Energy Group

Chapter 1400:

Section 14 Li Ming Danger

How many Mediterranean fleets does Li Cong have at this moment? Just being able to keep their own territory, there is not much strength at all. The reason why Corsica can be taken quickly is actually because Europa doesn’t care much about it. They don’t think there will be any problems here. Looking at the African continent on the opposite side of Corsica, the people there are themselves caught in the chaos of war. At this moment, how can they all have the ability to invade Corsica? It was their thoughts that caused them to lose such an important place, such a huge island, with fewer than 20 soldiers in the end. The Mediterranean fleet of the energy group can say that this huge island was taken without blood. */.//*

At this moment, the number of troops stationed in Corsica is only less than 3,000. Perhaps the residents of the island really don’t care much about how they belong. At the moment, they are all in the newly established energy group. The distribution point began to line up waiting to receive their share of food.

According to the announcement of the occupation authority of the energy group, all residents who have lived on the island for more than ten years can use their valid certificates to go to a dozen grain distribution points around the island to receive their own 50 catties of energy wheat. Among them, only some people above the middle class can eat it. Others eat junk food produced in other parts of the world. The taste is simply not comparable. A local joke has said, A few mice began to steal food from the granary. When the energy wheat was eaten up, they all starved to death. Don’t think that there is no food in the granary. There are grains from other regions just around the energy wheat. There are also wheat and the like, but they still starve to death, which shows that even mice know what to eat.

Corsica has a mountainous terrain, and about 23 areas are composed of ancient crystalline rocks. The island is divided into two parts along the northwest to southeast axis. There are 20 peaks on the island with an altitude of more than 2,0 meters and 5 feet. Mount Chinto is as high as 2,710 meters and 90 feet). The mountain shape is steep and steep everywhere, and its granite bodies are colorful. The mountain peaks on the Shanxi side descend with the same sharp slope, forming a steep bay on the coast with towering cliffs and headlands. On the east side of the mountain range is a sharp **** of fracture, below it is a large alluvial plain, and the edge of the plain is a coast lined with lagoons. The northeast of the island is an unconnected mountain, not as spectacular as the above-mentioned mountain range, with a height of nearly 1,765 meters (5,790 feet). The island has a Mediterranean climate, with an average annual temperature of 15.5°C and an average winter temperature of 10.5°C. The temperature in higher altitude areas is slightly lower; the southern coastal city of Ajaccio has an average summer temperature of 21°C. There is plenty of rainfall on the island, with an average annual rainfall of 880 mm, slightly more in high-lying areas. Such a climate and terrain can be said to be unsuitable for large-scale food production. Europa needs to transport large quantities of food from other places every year. In the past, they could still produce high-yield vegetables, but because the population of the island is increasing. The reason is that vegetable production has entered a stage of negative growth. The living standards of the people on the island are gathering every day. This distribution of food has attracted 70% of the poor and 15% of the middle class on the island to participate. As for the rich People will never come out in such a scorching sun to receive their fifty kilograms of food. They are not people who will starve to death. For ordinary people, hundreds of euros of food are not a small amount, but for them It's nothing to say.

"Damn, there are nearly 180,000 people coming to get our food. There are so many people. This is the first time I have done such a thing. Of course it was abroad." A soldier said, looking at the growing crowd. Tens of thousands of people need to have thousands of tons of 50 kilograms per person, and then transport them to several distribution points on the island. These tasks need to be completed within a day. It is not an easy task. It is normal for soldiers to complain. In the past, when they were in China, they would often do such things. For example, Li gave one hundred kilograms of wheat per year to low-income earners in China every year. At least one third of the time these people would not suffer. Hungry, since the energy group’s agricultural base started production until now, he has basically not made a profit, but cash has not been profitable. In other aspects, relying on these wheat has achieved many goals, such as now, although at the beginning They hate these soldiers armed to their teeth, but in the face of wheat, how hate they can be? Those Europeans don't hate it, but none of them gives them 50 kilograms of wheat so generously. It's energy wheat.

"Hehe, you fools, why do you have to do such things yourself? We are soldiers. Leave these things to me and see how far the platoon leader is from yours." Their platoon leader is a tall man from the northeast. The guy among dozens of soldiers knows that his platoon leader has a lot of ideas, but is there any good way to distribute the food, do you want the food to fly from the pocket to the hands of those people? This is simply impossible, but the platoon leader looks like he is very thoughtful, not as if he is coming out to bluff people.

"Hey, come here, you guys, I have a good job for you." The platoon leader said to the few guys who looked like scumbags over there. They looked so maddening. These guys just got their own The food was sold to a few nearby families, and such people are definitely not the stuff of living.

A few of them are land ruffians in this area. It is not uncommon to bully men and women in normal times. Just now these few people went to the front without queuing when they were receiving food, and the soldiers were holding their rifles. After a few hits, I went back, but after a while, I came to the front. This time, they didn't force it, but these people didn't dare to stand in front of them. What did the platoon leader tell these people to do? ? A few clever smiles looked at the platoon leader, already knowing what the platoon leader wants to do.

"Haha, sir, all of us are good people. Although we sell food, we are all elderly people in the family who want to treat illnesses??" These people came over with a panic expression, although they can treat the local people. The common people scolded a few words, but they didn’t have the guts to face these soldiers. The original fierce Europa soldiers were taken prisoners without firing a shot. At the moment, they were all locked in Xiaohei. I went inside, and as for the police officers who usually show off their power, no one can be found at this time.

"It’s nothing, I know you’re all difficult. Let’s do something for me. When it’s over, I will give you another fifty kilograms. Have you seen the soldiers over there? Go and replace them. If I find out If anyone dares to do something for our occupying forces, the bullets in the hands of the men are not idle, and our energy group will not be reluctant to bear a bullet, just don’t know if your brother’s body can stop it. "The platoon leader said with a sullen face. He knows what these goods are for. If they make trouble, it will not end so well. He said it in Chinese. With the global expansion of the energy group in recent years, there is a lot of Chinese language. Everyone has learned it, just like English in those days has become popular around the world.

A few people have embarrassment on their faces. Call them to do this now? Usually collecting protection fees is enough to live by yourself. Who would do such a thing? I wanted to say a few words, but the guns in their hands are clear. This is not a joke. Yes, they won’t talk to you about the truth, if they really make trouble, they will ultimately suffer. A few soldiers happily handed over their work to them. In fact, they seem to be doing things. The materials may also be the reason why the local people are afraid of them. Nothing happened until the food was distributed, and the speed was much faster. Many local people felt that these newcomers were very capable. , After a few hours of work, he actually gave them the people who were not afraid of these days on the street.

That afternoon, Corsica ushered in the first fleet of the Europa Mediterranean, the original Italian navy, and they came with their threats.

On March 17th, the year of establishment, the sea fleets of the Kingdoms of Sardinia, the Kingdom of Sicily, and the Kingdom of Piedmont merged to form the Royal Italian Navy. In the 1870s, after the national reunification of Italy, the Italian government began to accelerate the construction of the navy, making it one of the most powerful navies in the world at that time. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the Italian navy participated in the invasion and occupation of Ethiopia and Libya, and then participated in two world wars. Today, Italy has been pursuing the road of quality. The Italian Navy is currently allocating the project priorities reasonably. With the cooperation and participation of important partners such as Germany and France, the Italian Navy is embarking on a road to revival, and the dream of reshaping a naval power is just around the corner. After the merger of Europa, the Italian Navy was reorganized into the first fleet in the Mediterranean, and its combat strength was still very strong. Once one of the most powerful navies in the world, it used to dominate the Mediterranean. Now it hopes to rebuild its glory. When Europa explained the reasons, the former Italian navy commander Mr. Pang Bo took his fleet to take the initiative to invite him.

Li never expected that Robert would go back and think about it. The result of their thinking turned out to be like this, but their courage to start a war is worthy of admiration.

The total strength of the Europa Mediterranean First Fleet is about 360, of which 35 are conscripts and 140 civilian employees. According to Marcello, Chief of Staff of Europa Mediterranean First Fleet? In a statement by Admiral De Donno in January 2034, the total number of navy forces will drop to 340 by 2037, thereby achieving full professionalism, while at the same time, the total number of civilian employees will rise to 160.

The Europa Mediterranean First Fleet consists of three arms: fleet, naval forces and marines. The Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces exercises strategic command over the Navy, and the Chief of the General Staff of the Navy exercises operational command over it, actually fulfilling the duties of the commander of the Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff is the highest leader of the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant general, directly under the leadership of the Secretary of Defense and the Chief of Defense Staff. The Naval Staff is stationed in Rome. It is the headquarters of the military service. There are operational bureaus and supervision bureaus (the ranks of director and director are brigadier generals and major generals respectively), and divisions under the bureau (the rank of director is colonel). A naval fleet commander can be established during combat, just like the current Mr. Pang Bo.

In terms of operational deployment, the naval forces are mainly composed of 1 combat fleet, 4 naval military districts, 2 military districts, and 1 underwater assault command, relying on various naval bases and ports, and constitute a unit that can conduct offshore defense and open sea mobile operations. The rational layout of combining offense and defense has made the first pair form a relatively complete combat system as a whole, but that is a complete defense military area, and it is not a good thing to come here to fight.

In the first case, the total number of reserve forces is about 210, including 25 active naval aviation and 21 marines. There are 237 ships in active service, and its naval fleet strength is 119. The main combat ships include 6 submarines, 1 light aircraft carrier, 1 guided missile cruiser, 4 guided missile destroyers, 12 guided missile frigates, 8 light frigates, etc.; Equipped with 109 aircraft of various types, including av-8b Harrier vertical short take-off and landing combat frame, training type tav-8b Sea Harrier vertical short take-off and landing fighter jets, 26 3dh Sea King anti-submarine helicopters, and ab-212 anti-submarine helicopters 50 and 4 01 Merlin multi-purpose helicopters. In addition, 17 Atlantic Ⅱ anti-submarine patrol aircraft (including spare aircraft) are listed in the air force and are used by the navy. According to intelligence reports this time, over 80% of the team's strength off Corsica was established.

There are 6 submarines in total, including 2 Sauro-class and 4 Peroshi-class (also known as Sauro-modified). The Sauro-class submarine is a conventionally powered submarine that the former Italian Navy has been in service since 1978. Its main tasks include anti-submarine, anti-ship, patrol and sabotage of sea lines of communication, and transport of commandos. The design of the Sauro-class submarine attaches great importance to improving concealment and reducing noise, which greatly reduces the chance of exposure of the boat. The first boat entered service in 1978. A total of 4 ships were built for this class. Except for the first one, which entered service in 1978, the second, third, and fourth ships joined active service in early 1980 and 1981, respectively. The Peroshi class is an improved submarine developed by the Italian Navy in 1984 on the basis of the Sauro class submarine in order to ensure underwater attack power before the new Type 90 conventional submarine enters service. The modification added advanced navigation electronics and replaced it with a torpedo with more advanced performance and greater power. Other than that, there was basically no change in appearance. The age of these submarines is basically older than the age of the crew. These people are very worried about whether this submarine will become their own grave. The combat capability can be imagined.

At present, the first self-built light aircraft carrier "Giuseppe Garibaldi" for the Navy is the flagship of the First Fleet. The ship started construction at the Monfalcone Shipyard of the Italian United Shipbuilding Corporation in March 1981 and entered service in August 1987, which took 6 years. The ship’s full load displacement is 13,370 tons, and the standard displacement is 101 tons. Unlike other aircraft carriers, it has a very small displacement and was once the world's aircraft carrier. The ship is 180 meters long, 33.4 meters wide, and has a draft of 6.7 meters. The front end of the flight deck is equipped with a leaping deck with an inclination of 6.5, which is used to take off the Harrier vertical short take-off and landing aircraft. Six Neptune helicopters or a corresponding number of vertical short take-off and landing aircraft can be parked on the flight deck. The hangar is located below the flight deck, about 6 meters high, equivalent to the height of two decks; 110 meters long, about 23 of the total length of the hull, 15 meters wide, and a total area of ​​1,650 meters, which can be used to store 12 helicopters Or vertical short take-off and landing aircraft. Power plant: conventional power, 4 US-made 25 gas turbines, 2-axis propulsion, 10,000 horsepower, and maximum speed of 30 knots. Endurance: 20 knots at 70 nautical miles. Although it is a light aircraft carrier, it has a strong ability to carry aircraft and anti-submarine, anti-ship, and air defense capabilities. Main weapons and equipment: 4 tilt-launched Automat mk2 long-range anti-ship missile systems (range 180 kilometers), 2 8-unit Aspide air defense missile systems (with 48 ammunition), 3 double-barreled 40mm guns , 2 3-piece 324 mm torpedo tubes. Carrying aircraft: 9 vertical short take-off and landing aircraft, 12 helicopters. Personnel: 550 crew + 366 aviation personnel. It can be said that it is on the verge of retirement. Such an old aircraft carrier does not know what it can bring to Europa.

In addition to the aircraft carrier, the most powerful cruiser in the fleet is the "Vittorio Veneto" guided-missile cruiser, the first new type of cruiser to be built on its own. Some Western countries classify it as a helicopter carrier. The ship entered service in July 1969 and has been the flagship of the fleet ever since, leading a formation of medium-sized surface ships to perform anti-submarine, anti-ship and air defense missions in the mid- and offshore areas. The ship is equipped with the Beagle missile launcher and the Asrock anti-submarine rocket launcher, and adopts the comprehensive control system of the Ziyuan weapon. From 1981 to the beginning of 1984, the ship of this class was refitted with 4 catapults and 3 40mm twin guns. Standard displacement: 75 tons Full load displacement: 95 tons. Main dimensions: 179.6 meters in total length, 19.4 meters in width and 6 meters in draft. Flight deck: 40 meters long and meters wide. Power: 2 steam turbines, 730 horsepower. Speed: 32 knots. Endurance: 17 knots at 50 nautical miles. Crew: 557, including 53 officers. Carrier: 6 ab212 anti-submarine helicopters. After the Europa merger, it was once again overhauled in 2030, but no one knows what the combat capability is. Judging from the current speed, it can only reach 25 knots, which can be said to be very backward.

There are 2 classes of destroyers and 4 ships. Which Germany? Pull? There are 2 Penney Class and 2 Bold Class. The Penney-class guided-missile destroyer was built in the late 1980s and is the third-generation guided-missile destroyer built by the Italian Navy after World War II. This class has good sink resistance, strong stability, and unique layout of superstructures and power cabins; the bold class is the second-generation air defense guided missile destroyer built by the Italian Navy from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. This class of ship has high seaworthiness, good operating environment, and quick response to combat command. It is planned to retire in 24-26 years. In addition, Italy is currently building two horizon-type air defense ships. The first ship is expected to be delivered in 27 years. This time, they are the only two flat-line destroyers, which may be the powerful warships of the entire First Fleet, but they also have more than 20 years of service.

The Marine Corps provides support through the helicopter support group, which is equipped with 6 3D Sea King troop transport helicopters and 6 ab-212 fire support helicopters for airborne assault missions; sea assault missions are mainly composed of 18 lv7 amphibious armored personnel Conveyor vehicles and v30, v240 to complete. The Marine Corps is equipped with amphibious ships directly managed by the Navy: 3 saints? The Giorgio-class dock landing ship, in which the "St. Giusto" was converted into a training ship for the Naval Academy of Livorno in peacetime; 14 type landing craft and 17 small personnel transport boats, all of which are equipped The ability to carry the crawler armored vehicles of the Marine Corps. There are also more than 35 Marines in the fleet. Their goal is to land quickly and quickly regain their own territory. Of course, they are the Marines that originally belonged to France. If it were originally Italy, it might not be possible at all. With this unit, it is unimaginable in the military that another unit will use the weapons and ammunition of the current unit. At this moment, they are still familiar with the heavy weapons on the transport ship.

The naval aviation force is composed of 25 personnel, with 1 attack fighter squadron, 5 anti-submarine helicopter squadrons, equipped with 16 av-8b, 2 two-seater tav-8b carrier-based fighters and 79 helicopters (29 3d Sea King helicopters; 50 ab-212 helicopters, of which 23 are used as shore-based aircraft for anti-surface warfare and deployed on the "Giuseppe Garibaldi" aircraft carrier). Among the 50 ab-212 light anti-surface warfare helicopters, 44 can be used as carrier-based aircraft on destroyers and frigates, and the remaining 6 ab-212 can be used to provide support for the Marine Corps. The 2 3d Sea King helicopter squadrons are based in Luni (the first helicopter squadron) and Catania (the third helicopter squadron); the second, fourth and fifth ab-212 helicopter squadrons are based in Luni, Taranto and Catania. All 18 Sea Harrier fighter bases are located in Grottalie near Taranto. The 14 "Atlantic" mk2 fixed-wing maritime patrol aircraft used for anti-surface warfare missions are all from Catania’s Air Force Team and Cagliari’s Air Force Team. After two modernizations, these aircraft will be close to the end of their effective operational life, and there is an urgent need to find alternatives. The additional "assets" of the naval aviation force are: the former Italian Air Force Gale Strike Fighter that can carry the Cormorant 1 anti-ship missile. 15 by Agusta? The Sikorsky 3f helicopter produced by Westland Aircraft Manufacturing Company for search and rescue missions. The former Italian Coast Guard and Customs have their own aviation brigade.

"Just what kind of threat can such a group of old, weak, sick and disabled troops pose to us? Although our fleet only has four destroyers and two frigates led by one arsenal ship, I feel that it is enough." Li Congkan After reading the report on the strength of the First Fleet, I felt that apart from a few new troops, the others were basically going to die, and the arsenal ship could solve them directly. I really don’t know what they did for such a long journey. .

"Sir, I feel that they are not going to regain Corsica. I feel that they should be making a gesture, a gesture that they will resist, but they don't care about the result. Anyway, they have an explanation. Now." Karelina saw the key.

Li Cong smiled, there was nothing. He was very clear about what Europa meant. What Europa said was a big country like Lao Maozi, but their courage could not match Lao Maozi. At least they would dare to send the most elite troops to follow. He fought himself, but now? They just made resistance on the surface, they have no determination at all. It is estimated that they just want to eat their first fleet by themselves, and then have an explanation internally and externally. As for how to fool the people, they are such things. Very experienced, to ensure that those people can't see anything.

"Tell the people over there not to take any action against the First Fleet. Just monitor them closely. The First Fleet has no threat. Where is our Indian Ocean Squadron?" The rapid force was in charge of the raid, but If you want to occupy, you have to deploy. In fact, if Europa wants to take back Corsica, it is perfectly possible to send elite troops to it, because a large number of energy groups have not come over yet, but they are scared by the energy group. , But is everything really so smooth? Li Cong felt that it was not the case.

"Our Indian Ocean Squadron has now exited the Suez Canal, and it is estimated that it will be able to reach Corsica soon, including one aircraft carrier, two arsenal ships, two cruisers, five destroyers, six frigates, and two ships. Supply ships, fifteen transport ships and 85 soldiers of the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps sent an elite force in the Far East that had just completed the correction." Karelina looked at her own way. It was about the operation. All information.

"No, sir, there is an emergency. One of our military bases in Africa was taken by the Europa Foreign Legion. We didn't get any information beforehand. The most important thing is that there is Minister Li Ming????" Calle Linna’s words made Li slip from the cup in her hand. No family member of her has ever had such a situation. Damn, this time it’s her own brother, the most important construction minister of the group. The base’s first satellite launcher encountered technical problems. Minister Li Ming personally took the people there because of the deadline. It was only a few days after the arrival of Minister Li Ming that the Europa Foreign Corps began to attack there, because both sides The difference in strength is too great, and Minister Li Ming is at stake at the moment.” Looking at Li Cong’s appearance, if others estimate that he would not dare to report, but Li Cong must know the rest, otherwise, if there is something wrong with Li Ming No one else can afford it. This is too important for the group. Li Ming himself has too many group secrets.

Europa Foreign Legion? Such a name appeared in Li Cong’s mind. Sure enough, Europa is not a bully. It’s just that you choose to do something with my relatives. I want you to look better. "The order goes on and when our Indian Ocean fleet is in place, give me food right away. Drop the **** First Fleet and tell Europa that as long as there is something wrong with my brother, I will not hesitate to start a full-scale war. Let me prepare a million troops for the military department. The whole army enters first-level security, and the guards immediately assist Li Ming. "Li Cong has always been very tough, and he will never be soft this time. As for this **** foreign legion, no matter what sacred you are, you have to die here and pay for everything.

The predecessor of the Europa Foreign Corps was the former French Foreign Corps. It was the absolute core force of Robert. Originally, Robert and Herbert controlled this regiment, but so many things happened in Herbert. In the last month In, Robart completely controlled him.

The French Foreign Corps was established for 31 years and was a forward in French colonial operations during the 19th century. The Corps has been fighting for a long time in Spain, Madagascar, Algeria, and Southeast Asia. They are almost synonymous with France's long war in Algeria. In 1841, the foreign corps established a base in Sidi Bel Abbas, 96.5km south of Oran. It became the spiritual home of the Corps until France allowed Algeria and withdrew its troops in 1962.

The legendary history of the French Foreign Corps began on April 30, 3 on the battlefield in Mexico. On the same day, an infantry patrol squad consisting of 62 soldiers and 3 officers was patrolling under the leadership of Lieutenant Danj Nedanj. It was attacked by nearly 3 battalions of Mexican infantry and cavalry, and was besieged in the Cameron Estate iendrón. ). The patrol team resisted the Mexican army's offensive in the manor. Although facing a desperate situation, they still fought tenaciously and implemented the tenacious fighting will of the last person. Lieutenant Danj was fatally wounded in the defense of the manor, and his remaining troops finally engaged in a bayonet hand-to-hand fight with the Mexican army. In the end, the Mexican side demanded that the remaining three corps soldiers surrender, but they always insisted that the Mexican army must ensure that they maintain their battle flags and **** the body of the dead Lieutenant Danj back to their station safely. Faced with this situation, the Mexican commander lamented: "They are not humans, they are demons," and agreed to their terms out of respect.

Generally speaking, the combat uniforms of foreign corps soldiers are French standard camouflage uniforms, and they are usually equipped with a beret. In combat, the corps will use a neck scarf made of thin strips of cloth to indicate that it belongs to a certain company.

Each recruit will be issued a brand new rifle, and can get about 10 pounds a month, but for most of the next time, they seem to have to stay on the battlefield.

The motto of the Corps is "The Corps is our motherland." For the native French army, soldiers can surrender at a specific time, but it is not advocated within the foreign corps. They require soldiers to fight to the end and never surrender under any circumstances. Other creeds of the Corps include: You are proud of being a volunteer who serves France loyally; every member of the Corps is your brother, regardless of nationality, race, or doctrine.

In such a harsh and cruel environment, for these foreign soldiers, there is nothing more beautiful than alcohol. The Corps has its own vineyard in Provence, France, and the main wines used in the meetings of the Corps are provided by it.

Perth, a 43-year-old member of the South African Corps? Corporal Francois joined the corps 11 years ago. He said: "We call those new members the game console generation because they are too weak. Now our corps is not like before. At present, most soldiers have college degrees. ."

It can be said that they were the most elite of the French army. After joining Europa, this army expanded into the Europa Foreign Corps. Now there are about 15,000 people, and there were nearly 1,000 people on Corsica. They also have a training camp. Li Cong’s army did not meet this famous foreign army here, but Li Ming met them in Africa.

"How's the situation with the second child?" Li Cong has no real brothers himself. He always regards Li Ming as his own brother. For public and private, he must ensure his safety. Li Ming is with him. Growing up, in the days when he founded the energy group, he can be said to have given himself the greatest support, and he is also a guy that he can rest assured. I really didn't expect to be captured now.

"According to the information we have received, there are 2,000 elite troops in the base, more than 3,000 members of the Class B army, plus Minister Li Ming’s 200-member escort, the total strength is more than 55, and now there are less than half left. , The offensive power of the Europa Foreign Legion is amazing.” Karelina said immediately, and one minute may be useful at the moment.

"How are the guards preparing, tell them to set off immediately, and our troops around the base will immediately gather there for me. No matter the cost, they must not be allowed to break through the base." Li Cong touched himself The head said that the younger brother must never have an accident. This is related to all kinds of things. The actual interests, face and family affection will never allow the younger brother to have an accident. Now the internal contact with the base has been interrupted. The foreign corps has its own ability to fight, no wonder it is Europa's most elite unit.

"Sir, our army has passed here quickly." The people of the African Legion are not stupid. They are the uncle of the president, the cousin of the former president, and the first-level minister of the group. If something happens to him I’m afraid I’m not able to keep my head. As for who revealed Li Ming’s information, it’s not the time to hold accountable at this time. "It’s just that the surrounding terrain is mountainous and the foreign legions have strong firepower. Our helicopters They can’t get in directly. They are too scattered in the outlying branch. We can’t find a favorable angle and location even if we bomb. So we can only provide limited support. If a large number of outlying troops want to arrive by car It will take ten hours, and it will also take ten hours for Guards soldiers taking off from the homeland to take a large transport plane. A 5-person Thunder squad outside the base is the closest, but it has been in a fire with the foreign corps. It's just that their number is too small, and if they want to rush in, it won't be solved in a moment.

" I know, just tell them to move quickly. Europa's military base in Africa can find out for me. I don't believe these foreign legion members flew in. Robert replied. Didn't we?" Li Cong said anxiously. At this moment, the safety of his brother is the most important.

"Mr. Robert has sent you a letter stating that as long as you can withdraw from Europe and compensate them 10 billion euros, they will assume that nothing has happened, and they want us to dismantle all the bases on the European continent." Card Lielina said helplessly that Robert really didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He thought that by catching Li Ming, the energy group's decades of development in Europe would be wiped out. This is really trivial.

"These **** guys, tell them that everything is negotiable. Hold them down before you find your second child. Just now I was a bit reckless and told the army to stop attacking and not destroy the first fleet. They weren't here to show weakness. Yes, but it’s here to disgust me. I don’t dare to eat even that kind of garbage army. They are so disgusting to me. I will give them a chance, but I will give you back later.” Li Cong said viciously .

In Africa at this time, the situation is really not so good. Although Li Ming has not been on the battlefield, he has also experienced military training. He complained so much during the previous training. At the moment, I thank my brother for letting myself participate in this. At least Not a burden to others.

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