Energy Group

Chapter 1304:

Finally, after the long winter, the Tsarist Empire command headquarters immediately launched a spring counteroffensive plan.

In the past five months, the Tsarist Empire was not fully prepared for the early war, so that from the beginning of the war, it has been passively beaten. It has lost more than three million square kilometers of land in the seven Far East states. Not to mention, the strong fortress Vladivostok Boli and Boli fell one after another. After several large-scale battles, nearly 600,000 troops were damaged, and hundreds of millions of dollars in materials were used as the enemy, which was a disastrous defeat.

The war entered its sixth month. Although the northern spring came very late, the warmer weather expanded the scope of the Russian army's activities and enabled the launch of the spring counteroffensive plan.

At this time, the Tsarist Empire has opened up the Baikal section of the Siberian Railway. After emergency preparations in winter, the previously lost materials can be replenished, and subsequent supplies are not a problem.

The Tsarist Empire Command Department mobilized 1.5 million troops to gather in Central Siberia and the outer méng ancient plateau area, with a murderous sword pointing at the Chinese Imperial Army in the Far East.

The spring counteroffensive plan of the Russian High Command was formulated by Chief of Staff Ivan Jilinsky. Its core is: to concentrate powerful forces on the northern front, and enter the Khabarovsk frontier through the upper Yansk Mountains in the empty Sakha Oblast. District, from the flank surrounding the Chinese Imperial Army Lou Li in the Far East, quickly defeated the Chinese Imperial Army and regained Vladivostok and the Seven Far East states. Then he sent his troops to the south, crossing the Heilongjiang and Wusuli Rivers, and coordinated with the navy that had been transferred from far away to attack the mainland of the Chinese Empire.

Originally, Russian Army Minister Sukhomlinov was going to attack Neménggu first, using Ménggu as a bargaining chip to exchange with the Chinese Empire for the Seven Far Eastern states. However, most people in the Russian military have illusions about long-term battles against the Chinese Empire, hoping to regain the seven Far Eastern states and end the war as soon as possible, because Russia's finances have been emptied and support will not last long.

In this way, the Tsarist Empire gave up its plan to engage in a decisive battle in Neménggu and turned to the Far Eastern Territory.

After plan 1 was formulated, Ivan Jilinsky used only 9 divisions in the Kulun and Ulyasutai areas on the southern front, with the Cossack cavalry as the main force, and went out to monitor the fourth Chinese Empire in the ancient direction of the inner méng. Trends in the theater of war and on the northern line, there are 7 main armies, a total of 78 divisions, and the 1.3 million army is divided into left and right wings with the model as the axis. The 2 groups on the right, 23 divisions with a total of 380,000 people, guarded the fortress of Nerchinsk and launched attacks on the two important towns of Tenda and Skovorodino to open up the Siberian Railway and the main road to the Amur Oblast. Strategic purpose. The 5 left-wing armies, totaling 55 divisions with a total of 920,000 people, bypassed the Outer Khingan Mountains, crossed the Lena River, crossed the Zhugdzur Mountains, recovered the Khabarovsk Territory, and then moved south along the plain to attack from the outer side of the Khingan Mountains. Tenda and Skovorodino. After winning the two places, the communication lines were opened, and the two armies attacked Boli Fortress and Vladivostok Fortress respectively, and recovered Amur Oblast and Primorsky Krai.

Since the winter offensive, the Chinese Imperial Army has achieved a brilliant record. The General Staff and the First Theater Command believed that they were about to be violently retaliated against by the Russian army. When the enemy is crazy, when you retreat and evade its sharpness, consume its sharpness, and then counterattack, you will hit with a hit.

From the establishment of the Chinese Imperial Army, from Yongping Qiucao to Queshan military exercises, the Chinese Imperial Army is good at counterattacking defensive attacks and pretending to be pigs and tigers.

Therefore, among the seven combat plans formulated by the General Staff, the No. 3 combat plan, which focuses on defensive and counterattack warfare, finally passed the demonstration and began to implement.

The core of the plan 1 is to believe that the real purpose of the Tsarist Russian Army's main force in the direction of Yakutsk is to capture the fortified Tenda and Skovorodino, and to open up the strategic transportation line between the two places is the first priority. Because if the communication line here cannot be opened up, the supply of ammunition and materials will be restricted, and the Russian army will be unable to launch an offensive against Vladivostok and Boli in the Far East. Therefore, the Imperial Chinese Army must launch an active defense here, and use these two places as bait, and once again the enemy deepens and defensive counterattack.

The General Staff of the Chinese Empire planned 1 to take the initiative to make a strategic retreat in the Khabarovsk Territory, in order to lead the main force of the Russian army to cross the Zhugzhul Mountains and enter the plain area, and then wait for the opportunity to carry out a strategic counterattack, and destroy the left-wing Russian army in one fell swoop. The General Staff ordered about 200,000 troops from the First Front,

Established the third army group, holding Tengda and Skovorodino. The Second Army and the Third Army, as well as the newly established Fifth Army, established the First and Second Army Groups, with a total strength of 1.02 million. The main forces of the First Army Group are concentrated on the Jieya Lake and Jieya River lines behind the Tengda strategy. , And built strong fortifications and various machine guns, as well as artillery positions. The Second Army Group left a small group of troops in the Khabarovsk Territory as a deterrent, while the main force quietly moved northward, and has been withdrawing from the Khabarovsk Territory, and gathered secretly in Magadan, Kamchatka. Supply of Magadan Port.

The Imperial Chinese Army once again placed a big pocket, waiting for the Russian army to drill in. The Russian army has been abused for a whole winter, and it can be described as very violent, and can't wait to wipe out all the Imperial Chinese Army in one go.

This kind of irritability has become the consistent mentality of almost all commanders in the Russian military from top to bottom. Therefore, the Chinese Imperial Army does not worry that the Russian army will not get into their pockets.

In terms of ancient times, the General Staff of the Chinese Empire did not initially choose the battlefield for the decisive battle in Northern Territory (Russian Far Eastern Territory), but in the border area between the outer and inner regions. Because the Russian army drove more than 600,000 troops into the ancient world, the Chinese Empire had to respond.

In April, the Emperor of the Chinese Empire, Wang Chenhao, had already decreed that the Princess Borzigit-Salena of the Shaowuda Horqin League should be named Li Fei, and the Princess Ulan Qiqige of the Alxa League Erut would be named Princess Zhuang.

In this way, Horqin League and Alxa League, the two largest tribes of Neimenggu, became relatives of the emperor. The Neimenggu thirty-six banners led by them once again showed their loyalty to Emperor Chenhao of the Chinese Empire and formed a total force. 350,000 méng ancient cavalry troops.

Such a huge cavalry force, even if it is not sure to defeat the Russian Cossack Cavalry Regiment, can at least retain the cavalry power in the ancient area of ​​Méng, allowing the infantry of the Chinese Imperial Army to advance safely to the ancient Méng, and finally rely on the infantry to defeat the Russian army and recover. Outside méng ancient.

In order to further win over the Horqin Ministry and the Alxa Ministry, Wang Chenhao successively issued several imperial decree, and promoted Li Fei Da Ji Hadan Batel (deduced as a resolute hero) to the commander of the Royal 1st Cavalry Corps, and was promoted to the younger brother of Zhuang Fei. Genhas (Ze Wei Mingyu) was a lieutenant general of the commander of the Royal Second Cavalry Corps.

And the naming of the word "Royal" is just for the purpose of being overwhelmed. Of course, at the same time, he was also promoted to the officers of other ministries as a win over.

The equipment of the Royal 1st Cavalry Regiment and the 2nd Cavalry Regiment was directly allocated by the General Logistics Department, equipped with Qingyi's Browning 97 cavalry lance, war knife and various fighting equipment.

Hardenbaatar and Gegenhass, as relatives of the imperial kingdom, also actively stepped up the training of cavalry troops, and began to expel the invading Russian Cossack cavalry. They fought several battles, although they did not win, but they did not. Let the Russian cavalry get cheap.

With these 350,000 cavalry units, the Chinese Imperial Army's strategic posture in Ménggu was suddenly reversed, and it was no longer passively beaten, and sometimes it was able to counterattack appropriately.

However, as the General Staff Department shifted its strategic focus to northern Xinjiang, the combat mission of the Méng Ancient Fourth Theater was only defense. Therefore, the Fourth Theater immediately conducted intensive training for the Royal First Cavalry Corps and the Second Cavalry Corps, and carried out appropriate reorganizations. , So that it conforms to the establishment of the Imperial Chinese Army.

On May 4, 1902, the right-wing Tsarist Russian Army launched a fierce attack on the front line of Tenda, and was stubbornly resisted by the Chinese Empire. The Russian army had no intention of being able to take Tenda quickly, so after a short period of time when they could not attack, they began to stalemate and waited for the left-wing army to outflank it.

However, the Russian army sent a powerful airship unit to bomb Tenda and Skovorodino.

This day was sunny and sunny, suitable for airships to carry out tactical bombing. The Russian right-wing commander General Paul Nev immediately ordered the airship troops to be dispatched.

In the early morning of May 8th, 30 Russian Zeppelin airships departed from the Nerchinsk Fortress and arrived in the air about 70 kilometers away from Tenda at 11 o'clock in the morning.

At this time, the Russian military observers on the flagship airship suddenly noticed that there was a buzzing sound in the air ahead, the sound became louder and louder, and the Russian soldiers on each airship leaned on the edge of the pod to look out.

At about 12 o'clock, a Chinese Imperial Air Force J-1 reconnaissance plane flew over the left wing of the Russian airship formation. The sudden appearance of the plane stunned the Russian airship personnel.

What is this?

The first time I saw an airplane, no one knew it, and some even shouted that it was a flying dragon beast.

Only the commander could see through the binoculars that the opponent was the dragon flag of the Chinese Imperial Army.

"It's the enemy!"

With a loud shout, the Russian troops on the airship panicked and took out their pistols and fired at the surrounding aircraft.

There were two people sitting on this reconnaissance plane. The pilot was in front and the observer in the back was recording the number of Russian airships and airship personnel.

The plane cruised at 35 knots, circled the Russian airship unit, and flew away after a few circles.

The sudden appearance of the plane made the Russian airship forces panic, and things they didn't know were always the most terrifying. Commander Lieutenant Colonel Shilov has a cold sweat on his forehead. If it is the secret weapon of the Chinese Imperial Air Force, what should be done.

Lean down and bird's eye view of the earth, thousands of meters high, if there is danger, if you fall.

Shilov couldn't help taking a breath, only to feel goose bumps all over his body.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, just as the Russian airship unit flew in the sky less than 15 kilometers away from Tenda, six aircraft suddenly appeared on the opposite side.

Shilov couldn't help but froze, and suddenly became worried.

After the Eighth Flying Group of the Imperial Chinese Air Force received information about the incoming Russian airship, the fighter squadron took off immediately. Captain Gao Peng led six J-1 fighter jets into the air to face off.

In the cockpit of Lingji No. 001, Gao Peng observed the Russian airship unit through a telescope.

A giant ship, without any defense capabilities. It only needs to penetrate the airbag of the airship to crash the airship. The airship's huge body and slow movement speed are really a piece of cake for the J-1 fighter, and simple aiming is enough to hit.

Gao Peng made a deep penetration, splitting and merging, with his own shooting gesture. Then stepped on the accelerator and the fighter climbed up.

The other five fighters quickly received orders and followed the lead plane to move.


Gao Peng yelled, and slammed on the accelerator again. The fighter jets screamed and dived, and rushed straight to the Russian airship. Five other planes followed suit and began to dive.

The distance was getting closer and closer. At three or four hundred meters, Gao Peng took his body to the direction of the nose, used the large front sight on the heavy machine gun, aimed at the difficult target, and pulled the trigger.


The machine gun fired suddenly and dozens of bullets were fired.

When the ear-piercing sound rang, Shilov suddenly raised his throat. When he saw the flash of fire on the plane, he knew it was bad.

"Enemy attack!"

Before the words fell, the machine gun bullets had already strafed over.

"Puff puff puff!" The bullet suddenly penetrated the air bag and the hydrogen gas began to leak out. Although the Zeppelin has strong airbag management and damage control measures, the penetration of the bullet is too strong. A bullet basically penetrates the airship, and it destroys more than a dozen small airbags at once.


Gao Peng pulled the trigger once again and another row of bullets fired after a short shot.

This time, the bullet hit the steel frame, and the fire burst and ignited the hydrogen in the air bag.

"Boom! Boom!"

The airbags in the Zeppelin exploded one after another, causing fires to rise in an instant. Then there was a huge explosion, the entire airship disintegrated in an instant, and the smoke flew hundreds of meters.


The other five fighters that followed Gao Peng also opened fire one after another, like a pack of wolves rushing into a sheepfold, attacking the Russian airship unscrupulously.

"Boom boom boom!" Russian airships were hit one after another, caught fire, and exploded and disintegrated after a few seconds.

The Russian troops on the pod of the airship were thrown into the air during the violent shaking, making [free] falling [movement].

They were wailing heartbreaking, because they all understood that waiting for them would be one of the cruelest ways to die, being thrown into meat sauce alive.

Gao Peng led a fighter squadron, interspersed back and forth, attacked separately, and shot down all 30 airships in less than half an hour.

Although the Russian army on the airship fired at them, such shooting is almost negligible for fast-flying fighters.

Victory! It is a tactical victory as well as a strategic victory.

After the Chinese Imperial Air Force fighter squadron wiped out the Russian airship unit, it immediately returned and hid in the hangar.

The Russian soldiers and soldiers who are fighting fortified battles in Tenda hope that their own airships can come to help, so that the Chinese Imperial Army will also taste the taste of bombing and barbecue.

However, they waited left without news, and waited with no news on the right. Finally, when they saw a series of violent explosions in the distant sky and a fire as bright as the sun, their hearts suddenly sank to the bottom.

The bad news came, and the Russian frontline offensive suddenly weakened, and morale was low. Similarly, Paul Nev was dumbfounded when he learned that the airship troops he had sent out had been wiped out.

how come?

Paul Nev didn't understand the thirty airships, and they were reimbursed in the blink of an eye, but for some reason.

Paul Nev couldn't know the reason, because the airship was wiped out and no one came back alive to tell him what terrible things had happened.

Paul Nev couldn't find the reason, but he hoped that the front line could capture Tenda as soon as possible, so as to wash away the huge humiliation brought about by the humiliation of the Imperial Chinese Army this winter.

The next day, Paul Nev once again sent out the remaining 25 airships, rushing to the front line.

However, Paul Nev soon received another report. Twenty-five boats were once again annihilated. Witnesses said that the airship had a big explosion in the air and it seemed to be attacked by some birds, but the reason was unknown.

Paul Nev collapsed completely, and he ruined fifty-five airships within two days. This was a luxury purchased by Huā with a huge sum of money. He was reimbursed before seeing the results, which really made him ashamed.

Soon, the Russian High Command learned about this, and inevitably scolded Paul Nev. However, the Russian High Command is not simple. They quickly obtained the needed information from Russian civilians near Tenda, knowing that the Chinese Imperial Air Force suddenly added a new weapon, but they still don't know what the specific weapon is.

Subsequently, the Russian High Command strengthened its intelligence collection of the Chinese Imperial Army. After paying huge manpower, material and financial resources, we can find some useful news.


"What it is?"

These two sentences suddenly became buzzwords among people who have read newspapers all over the world.

After the Tenda Air War, the news of the annihilation of the Russian airship unit spread like wildfire, which immediately attracted the attention of military experts all over the world. Why a powerful airship unit of fifty-five ships was destroyed in the blink of an eye? This is a question that everyone cares about. As for what an airplane is, they only learned through intelligence that it is a kind of aircraft, and combined with the information provided by the current scientific research personnel of various countries, they finally understood that the aircraft is similar to the hydrant aircraft that they had neglected earlier. thing.

Various countries immediately put in personnel to study aircraft, but because they were misled by the Chinese Empire, they have been developing airships, so that their domestic aircraft projects are very few. Even if there are private researchers, the aircraft built can only fly more than ten meters.

However, since then, a new term has been added to the world, aircraft. The aircraft of the Chinese empire finally gained fame due to the Tenda air battle and became the world's super aviation power sought after by the international aviation community in the future. ! .

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