Energy Group

Chapter 1086:

Section Zhou Fatty's Stone

When Lao Zhao heard the fat man talking like this this week, there was no good face on his face. Li Cong naturally didn’t know what was going on, but these people knew very well in their hearts that the jeweler was not the jeweler’s business. The guys are natural enemies. If it weren’t for these people to throw money into it, how could the price of rough jadeite soar, which caused their operating costs to increase a lot, even though they could raise prices, and even profit according to The percentage is much higher, but they feel uncomfortable in their hearts. They always feel that they are going to grab food with themselves. For this reason, they feel that these half-way monks are not pleasing to their eyes and uncomfortable.

Although these half-way monks have a lot of money in their hands, they can say that they don’t understand the rough jadeite at all. At the beginning, they naturally asked for help from these so-called experts, and these so-called experts are actually also in their hearts. There is no bottom, but it is better than these people who don’t know anything. They are not pleasing to the eye. How can they really help them? Naturally they will start to lose money. It is not easy to make money. , But it is very easy for people to lose money, so these people who are similar to Zhou Fatty have suffered from people like Zhao.

Now Fatty Zhou looks at Li Cong and feels like he sees it at first sight. At first glance, he is the same person as himself. Of course, this guy thinks it himself. So in his opinion, it was Lao Zhao who cheated Li Cong, if it wasn't for everyone. If you want a problem of face, I immediately dismantle these people. Fatty Zhou has never done a few good things in his life, but right now he thinks he did a bad thing when doing good things. This guy feels wrong. Although Li Cong is the same as him who belonged to those who were half-way renunciations, but after he returned to Shanghai, Li Cong wanted to open a jewelry shop. People like Lao Zhao obviously regarded Li Cong as their people. Li Cong, it’s a very capable colleague, and this colleague doesn’t have any interest disputes with them. This is something they are very happy about. After all, when everyone has bad luck, maybe this kid can help himself. It's very busy.

"Hehe, Brother Zhou joked. I am a second-generation ancestor who is dependent on my family. I have no abilities. This time I came to Myanmar just to see. Zhang Dian learned. I didn’t give much money to my family. I’ve earned 20 million yuan, and I’ve made good eyesight. If I don’t earn it, I’ll take a lesson.” Li Cong said honestly, this sentence has brought people around him a lot closer, after all Anyone is willing to go with the real person a? People even said how much money they brought. Is this not true? And they think that Li Cong is not the second generation ancestor he said. Under normal circumstances, the second generation ancestor would not say that he is a second generation ancestor, but would say how capable he is. It seems that this honest-looking little brother is Somewhat capable.

Although Fatty Zhou seems to belong to the type of stupid people with a lot of money, but he can have a property of hundreds of millions, and how many people are really stupid. He quickly saw the attitude of Lao Zhao and Li Cong. It’s not disguised. When I first entered, I didn’t talk to these guys. Those guys treated me the same way, but I was separated from the really unsatisfactory self. This little brother must have his own secret. We are different.

"Little brother, I will ask you to call out your brother. I have seen a lot of the second generation ancestor, but I am sure that you are definitely not the second generation ancestor. Your friend, brother, is a decision. We will finish it in a while. Stone went out for a drink together. I know this Burmese brother very well. Don't worry about this and that, but I often go in and out." Looking at Li Cong's suspicious face, he then explained to Li Cong.

Although he lives in a hotel now, he has his own residence in Myanmar. Although he looks like a coal merchant on the surface, he is involved in many industries. Take this Myanmar as an example. , There is a gold mine that he partnered with Burmese people. Although the output is not a lot, but the annual income is tens of millions of yuan, and he often walks along the border and returns to the country, just take the last month For example, this guy took two tiger skins and went back. The thing was bought here from the honest hunters for tens of thousands of dollars, but when he went back he had a few hundred thousand. Approval, if you put it on the auction house without a million, it will not be shot. If it is a complete good and more than a few million, if it is a white tiger, it will be more valuable. Don’t stop, hear Li Cong is a bit skeptical here. Hearing that this guy has so many roads and businesses, this guy's wealth is only a few hundred million, a little unlikely, right? Anyway, Li was a real person from just now, so he asked directly.

Fatty Zhou glanced around, and now that the people like Zhao have already gone to see Jie Shi, there is nothing to worry about. The main reason is that the little brother in front of him is too close to him, so he is not afraid to treat himself. Tell this little brother his secret.

"It's true that my brother is too serious about gambling. I go to Australia several times a year. I don't want to come back if I don't lose thousands of dollars each time. I earn a lot every year. But just throwing it to the casino will cost hundreds of millions. This asset has just come down. Fortunately, I have been gambling on stone in the past few years. I am afraid that I won’t even be able to make any noise when I arrived in Australia, but on this emerald public market. It's not bad, at least I can come back a lot, and this gambling is as exciting as gambling, there is no difference at all, the thorn is also quite good." Fatty Zhou said in a low voice, Li Cong ordered Nodded in an understanding gesture.

Speaking of the food, drink, prostitution and gambling o1, the most terrifying of the five poisons may be this gambling. Eating and drinking are basically nothing. Even if the fat man can eat this week, he will eat more than ten thousand a day without curing. How much can I eat? Besides, is it possible for a person to eat and drink so much every day? It’s only strange if he doesn’t have any problems with his body. As for prostitution, it’s not even a few dollars a year. It’s just a small star that costs hundreds of thousands a night. It’s okay if it’s a little more expensive, and 1a doesn’t cost much. O1 is not a problem. It’s said that the big smoke of O1 used to be a prodigal. That’s because his family has no money, and now he is taking drugs. In other words, a few million a year can be stopped, only this bet is really bottomless, especially in Australia. Li also went to casinos before. Naturally, he knew that it was more attractive than drugs. It must be great, and there is also the reason why you can directly lose your entire family property. Can the Mitsubishi family in Japan see nothing? Tens of billions of dollars just went in directly, this is the charm of gambling.

"Brother Zhou, you are very distracting, but I think your transfer is very successful. You can get a lot back here, but I heard from Brother Zhao that you were 1a last year. It seems that I have made a small profit after tens of millions?" Li Cong thought of what Brother Zhao said to himself when he saw this guy just now. In the gambling business just to make money, it is very successful, although most people are I feel that I can make money, but there are a few people who really make money. This is why the merchants who sell rough jade stones do not cut the stones. They only sell rough jade stones, and they have a rule, as if they are drug dealers. Like drug use, they all have their own rules. They are not jealous when they see a customer offering jadeite. They only take their fixed income. As for the things that others make a lot of money, they are not jealous, but there is one thing. To be sure, most of the things about the gambling family are publicized by these people. If they don't sell their lives, how can they win so many customers?

"Don't mention what happened to me last year. Actually, I want to thank Lao Zhao for this matter. Last year, I didn't understand anything like you, so I followed them, but these older people are not at all comfortable. Just pointed me a few broken stones, it should be good luck for my brother, there are really good things in those broken stones, I cut the stones on the spot, don’t you know, the tons of stones, 1a, my brother, I’m 30 million. I was distressed at the time. I knew how to lose even when I went to Australia. At that time, I really regretted it. When I went down, I didn’t perform at all. Me, more than 30 million went in like that. If you are looking for a star, you can’t even find Taiwan’s most beautiful v, but then when I was discouraged, Zhao and a few of them taunted me. I'm so angry, I don't believe that I can't produce a jadeite, so I just bought another guy next to him, 1a, more than 10 million stones, and bought it for twice the price of 1a, guess what?" Fatty Zhou tells the story It's also a picture, and Li Cong who listened to it followed up with his heart, and guessed what it was. Seeing you, you will naturally know what is going on.

"The guy next to him doesn't really have a bottom, he also feels that he bought this thing for more than 10 million yuan, and it feels a bit unreliable. Hearing that I offered twice the price, he sold it to me. I didn't even think about it. I cut it, this time it’s really big. There are absolutely good ice materials inside, but it’s not sunny and green, but fortunately the volume is big enough, and a jeweler came over and asked for 40 million. After buying it, I thought that my brother had already bought so much before and after 1a, and you didn’t buy it for 40 million. I found someone to take it out slowly. The result was tens of kilograms, which is absolute. Good thing, I sold more than 50 million, and finally I did the final calculation. I made hundreds of thousands without losing a penny. Making money is secondary, but the most important thing is the moment I found the stone. It's comfortable, yes, it's a very refreshing feeling." Zhou Fatty said that he was dancing, and Li Cong also felt the madness of these rock gamblers. It was really not easy.

"Xiao Li, Lao Zhou, don't sit there and grind your teeth. Come here quickly and come to us." Fatty Zhou hasn't finished talking to Li Cong yet. It is also a great opportunity to have a chance to show off his glorious deeds. Happy things, but when they heard that they were about to come, they quickly pulled Li from the past. The stone bettors are very believers. When Fatty Zhou came, he already burned incense and knew that the time was right. A very auspicious time. If this is over, the one in his hand may really be a stone. When Li passed by two people, there was still a person in front of him. Obviously, what this guy untied was not the stone presented in the hotel. A big stone with a diameter of more than forty in total, weighing a few hundred catties, was carried by four people. At this moment, it has been cut in the middle. You can see what happened by looking at the expression on his face. There is no green face at all, and it must be broken without asking.

"This old man is from the Northeast, and his family is in the construction team. When he first came, he bought the stone for 5 million. He bought it strictly according to the knowledge in the book, if he didn't pay cash. People don’t necessarily sell it to him, who knows that it just broke down like that. This gambling rock is so powerful, and five million just went in. This buddy doesn’t know what to do when he returns to the country.” Old Tian is always there. Watching the gambling on rocks here, when he saw that guy cut to pieces, he leaned back a little bit, for fear that the bad luck on that guy would get on him.

"I said, buddy, you only cut in half. It's okay. Last year, I also had that once. If you cut both halves apart, you might get a bit. If you can get some points, you will get some points. "Fatty Zhou is very warm-hearted right now, mainly because he remembers his situation last year. It looks very similar to his own situation now, but it feels like it won't come out of the remaining stones, otherwise. He stopped yelling and bought it himself.

Sure enough, when that guy heard Fatty Zhou’s words, he seemed to have strength in his whole body immediately, and he started to work without any help from others. Li Cong looked at this guy with a little tongue, good fellow, seven or eight. The ten-jin stone was lifted as soon as he bent over. This strength is really powerful.

It’s a pity that today Lucky V God didn’t follow this guy, or there was nothing, no performance at all, but Li Cong was a little surprised at this moment, because it was in another stone that had not been cut. A piece of blue jade with good planting water, Li Cong originally thought that the green jade was valuable, but in fact it was not. Even if the blue jade had no flaws, the price would not be low. If this guy really cuts the piece 1a back, it will not only pay back, but also make a lot of money. In terms of volume, only the skin of the half is a stone, and there is a basketball-sized blue inside. Jade, if this is sold out for thousands, there is no problem.

This northeastern guy is absolutely a little desperate right now, and he didn't even feel the danger slowly approaching him. If Li Cong were not fast enough, this guy would be able to cut his head directly. Come down.

"You kid don't want to die. Didn't you see that it was about to reach your head? Fortunately, my brother was quick with his eyesight and saved your life. Otherwise, you will be playing cards with the kid in the Palace of Hell." Fatty Zhou was also taken aback. There are really all kinds of people these days.

The man in the northeast didn’t really want to die. He was very grateful to Li Cong at this moment. Thinking of his distraction just now, he was really scared to death. If it was accidental, it would not be a question of losing money. All fate is here.

"Brother, you still don’t want to cut this stone. If you don’t cut it, I don’t want to give it to me. Maybe I can save you some capital." Li Cong pointed to the other half next to him. The emerald stone, Li Cong's 1a immediately drew people's ridicule. This big stone is almost half of it. Do you want to miss it? This leak is so easy to pick up? What a joke, the inside of this stone has already told everyone that it is impossible to produce jade.

"I said, Xiao Li, you have no place 1a where you have a lot of money. This is a piece of waste. Have you seen it? The material in this stone is made of ordinary stone. It is impossible to produce good things. It’s better to solve the stone we gave away earlier.” The relationship between Lao Zhao and Li Cong was pretty good. At this moment, I heard Li Cong wanted to buy such a rotten stone and immediately refused to follow it~www. your money is earned from stock speculation, it is not tiring, but you can't ruin your money so much.

"Yeah, brother, if you want to lay the stone, we will be there in a while. What are you doing with this rotten stone? There are so many poor people like this these days. If you are poor 1a, your money is not enough. "Fatty Zhou also whispered. Although he doesn't understand this, he also understands that the chance of emerald in this stone is zero. If you have money, you can't ruin the law like this.

The man in the northeast next to Li Cong looked expectantly. To tell the truth, he really hopes to lose a little bit less now. His family doesn’t have much money, only tens of millions. He came here yesterday and saw others. I used more than 1 million to earn more than 10 million to buy this well-performing stone. I really didn’t expect that the cut made by others would go to heaven, and my cut would go to hell. More than 5 million is considered I'm in the middle of the water, I'm trying to get back to the book right now, no matter how much Li Cong pays, as long as it is money, he can give it to him, not to mention that someone saved his life just now, and he won't charge a high price. , But seeing Lao Zhao and Fatty Zhou fainted immediately. That young man didn’t understand anything, but these two friends of the family knew that the chance of emerald in it was zero, everyone thought so. . F

[...Section 86 Fatty Zhou's calcite writing is updated fastest...] a! !

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