Energy Group

Chapter 1379:

Episode 1379

Northeast Asia refers to the northeastern part of Asia. According to the geographical distribution, it includes the eastern part of the Russian Federation (Sakhalin Island and other places), the Northeast and North China of the energy group, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and democracy The People’s Republic and Mongolia.

Northeast Asia has always been a place where great powers converge and conflict. Especially after the Cold War, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the rise of China, Japan’s efforts to become a "normal country", and the United States, which has extensive interests in the region, make Northeast Asia Regional relations between major powers have become more complicated and difficult to grasp. There are a wide range of geographical interests here, which has aroused the coveting and contention of major powers. The future evolution of the situation in Northeast Asia will have a structural impact on the political and economic patterns of Asia and the entire world. When the energy group was brilliant, Li Cong always regarded this place as his own place. Now Korea and Japan are basically his own turf. Americans in this area will not come to find anything. Now the only thing to deal with This is the power represented by the red cedar tree.

The feudal society in East Asia has a history of 2000 years. The Chinese and Han culture has a profound influence on this region, and Fusang, North Korea, and South Vietnam are all deeply influenced by it. Before modern times, China has always played a major role in this region. Russia has always been eager to regain its great power, but this must first go through a long process of political reform, the same long process of democratic stability, and a longer process of social and economic modernization. Coupled with Russia's serious security concerns on the European and southern borders, which distracted him from Northeast Asia, Russia is likely to only maintain its posture as a pole in Northeast Asia in the long run.

"Hehe, I said just now about the importance of Northeast Asia. Now my father doesn’t want to start a war on a large scale, but as long as there is a war, I don’t think you will be idle. Now you are the most important. The task is to prepare for the adaptation.” Anyway, the resolution of the adaptation was just finalized. If you say it earlier, it’s no different from Wan. If you say it earlier, it will make these people less quarreling with them. They There are also things to do.

"Adaptation? What kind of adaptation? Why don't we know anything? We must know that our army has just been refitted. They are all new weapons." The commander of the Second Army said, this guy is a big boss on the surface. , But when the war started, the heart was actually very delicate, which Li Er had discovered long ago.

"Hehe, of course it is an adaptation of the Guards Division. The group originally wanted to form the Guards, but I feel that the Guards are a bit too large now, so starting from the Guards, your ace troops are the first choice. However, the group’s current financial resources can’t support it, so it can only set up two guard divisions in the first batch. The two guard divisions will have 160,000 people. They will be equipped with the latest equipment and can also have divisions. The aviation unit and the air raid unit will be the fist unit of our energy group in the future. You are all likely to become the first commanders of the guards. Don’t worry about the selection of the army below. You also have a competition. I will conduct an exercise confrontation with a panoramic simulation in a month. At that time, everything depends on the strength. To be honest, recently you have put everything in your respective armies first. I need a super commander to command these two. Guards, let me tell you that the annual training expenses of the guards are the same as your army." Before Li Er finished speaking, these people immediately disappeared. Are you kidding me, don’t say anything else, just The word "guard" is very attractive to everyone. With the training of more than 400,000 troops to train 70 to 80,000 people, what is the concept and how comfortable it is to command such troops. , This is definitely going to be. The guards generally refer to the elite divisions in the army. The earliest concept of the guards appeared in the slave society, mainly referring to the commander-in-chief's rebel forces. In the twelfth century, Italy named the elite troops specializing in guarding the national flag as "Guards", which is also the earliest origin of the title of "Guards". The Guards Division is the honorary title of the division-level troops with outstanding combat exploits. Just such a thing has motivated most of the senior officers.

Two guards, this is what Li Er can produce. Although the group’s various businesses generate income every day just like grabbing money, the expenses of the guards are really huge. Set up 80,000 people, of which 50,000 belong to the army combat units. They are organized into two guard brigades and five 5,000-person guard regiments. Each regiment is organized into two battalions, and each battalion is composed of 2,500 personnel. The company has 800 personnel in each company and 100 civilian personnel in the battalion. Each company is divided into four platoons, each with 200 personnel, equipped with a rapid-fire gun, which can fire 30 75mm shells per second. Operated by four people, riding in two warrior military vehicles, and five people assisting in driving a truck to pull the shells for them. In fact, the most important thing for rapid-fire guns is the shells. A truck can hold less than 7000 shells. It won’t last long if the rapid-fire guns are running at full power. Each platoon also has two shoulder-mounted missile launchers, two fireline jets, and two minesweeping equipment. The remaining one hundred people are equipped with the latest submachine guns. , Each soldier carries a submachine gun, a pistol, a dagger and other individual weapons. It can be said that the cost of each army guard is as high as hundreds of billions of yuan.

The Guards Division also has air force and air force. The air force is mainly a 500-person flying force. The air force includes 120 armed combat helicopters and 70 transport helicopters. The cost of the air force can be as high as tens of billions of RMB. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that the formation of a guard division of 200 billion yuan is absolutely not an exaggeration. Even gold swallowing beasts like the energy group feel very terrible when facing this.

In fact, Li had long wanted to form such a fist unit, but many times there was no general outline. Now it is there. Li Er did a very good job. Li Cong also gave it to Li. According to a suggestion, 3,000 members of the Thunder Squad can be transferred into the Guard Division, which can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the Guard Division.

Li Cong became more confident after receiving the news of the formation of a guard division in the near future. It seems that he has to give the guard division an excuse for combat training. His eyes are on the Primorye Territory of Russia, which is like the old one. Back then, it should be fine for you to come back. With Sakhalin and Vladivostok, the entire Northeast Asia region can be said to be in its own control. Great Russia wants to have a peaceful life. What to do is impossible anymore.

Primorsky Krai is located in the southeast of Russia, between 42° to 48° north latitude and 130° to 139° east longitude. It borders the Sea of ​​Japan to the east, Khabarovsk to the north, and China and China to the south. North Korea borders. The distance from the northernmost point to the southernmost point of the border area is 900 kilometers. It is very far away from the political center of Great Russia, and the power of the red cedar tree in this generation is relatively weak, which is one reason why Li Cong will focus on this place.

Primorsky Krai is dominated by mountains, supplemented by plains. The mountains and their branches and volcanic plateaus stretching along the Fusang coast account for 80% of the total area of ​​the border region. The Sikhote-Alin Mountains that make up the mountain structure of Primorsky Krai are composed of several parallel mountains, namely the Pardizansky Mountains, the Blue Mountains, the Holodene Mountains and so on. The average altitude of the mountain peak is about 500 meters. The higher peaks are Alnwick Mountain (1933 meters) and Yunwu Mountain (1856 meters). In the west and southwest of the border area stretches the vast Xingkai Lake Plain. Primorsky Territory is located at the easternmost point of Eurasia, facing the world's largest ocean Pacific Ocean, with a humid climate and extremely dense forests! The forest coverage rate is as high as 90%! It belongs to a temperate maritime climate. The wind direction changes regularly according to the seasons. The winter is dominated by north and northwest winds. The climate is cold and snowy, warmer and snowy than inland areas at the same latitude. In summer, southeast and easterly winds blow, and the climate is cool and comfortable, much cooler than inland areas at the same latitude.

The warmest month in Primorye is from July to August. The average temperature is often between 15 and the highest temperature rarely exceeds 26 degrees Celsius! The diurnal temperature difference and the diurnal difference are very small, with obvious temperate oceanic climate characteristics! Summer rainfall accounts for 70% of the total annual rainfall. At the turn of summer and autumn, there are often Taiwan scenery.

On the southern coast, sea bathing is still possible until September. The autumn weather in Primorsky Krai is warm and sunny, which is a good time for vacation and rest. Primorsky Krai is a world-famous seaside summer resort. According to preliminary statistics from the Russian census, as of January 1, 2011, the permanent population of Primorye Territory was 1,953,500, which is absolutely vast and sparsely populated. Among them, 1,487,700 are urban residents and 466,500 are rural residents. 50% of the total population of the coastal area (that is, close to 1 million people) are capable people who work in various fields such as society, politics, economy, culture and education, including ports, marine fisheries, marine transportation, mining, and forestry. The number of people in the machinery manufacturing and communication industries accounted for a large proportion of the employed population, accounting for about one-third. The agricultural population engaged in agriculture is very small. There are 20 agricultural areas in the coastal area, and the population engaged in agriculture is only more than 40,000. Binhai State borders energy groups and is close to Fusang and South Korea by air and sea. The port, air and railway transportation is convenient. In addition, there are a large number of seafarers among the residents. Therefore, the proportion of residents going abroad is extremely high, and international trade is active. Commodities have a wide range of sources, varieties, and quick updates. Therefore, the high- and middle-income class of urban residents in Binhai District has a diversified consumption tendency, a multi-level development pattern, and is more sensitive to the quality, style, and popularity of commodities, and has higher requirements. If you occupy this area, you can connect the entire energy group's turf, which is also easy to defend, and your strategic breadth will be widened a lot.

As the political situation in Russia has become increasingly stable in recent years, the social economy has recovered and the unemployed population is gradually decreasing (as of the end of 2034, the number of unemployed people is nearly 90,000). More and more urban residents began to engage in self-employment, establishing various small trading companies, production enterprises, food processing plants, and a large number of urban residents selling various products in the form of self-employed individuals. According to preliminary estimates, Binhai Prefecture has 40,000 Many enterprises, companies, and self-employed individuals have registered more residents in the industrial and commercial sector. There are a total of 119 ethnic groups living in Primorsky Krai, most of whom are Russian. Ukrainians and Belarusians account for a higher proportion of the rural population. In addition, there are many descendants of Germans, Tatars, Jews and Koreans living here. In recent years, the number of Kazakhs, Tajiks, Georgians and Azerbaijanis has increased rapidly. The number of indigenous peoples in the Far East (Nanai, Udega, Evan, Oroqi, etc.) is still small. Although the government has taken a series of measures to support and help these ethnic minorities, it has still failed to change the trend of their population decline.

Most residents in the coastal area are employed workers, staff and farmers, accounting for 87% of the employed population. But in recent years, a new social class composed of business owners, business people, and individual workers is rapidly forming. The current number of residents belonging to such social groups is 5%.

Primorsky Krai is rich in mineral resources and reserves. There are proven bituminous coal, lignite, tin ore, tungsten ore, fluorite ore and various metal deposits in the territory.

According to calculations by experts, the total coal reserves of Primorsky Krai are 2.4 billion tons. The lignite mines that have been mined at present are Bijin Mine, Pavlovskoye Mine, Shkotovskoye Mine and Artem Mine. Bituminous coal is produced in the Pardizanski and Razdolinoye regions. Although in Li Cong's view, coal is no longer a very important resource, but for future wars, it is always a strategic resource, and it is definitely better in your own hands than in the hands of others.

In the past, most coal fields in the coastal area used traditional underground mining methods. Since 70% of the coal reserves can be used for cheap open-pit mining, the coal industry in the border region has gradually shifted its focus to open-pit mining.

Most of the 30 proven tin deposits are located at the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin Mountains in the three regions of Kavalerov, Dalnegorsk and Krasnoarmeyski. These areas have proven 16 locations of lead and zinc polymetallic ores. The tungsten ore reserves in Primorye Territory are also large. At the same time, there are more than 50 gold mines that have been explored, and they are distributed in the north and south of the border region. Most of these mineral resources are under the name of Sequoia, I believe it is not easy to get here.

The boron mine in the Dalnegorsk region has been fully exploited. The boron reserves here can guarantee the operation of ore processing enterprises for 50 years. In addition to fluorite, the fluorite mines in Hololi are also rich in lithium, beryllium, tantalum and niobium.

Limestone is produced near the city of Spassk, which is the main raw material for the production of cement; while in the southern part of the border area where the demand for building materials is greatest, clay, construction stones and sand-gravel mixtures are mined and processed. Primorsky Krai is rich in forest resources, with a forest coverage rate of 75%. The total forest area of ​​the border region is 12.3 million hectares. Coniferous species include cedar, fir, spruce and larch; soft species include white birch, aspen, and linden; hard broad-leaved species include oak, ash, elm and yellow birch.

The total timber reserves of Primorsky Territory are 1,750 million cubic meters, and the annual timber harvesting limit is 10 million cubic meters. The energy group is not allowed to cut timber in its own area, so these things are very important.

Ussuri Taiga is also rich in pine nuts, wild fruits (schisandra, wild grape, bilberry, bog bilberry, sorbus, etc.), wild mushrooms, bracken and precious medicinal materials including ginseng. Primorsky Territory is adjacent to the industrially developed Khabarovsk Territory to the north, borders the booming Chinese Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces to the west, North Korea to the south, and the beautiful Fuso Sea to the east and part of the south. The superior geographical location makes the Primorye Territory an economically developed region in the Russian Far East.

At present, Binhai District has formed a multi-channel economic structure. There are more than 50 industries alone, the main industries are: fishery, forestry, mining and ship repairing. The transportation, communication, trade, and service industries in the coastal area are also very developed.

The economic structure of the coastal area is multi-channel operation, of which 44.6% is production, 12.1% is transportation, 23.7% is construction, 6.2% is agriculture, and 13.4 is other industries. According to the data provided by the government of Primorsky Krai There are a total of 18 directly open border ports in Primorsky Krai, including land, seaports and air ports. Among them, there are 9 ports, 5 highway ports, 3 railway ports and 1 air port. 85% of the foreign trade import and export goods (46 million tons in total) are completed through ports. 98% of the import and export goods in the foreign trade completed by the railway were imported through the Sui*he-Groczewo railway port (last year, the volume of goods transported at the port reached 6.2 million tons, a record). The volume of import and export goods in Primorye Territory is growing at a rate of 10% every year, and the number of passengers entering and leaving the country reaches 540,000 every year.

There are also more foreign companies engaged in economic, trade and investment cooperation in Primorsky Krai than in other regions. According to statistics, in 2004, there were 552 wholly foreign-owned or joint ventures in 32 countries in Primorsky Krai. The number of registered capital of foreign-invested enterprises is increasing year by year, reaching 4.8 to 400 million rubles in 2004, an increase of 4% over the previous year. The investment of foreign enterprises accounts for more than 50% of the registered capital of the joint venture.

In terms of foreign investment, the total foreign investment in Primorsky Territory in 2004 was 65 million U.S. dollars. The largest investor was the energy group with an investment of 25 million U.S. dollars; the second was Cyprus with an investment of 14 million U.S. dollars; the United States invested 900 Million US dollars, South Korea invested 3 million US dollars, Norway invested 2 million US dollars, and Singapore invested 1 million US dollars.


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