Energy Group

Chapter 1082:

Section to station troops in India

Betting on rocks? This is the first time Li Cong has heard of it. Although he knew about this matter before, he really didn’t mean to try it. First, he didn’t lack money, and second, he didn’t have time. Don’t you just want home? As long as you bring a bet, it’s basically like this. If it’s something else, Li Cong might not be interested, but Li Cong will like it very much if you have a bet. He has never lost.

"I've only heard people say betting on stones, isn't it just to see if there is jade in the stone? What's the big deal? The assets of this Zhang family are billions of yuan, don't you think you can make a family rich with a stone? "Li Cong said in disbelief. It is no wonder that it is difficult to move to this level of family exhibition, especially for companies that are not listed. If they are listed companies, it is very easy to spend money. That's it, the company that has been going back and forth should basically go bankrupt. Such a conservative company still needs to start from other aspects.

"You don’t know anything about the president, and gambling on rocks also requires a lot of roads. For example, the performance of stones outside, and some old pits and new pits. In short, 80% depends on luck and 20% depends on experience. , And the owner of Zhang’s jewellery relies on gambling on stone. In recent years, he has his own skills on public markets in Myanmar, so they all throw their money on gambling on stones. According to us This time they gathered all the current assets of the family over one billion yuan, and they also borrowed about 500 million yuan from banks and underground banks in Hong Kong. 1.5 billion yuan is equivalent to one-fifth of their assets. It is already a big investment. If they lose, they will definitely be insufficient in the capital chain, and then there will be various troubles. The competition in the jewelry industry in recent years has been very fierce. They are gone. With funds and no goods, are they going to be eaten by others?" Karelina briefly explained their strategy to Li Cong. In short, this is a very good strategy.

A few stones can have billions of assets? Li Cong doesn’t believe it very much, but it’s a fact here. I can’t allow myself to disbelieve it. It seems to be a very good thing. We can do what others can do, anyway. Now I have nothing to do. The domestic bases are developing, and the Indian affairs cannot be solved in a short time. Thinking of the Indian affairs, Li Cong thinks it is better to meet the few people introduced by my brother before going to Myanmar. Leave a seed and wait for him to sprout slowly.

"Okay, you can arrange this matter. We two go to Myanmar and let the group continue to do their things. This Zhang family can just a for me, and the Zhang family can rely on this family. I see me. It's okay." Li Cong said bullishly, as if he was already at home.

Her boss was fooled. This was Karelina's first thought, and she immediately went out to make arrangements with a smile.

"Mia, please push me the date behind me first, let my brother come over with the people in India, I have something to talk to them." Li Cong picked up the portable phone on the table and said, Li Cong I already want to go to Myanmar quickly. At this time, I will solve this problem. Before I come, I will turn on the computer to learn about stone gambling. When the province arrives, I don’t know anything. .

Gambling stone or gambling refers to jadeite that is covered by a layer of weathered leather when it is mined. It is impossible to know the quality of the jadeite. The quality of jadeite can only be known after cutting. The jadeite produced in the old factory has skins, but the water stone jadeite produced in the river is also very thin or skinless. Most of the jadeite produced in the new factory has no skin, but the one produced in the **** layer has skin. The thickness and thinness of the skin mainly depends on the degree of weathering, the higher the degree of weathering, the thicker the skin. A piece of jadeite raw material has a very good surface. The green is seen in the first cut, but it may disappear when the second cut is cut. This is also common. Wherever you leave the jade mine, the gambling is only one ten thousandth (referring to è material). The chance of gambling on the jade mine is much higher. The betting on the rise is overnight, but most of them end in failure. .

The raw jadeite that has not been processed is called material. In the jadeite market, the material is also called "stone", and the green material is called goods. The uneven green material is called "1a brand material". Cui's bulk material is called "brick material". The jadeite material that is entirely wrapped in a leather shell, has not been cut, and has no window (also called an open child) is called "gambling stone", or "gambling". The outer skin of the gambling stone is wrapped in a thin or thick original stone skin. Different gambling stones have different colors, red, yellow, white, and black. There are also the most profitable and the most human in Heshi a trade. It is the most risky non-stone gambling. There is a jargon in the jewelry industry: betting on stones is like betting on life. If you win a bet, you earn ten times a hundred times, and you become rich overnight; if you lose your gambling, you lose everything. Compared with gambling on stone, risky shares, real estate, etc. are warm and pale in comparison.

Generally, only from the appearance, it is impossible to tell the true face of "Lushan" at a glance. Even today, when science is prosperous, there is no instrument that can quickly determine whether it is a "treasure or a "failure" through this shell. Therefore, the risk of buying and selling is very high, but also very "stimulating", so it is called "gambling." Winning profits are huge, so this kind of business has lasted for a long time.

Legend has it that after the Burmese Yushi merchants bet on the stone, when they were actually cut and processed, they generally did not dare to be there in person, but burned incense nearby and asked God for blessing. If the cut gambling stone contains a lot of emerald green, one can become a rich man overnight; if the cut gambling stone is essentially a gray sand head with green outside and white inside, the family property will be poured out overnight.

"Brother, why are you also interested in gambling on rocks?" Li Cong was a little fascinated, and he didn't realize that Li Ming and a few Indians had already arrived in his house. This situation has never happened before. It seems this Betting on stones is really attractive to me, and I haven’t had the feeling of a cut in heaven and a cut in **** for a long time, but I don’t know if my perspective ability can see the stone clearly, if that’s the case...

"Just take a look, who are these?" Li Cong stood up with a smile. The guests have already arrived. Although they are not in the same position as him, they are the masters. It is always difficult for these Indians to say they are. There is no etiquette, right? We are always an ancient civilization with a history of five thousand years.

"Let me introduce, this is my eldest brother, that is, the president of our group. You should have met before the conference. These are our partners in India, Mr. Miga, who belongs to our group. Extreme customers.” Li Ming pointed to a guy wearing a white suit and said. Although the other people are customers of the Energy Group, they don’t need to be introduced. The Sanji customers are the lowest in the Energy Group, and the first-class customers are For people who can purchase goods of more than RMB 2 trillion each year, the second-level customer is only one trillion, and the three-pole customer is only 500 billion. Therefore, Li Cong has no impression of them. If it is a first-level customer, it may be. Acquainted.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am Miga." Although this Miga is among the top ten people in the power rankings in India, he is now just a small person in front of Li Cong, the original family of Miga. It’s just the boss of a state in India, but now let’s see how much their power has reached. In five years, their family’s power has become the top three in India. All this depends on the person in front of them. Yes, I don’t know when my family has been **** by the energy group, so the quality of the energy group is definitely closely related to my family. Maybe the source group is huge, and people can live the same without themselves. , But I really can't help it without others.

"Hehe, please sit down, you may know something about my son. I know what you mean. You have encountered danger recently. It can be said that if you are in danger, it is not good for me. You need mine. Help to make you the strongest force in India, right?" Li Cong said in an open mind. When talking to these Indians, I always feel that they are not very clean. I feel a little bit when I see their mixed beards. They are uncomfortable, and the curry smell coming from them makes them even more uncomfortable. These people eat directly with their hands. Li Cong doesn't even want these guys to use their own sand, as if they can get on these people. Same as bacteria.

"Yes, Mr. Li, your intelligence agency is very powerful, and your analytical ability is also very strong. In short, your influence is very strong. We are your strongest ally in India. If we have any losses, I think Mr. Li is here. India’s influence will also decline, so we hope that Mr. Li can support us against our enemies, and we will be very grateful to Mr. Li." This guy speaks the truth, and may also know that he is plotting in front of Li Cong. You will suffer a lot from trickery. Li Cong is also very satisfied with this guy's words. It's not bad. It seems that things in India should be very good.

"Yes, my brother has already told me about the specific things. I want to know the situation of your opponents. Although we have a very powerful intelligence agency, you also know that we are always inferior to yours in intelligence." Li Cong also sat. Said on the sand, what I know about India is that the power of this person is in confrontation with the largest power in India, and the largest power in India is supported by the Skull and Bones.

Back then, Li Cong was connected with the first Indian power, Gandhi Nehru family, but after Li Cong was sentenced to the Skull and Bones, the Gandhi Nehru family did not have much contact with Li Cong. They misjudged Li Cong. Soon they will be cleaned up by the Skull and Bones. Who knows that it was the Skull and Bones that was cleaned up. But at that time, it was not so easy to change the gun head. The most taboo thing for such a big family is hesitation. If that's the case, the final result may be the joint killing of the energy group and the Skull and Bones. Without the ability to control energy, their control in the whole of India will directly drop by about 20%, and there will be the immediate rise of the Mega family. Opportunity.

"Mr. Lee, our greatest enemy is the current Gandhi Nehru family supported by the Americans. Although they suffered a lot in the past, they have become the most powerful family in India after ten years. But it’s not the richest, because the richest family is us. They now occupy half of the Indian political and military circles. Recently, they seem to have gained support from the Americans. They are going to do something with us. The first performance is us. They started to implement a new electoral system. This new system is very unfavorable to us. We may lose control of several federations and major cities. However, we still withstood the last round of elections, but we are more Usually, it’s a few billion dollars more. It’s almost the same as buying. We only thought of Mr. Lee’s small base to reverse our current disadvantages. If the electricity problem in India can be solved, I think we will get more parliaments. Seats, it’s not impossible to defeat them by this.” This guy is telling the truth, but he said less, that is Li Cong’s interests. This is absolutely not allowed, Li Cong is the most Value one's own interests.

"Mr. Miga, I think your plan is very good, but I feel that you seem to say something is missing. It's better to let me talk about the interests of our group in India. I don’t want you to work on the base first. , You can be responsible for everything except production, and I need to do the security work of the base myself. It may become an armed force that does not belong to your India. I hope you can help me with this political aspect. It's done. As for the other industries of our group in India, I hope that it can be improved by more than 10%. I don't know what you think about this?" Li Cong expressed his thoughts. It seems that his requirements are not many. , But if you are responsible for security, you can develop your own armed forces in India. The preliminary plan is to have a dozen small bases. Even if the armed forces of one thousand people per base, there are tens of thousands of people, although In India, where there are hundreds of millions of people, there is nothing to see, but it is a good start to say that it shows that the armed forces of the energy group can enter a new country in a fair manner, the strongest country in South Asia.

Li Cong’s request is still a bit difficult for them, especially the security matter, which is almost the same as opening up a country within a country. Such a thing is not so easy, even if they have such power in India. One more thing to consider is that the energy group’s ambition to dominate the world is known to everyone. It’s easy for them to come in now, but would it be that easy if they were called out again? Although they are similar to the subordinates of the energy group, but fortunately they still have autonomy. If the people of the energy group stand in their mouths with guns, will their words have any effect? Maybe every word of oneself will need to be considered before daring to say it.

Moreover, the Indians have always regarded the Chinese as their greatest enemy. After allowing the Chinese to enter India on such a large scale, they may not have killed the first power, but they were killed first because of this problem.

"Mr. Lee, I think we need to think about this issue, especially the security issue. Actually, we can let the Indian army directly take charge of your security. There is no need to ask your security to pass. Our army is responsible for security. It's a problem." Miga thought for a while and didn't directly reject it, but found such an idea, hoping Li Cong can understand their difficulties.

"No, no, Mr. Miga, this security issue is the problem I gave you. You also know how powerful our group is. We lack a lot of things, but the last thing we lack is the object of cooperation. I want If you trade those energy shares in your hands for what I need, you will definitely have a lot of people in India rushing to do it. I can train you, and I can train other people. I'm sorry. There are still things. Wait for your reply. It will take two days. Two days later, I still have some things, so I won’t be with you.” Li Cong originally thought that his request would be answered quickly, but he didn’t expect these Indians to be I never thought about this I am really a bit angry now.

"You? Okay, my eldest brother told you to give you two days, hurry up and go." Li Minggang wanted to scold them, but when he saw Li Cong's eyes were taken back, these guys told you just now I can talk about any conditions that I brought them here. They didn't expect that they would not accept such a condition. My eldest brother finally changed his opinion on him, and these guys were ruined. If it wasn't for the eldest brother to give himself a look, and really want to go up and give them a few feet, wouldn't it hurt me?

Miga still wanted to say something, but seeing that the two brothers didn’t seem to listen to their words, they didn’t want to think about it. They took a few of his men and left. He came here with great interest. , I didn't expect it to be defeated, and it was possible to lose the things the family relied on for survival. If this was known by the family, the identity of his heir would be over.

"Brother, these eggs..." After seeing these people go out, Li Ming couldn't help it.

"Forget it, there are all kinds of people, and my request is not that simple." Li Cong reassures his brother, it is not easy to do things. F

[...Section 82 will be the fastest to update the text in India...] a! !

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