Energy Group

Chapter 1060:

When the car arrived at the headquarters of the Energy Group half an hour later, the two people had already cleaned up. In order not to leave any traces, Liu Yan swallowed the thing directly, and the girl who made trouble directly gave it to A few red spots were added to Li Cong's arms as compensation for Li Cong, and I can't make you comfortable if I feel uncomfortable.

"What is this thing? What new buildings does the group have? Didn't I say that this is the headquarters, don't you mess with things? As soon as Li got off the car, he saw a canvas covered with canvas in front of the group building tens of meters high. It looks like it should be something like a sculpture. There used to be a fountain here, but now it’s a sculpture. It feels uncomfortable.

"Hehe, you said that. Don't just talk about this or that. It is a sculpture made by all the headquarter employees. It is here to invite you to unveil it today. Why, don't you go and take a look?" Liu Yan He said with a smile, Li Cong felt that this matter was a ghost, but he couldn't say anything.

Li strode to the side of the statue and immediately opened it. Even when this guy saw the world, he was stunned. The good guy’s tens of meters high turned out to be himself. A full-length portrait, can you see that the color of this material doesn't look like copper. Good guy, this is pure gold, a gold statue? How much does it cost?

Li Cong didn’t guess wrong. It’s made of pure gold. These tens of meters high will cost at least a dozen tons of gold, my mother. These are expensive. The money is not a small sum. The people in the headquarters are really rich.

"Hehe, the people at our headquarters are really rich. I think it weighs at least ten tons, and it costs several billion yuan. Are we the same as the secretary of the Huaxi Village in the south, are we suspected of showing off our wealth? "Li Cong frowned and said, it's okay to throw these ten tons of gold here, and he is not afraid of someone stealing it. It is not so easy to make a ghost on the energy group's site. The energy group was originally the headline of major newspapers. , It must be impossible to get it down like this.

"They still get the money, but it also shows that you, a boss like you, are deeply loved by them. Otherwise, who would use his money to build a statue for you?" Liu Yan smiled and pulled Li. Going upstairs, if this guy screwed it down, he might have to ask someone to dismantle the sculpture. That would be really troublesome. That would mean there is no silver three hundred taels.

"But you just talked about Huaxi Village in the south. Did we really have some trouble with them?" Liu Yan in the elevator thought of the place where Li Congti just now, and she couldn't help but think of one thing, because the energy group was newly built in the south. A small power base. Originally, the annual output of this small power base is not very large. It is only enough for the surrounding prefecture-level cities. But this violates the interests of Huaxi Village. The two parties are a little bit troubled. it is good.

"Huaxi Village? What conflict can I have with them?" Although Huaxi Village is good at ordinary people's eyes and has a great reputation, how about such a small-scale economy in Li Cong's opinion? It may be on par with us. Such a small economy can directly kill them with casual shots. Can such a thing be reported as a matter of fact?

"It's not our power base. In recent months, we have cooperated with the National Energy Administration to build hundreds of small power bases across the country to replace most of the thermal power plants, but the problem lies here. Others We all paid very well in accordance with the contract, but they did not want our compensation in Huaxi Village, and the Secretary Wu also took his people to prevent our colleagues from the Ministry of Construction from starting work.” Thinking of this, Liu Yan also Headache for a while.

"Aren't we also doing good for the people? What do they mean? Is it profitable?" Li Cong didn't believe this was a struggle of spirits. Secretary Wu is also a few dozen years old and can get such a share. No small assets are naturally not fools. If there is no conflict of interest, how can he offend the energy group? Although the group is very low-key in China, it is not the kind of bullying. This old guy should not be so foolish. Yes, it must be tracked with interest.

"It's not that they built a new thermal power station in Dahuaxi Village. They had a very good business, but now they have no business at all, because our electricity is very cheap, and they don't have any competitiveness with us. , If our energy base is established, they have no other way except to declare bankruptcy, so they have to stop us. As you know, the old secretary Wu has retired and is now headed by his young son. The power station project was promoted by his youngest son, and the investment reached one billion yuan. If this is lost, I am afraid that the next election will be problematic." Liu Yan is also a person who has walked through the system. Naturally, it became clear what these politicians meant.

It turned out to be a matter of political performance again. After entering the office, Liu Yan went out to work. The executive vice president also has a lot of things. Li Cong likes his office the most, and he thinks about it most in all the time outside. It's here, everything is what I like, but it is much better than those outside, mainly because I have feelings for this place.

After eating some biscuits, Li Cong turned on the computer, and the Central Computer had already prepared some information about Huaxi Village for Li Cong.

Huaxi Village is located in Huashi Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province. In 1996, it was assessed by the Ministry of Agriculture as a national large-scale first-class township enterprise. The village has 380 households, 1520 people, and an area of ​​0.96 square kilometers. In 2009, Huaxi Village was selected as the first village in China by the China World Record Association.

Huaxi Village is a typical example of the common prosperity of rural areas across the country. In 2004, Huaxi Village’s per capita wage income was 122,600 yuan. In the same year, the national per capita net income of farmers was 2,936 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 9,422 yuan. The income of Huaxi people is 41.76 times that of farmers in the country and 13.0 years of that of urban residents. Huaxi Village was selected as the first village in China by the China World Record Association. Huaxi Village has created many world records and China’s highest records in China.

Huaxi Village was originally called Huaxi Brigade. In the 1960s, it was an advanced model of China’s rural areas. In the 1960s, China’s rural areas generally implemented the "three-pole ownership, team-based" accounting method (community, brigade, and production team). All, with the production team as the basic accounting unit), Huaxi Village implements unified brigade accounting. In the late 1970s, China’s rural areas implemented the reform of the “family-linked production contract responsibility system”. Huaxi Village still implements brigade accounting under great pressure. . After the cancellation of the People’s Commune in rural my country, the Huaxi Brigade was changed to Huaxi Village.

With the approval of the Jiangyin Municipal Government, Huaxi Village has recently officially changed its name to "Huaxi New City Village". In June 2001, the three administrative villages surrounding Huaxi Village joined Huaxi Village and merged into Huaxi One Village. Since then, 20 economically weak villages around Huaxi Village have joined the Huaxi Village family. In 10 years, the development of Huaxi Village has doubled rapidly. It is reported that Huaxi New City Village will invest 20 billion yuan in people's livelihood construction in the new 10 years, striving to build a "city in the village" as soon as possible.

After reading these materials, Li Congzhen felt that this village is very difficult. It is a typical example of a rural village in the Republic of getting rich. Although the villagers of Huaxi Village have benefited a lot, Li Cong still sees these two privileges from the leadership of Huaxi Village. word.

Wu Renbao, male, Han nationality, was born on November 17, 1928, and joined China in October 1954. Senior political engineer, senior economist. Served as Secretary of Jiangyin County Party Committee and Secretary of Huaxi Village Party Committee. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the chairman of the National Well-off Village Research Association, the honorary director of the organizing committee of the National "Village Chief" Forum, the chairman of the China Market Economy Research Association, the vice chairman and deputy general manager of Huaxi Group, the party and village , Director of the General Office of the Enterprise.

This Wu Renbao is the creator of the Chinese Village, and the main person responsible for the incident with the group this time. It seems to be selfless, but the leadership of hundreds of people in Huaxi Village has been rummaged. Leaders have more or less a certain relationship with the village secretary, and the relationship is not very shallow. Take the village secretaries and the person in charge now, either the son of this guy or the son-in-law or grandson of this guy What's the matter, the entire Huaxi Village has directly become this guy's private place. The villagers seem to be very wealthy, but it can only be shown in the house, and there is not much real money in their hands.

Wu En is now the secretary of Huaxi Village and the full supporter of this thermal power plant project. If there is no energy group, this may be another profit growth point for Huaxi Village, but now it is all over. , The investment of up to one billion yuan was directly in the water, and various auxiliary investments were also about one billion yuan. If neither of them came back, a loss of two billion yuan would be enough to cause the secretary to step down.

Ninety percent is collective property? Li Cong smiled at this sentence. It is better to say that 90% of the assets are the private property of your Wu family. The people in your family are all leaders. You can manipulate the direction of funds. Others can only get meager dividends every year, nothing else, only shares, and the dividends are not entirely in cash, they are also given to you in the form of shares, and the money in their hands is really small. The pathetic.

However, immediately after Li Cong came back, things changed again. When the group was preparing to start work forcibly with the country’s approval, the old secretary actually asked someone to directly wound the group’s staff. The Ministry of Construction Li Ming’s people have always been Li Ming’s subordinates. When did Li Ming suffer such a loss, he directly let his subordinates take action. How could some villagers be opponents of Li Ming’s bodyguards. As a result, more than a dozen people entered directly. At the hospital, the police who came later felt that no one could not afford to offend them. They took both parties to the police station and settled the matter slowly. Of course, Li Ming didn’t go in without doing anything. It was not a trivial matter to be taken away by the police.

Immediately, the domestic news media seemed to be mosquitoes smelling the blood, and they rushed madly. The Energy Group did not make headlines because of ten tons of pure gold, but because dozens of people entered the detention center and made headlines. Recently, no one in China has followed Energy. When the group worked against him, this Secretary Wu became the first person to open up foreign meat, and when faced with reporters’ interviews, this Secretary Wu directly spoke out loudly, saying that this is how the emerging domestic bourgeoisie treats him as proletarian. The persecution of classes is the first time someone has said this in so many years. Although these words are a bit old-fashioned, they are really a big deal. It can be regarded as a confrontation between private enterprises and collective enterprises. However, from the media According to the survey, most people sympathize with this Mr. Wu.

Li Cong felt that this was not a trivial matter. He immediately held a video conference for the group's senior management. The group director Li Yan was inspecting Australia, and the group vice president was not there, so I had to hold a video conference. The group construction minister was still in the south.

"You guys, everyone must have seen this. What strategy should we come up with? If there is no way to deal with it, I think we will really have problems, especially this Mr. Wu. His words have already dealt with us. The reputation of the group has caused a certain impact, and it must be as fast as it gets messed up.” The reason why Li Cong wanted to end this matter quickly was also because of the American affairs. He came back from Japan because of the American affairs. Stumbled.

"I'm sorry, President, this thing became like this because I didn't hold my breath." Li Ming knew that he regretted the trouble after he had caused the incident, but he knew that if the eldest brother was there, he would definitely do it. It’s too much. I’ve explained it for a long time, and made all the concessions that can be made. However, people don’t listen at all and just ask people to dismantle things. If they are asked to dismantle things, the group will immediately lose money. Tens of millions, those are some expensive solar generators, such things are not some bargains of brick structure.

"Don't talk about this question. I know that your decision at that time was not wrong. If you don't do anything, I think our entire base will be demolished by those people. Now we are not reviewing, we have to see how to solve it." In one sentence, Li Cong was covering up his younger brother. This kind of thing happened more than once. The Li family has privileges. This is no news. Several other high-level officials are aware of it, but they all know what happened at the time. I will do it myself if I change it.

"President, we cannot make concessions on this matter. As you know, hundreds of small power production bases across the country will encounter various problems. If we make concessions here, other places will follow suit. Our initial investment of tens of billions of yuan may be lost, and our group will also give people a cowardly appearance. They will all feel that we are bullied and have a greater impact on our long-term impact." It is obvious that Liu Yan is not. Those who are in favor of compromise, such compromise is not the style of the energy group.

"But if we continue to be tough, it may have a more serious impact. Now major websites are criticizing us for not, and everyone is a feature, that is, sympathizing with the weak, and that Mr. Wu We are considered strong in comparison. It is reasonable for everyone not to support us. I think it is better for us to negotiate with them. Everything can be discussed." Although Li Yan is not in the group, Li Yan Yan's words have always been very important, but after Liu Yan became the executive vice president, the opinions of the two people will often appear differently.

Li Cong also glanced at these two people with some headaches. The other high-level officials saw that these two people had already expressed their views, but it was hard to talk because it involved a team problem, one was the boss’s wife and the other was the boss’s. Sister, I can't afford it.

In fact, these are also two aspects that Li Cong considered. Originally, he was a little bit undecided about these two aspects. He wanted to find someone to ask for his opinions, but he didn't expect to become such a stalemate now. It was a headache. I knew I would do it myself. It's decided.

"Since what both of you said makes sense, then we will catch it with both hands. I will follow up on this matter in China, and you will be responsible for other Li Cong will directly announce that the meeting has ended and continue. There is no substantive progress, it is better to let them all calm down. Seeing Li Yan's eyes, she knows that she is uncomfortable. My younger brother used to support him, but now the meeting has just ended. Liu Yan also feels his own The opinion is right, I don't know why my husband didn't take it, but Li never gave them any explanation directly, so he took his team and prepared to fly to the south.

Both hands must be grasped and both hands must be hard. This is what the great man entrusted to us. This is the only way to do this. Li Cong immediately asked his person in charge in the south to take Li Ming to visit the Wu family and fight for it. As soon as there is a chance to negotiate, everything can be resolved if they can be negotiated, but on the other hand, people from the investigation department go south to investigate the Wu family. It is impossible for them to be clean. You have to remind them yourself. of.

Secretary Wu was not at all surprised when he heard that Li Congnan was going down. From his point of view, that kid was just a nasty kid. Of course, with his status in China, it is impossible to know the fighting between the upper classes. He really Thought that Chief One had met him, did he have arrogant capital? Has Brother Energy Group's arrogant capital?

PS is purely fictitious, with the same name, don’t check in, but it’s really a bit uncomfortable to show off wealth. ..

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