Energy Group

Chapter 1419:

In fact, this is only the development cost. If it is calculated during the war, it will be even more. The cost of modern warfare has been calculated since the Iraq War. At that time, the report of the United States a confirmed that modern warfare is true. It's not something people without money can fight.

The development and procurement of weapons and equipment is only one of the many tasks in preparation for war. Once these equipment truly begin to enter the battlefield and become war machines, the burning of money will be greatly accelerated.

Since the "September 11" incident in 2001, as of February 2005, the United States has allocated a total of 346 billion U.S. dollars in additional funding for the "War on Terrorism." The high-tech wars carried out by the US military and its coalition forces cost a lot of dollars. During the Iraq War, only one armored division or infantry division of the U.S. Army consumed an average of 5,000 tons of ammunition, 2,000 tons of fresh water, 80,000 tons of food, and 600,000 gallons of oil per day in a full-speed assault. Bigger.

In the first 15 days of the fiercest fighting, hundreds of thousands of American and British troops spent hundreds of millions of dollars every day, and the United States spent 300 million dollars on the first day of the war. In this war, due to the special military operations, in order to meet the needs of ground combat, each soldier was also equipped with self-equipment worth nearly 7,400 US dollars. According to statistics, an American soldier’s combat uniform is worth $56, a bulletproof vest is $1,584, a helmet is $139, a field backpack is $400, an m4 rifle equipped with an infrared scope is $900, a rocket launcher and a flashlight are $920, and a night vision device costs $3,500. Only half a month after the start of the war, the U.S.-British Alliance wrote that the fighter jets projected more than 8,700 precision-guided bombs and missiles, costing at least $1.1 billion. The average cost of launching a Tomahawk cruise missile is at least US$1.2 million. In the first 15 days, 700 were launched. This alone is equivalent to throwing 86 tons of gold into Iraq.

The Iraq War continues to this day. Although the main war operations have already been declared over, the huge consumption is still increasing day by day. Although different agencies have different conclusions based on different calculation methods, these huge numbers only illustrate one problem. The United States and Britain are both a heavy burden. The U.S. Congressional Budget Office recently released a research report stating that since the entry of the U.S. and British teams into Iraq in 2003 and up to June this year, the U.S. and Britain have invested approximately $5,000 to $1 in the battlefield in Iraq. The combined forces of the United States and Britain spend nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars on the Iraqi battlefield every month, which is equivalent to 4,000 U.S. dollars per second. If calculated separately, Britain spends an average of 160 million U.S. dollars on the battlefield in Iraq each month, or $62 per second. In 2007, the United States will allocate 36 million U.S. dollars to the UN refugee agency, which is not enough to cover the three hours spent by the US-British coalition forces on the Iraqi battlefield.

Joseph Stieglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics at Columbia University in the United States, believes that all US investment in the Iraq War will exceed two trillion US dollars. This means that every U.S. citizen, including fùru, has to bear an average of US$6,600. The "New York Times" also pointed out that during the preparations for the Iraq war, US Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld estimated that the total cost of the war was only about $50 billion. Today, if the U.S. military stays in Iraq for an extra second, American taxpayers will spend an extra $6,300.

War is the continuation of politics, and the development of military technology and equipment is also a gradual process. Every step of the opening of the war and the development of the army requires huge amounts of money, even if it’s just equipment updates. From this perspective, war In addition to spiritual confrontation, the contest between the two sides is a battle of financial resources. After all, the poor soldiers cannot be military. Li Cong also understands this truth. Although the group now has sufficient financial support, Li Cong does not want his group to be in a dilemma because of the war.

In the war, the heavy-armed groups fighting tragically, the precision assault long-range missiles, the sea formations that slash the waves, the new-type fighter planes flying in the air, the various satellites in the deep space, etc. are indispensable and important elements for a perfect war picture. . If you look at it from another angle, these tanks, warships, aircraft, satellites and other equipment consume not only fuel and atomic energy, but also money. In the eyes of people who are skilled in computing, the development and actual use of warfare and military technology and equipment is actually a vortex that swallows money. The term main battle equipment is no different from a giant gold swallowing beast.

People who can calculate the cost of war generally look at the problem rationally. The Americans were not able to grasp the cost of war well before, so they did not calculate this this time. What they want is to give people like Europa a head and let them understand Who are they fighting against? Do you have that ability? Their fighter planes are already over Spain at this time. Compared with Bulgaria, they are quite different. Spain can be said to be a key point of Europa, although it may not catch up with Britain, France and Germany. The three main constituent countries, but it is also a very eye-catching member among the second-tier countries.

Spain (Spanish: deespa 愀) is a country located in southwestern Europe. It is bordered by Portugal on the Iberian Peninsula to the west, the Bay of Biscay to the north, France and Andorra to the northeast, and the Strait of Gibraltar and Africa to the south. Of Morocco facing each other. Its territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic, and Ceuta and Melilla in Africa. The coastline is about 7,800 kilometers long. The territory is mountainous and is one of the highest mountain countries in Europe. In modern history, Spain is an important cultural birthplace and became a global empire that influenced the world in the 16th century. Spain is a medium-developed industrial country in the world today and has a relatively complete market economy. Its gross national product ranks among the top European countries, but its per capita level is not high in the EU.

The Royal Spanish Air Force (e) is one of the former armed forces of the Kingdom of Spain. The air power component of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Implement an air defense unity system. Mainly responsible for homeland air defense and support ground forces combat tasks. In 1911, Spain established the Army Air Force and Flight School. In 1914, the design and production of aircraft began. In 1927, the Army Air Force had 600 aircraft. In 1936, a civil war broke out in Spain. The Soviet Union, France, Britain, the United States, Italy, Germany and other countries provided aircraft or sent aviation troops to support the air operations of both sides of the civil war. On November 9, 1939, Spain established an independent air force. During World War II, training was strengthened and several air force academies were established. At the same time, a small number of troops were sent to participate in Soviet operations against Germany. After the war, a defense cooperation agreement was signed with the United States. The United States provided modern combat aircraft and trainer aircraft to help train air and ground crews. In the late 1960s, F-5 and Phantom fighters were equipped successively. In the 1980s, it was equipped with an F-18 aircraft. In the late 1990s, a large number of f18s were upgraded. After the formation of Europa, the Spanish Air Force also achieved great development. Now the Air Force has more than 270 combat aircraft under the leadership of the Spanish local government. In Spain, this is according to the country. There are also two large-scale air bases in Europa, which have at least 350 combat aircraft. The Americans are also fighting against the energy group air force.

When the Americans and the energy group’s air force were still 300 kilometers away from several military bases in Spain, the Spanish air force that had not gone through the war immediately took off, and the two air bases in Europa also sent more than 60 fighter jets. They have the upper hand, but the Americans and the pilots of the energy group are well-tested, and their combat experience is not comparable to these Spanish rookies.

The war started just over the Iberian Peninsula. A large number of Europa fighters were mixed with the United States and the energy group's coalition forces. Because of the power of the aircraft, although the energy group had only a few dozen aircraft, they achieved results. The biggest and the least casualties, on the contrary, the Europa Air Force was the biggest casualty. Many rookie pilots immediately launched their air-to-air missiles after seeing the enemy. Regardless of whether it worked or not, it seemed that launching missiles was a procedure. , Has not experienced the baptism of actual combat, it is very rare to be able to take out half of the usual training for combat, it is a pity that most of the army can only exert less than one-third of the strength, so the result is very fast. Out.

Less than half an hour after the handover of the aircraft, the U.S. Naval Air Force retreated after losing 21 aircraft and successfully destroyed an air force base. With precautions, the entire base still suffered thousands of casualties, and the Energy Group Air Force had the least casualties. Only five planes were lost, and the remaining planes returned quickly. The Europa Air Force, especially those under the management of the Spanish local government, suffered the most. Of the 190 planes that were launched, 51 were shot down, and two of them were shot down. It was caused by one's own collision, another five or six planes could only flew back staggeringly, and two others were missing.

More than 60 aircraft belonging to the Europa Central Air Force are not bad. At least they also fought with the Americans. They didn’t come up like flies on the brows. After losing more than a dozen aircraft, they followed the Americans. They may not understand the truth behind the poor. The Americans’ second batch of more than 50 fighters has already been waiting for them. As a result, after the Europa Air Force lost more than 20 aircraft, there were only less than three. Ten planes returned to their original base. When they landed on the runway that was quickly cleared for them, they found that some of the ground crew they were familiar with before were no longer found. One missile hit the air-raid shelter ventilation facility. Hundreds of people were directly suffocated in the air-raid shelter, and the pilot was promoted directly to the third rank after the incident, but the rest here were all grief.

It seems that when Europa has never won the battle in the air, the morale of the Americans has soared after this battle. In their opinion, some of the defeats encountered in previous years seem to have disappeared. Europeans have always said that they How elite my own army is, now it seems that it is no different from some second-rate units they encountered before, or even worse than those second-rate units.

Despite their victory in the air war, the troops attacking Gibraltar did not seem to have any intention to call back. After all, some air forces’ offensives could not hurt Europa, just like the air strikes against the United Kingdom during World War II. What can ultimately be brought to the United Kingdom is It's just a little loss. As long as they can persist, I believe they won't have much success, but Gibraltar is very important to them. As long as they can win here, it is equivalent to controlling the Mediterranean again, although the energy The group's fleet can enter the Mediterranean, but it can only be a threat to the southern part of Europa, rather than being able to enter the Atlantic arbitrarily as it is now.

Tens of thousands of troops launched an offensive under an order. The crowded battle has not appeared in the past ten years, but it has appeared today. There can even be a hand-to-hand battle in the Gibraltar area. The Europa Navy cruise missile is like Launching toward the position like money without money, the helicopter threw all the ammunition on his body onto the heads of American soldiers again and again.

Even if they are all American ace army, they are a little dumbfounded when facing such an offensive. They are all newcomers. Although they wear the hat of ace army, they are not the same troops decades ago. When the casualties reached 5,000, there was a retreat in some places. Fortunately, the people who supervised the team were still able to do things. After shooting a dozen deserters, they finally knew what to do. They just occupied Is there any way out for them in an area of ​​Gibraltar? Of course there is no one, only to keep going.

Behind them is the sea, do you want to swim across the Mediterranean to the opposite African continent? Just when they couldn’t hold on, there were a lot of helicopter sounds in the sky. The first thing that appeared was the ny Wu 01 helicopter blasting at the Europa Army that was rushing over with rockets, and a hundred or ten planes blasted violently. Nuanba, leaving Europa with hundreds of corpses, dragging more than a thousand wounded, and starting to retreat. Among them, several armored vehicles were smoking, and there were soldiers crawling out. At this moment, they would not think about the so-called What kind of honor, as long as it can keep them alive, maybe they can do everything.

Then behind these helicopters is the Chinook helicopter carrying the 8000 African Army. A large number of soldiers quickly took over from the Americans to guard the line of defense. At this moment, they have no energy group or the United States, at least at this time. It is a brother in a trench. A large number of American wounded were rescued. The remaining American soldiers seemed to be vigorous. They joined forces with the soldiers of the energy group to fight the offensives that I don’t know how many bōs have today. At least half an hour’s peace now Up.

"Thank you so much just now. If you hadn't arrived in time, we might not be able to hold on." The top commander here, Colonel Huck, the brigade commander of the U.S. Independent Brigade, said. At this time, his uniform was already on. Without those glamour, it is just a word at the moment, dirty.

"We are an allied force. Our air force has just cooperated once. This time we have to continue to cooperate. In fact, we can only defeat them once. The rest of you are still the main force. Because of their *, we can The 8,000 people here is actually our limit. To alleviate the situation here, we still have to rely on your Atlantic Fleet. Didn’t they say anything to support you?” At this time, the Armored First Division still has about 60% combat effectiveness. Although it caused tens of thousands of casualties to Europa, if it weren’t for the assistance of the energy group at this moment, it is estimated that their ammunition was problematic, so Zhang Xiucai said that, at this moment he is already the commander of this batch of reinforcements. .

"Although the Atlantic Fleet came with the army, I think their main goal will not be ours. It is good that we can get 10,000 reinforcements at most." He can also predict their future situation. Now But it is not the time when they are wealthy, and it is very difficult for this army to bring it over.

"The above things are not something we can manage. My mission here is to help you defend. This time we have brought some 127mm artillery. The number is not very large. There are only 35. The artillery shells have only two bases. Here You are more familiar with the terrain, so let’s take command.” Although the first armored division has heavy firepower, these 127mm artillery may not have much effect, but now Europa’s assault is mostly human-based, and those 155 Millimeter or even larger caliber artillery is not very useful at this time, and their shells are not much, of course those shells have to be left waiting for the enemy's tanks or something. These small caliber artillery now It's a help in the snow.

"Great. Actually, there are a lot of shells with two base numbers. Look, these Europa troops are going crazy. Now they want to take action on our side before the Atlantic Fleet arrives. The casualties on my own side, our hair cannons can kill a few of them when they pop up, almost never failed." The US military commander said excitedly, and now it is very happy to give him more bullets. Just now, they have given them a million rounds of bullets and other things. To be honest, this is also the energy group’s largest capacity. After all, Corsica does not know what the situation is, at least that The air defense missiles on the border need to be acquired more.

While the two men were still talking, a shell exploded not far from them, and several American soldiers went directly to the sky. They did not even have enough to eat, because the food was just received from the soldiers of the energy group. past.

"It's the Lance main battle tank." Zhang Xiu knew a little bit about Spain's main weapons, and then several people fell down, and the most important thing finally came. Looking at the past, hundreds of tanks are about to rush up. .

Lanstank is specially designed for the Spanish Army. It is actually a reduced version of the Leopard 2 tank. It has considerable firepower, mobility and protection. It is 6 tons lighter than the Leopard 2 and meets the 50-ton level. The cost of the main components of the tank is low, and the development cycle is short. The chassis of this vehicle can be used to develop armored rescue vehicles, engineering vehicles and bridge vehicles.

At the beginning of 2004, the Spanish Army proposed the need to equip about 400-800 new 50-ton main battle tanks to replace and supplement the old tanks in service. For this reason, many manufacturers have bid, and finally the four models available for selection are the Lanstein of Krauss-Maffei of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the improved of40 tank of the French Ground Weapons Industry Group. Finally, the Lance main battle tank entered There were only less than 700 vehicles in their sight, and there were more than a hundred in front of them. This time, they were attacked with blood.

The tank uses Federal Rheinmetall and the left side of the turret tail compartment.

The tank is equipped with an advanced fire control system matched with the artillery, and has the ability to shoot while traveling. Although there is a certain gap with the tanks of the US Army, people win in a large number. If all the weapons and equipment of the First Armored Division are here, how can they rush forward like this.

"Colonel, where's your tank? Our anti-tank weapons can only be used against them. There are only a dozen at most. We can't do anything about the rest." Zhang Xiu lowered his head and said, he is also telling the truth. There are not many weapons.

"We only brought less than two hundred tanks. We lost more than half of the battles in the last few days. We rushed up desperately. I was afraid that they would have follow-up troops. At that time, we were really finished." The colonel was a little worried and said that it is okay for the energy group’s anti-tank troops to eat the tanks in front of them, but the price is that the tanks on their own side may not be saved at all. If they have a reserve army, they are free Slaughtered.

"You can send out half of the tanks to pester them. I will quickly modify the electric artillery. Although it can't destroy the tank, it can kill the soldiers inside, which can be regarded as losing their combat effectiveness." This time I also brought a few. For an electric artillery, each shell is fired with 1,000 degrees of electricity. If they hit the tank, the soldiers will never have a chance to survive, but if they can’t hit, the electricity will immediately be on the ground. Dissipated, not useful at all.

The colonel glanced at the retreating helicopter. They had no ammunition. If they were asked to rush up, it would be of no use at all. Can their machine guns cause damage to the tank? There may be no such fools, on the contrary, the anti-aircraft weapons on the tank can knock them down.

Soldiers may be slow to respond to other things, but they are definitely fast in combat. The colonel also knows that what Zhang Xiu said at this time is the truth. Now that there is an energy group’s anti-tank troops, they can’t do everything. I hope that this kind of main battle tank is more effective than the winner battle tank. I also ordered my own m1a4 heavy tanks to go out to fight the Spanish tanks. Let these Europeans take a good look at them. Without the ability, are they qualified to participate in this war?

Since many American tanks have been killed before, the Spaniards feel that this time they should be able to rush up quickly with such a large group of tanks, but now it seems that they are all wrong. The rocket pulled the long fire snake towards the middle ones. Although none of them could cause any substantial damage to the tank, if they could hit the track, there was still a good chance that they would lie down. Yes, it’s just that this is not the solution. Even if they can’t move, their turrets can still be rotated everywhere. By then, their threats will not be small. At that time, they will have to look at the US 155mm. The howitzer is not accurate.

A few soldiers who fired rockets also knew what their situation was. As soon as they were fired, they had to retreat immediately. Otherwise, they would have good fruit, and the soldiers who followed would not spare the guns in their hands. Yours, the densely packed bullets are blasted towards the place where the rockets were fired just now. If there are people there, they will probably be beaten into flesh.

The heavy tank confrontation has finally begun. It is a little different from the air battle. This time the Spanish army is also very powerful. At this moment, they can already have a one-to-one casualty rate with the US army by relying on their numerical advantages. Of course. Going down to see that no one has been touched, but the number of US troops is small after all, and there is no supplement, no one knows how many tanks the Spaniards have come, but they have not stopped since the beginning. , Has been rushing up continuously.

Fifteen minutes later, the U.S. tank unit repelled the Europa attack again after half of the casualties. The 8,000 men brought by Zhang Xiu, the original independent regiment, also suffered thousands of casualties on this attack. Because the enemy’s firepower is too fierce, the 127mm artillery I brought can still have its own ability against soldiers, but if you are against these iron guys, there is no advantage at all. Let’s talk about your own electric artillery. Five shots were fired, but only two hits. The others were all hidden, and the position of their artillery was violent, which attracted the enemy’s bombing. This is also impossible. There are many families and there are always people. Observing this thing, looking at the energy group, all the battlefields are not enough. Where are there any observers? The mood of defeat has already been diffused on the ground at this time. At this time, the US Ace Army seems to have forgotten them. At this time, some people have thought of surrendering all the honors.

"Boss, I think there is something wrong with these Americans. Do we need to guard against them?" Zhang Xiu's staff also looked at the Americans at this time. They don't have much ammunition. Still complaining about the lack of ammunition, it seems that there is no problem with whether they have ammunition or not, has it decided to surrender?

"Hehe, you just saw it. In fact, what these Americans care about most is their own fate. Other than that, national honors and other things are bullshit. They don't even think about it in their minds. To store those things, they have fought too smoothly before. For many years, the invincible US military has never fought such a difficult battle. It is a matter of course for them to surrender. This is also an opportunity for us. If they surrender, here is There are only our people, and then the whole of Gibraltar will be ours. What's wrong with that." Zhang Xiu didn't expect what he would do after the Americans surrendered. The first thing he thought was that this place might follow suit in the future. Americans are okay.

"But we ourselves still have more than 10,000 people, and our armaments are not very strong. We face the hundreds of thousands of troops opposite, and we don't have heavy weapons. Maybe we can't hold on." The staff officer was a little worried. He glanced at his soldiers. At this moment, although their fighting spirit is still very high, everyone knows that if the Americans really surrender, the blow to their own side will definitely be no small, and it will be a real one. There is a famine.

"What are you worried about? We are not Americans. Besides, the American Atlantic Fleet is about to arrive. Our African fleet is also on the way. Our African Army is about to arrive in Egypt. After they arrive, we basically There is hope, but today is a difficult day. Let’s see if our ten thousand people can withstand their 100,000 attack." In fact, there is nothing terrifying about Europa. They were in the beginning. There are a large army of 150,000, but they said that one-third of the casualties were considered to be praised. At this moment, their bodies are definitely more than 50,000. The reason why Zhang Xiu said so I see them at most, that is, there are still 70,000 troops that can fight, but they are backed by the mainland, and the strength of the Spanish army is still possible. Who knows if they will come to support them in a while.

Everything about Zhang Xiu here has been known to Li Cong. Li Cong will naturally not let his troops be sent to death so easily. Now he is seeing how to support the front line. In the final analysis, it is still a transportation problem. There are 20,000 troops on the Corsica side, but who knows if Europa's next main attack target is there.

"Sir, we just got news that the Americans in the Gibraltar region have surrendered, and all 30,000 American soldiers have become prisoners of Europa, but they are still very loyal. At least they will hand over all their weapons and ammunition when they surrender. It’s good news for us. The bad news is that our people don’t manipulate their equipment very much.” Karelina said, pointing to the map. Originally, the colors of the Gibraltar area were red and blue. This shows that The area is jointly occupied by the energy group and the Americans, but now it seems that those blue spots are completely gone.

"The news spread to the United States, and the whole country was shaken. How many days have I not seen the time when the entire establishment of the Americans surrendered? A large number of American people have taken to the streets and started accusing these troops of the evil xìng, but the parents of some soldiers have also stood. In another camp, they think there is not much hope for this war. Their children can do this in order to save their precious lives. There is no mistake at all. Congress should not do anything to them. Punishment.

On the other hand, after receiving the news of the American surrender, the morale of the Europa army seemed to have improved a lot. At one point, it even attacked the defensive area of ​​the energy group, but under the leadership of Zhang Xiu, the Europa army did not take over. What was cheap, was beaten back after a lot of casualties.

Some changes have also taken place on the Iberian Peninsula after the Americans surrendered. At least the American Atlantic Fleet is afraid of direct air raids on Spain. They also understand that if they really dare to continue playing, it is estimated that there will be tens of thousands of them. The captives will be pushed into the sea by them, regardless of what civilized people are, but they can do everything if they get the energy.

For this reason, Europa’s troops stationed in Spain can directly attack Gibraltar without any hesitation. The situation above is really thrilling. Li Cong urgently ordered his transport air force to transport soldiers to the Gibraltar area. Very small, one of ten planes can be passed by, even if it is good, just like this intermittent night, the number of soldiers sent up is exactly the same as the number of soldiers killed in the battle last night, Li has been considering whether to abandon Gibraltar from this time. After all, he couldn't bear this number of casualties. Six thousand people were injured or killed in one night, six thousand ah?????

Misfortunes never come singly, but often happen. Just when the Gibraltar region was in a deadlock, another important event happened. This made Li Cong's anger really uncontrollable. The Spanish navy dispatched frigates to shell the positions of the energy group, causing A large number of casualties, although the Spanish fleet's warships do not have much ability, but their participation also caused a lot of losses to the energy group army.

"Asshole, such a small-scale navy dare to come out for me and give me orders to sas to kill them. I don't want them to see the sun tomorrow morning." Li Cong yelled loudly, although the sas team is not Li at this time. Cong’s troops, but after such a long time of running-in, they are not Gogol’s troops anymore. Gogol only wanted them to help Li Cong train the army. He didn’t expect them to be taken by the energy group as soon as they came here. This kind of atmosphere was attracted. From this time, Li threw out his own bait, and was captured by Li Congqi one by one. Although it is not yet possible to say that he dared to fight Gogol openly, Li Cong wanted them It's okay to go to work.

The Spanish Navy has 36,950 and 10,700 conscripts. There are 1 fleet command, 4 base commands, and 6 naval bases. Divided into 4 sea management areas. Aircraft carrier: 1 "Prince of Asturias". Submarines: 8 ships, of which 4 are "Galerna" class and 4 are "Whale" class. Frigate: 15 ships, including 6 "Santa Maria" class, 5 "Balieri" class, and 4 "Reconnaissance" class. Patrol boat: 33 ships. Minesweeper: 12 ships. Amphibious landing ship: 4 ships, including 2 "Newport" class and 2 "Galicia" class. Amphibious landing craft: 13 ships.

Support and supply ships: 32 ships. 700 naval aviation personnel. Equipped with 16 m-60a3 main battle tanks, 17 "scorpion" light tanks, 16 lvtp-7 amphibious armored combat vehicles, 12 105mm towed guns, 6 155mm self-propelled guns, and "Tao" type counters There are 12 tank missiles, 18 "Dragon" anti-tank Northwest Wind" surface-to-air missiles.

What Li Cong wants to kill is the frigate fleet at a base near Gibraltar. There is a supply ship, 15 frigates, and a defense force with at least 1,000 troops in this base. Sas currently has 2,000 troops that Li Cong can mobilize. , Plus the more than 1,000 people they have trained in this period, to make up 3,500 people for them, it depends on their skills.

After receiving the order, several heads glanced at each other, and they all knew it was up to them to succeed this time. If they were killed quickly, then they could enter the energy group with this credit. If you fail, there will be a military base in Europa. It is estimated that people like yourself are also violent, so don’t want to go back, and Mr. Gogol’s place is not easy to explain. The end result is that people like yourself may be everywhere. Wandering around, maybe by the time they will not know what these people are doing, they will die miserably.

"Mr. Li, we need a lot of explosives, and they are of the kind used by your special operations forces. They are small and powerful. We promise you will hear good news at this time tomorrow." The captain thought for a while and said. The C4 explosives may be okay, but for the fleet, this power is still not enough, so the energy group's small explosives are very suitable. They have seen the powerful ones, and they can put one on the tank and the tank can be scrapped. ! .

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