Energy Group

Chapter 1359:

Episode 1359

These are still five major aspects, and there are many detailed provisions in every detail. /Very Literary/ (It only takes 3 seconds to read and read the novel net. It only takes 3 seconds to remember.) It can be said that through these treaties, Japan has been completely deprived of the most important rights that it has as an independent country. Not only economically, Japan must listen to China’s baton operations, but also military, political (achieved by controlling Japan, and the emperor has no heir, so Japan has become a republic), diplomacy, culture, technology, education, etc., Japan must Follow China. Although China retained a nominal Japanese government, it did not give the Japanese government real power at all.

After the war, China completely controlled Japan's industrial production by controlling Japanese trade, because Japan itself is a country that relies heavily on trade for its maintenance, and any industrial production takes trade as the main purpose. And China will never allow Japan to get opportunities for development anymore, so it has moved a large number of domestic factories that require intensive labor to Japan. This is also determined by the reform of China's economic structure.

This is how the Second Pacific War ended. What will the world look like tomorrow?

From December 12, 2023, China, the United States and Japan officially signed a peace treaty. The turbulent earth has been quietly rare. Counting from 2024 to the present January 1, 2032. This period of peace lasted eight years. In Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, there are still some ethnic conflicts and military guerrillas fighting wars. The four major countries in the world (the new European Union has completed the last unification task in 2023-political unification A powerful country was established: the European Federal Republic. The previous countries have become a local federal government. After more than 10 years of hard work, Europe has finally completed its grand cause of reunification, becoming the world’s second most populous and second most economically The superpower, the third in military strength and fourth in political influence) are all recuperating and working hard to develop. In fact, they are sharpening their swords secretly, preparing for the new round of world evolution that is about to begin.

It is necessary to give a brief introduction to the changes in the world during the past eight years.

Let's start with Greater Russia. In the nine years from 2023 to 2032, Great Russia has made great achievements, but in the east there is China, in the west there is Europe, there are energy groups in the country, and in the south there is the Middle East Arab League. The living space has no place to expand. The geographical limitations, and the economic situation of Great Russia, which has been dwarfed by the country, have determined that it is impossible for its development to gain a position of dominating the world. But the Russians are not satisfied, because everyone knows that polar bears are most eager for territorial expansion, which is unique to the Russian people. When there is no way out for its territorial expansion. The Russians thought of ways to expand their influence around the world. But when China and the United States are fighting fiercely for sphere of influence, how can the Russians intervene! If the Russians can come up with the conditions that are still in a neutral position and their own unique policy of governing the country, they may still achieve some success.

But the Russians did not have this innovation. They blindly used Western democracy or used their own weapons to show off their strength. These will not help the underdeveloped countries to develop their economies in the slightest. So this is also doomed to the failure of the Russians. In this rare eight-year development period, although Great Russia has made considerable economic progress, when compared with the other three in China and Europe, Great Russia has made the smallest progress. This cannot but be said to be the sorrow of all Russians. In the future world, the Russian nation will sharpen its sharp sword because it has not grasped the opportunity. So when the support of Great Russia is needed, several parties will vie to use it, but when the benefits are distributed, no one will remember it. This can be seen when the energy group invests in Russia. With the investment of the energy group, Russia’s politics is getting more and more chaotic. Even worse than when Great Russia was not established, Li Cong knew best what to do. Killed with a soft knife.

In the past eight years of Great Russia, the national economy can be said to have reached a higher level, but China no longer needs its weapons, and Europe has nothing to cooperate with him. It used to be to resist the United States, but now it seems unnecessary. .

Under such an environment, the development of Greater Russia is entirely dependent on the support of the United States. The United States has become an isolated party. Therefore, the United States must find a country that can support it in the future. This goal naturally falls on the head of Greater Russia. Above, because among the three parties of the China-Europe-Russia alliance, Great Russia is the easiest to be split out due to the historical estrangement with China. By 2032, the gross national product of Greater Russia will reach eight trillion new rubles, equivalent to about five trillion yuan in RMB, making it the fourth largest economic power in the world, but it is far from the previous three. Up. The country's economic system has also undergone a shift, and industry, especially the aerospace industry and military industry, has achieved considerable development. If it were not for the timely adjustment of the national economic structure in 2026, Great Russia would follow the footsteps of the former Soviet Union. Although Great Russia stopped in time on the fringe, it had an extremely far-reaching impact on the development of its national economy.

In terms of military affairs, Great Russia has not weakened its army because of the eight years of peace, because any head of the country knows how intense the undercurrent hidden under the calm water surface is. Although the surface of the world is dominated by peace, everyone realizes that this is a new cold war, and it is more intense than the last cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States. They participated in the four most powerful countries in the world. And a dark organization that is stronger than all countries, more than 50% of human beings have been involved in this cold war, accounting for more than 80% of the world's GDP. As a result, Great Russia has not escaped this very extensive Cold War. While maintaining the speed of development, the country’s economy is fully engaged in the arms race. This also laid the foundation for the powerful combat effectiveness of the Great Russian Army. In 2032, the total number of the army of Great Russia will reach 2.5 million, an increase of nearly 1 million from 2032. From this point, we can also see how great the danger faced by Great Russia is. Of course, this is also a consequence of its territorial ambitions. Including 1.2 million army, 600,000 air and space forces, 500,000 navy, and 200,000 strategic missile forces.

The army has more than 12,000 tanks, more than 15,000 armored combat vehicles, and more than 20,000 artillery pieces, including more than 5,000 self-propelled artillery with a caliber of 155 mm or more, and more than 3,000 rocket artillery with a caliber of 122 mm or more. There are more than 2,000 armed helicopters, of which more than 500 are the most advanced Ka-55 stealth attack helicopters. There are more than 5,000 transport helicopters, and the world's largest transport helicopter has more than 200 meters-40. And each battalion is accompanied by an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft system. The digitization of the military has reached the squad level, and individual digitization has been achieved in some elite troops.

The Air Force has more than 5,000 combat aircraft, of which the most advanced Su-55 fighter (formally in service in 2028 and independently developed for Great Russia) more than 500, Su-45 (the Russian model of the J-15), everyone should be in front Familiar with it) 2000 fighter jets. There are more than 500 Su-50 (large attack aircraft newly developed by Great Russia, in service in 2022), more than 1,000 Su-40 attack aircraft (improved on the basis of Su-45, mainly for ground attacks), 120 strategic bombers. There are also about 1,000 old fighters. In addition, there are more than 2,000 transport aircraft, tankers, and electronic warfare aircraft. /Very Literature/Among them, there are more than 500 large transport aircraft (with a payload of more than 35 tons and a flying distance of more than 8,000 kilometers), more than 1,000 medium-sized transport aircraft (with a payload of 20 to 35 tons and a flying distance of less than 5,000 kilometers), and more than 300 tankers. There are more than 200 electronic warfare aircraft, including 35 early-warning aircraft. In addition, all fighters and attack aircraft can become electronic warplanes responsible for air defense suppression tasks by replacing software. In addition, the 100,000 people of the two airborne forces under the command of the air force are the absolute main force of the air force for special operations. Moreover, Great Russia’s powerful strategic airlift capability is sufficient to support the use of these two airborne forces. Within 24 hours, an airborne army and 50,000 troops can be airborne or dropped to any corner of the world. This is The main force of the Great Russian Rapid Reaction Force.

The navy has more than 250 large combat ships with a tonnage of 1.5 million tons. These include three large aircraft carriers, 24 large air defense cruisers, more than 40 large destroyers, more than 60 large multi-function frigates, and 24 large integrated supply ships. The submarine force that Great Russia has always valued has more than forty attack nuclear submarines. Among them, 12 of the most advanced "St. Petersburg" class have been put into active service, and three more are under construction. The rate will be three per year. service. There are 16 strategic nuclear submarines, all of the latest "Moscow" class, each carrying 16 strategic ballistic missiles with a range of 12,000 kilometers, and each missile has 12 nuclear warheads of 500,000 tons. The naval aviation force has 1,200 combat aircraft, of which 240 are carrier-based aircraft, 400 are helicopters, and the other are shore-based support aircraft such as patrol aircraft, transport aircraft, and early warning aircraft. There is also a 150,000 Marine Corps with 2,000 tanks, 2,500 armored combat vehicles, and 4,000 artillery pieces. The number of naval landing and transport ships responsible for projecting missions has reached more than 50, including 12 large landing ships, 24 large transport ships, 12 integrated transport ships, and 6 logistics vessels such as medical ships. Since Great Russia does not have many maritime defense lines to defend, the focus of its national military construction is not on the navy, and the trend of the world is that the air force will begin to replace the navy.

In terms of military industry, Great Russia has the third most powerful military industry in the world. Its four domestic tank production lines can produce more than 4,000 tanks and other armored vehicles a year. If in wartime, civilian car production lines can also be used for production. Productivity will be even more impressive. In the aircraft industry, when the two helicopter production lines are in full production, the annual output of helicopters can reach more than 3,000. Of course, the supply of raw materials must be guaranteed. The three fighter production lines can produce more than 3,000 fighters in one year. In the shipbuilding industry, 500,000 tons of ships can be built a year. Of course, this can only be achieved when the construction of other civilian ships must be completely abandoned. And the powerful heavy industry system of Great Russia can also fully support such a huge military industry. Of course, there is one point that needs to be explained. 30% of the military industry system of Great Russia is in the hands of energy groups. Li Cong He can be paralyzed at any time.

In terms of technology and space development, since the energy group's space missile defense system was exposed, the scientific research focus of countries around the world has been placed on space, and the four powers have begun to build their own space stations. However, the investment required for the independent construction of a space station cannot be borne by any country. Finally, in the form of a joint international force, China and Europe (the Republic) jointly developed the Apollo space station, while the United States and Great Russia joined forces. The US-Russian space station was built. What is brought about by space competition is the rapid development in materials, power, computers, and biomedicine. No one will easily give up the commanding heights of space. And it is the space race, where major powers have rushed to deploy their own space anti-missile systems, making the threat of nuclear weapons less obvious. By 2032, Great Russia will use its already developed space technology to deploy 24 anti-missile satellites in space. Although it has covered the entire world, its total intercept volume has only reached the level of dealing with 500 missiles at the same time. In total, if any place launches more than 1,000 missiles at one time, then Great Russia’s space anti-missile satellite system is not safe, so Great Russia is ready to launch another 48 satellites within five years to form a complete space anti-missile. The satellite system can intercept 1,500 missiles reflected at any location at the same time, so as to ensure that Great Russia is not subject to nuclear threats from other countries. Although Great Russia had the world's most advanced aerospace, materials, and aviation technologies in the more than 10 years since the beginning of the 21st century, its weak economy could not support the rapid development of science and technology in Great Russia. So after 2030, although Great Russia has increased its investment in science and technology every year, it has not made more progress. Compared with China, Europe, the United States and other countries, its leading position in materials and aerospace no longer exists. Since Great Russia poses a direct threat to both Europe and China on land, and China and Europe sandwich Great Russia between the east and the west, so they all have methods for Great Russia. This also forces Great Russia to start to cooperate with the United States. Own interests.

Through all-out development, the national strength of Great Russia has reached the peak of history, but in the future world, can Great Russia achieve its own world status with such strength? Can you survive in the gap between China, the United States, Europe and the energy group? Can the ideal of Peter's land be realized, and the Russian flag can be planted all over the world? The world will not be the world of Great Russia, nor the world he would like, but a world that relies on strength for his own interests. Therefore, the road of Great Russia will not be so easy. China, the United States and Europe do not want to see a strong one. Russia threatens its own interests, which also determines the final status of Great Russia. It will be used when it is needed and abandoned when it is not needed. It will always be a **** used by others. The establishment of the European Federal Republic can be said to be bumpy and tortuous. From the European Union of Iron and Coal, to the European Union, to the establishment of the New European Union in 2020, it has experienced almost half a century of development. Until 2027, the establishment of a fully unified European Federal Republic can be said to be filled with the sweat and blood of Europeans. Since the end of the Roman Empire, Europe, which has been in a state of division, has finally completed its reunification again, and the united Europeans cannot underestimate their strength.

The history of Europe can be said to represent the development history of the entire West. Europe began its Renaissance in the 14th century. It was not until the end of World War II when the United States replaced Britain as the world’s number one power. Europe fell from the highest point on the world stage. However, Europe was not willing to be lonely. Focus, every move in Europe will affect the nerves of the world.

As soon as the Second World War ended, Europe realized that what division brought was not honor, democracy, or development, but pain, blood and tears intertwined and burned in Europe. Europeans have realized the importance of reunification, so they will inevitably complete this process of reunification. Europe has also made good use of the opportunity of China's rise to challenge the global hegemony of the United States and successfully fulfilled the dream of generations.

January 1, 2023, will be remembered by Europeans forever. This day is the day when the European Federal Republic was established, and it will also be a common national holiday for all Europeans in the future. After several generations of hard work, the great cause of European reunification has finally been completed. After unification, Europe has strengths that cannot be underestimated. The Federal Republic of Europe (hereafter referred to as Europe) has the world's second largest economic strength. In 2032, its GDP will reach 15 trillion euros, equivalent to 17 trillion yuan, which is only lower than China's 20 trillion yuan GDP. , Surpassed the US 16 trillion U.S. dollars, equivalent to 16 trillion yuan in economic strength. Since the integration of countries will inevitably affect economic development, compared to 2023, the European economy will only grow by 4%. However, everyone knows the economic development potential of Europe after a unified Europe. The world agrees that the growth potential of Europe is only lower than that of China, which is developing rapidly. European countries have completed their economic integration before reunification. Therefore, European industry, technology, culture and other aspects are quite strong. As far as industry is concerned, its industrial productivity has accounted for more than 25% of the world. Europe, with its unique precision manufacturing technology, advanced processing industry, and strong productivity in automobiles, ships, and aircrafts, has laid a solid foundation for its own national defense construction.

In terms of population, Europe has 500 million people, second only to China, and third place than the United States (because India has been dismembered by China, it is divided into more than 10 small countries, the largest of which has only 200 million Less than the population, this country is the Republic of Hindustan controlled by Li Cong, or let the Gandhi family rule, which can provide Li Cong with hundreds of thousands of soldiers each year) more than double. So Europe does not care about labor issues. Since Europe is formed by the amalgamation of many countries, regional differences are inevitable. On the one hand, this creates trouble for the stability of Europe, but on the other hand, it provides for the development of confidant and labor-intensive industries in Europe. condition. The federations such as Germany and France have also solved the problem of negative population growth by absorbing the population of other regions, and the development of Europe has entered a virtuous circle.

In terms of military affairs, a unified Europe and a strong Europe absolutely need a strong army to protect it, which has already fought for its own interests. Since 2010, Europe has undergone military integration, and by 2025, Europe will not only complete military integration, but also face the threat of greater Russia from the east and the United States from the west, and become stronger. Own military power. In 2025, Europe has 2.3 million troops, including 1 million army, 800,000 navy, and 500,000 aerospace forces.

The Army has 8,000 main battle tanks, 15,000 armored combat vehicles, and 10,000 artillery pieces, including 2,000 large-caliber self-propelled artillery pieces above 155 mm and 1,000 rocket artillery pieces above 122 mm calibre. There are more than 2500 armed helicopters, among which the latest "Eagle" stealth attack helicopter (started in service in 2018, jointly developed with China, and recognized as the world's most powerful armed helicopter with comprehensive combat capabilities) is more than 1,000, and there are more than 500 The above "Vulture" reconnaissance and attack helicopters (coming into service in 2032, jointly developed with China, are the latest helicopters of this type after the rah-66 Comanche in the United States, and have exceeded in terms of performance Comanche). 5,500 transport helicopters. The European Army has always attached importance to the construction of quality, but the demand for quantity is not high. This is determined by the higher labor prices in Europe. Therefore, the European Army is leading the world in the development of drones and digitalization. Each company is equipped with its own small drones, and more than 80% of the army's troops have achieved individual digitization. As for the air force, this has always been the focus of European construction. Of course, this is also the result of cooperation with energy groups.

The European Air Force has 4,500 combat aircraft. Although the number is not very large, among them are the world's first-class "Storm" fighters (developed jointly with China and officially entered service in 2023. They are the next-generation fighters of the J-15, and the greater Russia The Su-55 and the American F-50 are listed as one of the three most advanced fighters in the world. China’s number is F-18) 1,000. In addition, there is a light and low-cost "Eagle" fighter (formally entered service in 2018, and a self-developed light and low-cost fighter, mainly because the unit price of "Storm" is as high as 300 million euros, even in Europe. Can't afford a lot, so I switched to producing more than 2,000 fighters, which are relatively low-cost and not low in combat performance. The other are the "Mars" efa fighters that have been in service for more than 10 years, but these "old" fighters still have a fighting capacity that cannot be underestimated after proper improvement and good maintenance. There are 80 strategic bombers, all of which remain a threat to any country. In addition, there are more than 4,000 support aircrafts, including 750 large transport aircraft, 1,500 medium transport aircraft, 1200 tactical transport aircraft, 500 aerial tankers, early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft and other electronic warfare aircraft with more than 200. Compared with the other three powers, the number of European air forces is not the majority, but it has extremely strong combat effectiveness and has projected capabilities. 150,000 people belonging to the five airborne divisions of the Army’s organizational system (the military establishments of Europe and the United States are relatively close, and there is no military level organization, but each division almost exceeds 20,000, reaching the two divisions of China and Russia. The combat effectiveness is equivalent to a medium-sized army of China and Russia. In special units, divisions will be larger, such as the Marine Corps and Airborne Forces. They can serve as the rapid reaction force through the extremely powerful strategic airlift capabilities of the European Air Force. task.

In terms of navy, Europe has always attached great importance to naval construction. Because Europe has very important overseas territories, its own islands in the Atlantic Ocean, and its own territories in the Pacific Ocean, and European Guiana, the most important space base in Europe, is still in South America. The European Navy has more than 350 large combat ships with a total tonnage of 2 million tons, including 6 large aircraft carriers, and two medium-sized aircraft carriers that have reached mid-service (the "De Gaulle" class previously built by France, which is now in use Residual heat). There are 48 air defense cruisers, 64 large multifunctional destroyers, and 72 large anti-submarine frigates. The original relatively weak European submarine force has also been greatly developed, with 42 attack nuclear submarines. 32 of them are the latest models developed on the basis of the original French "Barracuda" class. There are also 12 strategic nuclear submarines, each carrying 20 missiles with a range of 12,000 kilometers and 10 nuclear warheads of 500,000 tons. Due to the powerful functions of the space anti-missile satellite system, Europe has no intention of carrying out the United States and Russia. The nuclear race is to equip with the principle of sufficient threat. The focus of the development of submarines has fallen on attack nuclear submarines. Nuclear submarines have shown amazing combat effectiveness in several wars. There are four nuclear submarines in Europe every year, and only three are retired, so its nuclear submarine strength It has been growing. In terms of naval aviation, there are mainly 550 fighters on 8 aircraft carriers, more than 100 aircraft that have also served as support missions, and more than 500 helicopters responsible for anti-submarine operations. For shore-based aviation, more than 300 anti-submarine and patrol aircraft have been deployed. There are no other combat aircraft outside. This is because the Navy has been able to coordinate well with the Air Force, and many tasks can be undertaken by the Air Force. In addition, for a country with many overseas territories, its Marine Corps status is very important, so Europe is also vigorously developing its Marine Corps. With a scale of 250,000 people, there are 1,200 tanks, more than 4,000 armored vehicles, more than 2,000 artillery pieces, and 1,200 combat aircraft. The number of transport and landing ships responsible for the delivery mission reached 100, of which large transport ships accounted for the majority.

In terms of military industrial production, Europe has never lacked such capabilities, especially the tank and conventional submarine productivity of the German Federation, the ship building capabilities of the French Federation and the Spanish Federation, and the strong aircraft manufacturing capabilities shared by the energy group. Aspect, it is proud enough.

From the perspective of the establishment of the European army and the development of equipment, Europe does not need a heavy army except for the threat of Great Russia in the east. Therefore, the entire European army responds quickly and projects from long distances. And the army that emphasizes the strike of the air force and the blockade of the navy is inseparable from the geographical location of Europe and its vast overseas interests. It can also be seen from this that the largest partner in Europe is China, because China There is no direct conflict of interest with Europe, but they are both threatened by Russia and challenged by the United States. Therefore, Europe and China can fully cooperate. As for the energy group, at this time, he no longer intervenes in China's affairs. What he needs is to dominate the world by himself.

In terms of science and technology, I will put it in the chapter introducing China. Because the development of science and technology in Europe is too much related to China, it will be easier to understand when we introduce together.

Although Europe and China are working together, Europe cannot accept China's ideological expansion. Therefore, the relationship between Europe and China has not reached such a close level. They have only come together for common interests. In 2026, the Atlantic Alliance led by the United States was established, including 14 countries including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Haiti, Dominica, and Puerto Rico. The canal is extremely dissatisfied with the United States, and China also uses the Panama Canal as an international waterway to encourage Panama to refuse to join the Atlantic Alliance. Although the United States has been controlled by the Atlantic Alliance in the entire Atlantic region, the national conditions of the United States refuse to establish a unified country on this basis. (For this, everyone should have an image. Puerto Rico, which was controlled by the United States, requested to join the United States and became In the fifty-first state of the United States, the Americans refused. This is because Americans fear that the entry of these poor countries will affect their own interests. It can also be seen from this that Americans care about their own interests regardless of the country. How strong is the development of China, maybe this is the consequence of the so-called liberal democracy in the United States). So the following will mainly introduce the situation in the United States.

In terms of economy, due to China's economic development, the substantial appreciation of the renminbi, and the establishment of the European Federal Republic, the economic status of the United States has fallen to the third place in the world. If Canada, the United Kingdom and Mexico are added, the economic strength of the region controlled by the United States is second in the world. In 2032, the gross domestic product of the United States is 16 trillion U.S. dollars (Canada is 800 billion U.S. dollars, Britain is 1,500 billion U.S. dollars, and Mexico is 550 billion U.S. dollars). Although the overall economic power of the United States is not very high, the population of the United States is only 250 million. Therefore, the per capita GDP of the United States is still the highest among the four powers, which also represents the most developed productivity of the United States. Especially in machinery, chemicals, automobiles, and ships, the economic capacity of the United States cannot be underestimated. The economic power of the United States is still strong. Although Wall Street is still one of the most important financial centers in the world, the United States has lost its dominance in the world financial market. Shanghai and Guangzhou in China, Paris and Frankfurt in Europe are already An economic center on par with New York. Moreover, the euro, the new ruble, and the renminbi have all become world currencies. The U.S. dollar is no longer the only currency with a value-preserving value. Especially the strength of the renminbi has given Americans a taste of financial repression.

In terms of military affairs, although the position of the United States is no longer the world's dominance, no one can underestimate its strong military strength. The United States does not only have its own military. Thanks to the support of the three countries of Britain, Canada, and Mexico, the US military power has reached the highest point in history. Moreover, the United States has always been the most active company in this four-party cold war, especially the "Cold War" with China is particularly obvious and particularly targeted. In 2025, the United States has 2.9 million troops, making it the second largest military force in the world. Among them, 1.5 million for the Army, 500,000 for the Navy, 600,000 for the Aerospace Force, and 300,000 for the Marine Corps.

The army has 10,000 tanks, more than 16,000 armored vehicles, and 15,000 artillery pieces, including 4,000 large-caliber self-propelled artillery pieces of 155 mm or more, and 1,500 rocket artillery pieces of 122 mm or more. With more than 4,000 armed helicopters, it is the world's largest helicopter team and has the world's most powerful low-altitude strike force. Among them, the latest ah-70 attack helicopter (comes into service in 2025, is developed on the basis of ah-64, and comprehensively attaches importance to the combination of stealth, survivability, mobility and firepower, and is recognized as one of the three advanced armed helicopters. The performance is comparable to the "Eagle" jointly developed by China and Europe, slightly stronger than the Ka-55 of Greater Russia) 1,500, and the rah-66 helicopter, which served as the attack guidance and reconnaissance mission (dismantled in 2004, but the outbreak of the Taiwan War During the Second Korean War, the United States discovered its own shortcomings in this area and launched it again in 2016. However, it has made major improvements based on the original reasons and the development of technology. It can be said that it is a completely new model. ) Reached 2,000, and there are still some ah-64e models still in service. The number of transport helicopters responsible for short-distance air transportation reached 5,500, including tilt rotor aircraft (developed on the basis of the vh-22 Osprey, but it was discovered during the Taiwan war that this type of aircraft had fatal shortcomings, mainly reliability. Low, poor survivability, and the required site is too large for infiltration operations behind enemy lines, so they are all used as transport aircraft) 500, but the main force is still as many as 5,000 large and small transport helicopters. If you want to describe the U.S. Army in one sentence, it can be said to be a flying army. With the exception of the heavy armored divisions that are responsible for the tough task, all U.S. Army forces can use helicopters for air maneuvers. This is also the focus of U.S. affairs. . Moreover, the degree of digitization of the US Army is the highest in the world, with individual soldiers reaching 100% digitization. And each company is equipped with its own unmanned reconnaissance system, including aerial unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, ground unmanned vehicles, and a higher-level theater UAV system. It can be seen how strong the US is in electronic technology and information technology.

For the US Air Force, UU reading www.uukanshu. The United States has always been proud of having the largest air power in the world, but now the US Air Force is not the most powerful in the world, because the energy group Air Force has made great progress. The U.S. Air Force has 5,500 combat aircraft, most of which are the most advanced combat aircraft, including the most advanced f-50 fighter jet (coming into service in 2032, it is an alternative to the f-22, and it uses the most advanced technology in the United States. And scientific research results, but its price is the same as performance, even if it is made of gold to make a model of the same kind, it is cheaper than this) 1,200, f-55 joint combat attack aircraft (formal service in 2026, based on the f-35 The successful development of the F-35 is also an alternative to the f-35. The purpose of the development of this model in the United States is the same as that in Europe, which is determined by economic reasons. Therefore, this low-cost and suitable performance fighter has appeared) 2500. The other is the f-22f (mainly ground attack, like the f-15e attack eagle), the f-35 fighter. The U.S. strategic air force also has 240 strategic bombers. This is the most powerful strategic air force in the world. However, its effectiveness is questionable, because both China and Europe are beginning to reduce their strategic air forces and only maintain Sufficient number of threats. In addition, as a support aircraft, the United States has more than 6,000 aircraft, including more than 1,000 large transport aircraft, more than 2,500 medium transport aircraft, and 1,000 tactical transport aircraft. Aircraft that perform tasks such as aerial refueling, electronic warfare, command, early warning, and reconnaissance There are 1000 to add.


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