Energy Group

Chapter 1320:

This must be done by the Indians. I can be sure of this. We have such a good relationship with the people of China. How could we do such a thing? And our people didn’t act. I’ve already seen everyone’s action records. From any aspect, we have no reason to act on you [Chinese]..." The new head of the Pakistan Security Agency Just come in and said, this bearded guy even brought out some of their recent activities. Mr. Ambassador quickly gave up his seat to entertain him for a while, but this ambassador is very cunning, and it won’t be because of you. If you have a good attitude, I believe you. In fact, in terms of interests, both India and Pakistan are likely to do this, so now both of them need to be suspected.

Li Xian also took a good look at the director. From the outside, this guy looked very honest, but could he be able to stay in the position of chief of security just by being honest? This is probably impossible. If this is the case, Pakistan will have no national security to say. Maybe their confidential information will have to be stolen every few days.

"Mr. Director, our domestic authorities have already given us an order for this matter. This is something that must be investigated. As you have seen, our country is very concerned about this military aid, otherwise it will not. The generals of our general staff will come here, but this kind of thing happened before our welcome reception, I really regret it." Mr. Ambassador's speech is also very high-level, just like this to you Put pressure on, but I won’t say how to put pressure on you. This security chief has also been studying the culture of Chinese people for a long time. Since military aid is mentioned in this passage, if we don’t give them a good result. If so, it is estimated that these military aid may be yellow.

I know how weak Pakistan’s military strength is. I know how much my country’s economy looks like, but in the end, no one knows what will happen. The situation in India and Pakistan is so tense. The Indians continue to buy so many military weapons from all over the world. Their military power is already much stronger than ours. Many Western countries will not deal with some problems because of China’s problems. Advanced military weapons are given to us, so everything needs to be done by ourselves, and military assistance from Chinese people is very important, but having said that, even if Western countries want to sell these things to them, They also did not have enough money to get it.

After more than three years of unrest, Pakistan’s political situation has been further stabilized at the beginning of this year. On January 1, 2004, President Musharraf won a vote of confidence in the two houses of the parliament and the four provincial assemblies and was confirmed as the elected president of Pakistan, and his identity was legalized. October 2002

The elected cabinet with Jamali as its chief executive and the president cooperated tacitly and coordinated operations. With the test of a series of major events such as the "Kuchagawa" incident, the war in Afghanistan, and the tension between India and Pakistan, President Musharraf's prestige has increased, the domestic opposition to him has been greatly reduced, and the popular support rate has increased significantly. Internationally, the Musharraf government has also received more and more recognition, and Pakistan’s external image has improved. Especially with the substantial relaxation of India-Pakistan relations, the outside world’s confidence in Pakistan has increased significantly. However, despite the overall improvement in the political situation, Pakistan's domestic security and public order are still not good. Pakistan still has a long way to go to truly improve its external image, especially its public security.

In terms of economy, Pakistan has indeed made considerable progress in the past four years.

According to the latest assessment of Pakistan’s economic situation made by the Federal Ministry of Finance on March 22, 2004, the Pakistani government began to implement economic reforms and adjustment policies four years ago, and the economy gradually improved. This process continued to accelerate in the 2003-04 fiscal year. Economic performance indicators show that, as in the previous fiscal year, most of the main economic indicators this fiscal year will exceed predetermined targets. GDP growth rate this fiscal year is expected to exceed the set target: unprecedented growth in loans to sī business sectors: faster growth in imports other than food and crude oil: extraordinary growth in industrial production: steady increase in agricultural production: growth in exports and fiscal taxes Progress beyond target: Inflation and interest rates remain low: The stock market is active. It is important to remain optimistic about expectations for the entire economy.

It is now generally accepted at home and abroad that the Pakistani economy has returned to the track of rapid growth that the country experienced in the 1980s, and the overall macroeconomic stability has remained stable. In addition, because the Pakistani government actively participates in the international fight against terrorism and cooperates well with the United States and other Western countries, it has been positively recognized by the United States and others. Not long ago, the Bush administration has decided to list Pakistan as a "non-NATO major ally". Aid is expected to increase substantially, which will undoubtedly also benefit Pakistan’s economic development.

But none of this can quickly solve the current problems in Pakistan. As the head of the country’s security bureau, he is very clear about what this huge neighboring country means to them, if it hadn’t been for this great ally to stay in their If high-tech armed forces are placed in Tibet, the pressure on them might be doubled by the Indians. Now the garrison in Tibet has reached a staggering one hundred thousand troops. If India really dares to give Bucky carpets at this time Suddenly, it is estimated that the planes of Chinese people can fly over New Delhi at any time. Although there is no such thing as a covenant, the Pakistanis believe that their allies will do that, but the situation is a bit different now. This young general is said to be a confidant of the chief executive of the Central Government, and he seems to know that, so young, he can achieve this position, and can be sent to such an important place in Pakistan, if you don’t give them an explanation If you think of it, there may be a big problem. Thinking of this, the Secretary seems to have made some determination.

"Please rest assured, please tell [China] Beijing, our Pakistan Security Bureau will fully cooperate, and we also hope that Beijing can send some investigators. As you know, our personnel are somewhat insufficient. We can come together. Investigating this matter.” These words directly put the entire Pakistan under the supervision of China. Mr. Ambassador saw that his goal was achieved and stood up with a smile. The smile just now was absolutely false. Yes, but this should be true now.

"We can see the sincerity of Mr. Secretary. Beijing will definitely send someone to take over this matter. I think this matter is not good for both of us. It would be better if we conduct a secret investigation. If it is so blatant. If we proceed, it may not be beneficial to anyone in the end. If it is really done by a hostile force, they may wish we could do that." This ambassador is also very capable. It is better to keep this matter within the smallest scope. In fact, Pakistan has been very close to the Americans in recent years. Chinese people also need to consider some things that should be considered. If they can’t hold this little brother firmly in their own hands, there may be For these and other problems, it’s better to keep a puppy and to be honest. If you secretly make some trouble for yourself, it will be a huge trouble for you. It is like North Korea was going to fight the United States in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It's the same. They are poor and have nothing, but we are in the process of building socialism, but we are about to stop because of the war. The loss is absolutely huge.

The security chief supposedly should go out at this time, but their President Musharraf is not concerned about this. What he is concerned about is the issue of the military aid he talked about with the Central No.1 of China. But they are all good things. They are all just changed by the Chinese army. In recent years, the speed at which the Chinese army has changed has been very slow. These things may be a little bit for the Chinese people. They are useless, but they are all good things for Pakistan. At least don’t worry about their airplanes being unable to keep up with the Indians. Now Pakistan’s dozens of f16s can be said to be their most advanced airplanes, but Compared with the Su-30 in India, it is not on the same level. The flying cats retired from China this time may not be so advanced, but there is an absolute advantage, that is, these aircrafts. 〗 Chinese people are all made by themselves. If they can supplement it during the war, will the Americans supplement it at f16? Impossible, the relationship between the United States and India is also very good. At that time, being able to maintain neutrality will be their greatest blessing, but to a large extent they will stand on India's side, and their interests are relatively great.

"Mr. ambassador, in fact, apart from taking a look at our injured comrades this time, I thought that I just wanted to ask the question about military assistance. As you know, especially our air force, it seems like a huā shelf now. Although there are a lot of aircraft, our ammunition reserves are too weak. We didn't even have enough ammunition for even one exercise. I wonder if we can know the precise figures of this military aid?" This guy is a little embarrassed. Although it’s not for my own business, it’s always hard to say things like asking people for something. It feels a little bit bad, and something like this happened, making me even more unable to say it. Up.

The ambassador smiled, and now you can say it at this time, but you have to let the horse run. If Pakistan hadn't attracted India these years, then India would definitely have a lot of trouble in the border area. Yes, Mr. Ambassador drank a sip of water. When he drank the water, the director almost lifted his heart to his throat. The Ministry of Information had already announced that a major exercise was going to be held. If it was because the ammunition could not follow. If you go up, how should I explain to reporters from various countries and the military attaches? By then, the face of Pakistan will be lost. Thinking of this, the director would like to kill the 18th generation of the ancestor of the assassin. Damn, you can do such a thing, and swear that you will not have a good life after finding you.

"There is no problem with the precise number, but one thing you have to understand is that if this matter cannot be properly resolved this time, I think it will affect the issue of military assistance this time. This is the specific number of our military assistance this time. Just leave it here after you read it..." Mr. Ambassador threw the things here after speaking, and then went out. He must give this guy some time.

Although I don’t know what is written on it, what can be seen is that Pakistan seems to be very satisfied with the various amounts of military assistance. The Pakistani security department began to intervene in this matter on the same day and found it soon. There are some clues, and now they are investigating with all their strength, this snake is still very capable, which Li Xian did not expect, but now he has no time to take care of these, all he has to do is to provoke India and Pakistan The war between them has caused more trouble to India, and the Vera Party is also making full deployments, hoping that it can be effective in one blow. Even if it is not possible, it is hoped that the Congress party can be pulled from the position of the ruling party. In the end, even if it doesn't work, I hope that the Gandhi family will be hit hard. At least some important positions in the army can be vacated for the Vera party.

A few days later, the preparations of Li Xian and Chang Rong were about the same. "How about it, what's the situation on your side? Are those people really out of blood? They don't want to settle the previous three with the Indians." All the humiliation caused by the war?" Li Xian said. In his opinion, if there was such a good opportunity, he would not let it go, but would the Pakistani think so?

"Hehe, what you said is very easy, but you have to look at the real strength of the Pakistanis, and after such a long period of time, the generation that year is slowly getting older. The nuclear conflict a while ago They still remember, maybe the days are better now. They don’t want to continue fighting against the Indians. They feel that the current situation is still very good. As for the huge results, it seems to them that they should be There’s something to be dispensable.” Evergreen said helplessly. If a country only pursues stability, there will be no future. Pakistan is like this now. The Indians are trying their best to develop some of their own things. Let’s look at you. On the side, there is nothing but nesting here, so how can it be developed like this.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. I will let them go to war. I am almost ready here. A team of two hundred people is ready to set off. What you have to do here is to continue to promote your ideas. I will make a lot of noise on the front line. I won’t show up here then. What about the things I told you to prepare for me? Didn’t you even have those things not prepared?" Li Xian asked Changrong to give him I have prepared a large number of C4 explosives, some passes, and three off-road vehicles. I believe he will have no problem with this requirement. If Li Xian is so messy, he will definitely not manage it, and there will be a report from the headquarters. But these are the orders of the president. The president asked him to help Li Xian get all these things done. I believe there should be no problem.

Everything is ready, and I will send ten guides to participate in your action. You just need to take them with you when you retreat. I don't think they are suitable for returning to their home country. Evergreen thought for a while and said. "Can those Pakistanis live reliably?" You know that this is in their army. Don't let your own national honor sell your buddies in the end, so why don't I cry? "Li Xian was a little worried about these ten Pakistanis. According to his idea, he didn't need any guides. When he got there, he just messed around. Whoever cares, you will have to fight anyway.

"Don't worry, they are different in this country. According to the geographical and historical and cultural traditions, Pakistan is a multi-ethnic country. The main ethnic groups are the Punjabi, Sindh, Bataan, Pashtu and Baloch. However, the Pakistani government has designated Muslims as "a nation" or "majority" (majority sect) in accordance with the ethnic theory and ideology of Islam, while non-Muslims such as Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists are designated as "minorities". (Minority sects). Therefore, in Pakistan, people are more accustomed to refer to the people of the four provinces as Punjabi, Sindh, Bataan (Pashtun) and Baluchis according to the geographical concept. Similarly, there is Kashmir in Pakistan. People, Bulahuis, Chitrals, and Gujaratis and other minorities and tribes, although the Punjabi, Sindh, Bataan and Baluch people living in Pakistan belong to “one nation” Or "majority ethnic groups" but they still have their own history, language, and cultural traditions, and their political and economic development is not balanced. The contradictions between various ethnic groups and the contradictions between various ethnic groups and the government continue one after another, to a certain extent It affects the stability of the political situation.” In fact, there is such ethnic inequality in every country, and they are also part of the people who have been persecuted. Naturally, they don’t have a good impression of this country. They will rebel.

Li Xian nodded and said that he understood this matter very well. In his opinion, it seems that ethnic minorities in every country are being bullied, but it is different in [China], and the ethnic minorities in [China] have suffered a lot. If the people’s congress deputies are selected according to their heads, it is estimated that those ethnic groups will not have their own NPC deputies at all except the larger ethnic minorities.

While they were discussing this matter, the Indian counter-insurgency army had also arrived at the scheduled assembly point. In the middle of the journey, many Indian generals thought this was a good opportunity to earn credit, so their envoy brought a large sum of money. The banknotes went to New Delhi in order to allow their troops to add their own numbers to the expedition troops. The New Delhi side naturally understands what these people think in their minds. In their opinion, most of them are combative. The army should be in the northern India-Pakistan defense line and the India-China border area. As for these inland units, they should be ineffective, so they don’t want them to participate. They may not be helpful if they go. On the contrary It might be bad, but looking at the green dollar bills taken out by their envoy, they couldn’t help but stretch out one by one. As a result, you also stretched out your hand and I also stretched out your hand. In the end, this army has doubled. There are more than 200,000 people in total, and this is one-seventh of the Indian defense force, but just wait and see how these people are.

Looking at the report card in front of me, Wu méng [Book] wanted to cry. The republic that I just established seemed to be a few days away. How could I be so unlucky? I don’t have a few days to enjoy the happiness. Go back to that mountain forest? I don’t want to live like that. I’ve been living in the city these days and I’m really comfortable, don’t talk about myself, even these people under my own hands should be used to the uncle, if they let them go back and continue to live. After hard times, it is estimated that no one will follow him. The most terrible thing is that there are hundreds of people in this city. Now they have found their own family members and let them go? Even if they were shot, it would be useless. Moreover, I just eased my relationship with the untouchables in the city. If I leave them behind at this time, what development will I talk about in the future? The untouchables here will definitely be killed by the people in the army. At this time, they are so serving themselves, I guess they hope they can help them, but you can see if they are their opponents. The bombing a few days ago Now it has become once a day, every time it will bring huge losses to myself. There is not even a fire-fighting equipment in the entire city. The fire that ignited a few days ago is still burning around. Sooner or later, the entire The cities are less clean.

"[Book], I counted our people. Now we only have 35,000 people to fight, and most of them are recruits. The veterans we brought down from the mountain were injured a lot, and...and..." This guy is a little hesitant, it seems that there are some things that can't be said.

"Furthermore, if you're talking haltingly, don't you know how to talk?" Wu méng [Shu] said angrily.

"Furthermore, deserters began to appear this morning. They have already learned something about the enemy soldiers from the media. Maybe they feel that we have no hope of victory, and the air strikes in the past two days have indeed caused us huge losses. Now our military spirit can be said to be in a period of the lowest estimate." This guy said embarrassingly. In fact, in his own heart, he is also a little scared about these things. The army of 200,000 is different from them. These are all semi-mechanized troops. Take a look at our troops. The mechanized troops only have that. It would be strange if you encounter immortality. There is no ability to win at all, unless the previous Mr. Li comes back. If it is, it should be no problem. Now it's up to them to let it go.

"What, shit, how could such a problem arise? Tell me to call their military chief to show me a little closer and tell them, no matter who it is, as long as there are soldiers under their own hands, they will shoot me immediately. Yes, I immediately sent a search team to me. I must catch those **** deserters and kill them for me. I want them to know the consequences of being deserters. Damn, how could this happen in our troops. What's the matter?" Wu méng [Book] almost fainted. This war hasn't started yet. How could such a problem arise? If this continues, it is estimated that they will have to fail before the Indian troops come over. Now, this uprising will have no effect at all, and will make them disappear.

This guy saw that Wu méng 〖Book〗 was about to go violently, and he hurried out. He didn’t dare to say the following. Actually, he didn’t send a search team, but several people in the search team did not come back. The soldiers in the city now have no chance to run out. If there is a chance, it is estimated that they will be scattered in a rush, and he has just come from the barracks just now, knowing that many people there are now starting to prepare something. The civilians wear clothes. In fact, they don’t want to die. They also want to live well. They all want to wait until the army comes or take off their uniforms and become ordinary people. They slaughtered the untouchables here, but it is better than being a Maoist armed force to survive.

Wu méng [Book] This time he knows what he should do. He knows that it is impossible to win by his own strength. At this time, Mr. Li is needed. You were the one who encouraged us to rise up. You can’t find any of your figures anymore. How can this be done? Wu méng 〖Shu〗 Ji quickly got through to Li Xian's phone.

"Mr. Li, I am Wu méng. Now our situation is very critical. The 200,000 army is pressing on us. We really don't have the ability to resist. I hope you can help us." Wu méng〖书〗Note that there is still a bit of a leader when speaking at this time. If Li Xian let him kneel down at this time, it would be fine. It is a shame that such a person still holds our leader as an idol. Li Xian is on his way to Kashmir. Of course, he has time, and I can’t ignore things there. If Wu méng [Book] doesn’t remember to make things bigger, there can’t be so much here. In the past, the army in Kashmir would not be able to proceed quickly. These things are all connected, so this guy still has to take care of his affairs.

"Wu méng [Book], I am in the border area between India and Pakistan. We have a complete plan to make India and Bucky Carpet enter a state of war again. I think this is your best opportunity. In front of you, the most support we can give you is to give you some weapon support. You can fight an asymmetrical war. Think about how Al Qaeda fought the Americans back then. How about you? India’s The defense is much worse than that of the Americans. Some things don't need me to teach you, right?" Li Xian said helplessly, wouldn't you still be able to do such things? India’s defense is just like rubbish. You let people carry bombs into cities like New Delhi and Mumbai. I don’t believe India will continue to attack you regardless of the lives of those people? Asymmetrical warfare is the best way to solve such a thing.

Asymmetric warfare refers to warfare carried out by asymmetric means, asymmetric forces and unconventional methods: asymmetric military theory refers to the knowledge system used to guide asymmetric warfare: research on asymmetric military theory refers to formation Academic activities carried out on asymmetric military theory.

In the development of war to this day, if you cannot gain the upper hand in the theoretical competition with the enemy, it will be difficult to gain the initiative in actual combat.

Terrorism should also be included in the research scope of asymmetric warfare. Terrorism is a special kind of asymmetric war. After the United States suffered the "Zhongchuan" attack, the concept of asymmetric war expanded. "Asymmetric war" is almost equivalent to the war on terrorism. In the United States launched the war against Afghanistan, the "asymmetric war" officially surfaced in the name of the "war on terrorism."

For this kind of thing, Wu méng [Book] knows a little bit about it, but not a lot, especially in this regard, he is not clear about the methods and methods, his strength is far from the al-Qaeda back then. Of course, the Indian government and the U.S. government are also quite different. If this is compared, the ratio is about the same as that of the year. However, the Chinese government is still fascinated because they are in India, and how did al Qaeda enter the United States. But it's very troublesome.

"Mr. Li, I just understand a little bit about what you said. I don't know how to do other specific things. What should we do if this continues?" This guy also felt that this is a good way. Method, but I don’t know the specific steps at all. Do I ask my people to bring bombs and rush up, so no one is willing to do it?

"Hehe, I don’t think I need to teach you these things slowly. If it’s okay, please contact the world more and see what great things the al Qaeda has done before. By the way, your mobile phone can Receive the email, right? I have information here. I will learn it for you. I am not asking you to imitate how others do it. I hope you can get some ideas from it. We can't give you some substantive information recently. Assistance, as you know, there can’t be a large number of helicopter transportation. You have to take care of yourself. I have something to do. Look at the information..." This guy hung up after speaking. Anyway, he already told everything. You, if you still don’t know how to do it, it’s too stupid. Wu méng 〖Shu〗 looked at his cell phone stupidly. This guy, but the next e-mail, made Wu méng 〖Shu〗 remember very well. I am interested in reading it,

In 1998, the U.S. Embassy in Kenya in East Africa was hit by a car bomb, killing more than 200 people. Afterwards, the United States used cruise missiles to bombard part of the arsenal of Sudan in East Africa that was alleged to be related to al-Qaeda. In October 2000, al-Qaeda launched a suicide bombing attack and bombed US ships in the Middle East, killing one American soldier.

The US government has always claimed that this incident was instigated by al-Qaeda, and al-Qaeda initially denied this accusation. But subsequent intelligence materials, including al-Qaeda’s documents, video tapes, and tape records, showed that bin Laden was involved in the planning of this operation.

Looking at the great achievements that these bases have prevented, this guy seems to know what he should do. I thought that this guy called a few people he believed in and asked them to recruit the death squads in the army. They did this. The most important person.

Five days later, the Indian army had arrived at the planned attack position. At this time, the provincial capital had been bombarded by their planes and artillery. Now they can feel that there must be no Maoist armed forces in front of them. They have the ability to resist. They can enter the city together at any time as long as they want, and the refugees who escaped said that they were short of clothing and food, and they were still hunting for strong men. Basically, they didn’t have any. They have survived. At this moment, they will have nothing else to happen except death. Indian commander-in-chief Maozan Gandhi looked at the 200,000 soldiers in front of him. Now there are very few opportunities to lead troops out. He After returning home, you can officially become the commander of the army. This is definitely a position with real power. His elder brother who is the president can be considered to take care of himself. But this year, as long as he is a member of the Gandhi family, even a random guy can go out. He is definitely a good player. If possible, he might become the deputy commander of the Three Armies. He would be the first person in the military at that time.

"Are we ready? A lot of media and military attaches from other countries are paying attention to us. At this time, there must be absolutely no mistakes. Now we must do these things properly and let those people see. We Indians are not a second-rate country." The Indians have always wanted to put himself together with the five permanent members, but he can feel the gap between himself and others. , So what they hate the most is that others say that they are a second-rate power, as if they are really a second-rate power, in fact, they are worthy of this title.

"Your Excellency Commander, you can rest assured. We have already made a plan to deal with them. Five minutes later, our two artillery divisions and hundreds of artillery will directly turn the entire city into a sea of ​​flames. As for their Artillery is nothing at all. In half an hour, our army will rush in under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles. In a few hours, we can retrieve our own things, this city. "The staff on the side came forward and said, this is not a joke. At this time, one more sentence is equal to one more face, and a lot of credit will be given when we go back. Our commander We will be the general when we go back. We have to change us from a colonel to a major general. We must know that this general is very rare. Some people walk here in their entire lives. They are all Those who want this title very much, no matter whether they are developing in the political circle or going to a place, there is such a brand of generals that can be said to be handy.

"Well, very good, I want to see what these **** guys are capable of, and give me an order that everyone will not stay alive when they enter the city and treat everyone as Maoist armed forces." For a long time. These Maoist armed forces have caused trouble for their Gandhi family. Now they have been solved in one fell swoop. Anyway, they have surrounded you. At this time, you have to learn from a figure in the history of China. I would rather be wrong. If you kill three thousand, you can’t let one go. At that time, ordinary citizens could kill them. We are all untouchables here. These people didn’t need to guarantee their lives. It’s normal to kill them now. No one will have any other opinions. To be honest, in India, the lives of untouchables can't keep up with some animals.

The others nodded. In fact, they are also very resentful of these people. These guys are okay to instigate any rebellion. Anyway, you have been bullied by us for hundreds of I don’t care much. After a while, just tell us to continue to oppress.

"Wait, Commander, New Delhi urgent call..." Just when a few people were about to open champagne to celebrate, a soldier came over with a phone. The commander knew the phone. This was given to him by his brother who is the president. , If there is no urgent matter, he will not call. What can New Delhi do? Now I will become famous here, and you will have trouble. Although I am not very satisfied, I also know that my brother is better than myself. Yes, he gave everything for himself, so it's better to be honest, otherwise you will suffer sooner or later.

"What? How could there be such a thing, well, I will listen to you, I will be stationed here immediately, do you want me to go back and help?" It seems that something has happened, and some people around are watching Commander, the commander in my impression doesn't seem to be subdued because of some other things. What happened to the commander now? Is there anything else happening in New Delhi? But how can things over there affect the progress here?

"Stop the offensive for me. Everyone pays me close attention to the situation inside. Everyone listens to me. Without my order, it is absolutely not allowed to attack inside. Convene all generals for a meeting. I have important Things.” This guy dropped such a sentence and got in the car. It looked very tired from that, but what happened? ! .

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