Energy Group

Chapter 1068:

Section Anti-American Fighter

Panama Energy Group Base

"What? That old guy opened a news conference? Is it new energy?" Li Er, who was still here preparing for Panama affairs, was immediately stunned by the news. The news conference had just ended and the Skull and Bones had just ended. The Mobil Petroleum Group has announced that they also have a new energy production method, and can reach an annual output of 6 million tons. Although there is still a certain gap in the quality of the environmental oil from the Energy Group, they will all be improved. In the United States, the price is 1,000 yuan per ton lower than the price of the energy group.

"Yes, master, this is the news that our U.S. branch has just received. Our technical department has analyzed the new energy content. They are all made from crops and additives. They have never given up on this thing. They have been studying. The old guy Anderson’s intentions are very sinister. He uses a lower price than ours to show people a pie. We estimate that their cost should be very high. High, of course, what they need now is a gesture, not an actual effect. If six million tons are compensated each year, it is only a small sum of money, but the impact on us is huge." The second is also one. The bitterness of the face, I really didn't expect this Skull and Bones to do such a thing that shocked the group.

"Damn the Skull and Bones, it's really hidden. It seems that we don't need to do anything here." Li Er fell weakly on the seat, but there was still a glare in his eyes, and he had always wanted to do it. Best, but at this time, it seemed that I had made the biggest joke, and I made the entire group into a passive state.

"No, things can't stop here. Ask the people below to be ready to destroy the Panama Canal directly." Suddenly Li Er got up from his seat as if thinking of something, and smiled strangely. , Since you gave me a surprise, then I will give you one too. It is fun if we have contacts. If all of you are occupied, then I will not return the gift. It is a matter of my etiquette. Individuals are like human beings, so I understand now.

In fact, at the beginning, the Investigation Department suggested that the Panama Canal should be destroyed directly. The importance of this canal to the Americans was understood by three-year-old children. It was just that Li Er's request was only to attract people from the base, without thinking at all. To make things so big, there is no more attractive task now, just destroy it here.

Building a canal is a very difficult task. It takes hundreds of thousands of people to work for many years to complete. But destroying a canal is a very simple task. For example, now, the original plan was to send people in to occupy it. But now it’s no longer needed, so there’s no need to add human lives to it. You can just use arms to add it.

"Master, our ships in Africa have brought a lot of powerful bombs, but if we use these, the Skull and Bones people will find out something. Such powerful bombs are not like those in Africa. It can be made in a backward military factory.” Number Two pointed to a few drawings and said that only Russia and the United States can make such bombs. Li Cong’s African Legion only tried to make a few, and the tests were good. It was originally shipped when the plan failed, but now it seems that it can be used directly. Just a few pieces of this can blow up the canal that has been working for a hundred years and nothing is left.

"What are you afraid of? It's time for us to leak our muscles. After hiding for so long, we should let these Yankees see our abilities. By the way, how many people are there in the American fleet in the Canal Zone? It's up to them." It can be seen that Anderson's news bulletin will be a big blow to Li Er. At this time, the kid's work also began to be impetuous.

In the past few years, Li Cong thinks too much about doing things. There is rarely such a dazzling time as before. It is better to follow the young master. How can I say that the young master is younger and has more opportunities to do such things. There is excitement in it, but I haven't seen such a thing in years, so I must do it more beautifully.

"I said No. 2, now the young master is going to play a big one. I think I can take out the things at the bottom of our press box?" No.3 whispered to No.2 as he called the press box bottom. The thing is actually a chewing gum frying thing recently researched by the group’s laboratory. A fingernail-sized thing can send a tank to the sky. Now it is made into a kilogram and shipped over. It was not intended to be used. It is stored in the Americas.

"You really dare to play. Twenty of those things were shipped. If you use them all, I think you can ruin the entire Panama. But in fact, I want to see the true power of those things. Hey, let's go. I take care of everything. When you look at the young master, I will use it myself.” Number two thought about it, since she wants to enjoy himself, she has to take this kid away. You can’t leave the young master alone, number three. The kid is just going to do this, and the twenty of them are all played by themselves.

"What the hell? All the ideas that I came up with are taken by your kid? No, I have to have a share of that thing." No. 3 is also not giving in at all. Who doesn't want to go out and see, now it is again A peaceful society, such a big scene is not something you can have right away if you want to have him, and you can't just give in.

"Then you and I went to the young master's side, what should we do? No one protects the young master? I tell you, you know better than me what position the young master is in the heart of the president. If the young master really has a problem, we two Suicide is the best choice." In a word, the number three is also very depressed. Who calls this kid the number two, one older than himself.

"Okay, both of you can go. I will take the plane back to China for a while. I have to discuss this matter with my father. When I go to my father, I don’t need to worry about the safety issue. The task I give you is to transfer Central and South America. All the American forces were pulled up for me, and I was cleaned up afterwards. Naturally, I was there to say to my father, as long as you don’t let them find out, don’t go back to your country if you find out one by one. Stay in Africa." Li Er on the stairs heard the two arguing, so he said directly.

In fact, Li Er knows very well that as long as he is here for a day, he will have to involve many people to protect himself, and they will not be able to use their hands and feet. It is a fatal problem for them, and he does not want to return to the United States. At this time Li Er does not want to see Those Americans, they will definitely come up and taunt themselves, especially the children of the Skull and Bones who were bullied by them. These people will definitely exaggerate that very small thing dozens or even hundreds of times. Li Er still knows it very well. Anyway, he hasn't returned to China for a long time, and he missed his family a little bit. When he went back to see his father, he discussed how much better than he wanted here.

No. 2 and No. 3 were happily saluted when they heard Li Er's words. This young master was really empathetic. When he got to the boss, No. 1 sat with a large number of people. If the young master had problems again, the entire investigation department. There is no need to show up, just the miserable look of No. 4 on the side. I thought that at least one of No. 2 and No. 3 would be separated. Seeing the young master, he would have the opportunity to show off his skills. I didn't expect the young master to be very considerate of both of them. I'm going back to China, so I don't have a chance. My job is to be the young master's bodyguard. The young master will get something wherever he goes, and there is no reason to stay.

General Terry’s station. Tonight is the beginning time. Terry is also sitting in his hut for the final sprint against the chick of the primitive tribe. This chick of the primitive tribe is nothing special with the v outside. It may be the only one special. It's just that this little girl is like a stone. She can't speak no matter what she is. It's really boring, but this is the first time this little girl can't let others take it.

"General, Telly can’t wait to shoot his own subordinate right away. What I did here is very uninteresting. You *returned to defeat Lao Tzu, so it depends on you to give it. No, I still don't want to show anything rare in the future, but my two European and American v-people are more delicious.

Egg, whose call? "Although I really want to kill this kid, he knows that he will not call his son if he is not an important person. He caused some people next to him to laugh quietly, but he saw that the general was going to kill. One by one, he quickly avoided. It would be a death to get caught up with the general at this moment. This kind of thing has happened several times before.

"It's Mr. Luo Yan's call." The kid who answered the phone knew that he had disturbed the general, but the general said that if those Chinese call, he must call him, and he just listened to instructions.

Mr. Luo Yan? After that Young Master Li came, it seemed that this kid didn't show up much, why did he come out again.

"Hello, Mr. Luo, what's the matter? We are making preparations here. There must be no problem at night." This kid lies without blushing, and no one has seen how this guy prepares, one by one is the original In the same way, in their opinion, they have to prepare for war. They have been fighting from the day they were born to the present, and there is no need to prepare.

General Terry, the plan has changed. I’ll be with you right away. Your people don’t need to participate. You only need to record a video tape. This is to be broadcast all over the world. The resentment towards the Americans is spoken out. This is a good opportunity to become famous. Wait for me in your office. "Luo Yan hung up as soon as he finished speaking. In his eyes, Terry was a tool for use, and he didn't need to talk much.

Video: Terry was holding the phone while he didn't understand. Suddenly he thought of a big terrorist, that is, the **** in this line. He often videotapes, can it be himself?

Yes, someone must be responsible for things tonight. The person in charge must be his own. Although this is a very dangerous thing, he will definitely do it. This is really too big, before 9/11. How many people did you know at that time? But after 9/11, who did you not know?

I can immediately have a position with that horror tycoon. I think that General Terry is going to drool a little bit. It's too human. This energy group can always surprise himself. At this moment, he also forgot to scold Luo Yan. My attitude is not good. People are here to make a name for myself. No matter how bad the attitude is, it’s okay.

"What are you doing here while sitting here? Go and bring me the heavy machine gun of Lao Tzu, and put it behind my desk. You will all go out to meet Mr. Luo Yan, and you ladies. Get away from me. Take away all the inner covers and everything you have here. Open the windows and get some high-power light bulbs. Be sure to give me enough light. Also, go and get Laozi right away. Bring me the set of generals' costumes, and put the star on me and polish it up a bit. If it doesn’t shine, I will shoot you directly. There is also..." After a while, The people in the room were still watching the general standing there stupidly, and then arranged various tasks for him.

What's wrong? Doesn't the general dislike opening windows? It is said that opening windows is not good for your own safety, and that you don't like to wear formal clothes very much. He said that it is not convenient to do that. The weather here is also relatively hot. It's just a big panty. What's going on here today? Could it be that the President of the United States is visiting?

The President of the United States will definitely not come here. His men met Luo Yan downstairs who came to do the work. They also know a little bit about the content. Is his general going to make a movie? Why did you bring so many film companies?

In fact, when people were shooting back then, it was not that troublesome at all. It was just a small video camera, but this time it was different. Luo Yan specially found a Hollywood director. Of course it was not the first-line one. Make-up artists, lighting artists, and the like, anyway, there are still a few hours from now until the evening, and they can definitely give this kid a good job without any problems.

After half of the disappearance, I found that General Terry himself couldn’t recognize who the man in the mirror was. Cigars shipped from Cuba, military uniforms made by people from Italian high-level handicraft workshops, and above. Those two general stars are absolutely pure gold. Of course, his heavy machine gun was not displayed at all. What was displayed was a map of Central and South America, and General Terry's words also wanted to drive the Americans out of Central and South America. Go, he is a savior.

"General, pay attention, it's time to start, prepare, start." The director saw that everyone in the room was ready, and gave Terry a start gesture. The boy was a bit nervous before, but he thought he was about to become famous. It was quiet immediately.

"Hello friends, I know you may not even know me, but I believe that friends from all over the world have heard about what happened in Panama just now. Yes, this thing is done by our Panama Liberation Organization. I don’t need to say much about the American hegemony in Central and South America. Everyone is clear. It used to be a time when we accumulated strength, but now is when we resist. I know that my actions will definitely attract American revenge. But we Panamanians will never give up for our own liberation cause, and we will not be afraid of any sanctions. We will become the anti-American fighters of the whole world. We will fight for our freedom and democracy. We will fight for Panama’s sake. Fight for absolute liberation..."

For twenty minutes, this guy didn't even drink a sip of water, and there was no place to stop. Everyone looked at General Terry in amazement. They really didn’t expect this guy to be a talented performer. what.

When the staff in the house began to withdraw everything, this guy was still a little I haven't had much fun, especially since I just said that I am a firm anti-American fighter. At that time, I was really excited, as if I had really fought with the Americans for many years. In fact, what I have done for so many years is only in life, and it is no different from those warlords, but this is nothing. It will be straight tonight. Occupying the Canal Zone, with such a credit, he can become the real king in Panama. How could this guy never think that Li Er would change his mind temporarily. It was not occupation at all, but destruction. This guy was taken.

"Don't worry, it's up to our actions in the evening." Maybe it was influenced by his own speech. Terry said it sincerely at this time, but Luo Yan didn't respond. He just waved his hand and left at night? I'm afraid you don't have to wait for the night. The attack should start in 20 minutes. You should watch it in your room.

At this time, Li Er’s plane has taken off at the airport for half an hour. The matter here has nothing to do with him. The water ghost team of the Energy Group has also begun to enter the Panama Canal Zone. They will be led by the third. The people who came in to install the gum bombers were also the first to move. In addition, some small missile equipment and small artillery were also erected on the mountain not far from the Canal Zone. They only waited for the signal to arrive in the entire Canal Zone. It will become a sea of ​​flames, and it is absolutely impossible to save it. h

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