Energy Group

Chapter 1097:

Episode 1097

The history of buying and selling jade has been in the history of China for hundreds of years. Whether it is from the ancient tribute or the current jade public market, there is never such a high price, even if it is the Empress Dowager Cixi. That jade cabbage probably doesn’t have this price. The current price of US$50 million can definitely move everyone. Even General Kari feels a little uncomfortable. There is no policy for such a large sum of money. fǔ What kind of thing is really sad. When I look back, I must amend Myanmar's laws. We must find a group of legal professionals to make it. You can't let these businessmen just take advantage of it. (Please keep in mind when reading novels)

Although this guy in Canada is still not convinced, but he has no other way. He has 150 million, but if he really buys it back, it will be a loss-making business. He will not do such a thing. And there are some things in the jewelry store in his house, there is no need to hold on to it, but he regrets it after today, because everything tomorrow is beyond his control, and the price is like blowing air. This is not what everyone expected. If everyone can live upside down, they can all become great men. Even if the price is high, these people will compete to make a price.

"Mr. Zheng is really a big hand. I think I can only do this with you." Li Cong said with a smile. He also likes this guy's style of doing things. He didn't get muddled, so he went straight to it. At the price of 50 million yuan, although many people have thought of this method, the only successful one is Zheng Qiu in front of him. Sure enough, such a big family comes out with a little ability, and so does the jewelry industry. Someone needs to take care of it. At this time, Li started to recruit employees for himself. Of course, people have their own business in their own family and will not help themselves, but there is a saying that no one can say what will happen in the future. , And even if he doesn't come, there is no harm in this person. This guy has a lot of power in Myanmar.

"Thank you Mr. Li. Our Zheng Jewelry has always been very eager for high-end jade. I think there will be goods in this stone of Mr. Li. Don’t worry that I have no money here. I hope Mr. Li can do it. Give us a little more care, and we will also give what others give." Li Cong is now the top figure among these jewelers, and these people are very concerned about his every move, Gang Li They have also seen the matter of telling Zhou Fat to stop calcifying the stone. This time, three yuan came out from the first rub. This has been sold for two, and there is also a piece of old pit ice seed here. I’ve all looked at it. If Li never sells it, it is estimated that these people will not be able to sleep. Although the value is not as good as the two sold before, it is definitely a sky-high price at the current price. Maybe more.

Qin Guozhong and the others also stared at the old pit ice-seeded material. Although it is not as good as this glass, and it cannot catch up with the violet, it is only relative to the two materials, if they are separate Unlocking that piece is also considered a great thing, but unfortunately there are two pieces of reinforced material coming out in front of it, it seems that it is not very useful. In Li Cong's eyes, it is a piece of ordinary things. , But in the eyes of others, it is also a piece of material that must be won, and it will also attract a round of competition.

"I said, you have been in a small scenery for a long time, give you the rest of the scenery time to your fat brother, but your fat brother needs such an opportunity." Just when Li Cong wanted to say something, Zhou Fatty moved quickly. He came over with his huge body and said, Li Cong raised his head and glanced at this guy, yes, we still owe people 300 million yuan, even if he wants a little bit, he will have to give him 500 million, this small deal He did a good job, earning two-thirds in a blink of an eye, but the risks he faced were not comparable to ordinary people.

"Why? You want to use this piece to offset your account? But then you have a big loss. This stone is as much as 300 million. You know that I promised to give you 500 million." Li Cong said with a smile. It's impossible for this guy to fail to count on such a clear truth. There is a lot of difference between 500 million and 300 million.

"You really want to give me this piece of material as owing me money?" Zhou Fatty said with a little disbelief. Li was never stupid. In Zhou Fatty's eyes, 500 million is nonsense. He can give Li Cong as much as he can directly. If he borrows money between friends, he is called a friend, but if Li Cong takes the stone to pay the bill, it will be completely different, although it used to be At the time, this stone was 300 million, but it could definitely make him 500 million in his own hands.

"What's so exciting, but you don't have a jewelry store. What do you do for collecting jade? Don't you just hoard rough jadeite?" Li never understood. In fact, Zhou Fatty came here just to buy a batch of good performance. He then transported his rough jadeite back to the country through his own channel, and then took it out to dispose of it when the price rose. It was a profitable business. He bought a batch of rough jadeite worth 30 million before. In half a year, I sold a high price of 70 million RMB. I was so excited that I couldn’t find North, but then I called myself as stupid as a pig. It was of no use at all. How could I be so uneasy? If you stay for another year, you will be able to sell another 30 million more. But now Zhou Fat sees the future of jade. After all, the price of the rough jade is also because of the jade, so just just hoard the jade. Do you have to worry about the rough? This is a genuine item, and so many jewelers know that they have such a good piece of material in their hands. When the public sale is over, who does not buy enough high-end jadeite in their hands is when they make a fortune. If I don’t believe it, I can’t sell it at a high price if I bring jade to én.

"You don't understand this. Brother, I can only earn money for porridge by hoarding rough jadeite, but if you give me this jadeite, then I will be full. Go back and talk about it. This is not a place to talk. You will tell me later. They just give me this jade.” Zhou Fatty said mysteriously, but Li Cong still had to tell him about this advertisement. Right now, Li Cong said that these jewelers would believe it. They didn’t. I would believe that a small húnhún in Myanmar actually has this old pit ice jade, which is worth hundreds of millions.

Li Cong nodded and turned around to find all the jewelers, whether it was Qin Guozhong and Zheng Qiu who had bought jadeites or those who hadn't bought jadeites. At this time, they looked intently at the unsold jadeite. Li Cong’s desire is to eat this jade directly. At this moment, Li Cong really feels the strangeness of high-end jade. Why didn’t he step into this industry for a long time, but even though the funds involved are not very Big, but very prickly.

"Haha, I don’t have to look at that jadeite, and don’t look at me. I am not the owner of that jadeite. Although this stone is mine, I just said that this stone is not all. My money, this jade I have already paid to this Mr. Zhou, so if you have any ideas, you may wish to talk to this Mr. Zhou. I think it’s not too early today, so I should go back earlier. Okay." Li Cong was squeezed away by a huge force as soon as he finished speaking. Zhou Fatty came with a smile on his face. It is not a common opportunity to talk to so many giants living in Baiye, and he watched him for a long time. I really want to enter the jewelry industry, but I don't have such a strong capital, but it is necessary to have a good relationship with these people now.

Everyone in Gang’s definition of Zhou Fatty is that this guy should have been responsible for Li Cong. Only Qin Guozhong knows that the fat in front of him is Li Congda’s creditor. The amount of money Li Cong owes is this Zhou Fatty. He sees When two people are muttering to the side, they will know what's going on. This is in line with Li Cong’s style of doing things. Generally, if he owes others, it’s basically no problem what others say, and as he owes you, it pays off. Different from others, in Li Cong's heart, this favor is always a favor. When someone helps you, you have to remember a generation. Of course it is not certain. If this guy betrays you, then you don’t need to keep your face, anyway. If people treat you well, you treat them well, and vice versa.

As soon as Li Cong finished talking about Zhou Fat, he was surrounded by a few jewelers who hadn’t spoken. They were all second-category jewelers. They were not qualified to grab the two pieces of raw materials, but this old pit They have the capital, but from the sneer of a few jewellery tycoons, it can be seen that they have been useless in the past, and they will return to the hands of these first-line tycoons every time. This is generally the case. These second-line people have to wait until the first-line people have all the funds purchased, and then it is their turn to use them. Otherwise, the funds alone will not be their opponents. As for the others. Things are all imaginary. Of course, if you have such good luck with someone like Li Cong, that would be your own skill, but such a person thinks that the entire Burmese public market will only have this one. No, few people use their money to do favors.

Six or seven hours passed. The people around knew that Li was never going to lay the stone anymore and they all started to disperse. Qin Guozhong and Zheng Qiu, who bought the stone, also stayed soon. They want to bring their own immediately. Stone went to do the paperwork, and then arranged for the proper people to be the sī people and leave Myanmar by plane. In a place like Myanmar, holding such valuable things, I really dare not say what will happen. After all, this is a miraculous place. , Maybe there will be those who bet on stones and losers who just lose directly. It’s not necessarily if you grab them. You can put hundreds of millions of things in danger, and both families have their own airplanes. Yes, it can be transported back so easily, so the valuables will not be put in danger.

"It's gone, it's gone, if I'm interested, there will be a few people." Zhou Fat shouted out from the crowd, but he had a lot of business cards in his hand. In fact, he didn't want to sell it on the spot. He knows that the number of sales now is more than tens of millions. He has to calm down and wait for a while after returning to China. Now the jade market outside has not started to skyrocket, he must choose a high point to sell. Zhou Fatty’s goal for himself was to double his profits to 600 million yuan. At the beginning, Zhou Fatty still felt that his goal was a bit high, but later this jadeite sold 700 million taels in Shanghai. At the time of ten million, Zhou Fatty would cry at that time. It was really exciting. It was the first time to make a business in person. It was much better than making money by mining coal. Unfortunately, only this opportunity , Because the jade public market was not open in the next few years, at that time he regretted why he didn't stay for a few more years. The price increase rate of 30% every year, he was so worried.

Li Cong has at least two-thirds left of the unsolved stone. Li Cong has seen that it is full of jade. Except for a few small pieces of green bean jade, the rest are all It should be an unusually precious jade. It is estimated that the Lall Group in the United States is crying hard now. If they had bought it directly if they had a little bit of courage, they would be happy now.

Li Cong’s card now has 400 million yuan and 150 million US dollars, which is nearly 1.5 billion yuan. He made so much in one day, and this is only a small part of that stone. , Most of them have not been opened yet, especially there is a piece of imperial green in it, what is a national treasure, that thing can be counted, I really don’t know what those people would think of when Li Cong took out the imperial green Him, monster? about there.

Zhou Fat’s jade and Li Cong’s large rough stones were sent to Li Cong’s hotel by General Cary’s troops. The hotel has a place for guests to store jade. The security here is quite high. But the storage cost is also very staggering. No matter what your jade is, as long as you put it here, you have to pay 100,000 yuan a day. Of course, you can insure your jade. Zhou Fat will not return to China in a short time, so just give it to yourself. His jade was covered by an insurance of 500,000 yuan, and Li Cong also followed the insurance. Zhou Fatty looked at Li Cong in wonder. You are a piece of rough jadeite, and this good stone is solved. You can still put it on him. An insurance of 500,000 yuan? Isn’t it luànhuā money, but when I think about financial management, I should have just made more than one billion yuan, so I don’t have to say anything. In this small day, my net worth has kept up with me. It's impossible not to eat it, but Zhou Pangqiang's self-regulation is what he knows that the better Li Cong hún is, the better it is for him.

"I said Fat Zhou, let me ask you something, to what extent did those people bid?" Qin Guozhong returned after giving Jade Jā to his trusted assistant, and said that the three of them would be together tonight. In fact, Qin Guozhong was not worried about the jade in Zhou Fat's hands. He was also interesting.

"Don't mention it, those people have no sincerity at all, and they want to buy my baby for 400 million yuan. If I threw them away last year, but this year, what are they dreaming of? Is it because I don't understand to be confused. Me?" Zhou Fatty said disdainfully. He was really dissatisfied with their prices. Although he could make hundreds of millions when he changed hands, but he could make more, the price couldn't move him.

Qin Guozhong could only shook his head and said that this fat was too greedy, but if he changed himself, he would definitely not sell it at this price. When he first checked the jadeite, he had already ordered several stores in Hong Kong to start a trial run to increase the price. Yes, the rate is about doubled, and prices have started to increase both horizontally and vertically. If you prepare early, you will not suffer. Moreover, the price in Hong Kong has doubled and there is nothing to be seen.

"If you are willing, you can give me 500 million directly. We are acquaintances." Qin Guozhong said with a smile. After understanding the market situation, the bids were more prosperous, and there were also some when I was talking on the phone with Hong Kong. People report that they have received more than a dozen orders for high-end jade The inventory is in a hurry. It is estimated that those people have heard the news of the price increase of jade, and they have prepared in advance for marriage, so Qin Guozhong ordered that If the price is increasing, otherwise, the pre-determined price of the material I bought back here will not keep up with the price of the material, and I am not a living Lei Feng.

"Hey, Zhou Fatty laughed and didn't say anything. Although the price of 500 million is not low, and this guy has already made 200 million in profit, if he wants to make 200 million, he just don’t want Jade and Li Cong. Money is all you need, so why don't you pay the trouble?

"Okay, I said Brother Qin. Fat brother is from Shanxi. He definitely knows how to do business. Don't think that we can do business with Hong Kong people in China. Shanxi people can do business from the womb. The generation will not lose money." Li Cong smiled and relieved Zhou Fat. Qin Guozhong was not the stingy person, naturally knowing what it meant, he smiled and walked away.

But Fatty caught up again. He could tell the others very clearly, but he didn’t know much about Jade. He had to ask Qin Guozhong for the price of his own thing. Qin Guozhong also saw that he was right about that. I didn’t expect it, and Zhou Fatty was a good person, so he directly gave him a sentence, "Less than 700 million yuan, don’t let it go. This is the price in half a year, and it will reach 800 million in a year." The relationship in Myanmar is not comparable to Zhou Fatty. He said this with a basis, and later proved that everything is correct.

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