Energy Group

Chapter 1416:

1416 Inspecting the African Legion

Power politics of great powers is produced in this way. A person who is not capable has to rely on a powerful person, but this is not in vain. This powerful person will also make his own requirements at certain times, such as At this time, Richard? The energy group represented by Liang has seen everything in Egypt at this time. At this time, they have no way to go. Don't say that they give them such preferential treatment. Even if they don't give it to them, they have no way at this moment. [This chapter is updated by netizens]

Richard? After Liang and the Egyptians agreed on all this, did a guest come to Richard? Liang was a little surprised. This person who came in was the representative of Turkey, the head of the Turkish delegation this time, and the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep? Taipu? Erdogan, although this guy used to be Richard? Liang hasn't heard of it, but from his appearance, he knows that this guy is a very experienced person. He has guessed some of the purpose of coming here, and he must be relying on his own three-inch tongue to make his country. Wandering among these big countries, I hope to bring some good luck to my country, so that my country will not suffer so much.

Recep? Taipu? Erdogan (gan) once served as the mayor of Istanbul, Turkey. He was born poor but aggressive and firm-willed. He is a devout Muslim. In November 2022, his Justice and Development Party won the Turkish parliamentary election and obtained the right to form a separate cabinet. But Erdogan was convicted of anti-secular charges and sentenced to 4 months imprisonment and 5 years in politics for reading pro-fundamentalist poems at a public gathering in 2018, so he could not become a candidate for prime minister. According to Erdogan’s proposal, Gul, the vice chairman of the Justice and Development Party, formed the 58th government in Turkish history.

Recep? Taipu? Erdogan was born in Istanbul on February 26, 1984, and graduated from the School of Economics and Trade of Marmara University. Former chairman of the Istanbul Party of the Virtue Party. Elected Mayor of Istanbul in March 2014. In 1998, the Turkish National Security Court deprived Erdogan of his remarks of "inciting religious hatred" and sentenced him to 10 months in prison. In August 2021, Erdogan and the Virtue Party's young and strong advocates jointly created the Justice and Development Party and served as chairman. After the Justice and Development Party won the Turkish parliamentary election in November 2022, the Turkish Supreme Court of Appeal restored him to politics. On March 9, 2023, Egypt participated in the local assembly by-election and was elected as a member. On the 11th of the same month, the former prime minister and vice chairman of the Justice and Development Party Abdullah? Gul resigned, Ahmed? Nejdet? President Cezer appointed Egypt as prime minister and authorized the formation of a cabinet. On July 22, 2027, Turkey held parliamentary elections. The ruling Justice and Development Party won 46.5% of the votes and won 340 of the 550 seats in the parliament, more than half of the seats in the parliament, once again achieving one-party governance. On July 23, Erdogan handed over his resignation to President Sezer and resigned from the position of Prime Minister of the 59th term. At the same time, he said that he will continue to lead the detention policy until the new policy is established. On August 6, President Sezer authorized him to form the 60th New Deal Day, and the Turkish New Deal was established, and Erdogan became prime minister again. Erdogan is married and has two sons and two nv.

Another characteristic of this man is that he is a staunch nationalist. What he imagines in his mind is to reproduce the style of Ottoman Turkey. It’s just that this man is a bit out of time, and now Turkey is not at that time. Skilled, among the surrounding countries, it can be regarded as a powerful country in a region, and nobody around them dares to fight against them. It’s just that this guy has attracted such a bunch of powerful countries, which is not a good thing. None of these can be settled by them.

"Mr. Recep, I don’t know what is going on when you come to me so late? If I remember correctly, the conference did not arrange for the two of us to meet. As you know, I can do everything. It's very compliant. "Richard? Liang elegantly spread out the tablecloth in front of him. He has a little affection for this guy. After all, he just promised the Egyptians to eat with them. Now you have broken my rules. , It’s strange if he has a good impression of you. Although he doesn’t care what the Egyptians think, but he really values ​​what he says, right now you’re doing something wrong.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Richard, I also know that it is very rude to come to meet you without an appointment. I am actually forced to come here. The representatives of Great Russia just came to me to talk, they Said that as long as our country gives up the ownership of the Turkish Strait, we can go back honestly. We will have nothing to do. I think this matter is also related to your energy group. You know that we are like Great Russia. The aggressive countries do not have any common language. The strategic position of the Black Sea is also very important. I think you will definitely be interested.” This guy thought the news he brought was very useful, but there was no Wait for Richard? Liang sat down at the order, and when he looked at himself, he felt that he was still very effective.

"Really? This matter has nothing to do with me, Mr. Recep. I don’t care what kind of agreement you have with them. It seems that these are not matters within my jurisdiction. When I came here to attend the meeting, The senior executives of our group have expressed very clear attitude towards this meeting. You put it plainly on the other side of the meeting. I am not interested in your place, and I know why you are here. It depends on the Americans and Russians. Why did you come to me? I think you are smarter than me. You must be because they didn’t satisfy you. Actually, it’s really important, but I’m not capable, sorry. Yes, see off. "Richard? Liang did not feel that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This somewhat qualified Mr. Prime Minister would never have thought that this guy would treat him like this. Some of the words he had in his mind before seemed useless at all, his face It was too embarrassing.

To be honest, Richard looks down on such people the most. He doesn’t have any capital in his hands and wants to rely on his own brain to cause disputes among others. If such a person encounters a greedy person, it may be effective. When a reasonable person is reached, no one will get involved. Richard has already seen clearly that such a small place cannot be entered if he wants to mix it up. There is no safe place around it. It was originally there. It’s not a good place. Now that the Great Russia and the Americans are added, if you are mingling, you have to prepare for the war at any time, and it is not a small war. The two empires may have to start a local battle. Military āo flow.

"Mr. Richard, what if we are willing to give you the right to manage the Turkish Strait?" This guy still didn't give up when he came out of mén. If there were only two competing for their own interests, they would not be able to seek their own interests because of this. They can see the true colors of the two companies. If the energy group can be pulled up, the three will be a three-nation situation. Maybe they still have room to survive, but the guy in front of them is beyond their control. That is the kind of people who are not greedy.

"Hehe, I always don’t like to speculate on such assumptions. The Turkish Strait is originally your site. We can’t pass. If you have to let us pass, it’s okay. Our group actually has a control plan. We are going to station more than 100,000 soldiers around the strait. If you can agree, we will have no objection. "Richard? Liang Kan knew that they would reject this statement without even having to look at it. As long as a sovereign country would never allow other countries to have 100,000 troops stationed on its own territory, their entire country would not be complete. Yes, originally the Americans and the Russians just wanted a strait. Maybe the source group wanted their entire country. Thinking of this, the Prime Minister went out directly, and there was no need to stay at all. Everything seems to be in the eyes of this young man, that feeling is very bad.

The territory of the Republic of Turkey includes the Anatolian Peninsula in West Asia and the Eastern Sères region in the Balkan Peninsula. It is a country that straddles Europe and Asia. It borders the Black Sea to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, Syria and Iraq to the southeast, the Aegean Sea to the west, Greece and Bulgaria, and Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran to the east. Looking at the countries and regions around him, almost none of them are safe. If the energy group doesn’t have so many things, it wouldn’t be a big deal to win there. It’s just that it’s better to have one thing less in this troubled time. If it’s true It may be the place where the world war broke out.

At the beginning of the meeting the next day, without waiting for everyone to sit down, the Egyptian representative stood up and said, "Everyone, we have reached an agreement with the energy group. The specific content will be sent to you later, and we will also consider it. After that, the following content of the meeting has nothing to do with us, so we are not attending. We have also entrusted the energy group to sign the final meeting. Thank you." A few short words directly let Europa and the Americans Faces have changed drastically, they would never have thought that these Egyptians would be fully oriented towards energy groups. The current society does not need people from Qin Muchu. They dare to declare this in front of several big countries because they have their ideas, so this That said, it counts, and the energy group will not give them a chance to go back. If someone observes the satellite image of the Red Sea at this time, they can find that an aircraft carrier formation of the energy group has arrived and will arrive in Egypt in a few days. Offshore.

"Mr. Richard, are they true?" Robert seemed a little disbelief. After all, they had done a lot of hard work on Egypt before, but they never thought it would be so easy. It's a reversal, and it's still so thorough. It's not that I didn't talk to them like this before, but the final result was not so satisfactory.

"Yes, they did sign a contract with us, and we will fully cooperate with Egypt in the future, so just ask us directly about their matters. If you don't understand anything, I can explain it." Richard? Liang said with a smile, looking like a good old man, but at this time everyone saw his smile and couldn't wait to punch him directly. How did this guy do it?

"What does it mean that Port Said is under military control by the energy group?" Robert asked a question as soon as he got the contract. This question is also something most people want to understand. Danny and several Americans also asked From this point of view, in their view, they also want to get the Suez Canal, but the Americans also know that they don’t have so much power to compete for so many places, just like the energy group doesn’t deal with Turkey. They It is also powerless.

"Hehe, there is really a problem with Mr. Robert's ability to understand. I think this can be understood very well by children of our age." Richard? Liang Le said a cold joke, but no one in this hall laughed. Who would laugh now? Everyone is not a fool, just waiting for this guy's explanation.

"Everyone, as everyone knows, Port Said is a very important port. The Suez Canal can be controlled here. The cause of this war is that the Suez Canal was blocked. Therefore, our energy group feels that this matter cannot be allowed to continue. If we go down, we have to sort it out. The friends in Egypt also feel that they don’t have the ability to continue to be responsible here, so we provoke this burden. If others don’t do the dirty work, let us Energy Group. Let's do it, we decided to send a squadron, plus the army and air force, with a total of hundreds of thousands of people, to take over Port Said. "Richard? Liang said it lightly, but the impression given to other people was bad. At this moment, Robert had to burst his blood vessels. How could this person do this? This is simply a robber.

Richard quietly gave Danny next to him a look, and the meaning was very clear, and asked her to nod her support. As long as the nv person supports her to obtain the Suez Canal, then he will fully support things in Turkey. The alliance was formed during the meeting, but it was a bit sloppy. Danny is not an ordinary person. Although he also wants to oppose the energy group at this time, he also knows the energy group’s ability. If they really take a fancy to Serbia In the case of Hong Kong, I am afraid that you can not drive them away with a few words of objection, so at this time, it is better to look at their own actual interests. Since they can help themselves to capture the Turkish Strait, why not do it.

"I think this method is good. The Suez Canal is indeed very important. The Egyptians really do not have this responsibility. I think Mr. Richard's words are very reasonable, so I very much agree with it, but we don't want to All eyes are on the Suez Canal. The location of the Turkish Strait is also very important. I think we Americans might as well help the Turks?" Danny looked at Richard after he said it? Liang, that means I helped you just now, you have to help me now, Richard? Liang nodded. Since he has given up, I will just give it to you. In this room, it seems that you and us are the temporary alliance, and the other people can't wait to kill us directly.

"No, we Turkey will not abandon our strait. You have no right to make any decisions for us. We Turks are not those of the hateful Egyptians. We have the ability to manage our own territory. Hope You Americans, don’t act rashly, otherwise we will sacrifice everything to defend ourselves.” The prime minister heard what the Americans said, and he didn’t care whether he had a say or not, so he immediately stood up and opposed it. Tell him that he has no right to speak, but now that the most important things about the country are gone, he can’t be so harsh on them. It’s better to be honest at this time. The prime minister of the province really Angry words will violently hurt people, and such things have not happened before.

"Yes, our Great Russia has always supported this kind of independent behavior. Your two families are basically aggression. This is an infringement of a sovereign country. The Turkish Strait is clearly their own. The owner of the family has said that they can come by themselves. Dominating this region, I don’t think you can be so prestigious, right?” Maybe this happened so quickly that the representatives of Great Russia didn’t have time to comprehend the matter, and they all changed their speeches not so well. Gentleman style, now it's like a speculator.

"Haha, your Great Russia has always supported independence? If I remember correctly, your former land was the Principality of Moscow, but why is it now the largest country in the world?" A U.S. representative said loudly, his words making it difficult The representative of Great Russia blushed a little bit. What people said is correct. To say that the greatest pursuit of territories in the world is Great Russia. Their country has slowly expanded from a small place to the present big country. It is still a great irony to say that we support independence and self-reliance here. People who steal things and call them to catch thieves have all kinds of things these days.

"We Europa also do not approve of this matter. Although Turkey is not a member of Europa, they have already applied for it. We can pass it. If we pass, it is now under the jurisdiction of Europa. We are I won’t agree to this matter.” Robert seems to have thought of an opportunity to speak, and what he said is also a reason. Although the Turkish Prime Minister did not want to join Europa on such an occasion, it is better than losing Turkey. The strait is good. Joining Europa has always been the wish of the people of the whole country, but Turkey without the Turkish Strait, will Europa still want them?

Originally Richard? This guy Liang wanted to continue to be so silent, but seeing Danny’s eyes he would have to "see" himself to death, and he could not be so unkind. What people said just now was a bit of a bit of himself. Richard? Liang straightened up straight and was about to speak. At this time, Gogol of Europa saw that he was about to speak, and he immediately took the conversation. He knew that if the energy group spoke out, it would be equivalent to taking care of this matter. , If Europa continues to not give face, it should not be necessary for the energy group to have a stalemate with Europa. The situation at this time is that the energy group should not participate in it. After all, the interests of the energy group have already been completed at this time. , There is no need to continue wandering in the muddy water.

"Everyone, let me say a few words. My name is Gogol. I am the representative of Europa. I didn't want to speak at first, but now I have a question. I need to remind everyone. Our 15th Airborne Division had already set off ten minutes ago. Yes, their destination is Istanbul. Europa has begun to accept Turkey as a member of ours. What we do is legal. We still keep the documents that Turkey gave us back then. It says as long as we Here I agree that I can accept them at any time.” Gogol’s words were not very long, unlike those who are good at foreign language, but his words quieted the audience. Blitz is very popular now, but they are all. In the energy group and the Americans, I didn't expect Europa to have this ability, and they were so courageous that they did it during the summit, and it seemed that the prime minister did not know about this.

Richard? Liang was not angry at this time. On the contrary, he smiled at Gogol. This incident was really thrilling. He almost let the group in. If he expressed his position before then, he would have to pay more. Chad could only smile at Danny on the side. He was powerless, but it was absolutely fine to move his mouth. But if the mobilization of troops was used, this would not be what he could call the shots. Dan on the side. Although Ni was depressed, he knew that he would definitely do things like that when he changed his position. This is all human nature. How could it be possible that he would break his muscles and bones without benefit.

Originally, the meeting might continue in the direction of the Americans, but Gogol’s words directly stopped the meeting. The U.S. representatives almost yelled at them, but the representatives of Europa did not respond at all. If you really have the skills There is nothing to say about the start of the fight. Just fight. Anyway, I haven't played before. Europa suffered because it was not ready to go. Now people are preemptive. It doesn't matter whether the contract is signed or not. The meeting is once again suspended indefinitely.

All major forces are strengthening their strength on the front line. During the recess, Li Cong once again dispatched more than 19,000 people from two regiments of the African Army to Corsica, and supported the United States from his original position in Sicily. More than 3,000 troops were transferred back to Corsica, and there were major changes in the Gibraltar area. In addition to the original independent regiment, 8,000 people were improvised from several bases in Europe. The navy is not a short time. It can be strengthened in half a while.

The Americans are not fools. Naturally, they have dispatched 30,000 troops to strengthen their defenses in Sicily. In addition, the three aircraft carriers of the US Atlantic Fleet led a large number of younger brothers towards Europe, and they rushed towards Europe and negotiated peace. Basically everything is over. The only difference is that this time the energy group got what they needed, that is, the Suez Canal. At this time, Egypt also regretted how they agreed to the energy group’s contract. If they can wait calmly. There may not be so many things in a day and a half, but it’s not so easy for them to repent. If they really repent at this moment, the fleet in the Red Sea is not vegetarian either. There are hundreds of missiles on it. If they all send out, it is estimated that the entire Cairo will be a sea of ​​flames.

Dozens of fighters from the 15th and 18th Squadrons of the U.S. Air Force also set off from the United States and flew towards the airstrip in Gibraltar. On Corsica, the airstrip of the Energy Group was also established. 52 fighters from various places also arrived, and the atmosphere of the war was very strong.

At this time, Li Cong did not pay attention to the situation in Europe. He was busy with his own business, which was inspecting the largest system in the energy group military system, the African Legion.

The African Legion of the Energy Group can be said to be the first batch of combat organizations in the entire group. Now the African Legion is still the largest combat unit in the entire group. The entire African Legion is divided into two parts, one is the African garrison and the other is the combat unit.

Among them, the garrison troops are stationed in 172 large and small bases in Africa. Some are in more prosperous cities, some are in desolate areas, and some are even in virgin forests and deserts. These are all for combat needs. The army accounts for about 30% of the entire African Legion, with about 600,000 people. The combat strength is very strong, and it fights with some local armed and tribal troops almost every day.

The other part is the combat troops, including the army, navy, and air force. The 1.3 million troops are organized into ten combat divisions and nine independent regiments. They are stationed in several large barracks in Africa. They are all relatively convenient areas. If they want, they can deploy to any corner of the world within a week. Of course, there is still a big gap with Li Cong's requirements.

In terms of weapons and equipment, the entire African Legion can also be said to be the best in the energy group military system. Each soldier can average two guns, one pistol and one submachine gun, and their training is basically The best, for no other reason, is because there is the most powerful military factory of the energy group on the African continent, and their consumption is not limited at all, so their combat effectiveness can also be said to be the strongest, of course, the overall If it is a separate unit, it is still the strongest guards. From now on, Li is inspecting the first division of the Chinese Army of the African Army. The 100,000 combat units stand majestic on the training ground and accept Li Cong's inspection.

"I see a lot of face-saving projects like this. I don’t want to see things like this. Let’s go out. Start with you and come out one hundred. This is my shìwei number one. The subordinates persisted for more than ten minutes, with a bonus of 100,000 per person, and the entire African Army has rewards. If it doesn’t work, you will all give me a 20km cross-country today." Li Cong smiled and said to several senior generals in the African Army. No. One glanced at Li Cong with some dissatisfaction. It was himself again, but he still moved his muscles a bit and entered the training ground with a pistol and a magazine.

The training bombs used by the Energy Group are different from those of other countries. The training bombs of the Energy Group are all charged. They are no different from ordinary bullets in appearance, but when they hit people, they don’t touch any tuning equipment. , But directly releases an electric current. In addition to electronic identification and exit from the exercise, the hit guy will also have a shock for ten minutes to half an hour. Although it does not cause much harm to the body, it can also make people To experience pain in an instant, this is what Li Cong meant. Death in training is also dead. Energy Group Africa Corps also has a system that as long as you are killed in the exercise, you have to pay 500 yuan for yourself. The guy who killed you was of course done through a computer. No one knows who killed you. If you really want to find it, millions of troops may have to find you for a lifetime.

These high-ranking officials naturally know what the No. 1 is capable of, but the soldiers don’t know. Although the guards around the president are more powerful, they are not necessarily so powerful. It is estimated that things like one enemy and one hundred will appear. In the novel, this situation is absolutely impossible. Li Cong grinned as he watched the unconvinced lads. He asked people to come to a few chairs, then sat down and started watching. What is the situation of this group's strongest army? Does it usually live by bragging, or it really has its own strength?

"President, you look at them too high, you know what No. 1 is capable of." As the commander of the African Army, Liu Zhi has to stand up and speak to his boys at this time. The abnormal No. 1 used to be in the south. In a training camp in the Pacific, he had a score of one to five hundred and eighty-six. Such a scene was a very simple matter for him.

"Hehe, General Liu Zhi, I think you underestimate your own lads. Maybe they will give you a surprise. Let's sit down and take a look. I brought a few bottles. Good red wine, let’s taste it.” Li Cong snapped his fingers as he said, and a portable refrigerator was carried over by a few people. From it, he took out a few wine glasses and some expensive red wines. These red wines are definitely Both are more than one hundred thousand bottles. For his life, Li Cong will definitely enjoy it.

The other generals are not very clear about the true strength of No.1. At this moment, I heard Liu Zhi say that all of their faces are a little bit awkward, and this one hundred to one word is called to be killed. Then people like yourself But the face is gone, just wait to be ashamed when the time comes, and the African Army’s individual communication system is in the process of applying. If it passes, everyone can bring a communication device, just like the special forces. And it can also receive satellite signals. Of course, for the sake of confidentiality, a program that only you know can be used. The computer also has an automatic identification system. This is the case if the soldier is captured or killed in battle. The receiving system immediately stopped. Such a complex system weighs less than one kilogram in total, but contains dozens of complex computer chips. It can be said to be very expensive. The cost of each is based on the energy group. According to the production standard, it is at least three thousand US dollars. The report of the entire African Legion is to purchase 1.5 million units, which is billions of dollars. The boss chooses this time to verify the combat effectiveness of the African Legion. Is this plan approved? When they came down, they knew another big army, the Burmese Army also reported, and in the contest at the beginning of the year, their African Army lost to the Myanmar Army.

"General Liu Zhi, how much is the combat capability of the First Division in the African Army?" Li Cong took a sip of wine and looked at the display. It showed that in less than five minutes, No. 1 had already killed ten. Alone, the faces of the boys who entered no longer have the original calmness. At this time, they are all leaning together and searching slowly. The tactics are very good, but Li Cong knows if this continues. It is estimated that the final result can only be the destruction of the entire army, which has appeared in several previous training camps, so Li Cong would not worry at all. The reason why he did it was to make these proud. The soldiers of the army understand what is happening to them now.

"If it's an overall battle and use their full combat power, I dare say that in our entire army, except for those perverted guards, they can fight." Liu Zhi thought for a while and said, this is not his own. Bragging, but telling the truth. After all, in some competitions, the first division does have this qualification. Even if chōu has transferred most of the outstanding soldiers into the guards, their combat capability is still the entire Africa. The strongest in the legion.

"Is this the strongest result? Seven minutes have passed, and their casualties have been one-third." Li Cong raised his hand and looked at his watch. The soldiers inside were not panicked at this time. It is still searching step by step, and the defense is also very good. It can be said that this is the best one in the army that has fought against No.1. Many people feel the stabbing at this time, and No.1 also feels this. The First Division is really in stock. If the guards were not transferred to chōu, maybe he would lose Maicheng here today.

The other officers have watched the time for seven minutes, and there are two-thirds of them, and they will definitely win in ten minutes. At this time, a sudden explosion blew up their dreams with a loud noise. , The explosion inside directly reimbursed dozens of people, and now there are less than 30 people left in two minutes, and taking advantage of the smoke from the explosion, the number one killed five more people, leaving 20 Many people, at this time, they haven't figured out the specific location of Number One. It can be said that the pressure of the gods has reached the limit, and each of them is soaked in sweat, and a small sound can make them shake for a long time.

Li Cong can also see that the First Division is different from the other units, but the rest of these people are absolutely impossible for more than ten minutes, "Generals, your training needs to be strengthened again, you take off your dresses. , Put on off-road outfits, and completed the 20-kilometer off-road with the soldiers. Below General Liu Zhi, all the generals of the African Army will complete it for me." Li Cong tidied his clothes and faced the generals. The brilliant generals said, there are a few potbellied guys who want to say something, Li Cong then said, "You have the right to give up, UU reading take off your military uniforms, the group will give you one year's salary, Then the sky is high and the bird flies, and I won’t force anyone else.” After hearing this, no one was vague. They immediately went back to organize their troops. As for the dozen people inside, they were all in the end. They were killed in one minute. Of course, they were better than others. They didn't break down at the last moment. There will always be people with weak psychological qualities elsewhere.

"Your skills have regressed. These people make you so embarrassed?" Li Cong frowned as he looked at the muddy No.1. In his impression, the last time No.1 won the game with more than 500 people was also Not so embarrassed in front of me.

"Sir, didn't you see it just now? In other units, as long as they have more than half of their casualties, there is basically no organization. I can deal with them arbitrarily, but what about this unit in front of me? You saw it, until the last five. Personally, they were still a combat team. Several times, I might not be able to protect them at night. Don't ask me to do this in the future. I am afraid of such troop troops." One lowered his head and picked up Li Cong. He drank the glass of wine and said, just now he really felt the power of this unit. The first trump card of the African Legion is not a joke. It definitely has its own strength. He saw it very clearly, but Li Cong Not in it, you can't see clearly. If all the soldiers of the Guards were there, you wouldn't be able to come out alive.


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