Energy Group

Chapter 1121:

Episode 1121

With just a few jumps, Li Cong had already killed the people downstairs. It didn't take more than five minutes before and after. Since there were not too many soldiers in the city, most of them were busy robbing, so what happened here No one pays much attention to the matter. Li Cong can stroll down slowly, pick up a cannonball, then open the fuse and throw it into another barrel calmly, and then quickly leave with his amazing bounce power, otherwise, This soil rocket must be able to sit still. (Please keep in mind) This book is in real time ⑤⒏сΟ

When Li Cong went back, Zhou Fatty woke up vaguely. When I saw Li Cong, he seemed to be a little fuzzy. There was a big bag on his head. Zhou Fat just wanted to ask what happened. I saw that the dozens of lads who were living below were all turned into dead bodies. I saw a lot of dead people before. In this place in Myanmar, dead people can be regarded as common things. He It’s another business. It shouldn’t be surprising. But he glanced at the clock that could still run on the wall. In these ten minutes, how could these people become dead? The sulfur in the air. The question is still very strong.

"What's the matter, how do I feel like I have passed through the time tunnel? How come everything here is different from just before? How did the people below die, and why did you come up from downstairs?" A series of questions just Then I asked, this guy was full of question marks at the moment, and he felt that Li Cong could give him the answer.

"Actually, I don't know what's going on. I am just like you. There was an explosion outside and you rushed to the bottom of Huán. I went to hide behind the én over there. Then it was the following situation, you When I reached the bottom of Huán, I didn’t find you. I went down to find you, but those people died. Some of them were blown to death, and some were shot to death. This Myanmar is really getting more and more luàn, I think. It’s better for you to go back with Qin Guozhong. It’s just that it’s too late to say anything. Now it’s useless if you want to go back. Look outside, not to mention the flight. I guess it’s a problem for the car to go out.” Li never planned. Telling this guy about yourself is not because you can’t believe in this guy, but because he rarely has such a friend. If he also knows his identity, or knows he has superhuman skills, then this Friends have really changed a bit. Then everything is not what I want. What I need is my status as an ordinary person. It is enough to have such a friend.

Sure enough, after listening to what Li Cong said, the guy looked a little scared, got up and pulled Li Cong up from his seat, turned around and looked around, until he was watching Li Cong's whole body, "You guy What's the matter, what are you running out so luàn so bad outside? I'm so big and so strong. Use your small body to go out to find me? I can hit those **** Burmese soldiers with three punches and two kicks. It’s still early for them to practice with me.” Zhou Fatty has such a small illness. Once he is safe, his mouth begins to lose control. If you don’t brag, I guess this guy will be a little bit unable to live. The tendency to go down. Book real time ⑤⒏сΟ

"Well, I think so too. How can those Burmese people be your opponents? I give you a chance to perform. Did you see? There seems to be a team of people running over there. It is estimated that there are more than 30 people. I You should be good at your skills, or you can go out and solve them, otherwise, they will find us sooner or later, and our lives are in danger now." Li Cong looked out and said, You brag, give you a chance to show yourself and see if you can level the group of Burmese soldiers outside. Bragging is not impossible, but you also need to look at the occasion. Now it's up to you how bragging can save you.

What? Zhou Fatty immediately softened as soon as he heard it. His body was very large, but it was all puffy. It might be similar to dealing with two people. It was also on the premise that there were no weapons, but there were more than 30 people outside. But they are all holding submachine guns, let alone yourself, even the martial arts masters have to be sieved. You can't go out to die, so you immediately close your mouth and say nothing, "Don't talk coldly. So, quickly think of a way to come out, usually you are very clever, don’t tell me you don’t know anything now, we are now two grasshoppers on the same rope, one has something wrong, the other also Don't want to live."

"Stop talking nonsense, come with me, sitting here will have to be caught sooner or later." Li Cong also saw that this team of people should actually have nothing to do with the people below. These artillery should be regular troops, and this The thirty-something seems to be a miscellaneous army. It should be a robbery or something that has arrived here. There should be nothing wrong with it. The valuable things in this house have basically been raided. They come up and have a look. They left. Li Cong and Zhou Fatty hid behind a cabinet. Although it is better to hide inside for insurance, it is difficult to say whether these people will come up to see what is in the cabinet. If they really open the cabinet, it is estimated. Two people don't even want to run away. In such a small space, if you want to solve these 30 people without telling Zhou Fat, Li Cong still feels a bit adventurous. It's better to hide.

The 30 or so people below looked at a pile of corpses on the ground. Sure enough, these people were speaking Burmese in Ula-Ula, which meant that these people’s lives were too bad. They should have been killed during the conflict. It’s time for bō. At the beginning, their armies belonged to several forces. Some frictions were normal. But when General Kari took control of Yangon, all the troops declared allegiance to Kari. The general is no longer any friction. These people can only blame them for their bad luck. They must have died before General Kari announced it. Even the direct line of General Kari cannot be liquidated. , Because this is a rule, and those who don’t know are not guilty.

Several people turned over on the first floor for a while, and basically no valuables were found. Although these people don’t know who lived here before, they also know that the people who can live here should be either rich or expensive. , They also saw that someone had already robbed before, but they just didn’t give up, hoping to find the things left by the people in front of them, so basically their own generation had fallen, and if there was nothing on the first floor, they would go to the second floor. Yes, five soldiers came up. When they saw that there was no one, they put their guns on their backs one by one, and started looking for them bit by bit, if it wasn't because some of the furniture was too big. , It is estimated that they even have to walk away. ??⑤???? Read chapters in this book

"Don't make any noise, otherwise the two of us will be here." Li Cong squeezed Zhou Fatty in it. If there is a sound at this moment, it is estimated that these five people will definitely sweep here. Shè, I can escape by then, but Zhou Fat's stupid guy will definitely not be able to escape, and he is sure to die here.

Fatty Zhou also knows the dangers of things. If he still has a little money in his possession, he will certainly not be afraid at the moment. He knows the income of these Burmese soldiers too well, as long as he gives them a bit of sweetness and the little ones of his two Life can be saved, but at the moment there is nothing on him. When he first arrived, he had tens of thousands of dollars in his purse, but now let alone tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of dollars are gone. They were all taken away by the **** soldiers. At this time, I also had a gold chain in my hand, but this is a life saver. As long as they don’t bring us out, the chain is still there. It's better, after all, this life-saving thing is gone if you lose one.

The second floor is basically the same as the first floor. There is nothing. In fact, there are a few valuable things in this room, such as the calligraphy and painting on the wall. Although it is also a fake, it is also from the Qing Dynasty. Take it out. You can sell it for a few dollars, but these soldiers don’t know much about the goods. One of them took it down and lit a cigarette, causing Zhou Fatty and Li Cong who were behind the closet to shake their heads. You robbed them. Just grab it, why bother to spoil things. These things are all good things. One rotten one is one less. Although the Qing Dynasty calligraphy and painting are not very valuable, they are worth tens of thousands of dollars.

"This place should have been robbed by those in front of him. I saw this place before. Our commander came here to give gifts to millions and millions. Who knows that Mr. Liu is so black-hearted. I was given a seat to a regimental commander. He can't take care of it at this moment. It's really retribution." One of the soldiers kicked to an empty wooden stand, and the antiques on it had been taken away long ago. Everyone nodded. Li Cong and Zhou Fatty were no exception, but these two people thought differently from those people. Those soldiers nodded because of Mr. Liu’s insatiable greed, while Li Cong and Zhou Fatty’s The meaning is different from them. The two people nodded their heads because they felt that the money given by your commander was too small. If you send millions to millions, then it is too much? Mr. Liu's annual income of tens of billions of yuan will fall in love with your little money? No wonder you guys are so hún, you don't even have a complete military uniform. This is something that can be explained.

"I heard that the wealthy people in China like to install secret tunnels or secret grids in their homes. Did the old guy put everything in there? Are we looking for them? "?" One of the soldiers still looked very mindful, and even this one could even think about it. This soldier's mind was very open, that is, there was a problem with IQ. If there is a secret grid here, there should be a place, but this The room is a separate room. If there is one, it cannot be on the second floor. You should find the right one on the first floor. Otherwise, is this hidden room invisible and can be placed in the air outside the wall?

"Wait, everyone, don't talk, how come I feel there is a sound." A guy stopped these people's movements. The sound he heard was actually the heartbeat of Zhou Fat and Li Cong. Normally, I heard it. I don’t have any of these things, but now this guy is standing in front of the cabinet, and both of them are standing next to the cabinet. It’s only natural to hear them. Watching him walk towards the cabinet step by step, Li Congliang The individual’s heart also mentioned his throat. This way of playing is really back. All five people are looking at this side. As long as there is a little disturbance, the five people have to shoot at this side. Question, but Zhou Fatty is dead. At this time, Li Cong has made up his mind. It is more important to protect his friend's life in front of his identity and his friend's life.

"Fat, you solve this guy in front of you, and you don't care about the remaining ones." Li Cong said in a low voice. Although Li Cong is very capable, the house is ten meters long. If you solve the problem by yourself This, it is estimated that the bullet of the guy in the distance should have arrived, and he will inevitably die by then.

Zhou Fatty nodded fiercely. In fact, he had no bottom in his heart at this time, but he had a blind trust in Li Cong. He thought that way when he was betting on rocks, and now he thinks that way, anyway. Now I can only give it a go. If I succeed, I still have my life. If I don't succeed, the result will be the same as now.

Just after the two people were ready to fight, a shout suddenly came from below, "Come out, General Kari's men are here, there is something to ask us." It was their group who shouted downstairs. Platoon leader, General Kari is now a person from Yangon. Don’t dare to delay General Kari’s affairs one by one, and immediately put aside the things above and walked towards the stairs, just the one who found something wrong. I don’t want those noises anymore. It seems to him that someone is hiding here, but it has been searched here once. If someone here also shows that the person’s ability is not small, don’t touch that brow. Besides, General Kari is definitely not something he can contend with. One of his orders can't be ignored by himself. If he goes out slowly, he might be killed directly by his people. Maybe he thought he was here. What good things have been found in the house.

"I'm silly, this is terrifying. It's good to have this kind of thing once in this generation, and I will collapse if I do it again." Zhou Fat almost collapsed, and he felt that he was about to come out. Now, although I have seen a lot of killing scenes, when I confronted myself, I really didn’t have the courage to face it, especially since I was the one who was killed. It seems that this person will be less bragging in the future, maybe this time The crisis was caused by his own bragging. Although Li Cong, who came out with him, was also talking about his own xōn, Zhou Fatty could see that people were not very scared. Could it be that Xiaobian experienced such a thing himself? It’s even more, and I think of the calmness of this little face, maybe it’s really like this, but now it’s not the time to talk, it’s better for the two of them to escape quickly. Fortunately, there is a back én behind the house, usually It's hard to see Zhou Fatty walking, but at this moment, he can completely keep up with Li Cong. He also knows that he can survive by following Li Cong. If he doesn't follow, he might just die.

The people who came from the front én were General Kari’s people. I waited for a long time for the cannon on this side to fire. The phone didn’t hurt, and there was no one on the radio. General Kari was furious and didn’t have the cannon to kill the one above. What kind of speed guns, no matter how many people I call, they will die. It seems that half of the time will pass. The only radar station in the border area can already see the gunship from Thailand. If those things are true If you come here, it is estimated that there will be nothing left of General Kari’s people, so you must open the building of the energy group within an hour to seize the wealth, and then your troops can be broken into pieces, as long as you have money. , No matter where you are, you can have your own power at any time. It’s just that General Kari doesn’t want to think about it at this The things in there are all cash and gold. These things are shipped out. But it was very difficult. He might be able to hold those things when he had troops. If he didn't, those things would be his life-giving charm.

"We really don't know what's going on. The people here died when we came, and these two cannons are not our business." An officer of the miscellaneous army explained to the person sent by General Kari. This matter must be made clear. The guy in front of you is not a small person. It must be a big person around General Kari. If you feel upset, you can shoot yourself directly. Now this kind of wartime is not something you can justify. time.

"Then what did you see? Did you find any suspicious people?" Obviously this person didn't believe this guy very much. After all, in Yangon, this kind of killing of friendly troops happened from time to time, and these two én The artillery is a good thing at first sight. Their miscellaneous army simply has no ability to transport it away. In Myanmar, there is an unwritten rule that everything you can’t take with you must be damaged. Otherwise, you will keep it for yourself. Under the hidden danger, did these people also follow this rule?

General Kari didn’t want to listen to the trivial matter over there. When he received a call from his subordinates, he only heard that the artillery had been destroyed and that he had nothing to attack, so there was only one sentence he would pass. Just put those guys to death directly, there is no softness at all, it is not yours, and it is yours.

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