Energy Group

Chapter 1318:

The director of the energy group is of course clear about how the people in the energy group do things. Although he can be said to be neutral among the major powers in Russia, if something happens to him, everyone may stand up and say something. , But it also depends on who you offended. In fact, this order is obviously tricky. Although they say how good their t90 tanks are in the world, their insiders are very clear. , That thing can’t be said to be rubbish, but it is also considered the bottom of the third-generation tanks. Now many big countries simply look down on this tank. The reason why Russia continues to use this thing is because of their With regard to scientific research capabilities, it is impossible to retain good researchers without money. Naturally, this thing cannot be updated without good researchers.

Since such a bad thing can bring people from the energy group to the door, and it still comes when India shows that it is interesting, it shows that they have a problem with India, thinking that the factory manager here quickly picked up himself I dialed my boss. Those who have problems with the energy group will basically have no good end. At this moment, I should hurry up to get the dunning from India back. This can’t be delayed. If you wait for the energy group to start, it is estimated that there will be no bones left in India, and there will be anything else for you at that time, you have to start now, otherwise there will be no place to drink the soup.

The Indian Ministry of Defense never thought that the Russians who used to sell their tanks in the past turned out to be such a face. Don’t you know that your Russian military factories are going to go bankrupt? Why are you still showing such a cold face? As for us Indians, I think your place will go bankrupt sooner or later. We are your customers and your savior. How come it seems that you don’t need our orders at all?

This time, India sent to Russia the boss of the procurement department of the Ministry of Defense. Although these hundreds of tanks are a small list compared with their nuclear submarine leases, they also attach great importance to them because of the urgent time. Now the civil strife in India It's like a joke. I have been paying attention to and intervening in other countries' affairs. I didn't expect that in the end, I would suffer a loss. My country was divided. I couldn't believe it. This makes the Indian tycoons who have been advocating their own strength on the front desk very faceless. What they need is to quickly quell the rebellion. They must completely suppress the impact of this matter within a few months, but when they When looking at his army, the army also said that the place is suitable for large groups to fight, but our armored units are now confronting Pakistan. If they are brought back, the Pakistanis will definitely take advantage of the fire. This is not a concern. , They have been doing things like that all the time, so they can’t come back, so the big guys in India have the idea of ​​re-organizing a new force. After the formation of this force is completed, it will be the main force of the judgment. In the future, if there are any changes in other places, they can also drive to the place they need to reach the first time, which is also considered a rainy day.

People in the Indian military don’t know how the Russians, who were very enthusiastic at the beginning, suddenly became like this. In their impression, as long as they want to buy weapons, there will always be various People came to the door, but not only did they not post it this time, they didn’t want to take their orders very much because of that. Damn, isn’t our money money? Apart from Russia, can we not find a weapon supplier?

If you have plenty of time, it’s not a problem to find a new supplier, but I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult at this time. You don’t have much time. You need to show your ability in the international community, and you I also said to the outside world to counter the rebellion. In fact, at this time, the Russians would definitely have to blackmail the Indians once, but now it seems that they have no intention of blackmailing. The Indians originally thought Russians were too. What this means, they even hinted that the price could be raised a little bit, and it has even reached four and a half million U.S. dollars. You must know that this price is already very high, which can make the Russians earn half, but they still Not tempted, the Indians even used their little gold reserves, but the Russians were still unmoved. At this time, the Indians were really panicked.

In the Indian Ministry of Defense in New Delhi, it is now eleven o’clock in the evening, but it hasn’t left yet. It’s just a bit special that the deputy minister of the Ministry of Defense presided over the meeting. Because the minister had a scandal a while ago, the new minister Let the guy from the Vera Party come on stage. It’s better to send the minister to a fundraising party for such a confidential matter. On such occasions, he doesn’t need that guy to attend. He doesn’t need to know that much. Mr. Minister also knows. What's going on, so he can’t complain. Even if the Vera Party has gained a lot of support now, he must understand that India is not their world now, and the Gandhi family’s power in India is still in full swing. If they If you want to jump out and get thorns at this time, they are probably the first jewelry.

"The Russians said that they have more important things, so our order will not be available until five months later." One of the guys is in charge of this kind of thing. At this moment, I can't wait to see the vice minister who is going to eat people. I found a seam to drill in. I used to be very good at foreign military purchases. Whether it is a Russian Kilo-class submarine or some other things, it has its own shadow, but this time No matter how you find a relationship, the opposite is not letting go. This is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that I wasted a lot of money and favors and I didn’t get any useful news. One of my college students was in the Russian Ministry of Defense. Going to work, I told myself that your opponent is too strong and that your India is not an opponent. Just like this, I spent 500,000 dollars on myself, but I still have no brains, and that classmate was taken away by the Russian KGB because of this sentence. Up.

"Damn, are you doing things? You are embarrassing me, and how do you, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, do things? When you don’t need you, don’t you always talk about your relationship with the Russians? Why? Why can’t we buy some tanks now? This is the good relationship you said?” The vice minister came from the presidential palace just now, and the president was merciless when he scolded him, although he was not the only one at the time. I was scolded, but when he came out, the president told himself that he had to see this armored force within a month, otherwise he would have a good end, thinking of what his predecessor was still in the front line of Pakistan at this time Where's the chief of staff, did someone go to that place? Pakistan’s skills are not very good. They dare not do anything positively, but their assassination skills are good. In the past few years, the generals who have gone to the front will be assassinated at least one or two out of ten. Mom's 20% mortality rate, but I don't want to try it.

Several people in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saw people from the Ministry of National Defense scolding them, and all of them were a little unnatural. It's mainly your business. Now you can't figure it out. We are here to help. Why use this? Talking to us in a tone, isn't this something wrong with your brain? If it wasn't because you belonged to the Gandhi family, we'd just leave now.

In recent years, India and Russia have become increasingly close. The two sides have established a new type of strategic partnership and reached multiple agreements on bilateral cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, science and technology, culture, education, agriculture, energy, information, and arms procurement. India-Russia relations have received extensive attention from countries all over the world. This is what the media say, and the people in the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs think so too. They always carry the hard-earned money of tens of thousands of working people in India to accompany those Russian big noses to eat, drink and have fun. In their opinion, this can be regarded as giving. When the country does things, the friendship with Russia comes out like this, when these friends of wine and meat can’t really help you do anything, but the Indians seem to be ignorant of this, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did it after the accident. Some work hard, but it is clear that those wine and meat friends are not able to contribute to this matter at all. Even a few Indian officials discovered that the Russian friends they know are marginalized people, and their abilities are not as good as they are. They boasted so much when they were money, so they were a little bit dissatisfied. They didn't dare to refute the Deputy Minister of Defense in public. If they really did a careful calculation, they had wasted a lot of national resources over the years, but there was nothing. effect.

"Sorry, Mr. Minister, this is a mistake in our work. We are working hard now, but we cannot give you a result in a short time. This is related to some of the secrets of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Responsibility has been given a nail. You are a member of the Gandhi family, and so are our ministers, and they don't deal with you very much. It is already a matter of face for us to talk like this.

The Deputy Minister of National Defense was obviously angry with this sentence, "What are you all for? Now our country has no basic credibility. Mr. Prime Minister has just finished speaking and will be judged in a short time. , Don’t you know? Now the secret of your Ministry of Foreign Affairs is more important than our affairs. I really don’t know if the country pays you such a large sum of money every year, has it asked you to go to make Russian chicks?" The vice minister said loudly. In fact, he was telling the truth. It was only at this time that people wanted face. The typical way you said this is that you don't give face to others. Several people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also angry right now.

"Huh, our job is not good? We admit that it is just the Ministry of Defense of Mr. Minister. I don’t think it has done much. It has been a few days since the Russians rejected us. But let’s see what you have saved. Isn’t it the same as us? Since this matter, Mr. Minister thinks that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not work hard, then we will go back, and we will contact again if there is a matter.” This guy stood up and went out, giving the Deputy Minister of Defense a back This guy is also the confidant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Everyone always gives him face. Now if you just say it directly, it’s too shameless. You won’t give others face and don’t expect others to give you face. Behind him Several officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also knew that they had to advance and retreat together at this time, and they also felt a little uncomfortable, but there must be no other solution to stay. It is better to get out of it early. The Russians are definitely not. It will be accommodating, and if the Prime Minister blames them, there will still be reasons, much better than the destruction of the entire army.

"You" the Deputy Minister of National Defense never thought that these people would be so courageous and just go out. If it weren't for the Ministry of National Defense, he would even have the heart to shoot these guys.

The Indian solution meeting was held in this way. When reporting to the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister directly called the ministers of the two departments and scolded him. The Prime Minister is also related in Russia, and I didn’t get it through a phone call. What's going on, but one thing is certain, that is, the plan to purchase weapons from Russia has failed. What they need now is an armored unit. The rebels have heavy weapons. If they can't have an armor If the troops pass by, the judgment may turn into a joke, but they don't want this.

At this time, Wu méng* can be said to be full of spring. Although most of the wealth in the city has been taken away by the energy group, this guy does not know it, he just knows that those things have been bombed by the **** governor. I lost, but the city still stayed a little bit. He is still very satisfied with this point. At least he can have a comfortable place to enjoy. In the past, I was always in the mountains and forests. What's good is this city. It’s more comfortable here, and his soldiers also found places to live in groups. This hurts the people in those cities. Most of the people in this city are untouchables. They are fighting for liberation. The slogans of the untouchables came, but in the end, they bullied untouchables the most cruel. Of course, this has a direct relationship with them having nothing. In the past, those high-class people oppressed untouchables, and untouchables felt sad, but these people After they came here, their life became even more sad. If it’s nothing but guns or things, it’s okay. It’s just that these people are ruining women too much. I really don’t know how long these people have been in the mountains. It has only been a few days since the city, and dozens of women have been killed by them. The family members of these people wanted to ask for an explanation, but none of them came back. They were all taken to work as coolies. It was fairly good, and those who were bad were shot directly. In their eyes, what they were holding was the law, and the days here seemed to be darker than before when the upper-class party and government.

"Wu méng*, our intelligence agency in New Delhi has sent back news. The major issue is not good. The 121 armored division on the India-Pakistan front line seems to be coming towards us. Probably they are coming to hit us. "Wu méng* After entering the city, I will enjoy it very much. At this moment, I am leaning on a woman’s soft ōngfu and slowly eating small pieces of fruit. It looks like a nobleman, except for his dirty hands. I was active in a woman’s clothes and sold this guy. How could this guy listen to the 121 armored division? He just saw someone report something to himself. The most important thing for myself now is to enjoy. What are some useless things to report?

"Understood, let's go out first, and talk about it later in the meeting. Didn't you see that I am busy?" the guy said, and the people below thought this was the most important military information, but now it seems that if he continues to speak You may still have your own troubles. Let’s forget it. Since you don’t want to listen, it’s not our business. This guy threw the file here and went out. If he’s not responsible to this level, it’s the one he ordered. This is the case from top to bottom.

India’s 121st Armored Division has a strong combat capability. Of course, it has never played against other countries. The only actual battle of this armored division is against Pakistan. They use t90 tanks to compete with Pakistan’s tanks in the 1960s. The battle loss ratio of the three is also quite good. Of course, this is the official Indian figure. The combat effectiveness of the Uméng* is obviously not as good as the combat effectiveness of the Pakistanis. At this moment, the desire to end the war is also seen. Otherwise, they won't directly call the ace army on the front line.

"What? Bastards, how can you not give me news like this in the first place, you bastards, call me all the officers for a meeting, shit, this is going to be a disaster, one by one, you always know how to enjoy Don’t you know how difficult it is for us to come to this city?" A few hours later, when this guy woke up, there was such a roar from this guy’s house, but everyone was used to it. The purpose of the guy calling like this is to give the people below a face, so that everyone knows that our * adults are very annoyed at the moment, you have to go to work quickly, otherwise * adults' anger is not making trouble Things to play.

"Wu méng*, we still know the strength of the 121 armored division. This division can be said to be the trump card of India. Our most powerful force in India has always been on the front line with Pakistan. The best in India, with 350 T90 tanks, 65 Arjun tanks, and more than 50 other light tanks. This time with them are two elite infantry divisions stationed in the capital with 25,000 men, as well as our neighbors The two local divisions have a total of 18,000 troops with a total of about 50,000, and they are also assisted by the air force. This time they released their words to eliminate our newly established People’s Republic of India within a week. We are really facing the biggest crisis. "The deputy commander-in-chief of the army took a look at the latest intelligence at this time and made a summary for everyone. It's not that this guy is pessimistic. It is a bit out of their expectations now. When there was no army, they knew that they would rebel. It might attract a large number of troops in India, but they did not expect to attract so many troops. Now they have a kind of pressure, a kind of dying pressure. They have a total of less than 30,000 troops, although the energy group People left behind some heavy equipment when they left, but their own people are still not familiar with those things.

T90 tanks, you have them, and we also have them, but the Indian army has been training for a few years. Some of them haven’t been driving for an hour, let alone those fire control systems. They are simply not very good with that. I understand, if this were to go up and work with the 121 armored division, it would really fail and fail. In fact, at this time, some people thought of going back to the forest. At least they could survive there, but thought of this. After spending a few days in the city, can I ask them to return to that place again?

Besides, in terms of reputation, they are now the founding of the nation. If they retreat without a major battle, how will the people of the energy group treat themselves these people in the future? Will they still support us? Without external support, how can we continue to gang up in India? It will be a matter of time before the government will be wiped out, so they have to fight after thinking about it.

Looking at their own military strength, if they are commanded properly, there should be no problem. Just when they are discussing how to fight against them, the air defense sirens sounded, and then someone came in to report, "Report the chief, our radar observes The Indian military's Su-flew towards us, and should be bombarding us." The big guys in the room are a little bit overwhelmed. This **** battle is coming? This Indian man’s movements are a bit too clumsy. In the past, things were done with procrastination. Why are they so clumsy now? And this time they are all the latest weapons. In the past, this Su- It can only be a deterrent to the Chinese, how come they are here now.

Su-is the main fighter jet equipped by the Indian Air Force, manufactured and exported by Russia. The aircraft was developed from the Russian Su-30m fighter-bomber. In the serial number, m stands for "multi-function", k stands for "export type", and i stands for the first letter of a. The most notable feature of the Indian Su-is the installation of canard wings and advanced al-31fp thrust vector engine. The nozzle of the al-31fp engine can be adjusted up and down by 15 degrees, so that the Su-can carry out many unconventional aerial maneuvers. Among the current fighters in active service in the world, only the American f-22a and the unserved f-35 can have this capability. In addition, it can carry almost all Russian-made air-to-air missiles and air-to-surface missiles, including TV-guided kh-59m long-range air-to-surface missiles, TV-guided kh-29t short-range air-to-surface missiles, kh-31a and kh-31p anti-ship and anti-ship Radiation missiles, active radar guided r-77 air-to-air missiles, etc. The total weight of the weapons on the 12 hanging points on the Su-can reach 8000kg, twice that of the early Su-27. Equipped with a brand-new phased array radar and airborne fire control system, the Su-ground-to-sea combat skills have been increased by 24 times compared with Su-27sk and Su-30k. It is more effective than Su-27sk and Su-30k in fighting for air supremacy and air defense. Su-27/30 has increased by 14 times.

Isn't it a bit too much just to fight such a rebel armed with such an awesome plane? In fact, this is no alternative. The 121 Armored Division is indeed the pride of India. They are also afraid of Bucky Carpets at this time. Therefore, the senior officials in India decided to take out all their possessions and strive to get them in half a month. When the war subsided, the 121st Armored Division would immediately reach the front line as quickly as possible, and the Pakistanis would not be given a chance. Of course, the first-level combat readiness of India and Pakistan must be indispensable, and they all understand the lack of an important force.

Twenty minutes after the air defense sirens sounded, the 8 Indian Sus arrived over the city. At this time, there were no military targets in the city. Naturally, they would not care about the life and death of these untouchables, so directly It fired. Su’s firepower was very powerful. Su-’s airborne weapons included the traditional 30mm cannon on Soviet aircraft. The 12 external mounting points could mount various weapons of 8,000 kg, including active Radar-guided r-77 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile, semi-active radar-guided or passive infrared-guided r-27 series of medium-range air-to-air missiles, near-infrared-guided omnidirectional combat r-73 air-to-air missiles, kh-31a air-to-ship missiles And kh-31p anti-radiation air-to-surface missiles, kh-29 series air-to-surface missiles, 100, 250, 500 kg aerial bombs and cluster bombs. Aircraft wingspan meters, captain (excluding airspeed tube meters, aircraft height 6.36 meters, wing area square meters. Empty aircraft weight 17,700 kg, normal take-off weight 25,670 kg, maximum take-off weight 35,000 kg, The fuel tank has 9,400 kilograms of fuel. The aircraft has a maximum level flight speed of 2,125 kilometers per hour, a practical ceiling of 17,500 meters, a declared high elevation angle of 180°, a range of 3,200 kilometers, and a combat radius of 1,400 kilometers. Meter.

These planes came with full load. There was already a sea of ​​flames on the ground at this moment. There were countless dead people. The pilots in the sky didn't have any sympathy for the people below. They got For the information, no reporters came here, because the reporters were killed by these untouchables in the previous chaos. Even if there were reporters here, it is estimated that they would not report them, because untouchables think reporters. It's also the enemy.

The Maoist armed forces of Wu méng* do not have weapons to deal with such large fixed-wing aircraft, so they can only be passively beaten. At this time, Wu méng* does not care about the casualties of those people. The most important thing is now. It is his artillery and armored forces. As long as these things are still there, he will have the strength to compete with the Indian Defense Forces, but if these things are gone, they may really have to go back to the mountains. , The noise this time is so loud, if he really doesn’t have that much ability, I believe this may be the last time to come out of the mountain, and there should be no chance to come out again in the future. He knows better than anyone else if there is not. With support, how long can they stay in the forest?

He immediately made a call to Li Xian’s cell phone, but now the energy group has used his cell phone. He has already attracted the most elite troops in India. Now he is useless. Li Xian is now On the plane heading to Bakki Carpet, what he had to do was to provoke Pakistan to start a war during this period. He was accompanied by a major general of the Chinese General Staff. Without the nod of the Chinese government, Li Cong could not engage in Pakistan. Due to wind and rain, Pakistan is also the country with the worst penetration of energy groups in Asia. This country's dependence on China will even catch up with North Korea.

Three wars occurred between India and Pakistan after the partition of India and Pakistan. In October 1947, India and Pakistan had an armed conflict over the ownership of Kashmir, and the fighting continued for 15 months. In January 1949, India and Pakistan accepted the UN resolution to declare a ceasefire and delineated a ceasefire line in July of the same year.

The 1947 India-Pakistan War or the First Kashmir War was a war between India and Pakistan that broke out from 1947 to 1949 on the sovereignty of the Kashmir region. It was the first of a large-scale war between India and Pakistan.

During the British colonial period, Kashmir was one of the Indian countries that were still independent in name but actually attached to Britain.

After Britain withdrew its troops from India, India and Pakistan, the two independent countries from British India, demanded Kashmir to join them. The chief of Kashmir, Hari Sin, wanted to maintain his independence, so he postponed his decision on this issue. After the British withdrew, an army of pro-Pakistan tribes and Pakistani soldiers invaded Kashmir from Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province. Xin fled Kashmir hastily and fled to India. India took this opportunity to march into Kashmir, which led to the outbreak of the Kashmir war.

As a result of the first India-Pakistan war, Kashmir lost its independence. The ceasefire line in 1948 actually became the split line of Kashmir. Pakistan occupies 2/5 of Kashmir and India occupies 3/5. India occupies the relatively rich, luxuriant and densely populated Kashmir Valley of Kashmir. In 1956 this area became the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

"Hehe, looking at these materials? Actually, it's better to ask me. I have studied this very well. If India hadn't been restrained by Pakistan in these years, I am afraid that he is really a big Asian country now, instead of just staying now. On their lips.” The major general of the General Staff is obviously very talkative. He knows the identity of Li Xian. In the future, this person may be the chief figure in the military headquarters of the energy group in South Asia. The only way to have a good relationship with such a person is There is no harm in it.

"Haha, just take a look, you know, many of the times, tuition is needed. India and Pakistan have been fighting for such a barren land for so many years, and it is really deliberate." This question is really a bit of Li Xian. I don't understand, this is not a good place. What is there to fight for?

"Hehe, it's not like that. The contradictions between India and Pakistan are actually caused by the British and they made it." This guy still knows this.

In history, India and Pakistan are both British India and the largest colony of Britain. After World War II, with the vigorous development of national liberation movements in many countries around the world and the increasing struggle of the Indian people against imperialism and colonialism, the British government had to agree to transfer power to the Indians. However, in order to achieve the goal of still being able to control India after the withdrawal, the United Kingdom tried its best to continue the "divide and rule" policy on the basis of the opposition between the two major sects of Hinduism and Islam created by it. Various sects and parties create conflicts and expand divisions. On June 3, 1947, the Governor of India méng Patton put forward the Indian independence plan that fully embodies this policy-the "méng Patton plan".

The "méng Patton Plan" divides India into three, namely India for Hindus, Pakistan for Islam, and Maharajas. It stipulates that the princes and territories have the right to choose to join the above two countries on a voluntary basis, or to maintain their old relationship with the United Kingdom. As a result, the two major religious sects in India, namely the National Congress Party and the Muslim League, fought fiercely over the reunification of the country or the division of the country, as well as the fight for the princes and states, and mass vendettas occurred between the two major sects. After the formal division of India and Pakistan in August 1947, the contradictions of the division and the ethnic, religious, and territorial contradictions have deepened. In October 1947 and August 1965, India and Pakistan fought two Kashmiri wars over the ownership of Kashmir. All these have planted the fire for the outbreak of greater war between the two countries.

While there are contradictions between India and Pakistan, there are also unstable factors within Pakistan, mainly between East Pakistan and West Pakistan. After Pakistan became independent, the central government and economic and military powers were basically controlled by the landlords and bourgeoisie of West Pakistan, and the people of East Pakistan were almost in a position of powerlessness. With the development of Dongba's economy, the Dongba bourgeoisie is increasingly dissatisfied with this situation. In 1966, Mujib Rahman, a representative of Dongba's emerging bourgeoisie, proposed a six-point autonomy program. By the beginning of 1971, Dongba further set off a large-scale "non-cooperative movement", playing the banner of "Bangladesh". On March 26 of the same year, Pakistani President Yahya announced the banning of the People’s League, the leading political party in East Pakistan, and arrested the Chairman of the People’s League Mujib Rahman and other leaders. For this reason, a mutiny occurred in Dongba. The Pakistani national army was dispatched immediately and basically subsided by the end of May

The India-Pakistan War is a large-scale local war in South Asia after the war. The outcome of this war is determined by a series of subjective and objective factors between the warring parties. From a general perspective, India has an advantage in military power. It has adopted active and flexible guidelines and strategies in politics and foreign languages, thus gaining the initiative in war. For example, India has taken advantage of Pakistan’s internal contradictions politically, actively seeking support from major powers diplomatically, and militarily formulated a strategic policy of avoiding two-line combat, focusing on the east and focusing on the west, and making quick decisions. After the war broke out, more appropriate and flexible combat methods were adopted. Especially as the offensive party, it was able to combine frontal offensive with roundabouts and interspersed, and the ground offensive was coordinated with air and sea operations to give full play to offensive operations. Advantage. These are all important factors for the victory of the Indian army.

In contrast, although Pakistan has achieved some partial victories, there are lessons to be learned in many respects. In terms of politics and diplomacy, after the Pakistani government calmed down its internal affairs, it appeared weak in actively seeking the understanding and support of international forces; in the military, UU read www.uukanshu. com stuck to positional defense and failed to organize new defenses against the circuitous and rapid mobile forces of the Indian army. The West Pakistani army also failed to take more active and powerful offensive actions to contain and stop the Indian army's offensive against East Pakistan.

Li Xian only knew that there were conflicts between the two countries, but he did not expect that there would be so many things. He thought that Li Cong’s order to himself was to provoke a war between India and Pakistan, so that the Gandhi family could be completely convinced. Disappeared in India, even if it cannot disappear, the Vera Party must be brought to power. In fact, it is not because of the artificial man’s plan. Li Cong has long wanted to get this entrenched family out. Their influence in India is really It's too big. If you don't remove them, you won't have a good life in the future, at least the group will have a hard time in India.

"General Wang, I believe you know the bottom line of our group. We want to assist Pakistan in defeating India. I don't know what the government's thinking is?" Li Xian said straightforwardly when he was about to arrive in Pakistan in an hour.

"Haha, do you still need to answer this question? We naturally support it with all our strength, but after all, Pakistan is also of the same race as India, and you have to support it to a certain extent. Tigers can eat everything when they grow up." The guy said meaningfully, in fact, the Chinese people think about things far, and they have to do it if they want to hold Pakistan in their hands. ! .

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