Energy Group

Chapter 1328:

The training of pilots cannot be completed in a short while. To reverse the status quo in Pakistan, it is necessary to contain India. China continues to deploy large-scale military forces in its border areas and has obtained tens of billions of yuan from energy groups. The supporting Chinese **** party is more courageous in the Vietnam War. The large domestic arsenals were full. Many things were from the 1990s, bigger than these soldiers. I'm so sorry for not throwing them on the heads of Indians.

The Chinese self-defense counterattack forces against India launched a new round of fierce attack on the Indian defense line from Tispur to the east of Jorhad and to the Naga Mountains. Unable to get the support of the armored force, the attack was mainly carried out by artillery and air force against the Indian positions. Then the light mountain troops completed the encirclement of the truncated protruding parts of India and carried out the elimination of the remaining Indian troops. . Li Cong would not let go of such a beautiful war. After a call from him, thousands of key military personnel from all over the world went there by plane. The PLA and the Army are invincible. This is not a story. If you don’t follow along, learn. For a moment, I may be a little sorry for them. How can we say that we also paid the money. Due to the terrain restrictions in the Himalayas, China's heavy tank troops cannot directly reach the battlefield, and the newly reclaimed area is not suitable for large transport aircraft to take off and land. For the time being, China’s armored forces cannot support frontline operations. This is also the reason for the deadlock in the war. This action by China is mainly to relieve the pressure on the Indian army in Pakistan. On the same day, a large amount of military materials that China aided Pakistan and Pakistan purchased in China are being continuously transported to the front lines of the Pakistani battlefield through the China-Pakistan Highway. Chinese military volunteers are also actively helping the Pakistani military formulate new combat plans.

The Pakistani army started a counterattack against India on the line from Ocara, Lahore to Siallit. Its forward forces once hit the territory of India, but the Pakistani army did not always defeat the Indian defense line in order to endure the results. Under the circumstances, the pursuit was launched, and this great opportunity was missed. In fact, Pakistan understands that they cannot go deep into India to fight, because this area of ​​India is a densely populated area. If the Pakistani army enters India to fight, it will face the risk of too long logistics supply lines and fighting inside the enemy. Like Li Cong’s advice to them, it’s not good to be stationed, and it’s okay to looting, but the Pakistanis may have been frightened by the fiasco a while ago. However, we should not give up such a good opportunity to hit the Indian army severely. If the Pakistani army can pursue the defeated Indian army in a short period of time, and then return to its own defense after achieving results, it will have an impact on India’s future actions. Tremendous influence. Although the Chinese military personnel submitted their opinions to the Pakistani military, they were not recognized, because the Pakistani military believed that it was already a great victory to drive the Indian army out of Pakistan’s territory, and they did not want to continue to provoke greater Although they think so, what about the Indian side?

India has stabilized its defensive positions and repelled Pakistan’s offensives. Due to the conservativeness of the Pakistani army, the initiative on the Indian-Pakistani battlefield has now fallen into India’s hands. On the same day, on the Sino-Indian battlefield, India’s Jorhad was cut off from the area north of the Naga Mountains by Squadron xxx. Squadron **** was clearing out the remaining Indian troops in the area and began to masses after occupying Dibrugarh. Hoarding supplies, the new military airport is also under urgent construction. If it was not possible to have such a speed in the past, it would be deadly to transport materials from Sichuan to this side, but this is the Tibetan Fairy Group. In the headquarters, Li Cong has a lot of things hoarding here. If there are too many, there is no problem at least building a military airport.

Judging from the actions of the XXX team, China intends to use airlift to transfer the heavy tank division to the front line of the war to cooperate with the light mountain division to complete the breakthrough of India's defense line along the Brahmaput River. However, in this area, there are no suitable conditions for building an airport that can be used for large transport aircraft to take off and land. Even if China can transfer tank troops to the front line, the logistics supply will not be able to keep up. If only air transport is used to solve the logistics supply problem , Will be extremely unreliable. Now the supply of the four mountain divisions in front and the airborne 15th Army is mainly solved by air transportation, which has already stretched the air transportation capacity of the **** team. Therefore, if China wants to expand the number of troops on the Sino-Indian battlefield, it must find a way to solve the difficulty of logistics supply caused by the Himalayas.

Just two days after the offensive, the Chinese Foreign Minister ended his tour and returned to Beijing. This visit was basically a success. The European Union expressed partial support for China's self-defense counterattack operations against India and is willing to provide assistance if China requests it. Most of the southern African countries that have received China's help also expressed support for China's actions. Of course, behind it was more China's assistance and relations with energy groups. In South America, Argentina also expressed support for China's actions because of Li Er's layout in South America. The Arab world countries expressed no opposition to China's war actions against India because of Pakistan's face. On the same day, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of India also returned to New Delhi. He also received support from the United States, xxx, Britain, Australia and other countries. Because countries in Southeast Asia are caught between China and India, they can only express their hope that the two sides will end the conflict as soon as possible, but they do not clearly support which side. This conflict between China and India has also divided the power and relations of countries in the world. The world has been divided into two major camps, each supporting the biggest regional war between China and India.

Later, the Chinese envoy secretly visited Myanmar and Bangladesh. The purpose of China's diplomatic activities is to open up transportation channels and find logistics supply lines that bypass the Himalayas. Of course, the best way is for Myanmar and Bangladesh to agree that Chinese weapons and equipment have passed through their homes.

There is no problem in Myanmar. Now Pi Meng'er is the head of state of Burma. Naturally, Li Cong said what he said. Of course, Li Cong would not let the news come out, but let Pi Meng'er get himself. What I want, after negotiations, Myanmar and China secretly signed an agreement. China helped the Myanmar National Defence Force update its equipment, and China stopped supporting the Burmese Communist Party in the mountainous areas of northern Myanmar. (Actually, under Pimeng’s suppression, there was nothing at this time. Other warlords exist), and China provides Myanmar with the capital and technology needed to develop its economy. Myanmar opened up the northern highway system to China and opened up the northern Myanmar air corridor for China's logistics and transportation needs. At the same time, Myanmar provided 2 naval ports for the secret use of Chinese submarine forces. In exchange, China would donate 4 moving Jiangwei ships. The Type 3 frigate was given to the Myanmar Navy.

Bangladesh has also expressed its willingness to open its airspace to the Chinese Air Force but it is restricted to non-combat aircraft such as transport aircraft. And China will provide economic assistance to Bangladesh. In fact, Myanmar has always been very dissatisfied with India’s rampage in the Indian Ocean, but its own domestic warlords have been fighting severely, and the economy has never been seen, so they dare not offend India much. Now China has already fought with it, and Myanmar will not. Those who miss this good opportunity can not only receive a large amount of economic assistance from China, but also restrict the development of the Communist Party of Burma in the north, and they can also attack the power of India. This is three things that Myanmar cannot refuse.

Bangladesh does not have such a clear attitude towards the India-Pakistan war. Bangladesh dare not offend India head-on, because it has too many places to rely on India, so Bangladesh agreed to open its airspace to Chinese aircraft while also agreeing to the Indian Air Force. The airspace was opened up. Although this is not of much significance to India, it took care of India’s emotions.

The full name of Bangladesh is the People's Republic of Bangladesh. It is a South Asian country located in the north of the Bay of Bengal, neighboring Myanmar in the southeast, and connecting with India. It has a large number of enclaves on the northern border. The People's Republic of Bangladesh was originally part of Pakistan and was called East Pakistan. In 1971, it separated from Pakistan and established a nation. Bangladesh has experienced rapid economic development in recent years, but it is still a developing country. Jute is one of the most important economic export crops.

In 1904, Bangladesh was divided into two parts by the British colonial government, and later reunited. During the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, Bangladesh was divided again: West Bengal was returned to India, and East Bengal (ie, East Pakistan) was returned to Pakistan according to the méng Patton plan proposed by the last Indian governor, méng Patton. However, geographical isolation and huge differences in ethnicity, culture, and language finally made the internal contradictions between East and West Pakistan, which are about 2,000 kilometers apart, irreconcilable.

Dongba declared independence on March 26, 1971, followed by a large-scale **** and refugee wave. India began to plan to use war to support Bangladesh's independence to dismember Pakistan. On November 21, with the support of the Soviet Union, the Indian army aggressively invaded East Pakistan and the third India-Pakistan war broke out. In December, the war expanded to West Pakistan and developed into a full-scale war. On December 7, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution by an overwhelming majority of votes, calling for a ceasefire and withdrawal of troops from India and Pakistan. The Indian army continued its aggressive offensive and captured Dhaka on December 16. The East Pakistan garrison surrendered unconditionally. The People's Republic of Bangladesh was established in January 1972. Pakistani President Zo A Bhutto released Mujib Rahman, the leader of the East Pakistan **** League who was arrested for "treason", who became the first president of Bangladesh.

It can be said that the former East Pakistan government was supported by the Indians, but after decades of development, the current East Pakistan has become Bangladesh. I can’t remember what happened to the Indians, but The economies of the two countries are still very closely related, so they can't just stand like Burma in the war. Li Cong's energy group is quite powerful in Bangladesh, and it is helpless that such major events related to the country cannot be influenced.

After the agreement was reached, the Chinese convoy started from Yunnan and passed through the northern region of Myanmar, sending military resources to the conflict areas between China and India. This road guaranteed the supply of materials for the XXX team during the Second World War more than 60 years ago, but at that time it was from India (the former British colony, including now Bangladesh) to China. Inland transportation is now transporting materials from China to the front line of China’s counterattack against India. China's support of Myanmar is the most important thing in this war, and it is also the key to ensuring that the Chinese **** team can successfully complete the mission on the Indian battlefield in the future. Although India is the strongest in South Asia, its unpopular foreign measures have caused him to lose allies in this region. This is also the root cause of India's failure.

In fact, this is no way. Whoever is stronger will naturally bully other countries. India is the strongest in South Asia. If he is asked to treat these little brothers as his own, he will suffer. of.

Of course, when the battle between China and India was fierce, Li never stayed idle. This guy first asked Uméngxxx to plan a robbery against the National Bank of India. Although the final result was not great, it was in the whole country. The impact is very bad. The National Bank of India wanted to cover this matter, but there are already several media across the country who knew about this matter. In addition, due to communications, some government officials and military leaders I don’t know what went wrong. They were the first to take their bank cards to withdraw money. The common people have always watched them live their lives. Now they see that they are the first to do that. How can I be idle by myself, the biggest run in India's history has begun?????

"Please don't worry, our National Bank is India's largest bank and India's most powerful bank. I hope you can trust us and don't run on it here. The bank has enough capacity to handle all this???" Regardless of the bank What does the lobby manager say, but there are not a few people in this lobby. On the contrary, it has increased a lot. People who originally didn’t know what’s going on here have heard of many versions from the outside. One of them is like this.

"Brother, have you heard that the Maoists are armed? Our domestic organization is the same as Al Qaeda. They are very powerful. They occupied a provincial government last time. Now they are even more powerful. The treasury of the National Bank They took it all away. Now our country is at war. We didn’t have much wealth before. Now the money may really be used on the battlefield. I think if we don’t rush to withdraw the money. , Maybe the bank is bankrupt and we don’t have anything. I heard people inside the bank say that those Maoist armed people used trucks to pull the money away???” This news can be said to be half of India’s Yes, the half I didn't hear was because it was too backward, and there was no branch of the State Bank of India. Anyway, as long as there is a bank, this rumor is full of the streets.

"Don’t listen to this guy’s nonsense, if you have money, why don’t you give it to us, we don’t care, we want our money, no money? No money, I want this too???" A guy who looks very stunned But I'm not in such a good mood. After hearing what this guy said, I will take office equipment in the bank and go out immediately. Anyway, there is nothing at home. Such a chair is also worth a lot of money. A few bank security just asked for it. Come to stop him, but many people in the hall seem to have reacted right now. Why was I stupid just now? This is the most important thing, one by one quickly take away what can be around him. When the things were picked up, the security guards were naturally overwhelmed by the People's War.

"The policeman from Dog Day is here, ?? Everyone ran away??" a man at the door called. He didn't say it was okay. After he said it, some people with a guilty conscience just broke the window and went out. When the police arrived here a few minutes later, they caught a few old, weak, sick and disabled, but they didn’t care about them at first glance. Such old people couldn’t even move anything, they were just knocked down by xxx. It's just an old man. The most luxurious place in the city is now in a mess.

This is only the first day. In fact, the people who instigated are all from the investigation department of the energy group. All they need to do is to create chaos in India. They also released the news, but waited until they heard that they were distributing it. When the news came out, I had to admire the strength of the people.

These things seem to be small things, but they have played a huge role. Now these news has not reached the front lines. When the soldiers on the front lines know it, they will shake the military's mind. There is a good show, here you are working on the front line, and you are making money in the back. This trick is similar to that of the Kuomintang and Communist Liberation War. It can be said that **** died on these strikes, but India has not yet reached this. Only time.

In terms of the navy, the Ministry of National Defense of China announced that the "Yuefei" (self-built after the Varyag, because it is too confidential, so there is no news about the energy group) aircraft carrier as the core aircraft carrier battle group to the Indian Ocean to ensure the safety of China's Indian Ocean routes . There are also 4 "provincial capital" class air defense cruisers, 6 "Jianghe" class large multi-purpose destroyers, 8 "city" class large anti-submarine frigates, 3 fast integrated supply ships, and 4 attack nuclear submarines. He did not send conventional submarines. Prior to this, China had sent a number of nuclear submarines and conventional submarines to carry out combat patrol missions in the Indian Ocean, and also carried out preliminary reconnaissance and sabotage operations, and sunk many Indian ships in cooperation with Pakistani submarines.

The Indian government immediately issued a statement stating that the Chinese fleet's behavior in the Indian Ocean is entirely challenging India's position in the Indian Ocean and that it will intercept this Chinese task force. At this time, India is no longer the largest aircraft carrier country in Asia. Now India has 4 aircraft carriers, one of which is the Vitra, which is too old, which was built by the British in World War II and sold to In India, it became India’s largest aircraft carrier at the time, but it could only carry 15 vertical take-off and landing fighters. Because the United States was unwilling to sell the latest f-35 fighters to India, it still used the "Harrier" mk9, which is the "Harrier". "The final improved type, this ship has been pulled into the sea by the giant squid at this moment??. "Indira Gandhi" was purchased by India from Russia, "Gorshkov" was fully refitted and equipped with the Indian Navy, carrying 35 g-29k carrier-based fighters. The "Lan Sè Ocean" is the first aircraft carrier built by India, with a full load of 40,000 tons. It was built on the basis of the French "De Gaulle", but it did not use nuclear power and carried 40 aircraft imported from France. The Rafale 2 fighter is worse than the Rafale 3 equipped by France itself. The main reason is that it does not have the ability to launch nuclear weapons, which reduces the ability to attack the sea, and the electronic equipment is not the most advanced. The "Son of Lansè" is India's second aircraft carrier built by itself and India's first large aircraft carrier, with a displacement of 75,000 tons. The design was mainly based on the Russian "Kuznezov", which only entered active service last year. It is equipped with 40 domestically-made a carrier-based fighters, 30 su-33 fighters, 4 e-2f early warning aircraft, and 8 anti-submarine helicopters. Originally, India wanted to buy the latest Rafale 3 fighter jets from France. However, due to the good relationship with China, France sold the 80 fighter jets that were already ready to sell India to the energy group, which made the Indians. I was very dissatisfied. Later, I asked the United States to buy f-35 or f/a-18e/f fighter jets, but they were rejected. Finally, when India agreed to many requests from the Americans, the United States agreed to sell 4 e The -2f carrier-borne early warning aircraft was given to India, which slightly reduced India’s dissatisfaction with the United States. Therefore, India can only accompany the proud large aircraft carrier with 40 light fighters (if fully equipped with su-33 fighters, only 50 can be installed, which is too small, so only 30). From a numerical point of view, India’s aircraft carrier fleet is still very large and has the most advanced fighter jets. It is indeed the most powerful fleet in the Indian Ocean (the US Fifth Fleet in charge of the Indian Ocean has been An aircraft carrier, based on Diego Garcia Island). However, after careful analysis, we can see the problem of the Indian aircraft carrier. The first is that the four aircraft carriers are new and old. The oldest, the Vitra, is older than many people’s grandfathers. From the 1940s onwards, It’s been more than 70 years now. The old hull can't stand the toss at all. The top speed can only reach 27 knots, and it can't be maintained. The latest two can reach 33 knots. The bought "Indira" The "Gandhi" can easily reach more than 29 knots. Therefore, if the four aircraft carriers cooperate in the operation, the speed cannot be improved. Of course, people have been sunk by the giant squid, so I won’t talk about it. In addition, in terms of carrier-based aircraft, there are French and Russian aircraft. It's self-produced, American, and it's simply the IWC fleet. Can such a fleet maintain good intelligence communication to form superior combat effectiveness? I think anyone will doubt it. Moreover, the ships it serves as the **** of the fleet are old and old. Old and old. It is enough to deal with the navies of small countries in the region, but if you want to contend with a naval power like China, it is not good enough.

Now let’s talk about China. The "Military God" class aircraft carriers are the first large-scale aircraft carriers built by China. Although they are self-manufactured for the first time, China has already purchased retired aircraft carriers (used as parks, in fact, for military The aircraft carrier has learned enough technology during the research), and has passed the test of the Taiwan War and the Second Korean War. The problems discovered in the war have also been improved and perfected in the major reforms carried out after the war. "Yuefei" is the first ship of the "Military God" class, with a full load displacement of 70,000 tons, and 80 aircraft, including 40 j-10b twin-engine medium carrier fighters and 30 su-33mkk heavy carrier fighters , 4 long-range high-altitude unmanned early warning aircraft, 6 anti-submarine helicopters.

Therefore, in terms of the hull, it is more degenerate than the two ships bought by India, and only the two newly built by India can compare with it. On the carrier aircraft, the main force is the J-10B medium-sized fighter, which is much better than India's G-29k and A. Only the "gust" can compete with it, and the heavy-duty Su-33 is also more than India's. The most important thing is that both of these two types of fighters can be produced in China, so there is no problem with the cooperation between the two types of aircraft. On the **** ships, the "Capital", "Jianghe", "City" and other ships are all the latest designs, so they are unmatched by the Indians, and the nuclear submarines under the sea are even more Indian. His grief is that its first nuclear submarine is still in the shipyard, and there is no progress due to technical reasons, and the two leased from Russia have stopped at the port for unknown reasons. Of course, Li Cong himself knows why. Yes, you want a nuclear submarine to maintain combat effectiveness that requires a lot of things, but to make it break and stop there, it only takes one day, and you can only blame the Indians for not treating this as a treasure. Can't blame others.

From the comparison between the two sides, it can be seen that India has a quantitative advantage, which is also 3 to 1, in terms of fighter jets. And because India has four e-2f in long-range early warning, it also has an advantage. The main advantage of India is local operations, which can be supported and supplemented by the rear at any time, and can be protected by shore-based aviation. China has an advantage in quality, and all ships and aircraft are basically the latest achievements. The biggest advantage of China is that the Chinese navy is a fledgling, and it is not afraid of anything, and it used to confront the US Navy on the Taiwan issue. It also did not deal with the **** people on the **** issue. This has a huge impact on morale. . The Indian Navy has never fought a major battle, and has been bullying the weak navies of other countries in South Asia. Therefore, the gap between the two sides in terms of combat experience and morale is very obvious. China came from a narrow victorious division, but India resisted with an arrogant soldier, so victory or defeat is already fixed, but there are too many difficulties and obstacles in the process of winning, of course the Chinese fleet After arriving in the Indian Ocean, replenishment is a big problem, but with the help of energy groups, even in any region, the issue of replenishment will not be a problem.

After the army received logistical assistance and the 39th Army arrived at Dibrugarh from the assembly area in Yunnan, the Chinese **** team began a full-scale attack on the Indian defense line in the eastern part of the Sino-Indian ground battlefield. With the cooperation of Air Force bombers and the Airborne 15th Army, ground forces have broken through India's defense lines. On this day, China and India fought for the battlefield air supremacy in the largest air battle since its launch. The 250 fighters of the Chinese Air Force under the command of 3 AWACS and 200 fighters commanded by 4 AWACS in India fought fiercely over the battlefield. Finally, under the condition that the two fighters were similar in technology, China relied on its pilots’ good training and rich practical experience to gain air supremacy over the battlefield. In the case of its own loss of 55 aircraft, China lost 120 fighters and 1 early warning aircraft ( Sneak attack). The Indian Air Force was forced to withdraw from the battlefield after losing the ability to continue fighting.

The Chinese Air Force can say that the losses are also quite serious. Since the start of the war, 170 aircraft of various types have fallen on the Indian battlefield, but all kinds of Chinese aircraft can be made domestically, which Indians cannot compare. , Coupled with the domestic emergency production, so these things were quickly complemented. Indians have no such good luck. They can make up their own a. As for the others, they are not so lucky. Now basically It can be said that the Indian air force only has 20% of the combat effectiveness before the war. Of course, because of the energy group, all countries in the world dare not sell arms to India at this time. Their own country does not want to enter, everyone knows That guy Li Cong is an absolute patriot.

China's Indian Ocean Special Force has completed its assembly on Hainan Island and officially set off for the Indian Ocean. On the same day, the Indian Navy's special **** task force consisting of three aircraft carriers also arrived in the waters of the Andaman Islands, preparing to carry out a head-on attack on the Chinese special condemned fleet that was heading out of the Indian Ocean.

On the line of fire between China and India, the Chinese ground forces stopped their offensive and built a defensive position without receiving strong logistical assistance. The Chinese ground forces were waiting for China’s special condemnation fleet to defeat the Indian fleet and control the dominance of the Indian Ocean. , To carry out large-scale supplies by sea. The Chinese **** team’s offensive was also transferred to the western border of China and India to contain India’s offensive against Pakistan. At the same time, China announced an increase in aid to Pakistan, and the latest batch of aid to Pakistan is being urgently dispatched to Pakistan. Now the focus of the two sides has shifted to the ocean. It can be said that whoever wins this fight will control the Indian Ocean, and in the end will win this war. So pay attention to the war between India, China and Pakistan. Lidu was deployed on the upcoming battle between China and India.

After more than ten hours of voyage, the Chinese Indian Ocean Special Force has reached the southernmost tip of the South China Sea. A grand flag-raising ceremony was held near Zengmu Ansha, officially announcing that it will step out of China’s waters. In order to defend China’s national interests and the interests of millions of Chinese people, the Chinese Navy will not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and will bravely block all the way forward in China. The enemy on the ground made a severe blow. On the same day, the four aircraft carriers of the Indian Task Force also began to patrol the waters east of the Andaman Islands, ready to intercept China's naval fleet going out of the Indian Ocean at any time. And India has also sent two more air force fighter groups on the Andaman Islands. The Indian Air Force on the Andaman Islands has reached the size of 150 fighter jets, and there are more than 20 maritime patrol aircraft, more than 20 when required. A maritime patrol aircraft can also take on the task of attacking the fleet.

Then the Chinese fleet arrived in Singapore with the air of swallowing the world. Energy Group President Li Cong welcomed the arrival of the fleet personally in Singapore. Some older people in Singapore also came to the port to visit their country’s huge fleet. I heard that the American aircraft carrier came, and this time I saw myself. Of course, for young people, they won't remember where their ancestors are.

The Chinese Navy is also aware of its mission. In addition to defeating India, they have their own ideas. If the Chinese Navy can defeat the Indian Navy backed by the Air Force in the upcoming battle in the Indian Ocean, then the Chinese Navy will officially become a blue The navy has become a powerful service that can independently undertake combat tasks globally, and its status will be equal to that of the Chinese Army in the world. Therefore, it is not difficult to see the importance of this upcoming battle in the Indian Ocean. Chinese people all over the world are waiting for news of the Chinese navy's victory.

On the day of the arrival of the Chinese navy, the Energy Group held a **** welcome banquet. It is said that the investment almost reached hundreds of millions of yuan. It invited foreign envoys to the Philippines. At the banquet, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other countries all expressed their strictness. In the Sino-Indian conflict, it will not favor any party. At the same time, Indonesia has strengthened its air defense and air forces on the island of Sumatra to prevent the aircraft of China and India from infringing on its airspace. In fact, this is also an attitude to show everyone. If the Chinese and Indian fighters violated his airspace, he would What else can the little air force do? Several other countries have also increased their air and air defense forces close to the warring area. China respects the neutrality of these countries and guarantees that China will not infringe on their airspace or undermine their neutrality. But India’s attitude is different. Although it has expressed indignation at these countries for not considering India’s strong position in this region, India has to remain silent because of the face of the international community.

Less than three hours after the banquet, the Chinese-Indian Ocean Squadron ended its supply and rest in Singapore and set off from Singapore to begin its journey in the Indian Ocean. On the same day, the Indian task force also began to move eastward. According to the Indian plan, they wanted to intercept the Chinese fleet at the exit of Malacca. With the terrain of Malacca, the Chinese fleet would not be intercepted if it did not exit the Malacca Strait. How much leeway is bound to be hit head-on by the Indian Navy. But is the Indian plan really so easy to implement?

Li Cong himself really felt a lot when sending the warship out of the port. Although he is a Chinese, he should be happy to see such a warship, but now he knows that the Chinese will never show up. If you have your own cards, it's no wonder that you would sell new weapons to yourself before. In fact, people already have more advanced weapons. What you get is nothing but outdated.

"Starting our own naval development plan, we can't be so backward. Don't care about the eyes of the world. If they have opinions, they can talk to us directly. I want to set up a naval fleet." On the way back, Li Cong issued an order. With such orders, the Chinese are all about keeping a low profile, but now others can give up their own wealth. What can't they do? Except for those horrible technologies that can’t be released, UU看书www .uukanshu. com's other self must start to develop, and the military department is no longer such an underground thing. Li felt it out. From the time China entered the Sino-Indian war, the world would not be peaceful. The term peace seems to be Farther and farther away from humans.

The Indian fleet had just moved forward for 2 hours, and found that it was threatened by a Chinese submarine, and judging from the speed of the Chinese submarine, it should be that the Chinese nuclear submarine has been around the Indian task force and has been looking for attack opportunities. , Ready to attack the Indian task force. Now India’s plan has been completely broken. Under the threat of nuclear submarines, the Indians are afraid to advance at full speed to intercept the Chinese fleet, because his too old aircraft carrier can only reach 27 knots, and I can’t hold on for long. I don’t know when it will be dropped due to a boiler problem. If this aircraft carrier is ignored, the other two will move forward with all their strength, which is equivalent to sending this aircraft carrier to drooling outside. The Chinese wolves pounced. Moreover, anti-submarine operations must be carried out when advancing. This is not a simple matter. According to the information obtained, at least 5 nuclear submarines in China have been ambushed around the Indian fleet and on the way forward. If the Indians do not Be careful. If you fall into the trap of a Chinese submarine, you don't need to think about the consequences. At least 20 anti-ship missiles on each ship cannot be received by the Indians. No way, the Indians had to reduce the speed to 20 knots and slowly advance in an anti-submarine formation. Their anti-submarine helicopters tethered Chinese submarines around the fleet, but the conditions in the Andaman Sea are complicated and very suitable for submarines. In the active area, how can it be so easy to find an advanced nuclear submarine. ! .

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