Energy Group

Chapter 1040:

Yamada just raised his head and took a look. As expected, the door at the door had already opened, and a dozen limousines filed in. In fact, this is just such a custom. There is no need to put on the stage so hard. At this time, no one knows. The economic strength of this couple is just a few Rolls-Royce.

Li Cong's light gray dress set off the whole person from Yushu Linfeng. A few of the bridesmaids who followed kept discharging Li Cong. It's a pity that you didn't put it on the right time. If we usually have that time, maybe we will pay. I’m playing with you, but it’s different now. Today, we have more important things. Where is the effort that will make you eye-catching? If the old father-in-law finds out, maybe I won’t be able to go out today. It.

"Dad, the time is coming, I'll pick you up and Guangmei." Li Cong walked in front of the father and daughter with a little embarrassment. It's just a little embarrassing that few people can see it.

"Hehe, okay, get in the car quickly, don't delay the auspicious time, let the guests wait." When Yamada just turned around, there was no more sadness on his face. This is also a major event for himself. , If you have an unhappy look on your face, it is estimated that Japanese tabloids will immediately say how inappropriate the relationship between you and your son-in-law is.

Yamada Mitsumi hugged her dad and walked onto the front car with Li Cong's arm. Today this car is the protagonist of the whole of Japan. Just look at the reflectors of these reporters.

"I will treat you well." Li Cong said with a gentle hug Yamada Mitsumi. At this moment, it seemed that he was really a little younger. If he had said something to Zhou Yu, I would probably be unable to say it. It may be the relationship between the old husband and the old wife. At this moment, Li Cong suddenly felt that he was beginning to like the new and dislike the old?

"Well, I know, otherwise I won't marry you." The happy Yamada Mitsumi was not as reserved as Li Cong, so he kissed Li Cong directly. At this time, the car door was not closed yet, and he was offended by this. The reporter pressed the shutter vigorously. Each of these photos is very precious. Where does this opportunity come from?

Outside the door is a leading car made up of the younger brothers of the Sakura Club. The bodyguards of the Yamada family are also maintaining order. There is no way that the luxury weddings here in Japan are not as frequent as those in Europe. Everyone wants to see the biggest wedding. What it looks like, although you can watch live TV at home, there is always a big gap between live TV and here. It's better to watch it on the spot and have the capital to brag about it.

"Sakurako, how about the security of Beichen Yidaoliu. Today, it's not just our boss. We ask everyone who enters not to bring bodyguards, and everyone agrees. If we do something wrong ourselves If you do, it will be really shameful, and our reputation is a small matter. In the end, if these guys really hurt someone, especially the boss, then our sin will be great." Ono-kun also this time. This is the first time I have seen such a big scene. Even His Majesty sent someone to send gifts, but I didn’t say anything about the relationship between the boss and the Emperor. It’s just that the security must be too strong this time. It's really not something someone can afford.

"Our people won't have a problem, but the Yamadas don't know what level they are, but I think some of them should be no problem with their skills. It shouldn't be a problem to hit you ten or eight." Sakura Zi Jin'er was not in a very happy mood either. His words were stingy, but Ono-kun also understood what was going on with this woman. We are the masters, and we are not in the same class as you, so let's do whatever you want.

Although the people in the Yamada family made a mistake before, it was at the time of Daban, but they were all people around Yamada Mitsumi. This time they are all elderly people from the Yamada family. There should be nothing wrong. The problem is, Ono-kun feels relieved after listening to it. In fact, he can tell him to announce a ceremony as soon as possible, so that everyone will save trouble. Anyway, no one wants to eat for the next thing. They are all together. Slowly talking nonsense, it's meaningless, but it seems to many people here that this is high-class communication.

When the convoy drove into the square, the thousands of guests were almost there. At this time, it was in the middle of the road to welcome them. As the convoy came in, they immediately started firing salutes, and many white pigeons arrived at this moment. The sky above the square makes this moment look so beautiful and so happy.

Because of the time wasted on the road, the auspicious hour arrived in less than five minutes. Li Cong took Yamada Mitsumi and quickly ran to the podium, just like the heroes and heroines in the famous love movie. The anxious look amused the thousands of people in the square. These two people actually took the engagement so seriously. While laughing, they were actually envious of these two people. Everyone knows that the upper class is basically There is no love at all. The final marriage has always been linked to some interests, and now this is the same, but the appearance of the two people in front of them clearly shows that this is not, this is a true love union.

The person who presided over the ceremony originally wanted to invite the great political evangelist of Japan to come, but because of Beichen’s swordsmanship, they didn’t come, so they had to invite the current Japanese Prime Minister to come. Li Cong didn’t care about this person. He seems that everyone in Japan does not qualify for marriage. It is enough that Yamada Mitsumi likes it.

Just when Li Cong's ring was on Yamada Mitsumi's beautiful finger, a bullet hit the prime minister's forehead without warning. Good fellow Prime Minister was killed?

Of course this is impossible. Such a thing can only be discovered in the movie. The guy in front of you is just a stand-in, but the people in front of you don’t know it. They all think that the dead is the Prime Minister, Hikaru Yamada. Mei immediately hugged Li Cong and burst into tears. Thousands of other people are also high-class people. What they cherish most is their own lives. How could this situation be unclear, even if they didn’t understand it for a while. Those who come will know that there is danger in front of them, and they should go away.

It’s a pity that they can’t get out at all. There used to be many roads down the mountain, but because it’s now a private place, there are only two exits. The other places are blocked by Li Conggi. Now even if he wants to go out, he probably can't get out. Everyone thought it was something Li Conglove played with, but only Yamada Mitsumi knew that it was definitely not because of greed. The guy just now really died. Up.

"Ono, what's the matter? It seems that he doesn't know when I look at the boss, he is a little flustered." Yingzi glanced at Li Cong, and touched that he didn't bring a weapon in when he came in just now. Not sure.

"This is definitely not arranged by the boss, look." Ono-kun pointed to the sky and the entrance, and immediately the two of them didn't say anything. Two helicopters came directly from the sky and a dozen Hummers on the road. This is what he has. The army, it's just that the Japanese army is definitely not like this. How could the army of other countries come here?

"If you don't want to die, immediately go to the center and squat down for me, otherwise my bullet will never be stingy with you." A guy who got out of the car shot the sky with his submachine gun without saying a word. The sound of gunshots stood up like firecrackers. Even if the police heard them, they wouldn't come over to see them. They knew that there was a wedding here today, and they probably wouldn't let them in even if they came.

The people here are all people who have met the world. Naturally, they know who these people are. If they are on a yacht or something, their plan may be successful. But here is the capital of Japan, on land, isn’t it? These people think they can run away after blackmailing these people? Too naive, right?

"Who are you? This is my engagement ceremony." Li never listened to these people but stood up directly. At this time, everyone seemed to have a better impression of this young man, and this courage was also great. .

"Hehe, China Li, I know you. To be honest, I am an American, but I have so many passports. Come and see, which country do you say I am from? Even I don’t know, we What are you doing here? The main thing is to know that this is your engagement ceremony. We are all people who can't eat, so we want to come here and ask for something to eat. Would you mind?" This leader is still very polite to Li Cong.

"I will welcome everyone who comes, but I don't welcome you in this way. What are your conditions." If it wasn't for Yamada Mitsumi who was detained by those people, I would tell you this. ? Just go up and kill you. I really don't look at it. I kidnapped and tied to Lao Tzu's head.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, I don’t need to explain to you what I want to do. Now please go back to your beautiful fiancée. If I feel you are a little uncooperative, you know what my people will do, I Knowing that your personal ability is very strong, but we are also prepared, we will naturally not deal with you, because we do not have that ability, but I think your fiancee is definitely not as good as you, of course, you Don’t worry, we only came for money. If we don’t have money, we might kill these people. But if we have money, we can talk about everything. Everyone is a friend.” This American basically Shang has admitted that he is a robber.

What else did Li Cong want to say, but unfortunately someone came over and used a gun to directly withstand Li Cong. It seems that he is no different from these people in his eyes. It will be time for these people to start blackmailing. .

Before telling himself to squat down, Li Cong glanced at his surroundings. They came and estimated that there were hundreds of people. It would be impossible to control more than a thousand Japanese dignitaries, but now they don’t need to be alone. Speaking of submachine guns, even a pistol can make these people stay in place, knowing that the thing that shines in the sun will kill them.

There were also a few bodyguards who had to do some tricks with these people, but unfortunately they were killed by a single shot. Li Cong observed the guy who killed people without blinking his eyes. These people are not ordinary community members. , These people are soldiers, or they were soldiers before, and they have fought in wars. Otherwise, these people would not kill people and be so peaceful, Americans? It’s not Afghanistan or Iraq that came down on the battlefield. Isn’t he that unlucky?

Is this the uncooperative soldiers mentioned in the newspaper? When American soldiers return to China from the front line, there will always be all kinds of uncomfortable things, so they have to receive psychological treatment, otherwise life in this society is a very dangerous thing, and they will learn well. Half of them will be able to return to the state of a normal person, but those who do not learn well will probably go on a crooked road. In the past few years, the most serious thing about walking on a crooked road is to become a kidnapper.

This is much simpler than doing other illegal things, and the profits are much larger. Other things can't be done by a little bit of people. Of course, they have a lot of people, but they can only fight. Killing things, as for other things, is no different from idiots, so they can only do something they are good at. Kidnapping has become the favorite thing for these problem soldiers, but there is no need to travel across oceans. Come to Japan to do it, are you all the richest Americans dead?

Yingzi shook her head at Li Cong. It was obvious that she couldn't contact the people outside. It seems that these people are relatively professional. The communication inside was completely cut off. Moreover, it is far from the city, but their time should be It won't be too long. There is live TV here. It has stopped here. The TV station will send people over soon. If you find out the situation here, there will be police officers. But those policemen? A policeman with a revolver? Compared with these professional beauties, they may not be too beautiful to die.

At the beginning, Yamada Mitsumi was very scared, but seeing Li Cong by her side was not scared at all, and didn't know what she thought. Someone behind her was pointing a gun at her. What happened? I am also happy. It is normal for a woman who is in love to have such thoughts.

"Everyone, let me introduce from me. We are called sinners in Iraq. We are a newly established organization. We are here to borrow money from you. Of course you can see it. We don’t mind. If you hurt anyone, I hope you don’t test our patience. Now I hope that each of you will come to these computers here in turn and transfer 100 million US dollars to this account. Of course, it’s not much, but it can’t. Kill, we won’t ask for more. We only need one hundred million dollars per person. If you don’t have cash, you can borrow it from your friends. Of course, if you don’t borrow it, then I’m sorry I can only send you to the West.” This The guy pointed to the built shed and said.

Although 100 million U.S. dollars is not a big data for the people here, who knows if these people really want 100 million U.S. dollars and left? Since they can take this place so quickly, there is no reason not to know that the people here are some identities. Is it too little to ask for 100 million US dollars for these people?

"Sorry, I'm the waiter here, I don't have 100 million dollars, please let me go." Several waiters whispered, maybe the poorest people here are them, and they usually meet one by one. I can blow it to civilians, but it's basically a bit dumbfounded now.

"Then I can only regret to tell you, goodbye my dear friend, if you want to blame anyone, you can only blame you for not having $100 million in your account. It seems that you guys are the same." Looking at these waiters, they said, after seeing a few people nodding their heads, a bullet passed directly. The celebrities at the scene went crazy and killed people like this in front of thousands of people. People seemed to feel this. It is not the peaceful age of life, but the age of war.

"Is there anyone who doesn’t have one hundred million dollars? I hope you can stand up and don’t waste everyone’s time. I will send you on the road quickly and painlessly, but if you waste my time, I won’t use bullets. So benevolent, maybe I will use a knife to cut off a part of your body and let you bleed to death. That is cruel, everyone." After this guy killed these people, he was dressed like a good-hearted person and began to remind remaining people.

"Old boss, you have to lend me money, otherwise I will be in trouble. The money in my account at UU Reading can make me almost pull the loser." Takeshita looked terrified. Looking at Li Cong, the blood of those people really stimulated this guy.

"Shut up to me, you." Before Li Cong could speak, Yingzi told this guy to shut up first. She often kidnapped things that scared people like this, in what manner.

"Of course you are not scared anymore. Didn't you see that guy just beat him to death, or would I go out and be beaten to death now?" Takeshita looked at the corpse not far away in a daze, and saw when he was about to say something Yingzi swallowed the look in her eyes directly. It wouldn't work if she didn't say anything. Sometimes this woman was even scarier than the robbers.

Li still doesn’t know what’s going on with these people, but one thing is that he understands that the opportunity to make a fortune has come, and I have to thank you. In fact, Li Cong has long wanted to give these people The robbery is over again, but it is really too much. Where did I get so much effort? Today is better. After you **** these people again, I will just **** you again. It saves trouble Now, thinking of this, Li Cong looked at these robbers also pleasing to the eye, not as dazzling as just now, let alone killing, as long as he doesn't kill his own people. . ..

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