Energy Group

Chapter 1300:

The situation in front of me reminds me of something in a movie, it may be a giant squid,

At this time, it can only be said that it is those things. Apart from those things, there can be no such things at all. Li Cong also looked surprised. He originally thought that he would follow them to take a look, but he did not expect to see these things. , His eyesight is much stronger than those of those people, and the computer can see from the movement of the water, there is a huge creature in it, it’s really too big in terms of the size of this guy. The blue whale with the largest ears is a small man in front of this guy. It can be seen that he can solve a whaling ship just now with a tentacle. Even now Li Cong has to face this. Guy, it's definitely not that easy to deal with, but even if he encounters this thing, Li Cong still has a lot of skills to deal with this guy.

Giant squid In the eyes of many people, the deep-sea giant squid is the ultimate hermit. It is speculated that most of their lives are spent in the darkness of the deep sea. They only come to the surface after death or when they are dying, or are washed to the shore by the tide before being discovered. But when people found their bodies, they were either mutilated due to corruption, or they had been gnawed to pieces by carnivores in the ocean. Therefore, it is not surprising that 130 years have passed since this animal was officially recognized by scientists, and people still know very little about it.

A world-renowned giant squid researcher even said that we know more about dinosaurs than giant squid.

According to some records, it was probably the most complete record of the Great Squid King attacking mankind during World War II. In March 1941, the British transport ship "Britain" was found and sunk by cruising German cruisers while sailing on the Atlantic Ocean. . The surviving sailors tried their best to grab a small wooden raft and moored on the sea. Due to the large number of rafts, each person could only hold their heads out of the water by staying at the edge of the raft.

Suddenly, a sailor took off the raft and sank into the water silently and quickly, as if dragged down by something, making everyone feel baffled. In the future, several such incidents occurred, which filled everyone with a sense of terror. After another period of time, a sailor named Cox felt that there was a place on the tuǐ that was sucked by something at once, and that part was very painful, but before he yelled out, the attracting force disappeared. .

This small wooden platoon floated on the sea for several days. When other ships rescued them, only three people were left. Cox was one of them. After they went ashore, they reported the advancing at sea to relevant experts. The experts examined the big round scar on the wrist of Cox tuǐ, analyzed the situation, and finally concluded that these sailors were attacked by the king squid.

Squid is no stranger to most people, it is commonly known as cuttlefish. It feeds on fish and shrimp. Its mouth grows in the center of its developed head. There are 10 radially arranged arms around the mouth. Two of them are called tentacles, which are often more than twice the length of the body. , Is specially used to catch food, and powerful suckers are arranged on the inside of the wrist. Squids are widely distributed in the world and are found in almost every sea area. Its body is not too big, generally 10-20 cm long, more than 30 cm is considered large. Obviously, such squids are not fatal.

The king squid who attacked sailors such as Cox lives in the Atlantic Ocean and is the largest type of squid in the world. On the 2nd of Sichuan, 1878, a stranded king squid was found on the beach of Bōdike Bay in Newfoundland, Canada. It was about 7 meters long with its head and body about 7 meters long, and its wrists were about 10 meters old. Hundreds of them, with a total weight of more than 2 tons, are listed as "the world's most".

The king squid is an extremely fierce animal, and there are often reports about it fighting whales abroad.

Whalers have discovered more than once that the giant sperm whale has sucking scars left by the sucker of the king squid. According to records, once, a king squid and a sperm whale fought extremely fiercely and caused a turbulent wave. The king squid uses its thick wrist and the sucker on the wrist to entangle the head of the sperm whale, while the sperm whale bites the tail of the king squid. In the end, they gathered around and watched, and the sharks who were about to share the fruits of victory participated in the fight, and only then helped the sweet whale kill the king squid in the later stage. On another occasion, when the king squid was fighting with a whale, his wrist blocked the whale's spray hole, making the whale unable to breathe, and finally died of suffocation.

"Boss, these things may be the giant squids mentioned in our database?" One apparently had seen the database that marked the highest standard of the energy group. At that time, Li Cong was not actually on the earth in the direction he wanted. Li Cong has the same ideas as some ordinary people. He wants to explore civilizations in other places. This other place is the thing in the universe, and he feels that things on the earth are actually clear by himself. , But ComputerTek said that in fact, people on earth are not kings on this planet at all. You are only kings on land. Do you really know what is in the ocean, which accounts for 70% of the land area? At that time, Li Cong felt that this statement was very right, so he set up an expedition team composed of dozens of submarines. The expedition team formed by spending billions of dollars did not disappoint Li Cong. In the end, they did a good job, losing half of their manpower and equipment. Finally, they reported the matter on the seabed to Li Cong. There were many things that people didn't know, the most important of which was the King of Fog.

At first, the scientific community did not know whether the giant squid belonged to the phylum Mollusca. If so, then slugs, snails, and shells are considered close relatives of the giant squid.

The only difference from these three relatives is that the squid is a marine animal. It has a circulatory system composed of three hearts and a well-evolved brain, so it is classified as a cephalopod under the phylum of human molluscs. There are cuttlefish, octopus, parrot conch and so on in the first class.

There are 650 different species in the squid (Calamari, Squid, Squid) population, and giant squid is just one of them. They have some common biological characteristics: the body is wrapped in a long, round bag-like covering, and there are two symmetrical fins at the tail. Compared with the body, the head is very short, but there are two surprisingly large. Eyes, there are 8 arms covered with suction cups, a mouth that is as hard as a parrot’s beak, and two long tentacles for food. The top of the tentacles is like a large wooden stick covered with suction cups, with a spray The ink tube protrudes from the bag-like wrapping.

"Obviously, these things are the things we found, but didn't we say that these things would not come to the surface? How did they come here? And it seems that these things are not afraid of the sun at all. "According to the data, these things cannot leave the water surface, and they are also very afraid of the sun, otherwise they will not live on the bottom of the sea, but from the current situation, the original research seems to have more speculations. .

"I don't know this. I just observed the fighting power of this guy. The boss, "the cannons of the whaling boats do no harm to this guy." Their huge tentacles seem to be very powerful, and they are not us at all. The weapon can contend with, and it seems that we are about to enter a state of battle.” Number One looked at the giant squid chasing the whaling ship in the distance. It was already certain by now that his huge head was already out. No. One speculates that this guy would definitely be hundreds of meters away if all spread out, because the whaling boat tens of meters in his hand is like a toy, and his tentacles are also very powerful. A sharp weapon can open a whaling ship in a few seconds.

"All of them are in a state of combat, and we order the Celestial Army to immediately transfer an attack satellite to our heads. The nearest base will immediately send a plane over, and the surface troops will not come over. Let's take a look." Li Cong also knows this. The guy is not a gentle little thing,

Although No. 1 attaches great importance to this thing, it is not as serious as Li Cong, and even the satellites are alarmed. The space army is a newly formed thing." This thing is not easy to use.

For the space army, although the development of the energy group is slow, it is definitely the most powerful. With the rapid development of aerospace technology, its satellite information reconnaissance, tracking and monitoring, guidance and navigation and the wide application of space weapons have prompted a new type of combat The army Yijun came into being.

The United States established the National Space Command in 1985" to mark the birth of the US Space Force. The Space War Research Center was established in 1993, including the Space Warfare Research Office, the Space War Academy and the 527th Space Offensive Squadron. Large-scale military exercises in space, hypothetical space war broke out in 2017, mainly around how to disable the opponent’s satellites. The main weapons used in the exercises are light cannons and micro-satellites. The United States withdraws from the ABM Treaty to implement the National Missile Defense System. Clear away obstacles. In this way, it can seize the commanding heights of space and use high-tech space strategies to complete the dream of dominating the world. The various practices of the United States have forced Russia to quickly take measures and accelerate the formation of the space army. The missile defense force was separated from the strategic rocket force and formed into a space force of about 90,000 people. It has three large space test and launch sites, a spacecraft test and control center, which is responsible for launching various military spacecraft and attacking the enemy. The mission of the space weapon system. The future development plan of the Russian aviation army is that most space facilities and systems, as well as ground space facilities, will be jointly managed by the space army and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to build military and ground public facilities. In addition, the United States proposes in the future In ten years, it has spent 60 billion US dollars to develop a new generation of infrared imaging satellite nuclear space radar network: design more flexible and light micro-satellites, develop larger weight reduction energy, can release satellites, add fuel to satellites, and replace software and hardware. Human-piloted aerospace aircraft: Establish an information communication system, use multi-beam radio broadband communication satellites to realize the global information sharing of the U.S. military, and use beam selectable technology to replace existing radio signal technology and a new generation of space Light interception technology, etc.

There are roughly three types of combat platforms for the Celestial Army. The space shuttle is by far the most important and most effective means of transporting people and materials between the sky and the earth. The space shuttle can deploy, maintain, and recover various military satellites, conduct space test of space weapons such as high-energy light, particle beams, and other weapons, manipulate various equipment for space reconnaissance, or directly serve as a space fighter and aerospace mobile fleet for space missions. The Americans are currently mainly using this to fight or attack air, ground, or sea targets. The energy group obviously feels that this is only a preliminary stage of development, and their research focus is not in this area.

The layoff spacecraft and the space station are generally used together. The layoff spacecraft is the smallest means of transportation for the space astronauts to ascend into space and return to the ground through a ballistic orbit: the space station is also called the space station,

A space station or armway station is a place for the astronauts of the space army to live and work for a long time. "Space wartime can be used as a space army combat command and weapon platform, but also as an important space base and space combat command center for the space army. The two things are not the focus of the energy group's development, but the energy group has already begun to prepare their space station, if possible, they can go to heaven immediately.

The space carrier is in space like an aircraft carrier in the ocean, and is the take-off and landing platform of the space shuttle. According to different functions and shapes, the space carrier can be divided into spaceship type, airship type, flying wing type and earth space carrier. Among them, the spacecraft type space carrier flies 36000KM above the ground.

In geosynchronous orbit. This kind of space carrier in Ge Ge 1 is very huge and can accommodate four space shuttles, two space ships, an orbital fuel depot and a space fuel supply station. It will be the base camp of the Celestial Army, and the headquarters of the Celestial Army will be located on the space carrier. It uniformly dispatches and directs astronauts on various spacecraft to conduct space training and operations. In addition, this kind of space carrier generally also has a large number of space warfare weapons installed in large quantities.

The space carrier is actually something that is being developed in the African base. That thing can only exist on paper in the research of various countries in the world, but Li may basically be usable from there. That is it. It is much stronger than that of other countries in the world." The space carrier is a large air battle group with ship-cutting aircraft as its main weapon and as its air activity base. Relying on the space carrier, a country can be far away from its homeland without relying on the local area. Military pressure and combat operations at the airport.

Generally speaking, space carriers mainly have the following types: according to the tasks they undertake, they can be divided into attack aircraft, early warning aircraft, **** aircraft, and multi-purpose fighters; according to the types of ships, they can be divided into fixed-wing aircraft carriers and helicopter carriers.

Space carrier generally does not operate alone, it is always accompanied by other ships, collectively referred to as the space carrier formation, also known as the space carrier battle group. The entire aircraft carrier formation can search, track, lock and attack hostile targets within hundreds of kilometers under the overall control of the space carrier.

Because its formation can use multiple arms, ships, and aircraft at the same time, it can open up an independent naval battlefield, truly achieve all-weather, large-scale, high-intensity, long-term continuous combat, and realize integrated joint operations in COSCO .

"In addition, we will inform the Heavenly Army that if there is only one of these, we can solve it, but if there are a lot of them, we should look at our ability and we can’t let these things out, otherwise the entire human society may be a huge one. It’s a disaster, but Li Cong still has the heart to do it within the scope of conventional warfare. Don’t be too violent with too many things. When there are common enemies, those forces may stand with him. But when not, it is estimated that they will abandon themselves directly.

From a strategic point of view, Number One may already be one of the few in the investigation department, but compared with Li Cong, this guy seems to be a bit immature. At least now he thinks that Li Cong is a bit fussy, even this giant squid No matter how powerful it is, it is just an animal. If such a guy can use the full power of our energy group, it would be an insult to them. No. 1 entered the cabin with some unevenness. If it is all his own. If it does, One even wants to go into the water to fight that guy, but the people here are from the Australian military, and they don’t know their abilities.

"Prepare combat equipment and start to deform now." If the people in the cabin have not been trained, you might think that No.1 is talking nonsense. Just a few minutes after No.1 is talking, the whole ship is like Transformers. To make changes, first of all, there is a big change in appearance. It turned out to be a yacht-like ship, but now it immediately becomes a battleship. There are no beautiful but not practical things. Of course, this is not the most conspicuous. The most conspicuous thing is the three vertical items located at the bow and stern. Some people don’t know what this item is, but One knows that it is also the group’s high-tech, vertical artillery.

The vertical artillery is actually not at a 90-degree angle, it also has a certain angle, because of the gravity of the earth, if you really use a 90-degree angle, you may be the first to die is the vertical that you studied by the energy group The artillery rotates between 85 degrees and 89 degrees. Because the angle of rotation is very small, the rate of fire is very fast. The aiming is all calculated by the computer. The three vertical artillery should be able to stop that guy. , But Li Cong still prepared a lot of good things for this guy. If this guy comes up to the whaling boat and goes back for a while, then both of us are in peace, but if you want to come over and make trouble with me Then don't blame me for being sorry. Although your outer skin is very hard, it should not be able to keep up with the cannonballs. At that time, we will see whether it is human technology or your giant squid.

"The boss’s headquarters also analyzed that the sperm whales and giant squids belong to the enemy. There are also many sperm whales in the environment they gathered just now, but the squids they have fought before are all ten meters long. They may not have seen this before. They all ran away." Lan Yue just received the news from the headquarters, and quickly came over to report. Although he hasn't figured out the whale situation there, he has at least understood a little bit. Li Cong took it and took a look slowly. .

The sperm whale (scientific name: (read the novel to the net) ephalus) is the largest toothed whale in the world.

They dive the deepest and longest among all whales, so they are called the "diving champions" in the animal kingdom. Probably only two bottlenose whales of the beaked whale family are comparable in diving. Sperm whales often fight each other with the king squid, which is the most invertebrate. The biggest squid is 18 meters and weighs 15 tons. Someone once saw the fierce scene of sperm whales fighting giant squids in the tropical ocean. They played from the deep sea to the shallow sea. Either the sperm whales eat the king squid, or the king squid used their wrists to cover the whale’s spout hole and suffocate the giant whale. Die, that way, the sperm whale has become a "good meal" for the king squid. However, mostly sperm whales win.

Because the tertiary structure of myoglobin is a necessary condition for sperm whales to survive in the deep sea, sperm whales are keen on large squid, octopus, fish and other foods. It is not a question of whether it likes or dislikes it, but to ensure the level of myoglobin in the body. The structure is stable without being oxidized. Sperm whales mainly eat large squid, octopus, and fish, while squid and octopus mainly eat shrimp, crab, and other crustaceans and fish. According to Professor Francis Buda, a scientist at Leiden University in the Netherlands, and his experimental team members in 2008, they discovered through precise quantum calculations that cooked shrimps, crabs, salmon, and other fish represented as yòu people. The bright red sè is because shrimp, crab, salmon and other fish are rich in astaxanthin (English called n

Abbreviated as ASTA), the natural red substance of fish represented by cooked shrimp, crab and salmon is astaxanthin. Fighting with the King Squid to the death or death is essentially to compete for each other's astaxanthin resources, so that they can survive in the deep sea for a long time.

The hobby of sperm whales for giant squids is one of the most precious seafood "ambergris"

origin of. The sperm whale swallowed the giant squid in one bite, but could not digest the squid’s parrot. At this time, the end of the large intestine or the beginning of the **** of the sperm whale was pierced and caused lesions to produce a kind of gray or black secretion. These secretions gradually In the small intestine, a thick, thick substance is formed, which weighs 100-1000 grams, and once weighed 420 kilograms. Its maximum diameter is 105 cm. This substance is called "Ambergris". It is stored in the colon and rectum. It smells unpleasant when it is first taken out. It will gradually fragrant after storing for a period of time, which is better than "musk." Ambergris contains 25% ambergris, which is the raw material of precious spices. 1 It is the best substance to keep perfumes fragrant and is used as a perfume fixative. At the same time, it is also a valuable Chinese medicine, which has the effects of resolving phlegm, dispelling masses, promoting qi and promoting blood circulation. But it doesn't happen very often. Occasionally, a piece of 50-100 kilograms from Shigetian will be invaluable, and the sperm whale is named after it. Therefore, they are often hunted and killed, and now they are scarce. They are listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Li Cong really did not expect that there would be such a thing, but those sperm whales might never have thought of it for a lifetime. They are now facing different feuds from their world, but those guys’ natural feelings are very sharp. They knew that they weren't this guy's opponent at all, so they ran away very quickly. The giant squid seemed to be unable to keep up with those guys, but it was easy to catch up with Li Cong and their ships.

"Tell President Will to them, don't stay here anymore." For a while, no matter what is forced, tell them to retreat quickly at a speed of 30 knots, otherwise we may not care about them. "Li Cong glanced at the two cruise boats not far away. At this time, the people on them were all looking at the situation here with their mouths open. They were very confused about what was going on and how these boats were. What was a yacht just a few minutes ago has now become a gunboat. To say that the giant squid has brought them a surprise, but it seems that it is not as fast as the current change.

"Damn, it's not Transformers, it's really awesome. How could such a thing not be filmed just now? If this is sold to the press, our funds are absolutely sufficient." A silly shout The guy who called said, "At this time, President Will directly despised this guy after hearing what he said." You don't even look at what people do. Is it so easy to see the energy group? How many things in the energy group are sensational, and nothing is known in the newspapers. If you really dare to do that, it is estimated that your kid's life will not last long.

"President, the people over there told us to retreat immediately, saying that it's a while, no matter what the situation is." We don't want to look back. "The only guy who is still working in the cabin said loudly, because he found that all the whaling ships were not on the sea at this time, and the ocean currents around here were a bit abnormal. He absolutely agreed with the energy group's statement. Because it’s too scary here.” There may be more dangers.

"President, in fact, I don’t think anything. [Japan] I own some civilian ships. We are military ships. We don’t need to be afraid of those guys. We can hold it and we found such a huge octopus. , Shouldn’t we take a look? A reckless guy said, President Will really wants to bring this madman to the sea, and let you see what's down there." Are you really willing to take your own curiosity? Are you going to lose your life? If that’s the case, "You just go down as soon as possible. We will never stop you, just don’t take our

Life is paid.

"Listen to everyone. We retreat at full speed. The people from the energy group are right. They have something to fight against. We don't. Retreat quickly." President Will immediately shouted. There are too many people. This is dangerous. If they really hit it, they might all go into the sea, just like those guys on the whaling ship just now. They might all go directly into the water like dumplings. .

Is it just that huge squid will make you retreat? In fact, this guy can only be regarded as a little guy in the whole squid family. Their species can be said to be close relatives to the species Li Cong studied, but the difference is that they have more powerful combat power and they have a harder body. Although the number is only one-tenth of that race, they are more powerful in terms of combat effectiveness. One thing can be seen. The race that Li observes cannot leave the water, but this requirement is for them. No, they can all walk on the surface of the water, and even fly out of the water with great strength. Although it is not very long, it is not easy for the giant squid.

There is no whaling ship on the sea anymore. The guy who talked to Ichiro Yamada finally tried his best to send out the information on his mobile phone. At least I hope that guy Ichiro Yamada can give it to them because of their **** battle. In fact, he doesn’t know that all of Yamada’s assets are this fleet. With the disappearance of this fleet, that guy is still in debt, but because This information may bring back a life.

With the disappearance of the whaling fleet, Li Cong can be sure that this big guy must have started playing his idea now. That big guy can't just give up so much. If this is the case, he will definitely be with the little one raised at home. It’s the same as the cat. Now President Will’s two cruisers can only run less than sea miles. They are already far away, but compared to the speed of the guy in front of them, they seem a bit not enough. Look, it's better to wait for them to leave a little further.

"Boss, a base has been loaded, and we can start shooting at any time." Lanyue is already ready. This girl is a very good gunner himself. In the group's vertical artillery assessment, he can be excellent in tens of thousands. The military occupies the top three positions. They should have real ability.” After a while, they might hit this guy’s head directly. According to the group’s information, if this guy wants to say that there is such a soft spot, it may be this. The guy’s head is gone, but this guy is also very good at protecting his head. Generally speaking, there are a few tentacles to hide his head. It is not so easy to hit this guy. Only luck.

"Don't act rashly, don't anger this guy. I think it's better to let President Will's people go farther." Li Cong looked at the ships of the Green Peace Organization and said, "Although both of them are It is a cruiser, but in terms of protection and combat effectiveness, it is incomparable to this one of my own." "Also, let the flying plane prepare depth charges." Li Cong looked at the giant squid in the distance and added One sentence.

Depth bomb, also known as deep bomb (English: hange), is an underwater weapon used to attack submarines "usually equipped with a fixed-depth fuze" that detonates to kill the target when it sinks to a certain depth or close to the target after being thrown into the water. Usually launched by ships or anti-submarine aircraft, its anti-submarine status has been gradually replaced by ship-torpedoes or air-dropped torpedoes. This kind of thing had its own piece of sky during World War II, but now it seems that it is not that big. He is capable, but no matter how he is not capable, he would never think that one day he could come here to blow squid.

"Tear..." A loud noise came from the huge monster's mouth in front, making Li Cong's ears very uncomfortable, looking at the other crew members. "I already feel that way, don't say it. Other people are definitely more uncomfortable. This guy’s cry is really very lethal. This guy’s IQ should not be low. He saw that Li Cong’s yacht was like a hedgehog, so he didn’t come over. To provoke this guy, he quickly swam towards the two cruise boats in the distance. Under Li Cong’s boat, you can see the huge shadow of this guy half-washed. If you look at it with the naked eye, this There are definitely hundreds of meters long. "It turns out that the part that this guy came out just now was only a small part. I don't know when, Li from his own head, he was scared and sweated by this guy." No matter what kind of danger, I have confidence to deal with it." But after seeing this guy's huge body, it seems that Li has never lost confidence, but soon this feeling disappeared. Li Cong has always been a People who like to struggle, only this is his favorite day, challenging everything that he can't master, isn't this the best thing?

"Boss, he didn't look at us at all. He walked towards President Will's boat. The computer simulation showed that this guy was 355 meters from head to toe." Lanyue manipulated the vertical run in his hand. While reporting, this allowed Li Cong to see the potential of this girl, which can indeed allow the group to develop well. This girl is very good.

355 meters? Li Cong was dumbfounded. Damn, what kind of thing is this? Even the previous research on the sea floor didn't seem to say that there was such a thing, and the octopus can’t just look at his problems from head to toe. He must still have more space. If you calculate this way, his combat radius will be more than 300 meters. If his head is in the middle, the tentacles on both sides will be more than 600 meters. Damn, it's so huge. It’s no wonder that the whole ship feels like it’s about to turn over just as it passes under one’s own ship.

Originally, Li Cong was planning to throw down the depth-water bombs on the boat, but it’s better to think that this guy is more than 600 meters long. Those depth-water bombs are unlikely to cause huge damage to him. If this The guy is angry, and it is estimated that people like himself will have to capsize immediately. Such a small thing is simply a breeze for the big guy below.

No, Li Cong felt that he could not be so silent anymore. If this were the case, President Will and his hundred and ten people might have to be the same as those on the whaling boat. They are not the rubbish. Li Cong feels at least his own boat. Can persist.

"Blue Moon, fire the cannon, hit it more accurately, and attract that guy. With the largest propeller on our ship, we must move quickly in the opposite direction, and drop depth bombs on me along the way. Go forward in the direction in which those whales are escaping." Li Cong felt that there should be something to solve this big guy, and the sperm whale is their natural enemy, so many whales should be able to tie a little busy.

Lan Yue was already very nervous, but Li Cong was the highest commander here. Without Li Cong's order, he would not dare to shoot this girl to death. In case everyone died because of his recklessness, that would definitely not be one. Good thing.

"Bump, bang... bang" In an instant, three rounds of 155mm howitzers went out like that, followed by the second batch, with a base number of 20 This cannon can fire one in ten seconds on average. It takes a few minutes to clean up a base number. If it is fighting an enemy, even a destroyer may not be able to withstand it. But now it is clear that the target is not a destroyer. The three artillery knows that even shooting That guy’s tentacles were useless, so I wanted to hit this guy’s head. The shells screamed and flew towards the distance, hitting the target, and there was fire in the distance, which made the fearful President Will move. With tears left, he knew that the people in the energy group could completely ignore them, and now they are using their lives to protect themselves.

Although the Australian navy has already notified the news here, but at the speed of the Australian navy, it will take at least two hours to get here. Maybe by that time there will only be a bunch of rotten meat left here. Now they What you have to rely on is yourself. President Will has already assigned weapons to everyone. It’s a pity that they only have submachine guns in their hands. Just now President Will fired a few shots, and it seemed like he was hitting this huge guy. There is no difference between the stone body, and even the guy has no reaction at all. The distance is only a few hundred meters. If the energy group does not run, it is estimated that they will be no different from the people on the whaling ship.

The giant squid was shot several times at once. Obviously these things made him very angry. Some purple and black things were already flowing out of his body. It should be the blood of this guy. He and Li Cong expected it. Similarly, he gave up these two cruise ships, and now his target is Li Cong. ! .

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