heart. The pimple exists, even Hattori Zhanji is also a little uncomfortable at this time. My brother is too ruthless. If the person flying over is not an apprentice, but is himself, would my brother still do this?

"Haha, the Hattori Stream Lord is really amazing. The ghost tricks underneath are directly seen in your eyes. I really admire." Li Cong didn't forget to say a few words to stimulate this guy when he was fighting. It's a pity that Li has subordinated to Hattori Musashi's ability. Hattori Musashi was not instigated by Li Cong's words at all. He still stood in place and did not get angry at all to give Li Cong a chance.

In less than five minutes in the beginning, three consecutive exits were quite big for Kitashino Ichisaku’s blow, but the biggest target was obviously not them, but the leader of the Yamaguchi team Watanabe, as the Yamaguchi team The team leader is also one of those invited. At this moment, he is working next to Zhong Qingshan. At the beginning, he said that Zhong Qingshan’s tens of billions of dollars had been lost, and they were all given to the Yamaguchi team. Only then did he realize that he was going to give out hundreds of billions of dollars to others, and he knew the accounts of the Yamaguchi team very well.

The total bet collected this time has reached 320 billion U.S. This is already more than the total assets of the Yamaguchi Group. The purchase service department has more than 220 billion. Ten billion U.S. dollars, and the rest is from Li Cong, but the Hongmen leader in front of you is the biggest buyer. If you deny other people's accounts, you will have no problem, but if you fail to account with the person in front of you, you have that. Capable? Absolutely not.

Team Leader Watanabe did a careful calculation. Others don’t know what they are, but the amount of money to be paid to the red door leader in front of them will exceed US$220 billion. In addition to their principal, this time they have to pay Lost more than 100 billion US dollars, which is not the most. If Li Cong killed these two old guys directly, he would have to sell one-third of the assets of the Yamaguchi Group. It’s really brain-dead. I got up to play this gambling game. I thought I would make tens of billions of dollars. I didn’t expect that this time I would lose more than 100 billion dollars if I didn’t make a penny. I was really the most **** leader in the history of the Yamaguchi group. Someone soon came out of his seat after it was over.

It's just that this matter is directed by the leading Hongmen in front of you? Probably not, where would he find such a powerful person? Although his Dragon Guard is powerful, he is not as powerful as the Chinese Li in front of him. What can he do even if he is a ghost? Against him? I don't have that ability. . ..

Energy Group loses the mountain pass group in Section 1020 (text)

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