Energy Group

Chapter 1381:

Episode 1381

"Sir, you guys, we have done some investigations on the loans of all Sī people in this area. If they keep the monthly interest at 2% to 5%, it is okay. But for now, they all pay interest. Maintained to 10% or even 20%, this interest is very ordinary, a few open high has reached 50% or even higher, so don't say what they do with money I just put the money into the shares of our company, and it is impossible to return the interest at the speed of our company’s money. Book míqun 4∴⑧㈥" Alan saw that several people don’t seem to believe that this can be done. It stirred the whole area, so a practical example came out.

"Gentlemen, the person above is called Sergey. He is a political official in the Far East. Over the years, this guy has participated in this loan āo exchange through various forms. To be precise, it is a Sī person loan. He plays the role of an intermediate guarantor. Because he has a fixed income, several large financial companies like such a person to give guarantees, and he can also receive one every month. The large amount of guarantee fee exceeds about three times his normal salary. Anyone can do such a thing. This guy has been very comfortable relying on the guarantee fee for more than a year, but recently his lender When something went wrong, one who took the money was simply eating, drinking, and having fun everywhere, hoping to bring it out with a higher interest rate, and the other was an honest business enterprise, but unfortunately, he couldn’t repay the high interest rate at all. Individuals have disappeared. According to our investigation, both of them have gone to the United States, so Sergey had to pay the debt. He is just a political worker, and he didn’t have that much money. A series of questions have been raised." After finishing talking, Allen sent out another material to show you the specific disadvantages of loan sharking.

First of all, loan sharks in the Far East have seriously disturbed the financial order. Currently, it operates several financial companies for private loan sharks. After it was approved with a legal coat, it operated by its own means. Their sources of funds are mainly from two aspects. They raise funds from the society at interest rates several times higher than those of banks, usually with an annual interest rate. Second, they use bank money directly. The main method is to cooperate with bank staff to obtain loans from the bank using the relevant guarantee information of the borrower. And the loan interest released by usury operators ranges from 60% to 300% per annum. This co is made under the acquiescence of Sequoia, and the funds are mainly from them.

According to the national inter-personal lending regulations, the interest rate of private loans can be appropriately higher than the bank's interest rate, but it cannot exceed the bank's loan interest rate four times over the same period. The excess interest is not protected by law. Obviously, the interest rate of private usury far exceeds national regulations. In addition, driven by interests, many people, especially civil servants, deposit large amounts of funds in these guarantee companies, and it becomes much more difficult for banks to absorb deposits.

However, the use of loan sharks to repay the bank's due loans or use it for business operations cannot truly reflect the current status of the company's flow and conceal the quality of bank credit assets. The speculative behavior of loan shark borrowers in the stock and futures markets will also aggravate capital market movements and bring potential financial risks. In this way, it can be seen that private usury has seriously disturbed the financial order, and it may be covered by various reasons in a short time, but it will definitely break out in the long term. At present, the Far East has maintained such high interest rates for more than a year. , And various drawbacks have slowly begun to show up.

Secondly, increase the burden of business operations. At present, the profits of the manufacturing industry are generally low, and small and medium-sized manufacturing companies are even lower, especially those in the Far East. The profits can be said to be primary processing, and profits can only be obtained by volume. Timber companies only have 3%-5%, clothing companies 5%-8%, and the profits of many trading companies are more difficult to guarantee. When these SMEs experience a shortage of funds in the course of their operations, they have to borrow from guarantee companies due to difficulties in obtaining loans from banks or the long period of bank loans. When these companies borrowed, they had to grit their teeth and bear high interest rates. They could only afford the temporary interest, but they could not afford it for a long time. Just like Sergey’s friends, they would chōu when they could not afford it. Take all the working capital to a family missing. Calculated on the basis of a minimum usury loan with an annual interest of 60%, a clothing company can only generate a profit of 80,000 at most with the 1 million loaned for production. If the company borrows for one month, it needs to pay 50,000 in interest and borrow 3 You need to pay 150,000 interest per month. In other words, the borrowing company must be able to guarantee that the principal and interest will be repaid in less than 50 days. Once the repayment period is extended, it will lose money. The longer it takes, the more you will lose, the more you borrow, the more you lose.

Except for a few companies, a few well-run companies, other companies want to repay the usury within 50 days, obviously it is somewhat impossible.

The third is to give birth to the banking system. Most loan shark operators have inextricable connections with bank staff. Some give money to bank staff, some directly bribe bank staff, and some guarantee companies are directly opened by bank staff, but they will Find a relative or friend to be the legal person or shareholder of the guarantee company. Driven by interests, bank staff use their positions to work closely with loan shark operators, some help guarantee company loans, and some directly bring money to guarantee companies first. In this way, we can see that private usury will largely give birth to the banking system. According to the investigation by the Energy Group's Investigation Department, about 30% of the money of these financial companies came out in this way. Now it is not they begging the bank, but the bank begging them, because of the bank employees involved. It can be seen that they are playing a dangerous game at all, but it is impossible to launch it at this time.

There is also the breeding of crimes in the judicial system. The former head of a branch of the Hadak Police Department, Kurk, was sentenced for accepting bribes. He disclosed the fact that he was collecting "debts" for the Hadak City community across provinces. Earlier, members of this group of organizations were accused of organizing, leading, and participating in criminal underworld organizations and other crimes were recently tried in the Vladivostok Intermediate Court. According to the indictment, the largest organization in Haddak in recent years is mainly based on loan sharking. Its umbrella includes the former deputy captain of the third squadron of the Interpol Detachment of the Haddak Police Department, the former president of the Haddak City Court, and the former Haddak Public Security Bureau Director of the bureau branch, former head of the criminal police detachment of the Hadak City Police Department (the latter three are handled separately), etc. Why do officials dare to take risks to collect debts for loan shark operators? There are two reasons: when loan sharks issue loan sharks to borrowers, they only ask the borrower to issue an IOU, and the lender also writes an individual, only the date of repayment, and no interest. The interest is deducted in advance, such as borrowing 1 million, and the agreed monthly interest is 5%. If you borrow for one month, the customer will only get less than 950,000, and the so-called handling fee must be deducted. In this way, illegal usury has turned into legal private lending. These law enforcers can comfortably collect debts for "citizens", one of them; second, because of the illegality of loan sharks, operators try to find a protective umbrella when they start so-called guarantee companies, and the leaders of the judiciary are their first choice. . They resorted to corrosive, profitable, emotional and other methods to force relevant personnel to submit. Driven by interests, with the handle in the hands of loan shark operators, the heads of these public authorities naturally act as umbrellas for crime.

In addition, once the borrower’s repayment ability has problems, the loan shark operators first adopt their own methods to collect, such as using life and property, disrupting normal work, threatening to interfere with family life, etc. If it is still difficult to successfully collect, they will go The court sue, and such a lawsuit will undoubtedly be defeated by the borrower. After the judgment, the court will urge the borrower or even enforce it. In this way, the court has become a collection agency for loan shark operators in disguise. The relevant staff knew that the borrower was the real victim, but they only certified the evidence in a stately manner, and put the victim in ruins. We don't know the shady behind it. Therefore, private usury will largely breed the judicial system. At present, at least 10% of the officials of the judicial institutions in the Far East are involved. As for the lower-level clerks, it will reach about 50%. If the media publishes this news, it is estimated that The judiciary can shut down mén.

The birth of citizen crime is also a major place. In May 2038, a young man in Vladivostok took advantage of his duty to repay a loan usury of 40,000 yuan and took the cheque of the unit’s construction money to withdraw cash to repay the debt; in October 2039, a citizen of Berk stole the loan to repay the usury. Take the neighbor’s children for blackmail; on March 13, 2031, a guy in Sakhalin region kidnapped his cousin to repay 10,000 yuan in loan sharks; a case of citizen crimes caused by loan sharks occurred everywhere, and many crimes caused by loan sharks Hidden under the sun. These people originally had a good career or a happy family, but it was precisely because of the loan shark that caused a tragic tragedy in their lives. We can say that private usury has largely contributed to civil crime.

jī transforms social contradictions. The capital chain of loan shark operators is extremely easy to break, and the phenomenon of the operators fleeing with funds is affected by the interests of ordinary investors, which is likely to endanger the social, economic and financial stability; if small and medium-sized enterprises break the capital chain due to loan sharks, it will appear. The phenomenon of business operators running away from debts will affect the interests of migrant workers, which can easily lead to instability of social life and order; when loan sharks are demanding loans, they often resort to verbal threats, interfere with the work of borrowers, and illegally restrict borrowers. The freedom of life and other means to carry out debts, it is easy to cause conflicts with each other. From this, we can see that private usury has largely transformed social contradictions.

"Dear folks usury have caused many serious harms to the society in this area, and its harm is increasing day by day, but there is still a lack of an outbreak hole. The reason why there is no outbreak is that Sequoia is the backstage of these financial companies. In the early stage, they made about tens of billions of dollars in these financial companies, but now they are also facing huge losses, so they have to continue to play this dangerous game, until they can’t sustain it. On that day, as long as we quickly destroy these financial companies, we believe that the entire financial order will change drastically. In the next step, we can take advantage of luàn to earn interest. Now this place is a good place. The people of Sequoia will not give in. But at that time, it was like a brazier. If you were not careful, you would burn yourself. They couldn't clean up such a mess, but we can. Compared with the benefits we have made, these contributions are okay." Allen After making a report for more than half an hour, he can finally take a break at this moment. All he has to do is to tell his plan. The reason for the harm of usury is that everyone can pay attention to the method he proposed. Now that my task has been completed, the rest of the matter is up to the decision makers.

"President, I think this method is good, but if we carry out this plan alone, I cannot get the expected results. We can defeat a country by the economy, but it is basically impossible to occupy it. Things, but if both military and economic pressures are under pressure, the hope will be great. Then the economy of the entire region will be messed up by us. If our Fuso fleet starts cruising in the North Pacific waters, Sequoia will definitely feel it. We can even dispatch airborne troops when necessary in order to defend what is not worthwhile in such an area. Besides, at that time, their economy has been hit hard, and there is no possibility that they will have the funds to fight." I agree very much. Everyone still had a lot of suspicions, but after listening to Li Xian’s idea of ​​military advancement, they basically agreed to this idea. He was right, even if the economy hasn’t collapsed. We still have military strength.

"Well, if you don’t have any opinions, I think this matter will be settled like this, Li Xian, you lead the team to cooperate with Allen's operation, and you will mobilize a regiment of the Guards to carry out this operation and start to mobilize this evening. Tomorrow night I don’t want to see the existence of those financial companies. A month later, I will see this area including Sakhalin and Vladivostok in my hands." Li Cong knocked off the table. This matter was fixed, "Everyone, the matter is of great importance, and the other parts must be absolutely coordinated." Li Cong said again.

"Don't worry, sir, I must fully cooperate and complete the sir plan as soon as possible." Everyone immediately stood up and said in unison. Originally, Li Cong did not have these mundane things when he was in power. Everything is all about Li Er's kid.

Ng province, dl city, this is currently the seat of a guard division of the energy group. It should have been in the south, but because Li Cong wants to use troops in Northeast Asia, he has set up one here. The leaders at the first level are already set. The hundreds of thousands of troops are selected from the millions of troops in the whole army. They are definitely all the sharp ones, and there are even thousands of thunder squads. The people who have joined in, saying that they have not fought a war is not false, but no one dares to underestimate them. After a few wars, they will become the ace of the ace. It is said that they are fighting the current Ace Army First Army In a confrontation, the strength of a battalion can definitely oppose the strength of a regiment.

One minute and thirty-five seconds after Li Cong dismissed the meeting, Xu Guozhu, the colonel of the 002 regiment of the Guardian First Division, received an order from the military headquarters to gather all the staff and immediately sounded a harsh assembly number above the temporary camp. The entire regiment was fighting with 2500. Although the personnel just lay down for less than 30 minutes, they did not want to get up directly after a day of training, but at this time they were still very dedicated and took less than a minute to arrive at the assembly place fully armed because they were afraid There was an air attack at the time of the war, so the gathering place for the entire group of 2500 people was selected in six different places, so that they could be in line with this transportation operation.

"Attention all officers and soldiers of the Guards Division 002 Regiment. Give you half a minute to count the number of people. The target helicopter takes off and landing bases in units of shifts. This time the destination will be notified by the pilot after takeoff and act immediately." The sound came out of the headsets of all the soldiers. All the soldiers looked at each other. It seemed that there was something important that needed them to take action. In the past, they were the kings of the soldiers, so they just saw the situation. Knowing that this is definitely not an exercise, it must be an action to seize the time, otherwise it will not be transported directly by helicopter. Although there is a large transport plane at a distance of 15 kilometers, the goal of the large transport plane is also very huge. The confidentiality of this mission is still very much needed.

All the soldiers ran towards the heliport under the leadership of the squad leader. The guard division is composed of 20 people per squad. There is a squad leader and a deputy squad leader. The capacity of the transport helicopter is 30 people, and one needs to be attached. A small impact car, after arriving at the airport, due to the problem of the occupants of the plane, a part of the squad leader and the deputy squad leader immediately divided their 20 people into two parts, one of them ran towards the plane with one part, and the captain on the side Looking at the situation in front of me, I am very satisfied. This is necessary in a part of the army. The division of troops in front of me may be inked for a while. The commander looked at his watch, "Yes, it only takes four minutes. 2500 people have boarded the plane, and we will quickly get on the plane.” The regiment said to the chief of staff. Several people and several officers from the regiment headquarters quickly boarded a helicopter that was about to take off. The sound of a helicopter should be deafening, but at present, the sound is only one-tenth of that of a helicopter of another country, so it can take off without knowing it.

"Formation according to long-range flight, five as a batch, starting according to the number." After flying out of the airport 15 kilometers, the pilot carrying the regiment leader was the person in charge of the transport mission and immediately ordered more than 800 aircraft to quickly The five helicopters moved forward in a herringbone form and moved forward, flying at an altitude of about 400 meters, and flying speeds above 410 axioms per hour. From here, they have to arrive at the scheduled goal. The landing site requires six hours of flight, more than two thousand kilometers.

"Commander, the above tasks have come down. This time we are acting with the deputy minister. This is the task." The chief of staff did not rest when everyone was resting. At this time, he was receiving a grant from the military. The order was a direct call from Li Xian, Vice Minister of the Military. Although the order has already been transmitted, Li Xian felt that it was necessary to take it directly. Otherwise, he himself would not be very relieved. After all, this is the No. There is a task at a time.

"Mr. Deputy Minister, Xu Guozhu, head of the Guards Division 002 regiment." Although it was in the plane, the etiquette was indispensable at all. Xu Guozhu gave a standard salute to Li Xian on the video side in the plane, Li From also to return, the system in the army must be observed.

"Leader Xu, this is your commander directly ordered by your husband. Your guards have taken up too many resources. This time is a test for you. I think you have all received the order. I hope you don’t. I thought it was an easy task. The Sequoia tree is the most influential on the land of Tsarist Russia, and the person in charge of this project is the grandson nv of a big man in the Sequoia Tree organization, so his guard force is also Very powerful. Of course, according to our latest information, this girl has the full power to mobilize the army. You only have 2500 people. This girl can mobilize ten times your military strength at any time. You know the combat power of these old men. They There is still a big difference from the miscellaneous army you have encountered before. I hope you can do your best." Li Xian also wants to know what level the guards' first battle was. In the past, Mr. Li Er It means that they can reach half of the Thunder squad or the special agent squad, but Li Xian always feels that these soldiers who have not received special training are not inferior to those people.

"Please rest assured, the Deputy Minister, we will definitely do our best to complete the task, and we will die." Xu Guozhu said loudly. The purpose of the Guards Division was to smooth out all the difficulties that resisted the group. This is the time for them to contribute. Although many large-scale weapons have not been shipped here, his soldiers are best at taking local materials. They can also use Russian man-made weapons. Without heavy weapons, wouldn’t it be in the old Máo’s army?

"Well, the guards in our army should look like this. Dozens of my entourage will participate in the operation this time. I will drive to the airport to meet you right now. We will start the operation immediately after getting off the plane, because I don’t have time to come to the meeting. Now I will inform you of my plan. This time we are going to an area of ​​Burleigh City in the old Máoziyuan District, where our goal is. We have made a clear investigation. There are about 400 people in an old police brigade around him. The most weapons they wear are submachine guns. You can solve them for half an hour after you get off the plane. There is a motorcycle from old Máo 15 kilometers away from the target. The Infantry Regiment, a helicopter rapid reaction force, you have to send someone to stop it, as long as you buy us half an hour, the helicopters that transport you can be transformed into combat helicopters, and these are all āo Here is your command. There is a giant that is 30 kilometers away from us, that is, the Russian troop, the 4th Division of Russian Guards Tanks. You can take a look at this information first. You can make a plan for this." Li Xian knows this. The trump card army is very difficult to deal with. At the beginning, another trump card army of the old man was killed by a squad of more than 3,000 people. This time we will see if the guards have such skills, so Li Xian feels It is better not to order yourself.

The 4th Guards Tank Division, the famous "Kantemirovka" Division, belongs to the Moscow Garrison and is stationed in Naro-Fominsk in the southwestern part of the Moscow region. It is a Soviet/Russian branch with a long history and military exploits. The outstanding ace hero unit, once known as the "Russian Iron Fist", is currently one of the sharpest units in the Russian Army. It was one of the main stumbling blocks of their mission this time. The troops in front seemed to be useless, but they carried a large number of heavy weapons and were well-trained. The battle of ace-to-ace and needle-point to wheat-mang made Xu Guozhu There is no bottom in his heart.

This guards tank division has a very long history. In September 1939, Nazi Germany attacked Bōlan and World War II broke out. With its huge armored corps, Nazi Germany took the bōland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France in just half a year and swept the entire Western European continent! This armored lion of Nazi Germany shocked the world, and perhaps the most shocking was the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union once had the most powerful armored force in the world, but due to political reasons and misjudgment of the development of armored forces, the development of armored forces has been stagnant. At this time, the threat of Nazi Germany forced the Soviet Union to redevelop its armored forces.

On June 26, 1942, the 17th Army of Soviet Tanks was established, which was the predecessor of the 4th Guards Tank Division. On the second day after the formation of the 17th Tank Army, the Defence of Stalingrad broke out, and the newly formed 17th Tank Army quickly went into battle. On the battlefield, the 17th Tank Army performed bravely. In the "Little Saturn" plan to counterattack Stalingrad, Kantemirovka was retaken from the German 4th Armored Corps, a small town that was occupied only ten days after the war. This is also the first town to be recaptured from the Germans. In view of the excellent performance of the 17th Tank Army, after the recapture of Stalingrad, the 17th Tank Army was awarded the honorary title of "Guard Force" and was reorganized into the 4th Guards Tank Army. Afterwards, the 4th Guards Tank Army joined Marshal Konev’s Ukrainian First Front and began a major counteroffensive against the Nazis-the Battle of Kursk, the capture of Ukraine, the liberation of Krakow in Bōlan, the fierce battle in Dresden, The reunion of the Elbe and the liberation of Prague left the footprints of the 4th Guards Tank Army. In World War II, the army fought for more than 4,000 kilometers, making great contributions to the final victory of the Great Patriotic War. A total of 3 members of the 4th Army of Guards Tanks were awarded the "Heroes of the Soviet Union" medal, 5 of them received all Level 3 "Glorious" medals (the status is equivalent to the "Heroes of the Soviet Union" medal), and more than 20,000 people have received various medals and awards.

After the Second World War, the Soviet Union reduced the tank army and the mechanized army into tank divisions and mechanized divisions. The 4th Guards Corps as the tank army was also reduced to the 4th Guards Tank Division. In order to commemorate the special feats of tank troops and mechanized troops in the Great Patriotic War, on July 11, 1946, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the 2nd Soviet Union issued an order stating that the second Sunday of September is the Tank Army Day. On the Tank Soldier Day that year, the 4th Guards Tank Division formed a phalanx and passed through the Red Square for inspection. After that parade, the 4th Guards Tank Division was awarded the honorary title of "Kantemirovka" (the Soviet tradition of naming troops for useful combat locations) by Stalin.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the 4th Guards Tank Division and the 2nd Guards Mechanized Infantry Division, who also participated in the coup, became the Imperial Guard of Russian President Ye*chin. On September 21, 1993, Yeltsin violated the Constitution to dissolve the parliament opposed to his "neoliberal" reform. The parliament strongly opposed it, refused to dissolve and voted to impeach Yeltsin. On September 28, the masses opposed to Ye Qin staged a demonstration and **** clashes broke out. A week later, the crisis escalated and reached on October 2, the conflict brought Russia to the brink of civil war. At a critical moment, the 4th Guards Tank Division and the 2nd Guards Mechanized Infantry Division stood up again. They surrounded and shelled the parliament building and dispersed the parliament. On October 5, the armed confrontation against Yeltsin collapsed, and Yeltsin survived the crisis.

In 1994, the Che* War broke out, and the 4th Guards Tank Division along with the 144th Motorized Infantry Division was incorporated into the 1st Guards Tank Army. After the war, the 1st Guards Tank Army and the 144th Motorized Infantry Division were dissolved one after another. , Only the 4th Guards Army was retained and transferred back to Moscow to be incorporated into the 20th Army.

The 4th Guards Division includes: 12th Tank Regiment, 13th Tank Regiment, 14th Tank Regiment, 423th Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 275th Artillery Regiment, 538th Air Defense Regiment, 137th Independent Reconnaissance Battalion, and 413th Independent Communications Battalion, the 996th Independent Electronic Warfare Battalion and the 616th Independent Chemical Defense Battalion.

"Don’t put too much pressure on you. At present, they are not all in our target area. Now our force in our target area is only about half, including the 13th Tank Regiment, the 275th Artillery Regiment, and the 137th. The Independent Reconnaissance Battalion, a battalion of the 538th Air Defense Regiment. They came to the Far East Military Region for military training. This time they happened to ran into our mission and we were out of luck.” Xu Guozhu and the Chief of Staff were still looking at the information. Li Xian on the side spoke up. Half an hour had passed. The two of them hadn't made any statements yet. Obviously, the brilliant history of the Fourth Division made them feel a little bit pressured.

"Deputy Minister, what are our goals for the Fourth Division? How big is my mouth? Although it is only half of the fourth division, I think I can destroy them if I give me all the heavy equipment, but at present From a point of view, we can only hold them down, and we have to take a lot of risks." Xu Guozhu’s one-of-a-kind style makes Li Xian very admired. Unlike some military officers, those people, regardless of their combat missions, Let's blow it up first.

"Holding them is enough, but I hope you understand how to do it, because the whole army is scattered in an area of ​​five kilometers, and everything is up to you. Their reaction speed can be said to be very fast. According to the information we have investigated, the speed of their tank regiment is very fast, and our main activity location is within their course. These are all factors that we need to consider, and the remaining time You will be there in two hours. I hope you can win." Li Xian hung up after speaking. The information he should have has passed by himself, and the rest is not under his control. If it is a sudden attack If the guards can't figure it out, then the guards can basically be disbanded.

Li Cong himself is also an impatient person. If there is such a thing, if he is asked to go back to sleep honestly, it will not be him. At this moment, he is taking the number one and two people to drink in a bar. Opposite this bar is a small building called Kota Finance Company, which is the main goal today.

"Sir, although our intelligence indicates that we are involved in four financial companies this time, it is certain that all the funds are currently in the company opposite us. The lady from Sequoia often comes to this bar for drinks. Yes, look, she is there. She is dressed in red. Her status in the red cedar tree has been rising sharply in recent years. She has made a lot of money for the red cedar tree. We The action will be carried out in an hour.” One pointed at a beautiful Russian beauty nv not far away and said.

Li Congshun glanced at No.1, his first impression was that this Russian girl is really white. I can say that I have never seen such a fair-skinned nv. Once again, this nv person’s facial features are really jīng, in the old man. It’s really rare in China, and the figure of this nv person is also a first-class bāng. If it weren’t for a few big men in black around her, there would definitely be a lot of people who came up to strike up a conversation. Li Cong smiled and picked it up on his desk. The Great Wall of China went over. This nv kid has to go there and talk first to see what kind of talent it is. This is also a characteristic of Li Cong. How can he let it go when he encounters a beautiful nv?

"Mei nv, I don’t know if it’s an honor to buy you a drink?" Li Cong smiled and shook the red wine in his hand. This is the 2015 vintage of the Great Wall. It is the best in all the Great Wall series. It's a vintage. Internationally, such a wine can definitely cost 50,000 yuan a bottle. At this time, the exchange rate is 1.1 U.S. dollars per renminbi. It can be said that renminbi is the most valuable currency in the world, and it is more than 50 yuan for the ruble Ruble, now two thousand rubles can make a person in this area live well, and this bottle of wine worth more than two million rubles can still attract this person's attention.

"Less trouble here, go away, do you want to die?" The nv kid hadn't spoken yet, and the man in black next to him said first. He is just a thug, but he doesn't know how much this bottle of wine is worth. In his opinion, everyone who sāo disturbs his master should die. Although he is only a bodyguard, he also has the right to adore. Although he knows that he will never confess to the nv person behind him, at least he has to protect her. With all his strength, protect her from the trash.

"Presumptuous, Hunter, step aside. I like your straightforwardness. Please sit down. I have always wanted to drink this bottle of wine, but I didn’t have that fate. I found several wineries and couldn’t find it. , I didn’t expect this gentleman to have it in his hands. Please sit down.” The red-clothed beauty nv scolded his bodyguard and stepped aside. Li Cong smiled and asked for a cup toward the bartender to pour it. This nv person didn’t simply give Li Cong a chance with a bottle of wine, but she knew that there were only 10,000 bottles of this wine in the world, and the person in front of her was also very capable of getting a bottle of nature. I don’t want to borrow money, I must be rich. In any case, I don’t lose money. Even if I want to soak myself, I won’t let him take advantage of it. On the contrary, this glass of wine is cheap. Earn it first, and the bodyguard in front walks away How can someone at his level understand that a glass of wine is worth hundreds of thousands of rubles? His salary for a year is up.

"This wine is really good." It seems that this red-clothed beauty nv is also a person who knows wine very well. Now she feels very comfortable drinking it. "But the husband came all the way from the south, maybe not for It’s as simple as drinking with me. I know everything in this city very well. My people told me that my husband was from Vladivostok in the south. He should have some ideas when he came to me. Right." This nv kid is not just as simple as a huā screen, so let's talk about it.

Naturally, Li Cong didn't come to look for things all right, and now I want to find out how capable she really is.

"Yes, I'm here to borrow money. I don't know how much the lady can give me. This is my mortgage." Li Cong took out a piece of deed that he had prepared. This is the most majestic one in Burleigh. This is the tallest building in the entire Far East. The estimated value is more than 1.5 billion yuan. The amount of money required to use this as a mortgage is definitely not small. It happens that this girl has such a A lot of money, if you bring it out, if the person in front of you is not up, you can really make a lot of money. She has read it, but this title deed can’t be faked. A businessman from China bought it, but he didn't expect it?


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