Energy Group

Chapter 1065:

The End of the Wu Family

"Hehe, I said why I am so happy today. It turned out that Secretary Wu came to pull it. You are really a rare visitor. You haven't come to me very often. Why are you here today? Xiao Wang hurry up and go out to soak. For tea, just take the Yuqian Longjing that Secretary Wu brought out last time.” Judge Zhao also froze for a while, but after so many years in the system, he naturally knew what to say when and what to say. Don’t mention it at this time. It is estimated that Secretary Wu knew that he would not mention the lie about himself.

"No, Brother Zhao, I'm not here to drink tea, but to inquire about something with you. I also hope that my old classmates can tell me directly on my face. This is a trivial matter. Accept it.” Secretary Wu couldn’t pursue these things now. His father told himself to come to the provincial capital to take care of it. Although he was not afraid of the people in the provincial capital, he didn’t want all the people here to stand on the opposite side of him. It is very unfavorable for myself.

Secretary Wu took out a five-million-renminbi branch, which is not a small amount anymore. Normally, this amount will never reach the old man's hands on the opposite side, but now he has asked everything. I have no one to care about myself. I have to open a breakthrough. I don’t understand the upper level at all. If I can’t do it here, I can only ask my Lao Tzu to ask the people in the Central Committee. But in that case It shows his incompetence.

In fact, on the surface, it seems that he is still the heir of the Wu family, but because of his own reasons, the family has brought such a strong enemy. This is not allowed by the family. Although no one has come forward to say anything because of his father's reasons, it will be sooner or later. The problem, sooner or later, someone will stand up and make irresponsible remarks to themselves. If the confrontation with the energy group fails this time, and the loss is huge, don't talk about your position. It seems that the whole Wu family will have difficulties.

"Brother Wu, what do you mean? Do we still need this? It's too far-fetched, so quickly put it away, what does it count for others to see?" Judge Zhao said without even looking at the branch in Secretary Wu's hand. At that time, this guy was considered the most greedy for money, but now he doesn’t even look at it. Although he knows that this one must be a large amount, he also knows what kind of money you can get and what kind of money you can’t get. What kind of money should be paid for what kind of responsibility, the situation is so unclear now, if I took the money rashly, I am afraid I will not have a good life in the future.

Judge Zhao naturally thought very clearly. If he offends the Wu family, he will stay in the provincial capital afterwards. If he offends the Energy Group, then it is not as simple as not leaving the provincial capital. It's clear that you can divide yourself.

Is this not even the money? In the past, what kind of face this guy was like, but no one knows better than himself, and now I don’t eat anything delivered? Is it because I gave too little? Thinking of this, Secretary Wu suppressed his anger and took out a stick from his pocket. It was the same as the one just now. I bought you a message for 10 million yuan. The price should be pretty good, right? Just be greedy of these, you can have a word at this moment.

"Hehe, why don't you understand what I said, Secretary Wu, you just put your money away and I will treat you as nothing, otherwise I will immediately report you to the Disciplinary Inspection Department. Our organization is disciplined and we have With our party discipline and national laws, I can treat such things as a joke, but I can’t do these things over and over again.” Judge Zhao said at this time it’s like being in a courtroom, and it’s okay to go past with integrity. It seems that the common people's ability to deceive Secretary Wu is a bit unacceptable.

Secretary Wu glanced at this guy contemptuously. It seemed that he couldn't ask what was going on with this guy. There would definitely be no results if he continued the ink with this guy, so he put away his branch and prepared to leave.

"Secretary Wu, for the sake of our two old classmates, you did not take care of me less before. I advise you to not be so strong in the Wu family. Take a step back. This person is not something your Wu family can fight against. Bring misfortune to yourself.” Judge Zhao decided to remind this guy after thinking about it. After all, he had been together before, and if the Wu family wins, it may be because of this sentence. Who can say things well? After all, no one can see the future clearly. It's better to bet more.

"Hehe, thank you, Mr. Wu, I heard that my nephew v did a good job in the UK. I, an uncle, have never given anything to me. I will ask someone to take care of it." Secretary Wu will naturally do the matter of repaying a peach. Yes, Judge Zhao accepted it directly. Foreign affairs are not something that the domestic disciplinary inspectors can check. It is okay for your own child to have a better life. When he said he would not send it off, Secretary Wu nodded. Went out.

Secretary Wu, who walked out, didn’t continue to rush around. Basically, it became clear. The previous relationship between Wu family in the province can basically be said to be useless. These people will be very grateful to them if they don’t fall into the trap. Don't mention asking them to help. The faces of these politicians are also changing the fastest. Secretary Wu knows that at this time, it is just listening to nonsense to find them by himself, and then he loses a portion of his money.

Secretary Wu had already thought about it on the way back, and had to prepare for failure. Thinking of this, he immediately called his confidential secretary and asked him to sum up the finances of Huaxi Village. This time he may need to go. You have to leave when you are in trouble. Although these things are the things that the Wu family and sons have struggled for so many years, they can be discarded in the face of fate.

Li Cong was immediately notified of Secretary Wu’s activities in the provincial capital. There was no other way. Who told the province’s first and second leaders to stand on Li Cong’s side. At this time, officials’ sense of smell was not ordinary. It’s comparable to the common people. An ordinary civilian in the political compound is also very clear about what to do at this time. That is to get rid of the relationship with the Wu family, no matter how good and close your previous relationship is. But at this time you don't know that if you draw a clear line, it will be a disaster for you, the greatest disaster.

"Haha, the Wu family has been doing quite well in the local area in recent years. There are so many high-ranking officials in the province who have relationships with them, and they are not ordinary relationships. No wonder the provincial party secretary and the governor say they The Wu family doesn’t seem to look into it. It’s a miracle that such a person can survive to this day.” Li Cong said with the list in his hand. This is the report on the investigation department a, and it is full of political fǔ The contact between officials and the Wu family is definitely a powerful network, but in front of oneself, it can basically be disintegrated immediately, and he didn't say anything, just because these people are unwilling to meet Secretary Wu. come out.

"Boss, decades of accumulation are not very good. The accumulation of decades of the American Mafia has allowed them to dominate the disgraceful cause of the entire Americas. I don't think this Secretary Wu is desirable." Ruhua is also watching this report. She has seen more people from Legend è Cai. They all grew up in a shorter period of time than this Mr. Wu Renbao. Not to mention that the boss in front of her is not just using After more than ten years, he has become one of the most powerful people in the world, and there is great hope that one of them will be taken away.

Li Cong shook his head and did not speak. To tell the truth, Li Cong started to admire the Wu family's father and son. They can use cheat devices like us, and everything they do is relying on their own hard work. There is nothing. As a shortcut, Li had a compassionate heart from this time. If the evening talks were okay, Li Cong would not want to deal with them. People who start their homes by their own efforts must be respected.

"Boss, Secretary Wu has already ordered his secretary to start counting the wealth of the Wu family on the way back, are they going to run? If they really run away with all the money of the Wu family, these thousands of villagers can There is nothing left. We all know that these villagers seem to be rich people on the surface, but they only have shares in village-run enterprises. Now those village-run enterprises are not the same as they were ten years ago. Now they have everything Some are old, and if they are really sold, they will not be able to sell for a lot of money, and they will only have one house of their own in the end.” Just when Li Cong was thinking about how to deal with Mr. Wu at night Came in.

"Can they leave? On number one, you immediately find a way to get some problems with their procedures. Our original intention was to allow our base to start. These people are not guilty and cannot let them suffer losses, even if they are Now Huaxi Village has been eroded by them, and they have to tell them to spit it out." Suddenly a sense of responsibility appeared in Li Cong. This country is different from abroad. Foreign people care about themselves, this Chinese But with one's own ancestors, such things must be managed, and must be managed.

I went out immediately on the 1st, and this thing has to be done a bit faster. If the Wu family’s people go through the Swiss bank, the Energy Group can take them in at once. Now the chief executive’s nephew’s main task in Europe is integration. European financial institutions are now available, and Swiss banks are basically eating in now. I'm afraid that people in the Wu family may go to the United States through the 1a flag bank, but most of the Wu family's overseas students are in Europe. , I should not go to the United States, but just in case it is better to test.

Secretary Wu told his Lao Tzu about the matter after he went back. Mr. Wu has been alive for decades, and he naturally knows better than his own son what is going on. Now he is basically in charge of fǔ that They can’t count on it anymore. They have abandoned themselves. As for contacting the central government, it’s no use. The people over there must be more cunning than the people in the province. After all, the central government is more informed than the locals. .

"You did a very good job. We will have to prepare with both hands. If I can let this kid make up the two billion for us tonight, I don't think we need to go out. You can continue to be your secretary. If he disagrees, I think we will leave here. We have done a lot in the past few years. They used to dare not confront us, but now if they have a strong backing, we are not that way. It’s easy, Xiao Kong. You and him and the two of you are going to do this. You must be fast and ready. I will call you right away at night." Secretary Wu actually doesn’t want to leave China. Chinese people have a homesickness. Complex, who will travel the world without the last step? Old man Wu was afraid that his son was inexperienced in this matter, so he asked his secretary to help him. No one knew that his secretary was no longer his right-hand man, but a time bomb.

"Don't worry, Secretary Wu, I will do it well." This kid can act well, at least for now, Old Man Wu still believes in this guy in front of him, nothing unusual.

Although the old man Wu’s body is not very good, but for the whole family, what can his own body count? He still dragged the sick body and brought a few of his family’s children to the hotel he had agreed with Li Cong. I never go to such a low-grade hotel, but this is already the best here. There is a one-ton golden bull at the entrance of the hotel invested by Huaxi Village. This thing is the same as the dozens of tons in my headquarters. The heavy golden statues don't seem to be of the same grade, just as they are not of the same grade as the Wu family.

"Mr. Li is really young and promising. It’s the first time my old man has seen a young man like Mr. Li for so long?" As soon as he entered Mr. Wu, he threw his arrogance aside and began to shoot Li Cong. It's a flattering.

"Hehe, what did the old Secretary Wu say? I think the life of the old Secretary Wu is the model we young people should learn from. We are all rich in ourselves, and the old Secretary Wu makes the whole village People have become rich people. It's different." Li Cong used a pun when he spoke. He still admired the old man in front of him, but because they wanted to transfer funds, he didn't have any admiration.

Old Secretary Wu really felt so uncomfortable after hearing what Li Cong said. Old Secretary Wu in the early years would definitely be able to afford these words, because at that time Old Secretary Wu didn’t have a bit of heart, everything It’s all for the people, but I can’t do it now. I don’t know when, everything in the village has a relationship with my family. What I think about the most is not what’s going on in the village, but What I think is how to seek welfare for my family, my heart has reached a very high level.

In addition, the old brothers who followed them to fight the situation in the past have taken them away. Some good ones left after giving money, but some didn’t want to leave, so they gave them to... these things are. No one knows, but I am very aware that these things are always making me feel uncomfortable, and it becomes even more uncomfortable when people get old.

"Hehe, those are all things from the past, let's not mention it, let's talk about the current problem, there are some unpleasant things between us and Mr. Li, but I think we'd better talk about it, if we continue If such a confrontation continues, I think it will be bad for everyone, especially Mr. Li. Your construction team has been waiting for almost a month, but I know that those people who are idle for a day, Mr. Li will only lose more than a dozen on the surface. Ten thousand, it’s not a small amount.” The old guy quickly adjusted himself, and threw out the things he shouldn’t think of at this time. What he should do now is let I took down the two billion today.

Outsiders look at Wu’s family and see Huaxi Village for good money, but these are superficial phenomena. Others don’t know what’s going on. Old Secretary Wu himself knows very well. The entire Wu’s family or the entire Huaxi was in the financial census this afternoon The cash that all the enterprises in the village can take out is less than 3 billion yuan, and the total market value is more than 40 billion Of course this is just an estimate of them, if some international consortia come. It would be good to have a valuation of 20 billion yuan.

Go with only 3 billion yuan in a lifetime? Old Secretary Wu would not be reconciled. He came to see Li Cong’s attitude today. If he is willing to spend 2 billion yuan, he will use this money as temporary funds to inject into various companies and let them They are maintained, and then exchanged for more bank loans. When the exchange reaches the maximum level, it is time for the Wu family to flee. If Li never agrees, he can’t let this guy’s base start. You have to work hard to get the business running, and then recover the funds through a relatively long period of time. The son’s prestige cannot be affected, otherwise the next election may not be able to control the situation.

"Of course, I understand Mr. Wu's meaning. We don't want any loss, but I don't want the negotiation to start with such an atmosphere. It is a fact that I lose more than 100,000 yuan every day, but I want the villagers of Huaxi Village Shouldn’t you accept the fact that you have lost 2 billion yuan? I think it will affect your son’s next election, right?” Li said in a word, this guy’s face è It was green immediately. An equality is necessary. I haven't said your shortcomings yet. You have come first. Can we be happy? h

[...The text of the end of the 65th section of Wu’s family has the fastest update...] a! !

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