Energy Group

Chapter 1408:

isH Section 1408 Black Sea Fleet goes to sea

Under such circumstances, Li Cong met with the head of the Skull and Bones in Europe. In fact, the position of this head is not qualified to meet with Li Cong in person. But now the situation is urgent. Now neither of them Know exactly what Europa means, is it really going to make dumplings for them? If this is the case, then both of them need to admire Europa's courage, and dare to go to war with the other two powers, it does require a lot of courage, especially Europa is at a disadvantage among the three powerful forces, which requires them even more. The courage of them is no small, but the courage to block the Mediterranean Sea directly is not small. .

"Please sit down. I don't know how you call it?" A tall woman appeared in front of Li Cong. If she hadn't been told that she was a woman during the introduction, no one would have seen the one-meter-eight one in front of him. The big guy is a woman, yes, he is the head of Skull and Bones in Europe, Danny, a more masculine name, if you think she is a woman and look down on her, you will definitely suffer. These years The number of people who died in the hands of this woman was at least three digits. Of course, he killed them personally.

"Please call me Danny, Mr. Li. Although I met you for the first time, my growth in the past 30 years has come from listening to your myths. Our two families have had good cooperation before. , This time I hope we can cooperate successfully.” This guy is very capable, but Li will never be confused by these superficial phenomena in front of him. How can there be fools from the Skeleton Club? This person in front of him can be Going to this seat is definitely not a wine bag and rice bag, he must have his own ability, nodded and did not continue to say, but passed directly on the theme.

"Miss Danny, we have had a good cooperation, but your first division arrived in Sicily. This is not what we want to happen. This seems to be outside the scope of our cooperation, and my cooperation with you is only It's in the navy. I think you should let you solve the problem for your army." Li Cong said, in fact, according to the latest news, the First Division has fully occupied Sicily, but the situation they are facing is not very good. The Black Party’s all-out counter-offensive has also begun. These people are broken into pieces. If the U.S. First Division head-to-head with others is absolutely fine, but in the face of such guerrilla warfare, they think of what they did decades ago. The Moon War is definitely a scar of the entire US Army. Facts have proved that their daily casualties of thousands of people are indeed a bit uncomfortable. There were only a few casualties during the Iraq War, but here, it only took two days. One-tenth of the troops have gone to see God, and no one knows what will happen if they continue, but the black party members have also suffered huge losses. Basically, as long as one American soldier dies, there will be five black parties immediately. The men lost their lives.

"Mr. Li, I want to explain this to you." The girl didn't have a chance to go on. Li Cong waved his hand to stop the woman from continuing to say something. There is no time to wrestle with you at the moment.

"Miss Danny, you have to know that what I said is the truth. If you don't want to continue to cooperate, then start explaining your own affairs. I have a plan to gather all our navies in one place. We both The fleet has a unified command. This is the only way to keep us. Of course, you don’t need to take it, and I can’t force you. Both our fleets are very strong. If we are together, we can fight Europa. The fleet, but if we separate, we may be destroyed one by one." Li Cong pointed to the map and said, at this moment, the time is urgent, and there really is not so much time to wrestle.

"Mr. Li's idea is very important. I think we will gather at the center of our fleets." Danny was not angry when he saw Li Cong saying that. After all, the fleet is more important than the First Division. Moreover, with the current ability of the First Division, even if the Europa's heavy forces are overwhelmed, it is difficult for them to do anything.

At present, Europa can use about two million troops. Among them, Li Cong’s military bases contain nearly 700,000. In addition to the 500,000 still under reorganization, all parts of Europa need 500,000 troops. Garrison, they can use only about 300,000 troops. The 300,000 troops want to completely annihilate more than 50,000 people in the First Division. It will take some time for them. Moreover, in history, the First Division has won more with less There are many battles.

"Sir, something happened??" Just when Li Cong and Danny were about to continue talking, Karelina hurried in, but it was difficult to say anything in front of Danny.

"It's okay, now we are allies." Li Cong said with a smile. At this time, it is impossible to cover up, and it must be solved immediately, and looking at Karelina's appearance, this is definitely not a trivial matter. .

"Well, sir, the Russian Black Sea Fleet has set sail, and the goal is the sea." Li Cong and Danny's expressions changed immediately. Although Lao Maozi's strengths are the weakest among the great powers, they are now very important. One of the weights, no matter where they stand at this moment, it is very important.

The Eurasian Black Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Eurasian continent. The area is about 424,000 square kilometers. The Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea are connected through the Turkish Strait. Important rivers flowing into the Black Sea are the Danube and Dnieper. Lao Maozi's Black Sea Fleet is stationed in this inland sea.

The Black Sea Fleet (Russian: черномийфлот) is a naval fleet of Russia (and the Soviet Union). The fleet's range of operations is the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. It has several bases in the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. Its main base is the Ukrainian port city of Sevan Fort. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia continued to use this port as its military base, which has led to many diplomatic conflicts between the two countries in the past decade. According to the treaty, Russia will withdraw from Sevastopol in 2017. Each year Russia pays 100 million U.S. dollars to Ukraine as rent for its base. After the establishment of Great Russia, Ukraine was directly annexed, and there was no such thing as rent.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet was founded in 1785 during the time of Catherine II. It was a unified and powerful Tsarist Russian Navy formed by it, the Baltic Fleet and the Far East Okhotsk Fleet, and ranked third in the world at that time.

In more than 2 years of history, he has participated in the Crimean War and the First World War. During the Great Patriotic War, he participated in the defense battles of Sevastopol and Odessa, and gradually developed into one of the four major fleets of the former Soviet Union.

During the Cold War, the Black Sea Fleet’s strategic mission was to control the Turkish Strait and to go out of the Mediterranean to respond to the US Navy’s 6th Fleet; to disrupt European oil routes and the sea line of communication from the United States to Asia; to cross the Strait of Gibraltar and enter the Atlantic Ocean to encircle Europe from the southern wing; support Indian Ocean Squadron.

When the former Soviet Union collapsed, the Black Sea Fleet had 833 large and small ships, including 45 large surface ships, 28 submarines, more than 150 aircraft, 85 carrier-borne helicopters, and a large number of shore defense and air defense equipment. The total force is about 80,000. people.

The Black Sea Fleet is the only all-weather fleet in the former Soviet navy that is not afraid of freezing and siege. The main base and fleet headquarters are located in Sevastopol, Crimea. The Crimean Peninsula is located in southern Ukraine, covering an area of ​​270,000 square kilometers and a population of approximately 2.5 million. The Crimea Peninsula was merged with Russia in 1783. Before 1954, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union placed the Peninsula under the republic of Ukraine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Black Sea Fleet became the primary target for Russia and Ukraine to compete.

Due to unclear status, the Black Sea Fleet still flies the flag of the former Soviet navy. In August 1992, Russia and Ukraine reached an agreement in Yalta to turn the Black Sea Fleet into a combined Russian-Ukrainian fleet under the joint command of the two countries. In June 1995, the two countries formally decided to split the fleet into two. Because most of the fleet is in disrepair, Ukraine only accepts 3% of the ships, and the rest is sold to Russia at a discount. Progress has been made in ship division, but the two sides have serious differences over the lease of the Sevastopol base. The Russian side requested long-term lease and use of the base alone to reorganize the Russian Black Sea Fleet, but the Ukrainian side refused.

After the establishment of Great Russia, it became the resident of the Great Russian Black Sea Fleet. The Black Sea Fleet has four periods in history, namely the Tsarist Russia period, the Soviet period, the Russian period, and the Greater Russian Federation period.

During the Tsarist period, in 1783, Tsar Catherine the Great ordered the establishment of the Black Sea Fleet, and its earliest ships were the ships of the Azov Fleet established by Peter the Great in 1995. The fleet was quickly expanded with new ships. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Black Sea Fleet fought mainly against the Turkish and French fleets.

In the Crimean War, the Black Sea Fleet successfully fought the Turkish fleet at the beginning, but after the arrival of the Royal Navy and the French Fleet, its actions were passive, limited to protecting Sevastopol, and its ships were only used to float on the water. Coast fort. The crew of the remaining ship after the attack of Sevastopol in 1856 sank their ship. The Crimean War ended with the Paris Peace Treaty signed on March 18, 1856: Russia was forbidden to fortify the Aran Islands in the Baltic Sea, the southern part of Moldavia was transferred to Turkey, the protection of the Danube countries was abandoned, and warships of all countries were not allowed to enter the Black Sea. , Russia can only own 10 small boats in the Black Sea. However, this restriction was lifted at a meeting held in London in 1871.

After the October Revolution, the Black Sea Fleet held the Bolshevik red flag. In the subsequent civil war, Lenin ordered the fleet to sink on June 18, 1918 in order to prevent the Black Sea Fleet from falling into the hands of the White Army and foreign invading forces.

Then the fleet entered the Soviet era, and the Black Sea Fleet was rebuilt after the war. The ship that was sunk in the past was salvaged and repaired, and the new ship was launched. In World War II, the Black Sea Fleet actively fought against Germany and its allies. In addition to naval battles, the soldiers of the Black Sea Fleet were also used as the army. The main battles included the Defence of Sevastopol, the Landing of Kerch, and the Battle of Crimea.

After the Second World War, the Black Sea Fleet was expanded into a modern, strategic fleet. In addition to the Black Sea, its scope of operations has also expanded to the Mediterranean. On May 7, 1965, the Black Sea Fleet was awarded the Red Flag Medal to commemorate the victory over fascism. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the ships of the Black Sea Fleet were divided between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine is unable to maintain its fleet due to its economic and financial constraints. It is also difficult for Russia to guarantee the combat capability of its fleet.

For Russia, the Black Sea Fleet has very important historical and political value, but its military value has dropped significantly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After Turkey joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1952, the Bosphorus Strait was controlled by the West, which reduced the strategic value of the Black Sea Fleet. At the same time, the acquisition of nuclear weapons by other Soviet fleets also gained greater strategic value than the Black Sea Fleet.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the entire Soviet fleet was divided into independent countries at this time, and its importance almost completely disappeared. Until the Soviet Union and Ukraine reached an agreement, the Black Sea Fleet was in an unknown status for many years. Russia pays Ukraine US$970,000 annually as parking fees.

After 1992, due to the regional conflicts in the Caucasus (especially in Georgia) and the region as a must-travel place for transportation, the Black Sea Fleet received new tasks. Naval aviation, marines and transport ships of the Black Sea Fleet supported or directly participated in the war during the Chechen War.

After the establishment of Great Russia, it can be a high-speed period for the development of the Black Sea Fleet. For the first time, the Black Sea Fleet has ushered in a large aircraft carrier of more than 100,000 tons, although it is not small compared with the energy group, the Americans and even Europa’s aircraft carriers. The gap, but how to say the Black Sea Fleet has also completed a quality change.

The Black Sea Fleet now has three large aircraft carriers, three medium and small aircraft carriers, 6 conventional submarines, 3 cruisers, 12 destroyers, 20 frigates, about 250 other types of surface ships, and 560 combat aircraft. This time, it is definitely the main force of the fleet. At least 90% of the fleet has been launched. This is definitely a terrible blow to the energy group and the Skull and Bones fleet. If they come out and go around. It is estimated that there will be no threat to them, but if these people come to join forces with Europa, then the fleet of Li Cong and the Skull and Bones will be in danger at this time. The fleet of Great Russia just needs to block the Istanbul Strait and send it out. Your own aviation can help Europa's fleet.

"Mr. Li, the most important thing now is the Turkish Strait." Danny also quickly saw this top priority on the map. Europa can block their fleet in the Mediterranean, so they can also take care of the old man. The fleet was stuck in the Black Sea.

The Istanbul Strait connects the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea and separates the Asian part of Turkey from the European part (29 degrees zero minutes east longitude, 41 degrees zero minutes north latitude). The total length is 30 kilometers (19 miles). The widest point of the north entrance to the sea is 3.7 kilometers, and the narrowest point between the two castles of Rumelihisar and Anadolufeneri in the Ottoman Empire is 750 meters (

450 feet). The midstream depth varies from 36.5124 meters (120408 feet). In the middle of the strait, there is a rapid flow from the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea, and there is a countercurrent under the water that carries salty seawater from the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea. The fishery is prosperous because fish schools travel to and from the Black Sea through the strait seasonally. The trees on both sides of the strait are lush, villages, tourist attractions, gorgeous residences and villas are dotted. In addition, there is the Dardanelles.

Dardanelles (gn), formerly known as Hellespong, written in Turkish. The Dardanelles Strait is the strait connecting the Marmara Sea and the Aegean Sea. It belongs to the Turkish inland sea and one of the dividing lines between Asia and Europe. It is often called the Turkish Strait together with the Marmara Sea and the Bosphorus. It is part of the famous Turkish Strait.

The two of them together form the Turkish Strait. If you want to block here, Turkey's meaning must be clear. Although Turkey has not joined Europa and Greater Russia, it is obvious that he does not want to get involved himself at this time. , Because in the struggle between big powers, if a small country like them gets involved, it will be sacrificed.

The Turkish Strait, called "The Throat of the World", is the only strait from the sea to the Black Sea, so it is also called the Black Sea Strait. It includes the Bosphorus Strait, the Marmara Sea and the Dardanelles, with a total length of 345. The entire strait runs from northeast to southwest, which is the boundary between Asia and Europe. The northeast end is the Bosphorus Strait, the southwest end is the Dardanelles, and between the two straits is the Marmara Sea, the Turkish Inland Sea. The sovereignty of both sides of the strait belongs to Turkey. The Turkish Strait is an important maritime traffic route. It connects the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is the only sea port for Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia and other countries. During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union established the Black Sea Strait as one of the most important maritime throats in the world. After the Cold War, NATO still regarded the Black Sea Strait as one of the strategic points of Eurasia.

The Turkish Strait is an important maritime traffic route. It connects the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is the only sea port for Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia and other countries. The gorge area has a Mediterranean climate, most of the year is calm and the waves are slow, the ocean currents are slow, there are few reefs, and the shipping conditions are superior. Therefore, maritime shipping is very busy, with about 40,000 passing ships and hundreds of warships each year, with a total tonnage of 400 million tons. Around (not including warships). The Turkish Strait is the throat of West Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe to the Black Sea. This unique geographical location makes it a must for military strategists no matter in the past, present or future. In the past two centuries, European powers have fought long and fiercely for control of the strait. For this reason, Russia has launched wars against Turkey several times, and British and French forces have also occupied the Strait area. In 1936, relevant countries held an international conference on the Turkish Strait and reached an agreement. It stipulates that ships of various countries can freely pass through the strait, and warships of countries along the Black Sea can also pass, with the exception of aircraft carriers, but there are certain restrictions on the passage of warships of non-Black Sea countries. Today, the Soviet Union disintegrates, the Warsaw Pact no longer exists, NATO is actively expanding eastward, and Turkey has joined NATO and became the southern wing of NATO. Therefore, the strategic position of the Turkish Strait has become increasingly prominent, and it has an important influence on the global strategy of the world's powers. For the Commonwealth of Independent States (mainly Russia), the Turkish Strait is a strategic barrier to the south of the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. It concerns the vital interests of the United States and NATO, so it will not be taken lightly. Therefore, the Turkish Strait has naturally become the focus of attention in the world today. After NATO disappeared, Turkey directly took over the entire strait. Although it is somewhat difficult to control such a strait in terms of its national power, countries in the world now have no extra time to manage them.

"Sir, our people in Turkey have sent back news that they want to be neutral and will not care about anyone's actions." Karelina couldn't help but feel indignant at these people in Turkey. If you don't care about what you want. , It should block the warring sea area, what is it now? It is impossible for the energy groups and the Americans to have redundant fleets entering the Black Sea. This regulation can only be convenient for Great Russia. It seems that Great Russia has also done a lot in Turkey.

"These unfamiliar wolves." Danny said bitterly. Li then remembered that Turkey was the little brother of the Americans before, and the relationship has always been good.

Turkey is a big country in the Middle East, which spans Europe and Asia

The strategic position is very important. After World War II, the relationship between Turkey and the United States got closer and closer. Turkey, based on Islam, joined NATO in 1952 and formed a strategic alliance with the United States. Turkey allowed the United States to establish military bases in its territory to monitor and collect intelligence on the former Soviet Union. However, with changes in the international and domestic situation, frictions have also appeared in US-Turkish relations. In 1975, the United States imposed a three-year arms embargo on Turkey because of its invasion of Cyprus, and the relationship between the two countries suddenly fell to the bottom. However, after the embargo was lifted, the strategic cooperation between the two countries also resumed immediately. From 1991 to 23 years, the US reconnaissance aircraft against Iraq flew from its base in Turkey.

In addition, Turkey has participated in several major Pentagon military cooperation projects, including the highly anticipated f-35 joint strike fighter. Turkey has invested 175 million US dollars and is expected to purchase one after the launch of the fighter; Turkey is also preparing to drop 16. 100 million US dollars to upgrade the existing more than 2 f. In addition, the Turkish government’s earlier announced military procurement projects for the United States, including the purchase of the Patriot III missile defense system for $1.3 billion, the purchase of 52 Black Hawk helicopters for $800 million, the purchase of 10 heavy helicopters for $500 million, and a total of between 152 billion US dollars, 30-50 Apache or Cobra combat helicopters.

During the Iraq War, the United States set up military bases and important military-related facilities in Turkey, with as many as 50 permanent military personnel. Although in 23 years when the United States used force against Iraq, Turkey, out of its own interests, refused to use the way to open up the northern battlefield. However, 70% of the air cargo sent by the United States to Iraq now uses Turkey’s Ingilli base to provide fuel for Iraq’s operations. One third passes through Turkish roads.

The relationship between Turkey and the United States is very complicated, and local people's sentiment against the United States is quite common. A recent public opinion survey shows that in 2037, Turkish people’s favorability towards the United States is only 11%, and this indicator is still 38% in 24 years. But the pro-American attitude of Turkish government officials is obvious. Although Turkey has long been a member of NATO, it has not yet joined the European Union. So after the establishment of Europa, Turkey did not take the pole to join, but the relationship with the Americans is not as good as before. Although the Americans still have troops in Turkey, they are not as good as before. Compared with the Great Freedom of China, there is now a lot of helplessness. This event is a rise, and they dare to help Great Russia, but Great Russia is a mortal enemy, and they have never fought less in history.

Historically, a series of wars between the Russian Empire and Ottoman Turkey in the 17th and 19th centuries to compete for the Caucasus, Balkans, Crimea, and the Black Sea lasted 241 years, with an average of less than 19 years. There was a large-scale war, 11 of which were important. Russia lost four and won seven. Although the captured territories were not large, only Moldova and the Caucasus were two small mountainous Christian countries, they attacked the authority of Ottoman Turkey and shaken its rule.

It stands to reason that Turkey used to be an empire spanning Eurasia, but now it can only be regarded as a big country in the Middle East. Especially during the Tenth Russian-Turkish War, it can be said that the two sides fought particularly tragically.

The Ottoman Empire (12991922) was once a great empire spanning Europe, Asia, and Africa. But by the second half of the 19th century, it had declined. In order to save the empire, Mustafa? People of insight led by Reichd Pasha and Midhart Pasha launched a series of salvation campaigns and carried out democratic reforms. At the end of 1875, the internal and external situation of the Ottoman Empire (12991922) deteriorated rapidly. There was a great famine in the northern and central regions of Asia Minor, the finances were on the verge of collapse, and the shadow of interference by the foreign powers enveloped the country. In this situation, the domestic political struggle has become fierce. On May 30, 1876, Abd? Aziz was overthrown, and Murad V was appointed as Sultan. Abdul on August 31? Hamid II succeeded the insane Murad as the Sultan. It became a Western style bourgeois constitutional monarchy, but ethnic contradictions spread under the banner of democracy. Uprisings broke out in Herzegovina, Bosnia and Bulgaria, and soon spread to Serbia and Montenegro, two Turkish vassal states. Turkey carried out a brutal suppression of the insurgents, but failed to control the changes in the situation in the northwestern Balkans, and its rule in the Balkans began to falter.

Faced with this situation, the three European powers, Russia, Austria, and Britain, expressed their special concerns. Russia, in particular, believes that the Crimean War of 18531856 caused itself to lose face but also lose its prestige and influence in the Balkans. It needs to find an opportunity to return to the Balkans and restore everything. More importantly, Russia wants to control the Bosphorus Strait, the throat that enters the Black Sea from the Mediterranean, by controlling the Balkans, so as to open up the only sea port in the southwest that it has sought for a long time. Therefore, it took pleasure in the deterioration of the situation in Turkey and actively intervened.

Under the banners of “saving the Christians under the oppression of the Turkish Empire” and “protecting the Slavic brothers”, the Tsarist government first exerted pressure on the Turkish government through diplomatic channels, but the effect was not significant. Its proposal to collectively protect the Slavs was opposed by the British supported by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Later, he proposed to implement autonomy in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Bulgaria, but it was rejected by Turkey.

Relying on Britain's backing support, Turkey tried to completely defeat the insurgents and Serbia and Montenegro, which declared war on Turkey on June 30, 1976. When the situation on the battlefield was clearly in favor of the Turkish government, the Czar officially declared war on Turkey on April 24, 1977. In May, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro all announced their participation in Russia and jointly fight against Turkey.

On the eve of the war, Russia had 48 infantry divisions with a total of 720,000 and 30 artillery, forming 16 corps. According to Secretary of State Dmitry? Alekseyevich? The combat plan formulated by Miliutin launched 9 armies on the front line, of which 2 armies 100,000 people formed the Caucasus Army, composed of Emperor Mikhail? Under the command of Grand Duke Nikolaevich, the militia groups in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Osetia and other places joined the Caucasus Army and took the defensive. Concentrating 300,000 people from 7 armies on the Danube front, Russian general Nicholas? Grigorievich? The Bulgarian militia under the command of Stoletov also joined the Danube Army. It is expected that the Turkish army will not exceed 150,000 on the battlefield due to the division of troops to suppress the Bulgarians. The Russian army can quickly break through the Balkan Mountains and rush to the West with twice the number advantage. Before the reaction, he broke through Istanbul and decided the battle. The commander of the Danube Army is the old brother Nicholas? Grand Duke Nikolaevich, but the Russian Tsar Alexander II and the entire court were with him. In fact, it was Chief of Staff Milyutin who commanded the battle.

After the military reform of the Ottoman Empire (12991922), the entire army had 406,000 858 guns, of which 280,000 were concentrated in Europe. Abdul? Krim? Commanded by Nadir Pasha. 126,000 in Asia, by Ahmed? Mukhtar? Commanded by Pasha. Turkey The Turkish Black Sea Fleet has 22 armored ships, 82 non-armored ships, 763 naval guns, and 15,000 officers and men. It has an advantage over the newly built Russian Black Sea Fleet in terms of quality. The commander is a British convert to Islam Hobart Pa Xia, ordered to block the Black Sea. Considering that army soldiers are not enough to attack, they are determined to rely on the four corners of the Danube and the Balkan Mountains to defend in depth, and wait for assistance from Western countries. The Russian army has an advantage over the Turkish army in terms of military organization, troop training, quality of commanders, and troop morale, but it is inferior to the Turkish army in terms of the quality of weapons and equipment, because the Turkish army’s weapons come from Britain, Germany, and the United States.

After the start of the war, the Russian army was like a smashing bamboo, and captured a large area of ​​Turkish territory in one fell swoop. The victory of the Russian army caused panic in Britain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire 719. British Benjamin? The Disraeli government sent a British Royal Navy squadron to the Sea of ​​Marmara in a posture of breaking up, which forced Russia to abandon its plan to advance to Constantinople. On January 31, the warring parties signed an armistice agreement, and on March 3, 1878, the Treaty of San Stefano was signed. The treaty was created by Russian Foreign Minister Alexander? Mikhailovich? Gorchakov, the Tsar and others concocted in advance, for Turkey, it is completely an alliance under the city, without any room for maneuver. The treaty stipulates: Turkey recognizes the complete independence of Montenegro, Serbia and Romania; recognizes that Bosnia and Herzegovina has gained autonomy but still remains in the Turkish territory; establishes a great Bulgarian state and allows Russian forces to exist in Bulgaria; The southwestern part of Rabia was returned to Russia, and Kars, Batumi Ardahan and Bayazit were incorporated into the Russian territory; the rules of the Bosphorus Strait were revised to allow the passage of warships from Russia and other Black Sea coastal countries.

The signing of the "San Stefano Peace Treaty" has aroused strong dissatisfaction among Britain, Austria and other countries. They jointly put pressure on Russia and asked it to spit out the fruit that it had swallowed. German Prime Minister Otto? Feng? Bismarck stepped up to mediate, claiming to be an honest middleman. Because the balance of power was extremely unfavorable to Russia, Russia was forced to reconfirm the "Berlin Treaty" with the great powers and make a major amendment to the "San Stefano Peace Treaty": Great Bulgaria change Became Little Bulgaria; the Bosphorus is still closed to Russian ships. Russia's influence in the Balkans has been contained, and its attempt to develop naval forces in the direction of the Mediterranean has once again failed. It only reclaimed the territory ceded in the Crimean War. The "Berlin Treaty" also stipulated that Turkey ceded Cyprus to Britain, while Bosnia and Herzegovina was transferred to the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is essentially a partial partition of Turkey, but it is far from resolving many extremely important Balkan conflict issues. It was the many decisions it made that later became the various conflicts that played an important role in promoting the outbreak of the First World War.

Let’s not talk about the other powers. In Turkey’s view, their weakness started from this point. Everything started because of the Russian offensive. It can be said that they are feuds, but why did they help Great Russia this time?

"Danny, the situation is very urgent now. I need you to understand that we cannot have any reservations. Although we have no specific information, I can be sure that the current situation in the Mediterranean is that the two houses are joining forces, Europa and Red. Cedar has joined forces. We are stronger in the world than they are, but we don’t have that ability in the Mediterranean. You have been operating in Turkey for so many years. Don’t tell me that you can’t block the Turkish Strait.” Li Cong looked close to Turkey. The Great Russian Black Sea Fleet in the strait said that if they do come out, Europa’s fleet will enter the sea again, and the strength comparison can reach at least one to one and a half, plus the shore-based aircraft along the way, so the energy group and the Americans However, there is no advantage at all. Europa's blockade is really ruthless, and it directly leaves the energy group and the Americans without any support from the sea.

"I understand, but I hope that Mr. Li's power in the area around the Black Sea can be dispatched by me." Danny is not a nonsense person. Compared with most of the Skull and Bones members, Li Cong still likes this person very much. The style of work, Karelina was immediately asked to assist him, time is urgent, but now it can not afford to delay, a few hours later, the Russian fleet may be out of the Black Sea.

Li has never wanted to contact the old acquaintances from the Sequoia Tree. Those people over there want to kill him now. How can they discuss things with him? If it weren't for him, they might have survived. The things that have been sold for so many years will not be directly pulled by himself. It is precisely because of the robbery that Li now has a special diamond exhibition hall. If you let those who sell jewelry see it, they will be unable to pull their legs immediately. Up.

Soon after Danny left, Li Cong also received a notice that the strategic transportation air force in the United States began to start, and about thousands of tons of materials began to fly towards the station of the First Division. They may have to refuel in the Middle East. They flew directly to They also understood that the current situation is not so easy to mess with the past, it needs a protracted battle, the first division, the energy group will not have any assistance Yes, they can only rely on themselves.

In a certain air force base in the United States, dozens of large 35 transport aircraft carrying a large number of weapons and ammunition began to lift off. Next to them, hundreds of f35 and the newly developed f37 multi-purpose aircraft escorted them. The mission was to send the necessary weapons and ammunition to the first division, so that they could withstand the first wave of offensive. In the next few days, these pilots may have to eat and stay on the plane, and their fatigue will be for the first division. The medal is adding a few pieces.

At the same time, the energy group's sales channels in Europe also began to send thousands of tons of fuel to Sicily. During the war, energy has always occupied the largest transportation. Although Li Cong said that he would not care about the first division, But it is still possible within the scope of his permission. According to the agreement between Li Cong and other countries, as long as he does not interrupt the energy supply to the countries, he can use energy at will, even in the territory of his hostile country. Europa knew that these thousands of tons of energy would kill at least tens of thousands of them when they arrived in the hands of the First Division, but they didn't have the guts to stop Li Cong, because an energy embargo might kill them.



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