Energy Group

Chapter 1099:

Episode 1099 Qin Guozhong's Story

At this time, Zhang Jie finally realized that Qin Guozhong was really not joking. If you are joking, you don’t have to look so serious. Originally, he thought it was a joke and passed it. Now it seems that it’s not that simple. Things, Qin Guozhong was afraid that he would pass by so hún, so he gave himself such a faceless move. It seems that he really angered this guy, saying that the Qin family is not easy to provoke, and he didn’t believe it before. I really believed it. (Please keep in mind when reading novels)

"My uncle is not good at drinking, how about I drink this glass of wine for my uncle? Mr. Qin." Just when Zhang Jie was embarrassed, a young man came out and said, can the elder's wine be replaced by the younger generation? They didn’t understand this rule. Everyone present looked at Zhang Jie with a ridiculous look. I really don’t know how you usually teach children, but you say such things on this occasion, even though they have good intentions. But now his words are losing your Zhang family. Qin Guozhong didn't say anything about this little thing. He just looked at Zhang Jie with a smile. I'll see how you should step down today. In Shanghai, you also gave me a lot of food. Suffering, but unfortunately this is Myanmar. Do you think this is Shanghai? It’s not good for me many times. Why should I care about your noodles? Now I will tell you to see how I want to play with you. I know that you are not good at drinking, so I nòn gave you such a glass of white wine. It is not a good wine in China, but at a glance, it is the "good wine" produced in the workshop of the Sī people in Myanmar.

"Xiaohai, don't talk nonsense, go on." Zhang Jie also knew that his nephew was kind, but he shouldn't stand up at this time, so he quickly scolded him down, looking at his good friends, of course. The so-called good friends, I hope these few people can relieve themselves, but what I didn't expect is that these few people actually took a step back and formed a circle and started to talk about some more interesting topics. Of course, they still pay attention to this. I want to see what happens later.

It seems that others are unreliable. At this moment, Zhang Jie knows that no one except himself can be pointed out. When he just thought about going down on his neck, the evil spirit in his heart came up again. He is a successful person anyway. Why do you want to drink with this guy? What is he? Although he is a bit powerful in Myanmar, he also has the documents of the Myanmar government. Could this guy dare to directly attack himself regardless of the face of the Myanmar government? If you don’t believe it, even if the Qin family is powerful in Myanmar, they have to worry about the face of the Central Government of Myanmar, otherwise the Myanmar Government will not give you face, this thing is to promote each other.

"Mr. Qin, what you did today is a bit too much. I have the right not to drink your glass of wine. I have nothing to do with you. I'm sorry, I am lost." Qin Guozhong didn't expect Zhang Jie to end the matter in this way. In fact, I have long wanted to work on Zhang's jewelry. Although Zhang's jewelry is a local snake in Shanghai, there is really no power behind them to support them. They are just a wealthy family. Such a local snake can only say yes to now. They had a fluke, and now they have torn their skins anyway. Why don't you just tear them up? Looking at Zhang Jie who walked out, Qin Guozhong did a surprising thing. He directly poured the wine in the glass onto Zhang Jie’s back. On the back, at this time in Myanmar, they are all dressed in single clothes. If you toast without drinking, you will tear your face, but there is no need to do so absolutely afterwards. Is there a grievance between these two people?

"You? The surname is Qin, you did this too much, right now I just fight it, and I have to make you look good." It's a man who is bullied to this extent, as long as he is a man, he has to be a little bit bloody. His uncle was so bullied by Qin Guozhong, he couldn't bear this little one, so he waved his fist up to come up, and Qin Guozhong was directly held by the bodyguard next to him without even looking at the little one. This little boy is usually in Shanghai. Knowing a few húnhún, I regard myself as a hún underworld, but I don’t even look at Qin Guozhong’s bodyguards who have retired after serving in the Golden Triangle. Hún comes out with bullets and bullets every day. For a little white face like you, deal with ten or eight. That's not a problem.

Before Zhang Jie could say anything, this little boy was thrown out, and the screen was smashed directly. Basically half of the people eating around were yù stone merchants or jewelry merchants from China, and they were all happy to watch it now. It was a lively event. Some other Burmese also saw that these two groups were not so easy to mess with. The boss even wanted to call the military police, but after Zhou Fatty gave him 20,000 yuan, he immediately returned to his house. I saw his 14-inch broken black and white TV. How much are the garbage tables and chairs outside? It’s not worth staring at them, but they are all broken. I still have 20,000 yuan in my hand, enough to buy. Something is gone, continue watching TV, saying that this Korean drama is really good-looking.

"Why I'm going too far, I think Mr. Zhang should understand it. Our business will always have a result. For Alan, I won't make you feel better. I won't give it away." When Zhang Jie's nephew got up, his face was full. Blood, Qin Guozhong's anger seemed to be a sigh, but he understood that this Jie was also a guest of the Myanmar military and political fǔ, and he was too difficult to do too much. Although his power is much deeper than this guy, he should be cautious. Burma’s military and political fǔ are there, so we can let them go now. Although they are told to leave like this, so many people have seen it. Everyone knows that Qin Guozhong and Zhang Jie are not only competitive, but even a bit sī People's grievances, the momentum of Qin's jewelry entering the inland is not uncommon, no one wants to be targeted by them, it seems that in the future, we should be a little farther away from the old fellow Zhang Jie, don't be targeted by Qin Guozhong.

Zhang Jie knew that he wouldn’t be able to fight this guy in Myanmar, and Zhang Jie felt a little annoyed when he heard Alan’s name, so he hurriedly left. No matter how embarrassed he was, he couldn’t find him anyway. When I come back, I will wash my face and go out tomorrow. Who knows who is here to buy jade. This matter can only be a post-dinner talk. No one will take it as a business matter. If you stay longer, Shame is definitely going to be lost, this Qin Guozhong is going to lose his mind now.

"Tsk tusk, I really didn't see it. Mr. Qin, who wears a suit and tie at a high temperature of 38 degrees, will have such a **** side. No one will be surprised if Zhou Fatty has done such a thing. No one will be surprised if we do this kind of thing. It’s you, the shock to us today is really too strong.” Zhou Pang waited for the boss to come out and put the screen on the nòn and then began to tease Qin Guozhong, and now Qin Guozhong also I really felt that I was a bit gaffe just now.

"Yes, Brother Qin is so different from your usual style of dealing with people. Just now, I was sure that you were possessed by something, otherwise you would specify that you would not do such a thing. Also, I just heard about Alan or something. What's the matter? Are you and Zhang Jie old rivals? I x, this is too hot, is the TV drama happening here? Or we usually do Didn’t pay attention to this life? Didn’t find such a thing?” Li Cong’s expression was exaggerated than Zhou Pangjia. At this moment, the two of you, the vice president of Qin Jewelry, blushed. Well, this skill is not small.

It’s quite rare for businessmen to blush, especially for a successful business man like Qin Guozhong. But now this guy really feels a bit of a little thoughtfulness about things just right now. He hasn’t been so impulsive for many years. From Alan I have never done this since I left. I used to be a brother-in-law, and he was also very famous in Hong Kong. If I hadn’t met Alan, I might have been like the useless brothers at home I took a fixed amount of money and started to squander it every month, that is, the nv person who created the current self, I really don't know if I should thank Zhang Jie or hate him.

Qin Guozhong’s story would have been hidden in his heart for a whole generation if it weren’t for today’s events, but today reminds him of things from a long, long time ago. At that time, Qin’s jewelry did not have any influence on the mainland. Zhang’s jewelry was not in Shanghai for the first time, but in Guangzhou. Of course, Zhang’s Jewelry had a good momentum in Guangzhou at the time. Although it was not the leader, it also had a pivotal position, but the situation has changed. Zhang’s jewelry has been swept out of Guangdong by Qin’s jewelry. If there are still their figures, they can only linger in places where Qin’s jewelry cannot be reached temporarily. All this is Qin Guozhong’s masterpiece. A few years ago, Qin Guozhong couldn't even think about it, but now it is a fact that all of this is done by himself.

At that time, Qin Guozhong was just a làndàn father, but because of the great love of the Qin family’s grandfather, no one dared to say anything. Because the master felt that his grandson was actually not such a person, he just didn’t develop his own. Half of it, if it is developed, it will definitely be the master of the next generation of Qin Jewelry. Facts have proved that the master's idea at the time was very correct. The master directly airdropped Qin Guozhong, who only knew about eating, drinking and playing, to Guangzhou. This It was the first test for him and the last one. If he can pass it, he will be the core member of the family in the future. If he can't pass it, it can only be said to be sorry to Qin Guozhong and he can no longer hold any position. It can only be the same as the idle brothers at home. Let's pass the day. Qin Jewelry won't starve to death in one day, but if they go bankrupt, their good days will be over.

Qin Guozhong, who had just arrived in Guangzhou, still didn’t understand anything. He didn’t know anything about business matters, but at this time his competitor, Zhang’s Jewelry, already knew about this young man in Guangzhou. Zhang Jie was not so old at the time. Yes, he was still active in the front court. He knew the true face of Qin Guozhong after a meal. In fact, he was just a second-generation ancestor who only knew how to eat, drink and play. Since you only know this, we have to give it to us for the sake of our day. You arrange something you like. At this time, an absolutely beautiful nv Zhang Lan walked into Qin Guozhong’s life. This nv person also changed the generation of Qin Guozhong and Zhang Jie, and changed things dramatically. In fact, if Zhang Jie is now If he could go back in time, he would never send this nv person to Qin Guozhong's side. That was the beginning of his self-destruction of the Great Wall, but he didn't regret it.

At that time, Zhang Lan was just a distant nephew of Zhang Jie’s family, but Qin Guozhong fell in love with this beautiful nv boy at a glance, and then began his pursuit. Of course, Zhang Lan was deliberate in advance, and naturally it is impossible for Qin Guozhong to be able to do it all at once. If this is the case, they will become the passers-by in Qin Guozhong’s life like the previous nv people. But what she didn’t know at the time was that Qin Guozhong really fell in love with her at first sight. Don’t believe such things. There are still many in China.

It’s undeniable that Qin Guozhong’s ability to chase nv children is good. A month later, Zhang Lan became Qin Guozhong’s nv person, but she has another identity besides this identity, that is, she is still a member of the Zhang family, although she is just An outsider, but her whole family, parents, elder brothers and younger brothers all work in Zhang's Jewelry, she must be responsible for them, so this nv person began to keep revealing some secrets of Qin's Jewelry, but she was watching With these information, she also slowly turned herself into a capable person in the jewelry industry. For this, her talent is really strong. In a few months, she can catch up with some of her studies. For a few years or even more than a decade, if things continue to develop in this way, the mainland expansion of Qin Jewelry may be premature, but there are two variables in the process. One is that Qin Guozhong started to treat these jewels to please Zhang Lan. The business is attentive, the other is that Zhang Lan was really moved by Qin Guozhong.

Qin Guozhong got along well with Zhang Lan at the beginning, but later she found out that Zhang Lan liked the jewelry industry very much. She also had some knowledge at first, and she was born in the whole family since she was a child. The dyed person always knows something, but at the beginning, he could deal with Zhang Lan a few words, but then he couldn’t keep up. After being teased by his own nv guy, Master Qin couldn’t hold his face and started to make up classes. Master Qin in Hong Kong knew how Sun was so willing to learn how he would miss this opportunity, and he directly sent a few knowledgeable people from the group. They happened to be able to study together. During the study, the knowledge of both people increased very much. Yes, in fact, Qin Guozhong's talent for jewelry is also very against the sky. At this time, it is impossible for Zhang Lan to do the same things for Zhang's jewelry as before, because she has fallen in love with Qin Guozhong, and she does not want to do it again. Something happened, so she had a showdown with Zhang Jie. She shouldn't be such a spy. She had to spend time with Qin Guozhong in an open and honest manner, operating Qin's jewelry.

Will Zhang Jie let this happen? He actually planned to prevent this early in the morning. When Zhang Lan entered the Qin Jewelry, Zhang Jie began to properly arrange Zhang Lan’s parents and brothers, so that their days would be much better than before, and now it’s straightforward. Tell them that if Zhang Lan doesn’t do anything for Zhang, they will be fired. People in Zhang Lan’s family with shallow eyelids will start to work for Zhang Lan in turn. At this time, Qin Guozhong also understands everything. His heart is very deep. He drove Zhang Lan out of his anger, and Zhang Jie believed that Zhang Lan had confessed to Qin Guozhong. Qin Guozhong began to attack and defeated all the forces of Zhang’s jewelry in Guangzhou. Zhang’s jewelry was also here. At that time, it started to go downhill. Zhang Jie couldn’t understand how he thought about it. How could that second generation ancestor who only eat, drink and play become so clear. Later, he knew that everything was the masterpiece of his nephew, so Zhang Lan’s family was very Since Zhang’s jewelry has gone, and Zhang Jie believes that his current losses are caused by Zhang and began to spread some of Zhang Lan’s remarks within the family, what betrayed himself, please use his body to please Qin Guozhong, how is the future? It was not abandoned yet. Zhang Lan was also a strong person at that time. After hearing the news, he threw himself into the river in the Pearl River and left a letter to Qin Guozhong when he left, explaining everything. Clearly, of course, the important sentence is "I lied to you many times and it was not my volition, but the sentence I love you was not a lie to you, so let me go to **** to atone for my fault, the next generation I will serve you "At that time, Qin Guozhong almost wanted to jump down the Pearl River when he saw this game. After that, he was depressed for a long time, but the anger of vengeance awakened this guy. This resulted in a series of contractions in Zhang’s jewelry. If it sounds good, it means shrinking. If it sounds bad, it means defeat.

Qin Guozhong was already in tears when he finished talking about all of this slowly. It can be seen that he was sincere to Zhang Lan, but good fortune nòn people caused such a miserable ending, but the good thing is that there are enemies. Zhang Jie was the target Qin Guozhong was going to hit. Seeing Qin Guozhong's appearance, Li Cong was also shocked. A poisonous trick was born. Anyway, it was Zhang Jie who was going to kill Zhang Jie. Let's try it tomorrow.

"Drinking, anyone who doesn't drink today is not a man." Qin Guozhong said a long time later, Li Cong and Zhou Fatty both nodded immediately after listening to them for a long time, and asked the boss to bring three bottles of liquor. As Qin Guozhong is ready to take the Danxin soaking wine, he is ready to get drunk and relieve his sorrows, but is it really okay?

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