Energy Group

Chapter 1092:

Episode 1092

"Haha, General, it's been a long time." Qin Guozhong spoke when General Kari was watching Fatty Zhou. He knew what General Kari was thinking at this time. It was nothing more than the funding problem of the guy in front of him. If you can't give the general an answer, you can come out and talk. This little guy knows how to choose a stone, so jade can be produced from a broken stone. There should be no problem in this good stone.

"Mr. Qin, it turned out to be you. Forgive me for not seeing you. Why, you are also interested in this stone?" General Kari is naturally very familiar with Qin Guozhong. The person in front of him is a big buyer of Burmese jadeites. In other words, they are the main provider of military expenditures for their army. They must pay attention to their God of Wealth, General Kari, and the Qin family is not without power in Myanmar. The Qin family also has contacts with some local armed forces in Myanmar. Close.

"Hehe, originally I was not interested, I also know that you must have your own arrangements, but this is a little brother I know, he is interested in this, but he took me into stocks, I just paid 200 million with me The little brother is playing, and the general came here because he felt that my brother’s financial resources were a problem. If I gave him a guarantee, the general should believe it?” It’s just one sentence, not to mention a big person like Qin Guozhong, it’s Zhou Fatty who came out and said. It is estimated that the generals can be reluctant to believe that they have various interests in Myanmar, and they will not make fun of their own interests.

When Li Cong was so young, there might not be many people listening. There might be people who are still waiting to watch the excitement. If Li Cong is playing around like this, he will take General Kari’s words offense and take the entire Myanmar military and administration fǔ When you brush and play, such horns have been rare in the past few years. In the past, there were a few senior officials in China who played like that, but the result of them was that they lost their heads directly. Your ancestors may really They are very strong, but this is Myanmar. Now their influence can't reach here at all, so we don’t have to face them. Who told you not to face us? At the beginning, General Kari really I thought of Li Cong as that kind of person, but when I saw his eyes later, I felt that this little guy was not the same as the nonsense guys, and then I walked over to see Zhou Pang and Qin Guozhong who were raising funds. At that time, it is time to take a look at this young man. He is really a capable person. Qin Guozhong, General Kari, is a man who knows that he will do it after he has said something. He is different from others. .

"Mr. Qin's credibility is good in our Myanmar. Since Mr. Qin said so, I will believe it. You can go down first. Mr. Qin can just say a word." General Kari asked a few to come and bring Li. Several staff members who went to the capital verification said that it is not necessary to give others’ noodles, but Qin Guozhong’s noodles must be given by himself. I also want to take this opportunity to catch up with this big benefactor in Hong Kong. I have been interested in this for a long time, but I have not. Opportunity, this is an excellent opportunity. I have a lot of stones, but I don’t have channels in this area. I have been monopolized by the politicians of the central government. Don’t I give myself a chance now? I can export it openly. As for the documents, my pistol will solve it.

"Thank you, General Kari, is that this stone is mine?" Li Cong interrupted the conversation between the two people very rudely. General Kari was a little dissatisfied with this, but saw Qin Guozhong's face. The last point did not mean disgust, and it was also meant to ask, could it be said that the person in front of him was from Qin Guozhong? He doesn't want to be too pushy? So if this person is asked to come out, how else would he directly use 200 million yuan? This is not a small amount. Although it is nothing to Qin Guozhong, there is no need to give it to a stranger.

General Kari misunderstood that Li Cong was Qin Guozhong’s person, and his attitude towards him was improved for a while. Qin’s jewelry was his target. Since this little guy can let Qin Guozhong give him such an important task. , It must not be an ordinary person. Immediately, Li Cong changed from a suspected object to a worthy object, and from an unfounded person to an agent of Hong Kong’s Qin Jewelry. This is not Average person.

"I can't say that yet. I can only say that if no one bids, it will be yours. This kind of situation usually won't happen." General Kari left directly after speaking, and made up his mind secretly. This is what the Qin family is fond of, and they have to do it for their own sake.

"Now that Mr. Li from China is bidding 530 million, is there anyone else bidding?" When he spoke, General Cary looked like a representative of the U.S. Rahr Group sitting next to him. Basically, this guy did not speak. It’s almost done. Seeing the look in General Kari’s eyes, the foreign ghost immediately shook his head silently. Originally, you imposed this thing on us. Now someone has taken it over. If you stand up and say what you want, then It's a neurosis, besides, the chance of a gambling increase is so low, and I don't understand this very well, and I don't know how I was scammed by you.

Everyone in the audience also started talking, but no one wanted to buy it. What are you kidding about? More than 500 million. There are many people who can buy this stone, at least There are thirty. Although they are also optimistic about the stone, they are not clear about the contents of the stone. It is okay if the purchase price rises. If you lose yourself, you don't have to come here again for three to five years. Go back Go honestly.

Only five minutes later, Zhou Fatty is already nòn healed over there, 300 million RMB is in his account, and there are a few Burmese staff next to them, they are just waiting to receive the money, waiting for it. As soon as Jiang Jun announced it, he immediately began to collect money, and then he immediately went to calcite on the spot. To be honest, everyone is not too fancy about who bought this thing, but the next calcite is what you want. It’s as if you can get some light on it. In the past few sessions of Burma’s public market, the calcite has not been raised for the first time. Most of them are not lost or profitable. I hope this time I can have a good one. At the beginning, I can also learn something from this east wind.

Several political officials also nodded with General Kari. This stone should belong to Mr. Li. Originally, they expected to sell for 500 million, but now there is an extra 30 million. This is a good situation, this 3000 They will have many ways to do it. Otherwise, according to the previous agreement with the owner of the stone, the owner will get 70%, the government will get 30%, plus the miscellaneous expenses, these masters can get six achievements, which is straightforward. It was 30 million more, and everyone was naturally very happy. General Kari was a big horn and gave him 10 million yuan, and the rest was ours.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the bonus of Myanmar government fǔ. No matter where you buy stones, you need jā tax. In Myanmar, you don’t need jā tax for everything, but you have to pay jā tax for buying and selling resources and jade. The tax rate is 30%. Otherwise, the Myanmar government will not give you clearance. This is equivalent to leaving the sī. If the sī is caught, it is really a felony. Many people have been shot. As for the method, it is too much money to build a prison in Burma. No one goes to the huā to waste the money. Shooting is a good choice, and it is usually a bullet.

"Now I announce that this stone belongs to Mr. Li. Please wait for ten minutes. We will immediately start calcite on site. We have prepared professional calcite personnel for Mr. Li. Of course, Mr. Li can also use it. My own calcite personnel." General Kari stood up and announced after getting the eyes of the staff, that the money has arrived, and he doesn't need to wait here anymore, just start to announce.

It should be a good thing to buy such a stone, but at the moment no one stands up and cheers. Of course, one person is definitely happy. That person is Li Cong. What are you kidding? How much is 500 million? Among other things, the imperial green inside is worthless.

"Mr. Qin, let me ask you something. My understanding of jade is only in the emperor green, but I don't know the value of this thing?" Taking advantage of this ten-minute break, Li Cong asked this. The question is, Qin Guozhong felt uneasy for a while. This little guy doesn’t even know this. It’s just a hand, but good jade is usually in the hand. It’s like playing cards. Those who don't know how to play will always get good cards. This Li Cong is probably the one who got good cards. Right now, he has to answer his question first.

"How do you say this? This emperor green can be said to be a good kind of jade. Such a thing has not been developed in recent years. It is not easy to estimate the value, but a pair of emperor green bracelets is how many Millions to tens of millions, of course, if it is the best product, tens of millions may be possible. In recent years, the emperor green has been less. Our Qin jewelry has such a child's fist-sized material, but it is the treasure of the town hall. Yes, it can’t be sold. Now if that piece of material is sold, it will cost at least 300 million yuan.” Qin Guozhong’s words directly made Li Cong dumbfounded, 300 million? The size of a child’s fist is the size of a football’s fist. How much does it cost? The price of this jade is directly related to the size. It is estimated that this piece of emperor green alone will be able to pay back. The other estimates are all in vain, not bad, very good.

"Mr. Qin, if there is imperial green in this stone, do you want it?" Li Cong said with a smile, but that expression is just a joke. Everyone is not serious. There has been no emperor in three or four years. Green, the piece of the Qin family is still a few years ago, and many people recently hope that Master Qin can handle the jade with a knife himself, but Master Qin is too old to be able to do it, Qin Jiaxiao People of the first generation did not have that level, so they stayed. Unexpectedly, putting them in the hall has become the treasure of the Qin family’s town hall. In recent years, many people have bid two or three billion yuan. The family really wanted to sell, but if it was sold, it would be gone. How could this be good? If there were any in this stone, Qin Guozhong would have to buy it even if he tried his best. Taking it back, his status would definitely rise rapidly.

"Mr. Li, don't be kidding, things like Emperor Green are not ordinary things. If they do exist, they don't need to be much. It's a piece the size of a child's fist, and that two hundred million is enough, how about it?" Qin Guozhong said so and blushed. , After all, the price of that thing 200 million is the previous price, and now it has to be appreciated by at least 50%, but Li Cong said before that he would give him 30% interest, and this is not too cheap for him. , And when the general came, he also used the intangible assets of the Qin family, and the main point of interest was not excessive.

"Haha, it's okay, Mr. Qin, let's pray together that I can nòn reach the emperor green." Li Cong said with a smile. At this time, I can't say too much. I can't make people feel like a monster. It was too dead, and as expected, Qin Guozhong was still very interested. He immediately smiled and shook his head after hearing Li Cong's words. It became clear that this was a joke, and he really believed it, this emperor. Is green so good?

"Emperor Green, do you really think you are lucky? How can there be such a good thing, but my money is sold out, it depends on your small skills, don't need to be better, just return to the original. Let's go, let's go to calcite." Zhou Fatty looked at the time, and he felt that it was almost time to pull two people over to calcite, as if he was the one who came late.

According to the previous rules, the calcite must be made by the owner himself for the first time. Li Cong knew that this was a huge jadeite, which can’t be cut. If you cut it directly from the middle like the last time. If you do, you will lose a lot of jade, especially the imperial green in the middle. This stone is really peculiar. Although there is a large jade inside, the types of jade inside are different. It's like a hodgepodge. I really don't know how these jadeites are spread. It's strange to be able to gather in such a stone.

"Mr. Li, you must be here for the first time. I don't know what you are going to do?" General Kari pointed to the large emerald that had been placed on the stage. Some people behind wanted to rush to the front, but Because the Burmese soldiers with guns did not dare to rush forward one by one. It is not uncommon to be shot to death. This is Burma. Those who have guns are uncles. If you don’t have guns, please be honest. But you can also use a telescope to see from the back, which is much better than standing directly in front.

"I'm not very good at interpreting stones, but I still understand the rules. I will come first for the first time." Li Cong said with a smile. General Kari treated him very much because he thought this guy was from the Qin family. It’s just that Li Cong’s movements weren’t that irritable, and he didn’t pick up the hitting tool and cut it directly. In fact, Zhou Fatty at the back thought Li Cong would do that because he knew Li Cong would do that way.

Seeing Li Cong picked up a stone grater at the moment, Zhou Fatty was relieved a lot, and he was afraid that this buddy would go straight down and there would be nothing.

For a piece of stone of this size, basically they can cut it. Few people polish the stone like that. If you polish the stone slowly, when will it be done, Zhang Jie under the stage also saw the stone on the stage. In the circumstances, he had an impression of this young man, but he didn't expect Qin Guozhong to be behind him. Did the two of them go to the family? This is not a good sign. According to his experience, there must be jade in this stone. If Qin's jewelry is bought, what will happen to him? Thinking of this, Zhang Jie took a few steps forward, thinking that if the jade was out, he would have to take it down, otherwise it would be difficult for him to walk in the future.

Qin Guozhong and Zhou Fat also looked Don’t look at these two people as the major shareholders of this stone, but they don’t know what’s in it, the expressions on their faces are both The pretends are actually the same in my heart. They are different from the people watching the excitement below. You just watch the excitement and leave. But we have a lot of money on it, but their profits are also Not small, if this increases, Zhou Fatty’s money will immediately become 500 million. How much coal can be digged for 200 million. This Qin Guozhong doesn’t want to have a lot of money, so he is satisfied with the emperor’s green. What he makes is Many. According to the current price, it’s okay to sell the imperial green at home for 500 million yuan. If you wait for another year, it’s a billion yuan. The rich have some, but this jade is not. Yes, gold has a price. Priceless, this jade is also a kind of advanced yù, it all depends on personal thoughts.

Looking back at the situation of Li Cong, Li Cong first wiped it from the top, about a centimeter or so, and there was nothing. The people below were a little disappointed. When can you finish this nòn method, or just cut it straight Okay, of course, this is the idea of ​​people who watch the excitement, but the consignor doesn't think so. Isn't this stone nothing? At this moment, people couldn't help thinking like this, that is, Qin Guozhong, who had confidence in Li Cong, started to play the drums. He wiped out three places and there was nothing. Isn't it really bad?

"It's green." It was Zhou Fat that shouted, because Li Cong just wiped it, and you have to rinse it with water to see it. Zhou Fat is the one who took the water. He was the first one to see green.

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