Energy Group

Chapter 1058:

Fulfill the promise to the people? Drive out the **** American? General Monterey was obviously attracted by this sentence. This sentence is what he said decades ago when he stood on the largest square in Panama. At that time, he was still a young man, and he didn't want anything in his heart. , I want to fight to the end with these **** Americans.

But decades have passed, what I have done, I have acquiesced in all this, I have stopped fighting with the Americans, although I am still hostile to the Americans, but I no longer hate them so much. Because of the American propaganda about themselves, he is now a household hero in Panama, and what did he do with this? Let Panama be independent? No, although Panama is an independent country, the power of the entire country is not in the hands of the Panamanians, but in the hands of the **** Americans. I use all this to help myself realize my own private interests. Everything that he pursued is gone now, and my heart is completely thinking of myself, everything is no longer the original self.

Luo Yan still looked at Monterey honestly. He knew that his words had already worked at this time. Monterey was thinking of himself when he was young. Now this guy is in old age and he has an ordinary person. Everything he should have, at this time he doesn’t need anything else, what he needs is to realize his dream and realize his life value when he enters the grave, and he is the one who can help this guy, so wait until he wants to come. You can start negotiations.

Monterey didn't feel that he was being boiled over by the other's words. At this time, he thought of his old brothers. They were all killed by American guns in the 1960s. At the time, his eldest brother ran into the canal zone controlled by the Americans with a Panamanian flag, but the result can be imagined. A dozen Americans directly used Thomson submachine guns to shoot their eldest brother. It became a sieve. Hundreds of angry Panamanians saw this scene. Then tens of thousands of Panamanians began to attack American embassies and offices, but the result was that tens of thousands of American soldiers entered directly with guns. Went to Panama and shot at the crowd.

Monterey will never forget that scene. The 12.7mm heavy machine gun shot directly at the crowd. As long as it was hit, it was an explosion of half of the body, even the ones that were rubbed. Half of the head is gone.

The scene at the time was very bloody. In the afternoon, the turmoil began to end. The Panamanians had collected thousands of corpses, and the American soldiers didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with them. They were on the other side. Drinking beer in the canal zone, watching Panamanians tidy up the corpses, if there are a few who dare to bark their teeth here, a bullet will pass.

I remember what an American major general said at that time, "If the Panamanians want to get the canal back, I think we will use machine guns and cannons to repair Panama this country." Yes, people are like that on your country. Arrogance, you have nothing to do. Monterey at the time was angry. He was for his brother’s hatred, and he wanted to awaken all Panamanians, stop cooperating with Americans, and don’t believe in the corruption at the time. The government was gone, and thousands of people died. The Americans solved the problem with just a box of green U.S. dollars. The government did nothing to the Americans.

Monterey realized that it’s useless to protest without weapons, so Monterey started to raise funds, and bought the first batch of arms from Cubans with the first money he got. Well, old Soviet submachine guns and boxes of ammunition. Americans in Panama are used to being arrogant. They don’t believe that these sheep-like guys have weapons at all. Even if these people have weapons in their hands, they won’t move towards them. They shot themselves because they didn't have the guts. If they had the guts, would the Americans still control the canal? Can Americans shoot dozens of them in broad daylight?

But something shocked happened to the Panamanians who the Americans thought were incompetent. Monterey took more than 20 people under him and hung in an ambush around a Panamanian tavern that American soldiers like to go to. In ten minutes, more than forty American soldiers were directly sent to God. This incident almost shocked the entire Central and South America. This place has always been the backyard of Americans, and it has always been a place where Americans oppress others. , How can there be foreigners killing Americans, but this thing happened like that, and it was less than 500 meters away from the US military base.

Then came out a 30-man U.S. garrison, but they did not come out with heavy weapons at all. They thought that their colleagues were shooting Panamanians and they came out to have fun together. They all came out with pistols, but When they got to the place, they were shocked. The corpses of the United States Marine Corps were all over the floor, but this did not end. Monterey saw that these guys had no heavy weapons at all, so he killed a carbine, and the natural result was thirty. A beauty was also killed.

Afterwards, Monterey directly turned these Americans into bare-ass white pigs, threw them in front of Meiying’s door, and then quickly hid in the jungles of Panama with his own people. At that time, they were not so advanced. The Americans have no way to deal with the enemies in these woods, just like Vietnam.

Monterey became famous because of this battle. Of course, his risk was quite huge. Afterwards, thousands of American soldiers began to arrest Monterey throughout the country. All the members of Monterey’s family were taken away by the Americans. The price paid was also heavy. Even dozens of people in Monterey’s home village were killed. This made Monterey’s hatred with the Americans intensified, and Monterey’s team continued to grow until it became One of the largest anti-American forces in Central and South America.

This is the first half of Monterey's struggle. In the second half of his life, Monterey is different from before. The powerful Monterey has begun to know how to enjoy it. It used to live in the jungle, but now it’s not possible. You can only live by waiting for the goods. In the past, you can find anything to eat, but now it’s no longer possible. It’s starting to pay attention to it. I used to kill when I saw Americans. Now it’s not the same. Now it’s doing things according to Americans. Talents can be killed. The American who gives his money is his best friend. In short, Monterey is almost like an American dog.

It took a long time for Monterey to calm down. He regretted for the rest of his life. He felt that he was sorry for the title of hero, because he was not worthy of the word. He felt that he was sorry for his dead brother, sorry for the tens of thousands of Panama who died. The people, they all hope that they can avenge them, but they are beginning to enjoy it. Although he understands now, he also knows what strength he is, and his strength is far from the Americans. Now, although the Americans have withdrawn their troops, these invisible soldiers are still not something they can contend with.

"Sir, I want to know how we can cooperate." Monterey knows that the Americans are still the most powerful in the world, and the former Soviet Union is gone. If there are still people working against the Americans, they might be the ones in front of you. Man, his master, the distant Chinese may help him, maybe he is just a **** of others, but how about a pawn, he can fulfill his ideals and have to do it even if he is dead, he has been confused for dozens It's been years, and it can't be delayed any longer.

"Thank you very much General Monterey for giving us the opportunity to cooperate. On behalf of our young master, I welcome you. We need to build an army with the help of your general. Everything will be provided by us. We will have professional personnel to help the general. You will manage this army, and all the expenses will be borne by our group. The purpose is to make the general the new master of Panama.” Luo Yan said, trying to be kind to what he said, because what he said made the general feel a bit Not very convincing.

"Young man, it goes without saying that I am so grandiose. I have lived for decades. I have never heard of such a good thing. I know your purpose. The canal is a good thing. Ten people died when the canal was dug. There are tens of thousands of people, don't you have a plan for such an important thing? The daily income of this canal is hundreds of millions of dollars. It is like a chicken that can lay golden eggs. Isn't your master interested in this? "General Monterey obviously knows that there are no such good things. It is better to explain everything at this time, and these people are not necessarily much better than the Americans. The Chinese are even less credible.

"Of course we also have a purpose. We Chinese are not philanthropists, but we are not the same as Americans. The annual income of the Panama Canal is more than 35 billion U.S. dollars, and all expenses deducted must be 30 billion. US dollars or more, but your Panama only got less than 10 billion US dollars. If we Chinese take over the canal, we will give you Panamanians more than 30 billion US dollars every year, or even more.” Luo Yan said, this is the master’s. Command, I naturally have to say step by step.

"30 billion U.S. dollars? Hehe, what a joke, you put so much into it that you don’t need it at all in the end? How is it possible? Are you really Lei Feng among you Chinese? I know that your energy group has money, But thirty billion US dollars is definitely not a small sum for you, right?" General Monterey obviously didn't believe Luo Yan's words very much. In his opinion, how could anyone do things that are not good? Investment must be rewarded, otherwise it is called charity. Obviously, the Chinese are not that great yet, and they don’t need anything to help them drive Americans out.

"No, no, we certainly need it. I don’t know if General Monterey knows that at present, the canal can only pass some small ships of several thousand tons, but now the mainstream ships in the world are tens of thousands of tons. This has also caused too many ships to pass through here, so our group has another plan. We will start to expand the canal so that the navigation capacity of the canal can be increased by several times or more, so that our annual income can be calculated. Those who have reached over 100 billion U.S. dollars, we will give you 30 billion U.S. dollars by then. Of course, all the rest is ours. We have conducted a survey. If the canal is to be expanded, it will take about four years. Every year we need For large projects that have paid tens of billions of dollars, a total of over 100 billion dollars, we will sign a contract with you after trimming. We only need 50 years of jurisdiction. After 50 years, it will be yours, how about?" Naturally, the energy group will not do business at a loss. All this was thought of by Li Er overnight, and it should be able to impress this guy.

General Monterey also knew very well that Luo Yan was telling the truth. At present, some large ships cannot pass through the Panama Canal. In fact, the Americans also have plans to expand the canal, but it has been delayed because of local instability. The forces themselves can handle it. By then, as long as these Chinese people are willing to contribute funds, everything will no longer be a problem. This is a matter of timelessness. General Monterey is also a bit on the air at this time, as if he has become the leader of Panama. .

"Okay, I did this thing, but I want to look at your strength first. These five million dollars can only prove your financial strength. I also want to see what kind of weapons you can get for me. You know, although the Americans don’t have an army here, they have a lot of weapons. If you can only get me some submachine guns, I think our cooperation can be over. I can’t let my brothers go. Death." Monterey is most concerned about the issue of arms, not to mention that he has only a few hundred people now, but as long as he is willing to organize, tens of thousands of troops can come out immediately, but they have no weapons.

"The general does not need to worry about this at all. Our group has many ways. Weapons and ammunition are not a problem. The general please follow me." Luo Yan made a gesture of asking. Although this is still the sphere of influence of the Skull and Bones, Skeletons and Bones have long lost their ability back then, so it’s not a problem to bring in some arms. In such a backward and chaotic place, no one will pay attention to one more ship and one less one. People just want to know that they can be trusted. This boat earns something.

Monterey thought for a while. It's his own territory. This guy can't do anything unfavorable to him. Moreover, if he wants his own life, there is no need to spend five million dollars. This is not a small sum. Yes, after Monterey went out and called a few brawny men in exaggerated clothing, he got into Luo Yan's car, which seemed to be driving towards the port.

"General, please come with me." Luo Yan took this guy on board. A small ship, from the outside looks like it can sink. Such a ship is too common in Panama. A stroll along the beach can reveal that his load capacity is no more than a few hundred tons at most. The energy group can also be seen here.

Walking into the ship is completely different from the ships that the generals saw before. The inside is very clean. This is simply impossible in Panama. The cleanest place in Panama is probably the one where the Americans live. The generals are basically built in the garbage dump. At first sight, the general and his entourage are a little uncomfortable with such a clean place.

The inside of the entire ship has obviously been modified on a large scale. There are no various compartments at all. It is just a large room with a dozen large boxes and a container. Monterey looked suspiciously. Luo Yan took a look.

Luo Yan smiled at this guy, and motioned to the other people to open the box for the general and his entourage to see.

"General, this is the latest shoulder-fired missile. If we had this thing for a long time, we would definitely be able to take down the helicopters of those glorious even those warships would not dare Continue to stay there." Before Monterey could react, one of his men picked up the contents of the nearest box and said, this guy really loves this stuff.

Monterey looked over, good guys, there are four shoulder-mounted missile launchers, which are too terrible. Each of these things is worth millions of dollars on the black market, and such things can shoot down one worth thousands of dollars. The 10,000-dollar helicopter is really generous, but these are nothing. Monterey continued to look into the large container. Oh my god, it turned out to be a large 155mm howitzer made in China. It’s amazing. They can get something like this. With this thing, the entire U.S. military base can be thrown into chaos within a minute. The rate of fire is 20 rounds per minute. Before those **** Americans can react They were sent to their lair. It was so exciting. Everything here surprised me.

Moving forward, the contents of this box turned out to be a large number of submachine guns, and they were all submachine guns with grenade launchers. These things are really good things. General Monterey has a preliminary plan. First, use cannons. The bombing, and then shoulder-fired missiles against those **** helicopters, and then their soldiers enter the US military base with these grenade launchers, and it only takes an hour before they can get out of Panama. . ..

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