Energy Group

Chapter 1094:

Episode 1094

In order to prevent others from doubting, Li Cong took over the stone grater and wiped it in several other places, but the green color has disappeared these few times. Zhou Fatty started to wash one by one excitedly, but every time. Li Cong was so disappointed that his face was anxiously distorted when he looked at him, and he quickly walked to a place with emeralds and wiped it out for him. It’s just not good stuff here, just ordinary green beans, and green too. It’s not very strong, but it can be sold for money. This piece of material is not too big or small, and it has to be seven or eight kilograms. It can sell for several million. No, several million is the previous price, but the current price is that. But just one piece of material can reach tens of millions.

A few professional calcite masters slowly started to cut along the edge of this jadeite. A few people are very careful at the moment. They have cut a generation of stones by themselves and have never seen it before. Good material, if my hand shakes a little at this moment, it will be really troublesome, and you will have to lose hundreds of thousands, and such top-quality materials are rare, especially the following one The pink purple material of violets is not generally powerful. It is that people like Qin Guozhong see their eyes shine. Didn’t you see that they just fell off and sold for 2.8 million yuan? This whole piece is worth a hundred times No problem, Qin Guozhong felt that it would be good if he wanted this piece, but he couldn't make Li Cong suffer. He had to make up for the difference.

"Mr. Li, the size of this piece of material can basically be seen. I think there is at least 20 kilograms or more. I don't know what price Mr. Li wants?" Qin Guozhong pointed to the fact that most of the violet material has been produced. Said, Li had seen this guy pay attention to this piece of material from a long time ago. He should have been interested in this piece. According to Gang’s estimation, the value of this piece of material should be around 300 million yuan, but he just lent it to himself without saying anything. Two hundred million, and also gave me a lot of preferential treatment, now it's time for me to repay others.

"Mr. Qin, according to our Gang’s agreement, although we didn’t say anything clearly, I can’t borrow the money I borrowed for nothing. Besides, you just gave me some other help. I see it in my eyes. I don’t care about this violet one. No matter how old it is, it’s all yours. I think it should be enough to repay your money. If you are interested in other materials of this stone, I will buy it first. The price you buy is as much as you want. I don’t have a second price. "Yeah." Li Cong said proudly, watching Qin Guozhong's eyes one by one now that he can't wait to become this guy. How can people's luck be so good? How can they think of lending this small 200 million? There are more than 200 million RMB people in it, and no one wants to lend this little money, but Qin Guozhong borrowed it. At the moment, it’s useless for us to look at others. Just people also take huge risks. Of course, they are dizzy. The person in the past was Zhang Jie. If the Qin family had such a piece of violet material and only put a little bit of it in Shanghai, half of Shanghai must know about their propaganda ability. How cold is it? Their business is so prosperous.

If someone else hears what Li Cong says, it will have to be a lot, but Qin Guozhong is not a person who can take advantage of what he is today, especially his friend, so he didn’t wait for Li Cong to finish. I started to shake my head. I just didn't see the wrong person. Li Cong is a person who treats him well and he will treat you well, but this is the heart of others, and we cannot take advantage of them.

"Brother Li, let's stop calling from Mr. and Mr., we can be regarded as a good friend relationship, so it seems alienated, I Qin is not a person who takes advantage of friends, and you have already given me a lot of benefits. Well, let’s do this, this jadeite will come out soon. It definitely can’t be counted as 200 million. I think the current price has to be more than 250 million. If it is all solved, it will definitely be higher. We will wait. If you solve it, I will make a price, and it will definitely be a price that satisfies you. I will not be polite to you, and I will take it. This is the great care you have given me. Of course I will definitely give you satisfaction. The price, if you are a little dissatisfied with the price, I will definitely not force it." Two real people are easy to do together, and Qin Guozhong doesn’t want to take advantage of Li Cong at all. It’s also the same as saying the price now. Let the people around him see that he Qin Guozhong will not take advantage of his friends, and the price of 250 million is really not so cheap.

Li Cong smiled and nodded. This time I came to Myanmar and I really met a lot of good people. Zhou Fat is one of them, and this Qin Guozhong in front of him is also one. Such people Li Cong feels comfortable with them, and he likes it. To have contacts with such people, and to do business with them is a bit of a loss, and I am also happy. Take Zhong Qingshan as an example. Although Li Cong has a good relationship with his master Huangfuyu, but now if it weren’t for Zhong Qingshan If it is the leader of Hong én, Hong én will definitely not make so much money from the energy group every year, at least half of the income than it is now, otherwise, how can Zhong Qingshan, a child of more than 20, command the world There are powerful super clubs, and every time there is a betrayal, someone immediately suppresses it. This is also because he is rich. The most important thing is that he has a relationship with Li Cong's sī people.

Because both Li Cong and Qin Guozhong were waiting for this piece of violet material, the two masters started cutting together in two directions, and the volume that came down directly frightened everyone present, including Li Cong. Li Cong is not very sure across the stone. The stone is actually much larger than he predicted. Li Cong tried the weight, and it was much heavier than he estimated, at least 30 kilograms. Such a piece can't be 250 million, and there is no flaw at all. This is definitely famous on the previous public markets. Although it cannot be said to be good, it can definitely be ranked in the top three. Even Qin Guozhong is shocked. .

"Brother, this thing is not a 250 million problem anymore." After a long while, Qin Guozhong said such a sentence.

"Mr. Li, how about my Zhang's jewellery bid of 300 million?" Zhang Jie finally came to Li Cong while Li Cong was talking to Qin Guozhong, but could Li Cong sell this material to this guy? Impossible, I haven't pitted you here yet, how can you just come up.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, it's not that I can't live with you. It's that this material is definitely my Qin jewelry, and I and Mr. Li are also friends. He just said that this stone is now mine. , You want to get this piece of the best violet jade for 300 million? Even if I don’t buy it, do you think the people below can get you 300 million?" Qin Guozhong said with disdain, he really despised Zhang Jie to the extreme. In the public, this old guy still wanted to pick up and miss it. I really don’t know what he thinks. If nothing else, if this piece of material is made into a pair of dragon and phoenix yùpei, it would be hundreds of millions. The material used for this is only five kilograms, and the scraps are not useless. You can also make a few beads or rings. Five kilograms of material can sell for 100 million to tens of millions. Here is more than 30. Kilograms, you have a price of 300 million, what do you want you? Do you really think everyone here is stupid?

As if to verify Qin Guozhong’s words, several people around immediately gathered around. These people are not the people who snatched the jade fragment from Brother Zhao before. These guys are all from the famous jewelry group in China or Asia. Compared with them, Zhang Jie was a little bit awkward. Before, I just wanted to find out what I missed. I didn't expect that I was offended by the public. These people saw that their eyes were not very friendly.

"Mr. Zhang, it is indeed impossible to buy 300 million yuan, so let me pay 350 million yuan, what do you think of Mr. Li?" The person speaking is a Shaanxiese, and he is a large jewelry in western China. Going to the Wu family, according to Zhao Ge’s explanation, this guy almost monopolizes the jewelry business in the west, and the family has a good relationship with the underworld. Some jewelry shops with little power want to enter the west and they are used by them. Li Cong couldn’t see this kind of bullying and domineering behavior. He just ignored this guy. In fact, if you really count it, Li Cong is the biggest bullying and domineering guy in the world. He is overbearing.

No one has ever treated himself this way. Boss Wu immediately showed anger on his face. It can be seen that this guy is very powerful. After he finished speaking, Qin Guozhong was able to maintain his integrity. Several people who want to keep asking prices have their heads back now. If you can’t buy more jade, you won’t make money. But if you offend this guy, it’s not a matter of money. The leader of the big wild wolf gang is their Wu family, no wonder they can do whatever they want in the west.

"Li Sang, the Japanese Fuji Jewelry Group has taken a fancy to this jade. How about 70 million US dollars?" The Chinese dare not mess with this guy, but the Japanese don't care about it, even if Li Cong hates Japan. People, at this moment, I also have a lot of affection for this dwarf. At least this dwarf has relieved himself. Although Li Cong knows that Qin Guozhong will definitely express his stance in a while, it is always good for multiple people to come out.

According to the current exchange rate, 70 million US dollars is about 400 million yuan, and the price is directly hit this level. The Japanese are not unreasonable. In fact, this is also the skill they learned at the auction. What the auctioneers in the industry like is a small increase of one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand, because this can sell things at a sky-high price, but if you directly add millions to tens of millions, you can immediately give some people to Suppress it, this is something they don't want to see, and the little Japan in front of it uses this method.

Li Cong didn’t understand the value of jade, but he would observe people’s faces. Qin Guozhong’s face was still calm and quiet when the boss Wu made the offer, but there have been some changes now, although most people see it. I couldn't come out, but Li Cong could still see it. It seems that the price of 70 million yuan has reached Qin Guozhong's psychological bottom line, and it should be the price of this stone.

"Haha, it seems that the financial crisis still did not kill you Japanese people. You still have enough money. Mr. Li, our Lal Group offered 75 million US dollars. This stone was originally supposed to be bought, but We let Mr. Li have such good luck, shouldn’t we give us some care?” The Americans said with a big nose and smile. Americans have always looked down on Japanese people, thinking that Japanese are theirs. Slave, so speaking so unceremoniously.

75 million dollars? This price directly made Zhang Jie almost fainted. There is no hope for himself. It is more than 450 million yuan. Is this Yankee crazy? The Americans are naturally not crazy. Buying such a stone for 500 million yuan is naturally There is a risk, but now 450 million yuan comes to buy a piece of jade, and there is no burden if it is still a piece of top-quality jade. They come with enough money, if they don’t go out, how can they bring it back? Yes, it is estimated that the Yankee will have to be dealt with when he goes back, and his jade consultant has also estimated it, because of the price of the United States, it is no problem for them to buy it back for 75 million US dollars, and it is still profitable. And now that the rise of jadeite is so fierce, it will definitely not lose money, and you can learn from the Chinese to save first, and wait until the price is good, then you will not lose money even if you don’t make money at that time, and you will make a lot of money. The odds are particularly large.

Qin Guozhong was also a little moved. He originally thought that Li Cong owed him 200 million. If he gave him another 200 million, it would be fine. He should be able to suppress these people at the scene. I really didn't expect these foreign ghosts to dare to bid more than himself. , I still underestimated the market a bit. Zhou Fatty on the side was in a silly state. He really didn’t expect that jadeite that was not green could be sold for so much money, and only this stone would cost a small amount. After paying back, this stone was the first stone to be solved. What price did it cost?

"For 77 million U.S. dollars, we Japanese are not like you Americans who rely on borrowing money to live in Japan." In recent years, the Japanese are no longer servile to the Americans. Although Japan still has American troops, the impact is also there. Around the base, the Japanese had long wanted these American soldiers to get out, and I really didn’t want them to stay there anymore. The Japanese in front of me was just a right-wing player, and he simply ignored the American’s ugly face. sè directly added 2 million US dollars, but the increase has been very careful. It has shrunk from 5 million US dollars to 2 million US dollars. In fact, he also has his own ideas. Recently, the price of jade is very high because of the Chinese. Soaring, Japan’s richest people have always been advertised as Chinese. Although they don’t want to admit it, they have been doing this for 5,000 years. Therefore, if there is no good jade in a large domestic jewelry store, they would not dare to open it. én do business.

"Huh, 78 million U.S. dollars. Our American Lahr Group is determined to win this jade. I think everyone should not be troubled by us." The American Lahr Group's card is still very useful. Now they have nothing to do with the supply of jade. Advantages, but the advantages of others in diamonds and gold are very obvious. Offending them is a very unwise choice. Qin Guozhong is also considering whether to give up, but the attraction of this thing in front of him is again It was very huge, but when Qin Guozhong was about to bid, Li Cong immediately gave him a relieved look. Sooner or later, this stone will be yours. What are you going to do with them?

Little Japan feels that he has offended the Americans now, so he doesn’t care if he continues to offend him again. What's better, but Mr. Wu took a step ahead of the Japanese and said, "Since everyone is bidding in US dollars, we might as well Also keep up, 80 million U.S. dollars, do you have any other ideas?" At this time, the price was raised by 2 Everyone felt that Mr. Wu was really bold. The Americans and Japanese are also feeling a little stressed. Is this guy crazy?

Boss Wu also has his own considerations. Although the priceless gap between the United States and China is not small, the price difference of this high-end product is still not large. Moreover, he also has two stores in Europe. Boss Wu actually has his own. It’s hard to say that although your jewelry group monopolizes the entire western region and is developing toward the central region, people who are familiar with their jewelry store know that they are missing one horrible thing, and that is the treasure of the town hall, although the one in front of them is not comparable. The imperial green of Hong Kong’s Qin’s Jewelry, but the difference is not too big, and in terms of value, it seems to be a relatively high piece, mainly because of this relatively large piece.

"Everyone, you guys have been talking for a long time. I don't know if you can listen to me first?" Li Cong smiled and said to everyone. When the asking price is about to come, other people also feel that they should listen to the owner. Suddenly Zhang Jie glanced at Qin Guozhong in horror, could it be?

"To be honest, I don’t have 500 million. All my money is borrowed from this Mr. Qin and this Mr. Zhou. They are still my creditors now. I would like to express my gratitude to this Mr. Qin. Thank you, I can only sell this stone to Mr. Qin, no matter how much you pay, I will not sell it." After Li Cong finished speaking, Qin Guozhong glanced at Li Cong with a feeling. He is considered to be famous, of course he borrowed it. With this Li Xiaoguang.

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