Energy Group

Chapter 1406:

Sicily (English: deadly; Italian: dead a; French: dead le) is the largest and most densely populated island in the Mediterranean; it belongs to Italy and is located in the southwest of the Apennines. The Strait of Messina is a satellite image of Sicily, which is only 3 kilometers apart from the Apennines in the east. The Greeks established colonies on the east coast of the island from the eighth century to the sixth century BC. It became a province of the Roman Empire in 241 BC. After going through the rule of Vandal, Byzantium, Norman, etc., it was merged into the Kingdom of Sicily in 1442, and soon it was divided, and it was changed to Spanish rule, and it was merged into the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. Sicily has gained autonomy since May 1946. After Europa was established, this place was returned to Europa’s rule. It was a matter of course for the Americans to look at this place. It’s just that this place is the same thing. It’s hard to say whether it can be taken down. Signa is as incapable of resistance.

Sicily's Egadi () Islands, Lipari () Islands, Pelagie Islands (e) and Pantelleria (a) Islands together form an autonomous region of Italy. The capital Palermo (). 160 kilometers (100 miles) northeast of Tunisia (North Africa). Just south is not far from Malta. Sicily has an area of ​​25,000 square kilometers and a population of 5 million people. There are many mountains and hills in the territory, and there are plains along the coast. Many earthquakes. The Mediterranean climate is humid in the north and west and drier in the south. The highest mountain in Sicily is Mount Etna (3,323 meters), which is also the largest and most active volcano in Europe. The Stromboli volcano on the island of Stromboli in the north of Messina is also an active volcano. Agriculture is dominated by wheat, vegetables, grapes, and cotton, with many subtropical fruits such as citrus and lemon. Fisheries on the west coast are well developed, producing sardines and tuna.

Due to the contact with races of different ancestry and body shapes for many centuries, the Sicilians have become a diverse nation. Although it is at the intersection of many civilizations in the Mediterranean, it is across the sea from the Italian peninsula, so Sicily still retains many of the characteristics of a more rural area. Most Sicilians speak the Sicilian dialect of Italian. Sometimes this dialect is also regarded as a language. A few people speak Albanian or Greek. Most people believe in Catholicism. Excessive population density, waste, corruption, environmental pollution, water shortage, and international illegal organization of hand parties. If there is no such thing as a hand party, it is estimated that this place will not be so famous, but with the help of such a criminal organization, people can become famous at home and abroad.

One characteristic of Sicilian life's isolation is that it still has a hand party. This is an organization that originated in the Middle Ages in Europe and gradually evolved into a gang crime organization that transcended the law. It makes certain parts of the island actually have two governments, two codes of conduct, and law enforcement systems—one is a legitimate government; the other is a shadow government, a ubiquitous social, economic, and political network that maintains it through violence that power. If the Americans want to occupy here, they will not only have to face the Europa garrison, but these hand parties will certainly not let them in so easily.

The hand party initially refers to local secret association criminal organizations that originated in Sicily in Italy and Corsica in France. Later, with Italian immigrants, it spread all over the world, especially the United States. Now it has become synonymous with organized crime and a popular theme in film and television works. Although they have mainly gone to the United States now, they are still very powerful in their original birthplace, and they are connected to some hand parties around the world, such as this time the U.S. team’s landing and the government. There is no news at all, but these hand-party associations all got news, but they did not intend to report to the government, because decades of peace made them feel that they could cope with the things in front of them, and the facts later proved that although they have the strength, If you want to play against the American army's ace army, it is not the same level.

The largest society in the world can only originate in Sicily. This is a historical choice. The term a (hand party) originated from the Sicilian Uprising on March 30, 1282, the day before Easter. When a Palermo girl was forced by French soldiers on the day of her wedding, Sicily began to retaliate wildly. They attacked every Frenchman they met and proposed that "a, aanela" was even more scattered around the world with Italian immigrants. Everywhere, especially the East Coast of the United States. Their power in the United States rose during the Great Depression and reached its greatest strength in the mid-twentieth century, until a series of FBI investigations disrupted their power from the 1970s to the 1980s. Their actions include assassinations, illegal trading, and obstruction of justice. Although their power is not as good as before, they still influence American trend culture. Many movies, TV series, and even advertisements are related to their image or life. Today, the term "hand party" does not only refer to these Italian criminals. Affected by this organization, in other countries in the world, similar organizations called the Hand Party have appeared, such as the Russian Hand Party. These elements are sometimes called local hand gangs, but the hand gangs referred to daily still refer to this group of Sicilian criminals in the United States. On the other hand, it is also Italian, but the criminal organization in Nabō is not called the hand party, but has another name called "rra".

In Italy, the hand-party assassination of police prosecutors and judges can be said to have a long history, the purpose is to thwart the vigorous energy of the police. In the United States, murders against state authority are very rare, mainly because of fear of creating fierce resistance.

It is said that the thug Ducky? Schultz (dutltz) was killed by his accomplices because the latter was worried that he would execute against New York City Attorney Thomas? The assassination of Dewey (masdewey).

In the United States, the power of the hand party took a sharp turn in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This is because the promulgation of the Anti-criminal Organizations Eroding Legal Organizations Act (t) and similar laws will be classified as organizations that perform illegal activities. Crime, and the government has planned a witness protection plan. At the same time, death, marriage, shortage of Italian immigrants to the United States, and cultural assimilation have led to the demise of Italian-American hand party groups. The combination of all the above factors led to the decline of the American hand party.

In the mid-20th century, the Hand Party claimed to have infiltrated many union organizations in the United States, including the Transport Workers Union. The missing president of the union, Jimmy? Hoffa (ffa) is believed to have been assassinated by the hand. In the 1980s, the U.S. federal government made up its mind and successfully removed the hand party’s power from the trade union organization.

There is evidence that in Italy, through the collapse of sounder laws and the "rule of silence (f death e, hard-line law enforcement seems to have finally gained the advantage of rival party groups. In the process of confronting the military forces of the hand party, many so-called (members who have received leniency from the hand party) have made great contributions to the government, such as Domaso? Busida (etta).

It is said that the hand party retains a strong financial influence. Therefore, recent surveys often study the economic activities of suspicious elements. In recent decades, it has been speculated that Na, one of the most famous figures associated with the hand party, ordered the murder of Judge Nehe.

Recently, former Italian Prime Minister Giulio? Andleotti (), a member of the Italian Catholic Democratic Party, was accused of having ties to the hand party, but he was eventually found not guilty because the trial involved behavior has exceeded the prosecution period. But only he knows what is going on. It can be said that if some senior Italian officials did not have the support of the Hand Party, he would definitely be unstable in his seat, even the world-renowned football. They all have their shadows. Of course, their most famous organization is their killer organization. Even the largest organizations like Hongmen will fall behind when they encounter their killer organization.

Hand-party killers have a strict hierarchy, and their classification is based on the stars in front of them. The stars are made of four metals: gold, silver, copper, and iron. The grades are lowered sequentially. Venus represents the highest level, and the iron star represents the lowest level. Ordinary assassins will only wear a piece of clothing with a hand party mark. Stars. It is said that there is also a kind of killer at the highest level of the hand party, the most powerful in the organization, their stars are made of natural crystals, and they often give people a black handprint when they act.

The killer's assassination must be approved by the family leader, otherwise the sī people's retaliation may trigger a war. In a war situation, family killers will go to "chuáng mats (mattresses, that is, rent an empty apartment, and let the soldiers take turns to rest on the chuáng mats on the apartment floor, while the rest of the people on duty guard by the window. Always be ready to fire on rival family members within range.

Hand-like organizations have existed in Italy for centuries, and they are different in different regions. Until the 1950s, the Italian hand party was mainly concentrated in the rural countryside, but since then it spread to the cities and later became a more international organization that concentrated various criminal activities. The Italian hand party is based on the family, mainly represented by Sicily. There are other similar organizations in other regions, such as Camora in Naples.

During the Italian fascist dictatorship, Palermo’s mayor Cesare? Suddenly, Morrie and other members of the hand party became valuable patriots who participated in the American fight against fascism. As a new American citizen, Luciano accepted the government's apology and was able to return to Sicily in 1946 to continue his activities.

It was not until Italy surrendered in World War II that the power of the hand party was able to grow. However, in the 1980s and 1990s, a series of "gang wars" between the hand party parties, many prominent hand party members were murdered. Many of the new generation of Hand Party members tend to focus their work on high IQ crimes, and dismiss traditional extortion. In response to this development, the Italian press used "va" to refer to an organization that has undergone reorganization as described above.

Although the government’s crackdown has never ceased, they have not disappeared. Compared with the organizations in the United States, everything here seems very organized. Although the money is not as much as the United States, they are here. More powerful. Several courageous research organizations have said that among the ten people here, one of them will be a direct member, and the other nine people are more or less related to them.

"General, our people have all landed and there is no leakage." The staff officer came over and said to Master Lauger. They would also think that someone might find them, but they have been there for so long. No one came to ask, the army of tens of thousands of people just arrived on people’s land. It might be a bit unbelievable to say it, but everything in front of you has been realized. In fact, this is the credit of the local hand parties. They After getting news from organizations in the United States, they blocked this side. You must know that their power is similar to the government. Sometimes they can do things that the government can’t do. It’s not bad here. There are many people on the beach. The government cannot force them to expel them. Even if it is to be blocked, there must be a reason, but they can. The gun in their hand is the biggest reason. Explain to anyone, they are the greatest.

"Hehe, you idiots, of course there is no leak. Our friends seem to be coming too. We can land so well this time, but they have done a lot of effort." A helicopter took off from a warship in the distance. It was the person who spoke to the Gambino family in the United States. He also contacted the hand party here before, and he has everything today. This person can be said to be among the top Americans. But it is very face-conscious.

Speaking of this Gambino family, they are like this in the news that the common people know. The Gambino family is the oldest family in New York history and one of the five major societies. Under the severe crackdown on organized crime by the US government, the five major hand parties in New York have fallen into a state of disintegration. At present, the "godfathers" of the other four major societies are serving sentences in prison, and the former "godfather" of the Gambino family, John? Gotti was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and fraud as early as 1992, and died of cancer in prison in 2002.

In 2002, 17 members of the Gambino family were arrested by the police, including the "godfather" Peter? Gotti and his brother Richard? Gotty. The Gambino family has been greatly injured after several siege by the police, and this action once again severely damaged the new power stratum just formed by the Gambino family.

But is this really the case? That is absolutely not true. If this is the case, the Gambino in front of you will not appear. The real situation is that the Gambino family selected dozens of hapless guys from their tens of thousands of troops and handed them over to the police. And in cooperating with the police, he eliminated several other competing families. Although everyone is an organization, there are frictions in the exchange of interests. The best way to eliminate friction is to eliminate them together. So, there will be no friction in the future, so now the Gambino family is the most powerful society in New York and the entire eastern United States. Their power is almost comparable to several large societies in the world, even Hong Leaders in the United States also had to give them more face, just like Li Cong’s partner Qin Wuye.

"General Lauger, how about it, our Gambino family has our own strength even if we leave the United States? Look at this quiet beach, if you follow your head of staff, now you might be violent. , But these things are left to us to do, there is absolutely no problem." This guy from the Gambino family said arrogantly, as if everything was done by his own strength. The people in their associations were originally encircled by the army. At least there are few people in the army who can look at them. If there is such a place where they can show their ability to the army, how can they not show off?

"That's right, Mr. Gambino, I think your interviewer should have appeared at this time. There is still no movement. Are we here to see the scenery? My first division is not an ordinary unit. The daily consumption of tens of thousands of people is an astonishing number. I can assure you that your money for a day’s business will definitely not support my army’s operations.” Commander Lauger is a graduate of West Point Military Academy, of course he clearly obeys Orders are the first duty of a soldier. Otherwise, this guy would not condescend to cooperate with these community members. This is also the above decision. Now they have successfully landed, if they want to drive down the first division, it is estimated that there will be none. An army of hundreds of thousands is impossible. In more than half an hour, his army has established a perfect beach defense position.

"Of course, they will show up, but at this moment I'm still waiting for news, I'm waiting for news from New York." Gambino said nothing, and there is no news from New York. The former post-Gambino did. His family can only live without the sunshine, but the patriarch of this generation thought of a terrible idea, that is, like the Yamaguchi Group, the largest organization in Japan, he wants to establish a government-recognized company, which makes the senior Americans anxious. You must know that democracy in the United States is not just talking about it. It may be because of a vote of any beggar that the president may step down.

The Gambino family helping the First Division land in Sicily, Italy, is like betraying its ancestors. For the great benefit, the U.S. government has indicated that they can agree to their requirements, but they want them to be gentle in their work in the future. But this Gambino family put forward another request, that is, they want to get the Golden Crescent, one of the world's three holy places of du products, which is also the only one controlled by the Skeleton.

The "Golden Crescent" is located at the border of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. It is called the "Golden Crescent" because the terrain is similar to the crescent and it is rich in profitable things, including Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province and Balochistan Province , Sistan-Baluchistan Province in Iran, Registan and Nuristan in Afghanistan.

The "Golden Crescent" area is sparsely populated, with inconvenient transportation and dry climate. It is mainly inhabited by the Patan and Baluch tribes who are famous for their martial arts and aggressiveness. For a long time, they have maintained the traditional national style and personality, and traveled relatively freely in the border areas of the three countries. The governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran have not implemented effective administrative management on it, which has developed the region into a major producer of ya tablets in the world. In 1984, the head of the Pakistani government, Ziyahak, issued a martial law, using iron hand, so that the production of ya tablets dropped from 800 tons in 1978 to 45 tons. However, after 1985, due to the Pakistani government’s "civilian politics", anti-drug measures began to relax. As a result, the production of ya tablets soared to 145 tons in 1986. Later this momentum only increased. By 1996, Pakistan’s ya The output of the film has exceeded 200 tons, and the hard plastic planting area is 1038 hectares. Laos’ ya tablets were originally not included in the “budget” of the U.S. Narcotics Administration, but since 1986, Laos has had to surprise the world because the production of ya tablets in Laos was close to 120 tons. As a result, on the ancient Islamic plank road of the "Golden Crescent" and in the vast desert, teams of camel squads flowed in endlessly. These camels are continuously importing ya films and **** into Eurasia.

In recent years, the drug trend of the "Golden Crescent" has been almost an all-round attack. These drug soldiers are divided into three routes: one is from the south via Pakistan and India to Japan and North America; the second is from the west via Iran and other coastal countries and Turkey to Western Europe; the third is from the north via Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. And Turkmenistan and other Central Asian countries, flow to Russia and Eastern Europe. Randy, a plank road town located in the mountains on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan? Gaotu is almost the starting point of the "Golden Crescent" drug flow to the world.

The sea, imported from the "Golden Crescent" export to Britain and Western Europe, once occupied about 90% of the market. As a result, the "Golden Crescent" has become a veritable "new moon" and is on the rise. What's more worth mentioning is that the purity of the sea n produced by "Golden Crescent" is almost 80% or more. Such a genuine "famous brand" can naturally come from behind in the world trade competition of du products.

"Golden Crescent" has become the "new generation" of the world's source of poison. But what most people in the world don’t know is who controls this place. In the past, most people thought this place was controlled by some large organizations or local armed forces like other places. But how about these forces? It may be able to withstand the encirclement and suppression of government forces. Besides, this place is an absolute cornucopia. It is normal for such a place to bring in hundreds of billions of income each year. The Gambino family drove out this price. It is also because they feel that Sicily is worth the price.

It is estimated that 60 tons of sea n can be extracted from ya tablets collected from secret production areas in Afghanistan each year. Due to the unique geographical advantage here, the du products produced here can easily be transported to Europe. Therefore, the market share of du products in this region once reached more than 90% in Europe. Another significant advantage of the du products in this area is that the purity of the sea n produced here is extremely high, almost all reaching over 80%, which is also unmatched by the Golden Triangle.

In the late 1970s, due to the drought, the harvest of ya films in the "Golden Triangle" region of Southeast Asia failed. The black market Shanghai n and other du products were in short supply, and prices skyrocketed. At this time, the growers of the "Golden Crescent" seized a good opportunity to increase the price of du products, expanded the planting area, and entered the traditional overseas market of the "Golden Triangle". It is an important source of du products in the world ya film category that has emerged after the "Golden Triangle".

In 1981, the production of ya tablets in the "Golden Crescent" area reached more than 800 tons, twice the total production of ya tablets in the "Golden Triangle" and Mexico that year. However, since 1986, the production of ya tablets in the "Golden Triangle" has rapidly recovered and the output has increased sharply, once again replacing the "Golden Crescent" as the world's number one producer of sea n. Despite this, the "Golden Crescent"’s ya film production has developed rapidly, and it has always maintained its second position in the production of ya film and sea n. "The du product economic circle has risen again, making it replace the "Golden Triangle" and become the world's largest producer of du products of ya film category.

The planting area of ​​"Golden Crescent" is about 110,000 hectares, and the annual output of ya tablets has been maintained between 3,000 tons and 4,000 tons. According to United Nations statistics, in 2003, the output of "Golden Crescent" ya tablets reached 3,600 tons, and in 2004 is expected to exceed 4,000 tons. In addition to the production of ya slices and sea noodles, it also produces d hemp and cocaine. In addition, it is the gateway to Europe and the United States. From Turkey, Pakistan and Iran, du products can be shipped to Europe and the United States. The "Golden Crescent" has now become a link and a land bridge connecting Europe and Asia to trade products.

Moreover, the climate and other conditions here are also very good. The Golden Crescent area is sparsely populated, inconvenient for transportation, and dry. It is mainly inhabited by the Patan and Baluch tribes who are known for their martial arts and aggressiveness. For a long time, they have maintained the traditional national style and personality, and traveled relatively freely in the border areas of the three countries. The governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran have not implemented effective administrative management on it, which has developed the region into a major producer of ya tablets in the world.

Compared with the Golden Triangle and other places, the time of planting ya tablets in the Golden Crescent area is relatively late, mainly planting d hemp and y millet, but in recent years, the golden crescent has replaced the Golden Triangle and become the world's largest ya chip producing area. Its poppy cultivation area is nearly 110,000 hectares, and the annual output of 4,000 tons of ya slices in the golden crescent area reached 4,600 tons, accounting for 75% of the total global output, and it was the largest ya slice production area in the world at that time.

Afghanistan, located in the heart of the Golden Crescent, is one of the world's largest millet growers. Due to the dynamic domestic situation, coupled with the customs of the Afghan residents who are aggressive and martial arts, the planting area of ​​millet is very extensive in Afghanistan. Most provinces of the country are planted with millet, and the planting area of ​​millet reaches 58,000 hectares. Afghanistan has become the world's largest producer of ya films. The planting area of ​​y millet in Iran is also relatively large.

Choosing here can be said to be much better than the Golden Triangle. Asia under the control of the energy embargo is becoming more and more perfect. Such a huge cancer obviously does not match Li Cong’s ideas. Sooner or later, it will be erased. At that time, the war-torn Golden Crescent would surely become the largest producer again. If the Gambino family can get here, then they can surpass several large societies, or they can become the world's number one societies through this Dongfeng. It's hard to say, Hong Men started from the Golden Triangle. These are examples that can be used for reference.

When Mr. Gambino from Sicily received the call, he also glanced in horror at General Lauger, who raised his gun to him. This guy wanted to cross the river and break the bridge. They wanted to kill himself. At the same time, with the cooperation of New York and the police, the entire Gambino family has been under a great deal of siege. They didn’t understand what was going on. A few days ago, it said that they could legalize it immediately, but At this moment they were hit by destruction.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gambino, I am very happy to tell you that your mission has been completed. I know you have the most advanced communication equipment on your body, so I can't do it first. New York is over, so now I’m about to do it. Goodbye, I hope you’ll be happy when you see your godfather below." This guy fired after speaking. He has nothing to do with betraying the members of the hand party. These people are The sins are extremely heinous, and there is no psychological burden to send them on the road, although the people on their side betrayed them.

In fact, the whole matter has been concealed from all the investigative methods of the Energy Group, but after these incidents occurred in New York, the people of the Energy Group finally found a series of things. At this moment, Li Er has obtained this secret in a secret place. Li Er really feels the ambitions of the Americans. He wants a place as huge as Sicily. Among other things, there are millions of people on it. It is very easy for you to occupy, but you want to take it down. This is not that simple.

"Father, I just got a piece of news, and it can be confirmed that the most elite troops of the U.S. Army have landed on Sicily. Will there be any variables on your side? Can I send troops to support?" Li Er immediately gave My father called and went over. It was not a joke. If it were some garbage army, Li Er would not be so nervous. Who has never heard of the name of the First Division, and their combat effectiveness is amazing.

"I also feel strange, why the Fifth Fleet seems to have disappeared after cooperating with us. It seems that our satellite has a problem. Now let the Ministry of Science and Technology double the number of satellites, and in terms of detection software. Elevate me, this situation can never happen again. We have lost the opportunity on Sicily, and now we have to give them a bit of face. Sicily is not easy to take down, Skull and Bones There was nothing wrong with the people getting rid of the Gambino family, but they did it too early. You have prepared a large number of weapons and equipment, and we have to cooperate with these people this time." Li Cong finished I just hung up the phone. Both father and son are smart people. Many things don’t need to be explained. Li Cong’s method is to let the Hand Party members fight with the American First Teacher. Of course, Li Cong would not be naive to think of the Hand Party members. The first division can be blocked, but relying on the advantages of the locals, they still have no problem if they want to trouble them.

After Li Cong hung up the phone, he immediately found number 1. Now the situation is urgent and he has to send his own capable personnel.

"You go to Sicily. The situation there is a bit complicated now. If we don't interfere, it is estimated that the First Division will be able to take it down in two days. Even if we have to act, it is probably too late. I told the headquarters about this. They will send arms over. What you have to do is to help the people of the hand party pull up a team so that the Americans will not easily take Sicily. If the Americans really do, Getting down there is very beneficial for the whole of Italy. Don’t forget that the Allied forces landed here during World War II.” Li Cong looked at the map and said, originally he wanted to go to Sailus. It seems that I don’t have that time now. Now my biggest enemy in Europe may be the first division. The others can be released later. As for the sas, I have to come step by step. Arriving has disrupted everything about himself.

"Mr. Don't I will definitely not let the first division take Sicily so easily." After talking on the 1st, he left. Li Cong is still very relieved about his affairs, if it's not the end It is impossible to dispatch him at this moment.

"Sir, what does it mean that Americans are blending in at this time?" Karelina is also not sure what the Americans mean at this time. It is not a good idea to blend in now, although Europa is now in chaos. At that time, they had millions of troops. Moreover, Sicily is not the same as Corsica. It is very important to Europa as a whole. Sicily is basically not far away from the Italian peninsula. The distance between Corsica and Europa is not small.

"Hehe, what else can they do? They are eye-catching and they are scared when they see our development in the world, but it is unwise for them to choose this time to make a move. Europa can allow us to do it, and if we want to allow the Americans to do it, then They have become a second-rate organization. If an organization can cede their territory, it is estimated that the Europa government will be over in two days. We only need to buy time for Europa, and we can tell Europa in secret. By the way, our fleet can be stalled in Corsica. Our cooperation with the Fifth Fleet ends here. This is an era of the Three Kingdoms. It only depends on who can get more benefits." Li Cong said with a smile, a two-sided thing. Not only can one's own enemies do it, but they can also do it themselves. ! .

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