Energy Group

Chapter 1398:

Episode 1398

At this time, Li Cong was standing in front of the famous painting "Méng Na Lisa's Smile" that more than half of the people in the world knew. In the past, Li Cong also learned from other materials about this painting, but never thought of this painting. Eventually they will become their own assets. Of course, even when the family was there, they can’t move these collections. After all, they belong to the people in name, unless something special happens, such as Now that the family is gone, do you want to keep it?

Méng Na Lisa is a prestigious masterpiece of portrait painting, which represents Leonardo’s highest artistic achievement and successfully portrayed the fùnv image of an urban property class during the rise of capitalism. The characters in the painting have an elegant sitting posture, a subtle smile, and a deep and vast background, which vividly displays the painter's peculiar smoke-like "air perspective" brushwork. The painter strives to achieve a clever combination of the rich inner feelings of the characters and the beautiful appearance. For the key parts of the portrait's face that express the emotions such as the corners of the eyes, he also focuses on mastering the dialectical relationship between jīng and implicit, so as to achieve the realm of charm. Méng Na Lisa's smile has a mysterious and unpredictable charm. The charming dreamlike smile is called "mysterious smile" by many art historians. [

Li Cong looked at these rich collections while thinking about how to negotiate with Europa's āo receptionists for a while.

The rich collection of the Louvre includes the "Venus" statue, the "méng Na Lisa" oil painting and the "Victory nv God" stone sculptures, which are known as the world’s three treasures, as well as a large number of antiques from Greece, Rome, Egypt and the East. There are ancient relics from France and Italy. The exhibition area is 55,000 square meters.

The Louvre was built in the 13th century and was the castle of the French royal family at that time. It was used as a national treasury and archives. But in 1546 the architect Pierre? Lesko was commissioned by the king to rebuild the Louvre, giving the palace a Renaissance style. Later, it went through several expansions authorized by the royal family, and after the French Revolution, the overall construction of the Louvre was not completed until Napoleon III.

Following the construction of an important library by King Charles and his fame, in the 16th century, Francois I began to collect various works of art on a large scale. In the period of Louis XIII and Louis XIV, the Louvre collection It is very fulfilling. On the eve of the death of Louis XIV, the Louvre had become a place where various paintings and sculptures were often exhibited.

On August 10, 1793, the Louvre Museum of Art officially opened to the public and became a museum. Since then, the collection here has continued to increase, not to mention the artistic tributes that Napoleon expropriated from the conquered countries. In short, the number of artworks recorded in the museum’s catalogue has reached 400,000 pieces, divided into many mén categories, from artworks from ancient Egypt, Greece, Etruria, and Rome, to artworks from various countries in the East. ;There are sculptures from the Middle Ages to the modern age; there are also an amazing number of royal treasures and paintings. So far, the Louvre has become a world-famous art palace.

The Louvre (uvremuseum) has a very tortuous and complicated history, which is intricately woven with the history of Paris and even France. Of course, people come here to see the world-famous art treasures with their own eyes, but also to see the Louvre itself, because it is not only a great artistic masterpiece, but also a testimony to the history of France for nearly a thousand years. 50 French kings and queens once lived here, and many famous artists lived here. Although Li Cong never felt that his pen was so much worse than those kings, but in the present democratic society, it is not very good to live like the previous emperors, especially in the current land boundary. Can you have such a magnificent palace? But today, all this has become a reality.

The Louvre was built in 1204 when it was only Philip? The castle of the Palace of Augustus II. During the Crusades, in order to defend the Paris area on the North Bank, Philip II built a castle here in 1204 that leads to the Seine River. It was mainly used to store royal archives and treasures, as well as his dogs and prisoners of war. At that time, it was called the Louvre. During the time of Charles V, the Louvre was used as a palace, which made it a completely different building. In the next 350 years, as the royal family and aristocrats demanded higher and higher pleasure-seeking requirements, they continued to build gorgeous towers and chic rooms. However, for the entire 150 years that followed, there was no king living in the Louvre. After Francis I succeeded to the throne in the middle of the 16th century, the palace was demolished. He was ordered by the architect Peel? Lesco rebuilt a palace on the basis of the original castle. Francis also asked famous painters to paint portraits for him. He admired the Italian painters and bought paintings by Faeello, the most famous painter in Italy at the time. Including "méng Na Lisa" and other treasures. After Francis I’s son Henry II came to the throne, he rebuilt the parts that his father had destroyed. Henry loved the decoration of French Renaissance architecture and was not interested in Italian architecture. He followed his father's hobbies, but he did not have the same aesthetics as his father.

During the reign of Henry IV, he spent 13 years building the most spectacular part of the Louvre-the Grand Gallery. This is a magnificent corridor 300 meters long. The corridor is very long. Henry is planted with trees, birds and dogs, and even hunts foxes on horses in the corridor. Louis XIV was a famous king in French history, he was called the Sun King. He was only 5 years old when he became king, and he had been king in the Louvre for 72 years-the longest reigning king in French history. Louis XIV built the Louvre into a square courtyard and built a magnificent gallery outside the courtyard. He bought paintings from various European schools, including works by Kashdé, Rembrandt and others. His love for art and architecture all his life left the French vaults empty. During the reign of Louis XVI, the famous 1789 Revolution broke out, and the first guillotine of the French Revolution was established in the courtyard of the Louvre "Arena". On May 27, 1792, the National Assembly announced that the Louvre would belong to the public and become a public museum. This situation continued for 6 years, until Napoleon I moved into the Louvre.

Napoleon built more houses on the periphery of the building and enhanced the two wings of the palace. He also built an arch mén in the courtyard of the arena. The first group of carved horses on the arch mén was from the Basilica of San Marco in Venice Take it down. Napoleon decorated the Louvre in an unprecedented way. He moved into the Louvre the best artworks that other European countries can provide. Napoleon continued to expand outward and dominated Europe, so thousands of tons of art were transported to Paris from the palaces, libraries and Catholic churches of all conquered countries. Napoleon changed the name of the Louvre to the Napoleon Museum, and the huge promenade is also full of artworks he looted. In the Louvre, Napoleon's glory lasted for 12 years, until the fiasco of the Battle of Waterloo. For Napoleon, every genius work must belong to France. Such a view is unacceptable to the Germans, Italians, Spanish and Dutch. After Napoleon lost power, they came to the Louvre, and about 5,000 artworks returned to their original owners. However, due to the French's foreign means and the French's persuasiveness, many artworks he plundered were still left in the Louvre. Napoleon III was an ambitious emperor. He was the "builder" with the most investment since the construction of the Louvre. He has built more buildings in 5 years than all his predecessors built in 700 years. The magnificent design plan that was thought of 3 centuries ago was left to Napoleon III to complete. When it was completed, the Louvre became a place for royal celebrations. The magnificence is characteristic of anything Napoleon III built. In this way, it was not until the time of Napoleon III that the entire magnificent complex of the Louvre was completed, which lasted nearly 600 years.

It’s just that those emperors who paid for the Louvre would never have thought that the owner here would have become a Chinese, someone they might never have considered. This is for the newly established Europa. , Is also a very loud slap.

"Look, sir, this is the treasure of the Louvre's pavilion, Venus, is it beautiful?" Karelina said, looking at the statue of Venus. There are at least hundreds of millions of them in the world. But when you see the original, there is still a big shock. It’s just that Li Cong has not a lot of artistic cells, and he didn’t feel much touched by this thing, and he still felt a little fussing in his heart.

Venus is the **** of love and beauty in Roman mythology, as well as the nv **** symbolizing fertility. Li Cong feels that this is why so many people like it, especially those who have not found their significant other, they believe this even more. In ancient Greek mythology, it is called Aphrodite. . Aphrodite is the nv **** of love and beauty. It is called Venus in Roman mythology. She is in charge of human love, marriage, fertility and the growth and reproduction of all animals and plants. Born in the sea, he is known for his beauty. Legend has it that she was born in the foam of the sea, and accompanied by three gods of time nv and three gods of Meihui nv, came to Olympus. The gods were attracted by its beautiful appearance and wooed her. After being rejected by Zeus, he married her to the ugly and lame **** Hephaestus, but she fell in love with Ares, the **** of war, and gave birth to the little love **** Eros. Later he helped Trojan Prince Paris abduct Helen, the wife of Spartan King Menelaus and the most beautiful nv man in Greece. The ten-year war that caused the Greeks to expedition to Troy. Of course, it is not clear whether these things are there or not, after all, it is just a myth.

"Broken Arm Venus" is already a well-known statue of the nv **** in the world. Marble sculpture, 204 cm high. According to legend, it was carved by Alexandros in ancient Greece from 150 to 50 BC. The statue was discovered in February 1820 next to an ancient tomb site on the Greek island of Milos in the Aegean Sea. It is a marble sculpture with a mutilated arm. It is a half-luǒ full-length portrait, with a handsome face and a well-proportioned figure, the clothes slipped to the hips, and the right arm is incomplete. It still shows the nvxìng's unique curvaceous beauty, which is dignified and charming. The French bought it heavily and displayed it in the special mén exhibition room of the Louvre, shaking the world with its peerless charm. Since then, the "Broken Arm Venus" has become famous throughout the world and has become a symbol of love and beauty. For this Li Cong did not show that intoxication like Karelina, but carefully called a shì person and asked in a low voice, "How much should this thing sell if it is sold?" The shìzhe also loves art very much. If Li had never been his boss, he would have passed the old punch. This is simply too much. Where can he talk like that?

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know the price of this thing, but it costs five euros to visit him once, and at least 100,000 people come to visit it every day." The shì said he went on, but Li never cared about it. The guy’s attitude is 500,000 euros a day. Of course, it’s impossible to do that every day, but 200,000 a day is no problem, but tens of millions of euros a year. I really didn’t expect this thing to be a cash cow.

"I said, what is this headless?" Li Cong pointed to a statue in the distance unceremoniously. His words immediately drew dissatisfaction from many of his subordinates. The boss really knows too little about Western art. If this is the case, it would be too costly to transfer such a treasure house to Li Cong's hands, because he did not understand their artistic value, but Li Cong also felt that these foreign devils had little value, of course Except for those beautiful jewelry.

"Sir, this is the statue of God of Victory NV. If you don’t understand, please don’t luà. Although others are not very satisfied, they still dare not be true to Li Cong. Only Karelina, the NV person who is not afraid, even satirizes Li Cong. After a meal, they were actually very satisfied. After all, if they didn't follow the boss, they might not have the chance to follow this way.

The image of nv **** shows the typical characteristics of classical Greek nvxìng: oval face, straight nose bridge, full forehead, slightly raised corners of the mouth, and smooth chin. The expression is dignified, calm, and solemn, and the figure is slender. The left tuǐ is slightly curved, showing the undulating rhythm of the curve. She is plump and holy, soft and simple, elegant and noble, full of the interest of blue chūn and life. This is the perfect unity of spirit and ròu, the harmony and harmony of love and beauty, and the natural unity of God and man. The universe of human beauty is an idealized symbol of human pursuit of nvxìng beauty. French sculptor Rodin admired: "This is a real muscle, she can feel her body temperature by touching her!"

The head and arms of the **** Victory NV have been lost, but it is still considered a masterpiece of ancient Greek sculpture. No matter from which angle, viewers can see and feel the majestic posture of the **** Victory NV spreading its wings and flying. Her upper body leaned forward slightly. The sturdy, plump, graceful body, and the high flying majestic and huge wings fully embodied the victor's majestic posture and the joy of triumph. The sea breeze seemed to be blowing from her front, the thin clothes faintly revealed the plump and elastic body of the **** of nv, and the texture of the dress and the carvings of the pleated lines were breathtaking. The corners of the clothes fluttering backwards and the wings spread out form extremely smooth lines, while the lines of tuǐ and the bōlàng of the wings form an obtuse triangle, which strengthens the forward momentum.

"Sir, you have to change your own temper. This is simply disrespect to these artworks. Now you are the owner of this place. I hope they will play a better role in the future. They belong to all the people. , Shouldn’t you put them all away?” Karelina has every reason to believe that Li Cong would do that, because this guy is still a little rich in his bones. The idea of ​​hiding the family’s ideas is just not put into practice. At this moment, Karelina is showing it to her face. It is inevitable that her face will be a little unsustainable. This nv person can’t get on stage face-to-face, even if you I thought so in my heart, but couldn't say it.

"Well, I know this. How can I be foolish? I think there are so many artworks here. It's nothing. I don't think I have the richness of my own collection." Li Conghu luàn asked for a conversation. It was opened, let alone a Louvre, even two or three collections might not be able to keep up with Li Cong's collection. This guy ransacked several houses.

"Sir, you are wrong about this. The Louvre Museum is famous all over the world, not only because of the richness and preciousness of its exhibits, but also because the museum itself is an outstanding art building. The eastern facade of the Louvre is Europe. A representative work of architecture in the classicist period. According to statistics, the Louvre Museum covers an area of ​​19 hectares, including the courtyard, lying on the right bank of the Seine from east to west. The length of both sides is 690 meters. The whole building is magnificent. Hundreds of spacious halls to display the treasures are magnificent and magnificent. There are beautiful murals and fine reliefs on the walls and top of the hall. Everywhere is the crystallization of painstaking art, which is breathtaking. It is enough to visit this art hall. It was an unforgettable enjoyment last time. During the historical development of the Louvre for hundreds of years, it was originally a relatively scattered building complex and did not form a whole as it is today. This situation was changed after 1981 In September 1981, François Mitterrand promised at a press conference after he was elected President of the French Republic: "Restore the Louvre to its original purpose", which refers to the removal of the Ministry of Finance. "Richelieu Flank". Built between 1852 and 1857, the "Richelieu Flank" is 195 meters long and 80 meters wide. It is an integral part of the Louvre and has been occupied by the Ministry of Finance since 1871. July 1989 At that time, the Minister of Finance Edward Baladier left this pleasing place under repeated requests. The retraction and opening of the "Richelieu Flanks" suddenly increased the Louvre’s exhibition area by 21,500 square meters and 3 The courtyard and 165 new exhibition halls displayed a total of 12,000 artworks, of which 3,000 were taken out of the storage room, which greatly increased the number of exhibits in the Louvre Museum. "Li Cong really didn’t know so many. But he didn’t know, how can he understand so much if he is an intelligence spy leader, but Li has also learnt from now on. If he doesn’t speak, he will come out a set of things for the province. Erli looked around, and it seemed a little bit interesting. I seemed to have really underestimated them before.

"Well, sir, you don’t have to look so seriously. Actually, I know you don’t have the patience at all. What you keep looking at is actually to kill time in my opinion. You are not here with me. If you appreciate it so much, I think you will definitely have your own plan, right?” Karelina said, looking at Li Cong absent-mindedly, she understood very well that Li Cong is not a person who likes art, even if she is. If you like it, you don't like these things. Let her manage the museum with billions of euros every year. It's better to kill him directly. In his opinion, it is the cost of resources.

"Hehe, you can tell this. Actually, I have my own plan, but I found it a bit unworkable. I guess the people from Europa will ask us to keep it as it is when they come, but I will let them bleed heavily. I think you are very interested in this then. If I take care of this place for you, what can I get?" The most important thing for a businessman is to look at his own profits. Li thinks that way from now on and gets it by himself. Building a treasure house is not something you need to maintain every year. Everything is for your own benefit.

"Let me take charge?" Karelina looked at Li Cong with some surprise. Of course she wanted to be the manager here, but she only has a certain hobby of art, but she is the one who maintains something. I am blind, although I have learned some of it, but it is obvious that the professional knowledge is not enough.

"What's the matter? What I said just now is the truth, it won't work right now?" Li Cong attacked her. At this moment, a shì came and said, Europa’s negotiator has arrived. In fact, the Europa side also feels sudden about this matter. On the surface, Li Cong was dealing with News Corporation, but he was slammed by this kid again. Unexpectedly, he took the entire Louvre. In the past, not many people knew that it was in the hands of a certain family. Yes, if ordinary people want to occupy this place, their combined power can definitely make this person retreat, but at the moment they are facing the chairman of the board of directors of the energy group, which is not something they can resist.

"Don't talk about it anymore. They are here. Let's go to negotiate." Karelina pointed to Europa's car and said, the person who came down turned out to be Robert. This is something Li had never thought about. This is just In a few days, this guy has become the president of Europa. At that time, Li Cong said that there were only a few scheming people in Europa. It was not unreasonable. This guy is very good at seizing the opportunity. After he came to power, he developed vigorously. The power of his own family, but there is no need to spend a little time. It is completely different from the guy in Herbert. If the power of Herbert's family is stronger, those people will not dare to kill him directly. It's the difference between Robert and this guy.

"Hehe, Mr. Robert, I really didn’t expect that we would meet so soon, and it was in this place. What’s wrong, do you all know that I was just about to move, and all came to cheer me? Before here, your emperor could come. Where is the place, please sit down, how about the coffee here?" Li Cong smiled and sat down under a parasol. There used to be a lot of tourists here, but now it’s basically No one is gone, because without a nod from Li Cong, there will never be a tourist coming in. Now Europa administration can temporarily block the area under the pretext of maintenance, but this method will not last much, so they must We need to discuss with Li Ceng to solve this problem quickly.

"Mr. Li, we are here for important things. We hope that the Louvre can be the same as before." Robert didn't mean to laugh with Li Cong at all. It was the person in front of him who directly let the whole of Europa The strength has dropped by at least 40%. The current Europa's control over the entire Europe has dropped very strongly, especially in the case of News Corporation, which can not raise the head of the entire Europa power. Their morale The decline has also been severe. Now no one dares to directly confront Li Cong. A group as powerful as News Corp. has disappeared so easily. How capable are they now?

"Is there anything different here from before? I think it will be better if it becomes a sī people's hall in the future. You know, I like such a magnificent place. This is my favorite. I think this place may become my sī house in the future, or a branch of the energy group.” Li Cong didn’t like the tone of this guy very much, as if this is yours, now it belongs to Lao Tzu legally. , I can do whatever I want. If I want, I will bring a bunch of pigs to raise pigs here tomorrow. Anyway, as long as I can see it by myself, your face has nothing to do with me.

"Mr. Li, we hope we can discuss it. In fact, it will be very beneficial to Mr. Li if it is restored to its previous appearance. Even if all maintenance costs are deducted, Mr. Li can still get billions of euros each year. It’s not a small number." Robert sighed. In fact, he just pretended to be tough. For people like Li Cong, they really didn’t dare to be too much. It seems that their toughness just now has no effect. No, if I continue to be so tough, it is estimated that I will suffer in the end.

"Hehe, billions of euros a year? What a joke, can't I not afford to lose so much money every year? This bill is just one of the nine bests for me. I like this place, I want him It becomes my own place. If the two of you are talking about this, I think I can go. I still have a lot of things to do. For example, I don’t like the ancient Greek and Roman art museums. Yes, I'm going to build a swimming pool there. I'm going to look at the drawings first, and I'm unaccompanied." You guys are still pretending to be me at this time. Sure enough, the two of them couldn't sit still immediately after Li finished talking.

The ancient Greek and Roman art museum was built very early, and it was exhibited to the public in 1800. Its collection is more than 7000 pieces. The collections of the Museum of Ancient Greece and Rome are based on the collections of the French royal family. After Napoleon's French army won in Italy, they seized many ancient Italian artworks and transported them back to France to enrich the Louvre. Later, France continued to enrich its collections from various aspects. Sculpture occupies a dominant position in the museum. The sculptures include marble, copper, ivory, etc. In the ancient Greek and Roman art galleries, there are two most impressive monumental works praised by the world, one is "Samtruth's Victory nv", and the other is "Venus", the **** of love.

"The God of Victory of Samtras nv" was created in the 3rd century BC. Standing on a stone pier, it is a statue without a head and hands. It was excavated from the ruins of a temple on Samtras Island in 1863. come out. Although the statue has lost her hand and head, it can be seen that she is spreading her wings in the wind and holding her head up, proclaiming the victory of a war to the world. According to research, this was made by a sculptor to commemorate a victorious naval battle on Rhodi Island in Greece. The **** of victory nv leaned forward slightly in the wind, and the fit part was dressed in a thin robe. The body was strong and light, full of texture. Although the nv **** lost his head and arms, it is still complete and perfect in people's eyes. Now, the God of Victory NV is admired by thousands of people every day, and it has become the most perfect work of enthusiasm and dynamics among known statues. "Venus" is more familiar to people. She is 2.02 meters tall and was created in the 2nd century AD. She is the **** of beauty in Greece. I don't know how many admirers have been dumped. Everyday, she is crowded with audiences. She is half-luǒ body, extremely dignified and natural, and is considered to be the most outstanding work of nvxìng beauty.

"Venus" can be stored in the Louvre is very accidental. In 1820, a farmer on the island of Milo in the Aegean Sea in Greece discovered a **** of beauty while digging. The news broke that a French ship happened to be anchored in Port Milo. The captain rushed to the scene immediately after learning the news and wanted to buy it, but had no cash. As a result, "Venus" was bought by a Greek businessman and was ready to be shipped to Constantinople. Seeing that the treasure was about to be lost, the French were not reconciled, and immediately the destroyer went to stop it. There was a hún battle between the two sides. As a result, the treasure was damaged and the statue’s arms were broken. The two sides had a dispute, and the local authorities of Milo came forward to resolve it. The French bought the statue with money and contributed it to the French king. In this way, "Venus" was transported to France, which immediately caused a sensation at the time.

How can this place with history become Li Cong’s sīren swimming pool? It's like building a sī people swimming pool on the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. What would our people think? The first thing to think about is that the entire social order seems to be changed. Although Europeans will open houses a bit, they have not yet reached that level.

"Mr. Li, please don't be like this, please tell me what you have, and we will consider it." Even now, we have to bow our heads. If others say that, they can be regarded as threatening words, maybe they will There is a certain reaction time, but this person Li Cong doesn't care about those things. This guy said and did what they heard about in the Far East. The old man paid so much. After a lot of price, they didn't get anything. They just got some technology, but compared with what they lost, they were far worse. At this moment, they probably have to be ready to be slaughtered by Li Cong.

"Yes, this is just a way of talking about things. How many people would want to talk to you with your attitude just now? There won't be at all. For me now, I actually think that my fleet There is nowhere to stay in Europe, what do you think of Corsica?" Li Cong said with a smile. At this moment, not only Robert’s face has changed drastically, but even Karelina feels that the boss is too dare. Offered.

Corsica is the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean. Located in the southeast of the mainland of the French Republic, across the Bonifacio Strait to the south, it faces Sardinia, Italy. The island is 185 kilometers long, 85 kilometers wide at its widest, and covers an area of ​​8,680 square kilometers. The population is 230,000 (1982). It is mainly mountainous, with over 1/2 of the area above 396 meters above sea level, 20 peaks above 1980 meters above sea level, and the highest point, Chin Tuo Peak, at an elevation of 2710 meters.

Corsica is the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily, Sardinia and Cyprus. The island is 170 kilometers south of mainland France and 90 kilometers northwest of Italy. It faces the island of Sardinia in Italy across the Strait of Bonifacio (11 kilometers) wide. area

680 square kilometers (

352 square miles). It can be said that it has very important strategic value. If the navy of the energy group has a base here, then the entire Europa will be under the muzzle of the energy group at all times. Then Li Cong will have something unsatisfactory. Maybe the southern part of Europa will be immediately caught in the flames of war.

It was occupied by the Romans in 259 BC. In the 13th and 15th centuries, city-states such as Pisa, Genoa, and Aragon successively seized control of the island. Corsica was forcibly incorporated into French territory in 1769. In 1976, Corsica was divided into two provinces: South Corsica and Haute Corsica. The capital of the former is Ajaccio and the capital of the latter is Bastia.

From 450 to 1050, the island was repeatedly invaded and partially occupied by Vandals, Lombards, and Arabs. At that time, the towns on the island were destroyed, residents were expelled to the interior, and coastal farmland was abandoned. From the middle of the 6th century, the Byzantine Empire was nominally the sovereign state of Corsica; after the middle of the 8th century, it accepted the pope's nominal rule.

In 1077, the Bishop of Pisa was commissioned by the Pope to administer Corsica. During the next 200 years, he built more than 300 churches in Corsica according to the instructions of the Pisa. So before 1284, Corsica became a must-see for Pisa and Genoa, and between 1297 and 1434, it became a target for Genoa and Aragón. Between 1434 and 1453, the fierce struggle between the Genoese and the local feudal aristocracy in Corsica caused a large number of deaths, and the Genoese reaffirmed their rule. From 1553 to 1559, France occupied the island for a short time; the nationalist uprising led by Corso () ended in 1567 and remained under Genoese rule until 1729. In Corsican history, although the Genoese rule is not the coolest, but its administration is notorious, which prompts Corsicans to often resort to vendettas as a means of revenge.

A rebellion against the Genoese took place in 1729, and the situation on the island was disturbed in the next stage, which was achieved in 1755 with the establishment of the Republic of Corsican by the nationalist leader Pauli. At this time Genoese could only control a few coastal towns, and Pauli organized the rest of Corsica into an independent democratic country and formulated a fairly free constitution. During his 14-year rule from 1755 to 1769, Poly led the Corsicans to rebuild and reform vigorously, curb vendetta activities, set up a university and printing factory, and established a Corsican navy. However, in 1768, the defeated Genoese sold their power in Corsica to the French, and the French invaded the island in a large scale. A few weeks later, Pauli fled to England. Napoleon was born in Ajaccio, Corsica on August 15, 1769 ((see the novel to the Corsica was merged into France as a province in the same year. Since then, except for 1794~1796 Except for British occupation and a brief occupation by Germany and Italy from 1942 to 1943, the island has always been a French province.

Until the great changes in the world in the new century, this place became an important target for Europa in the Mediterranean. Now Li Cong actually spoke to him. Think about the last time Li spoke to the red cedar tree in the Far East until now. How long does it take to write history again?

"You don't need to think about this matter. We won't agree to use our territory in exchange for it, Mr. Li, I don't think we need to stay here anymore." Robert will leave after he said it, but Li Cong stopped this. Guy, let him sit down with a smile.

"Mr. Robert was in a hurry. Actually, I didn’t finish talking. My navy has arrived in the Mediterranean just now. You guys in the Suez Canal seem to have some problems, so I didn’t report to you. From Signia Island, I think we’re still discussing the issue of lease.” Li Cong’s first cut and then the play directly scared the two people stupid. The navy of the energy group has already arrived at home? But why don't we have any news at all? Are those spies and satellites all decorations?


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