Energy Group

Chapter 1028:

gone? These Japanese people are really quick to do things, you just leave as if you are fine, but if the mess here is really to be cleaned up, it is not that easy, at least tomorrow Shinjuku will not have to open the door to work, at least clean up for a day Yes, you must know that the turnover of Shinjuku in one day is amazing. In a short time, those merchants will not say anything, but after a long time, they will definitely complain. Then, for the Sakura Club, that will be the foundation. These people are really good calculations.

"Go chasing me right away, and you must bring these people back to me." Sakurako looked a little angry at this messy face. There has always been a rule in Japanese clubs, that is, they will not move and fix. In the industry, they are basically fighting against other people. After these people have injured a few people, they will start crazy attacks on things and some facilities. This is simply destroying Shinjuku, even if Sakura will withdraw afterwards. After Shinjuku, the clubs that come here will not be able to survive.

"No need to chase, you can't catch up with them. If I'm not mistaken, they would have been broken into pieces after going out just now. Would you like to follow to find their nest? No one would be that stupid, today In the evening, I told my brothers not to rest and tell the merchants that we will pay for the loss tonight, and immediately contact some decoration companies, no matter how high the price is, ask them to change this place back to the original by tomorrow night Look." Li Cong calmly gave orders one after another. At this time, Yingzi really felt the gap between him and the boss. He was still the person who would lose his mind when encountering things. What he should do the most. These things are done by the boss, and others can be pushed back.

When Li Cong returned to Yingzi’s office, the news came. The spies of the Sakura team went out and asked many people. Finally, it was confirmed that the people who came to the door this time really have a background in Beichen. A gang, and they released a word, as long as the Sakura Club stays in Shinjuku for one day, they will not give up. They must drive the Sakura Club out.

"Boss, what should we do?" Yingzi doesn't know why. She is usually a decisive person, but when Li was here, she didn't seem to dare to say some of her ideas, even when she talked about Li What do you think.

"Haha, what should I do? Cold salad, people have come to the door, if we don’t make anything, we will be laughed at. If we ask them to continue making trouble, our society will soon collapse. It’s a good calculation to tell the brothers to bring guns at night, as long as they dare to come, they are not afraid of any big movements." There is no speculation in dealing with this kind of thing. You can only go head-to-head with these guys, and During this period of time, the development of the Sakura Club has indeed been smoother. You should also let them know what they are. In the club, as long as you are not afraid of death, you will have a world, and you have to let you fight and kill. They do it. The joy of winning is the thing that makes them most happy.

"Yes." Originally, Yingzi thought that way, but when she said this from the boss, she felt confident. Yingzi immediately went out to arrange manpower. Although those clubs were not small clubs, A force as large as Beichen's Swordsmanship was disintegrated by the boss. What else is there to be afraid of? Those clubs are just grasshoppers behind the ball. Your master is no longer good. Do you think you can have any other people? ?

It seems that happy extremes and sorrows will happen. They were so happy just now. At this moment, their faces are sad and bleak. When Zhong Qingshan arrived here, he was also intimidated by the situation here. The eldest brother is still so beautiful, who knows that his site will be made like this at night. I wanted to joke him a few words, but I don’t say anything at this time. My eldest brother is the first time to set foot in It's okay to suffer from these things.

"Come on? Sit by yourself, it's a mess here too." Li Cong said weakly. He really didn't know much about these clubs, and he didn't know how to manipulate it, so he found Zhong Qingshan. , Let him give an idea to see how to defend.

"Hehe, brother, it's really rare that you have such an ugly complexion on your face, but it's okay. It's normal to appear once or twice a year. You can also move the chicken heads on your face like this." Zhong Qingshan Speaking is also so direct, these words make the faces of the surrounding cherry blossom clubs very uncomfortable, who is this kid who dares to speak so happily? Didn’t you see that the battle was defeated here? You are still so happy. What friend.

"Okay, you kid don’t want to say a few cold words, you know the situation here, give me an idea, I have seen there are nearly ten clubs, and there are even two Coming from Hokkaido, it seems that my person is really in a difficult position." Li Cong was also bitter when talking, but he couldn't say it yet. It seems to outsiders that he already has a plan in his mind, otherwise. Sakurako and the others also see that if they don’t have a bottom line, they will not be able to work well. The ordinary members following them will probably be even less interested in working. The cherry blossom meeting will really be over. This is also their first time. An organized society must never let him have an accident.

"Big brother, in fact, the struggles of this club are similar to those of regular companies. How can your mind be so clever that you can't think of it? These clubs are not just enemies of your family, and the enemies of each club are more than their friends. Yes, this is the reason why members of the club are always killed or missing. This thing about you is very easy to handle. Take out several hundred kilograms of goods and sell them directly at the boss next door who attacked your club. Make a little less money, but if you can make your enemies lose money, that part is not something you can buy with money.

This is a good way. It deserves to be messing around every day. Li Cong waved his hand at Zhong Qingshan and motioned the kid to continue.

"Hehe, brother, I don't think you need to worry about it here. Go and get money with the Yamaguchi team right away. If the Yamaguchi team has no money, they will be aggressively charged with these small clubs, and maybe even take their territory. At that time, let alone these people who are coming to trouble you, they will probably be too busy with their own affairs. At that time, you will directly help the neighboring communities with the goods in your hands. , They will be over soon, you have always been good at conspiracy and trickery, why don’t you do it today?” Zhong Qingshan’s method is so simple, Li Cong himself is actually concerned and messed up, otherwise If you do, you can find this solution quickly.

Suddenly, Li Cong realized, hehe, what is this small amount of money, isn’t it just a few million dollars in renovation costs? What I have is money, this Shinjuku is a cornucopia, and the turnover of one day will cost hundreds of millions of dollars. What? Besides, I am still a creditor of the Yamaguchi Group, so I have to ask them for money.

"By the way, did you calculate it for me? How much money does the Yamaguchi team owe me?" Li Cong suddenly thought, he knew it was an astronomical figure, but didn't know the specific figure.

"Hehe, you just think about it now and ask, that total is 2025 billion U.S. dollars. According to the regulations, the Yamaguchi team will cash out the money tonight. This time, the Yamaguchi team will pay in addition to the money there. To lose more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, the two of us are the biggest winners. Of course, you have your daughter-in-law’s more than 10 billion U.S. dollars in your money." Zhong Qingshan took out his notebook and said that he is also a club anyway. The boss of Li Cong did the things that these little brothers did for Li Cong, but by listening to the amount, you know that this little brother is still okay. It’s like those on Wall Street in the United States who have a serious talk for a while, can it be compared How much did you earn from this transaction? It is absolutely impossible.

"You said that the Yamaguchi team can't just run away because of the money?" Li Cong said worriedly. He has more than 200 billion here. If the Yamaguchi team doesn't lose any money, they can definitely leave with hundreds of billions of dollars. of.

"Haha, what do you think, eldest brother, do you think that if there are too many people who run money management in China, you think they will also run away? The Yamaguchi group is a big organization and won't leave because of this little money, although it is They have lost a lot, but this is a gambling game recognized by the Japanese government. If they run away with the money, they will be uneasy no matter where they go. Besides, the Yamaguchi Group has a lot of real estate in Japan. You won’t lose much money when you come to the auction. Those people won’t run away.” Zhong Qingshan said, the old man Watanabe is also a human being. Most of the money betting this time will be some high-level people in Japan. I really don’t know where I died. It’s better to pay the money out honestly. I can continue to be my own tycoon in Japan. Money is nothing more than a number. Maybe a few days later. Just came back.

Sure enough, just as Zhong Qingshan said, two hours later, the unscrupulous brothers came out of the Yamaguchi group building with the money. Team leader Watanabe had to send the two men out, more than two thousand. With billions of dollars, it seems that these two people are the biggest winners. Of course, although Team Leader Watanabe has some guesses in his heart, he dare not speak nonsense. After all, the two people in front of him are not easy to provoke. One is the boss of the world's largest society. , The other one is even more terrible, single-handedly killed the entire Beichen, what is there to talk about, we admit it, lose money, tears on the face, and bitter stomach.

"What's the matter? I got the money. Should your shuffling plan begin?" From this time, Li hastily urged Zhong Qingshan to carry out his plan for his own club. Otherwise, if he wants to do it, I guess the Yamaguchi team will have one. You have to kill yourself with your fingers, and that little person can't keep up with a fraction of others.

"Hehe, what are you in a hurry? I'm not taking the initiative in this matter. I can only do it after the guy above takes the initiative, and we can't be too obvious. We have to let a dead ghost come out so that we can do things. The situation on your side You first follow the method I taught you, it’s absolutely no problem.” Zhong Qingshan said that the dead ghost is naturally the second-ranked Kansai group, but they will not let this expand to Kanto. Opportunity, the Yamaguchi team will definitely not be happy at that time, they will fight to death, which is the best thing for Zhong Qingshan and others.

Kansai group? Li Cong really doesn’t know much about this organization. Of course, this cannot be blamed on others. The most important thing is to blame the Yamaguchi group for being too powerful in Japan, and for its reputation, otherwise, how could there be no one’s early days? It.

"It's normal if you don't understand the Kansai group. Even some Japanese people don't know it. Although the Kansai group is not as famous as the Yamaguchi group, their influence is very strong. They have always been in the Kansai area. For the hegemony, take the whole of Japan as an example. Our Hongmen forces can be regarded as guests in any place, but they don’t need us in this Kansai group, and their partners are not us. "Zhong Qingshan seemed to be a little uncomfortable when he talked about the Kansai team coming, but this made Li Cong a little bit confused. Even the Yamaguchi team didn't dare to make irresponsible remarks with you. How could this Kansai team dare? ?

"Just kidding, there are organizations in this world that don't buy your face? The mafia in the United States has a good relationship with you. Doesn't this Kansai group need your Golden Triangle goods?" Li Cong didn't believe it yet. Don't the current clubs need these things? Impossible, this is the most profitable business with arms, and it is even going to catch up with his energy source. Don’t the Kansai group members not do it? I didn't believe it even if I killed myself.

"Hehe, my elder brother, I really appreciate that you can see our Hongmen so high, but you should also know that it is not only our Golden Triangle that produces these things in this world, such as the Silver Triangle in Afghanistan, which is in the United States. Although the output and quality can't keep up with us under people's encirclement, some people use it." Zhong Qingshan smiled bitterly.

"No, as far as I know, don’t you all have a distribution? You are in charge of Asia, and the golden crescent in Mexico is in charge of the Americas. Isn’t the silver triangle in Europe? How does he make the business in Japan? Are you here?" Li never understood these things very well. He thought these divisions were just like those of his own agents. You have to sell that area where you register. If it crosses the area, I'm sorry next year. Don’t take the goods.

"Brother, we don’t do business in this industry like that. All of our communities have their own supply channels. The path you mentioned is just a rough idea. Just like our Golden Triangle, when the goods are insufficient, we are naturally honest. Staying in Asia, but if the goods are sufficient, we don’t mind going to Europe or the United States. After all, the prices there are much higher than here. Of course, if you do this, don’t expect others to stop doing that. People will come here when your harvest is not good, and there is another reason why the Kansai group has supplies. They have something to do with the Red Army." Zhong Qingshan said another strange thing, it seems this There are a lot of things inside. Anyway, the two brothers strolled on the main road, Li Cong gave full play to the shameless style of asking.

"I said, my brother, what is this Red Army? How can it be related to the source of those goods." Many Japanese people know this term very well, but Li Cong does not know it.

"Hehe, I said, big brother, you don’t even know what the Red Army is? It’s really shameful. You know that Japan has an ultra-right organization, but why is there no pedestal organization? Because they are all extinct, the Red Army is extremely The left organization can't mix in Japan anymore, so they have all gone abroad. Now the poppy plantations in Afghanistan are in their hands. The people they worship are our great leaders, and they want the life we ​​pursue. It’s not that the Americans are their best friends. The Red Army was a big organization in the 1970s. Unfortunately, they can only go underground like us. This Kansai group is their support. Yes, and they have contacts with al-Qaeda so it is difficult to deal with, otherwise you think the Yamaguchi group will allow such an organization to occupy Kansai?" Zhong Qingshan said helplessly, for Kansai, Japan He also thought about the many cities and consumer groups in the region for a long time, but unfortunately, we are not a terrorist organization, and we will suffer from such encounters sooner or later.

"So if the Kansai group really occupies so much area, don’t you still have no choice? Those Japanese will give you the place? I think it’s better for the Yamaguchi group, at least you are all Societies." Li Cong said.

"Hehe, you don't understand it. It's time to study their origins. In capitalist countries, will a society with a red socialist background occupy the entire country? Of course not, and they specialize in making money with the Yamaguchi group. The purpose of the Japanese government is different. The Japanese government will not let them be so free.” Don’t say, Zhong Qingshan understands these things that Li has never contacted before. Today I understand what is Chi. Army.

"But you are also Chinese, they will let you occupy?" Li Cong raised another objection.

"What's wrong with us? We are here to do business. We don't participate in other things, but the Kansai group is different. They will spread all kinds of free thoughts, which are completely different from us." Zhong Qingshan Said. . ..

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