Energy Group

Chapter 1123:

Episode 1123 The Power of a Bullet

Pilong is definitely an old and cunning person. This person's psychology is also very calculating. He knows that the city of Sunshine is impossible to be under his own control, so at the beginning this guy bought a large number of The munitions were buried in some important places in Yangon. This plan has been carried out for ten years, and it has only been useful until the time. Ten years ago, Pilong did not have the current power and has this thinking. People's scheming is really far-reaching. Anyway, Yangon has been smoothed directly from the earth and has nothing to do with him.

Although there are not many explosions, each sound represents an important building in Yangon flying into the sky. The sound just now is the Presidential Palace in Myanmar. At this time, President Angkor looked at the explosion just now with a disastrous expression. Although he has nothing to do with the place, it is estimated that few people in it will survive. President Angkor’s family and children are all there, and his savings over the years as president are gone. This At that time, he was mad and wanted to drive back to have a look, but he was held back by the guards of General Kari. The loss at this time was already quite serious. If another president were to get in, it would be more than a loss. The mess is now A speaker stood up and President Angkor should be fine.

"Mr. President, I think the current situation is very serious. It is better for you to be in the barracks with me. I have sent someone to find the people in your family. You don't have to worry." He was thrown to the forefront by General Kari. Now he doesn’t care what you think. What does your family’s life and death have to do with me? Your family may have some money, but look at the one just now. The scale of the explosion, there must be nothing left, what else to think about? No amount of treasure can keep up with the one in front of you. If you are obedient, I might be able to divide you. If you are really unreasonable to make trouble, we will not give it in vain, just stun you and buckle it.

President Angkor has been mixed up for a while, knowing that General Kari can do everything, and seeing the sulky eyes in his eyes, it’s better to be honest, and the province died without crying. Go, now I'm a little regretful, why did I send out the only bit of arms in my hand? I still regret that when I came out in the morning, I threw a string of jade beads in my hand at home. If I brought it with me, there would be some valuable things around me. I still have some deposits in Huaxia Bank, but it doesn’t matter if you look at this posture. If it is attacked or cannot be attacked, that deposit is basically gone. Can anyone still save the deposit for the enemy? It is estimated that this rule has not existed for many years.

This explosion was caused by either Pilong or Mr. Liu. General Kari didn’t care about his face, but the explosion just now belonged to the Ministry of National Defense. He originally thought that if he could stabilize Myanmar, Becoming a defense minister or something, it seems that there is no hope at this moment. After thinking about it, the only people who have the ability to bury so many explosives are those two guys, but now those two people. They are all gone, and even cursing them will not have any effect, but the only effect of this explosion is to stimulate the blood in General Kari's heart. He doesn't want to be like Myanmar in the future, and he doesn't want to. He stayed and became the Minister of Defense. Now his idea is to take this place down, and then **** the money from it, and live a good life by himself. Whoever wants to play the remaining mess can play it, it doesn’t matter to me. Up.

Thinking of this, General Kari looked at some people dangling on the street in the distance. These are the best shields. Although it is a bit unreasonable to use civilians as soldiers, what is this place? This is Burma. No one will tell you why they came from the agency. How can they have so many soldiers? Now they have lost more than 10,000 people after attacking for more than ten minutes, and their losses have increased over time. It will continue to increase. Now it's only on the first floor. Hundreds of people have already entered, but there hasn't been any progress yet, but the reserve team has passed, and there really is no way back.

"You guys will drive all those people out for me, give them some cold weapons, and let them rush up." General Kari pointed to dozens of soldiers in the distance, and those people immediately understood what was going on. General Kari knows a lot, but these people don’t know anything. All they know is to complete the task given to me by the commander. These people fired a few shots in the sky. In the past, Ullahullah’s talked about it for a while. The ordinary people can only come out of their houses honestly, and join the encirclement army with sticks and kitchen knives. Cannonballs don’t have eyes at all, but no matter whether you are a civilian or not, how did you come? Liu Jia just saw that there were more than a thousand more people, so he could only move the gun position. This new team of thousand people had lost more than two hundred before they even entered.

The other General Kari didn’t see it, but he saw one point. Because of the addition of these people, the artillery fire upstairs began to extend. The casualties of his own troops downstairs were reduced a lot, and more people rushed in. , The ability of these ordinary people can now be revealed, they are the best cannon fodder.

Soon General Kari’s lieutenants also discovered such a problem. They didn’t need General Kari’s command at all, and one by one, they started to drive people into some large residential areas with their subordinates. As soon as the trumpet speaks, many people will come out immediately, and those who don't come out will just pass by a bullet, and die faster.

General Kari is still a bit dissatisfied with what his subordinates do. You guys can’t stand up to a dozen cannon fodder with a single bullet. Just kill one or two and show them. If you kill them all, where will you go? Looking for so many obedient cannon fodder, but now the situation is urgent, I can’t take care of it, otherwise, I will definitely go over and give them a kick. A large number of people came over with those light weapons, obviously Liu on the top of the building. Jia also found out.

"Mr. Liu, our gun barrels should be replaced again. This time it is overloaded. There are too many people. Our bombing is useless at all. They are just wasting our cannonballs. All downstairs are all I’m on the second floor, and the first floor has all been lost." said a guy who was in charge of adding ammunition to Liu Jia’s rapid-fire gun. He could see it. How could Liu Jia not see it, but now there’s no way. Can contain these ordinary people. Although they are also afraid of death, they may still have a little way to survive. If they go back, it will be a dead end. Those who supervise the team will not be reluctant to kill their comrades. Yes, let alone these ordinary people. This is not a place to talk about military, civilian, fish and water conditions, but to shoot you if you disobey.

Now that you have started to play this, we can’t be idle anymore. While waiting for them to start changing the barrel, Liu Jia took out her baby. This is a blocking gun that has never appeared before. It is not available anywhere in the world. Only the African base of the Energy Group will have this. This blocking gun looks very similar to other blocking guns, but the bullets are different from others. It can penetrate many layers of steel. Of course, some armor-piercing bullets can also achieve this effect. If this is the case, there is nothing to show off. The most important point is that there is a fuse in the bullet with a little high explosive. , If this can hit the command of General Kari, it is estimated that the battle will be over after the dragons have no leader.

"Brother Liu, how do I feel that your blocking gun is so different from other people's? I feel murderous before shooting." The guy next to him felt cold as soon as he took it out. It's really amazing.

"Hehe, to show you a good show, I will give the people below a little support and be optimistic." Liu Jia started to take aim after speaking. The best ability of a sniper is to be quiet and calm. Liu Jia merged her whole body with this gun. If this gun is shot, it will definitely have a great effect.

Then I saw that as Liu Jia’s finger slammed the trigger, the whole Liu family was thrown behind because of the strong recoil. I x, at that time, I just said that there was a strong recoil, but not that big. I haven't heard of such a thing, and I just gave myself to the town, even worse than when I first shot.

The few people around were dumbfounded. Isn't they planning to shoot others? Why did he get beaten up like this? Liu Jia who shot upstairs did not see the result of his battle for the first time. Su Can downstairs saw this result for the first time. A heavy machine gun was directly on the ground. Was reimbursed, and even flew around with five or six people. What kind of bullet was his? The range must be at least two kilometers faster. This kind of visual inspection can only be done by the abnormal person upstairs. Come out, of course, if the result of the battle is only that little, Liu Jia's all at once would be worthless.

Liu Jia's target was naturally not the heavy machine gun. Although the results of killing a heavy machine gun with one shot were already very good, when the smoke cleared, people saw it. An officer next to the heavy machine gun fell straight down. Because the gunshots were louder, the soldiers in front of them all looked back to see who was so unlucky enough to be hit by such a strong bullet.

It doesn’t matter if you look at it, a large number of people are shocked. The dead person is not someone else, or their chief, and one of the most powerful adjutants of General Kari. Before, he would never come to the front, but this time It should be General Kari who was furious and sent all his adjutants to the front line. Now he saw that his chiefs were dead, and the ones in front were so difficult to fight, all of them began to retreat, and because of the supervising team The heavy machine guns are gone. What's more to be afraid of. There is nothing to be afraid of when one person starts to retreat, but when many people retreat, the situation cannot be stopped.

The other supervisors began to retreat and immediately set up their machine guns, but when they were about to shoot at these retreating men, the gunfire on the roof rang again, and then again. It was two heavy machine guns that blew up. When the supervisors were shooting with submachine guns, their fate had come to an end. It was because you had heavy machine guns in your hands that they were afraid of you. Now everyone has weapons in their hands. It's the same, what's to be afraid of.

Su Can looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise. These people used so much energy to attack to this level, but their ability to retreat is really greater than anyone else. The entire first floor people retreated in an instant, Su Of course, Chan would not let this opportunity pass. He personally took a dozen people with relatively strong combat effectiveness and chased them out. A line of fire was formed behind them, so that these retreating people did not dare to look back. The current situation seems to be reversed. After coming over, Su Can's people became the supervising team, and the people on the supervising team became the target of attack.

It’s just that the result is different. The people in the supervising team are not as effective as the people from the energy group upstairs. They soon rushed to the side of the supervising team, but the supervising team was not given in vain, and they immediately blocked it with firepower. They, although Liu Jia upstairs wanted to continue shooting, but General Kari had discovered the huge threat upstairs, and he had directed his men to a very close position and started moving upstairs. They fired indiscriminately at the location, and they did not seek to kill a few people, but as long as the people upstairs did not shoot, their goal was achieved.

Don't tell me, the current Liu Jia really asked these people to suppress them. They really didn't have the ability to move. They crawled one by one, and basically didn't have the ability to continue shooting.

"It’s not as good as firing a gun. We don’t need to show up when firing a gun. We will ask them to take special care of it now." Liu Jia found a relatively safe place, but stone chips and the like Flying over often, I was really useless, and I couldn't hit these people with such a powerful weapon.

Su Can also learned about the things on the top floor through the camera. Basically Liu Jia can't take care of herself, but now these troops are basically swaying between the supervising team and the group building. Su Can knows that he has never obtained it. What victory? These people have not been organized yet, but it is only a matter of time. Although I occupy the first floor now, the entire first floor has become insecure, making it impossible for those people to blow up. It looks like this, so when the supervising team forced those people back a few minutes later, Su Can decisively ordered the dozen people to retreat. A dozen submachine guns can kill hundreds of enemies at most, but the enemies outside are There are tens of thousands of people who will have to be killed by them sooner or later, so it is the best choice to go back to the second floor to reduce the fight against the noodles. Moreover, it is only a few dozen minutes now, and I have received support. There should be no problem with the army's phone number.

Myanmar has no so-called air force at all. As for their air defense forces, although they do have them, it is estimated that General Kari has long been used as infantry. Therefore, those helicopters basically have no obstacles when they enter Myanmar. Arrived in Yangon in the fastest time.

The Burmese army's back and forth movement did not bring any results at all. Of course, it cannot be said that it was not at all. At least several thousand of them died on the battlefield, and most of them were helped by their supervising team. Liu Jia never thought that her shot would have such an effect, which is really gratifying.

When Liu Jia heard the result of the battle she had brought, she was astonished and couldn't say anything. She immediately set up the program of the rapid-fire gun. Anyway, there were not many barrels left, and she was here. If you can’t do anything, it’s better to use a blocking gun. Of course, there is no way to shoot at the top of the building. Do you have the ability to block the entire building? If you are capable, the soldiers in front of you will not fall.

"I said, what kind of bullet are you, why do you look like this?" Su Can looked at the kid in front of him and took out the thing with the thickness of the No. 1 battery from his pocket. This is the first time such a big bullet. Seeing it, I’m catching up with the grenade. It can be seen that Liu Jia just changed a barrel to load the bullet. Su Can originally thought that Liu Jia’s barrel should be stronger, otherwise this thing. Don’t say it hurts the enemy, maybe your gun will blow up But after touching it, I realized that it’s not made of steel and it doesn’t look too strong. "This thing can Can't do it, why is there a barrel of this material?"

"Hehe, this is a military secret, but the benefits of this thing will be revealed soon. Although it has limited damage, it can definitely bring you unexpected effects. Don't block it. I requisitioned the entire eighth floor. I arranged for more than a dozen people to come. They don’t shoot when I shoot. When I don’t shoot, they can cover me. Don’t block, you go over there.” Liu Jia pushed Su Can. With his own design space, Su Can didn't feel that he was big, and he couldn't notice the obstacle.

"Okay, don't blink your eyes. You are the first guy to witness a miracle." Liu Jia said with a smile. When he laughed, a bullet hit the wall outside, and the stone chips were directly on this guy's face. Left a scar.

"I'm so bad, I told you guys to kill you, I killed you." Liu Jia shot without even aiming, the sound was not the same as when he shot a grenade? It's just an explosion at most, is it really as powerful as this guy said? Su Can has lost the excitement just now, and feels that the hairlessness of this mouth is not reliable.

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