Energy Group

Chapter 1045:

In the past, these bankers must have understood that sometimes the people of the government cannot offend them. Although they are the **** of wealth in Japan, without the help of the government, the **** of wealth can’t sit still, but Now it’s different from before. It’s not a good thing for these government people to let us go to big brother cannon fodder. No matter how important face is, can we catch up with our own wealth and life?

After walking out of the prime minister’s residence, Yamada was still waiting for them in the old place. These bankers should be said to be the smartest people in the world. They will not do anything uncertain, of course those newcomers. Young people are an alternative.

"Old men, I think we have offended the government this time." Yamada said with a bitter face. He is not considered the oldest among them, but he can definitely be said to be the strongest, even though he has already put his own The shares are almost sold, but everyone is still accustomed to treating this guy as the person among them. This guy has always done what the boss should do.

"We have to die if we don't sin against them, Brother Yamada, to be honest, we didn't have the courage of you to come out directly. You used to be absolutely unable to do such a thing. I think it must be your son-in-law. Did you infect you?" The boss of Fuji Bank said with a smile. He usually has a good relationship with Yamada Takeshi and said jokingly.

"We are all old and we don’t have the courage we had when we were young. To be honest, the Prime Minister has already said this. If it were my own words, I really didn’t have the courage to refuse, but when Brother Yamada refused, it seemed like straightforward. After waking me up, if we do what the Prime Minister wants, we may have more headaches than we do now. I don’t think the government has any low attitude towards this financial crisis. Why don’t we get out of it quickly? "The other guy touched his chest and said.

When the financial crisis begins to break out, all industries will suffer huge losses, but these bankers will also have a lot of bad debts, but these things are followed by certain rules, but there is no need to be afraid, and Financiers have their own financial institutions. They want to turn their Yen assets into U.S. dollar assets, but they are much faster than others. They don't worry about mixing themselves in. As for the lives and lives of others, they can do it right now. Not in their minds, the most is to notify several of their major customers after they are safe, so that they can also leave certain assets, and they can get back some of them during bankruptcy liquidation, but this news cannot be disclosed. , Otherwise, the dollar assets will be so little, who will be exchanged for?

"Yes, yes, I think we should stop talking nonsense here, and go home and work quickly. Brother Yamada has dealt with it a long time ago. He has cash in his hands, which is different from ours." A guy is sour. I took a look at Yamada, but I can’t blame others. At the beginning, Yamada said that as long as his daughter had a good home, he would retire. Now his assets have all withdrawn from the First Quanye Bank. Now, the rest are some of the assets of the Yamada family. As for the old stubbornness, he can no longer manage them. They are all Yamada's elders, and they need family law at every turn.

Others nodded as soon as they heard this. At this time, time is money. As long as the market opens tomorrow, the price will fall. That’s a certain thing. It’s the question of how much bearish it is. Yamada just smiled and watched these people who hurried in the car. I was also afraid for a while. If I did not listen to my son-in-law, I would definitely be as panicked as them at this time, but these people are still good at least, and they can take back all their private assets, but what about the others. ? Yamada just looked back at the Japanese government building behind him, maybe the prime minister will be changed here soon? It's time for the whole island country to be turbulent again, but all this has nothing to do with me. I have to travel the world for the rest of the day, so I should have a good rest for a while.

Prime Minister's Office.

"Your Excellency, the bankers have already left. They don't have the slightest intention to help, and those people are probably going to deal with their own assets. They also have hundreds of billions of dollars in total. They will get up in Japan tomorrow morning. The financial market will be even more chaotic. Do we still have to take any measures?" The people from the Economic Department can only make a small report at this time, and can only force Yamada to die. The people cursed, saying that they were some people who hadn’t planted them, but when they said they hadn’t planted them, didn’t they also immediately exchange their assets of more than 10 million in US dollars, from top to bottom. is allowed.

"Enough, I know. You all go out first and let me be quiet." The Prime Minister said tiredly, waving his hand to let everyone out. Everyone also saw that the Prime Minister was really tired, one by one. Goodbye, at this time the Prime Minister can't wait to kick them out, let them go faster, he has important things to do.

"Hello? Is it Peter? Who am I, I am the Prime Minister, can't even my voice be heard? I immediately sold all my financial products in your hand, and sold me no matter how much I lost. , You *Hover from the United States can't even see the financial crisis, and you even persuaded me to hold it. If I listen to you, there will be nothing, hurry up and do it." The prime minister was almost a rant on the phone. That said, at this time, what is everything in the country and what matters to you? The first thing you have to worry about is your own business. It is not easy to have this asset in your life.

After hanging up the phone, the prime minister seemed to feel calmer, but he immediately called his wife and a few relatives when he thought of something so that they would immediately dispose of everything they could handle, although some real estate would be promoted later. I came up, but I’m not going to wait for such a long winter. It’s better to leave early. When all this was done, the Prime Minister suddenly felt a little thirsty. He picked up the internal phone on the desk and wanted to call his secretary. I pour myself a cup of coffee, but after calling for a long time, there is no personal response. What is going on, is Japan occupied by aliens?

The Prime Minister opened the heavy door of his office. I x, all the people are not in their jobs, they are walking back and forth, and they look like they are talking on the phone.

"My goodness, Dad, don't be stubborn. Even the Prime Minister has begun to sell his assets. Let's hurry up..."

"Enough, now immediately follow my instructions and sell everything that can be sold. I'm telling the truth, otherwise I will regret it..."

"Don't buy those **** bonds. The government will lose credibility immediately. Go to the bank to exchange all the foreign currency that can be exchanged. And buy more food and water at home. Maybe these things will be extravagant in the future... "

Looking at the busy subordinates, the Prime Minister did not get angry. It should be like this when the catastrophe came. You can save as much as you can. The Prime Minister has actually decided to wait until everything in his family is completed. It was necessary to let all the Japanese citizens know through the broadcast, but at that time he also knew that the whole Japan was going to be in war, and it was time for him and his team to leave here.

Today’s Japan is destined not to be a good night. Even Shinjuku, which has always been drunk, seems to have a depressed atmosphere. Watching those guys who take too much drugs and shake their heads are different from before. They asked for more today. It's a pity that when they want to buy it again, they can no longer pay in Japanese yen. Any foreign currency that you can find is renminbi, US dollars, and of course there is no problem with the gold jewelry on your body.

"Boss, there is chaos in the society. Our business here is better than before. Today, our income will increase by at least 20%." Su Qing said to Li Cong with the account book. In fact, she was very surprised when the boss was so important. If you don’t go to Karelina and stay there, why would you come here to see the sentient beings in Japan? Does the upper class like this?

"Hehe, when Japan invaded China before, most of our country was full of war, but all the wealthy people were fine, because they went to the concession in Shanghai, where it was like an outdoor paradise. I want to find my own peace there. Now these people may also be living the days when they are drunk and drunk." Li Cong smiled bitterly. Although he has no feelings for the Japanese, he will still see this. Some are unbearable, maybe there will be some good people among the Japanese, their assets will also become a pile of waste paper in the next few days, and their own people will start to buy them at the lowest price and only the remaining Some of their assets, when the economy begins to improve in a few years, they will find that their original things have reached their original value, but these things no longer belong to them, even the house they live in, they must now be given to others You can continue to live here by paying a certain rent, otherwise you can only go out.

"What the **** is the price of today? When I take a taxi here in the morning, it only costs me three thousand yen. How come it will be four thousand in the evening, these **** taxi drivers." Yingzi scolded. It’s upstairs. She has always been big-headed and has no help at all. In the past, she didn’t think about these problems. Now that I have followed Li Cong, I need the boss to think about a lot of things. I just do something else. What do you want the boss to do?

"Hehe, maybe it will cost five thousand yuan to get here tomorrow. Are you complaining that you are asking me to pay you processing capital?" Li Cong smiled and looked at this lovely girl. The loss of these people can hardly be said. , I told them everything from the very beginning, but this is still difficult for Yingzi to understand. This girl can quickly calculate how much profit a ton of arms can be sold to dozens of people. But I don’t know anything about finance.

"I didn't say that. I just think these taxi drivers are dishonest, as if I was scammed by them." Yingzi didn't expect Li Cong to be here at this time. It's not that I should be doing important things at this time. ?

"Boss, aren't you doing very important things? Why do you still have time to come here to play?" If Ono-kun would definitely not ask this sentence, it is related to the whereabouts of the boss that is a job Did you ask, but Yingzi didn't feel that there was anything wrong with asking about this matter. It's better for the people in the mixed clubs, so she would ask if she had anything in her heart.

"This is also a very important thing. I came here to hear you say that taxi prices have started to increase. I think the business you are doing needs to increase prices, otherwise you will suffer a lot." Li Cong thought for a while. Said that I came here to see if there are any changes in the lives of the people. If it does not affect ordinary people, then it means that what I have done is not in place. It seems that what I have done is just right, and it has not been affected. To all, but some industries have already started.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this. Hurry up and raise all prices by 10%. No, 15%." Yingzi didn't care about talking to Li Cong, so he quickly arranged for him. I went down to raise the price, and what I sold was all precious things. This would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for one minute in the morning and one minute later.

This is just a microcosm in the whole of Japan, but when the major gas stations in Japan began to mark new prices the next morning, all the talents really felt that prices had started to rise. No other reason, the energy group requested Japan is not allowed to settle accounts in yen. Everything must be paid in U.S. dollars and other currencies. This raises the price in disguise, and the ability to pay for the yen is also rapidly declining, as long as the price of energy rises. All walks of life will start to increase prices.

The energy group cannot change its price at will, but the energy group can change your payment method. This is also the established policy of the energy group. Otherwise, what is the use of some waste paper? Through their own golden boy institutions around the world, all their ten trillion yen reserves have been exchanged for other currency reserves. Those institutions estimate that by this time they are already transporting all the money to Japan by plane at full speed.

Of course, the biggest force is the Skull and Bones. The entire Skull and Bones now has a reserve of more than 30 trillion yen. If it is changed into US dollars, it will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The Skull and Bones will definitely not let themselves suffer losses like that. Yes, but they really don’t know who is doing it to Japan. The first batch of over tens of billions of dollars may be done by many organizations, but the amount invested in the middle of more than 200 billion dollars is not ordinary people. It can be taken out.

The Skull and Bones Society started in finance, so it is definitely better in financial supervision. Not to mention the use of 200 billion U.S. dollars by the major powers in the world, they will find some clues even if it is tens of billions of dollars. They also found out when the group dumped its own yen reserves, but they didn’t feel that this was a strange thing. Li Cong, the president of the energy group, has never had a good impression of Japan, and the energy group’s huge capital reserves There are only a few Japanese assets. They have all sold for less than 100 billion U.S. dollars. This small amount of money can't make any waves.

But after one night, things seem to be completely different. The major Japanese companies and governments have already shot out their bullets, but they still haven’t held the 100 mark. Now it’s one to one hundred and two. Now, this has reached a place that requires great vigilance, so the Skull and Bones require their Japanese institutions to immediately start selling all their yen assets. Although they know that this action will exacerbate Japan’s financial crisis, they have now I can't control that much, my own life and death are the most important.

When Sakurako had to take a taxi home in the morning, it was already 6,000 yen, but the driver said that if you were willing to pay in US dollars or RMB, it would only cost 5,000 yen, but Sakura still felt that she should take her own It’s better to have hundreds of thousands of yen in your pocket, but you don’t need such hard paper at home.

But most people in Japan still don't know what did this thing that was money yesterday and it is no longer money this morning? A pack of cigarettes can be sold for a few hundred yen ago. Why is the price increase starting today, and the price is still rising so ridiculously, many small shops just closed because they only have so much inventory, if they are not sold If you don’t, you can’t buy it again at this price. It’s better to stop for a few days.

The worst thing is the Japanese people. When they heard the news, they immediately thought of the lack of food in their homes, and immediately began to run towards the supermarkets and convenience stores closest to their homes. Unfortunately, they watched them when they arrived. There is an endless queue. There is nothing to sell in the supermarket. The manager is patiently explaining to everyone that their fleet is already on its way and will open in a few hours, so it is still It's better to go home first.

But no one listened to them, all of them stood still, as if they would not go back if they could not get something.

The entire Tokyo or the entire Japanese police have basically been dispatched, but the police's eyes are also confused. Are they coming to suppress these ordinary people? But what is wrong with the common people, don't they just want their own right to survive? Moreover, many police family members are queuing like everyone else. . ..

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