Energy Group

Chapter 1315:

Episode 1315: Success in India

The Indian mao faction is very advanced in doing things. In their eyes, everything can be solved by violence, but their current military level is still not up to the political fǔ army, so assassination becomes their only one. In order to achieve their goals, they can do a lot of things that others don’t. It’s not as if they chose to plant a bomb in a banquet hall in order to assassinate an important Congress party official. At that time, the Congress party official was dead. It’s a pity that there are dozens of local businessmen and celebrities with him. The máo faction has done a lot of killing innocent people. The reason why it still exists is because of India. The racial system is really bad. Otherwise, they might not even find a single soldier. Of course, their development for so many years has nothing to do with the support of several countries. 1

Wu méng is the current supreme leader of the Máo faction armed forces. He is the most advanced person in his bones. In the past, the Máo faction armed forces might have considered such and other issues when doing things, but now these issues are in this guy’s mind. There is no li at all. His goal is to kill all the ruling parties in front of him. What he admires very much is the famous saying of our country’s leader that power comes out of the gun, thinking that as long as he has a powerful armed force he can overthrow it. Under the rule of the National Congress Party, of course he is not very sympathetic to the so-called untouchables, because this guy is a Brahman mén, it can be said that he is also of noble blood, he came out with these so-called untouchables hún, in all It can be said that the higher race is an alternative. Even those people of higher caste did not kick this guy out. It can be seen how strict their racial system is.

"Mr. Li, it seems that we don’t need to be so troublesome. In fact, I think this place can be directly covered by shelling. Although there are hundreds of ordinary people, they should all belong to the families of those from the National Congress. These people oppress us. It’s been a long time, so let’s just kill it. Let’s not send people to move our artillery positions. If it causes any trouble, I’m afraid it will delay our plan. There are only a few hundred people. There should be none. It’s a problem.” The plan to bombard the capital was set long ago. At this moment, Li Xian brought his people here to assist these guys. He wanted to kill this guy less, but he didn’t expect people to appreciate it. Anyway, there are so many people in India, even if you die so many hundreds of them, it’s okay. He nodded right now. He couldn’t see how this honest looking guy could be such a cruel heart. of.

Since last week, Li Xian brought dozens of Jīng Ying from the Philippine Military to India by plane. There were also hundreds of military personnel who came with them. Of course, they could not take the plane anymore, so I waited for them for two more days. India only learned about the specifics of this mission. The personnel from the military departments of several surrounding countries have arrived here. The total number is probably more than 5,000. The Burmese Army directly came over with a 3,000-strong reinforcement group. Li Cong felt that his nephew should be a military talent, so some things in India were handled by this guy. His goal was the greatest possible threat to the ruling of the Congress Party. Although Li Cong told the people below He said that this time he would overthrow the rule of the Congress Party, but he also understood that the Congress Party is deeply entrenched in India. It is not something that can be overthrown by this. There should be more work to be done, but for them There is no problem drawing a big pie, at least now they are full of energy.

When Li Xian came over, he knew how powerful these máo sect armed forces were. Although they had assembled more than 30,000 armed men, and they were all war-worthy people, Li Xian could see it without actual gestures. It may not take half an hour for the 5,000 people under your own to fight against these 30,000 people. You can see by watching their sharpshooters shoot targets. Although every shot is similar to the sharpshooter on your side, their details are all No, they all have sweaty palms. How can this work on the battlefield? This is the same as before. They dealt with the Indian police, and only occasionally they could fight against the army, but This time they are facing 25,000 regular troops and 30,000 reserves in the entire state, as well as the surrounding tens of thousands of troops. Of course, the surrounding troops may have difficulty coming back when they conquer the capital. Because India’s āo communication is really terrible, and they can’t do these things. If they want to rely on the railway, they don’t have any mén. As long as they damage a railway, they have to run over and ambush them. It's the same as playing, there is no way, it is caused by the āo in India.

"Secretary Wu méng (Since he is armed by the máo faction, he has to look like a máo faction armed, and his name is the same as our leader back then. Who would call our leader such an idol of foreigners? He must align everything with the idol. I have to go back and prepare some things. During this period, we don’t want to meet. My informant said that there is nothing going on in the capital in the past few days. Let’s not make ourselves nervous. , I brought a lot of fun things from the Philippines, so that my brothers can relax.” Li Xian pointed to a few truckloads of things with him and said. In fact, Li Xian didn’t want to bring these things, but he saw them. The guy also brought it in his usual days, nothing more than some entertainment products, these people didn’t even know what they were, and they were pulled into soldiers by this guy, but this guy is not one yet. The lives of these people are actually They are selling their lives to a family. These people still think about the establishment of a socialist country in the future. Is this possible?

"Hehe, thank you Mr. Li. Our people will make húnluàn in the city on time tonight. At that time, you will need Mr. Li's fire support force. You can rest assured at that time, as long as your firepower is sufficient. , I absolutely guarantee that my people will rush into the Governor’s Mansion within an hour. Tomorrow our máo armed flag will be erected at the Governor’s Mansion. Then it will be time for us to establish the People’s Republic of India.” Li Xian nodded. The head obviously didn't want to say anything to this guy. There seemed to be a bubble in this guy's mind, and he didn't even know what to say about him.

The smile on this guy's face disappeared immediately after seeing Li Xian taking his people into the car. He glanced at the trucks of entertainment products Li Xian brought. These things may be considered as family in other places. It’s the usual items in the restaurant, but here are some luxury items. Even beer is not something that these people can drink. The beer consumption in India can’t even catch up with a province in China, because beer here is very expensive. Méng waved his finger at those things and said, "These things are all things that can corrupt our soldiers. Although this Mr. Li is kind, but I don’t think we need these things to encourage our combat effectiveness, so I brought them to the warehouse. Go inside, I will find someone to deal with these things. These capitalist things don’t want to corrupt our brains. We are all people with ideals.” This guy speaks out of nothing but sees that these things are worth hundreds of times. If you sell 10,000 yuan, you will get a lot of income. Although other soldiers have long wanted to go up and see what they are, their bosses say these things are the corruption of capitalism. If you want to go up there, it will be a rebellion. Then you have committed a serious crime. It's no wonder that you shouldn't be hacked to death when the time comes. A few soldiers unwillingly pulled the things into the warehouse. "Domain name, please familiarize yourself"

"Well, I want to talk to the people who convened our first group of offensive youth groups. In addition, each person will give them a settlement allowance of 150 yuan and tell them not to be afraid of their families. Our organization will take care of them. We This is how a great government needs to be established with human lives. Their sacrifices will not be in vain. One day we will establish our great motherland. They are all our heroes." This guy When he speaks, he has the demeanor of a leader, but everyone knows that this guy can just speak big words, and it's no use doing serious things. Your idol, the great man in China, was with the fighting troops when he fought. People's soldiers are really following them. Look at you. As soon as the battle starts, you will command here to give orders. If you can't do it, you will be shot immediately, 150 yuan? We have 2,000 people from the death squad. The Mr. Li paid 2 million yuan for one thousand yuan per person, but you immediately deducted that much. How could our soldiers give you their lives? What? At that time, they will retreat immediately like the previous few times, and no one wants to lose their lives. Although several adjutants know this, they can’t say it now. The internal organization cannot be divided. If it is in this At that time, whoever dared to sing against Secretary Wu méng, his fate would definitely be miserable, thinking of his poor family members, let those soldiers be taken advantage of.

At this moment, the state capital of India is still a very peaceful scene. The upper class people still live the life of the upper class people. They still live in the huā world every day. Anyway, those untouchables have been fine for decades. Could something happen today? Although the police station has sent warnings to every big family, saying that according to their investigations, there may be some actions by the Máo faction armed forces recently. Speaking of these Máo faction armed forces, they are a bit scared, but these people are generally They will do things outside the city, and it is impossible to come inside the city. They know that there are 11,000 soldiers stationed in this city. They are just able to attack some rich people in the countryside. They dare to be stationed with heavy troops. come? Isn't it impossible? Unless it's desperate, so one by one just won't leave the city, but it's still the same in the city.

Mr. Carbon is a person under 30 years old, but he is one of the richest people in this city. The reason is that his family is a superior person for several generations, so he can take it honestly without doing anything. With his share of money, there are hundreds of thousands of untouchables in his family. If it were in ancient times, it would have been a huge slave owner. Now, although those slaves are not mentioned, the facts are It’s almost the same. It’s just like the pariah in front of me, saying it’s the most beautiful one recently, but what's the use? I sit in the car and slowly look at things in the city. This girl has to squat down. She was floating between her own double tuǐ, and I kicked her out of the car if I was a little dissatisfied, but it’s really amazing that a pariah like her can take her Mercedes-Benz car. Although your service is very good, you can get on. The relationship between waiting for people and inferior people should not be confused. An nv person like you is just for fun. If you take you home, the old antiques at home will definitely kill me, just Thinking about it then, it seemed that I felt a reaction from below. This girl is still very good. Mr. Carbone tried hard to grasp this guy’s head and pressed it down hard, like he was going to push this nv boy down. The throat is pierced. It’s a pity that this nv kid doesn’t have any chance to resist. Even if he is suffocated, he dare not resist. After all, this person is related to the life and death of his whole family. This is how the untouchables end up. , If the upper class is a little unhappy, he may be killed immediately, so I can't ask why.

This guy sent a message directly to the poor nv kid’s throat, and he felt comfortable, waiting for the nv kid to slowly clean him up, and then let the nv kid roll out of the car. To participate in the upper-class society, such nv children cannot be taken with them no matter how beautiful they are. After doing things, such nv children have to walk a few kilometers back to their homes and then honestly shrink into the garbage house. , Waiting for the master’s call again. If the master is not interested in you and doesn’t call you for a few days, then you have to go back to work honestly. Otherwise, the family won’t support you for anything like this. Don't do it, still want to eat? That is impossible.

"Okay, you guy, your task is complete, you can get out of here." This guy didn't ask the driver to stop, he just opened the car and threw the nv guy out. The nv kid looked helplessly. When I glanced at the car, I rolled several times to the side of the road. Blood came out from the corners of my mouth, and there were scars everywhere on my body, but this is no way. It has been several times, but every time You can’t get in the car with your scars. If that’s the case, you might just kill yourself. Sometimes I really hate myself for having such a beautiful appearance, and sometimes I hate my status as a bitch. If I keep on like this, sooner or later. I will be killed by this guy. Look at the scars on my feet. These are all the previous few times I walked back. Untouchables in India can’t wear shoes. Every time I walk a few kilometers back, I will turn into this. Look like.

"Better you can die here in a car accident, then I can be liberated" the girl cursed so, but no one would have thought that she was like a **** now, her curse was fulfilled, and an AP rocket was directed towards this The guy’s bulletproof Mercedes rushed over, and the Máo faction armed the attack. This is what everyone thinks on the road, because the only people who dare to come so luàn here are the Máo faction armed. They don’t care about the consequences at all. This is a downtown area. If the young master’s car explodes, there will be at least dozens of casualties here, but most people have the same idea as the nv kid, that they will drag the young master to die together when they die. The armed forces are just scared, but they don’t mean it annoying, because they have been oppressed by these **** so-called high-class people to death. Just like the uncle next to him, his ancestors can only bear the responsibility of transporting garbage for generations. All the daily expenses of his family are only enough for the first-class young master to spend on chopsticks and vegetables. This is the life of the Indian untouchables, and what is more, the drinking water used in their family is actually used by the first-class people. There is no other way to deal with the waste water. India’s tap water is not the same as China’s. If you unscrew it, it will come out. Of course, this is also a way for the superior to punish them.

Bulletproof Mercedes-Benz cars are not rocket-proof. Obviously, this young master has returned to the sky with his favorite car. A dozen people next to him have also ascended to the sky with this guy. People who were shopping saw a pillar of fire facing the sky. After rushing over, people on the road ran to other places one after another, but they didn’t know where was safe at this time. From the time the first rocket was fired to the present, there have been four on this street less than 2,000 meters away. Five of them exploded. Two of them rushed in towards the police station. It is estimated that there would be no surviving police officers there. It directly caused the entire road to be paralyzed. Even if there is an emergency, there will be no chance. What kind of effective support? This is the first gun of the Máo faction. They want to bring the entire city into a very húnluàn. They have a good idea, and in fact they did it.

There are more than a dozen policemen patrolling the street. They are all those who have tried to fight with the mao sent armed forces, knowing that they must be the first to deal with the police, and they all want to run faster than the ordinary people. I am afraid that they will be targeted by people armed by the Máo faction. If they are really targeted, it is not a good thing. They run one by one and throw away all the police stuff on themselves. Anyway, the weather in India is very good. It’s hot, you won’t catch a cold even with a bare butt, and now it’s not time to worry about catching a cold. The most important thing is to keep yourself alive. You can run faster than rabbits one by one. You can’t run slow at this time. Yes, the people armed by the Máo faction are all untouchables. They don’t care about the life and death of the people on the street. After all, this is the main road in the city. The people here are basically the first-class people. Those who are concerned about the life and death of these superior people, in the hearts of the untouchables, maybe the superior people need to die, so that no one can oppress them.

The whole city is basically similar to the situation on this street. The police system is directly paralyzed. The police station is often the first target to be attacked. Take a look at the big-eared Indian police officers who are usually brave. , But now all of them have become oven pigs. Even if there are a few alive, they know that the sky is going to change now. This is not something they can resist. Run away.

As for those untouchables now know what's going on. They all return to their homes honestly. There is nothing here, even if they are armed by the Máo faction, they will not come. They can only kill people jointly, but absolutely They don’t come here to kill people casually. They just go to the homes of wealthy elites or government officials to kill people. It’s just that the noise this time around seems to be a bit bigger. In the past, half of the city had One explosion was very powerful, but this time there were more than a dozen people. I really don't know how many such people came in.

"Everyone comes out. We are here to liberate you. This is a weapon for you. Although there are not many, it can do many things. We have been enslaved for so long. This time I think you are enough. , We are like this all our lives. If we don’t kill all these top people, we still have no way out. We can do this for the rest of our lives, but what about our children? Why do they want to be like this? Think about our sisters. , Our wife, any of them has not been violated by those **** superiors, we are all men, can't even protect our own nv people? Is this our life? Now we have a chance, we The Máo faction armed forces will definitely give you a clear path. This is, rely on your own hands, pistols." A guy in a military uniform took a few people and threw out a box of pistols. Although these are relatively old in China There are some fifty-four pistols, but they should all be usable, and they all have bullets in them. This guy knew that these untouchables would definitely not be able to use them, so he taught it again and then left. He didn’t want to stay anymore. Go down, because you know that you might be very húnluàn in a while, and these máo armed men are also very capable. There are only ten bullets in the gun. Generally, even if you have a gun in your hand, you can’t have bullets after the trouble. At that time, it should be very easy for us to control the overall situation, and there will be no trouble.

To kill the **** of Gantu" Just when everyone was in a daze, a guy took out a pistol from the box, and then rushed towards the luxurious courtyard in front. He said that Gantu was an old housekeeper. Today I can’t say yes to his wife. They’re a classy person. Anyone who thinks of you playing with your wife gives you face. His wife is also a hard-working man. He committed suicide just now after coming back. He is the most responsible person in the whole crowd, and this idea can be felt right now. At this time, the butler in the front yard also brought people over. It seems that he heard the gunshots in the backyard. Could it be the master? Are you shooting untouchables? It’s a society ruled by law now. If something like this happens, it will always be a bit bad. So come and have a look. If you want to kill a untouchable, you can use other methods. Don’t Do you use such a big movement, and now the Máo faction is making trouble outside again, if you are caught by them, it will be troublesome.

"Gantuo, you hún egg, I'm going to kill you." This guy picked up the pistol in his hand and fired wildly at Gantuo. Everyone was silly. It turned out that these people threw their pistols here. At that time, even the insurance was turned on. The distance was too close. It was only a dozen meters away. There was no need to aim at all. The first shot of this guy hit the butler’s stomach, but the next few shots just There is no such level anymore, because of the recoil, he actually made him back a few steps, and the bullets in the gun were all lighted up by this guy, so I asked them to look at these untouchables in an incredible way. How could they have So courageous, the most important thing is where did they come from? This is too evil.

"These untouchables are going to rebel, kill them." The other guards also saw this at this time. These people are going to rebel. If they can't control it in the first time, something may happen. These people are not so. It’s so awkward. If they are really ruthless, it will be terrible. Before, they had heard of other places where untouchables rebelled, but they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes. I saw it today. I heard that an army is needed, but looking at the húnluàn outside, it is impossible for an army to come.

As soon as that guy finished speaking, he found his tuǐ was shot. It was shot by a teenage boy. The remaining hundreds of untouchables knew at this time that if they didn’t resist, they were left waiting for them. Whenever it’s been, every one of them took out the pistols in the box in front of them, but the number given was enough, and then I heard the sound like firecrackers, which can be seen by the pistols. How angry these people are. These dozens of housekeepers and housekeepers were beaten into sieves without taking out their guns. They looked at the untouchables in front of them without knowing what to say. Nothing can be said at this time.

The angry untouchables also know what they have done. If they were afraid to do it in the past, but now they are meaningless, and they have done the things they dared not do. Even if I speak loudly to these people, I will be beaten severely, but now I can kill them directly. They don’t have the fear after killing people in their hearts, and they all rush towards the front yard. After the past, in their eyes, as long as the people who have bullied them are going to be killed, the whole family is suddenly messed up.

Although the family members also have weapons, they only have a few guns after all. Some masters also have their own pistols, but they may still have the ability to resist when faced with a few, but now they are several hundred. Individuals simply don't have that kind of ability, so they can only watch there honestly, wait for death there, wait for their lives, and according to Buddhism, they can enter heaven.

This is basically the situation in the entire city. Most people are killing frantically. Originally, the mayor had to send some troops to manage it. As a result, the untouchables in the mayor’s own home turned out to be the most violent. All dozens of people in the mayor’s house were killed, and the mayor fainted directly. The most terrible thing is that these untouchables began to come to the office in droves after killing all the top people in the house. Yes, India stipulates that all political staff must be top-class people, so this is the most important area where the top-class people gather. It is impossible for them to bring pistols to work every day. After all, this is India, not the United States. They looked at the untouchables with weapons one by one. Such people had to be executed almost a month before. When they grow up, they don’t know how many untouchables have been killed, but now their lives are unexpected. In their hands.

The municipal fǔ building is naturally one of their guard points. At this time, more than hundreds of heavily armed soldiers have established a defensive position in front. If they only deal with these untouchables, it will be no problem. They are also prepared, as long as they are in charge. With an order, the thousands of untouchables in front of this will definitely die here, pistol? Are you kidding me, is that thing useful for war? A submachine gun can kill a dozen of you. At this time, you don't need to aim at all to kill you, just shoot directly.

It’s just that what they imagined hasn’t happened yet. A few rockets were fired from the tall buildings next to them. They just saw a fire snake rushing towards them, and then directly No sense, they are already dead here

What about the army? Wherever the army has gone, immediately call the army and ask them to come over quickly." The mayor was dumbfounded when he looked at the situation in front of the municipal square. He thought these people could hold on for half an hour, who Knowing that I didn’t hold on to it for five minutes, it became like this. Sooner or later, I will die here. If I look at the people in my house, I’m so angry. Do you think that you can live with me? Can those people rush in? Will care if this is the mayor's office.

Five kilometers outside the city, this is the largest military camp in India. They knew what was going on in the city for a long time. Five minutes ago, they were also going to the city for rescue. But now, I don’t know where they came from. The cannonballs covered the entire barracks. This was definitely an organized sneak attack. Tens of thousands of troops lost more than half of the people before they even fired. The governor and the mayor of the city kept fighting. Call yourself, but what's the use? I can’t control you anymore. Your side is really rubbish. More than 2,000 police officers disappeared instantly. There are 300,000 people in the city. It is estimated that half the number of untouchables There are many. There are probably less than 10,000 high-class people, and you probably have to die inside.

"Commander, the deputy commander is dead. He entrusted you to command when he was dying. We have asked for help from the surrounding army, but the railway has been destroyed and the number of military vehicles is insufficient. They will not be able to come here tomorrow afternoon. There are fewer than 4,000 brethren who can fight.” A staff officer came in, clutching his arm, and the cannon wounded the guy, but he was also a soldier, and he knew he had come to report.

The commander looked at the soldiers around him helplessly. In the past, they were very proud, and even thought that the strongest in the world was their Indian army. They would not have failed in the northern part decades ago. Understand how more than a thousand people can drive their tens of thousands of troops to run like that. How is this fighting? They intuitively feel that this is the same as a joke, it is impossible for such a thing to happen, but today In actual combat, they really saw their own combat effectiveness. At the beginning, the shelling broke up the entire army. Most people didn’t know what they should do, and there was no early warning mechanism. The surrounding scouts They don’t know what they are doing. They can only wait to die in their own barracks. Some people rushed into the tank directly, but the tank may be able to withstand a shell, but when the fire is intensive Is it useful to have a few shells? Obviously it is useless.

"Let our people hand over their guns and surrender. We don't have that strong ability, and we can't take any responsibility. I have to be responsible for the remaining thousands of people." The teacher said weakly after he said this. Lowering his head, this guy recalled that he used to say a lot of rhetoric when he was in the military school, but at this time, all he could do was to have a profile picture. In fact, he was not concerned about the lives of so many people. All is just his own life, there will be reinforcements tomorrow afternoon? That is impossible. He knows too much about the bureaucracy of the big brother of the Indian army. Seeing the situation, at least two divisions of tens of thousands of troops are needed. If you want to transport all these people here, there will be no days left. Time is impossible. As for those advanced helicopters, those things are for magazines and reporters. No one knows the true combat effectiveness better than himself.

The people armed with the Máo faction around cheered for a while. They never thought that they could have a reorganizer just like that. In the past, they used a dozen or so times as much force to ambush a company. You may not win, but look at what they did today. A reorganizer directly surrendered tens of thousands of people and then surrendered. There are so many equipment, which is what they dream of, although the Chinese support A lot of things have come, but now they have gone through high-intensity battles and there seems to be nothing left. Now they can just pray here honestly. If the thousands of soldiers inside really rush out, they might even have to Faced with a fierce battle, but now they don’t need it, because these unspecified Indian soldiers have their heads. They can’t believe it if they are killed. There will be such a thing. It seems that they are also afraid of death.

The gunshots are actually shot at the military camp. It is normal to hear gunshots, but now the battlefield has been cleaned, and the armed men of the Máo faction have also controlled the entire army. What happened at this time? What's going on, there shouldn't be gunshots.

Let’s see what happened. Secretary Wu Méng directly shot the division commander to death. This guy, in order to be able to ascend, he would send an army to sweep him when he was fine. He was also depressed, and his fighting power was stronger than himself. There are thousands of brothers who died in the hands of this guy. UU reading can finally get revenge today. Don’t tell Lao Tzu about the Geneva Convention. Lao Tzu doesn’t know that thing. Lao Tzu just knows it is now. My world is over. I can do whatever I want. Now you are a prisoner, so I can decide your day.

"Comrade Secretary, we found a field hospital over there." The guy didn't say the following words. Although the yào products in the field hospital are also very precious, it is obviously not the time to talk about that, but the dozens inside. A beautiful nurse, India has always been a country where beautiful nv is born, and there are naturally many here. Secretary Wu Méng naturally knows what it means and nodded, “I’ll check it out. You guys will come with me. Before we come out, no one should go in. I suspect this is a secret biological and chemical weapon manufacturing site in this barracks. I hope everyone can understand that the danger is of course our responsibility. Ask the brothers to prepare to enter the city." This guy said It's not ashamed that the staff around you can't wait to vomit it out, but Secretary Wu Meng is still good, at least let them in, the soldiers around are a bunch of fools, and I don't know what the secretary means at this moment. The secretaries are really good secretaries for them. If there is any danger, they all go in by themselves, but after the secretaries and them enter, it seems that there is no danger in them. On the contrary, there are some voices of nv people. Most of them are virgins, but Some older fighters naturally understand what the sound is, and the secretary knows what the secretary is doing, but they dare not say it right now, don't you want to kill yourself? I haven't lived enough yet.

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