Energy Group

Chapter 1402:

This guy died for nòng, but he not only didn’t know how to be grateful, but he also hated others. The most important thing is that this guy is in trouble now. Although the guy Herbert is very annoying, the guy who was there before At that time, I could still have a negotiator, but looking at the wine bags and rice bags in the organization now, no one can say a few words to myself. The ones that turn over and over are those few words, what is meant by your own consideration, everything depends on yourself Yes, I need some loyal subordinates, but I also need some capable people, but look at these people now, how many useful ones are there? Are they all for talking nonsense?

"Mr. Robart, our satellite has already observed it. After Li Cong's Indian Ocean fleet entered the Mediterranean, it stopped on the coast of Algeria. Do we have to do anything?" A staff officer came in and said, and the people in their staff also watched. It is not clear what Li Cong wants to do, anyway, if his younger brother were surrounded, he would definitely not have such a mood to let his fleet bask in the sun.

"Hehe, Li Cong is also scared when he doesn’t have to make our people fuss. In addition, if we combine our Mediterranean First Fleet and Second Fleet, even if it’s a pile of rubbish, they need to be able to resist. The ability of the second Mediterranean Fleet that this guy said was the original French fleet. After Europa was established, the original national navy was not abolished, but they are generally not used for major international activities. To be honest, their warships are very outdated, but it’s okay to send them to the Mediterranean Sea to find some pirates or something. At this moment, these two fleets are in the waters of southern France and the other in Corsica. Surrounded by the squadron of the energy group, if the two of them merged together, it might still be a bit powerful.

Speaking of the former French navy, like the original Italian navy, it has a long history, and is even stronger than the Italian navy in some respects, but now these colonial empires have fallen.

The French Navy was founded in the early 17th century. In the course of more than 360 years of history, the French Navy has gone through a road of ups and downs and tortuous development. After the end of World War II, France relied on its good shipbuilding foundation and began to rebuild its navy. In the 1960s, its naval development entered its heyday. In the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, the French Navy improved its ocean-going offensive capabilities and became the third largest naval power in the world. Second only to the United States and the old men, but after entering the new century, due to the decline of their economic strength and other reasons, they began to retreat from the top few. Until the establishment of Europa, there was no progress, but the warships are still the same. The country is very good, especially the quality of sailors, which can be said to be very good.

The Naval Staff is the highest administrative and operational command organization of the former French Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff, under the leadership of the Minister of Defense, is responsible for the daily training, logistics and administrative management of the Navy. The Naval Staff has jurisdiction over the Atlantic Fleet, the Mediterranean Fleet, the Anti-Submarine Combat Force, the Maritime Combat Force, the Lynesian Naval Force, the Indian Ocean Naval Force, the Strategic Submarine Force, the Naval Aviation Force, the Mine Combat Force, and the Marine Corps. After Europa was founded, all the squadrons were merged into the Mediterranean Fleet.

The original French Navy had 49,500 troops. According to different qualities, combat forces are composed of three parts: naval forces, aviation forces, and marines. The naval fleet was the backbone of the original French navy. Its main combat ships are divided into three parts: surface combat group, underwater and anti-submarine combat group, and mine clearance combat group according to their functions. The Marine Corps is a sharp unit of the former French Navy. It has 2 regiments with nearly 3,000 officers and soldiers, mainly performing amphibious combat missions. The naval aviation force currently has approximately 7,000 troops, and consists of a carrier aviation command and a maritime and air command. After the establishment of Europa, the Marine Corps army was directly taken away and incorporated into the Europa Marine Corps, which can be regarded as the sharp army there.

In addition, the Maritime Gendarmerie led by the Gendarmerie Command is a paranaval force of the former French Navy. It has several coastal patrol boats and several port patrol boats on board. Its responsibility is to defend naval bases and shore facilities. After Europa was established, no one wanted these miscellaneous troops, and Suo Xing immediately disbanded them.

The battle history of the French navy began in the Middle Ages, but it did not become a major force in the French army until Louis XIV was in power in the 17th century. Under the care of the "Sun King", the French Navy received sufficient funds and well-equipped equipment. It defeated the combined Spanish and Dutch fleet at the Battle of Palermo in 1676.

At the beginning of the Nine Years' War, it also defeated the Royal Navy and Royal Dutch Navy. But the French navy's funding problems eventually forced France to hand over sea control to Britain and the Netherlands.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a major problem encountered by the French navy was that France’s strategic priority was to gain control of the European continent. This means that the status of the army is higher than that of the navy, so the navy is inferior in terms of soldier quality and battlefield performance.

The Royal Navy has dominated the oceans since the 18th century, and it has repeatedly defeated the French Navy. However, in 1781, the French Navy defeated the Royal Navy in the Battle of Chesapeake. This was a very meaningful victory. It indirectly helped the French and American forces to win the battle of York City. The French Revolution completely weakened the strength of the French Navy, and Napoleon's Navy was also defeated in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. From then on until World War II, Britain has been the overlord of the sea.

In the late 19th century, the French Navy gradually recovered its strength, ranking second in the world after the British Royal Navy. It successfully blocked Mexico in 1838 and defeated our Nanyang navy in the 1884 Battle of the Majiang Sea. It's just that the Gauls who flamboyant at the time would never have thought that the defeated enemy now blocked their warships to the Mediterranean, and they were even worried about when they would be sent to the bottom of the sea by the yellow race. In World War I, the French Navy performed very well. When the war broke out, the French fleet in the Mediterranean consisted of 16 battleships, 6 cruisers and 24 destroyers, making it the largest fleet in the Mediterranean at that time.

In World War II, Britain was forced to eliminate the French navy after the defeat of France to prevent it from being used by Germany. The French Navy wants to have two aircraft carriers, but now there is only one. It has ordered a new submarine and another aircraft carrier, and the navy version of the Rafale fighter will also replace the old model. It’s just that now the fighters have some unspeakable difficulties when looking at those formerly their greatest pride and those Rafale fighters. These are the planes that they have researched, and they are no longer theirs at all. They even need a part to arrive. Sri Lanka, thousands of miles away, went to buy it, because Li Cong relied on various methods to transport the Dassault Aircraft Manufacturing Group to its base in Sri Lanka a long time ago.

But so far this original French navy still has a lot of combat effectiveness. It is definitely much stronger than that of the Mediterranean First Fleet. Let alone those destroyers. The most important thing is the Charles de Gaulle-class aircraft carrier. Apart from the US aircraft carrier, it is the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the world.

The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier (Charles de Gaulle 91) is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier belonging to the French Navy (nale). After the decommissioning of the Clay Méng Shuttle class, it is not only the only aircraft carrier currently under construction in France, but also the flagship of the French Navy. , Formally entered service on May 18, 2001. The Charles de Gaulle is the tenth aircraft carrier owned in the history of France. Its name is derived from the famous French military general and statesman Charles? De Gaulle. Charles de Gaulle is not only the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in France, but also the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in service that is not part of the US Navy. It can be said that this is the warship that has regained maintenance funds after the establishment of the Euro yo bar, and the other warships are not scrapped.

In order to replace the traditionally powered aircraft carrier Fuxi (hr99) and its sister ship Kerry méngsau (eaur98) built in the 1960s, France began planning the construction of the next-generation aircraft carrier as early as the mid-1970s, but the Charles de Gaulle The keel was actually placed in the naval shipyard of the French Shipbuilding Agency (redesstrusnavales, d) in Brest in April 1989. However, at the beginning of the planning, the ship was originally named Richelieu (eu) by the French president Mitterrand (tterand) in accordance with the tradition of naming the French navy flagship to inherit the battleship Richelieu during World War II. number. However, when it was actually started in 1989, it was named the Charles de Gaulle by the then prime minister and Chirac of the Gaullist (st).

During the construction of the "De Gaulle", many detours were indeed taken. First, there is the issue of steam bomb shè devices. At present, only the United States can provide the necessary equipment for aircraft carriers in the world. In 1991, France proposed to purchase 4 sets of US-made c-13-3 steam bomb shè devices. Accelerate a 32-ton aircraft to a take-off speed of more than 100 knots, and it can take off one aircraft every 30 seconds. However, the United States has long been jealous of France's arrogance and arrogance. The price of each set is as high as 12 million U.S. dollars, which is quite a bit more than the domestic price. French government fǔ does not believe in evil, and issued a "death order" to Dassault, which is famous for manufacturing Mirage fighter jets in the country, asking them to produce domestic steam bomb shè devices within 2 years, but Dassault is currently developing the "De Gaulle" aircraft carrier. During the sprint phase of the "Rafale" fighter jet, there is no power to "start anew." After several trials, the arrogant "President France" had to bow to "Uncle Sam".

Then the United States sold four e-"Eagle Eye" early warning aircraft to equip the "Charles de Gaulle" aircraft carrier, and France received it at a "high price" of US$250 million each. But the trouble was not over. When the French Navy conducted the first carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing test on the "Charles de Gaulle" on July 6, 1998, engineers found that the original design length and width of the flight deck needed to be increased by 4 meters. Adapted to the e-"Eagle Eye" early warning aircraft, so the "De Gaulle", which had already fallen a lot in progress, had to return to the shipyard to lengthen and strengthen the flight deck. The French "Parisian", who first covered the scandal of lù, said ironically: "This giant (alluding to the "De Gaulle") may be a fan of his hometown, so he is always a little bit short. ..."

In addition, France sold the "Foch" aircraft carrier to Brazil in March this year at a low price of 14 million U.S. dollars in order to raise the construction costs that are constantly overrun. According to the original plan, it should not be decommissioned until 2004. As a result, Brazil has picked up a bargain for nothing, and its navy will therefore become the most powerful force for maritime air superiority in South America.

The Charles de Gaulle was officially commissioned on June 18, 2001, five full years later than originally expected. The loss caused by the schedule delay became a huge financial problem for France. It can be said that when he was in service at the time, someone said that this was an ominous omen. Li Cong decided to attack the aircraft carrier when he got the news. Since you are not merciful, then I will beat him down and let him All Europeans know who you are doing right.

The reason why the "De Gaulle" has something to do with the word "nuclear" lies in its nuclear propulsion system. France originally planned to design a brand-new nuclear reactor for ships, but the entire project was complicated, coupled with the pressure of the European financial crisis in 1992 and the sharp depreciation of the franc, and work was at a standstill. A warship without a power system is like having no heart. At that time, the French "Le Figaro" reported with a headline: "The Charles de Gaulle is in crisis!" At this time, the French showed a high degree of flexibility and were "De Gaulle". When the USS was struggling, another darling of the French Navy, the new missile nuclear submarine "Triumphal" was launched at Cherbourg Shipyard on July 13, 1993. The modular design of the k-i5 pressurized water nuclear reactor on board was widely accepted. Praise. The person in charge of the aircraft carrier program immediately asked the manufacturer to "take the gourd and draw a scoop" to modify the details of the k-15 nuclear reactor and make its power to meet the needs of the aircraft carrier. As a result, it took more than 2 years to finally get two k- units in 1995. The 15d pressurized water nuclear reactor "settles home" on the aircraft carrier. They have a total power of 84,500 horsepower. Driven by two propellers, the aircraft carrier has a maximum speed of knots. After being filled with fuel, it can sail without interruption for 13 years, and has the ability to cruise for long periods without external supplies. This is nothing to Li Cong. What Li Cong thinks is that this may be the first sunken aircraft carrier in Europe. I don’t know if Robert can afford this by then. If Europa is gone, he will. Isn't it lonely?

The Charles de Gaulle is the first aircraft carrier in history to include stealth in its design. However, as the tonnage is only half of similar ships in the United States, Charles de Gaulle is equipped with only two ship-head shè devices (usually four for US naval ships), and the upper limit of carrier-based aircraft is generally only about 40, mainly including The sea-based version of the Rafale (rafale is the Rafale M) and the supertendard (supertendard) two legal fighters, and the US-made e- (2029 model) Hawkeye airborne early warning aircraft. The Charles de Gaulle is equipped with very advanced electronic equipment and the latest French Aster 15 air defense missiles (aster15) and Sadral light short-range air defense missile systems, making the overall attack capability far more than the past few French have. Ship. Traditionally, the French Navy has always adopted the organization of having two aircraft carriers at the same time to ensure that even when one of them enters the factory for maintenance, there is also a way to configure it on duty. Therefore, in addition to the current Charles de Gaulle, the French Navy still needs to build another aircraft carrier to complete the ideal organization.

However, due to the excessively expensive construction of the Charles de Gaulle, the French government did not intend to build another ship of the same class. In addition, in recent years, Europe has gradually become integrated in political, economic and military aspects, so it adopts the same standards as other countries to save construction costs. It is the mainstream trend. In this context, the next French ship is very likely to be built in cooperation with the United Kingdom. Although France prefers to use nuclear power to drive ships, considering the low construction cost requirements of the Royal Navy, French President Chirac officially announced in 2004 that the next French aircraft carrier will use the traditional power system and consider carrying it. A gas turbine engine is used as power. After Europa took over the whole of Europe, this plan failed again. They believed that the money should be invested in the Europa First Fleet instead of entering these second-tier Mediterranean fleets. When there are retired warships in the Europa Fleet, they can give it. They added on. This also weakened their combat effectiveness in disguise.

The number of combat aircraft carried by the "De Gaulle" reaches 35-40, which is quite decent. Among them, the "Rafale" fighter has the level of "three and a half generations", but after Li Cong took Dassault Manufacturing Group away, they chose to use the American f35, but such aircraft can not be considered advanced at present. It can be used for air combat and ground attack missions, mainly for medium-scale out-of-region missions (such as the Gulf War) and "peacekeeping" missions. It adopts a side-striped wing-duck layout, is equipped with two m-88 engines, has good supersonic and subsonic speed, as well as super-horizon and close-range air combat capabilities. Although the development cost of this aircraft is only about half of the so-called "world's only fourth-generation fighter" f-22, it has 90% of the latter's combat capability.

The f35 is equipped with a variety of ground attack weapons, including light-guided bombs, and can also carry the "Storm Shadow" long-range missile yào spreader and the "Flying Fish" mm-40 air-shè anti-ship missile. The former is a conventional firepower weapon that can attack solid point targets with a range of more than 350 kilometers; the latter is an advanced anti-ship missile with automatic target recognition capabilities. The cockpit layout and equipment of the aircraft are also quite advanced. It is equipped with 3 color multi-function displays, a head-up display and a multi-level menu system. There are more than 20 switches on the control and oil mén rods, which are said to provide about 50 functions. , Pilots can even implement some command and control tasks through voice. The original French Navy needed 60 newest f35 fighter jets, and 80 have been ordered so far. After decades of use, it can now meet dozens of warships, but if it breaks, I don't know if the Americans will sell them the accessories. Their relationship is not so good these years.

The defense line of the "De Gaulle" is mainly four 32 "Ziyuan"-15 anti-aircraft missiles launched vertically. They are arranged in two groups on both sides of the aircraft carrier. The missile system is controlled by 3 "Arable" fire control radars, which can control several missiles to simultaneously intercept 12 airborne targets within a range of 1.7-30 kilometers. The "Ziyuan"-15 missile uses a two-stage solid fuel device and has a thrust vectoring capability that can intercept super-maneuverable targets. In addition, the "De Gaulle" is also equipped with 8mén 20mm air defense machine guns, 2 six-unit "Sadr" short-range air defense missile launchers (that is, the ship-borne type of the "Northwest Wind" missile), and 4 eight-unit "Da Cover the short-range defense and electronic countermeasure systems such as the jamming missile launcher and the arbb33 radar jammer system. They can form three layers of protection with a combination of soft and hard means within 15 kilometers of the aircraft carrier. The **** ships in the "De Gaulle" aircraft carrier formation and the "Rafale" fighters on the aircraft carrier are responsible for medium and long-range protection.

A high degree of automation is another important point of the aircraft carrier. The center of the "De Gaulle" aircraft carrier is the "Senet"-8 combat command system, which is installed in the command and control center inside the bridge. The core part of the system is the information processing system, which can process 2000 target information from different sensors at the same time to determine a comprehensive real-time battlefield situation map. The sy-tex strategic communication system on the ship can ensure the communication between the aircraft carrier battle group and the French navy headquarters and French government fǔ. The high degree of automation has greatly reduced the staffing of this class of ships. The staffing is only 1,700 (including 550 aviation personnel), which is a reduction of more than 1/3 compared with previous similar aircraft carriers.

The basic configuration tailored by the French Navy for the future "De Gaulle" aircraft carrier battle group is: the "De Gaulle" aircraft carrier is in the center, surrounded by 1-2 Casal-class destroyers, and 3-4 Lafayette-class stealth frigates to protect it. At longer distances, there are also 1-2 attacking nuclear submarines patrolling, forming a vast air defense, ship defense, and submarine defense circle. These warships originally existed, but now they have been retired, and Europa has no suitable warships to take over, so these should be old warships to use the residual heat, some even when they are dragged out. If the radar equipment was not turned on, they only thought of a cruise mission and never thought of the next war.

Li Cong just smiled and nodded after receiving Europa’s news. Then he took out his mobile phone and learned that Li Ming had now arrived at the mysterious guy. Although he suffered heavy casualties, at least his brother was safe. At this time, Li Cong would not refuse these items sent to the mén, and destroy the Charles de Gaulle. For Li Cong, it was not just as simple as giving them a predicament. The most important thing was to tell Robert that he would no longer be afraid of you. I told this guy in disguise that his brother is safe, but the price of this news is a bit high. You must know that the Charles de Gaulle still has a lot of nostalgia in the hearts of some French people, especially those in the south. Sometimes they also hope to return to the old French era, rather than the current European Union. They have little affiliation with the European Union. From its establishment to the present, their living standards have dropped a lot.

The port of Toulon in France is the home port of the Charles de Gaulle carrier. Toulon is a dual-use port. Most of the port is under the jurisdiction of the navy. The wharf is about 7 kilometers long, 11 meters deep, and has 10 docks. The main task is to ensure the logistical support of naval forces in the Mediterranean.

In the past, the French Navy’s Mediterranean fleet was deployed in Toulon, with 2 aircraft carriers, 2 nuclear submarines, 5 conventional submarines, and several cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and minesweepers. At the same time, Toulon is also the seat of the headquarters of the French Third Naval Military District. There is a French Naval Training Center in Saint-Mandrier, 17 kilometers south of Toulon. After the merger of Europa, the number of garrisons here has been reduced by more than half because the Mediterranean has no more important role.

Today here is the same as when the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier went on a patrol. The officers and sailors’ families were full of officers and sailors. They all had smiles on their faces. I just don’t know if they could smile when they knew that the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier was going to sink. In fact, this Port of Toulon was originally an ominous place. I really don’t know why these people in power still use this place.

After the German invasion of France in 1942, they occupied the high ground overlooking the naval factory, deployed artillery near the port, and laid mines in the waters outside the port of Toulon, almost trapping the French fleet of Toulon in the port. At dawn on the 26th, the Germans launched a surprise attack. The French navy officers and soldiers were caught off guard. The commander of the port defense, Admiral Marchi, was captured on Chuáng.

Due to the lack of unified command and corresponding orders, no one among the ship commanders decided to rush out of the port, but just like the jīng **** indoctrinated by Darren in ten years, the naval officers and soldiers refused to surrender. They followed Marshal Petain and Darren in 1940. The order issued in June (to scuttle the fleet if it can’t escape) sank the fleet almost entirely. Including 3 capital ships, 8 cruisers, 17 destroyers, 16 torpedo boats, 16 submarines, 7 communication ships, 3 reconnaissance ships, and more than 60 transport ships, oil tankers, dredgers and tugboats. One destroyer, one torpedo boat and five oil tankers did not sink and were captured by Germany. Only three submarines escaped to Algiers in different ways. ?

The sinking of the French fleet to the bottom of the sea is the saddest scene of the "World War II". Although that scene will not be staged here today, it will be confirmed in the future that the fleet departing from here will be unpredictable.

In fact, when the fleet just went to sea, something bad happened. A destroyer that was accompanying it broke down when it left the port less than 20 nautical miles. In fact, it is normal for these old destroyers to malfunction. It would be surprising if they could go directly from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere like the new ones. The cause of the accident was caused by a crew member’s failure to regulate cào, and the entire warship stopped. Anyway, it’s not far from the port. It's very far, just let people drag it back. The brigade has important things to do. Although it is not a good thing to rush to death, these people don't know, they still have a credit waiting for them.

This destroyer is a product of the 1990s. Although it looks a bit old, it was refurbished for a while when it left the port. It shouldn’t have happened like this. The engineer on board still did it when it set off. After inspection, I thought that this warship might even go to Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea. After all, the distance is very close. I didn’t expect it to be nestled in only 20 nautical miles. The captain can’t wait to follow that. It is stipulated that the guy who made the cào was pulled out and shot. This is a good opportunity for meritorious service. Maybe when I have the credit, I don’t need to stay in such a third-rate fleet, even if I go to the Europa fleet. A sailor is much better than the captain here.

"I have never seen a fool like you in my entire life. I really don’t know what you did when you were a navy cadet. Look at your own qualifications. You can be promoted to an officer after you come back this time. See what you have done and what qualifications you have. Now roll back to the confinement room for me, and you will die in it without my order. I really don’t want to see you anymore. Get out of here immediately.” The subordinate captain who lost his way is not at all polite. This means that he will continue to stay in this unlucky place in the future. This is simply an insult to himself. At this moment, this guy doesn’t want to test himself. That shameful performance of, anyway, all the mistakes are the sailor in front of him, and this sailor is also very depressed, when did I hear that I can be promoted? This captain is really good at talking.

It’s just that the soldier hadn’t walked out of the captain’s room, and the two of them felt a violent tremor. From experience, it must have been a warship hitting something, but because it was a military port, everything was on the reef. All of the things have been removed, and there is no way that there will be those things. Suddenly they felt an ominous premonition. Could it be those black seabeds? ? ? ?

The term submarine black dòng used to modify the Kilo-class submarine of the old Máo, but after the production of various high-energy submarines of the energy group, that type of submarine has become a kind of decoration, so to speak. It’s not counted anymore. At least when it comes to the energy group’s submarines, the ten to one number is no problem. Although the two sides have not tried this, the simulation of the large computer should not deviate greatly. At this moment, they thought Those are the deadly submarines. Are they now back to the wolves of the Germans during World War II? As long as the Navy heard the term wolf pack, it would basically be scared to death, let alone encounter it at this moment.

"Captain, something has gone wrong. Our hull was hit by a torpedo on the left side of the ship. We are currently entering water. The speed of the water entering exceeds the speed of draining. Are we???" The guy who came in to report wanted to ask The question is whether the ship is about to abandon, but this word is always a bit bad if you say it in your own mouth. Anyway, the captain understands this meaning, as if to verify this guy’s words, he just finished speaking , There was a huge explosion on the entire hull, which was exactly where it was supposed to be hidden. Dozens of old but powerful missiles seemed to explode in an instant. The captain’s room was quite far away. But the three people were also blistered by the impact. The captain saw that the steel in his captain’s room actually tore a hole. He knew that his life was basically replaced here. As a devout believer, The last word that came out of his mouth was "Hallelujah".

The remaining two guys didn’t end well. One was torn apart by the iron skin, and the other was thrown into the sea, but he may be the most hopeful person to survive. As he was falling, he saw that all the warships he had been with were on fire at this time. At this point, it would be useless even if he could drive to the port. This guy still has a little sense of reason. The periscope is lowered, and the torpedo attack has basically been eliminated in modern society, but the high-end submarines of the energy group are still doing very well. The explosion under the waterline is always much more powerful than the explosion on the waterline. , Especially after hitting the bullet yào library all at once, basically the hundreds of people on the ship don't need any way to survive, they are all gone now.

On the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier not far away, thousands of officers and soldiers saw the situation in front of them. It could not be aircraft or missiles, because their radar did not find anything. "Immediately enter the first level of combat readiness. Don’t watch it here. , Quickly roll me back to your post." I don’t know which senior officer reacted. Since that submarine can send the destroyer down without knowing it, they may also be targeted at this moment. Yes, everyone immediately returned to their posts after hearing this officer's words, but they didn't seem to notice that several periscopes were staring at them not far away, and a few white currents rushed over here.

"Look, shit, it's a torpedo, what about the process defense system?" An officer who had just returned to his post had already seen dozens of torpedoes coming here in the distance, so it looked like there were at least thirty. The fleet is in a dense formation. Of course, they are all to meet the needs of air defense. There are only a few anti-control frigates in the fleet. Now they are all crowded together for safety. How could they think that the enemy would attack underwater? Some The process defense system on the destroyer began to fire frantically into the water. Although it may not have any effect, as long as there is a little hope that they will not give up, the bullets are like no money. After going out, the 30mm process defensive run was also shot out. Of course, the energy group’s torpedoes were not made of diamonds. More than 30 torpedoes were also destroyed by one-third, but when they breathed a sigh of relief, two More than a dozen torpedoes that got in have already started to kiss those huge warships.

Only a bang was heard, a pillar of fire had erupted on the left side of the Charles de Gaulle aircraft At the same time, several destroyers around also received such treatment, probably because there was no war for a long time. The reason is that some people on this warship didn’t even know what to do. Some sailors jumped into the sea without putting on their life jackets. There are already dozens of nautical miles from the shore, and they want to swim from here. If I go back, I will tell the idiot that the dream is almost the same. Even if some officers took out their guns and shot a few sailors, the húnluàn situation above could not be ended. Just when they húnluàn, dozens of torpedoes arrived. This time is different from the last time. At least last time there were so many process defense systems that could damage one-third of them. This time the intact warships can’t even catch up to half of them. Now they can only be their own. In order to fight, the commander of the fleet has also gone to see God. Who will command? One after another warships have opened huā, but they didn’t even see their opponents anywhere. There are stealth aircraft in this world, so how come there are stealth submarines, but there are so many hidden submarines in front of them. The type submarine has killed them. It is not bad for them to die under such cutting-edge technology. Is there any extravagant hope?

The submarine force of the Energy Group knew what they should do. They didn’t show up at this time. If they took advantage of it, they would retreat immediately. This place was in the mén of other people’s home. After another time, they drove off slowly. , The facts have proved that they are right, otherwise they will have losses.


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