Energy Group

Chapter 1331:

The Andayan Islands in India are located in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal, looking west towards the South Asian subcontinent.

The northeast is close to Myanmar. Due to the remoteness of the Indian mainland and the importance of military strategic location, the Indian Navy has many military bases here, and the Andaman Islands have always been shown in mysterious images. However, in recent years, with the continuous increase in the number of immigrants and the development of the local society and economy, the mystery of the Andaman Islands has been slowly unveiled. The author recently visited parts of the Andaman Islands and felt that this is still an undeveloped virgin land. In the face of this virgin land, whether to accelerate development or decelerate protection has also become a choice that local residents and the Indian government must face. "This is a piece of news that the Indian government said too early. At that time, the Indian government was still thinking about how to develop the Andaman Island, because now the heads of the Indian government are watching the energy conglomerate keep building large buildings. The supplies were transported to them, which really made them very depressed. They are considered sinners of the nation. Not only did they not expand their territory, but they lost everything left by their ancestors, so that they would not dare to see their ancestors even if they died. Yes, especially the current patriarch of the Gandhi family. The 80-something old man has the same face as Mr. Gandhi back then. No wonder he will sit in this seat. When people see him, they will feel that Mahatma Gandhi is born again. The eyes are like real Gandhi.

But now this guy has no spirit at all. He has just received the armistice agreement. He can't accept this result. The most terrible thing is that there are many military bases in India. In the future, India will live in China. Under pressure? These people are like this. They used to live for so long under the British colonization, but they didn’t feel much, but let the Chinese people oppress them, because in their bones, they felt that they were better than the Chinese 〗 Chinese people are very advanced, but the facts are in front of you, you can’t help but believe.

"Grandfather, our Congress party is in serious trouble this time. I got news that we have been questioned by Congress. Even our own MPs are not on our side. The number of MPs in the family is less than 50. If there is a meeting, we will step down." The president stood silently to Gandhi’s left. He knew that his grandfather’s body could not withstand too much shock, but now the bad news has to be told to him, otherwise. I can't control the situation.

"Asshole, how did you tell me when I asked you to come on stage? What did you make of India now? Didn't it mean that our army is already very powerful? How come you have been in a mere few months Time flopped like this? Is the National Congress important? Is the National Congress important or India?" The old man waved his hand and gave this guy a slap. In his eyes, the Congress Party seemed to be inferior. India is important. He saw how his grandfather Mr. Gandhi worked hard for the birth of India decades ago. When his grandfather passed away, he gave it all to himself, and he did it very well when he was young. Okay, it can't be said to be very good, at least there is nothing wrong with it, but what did your grandson do? Now that the four Indian states are independent and one is under the control of Maoist armed forces, almost all of the overseas islands are gone, and a few nails are still under my nose. What should India do in the future?... One is outside. The President, the grandson at home had no other complaints after being beaten. It was just the Congress Party that had been passed on for so many years... No wonder this guy could not become the leader of the country. His grandfather wanted to live and die for the whole of India, and this guy got here. At the time, he still thought about the same thing. He could not forget the look in the eyes of the leaders of the Vera Party when he came out of the presidential palace. They had absolutely no such courage before they declared war with him. But now, the country The big party really wants to become a historical one of the Indian National Congress. Referred to as the National Congress Party. ()1

Established in Mumbai in December 885. The founder is a British Indian retired civil servant. In the 20 years after its establishment, political views were limited to the implementation of a representative system. Say there are 3,000 junior party members

Million and 1.5 million active party members.

In 1903, the National Congress Party's annual meeting passed the four-point program proposed by the extremists led by Tilak: autonomy, promotion of domestic products, boycott of British products, and national education. In 1907, the Congress Party split the moderates and compromised with the British authorities, squeezing the extremists out of the party. The two factions reunited in 1916. 1918

In 1991, splits and moderates broke away from the party and established India's National Freedom Alliance. In 1920, the special meeting of the party passed Mahatma Gandhi's motion for non-violence and non-cooperation, which established Gandhi's leadership in the National Congress party.

Since then, Gandhi's "non-violence and non-cooperation" thought has become the guiding ideology of the National Congress Party in the struggle for national liberation. In December 1927, the Congress Party passed Nehru's resolution requesting Britain to grant India "complete national independence". During World War II, the Congress Party opposed Britain’s declaration of India’s participation in the war. In August 1942, the National Congress Party launched a mass non-violent movement to request Britain to withdraw from India. It was declared illegal by the British authorities and all leaders were arrested (released in June 1945). From the end of 1945 to the beginning of 1946, the National Congress Party won 10 of the 3 seats in the election of the Central Legislative Assembly and participated in the provisional government under British rule. Nehru became the deputy. In August of the year, India became independent. The big party became the ruling party, and Nehru became the chief executive of the government. Since then, the National Congress Party has been the ruling party in India except for the opposition party in the sixth general election in 1977 and the ninth general election in 1989. 1 The tenth general election in La Nian was won again, forming a minority government. From 1969 to 1979, the National Congress Party suffered many major splits. There were successively the National Congress Party (organization faction) headed by Nija Lingapa, and the National Congress Party (Gandhi faction, and Gandhi faction) led by Indira Gandhi. The National Congress Party (Indira faction), the National Congress Party headed by Reddy (Orthodox faction, later renamed as Socialist faction). In October 1981, the Indian Election Commission recognized the National Congress Party (Gandhi faction) as the real Congress Party. The goal of the Congress Party is to establish a "socialist" country based on parliamentary democracy by peaceful means, and achieve equal opportunities and equal political, economic, and social rights at home: it pursues a non-aligned policy externally, and Seek world peace and friendship.

In 1920, the National Congress Party established m.k at the party’s Kolkata special meeting and Nagpur annual meeting,

Gandhi’s leadership in the party. Since then, the Congress Party has repeatedly launched non-violent and uncooperative movements, which dealt a heavy blow to the British colonists. In 1927, a leftist represented by J Nehru and Bose appeared in the Congress Party. In December of the same year, the Congress Party passed the resolution proposed by Nehru at the annual meeting of Madras, demanding that Britain grant India complete independence, but it still only has the quality of a declaration. At the 1929 National Congress Party Lahore Annual Meeting, under the auspices of the new Chairman Sir Nehru, the Congress Party officially declared that its goal was to achieve the complete independence of India. In 1937, the National Congress Party won the election of the British and Indian Provincial Assembly. See the Indian Government Act (1935).” In the governing province, the National Congress Party implemented the economic policy of supporting the country's industry and commerce and established the National Planning Committee to prepare economic plans.

These measures were supported by the big Indian bourgeoisie. During the Second World War, the Congress Party launched an opposition to British civil disobedience [movement], and later passed a resolution calling for Britain to "retire from India". As a result, the Congress Party was "suppressed" (see Non-violent and uncooperative [movement]). After the war, the National Congress Party led the masses in a non-violent anti-British struggle. In August 1947, India gained independence. The National Congress Party became the ruling party Nehru as the chief executive of the government.

The establishment of the Indian National Congress Party is of positive significance for awakening the national awakening of the Indian people. With the development of the Congress Party, a group of petty bourgeoisie, small landlords, and "free-professionals" have also joined in, and the Congress Party has increasingly shown its opposition to the colonial system. The National Congress Party has gradually been persecuted by the British colonial authorities, but has gained the support of the Indian masses. In a certain historical period, it has become the leading force of the Indian people for national independence.

This old Mr. Gandhi watched over and over again all the establishment of the National Congress Party, but now, he has no interest in these at all. What he sees is that India may be subjugated. This old man between the party and the country He made a very surprising thing, even if the entire Gandhi family does not exist, even if the Indian National Congress party does not exist, but India must exist. This old man is very clear that China cannot solve these problems peacefully. Over the years, although China-India relations seem to be good on the surface, they are actually not at all tense, but there are two forces that can still help themselves, one is the American and the other is the energy group led by Li Cong.

After thinking twice, the old man decided to contact Li Cong. The Americans did help him a lot in the war, but what was the result? In the end, he still failed. It was not because the Americans did not provide enough assistance. It was because his soldiers did not have the ability. The Americans have no good intentions, but they have plundered more than half of the government wealth in the whole of India, and now the American influence in the world is getting weaker and weaker, they are not a suitable partner. Yes, the real partner was Mr. Li Cong, and just like that, Li Cong was invited to this manor, a very mysterious manor in India.

Although it seems very mysterious to outsiders, for Li Cong, everything here is recorded in the investigation department. The Gandhi family feels that they have done it very secretly, but the Tao is one foot taller than the devil. The Investigation Department of the Energy Group still has a lot of information here. Li Cong did not bring too many shì guards. Just carrying the number one is enough. If there are too many people, it is estimated that there will be casualties when they leave. The two of them are very relaxed.

"Mr. Li, I have to say that you are really courageous. Don't you know what you have done to us in India recently? Don't you really be afraid to kill you when I become angry? Actually I didn't expect You will come here. I thought that even if you came, you would definitely bring a lot of people over. Why do you really think I didn’t dare to do it? You must know that I am a sinner in a country right now. What am I? I did it all. I knew that if I did it, India might suffer greater retaliation. But now, those retaliations are nothing to me. I’m an 80-year-old person. , Don’t be afraid.” After entering the door, this old guy admired Li Cong’s courage very much. It’s just that the person in front of him was unhappy in his heart for the person who caused his country to subdue. In fact, this guy has really let himself Although Li Cong’s ability is very high, there are thousands of elites here. If they all shoot together, it is estimated that the two will become sieve.

"Hehe, Mr. Gandhi, if you really want to kill me, can you still let me come here?

Will you tell me what I just said? You must have discussed the matter when you asked me to come. Now you know the situation between India and the National Congress Party. I also know very well. If I die, would you be willing to let the Gandhi family go with India? "Li Cong sat down casually. This old man was doing his best. There is nothing to be afraid of. There is absolutely no danger to his life. Now he is the only person to help this old man.

"Okay, Mr. Li is really a generation of heroes. My old man is confused. I shouldn't have participated in the **** cyborg project. This is our information. How about Mr. Li, look at us and discuss the terms?" The old man said A folder was handed over to Li Cong. This is the whole of the cyborg’s plan. Although General Mellon is hiding everywhere, these things are still in the hands of this guy. This gift cannot be said to be big, but it is definitely not small. It's okay as a meeting ceremony, but Li Cong doesn't appreciate it. Now that the Gandhi family has reached such a situation, how could those in the alliance still want him? What do you have? The country and power are gone, it's just a waste. Do people in the alliance have problems with their brains?

None of them have any problems, they don't care about these things, they will only ruthlessly let you withdraw anyway, the information is already in hand, and Li Cong handed it over to Number One.

"Mr. Gandhi, let’s talk about it. Why did I come here? My time is precious. The naval base on the Andayan Islands, as you know, will become our group’s largest naval base in the Indian Ocean. I’ll go there. Looking at it personally, I believe they will become a pearl of the Indian Ocean." Li Cong said with a smile, which made the old man’s heart twitch again, shit, it was the pearl of our India before, when It has become your energy group. The world is changing too fast.

"I would like to ask you to spare India, so that the government of China should not do anything against India. As long as India's independence can be guaranteed, the Gandhi family's foundation for a hundred years can be given to you free of charge." The old man looked at Li Cong for a long time. , Finally uttered the words in his mouth. At this moment, Li Cong put away his unscrupulous appearance. Although he knew what the old man came to talk to, he was still a little surprised. It was a bit different from what he expected, Li He thought that this old man would use the wealth of the entire Gandhi family to preserve his family, but he didn’t. What he wanted was to preserve India. In fact, China has a clear plan to dismember India, and frankly he doesn’t. I hope that [China] is too strong in Asia. Even if this old man doesn't say anything, he will also preserve India's mainland equilibrium policy, but it was researched by the British and very correct.

The meaning of Britain's "continental balance of power" policy is that in order to maintain its hegemony, the United Kingdom relies on its own economic and military strength to make continental European powers contain and compete with each other and prevent one country from dominating Europe. The essence is that Britain manipulates the European political balance1 to safeguard Britain's overseas interests in the European continent and maintain Britain's maritime hegemony.

The former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said in the "Memoirs of World War II": "Britain's foreign policy for four hundred years is to oppose the largest, most aggressive and domineering country on the mainland." Such a powerful party, unite with them, defeat and defeat the military hegemon on the mainland, no matter who he is, no matter which country he rules." This passage is the best summary of British balance of power diplomacy. The core of this policy is that the United Kingdom "must oppose the political dictatorship of the most powerful country or the unity of several countries" at any time. I don’t want the European continent to be ruled by the hegemony of the strongest country, and I don’t want power to appear on the European continent. The policy of balance of power makes the British diplomacy maintain unity through the alternate application of separate and weak, supporting the weak, isolating and interfering. This kind of balance of power in Europe is beneficial to itself, and becomes the manipulator of this balance.

Li Cong was a little distracted at this moment. He thought of the future policies of the Energy Group, but the old man did not see how Li Cong distracted. At this moment, I thought Li Cong was weighing this condition, so he didn't say much. , Looked at Li Cong quietly.

"Mr. Gandhi, frankly I don't understand why I should save India instead of the Gandhi family? You know very well that the Gandhi family may disappear in India in the future." Li Cong thought for a while and said, could it be Will there really be people in this world who don't care about their family? The Gandhi family has done so many bad things, but there are many enemies. If you lose the asylum of the country, you may have too many troubles, and disappearance is not impossible.

"Haha, Mr. Li, do you know how difficult India is? "India" comes from the Indus River, one of the birthplaces of ancient Indian civilization. The geographical concept of ancient India refers to the entire South Asian subcontinent. China first knew that India was the Western Han Dynasty when Zhangsaitong Western Region Called India as body poison, later called Tianzhu, Xiandou, etc. You [Chinese] The Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang began to call India in your works after you traveled west. This title is still in use today, and it is still the name you gave us. At that time, we were friends. Haha, the splendid urban civilization Harappa civilization appeared in the Indus Valley around 2500 BC. However, under the double blow of natural disasters and foreign invasion, Harapa civilization gradually died out.

In the 14th century BC, the Aryan nomads from Central Asia and the grasslands of South Russia entered northwest India and conquered the local indigenous people. In the early 1000 BC, India gradually established a slavery state, thus forming a highly developed civilization. , Our Indian civilization is similar to yours. "The old man's smile is very kind at this time. Although Li Cong has no interest in the things in India before, but at this time, he quietly listened to anyone who loves his country, even his enemy country. of.

After the 6th century BC, India entered the period of the Sixteen Powers, with frequent civil wars, and the emergence of Salmonism against the dominance of Brahmanism, Buddhism and Jainism. Internal disputes also led to external invasions. The Bōs Empire and the Macedonian Greeks invaded northwestern India in the 6th century BC and the 4th century BC. In Jin Dynasty BC, the Maurya Dynasty unified North India after expelling Macedon’s garrison in northwestern India. The great Ashoka converted to Buddhism and vigorously promoted Buddhism. The Maurya Dynasty perished in 185 BC, and India entered the age of nations. It was not until the 4th century AD that the first unified feudal dynasty of ancient India, the Gupta Dynasty, rose up, bringing peace and prosperity for two centuries. In the Gupta period, Hinduism, which evolved from the ancient Brahmanism, rose and gradually became dominant. It was during this period that ancient Indian culture reached its peak.

Beginning in the Xie Dynasty of the AD, Arabs who believed in Islam continued to invade the South Asian subcontinent. At the same time, the introduction of Islam into this place added new colors to Indian civilization. Islam and Hinduism became the two major religions in ancient India, while Buddhism and Jainism were declining. 1526

The méng ancient Turkic aristocracy who believed in Islam established the Mughal Empire in 1 year.

From the mid-18th century to the mid-19th century, British colonists gradually controlled the South Asian subcontinent, making it the most important source of raw materials for the British Empire. Beginning in the late 19th century, the Indian people launched an indomitable independent movement. Among them, the non-cooperative movement led by Gandhi made a major contribution to winning popular support for the cause of nationalism. In 1947, India finally became independent. After two Indian-Pakistani wars, the South Asian subcontinent formed the current three countries of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

"Mr. Li, in fact, even if India is a big country in history, you [Chinese] have some of us, but we still have some shortcomings compared with you [Chinese], at least now you have defeated us for the second time. We have never defeated you, so I hope that Mr. Lee can let India go with great mercy, so that India can continue. If this is the case, I can give you all the wealth that the Gandhi family has accumulated over the past century." The old gentleman said emotionally, Li was almost agreed to by this old guy from this moment. Is it just a price? Of course it’s not possible. I can help India, but it’s definitely not in your own way, you have to do it your own way, and how much wealth the Gandhi family can have in the past century is hundreds of billions of dollars at most, of course. Later, Li Cong knew that he was wrong. It was really outrageous. He underestimated the family.

"Hehe, Mr. Gandhi, I am also a human being, a person like you. The Chinese government has already created a plan to dismember India. This plan will be put into practice in the next five to ten years, and you know that I am also a Chinese national, and I don’t think I can handle your request." Li Cong understands that he will not let go without seeing real gold at this time. It’s not so easy to confront Beijing. Li Cong still has to look at his own interests. He said very well. India is a country inherited like China. The Gandhi family should now be the most powerful force in India. He always has to look at it. Their sincerity and this old man really touched him, it's nothing to help him.

"No, Mr. Li, you are really too modest. I think you can do things well that many people can't do. Otherwise, why would I come to ask you for help? Don’t rush to refuse me. I will tell you Gandhi. The wealth of the family is not just on the surface, I know your masterpiece in South Africa, you have accepted everything about the old man Mandela, but do you know? His assets are far worse than mine. We just learned to be as rich as you [Chinese]. Don’t doubt me. We were also members of the Commonwealth. The relationship between us is still very good." The old man saw what Li Cong said to himself I didn’t believe it very much and quickly said, now that his time is running out, the plan of [Chinese] people has begun, and their "instructors" have begun to contact the leaders of several provinces. Those people have seen four The establishment of a republic also wanted to be independent by these people. Even if it is not independent, it must be independent.

Li Cong smiled and drank a sip of water. Hehe, it's time for him to make a fortune. Did the government of [China] gain any benefits after occupying India? I have spent tens of billions of dollars before and after this war. How much can I get back? How rich India used to be, but he knows that it is about the same as China, now he has to give it to himself?

Ancient India was a close neighbor of [China], located in South Asia. However, due to the barriers of the towering Himalayas, we know little about this neighbor’s situation. "Going to the west to learn from the world" has become synonymous with difficulties in the ears of the people of China, and the Nile and Mesopotamia in ancient Egypt. The Yellow River and Yangtze River in China are the same as the Indus and Ganges.

Ancient culture that shines through historical records. Ancient Egypt, Babylon, China, and Ancient India are all known as the four ancient civilizations in the world.

"Our ancient India is different from yours [China]. Although your slavery has a thousand years of history, do you know ours? Our slavery has lasted for more than two thousand years. Our entire country All of his wealth is in the hands of those slave owners. Hehe, it’s a pity that their descendants don’t have ā. The money is in the hands of our Gandhi family. Mr. Li, I want a word from you. This is An underground secret room contains a lot of gold jewels and antiques. This is just a deposit. It is conservatively estimated that the price should be more than 300 billion US dollars. I will give you the rest slowly. "This guy is not stupid. If you give it to Li Cong once, maybe Li Cong will collect the money and don't do anything.

Sure enough, it is generous, what can be done with 300 billion US dollars? This is just an opening brick. If ordinary people with no vision would agree with it, but Li Cong is not that kind of person. 300 billion US dollars is just a number for him, his own group. If you are running at full capacity, this little money is not in your eyes.

"Mr. Gandhi, maybe you have heard of me doing things. I don't like letting others lead by the nose. I like to take the initiative by myself. You might have spoken before. Do your best, but how do you feel today? Everything about you is under the guns of [China]. In fact, we [Chinese] people generally have no threats. I just mean normal times, but for a long time. It’s hard to say, you know, now those people in Beijing are trying their best to split India. When Japan was defeated, they didn’t do anything. Now they really want to do something, sometimes. As you know, I will give you a choice, and it is a required question, and there is only one [Answer]. If you want me to risk India and keep India, I will take out everything you can. 3. What is the use of hundreds of billions of dollars? Do you call it huāzi? Does it look like me? I still have a lot of things. The guy behind me will talk to you in the future. Of course, I don’t have enough time for you to think about it. It is clear that these things sometimes do not make the decision by themselves.” Li Cong left after speaking, and No.1 did not follow. He wants to stay here and accept the huge assets of the Gandhi family. Some other shìwei saw this. The guy was so unreasonable to the old patriarch and he wanted to go up and kill this guy, but the old patriarch waved his hand to tell them not to move. What a joke, if something goes wrong, let alone you, we will have all of India. The problem is, the hope of the whole India lies in the young man.

Li had something to do after he left, but when he went out, Mr. Gandhi gave him a USB flash drive. You don’t need to ask, you definitely know that this must be a huge amount of cash. This is an explanation, Li After checking it, there are hundreds of billions of dollars in dozens of banks that are counted as U.S. dollars. This money is basically okay. I will give the money out now. I am sure I want to form an Indian army. Now, the Military Ministry has submitted a plan to build an airfield in the independent Republic of Li Cong. This requires a lot of equipment and requires 100,000 land and grass to be stationed. This place has just experienced the war, plus India. The [Central] government may not be of much use anymore, and it must strengthen its vigilance. According to the standards of the military, these probably cost more than 50 billion U.S. dollars.

In this war, Li Cong saw the benefits of the Rafae fighter. The Rafaee (French: auetrafaee) is a twin-engine, delta-wing, highly flexible xìng multi-role fighter designed and built by the French company auet. It is expected to become the main force of the next generation of the French navy and air force. Dassault uses the word "full-angle sè..." to describe this aircraft to show the difference between it and other multi-role fighters. Other multi-role fighters have a distinction between primary and secondary functions. Dassault also uses this term to describe the aircraft. Shows the ability of the Rafale to switch from one function to another in combat. The Rafale fighter plan is designed to replace seven different specialized aircraft. Although India does not have many such aircraft, the Chinese Air Force’s loss of aircraft is Half of it was caused by them, which is enough to show their ability.

On July 4, 1986, the array fan flew for the first time. The development work of the Snackma m88 engine designed for the Rafale at that time was considered to be not fully mature and unable to carry out a safe flight test (but the progress of the engine during the development process is often said to be worse than the actual development level), so during the test flight The f/a-18 Wasp combat aircraft used is the f404-ge- of General Electric of the United States.

400 afterburning turbofan engine.

The demonstrator’s xìng has left a very good influence on the French Ministry of Defense, so the French Ministry of Defense decided to order Rafale fighters in 1988.

At the same time, the test aircraft continued to test, including landing and immediate take-off on the aircraft carrier, as well as testing the early m88 engine.

Rafale A was retired in 1994. Although the Rafale A and Typhoon fighter jets have similar capabilities and technologies, when the Typhoon fighter flew for the first time in March 1994, Rafale A already had three years of flight test experience, including aircraft carrier tests. (Gust c01 flew for the first time in May 1991, Gust 1 flew for the first time in December 1991, and Gust b01 flew for the first time in April 1993.)

Li Cong also asked the military personnel and felt that Rafale fighter jets can be used as their aircraft, mainly in terms of firepower. The right side of the engine inlet is equipped with a 30mm atm79eb cannon with a rate of fire of 2500 rounds. minute. There are a total of 14 external pylons, 4 under the fuselage (2 at the centerline of the fuselage and 2 side by side in the rear fuselage), 6 under the wing, 2 at the wingtip, and 2 under the air intake. The Navy model has 13 external hard attachment points. The Rafale fighter can use a wide range of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons, including weapon systems jointly developed by France, the United States, Britain and Europe.

The normal load is 60,000 kg, the normal external load is 6000 kg, and the maximum load is 9500 kg. You can carry one asmp medium-range nuclear attack missile when performing nuclear warfare duties: when performing interception missions, you can hang 8 Matera "Mika" air-to-air missiles and "Magic" close-range combat air-to-air missiles. Auxiliary fuel tanks, or "Mika" missiles and 3 auxiliary fuel tanks: 16 227kg bombs, 2 "Mika" missiles and 2 1250 liters auxiliary fuel tanks can be carried during ground attack, or 2 "Abaiqi" ​​long-range Weapon launcher, 2 "Mika" missiles and 3 external fuel tanks: when performing anti-ship missions, it can carry 2 "Flying Fish" missiles or planned ans sea-skimming attack missiles, 4 "Mika" missiles and 2 auxiliary tank.

Of course, the purchase belongs to the purchase, and some other areas that should be improved are still needed. Li never wanted his aircraft to be insufficiently advanced. This is a crime against the pilot.

The bumpy fate of the "Rafale" fighter on the export road still has not been broken. "Rafales" have frequently attacked the export market. French President Nicolas Sarkozy's diplomatic work has been extremely vigorous. There have been many news that a major arms purchase agreement is about to be reached, but it is always proved to be "empty joy" at the last moment. The first is Libya, and then the UAE "Rafale" has heard the news of "successful export". In October of this year, during Sarkozy’s visit to Brazil, the two countries reached a major arms purchase agreement. Cutting-edge weapons including nuclear submarines have become the target of export. The Rafale fighter is the most important content. French public opinion once cheered, but afterwards The officials of the two countries have clarified that the "gust" is only at the stage of intention.

At present, the improvement and upgrading work of "Rafale" is steadily advancing, but still affected by the financial crisis, export sales may encounter greater difficulties. The upgrade of rbe2 type passive phased array radar to active phased array radar has started many years ago. UU Reading advances the caesar of the "Typhoon" fighter

The radar is about four years, but the development progress of the two radars is basically synchronized. This year, rbe2

The aesa radar has completed the main test and plans to deliver two radars to the French Air Force next year. The caes

ar radar can basically complete the test next year.

"Rafale" in the French Air Force has gradually upgraded from the early f1 and f2 standards to the fully multifunctional PS standard. This year, the French Minister of Defense approved an order for 60 Rafale f4 fighters, which will be equipped with both the Air Force and the Navy.

The model is a new model equipped with rbe2 active phased array radar, but the official also clearly pointed out that the specific production and delivery plan of this batch of aircraft will depend on its future export prospects.

Li Cong saw the gust because he saw the prospect of the aircraft manufacturer. What is this guy best at? I just took advantage of the fire and robbed me. If I don’t work at this moment, I’m really sorry. This gust of wind will not survive long ago, and my own opportunity is coming, but these are things for the future. I still have to buy first. A few. ! .

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