Energy Group

Chapter 1421:

At the time of Li Cong’s award, he threw an expensive crystal cup in his hand at the Europa headquarters in Africa and threw the expensive crystal cup at the TV set. The above was a news speech made by Li Cong. It said that Li Cong’s new special operations force achieved the results. Others didn’t know that it was changed, but he knew it best. In fact, he knew it from the time the army was handed over to Li Cong. This army may not be his own in the future, but he never thought it would change So fast, just how long, and within a few months it became Li Cong's. My family has invested decades in this, but Li Cong turned out to be cheaper.

"Sir, we have all contacted the gentlemen you asked us to contact. They all said that they are powerless now. They have been transferred to the Burma Army Corps in Asia by the senior energy group. Now they have no ability to do anything for you. And?" A staff officer said cautiously. He was also afraid that the report at this time would provoke his boss to anger, but it is impossible not to report the news in front of him, because the angry Gogol was waiting for the news and he reported it. It's too late, just as dead.

"And what, give me some, do you want to die?" Gogol directly took a sip from the bottle.

"Moreover, the officers who were transferred to Myanmar said they would not contact us anymore. Their family members have also arrived in Myanmar. If they can perform well for a few years, maybe they can be transferred to the combat unit?? "There was a black hole in this guy's head before he finished speaking. It was shot by a bullet. Gogol was really angry at this time. He really couldn't think of the people who were loyal to him before. What did Li Cong do? Did Li Cong give medicine to those people? Isn't it generous for them? The officers have one hundred thousand euros per year.

One hundred thousand euros is not too small for those people, but compared with Li Cong, it seems a bit insignificant. Just like this mission, Li Cong recognized their identity as the rapid reaction force of the energy group. The annual salary is as high as 100,000 Euros. This time, for such a task, two thousand people can split 100 million Euros, and each person has 50,000 Euros. Is it only once a year? Although the reward for another mission is not so high, it is absolutely no problem to double the original income every year. In addition, their family members and children can enjoy various treatments for free, and they will ultimately benefit. It is not as simple as one hundred thousand euros, and now that the war has burned to the homeland of Europa, they have reasons to choose a very stable energy group hinterland.

"Sir? Mr. Li from the Energy Group came to the newsletter, want? Do you want to take it over?" Another staff officer commanded two subordinates to pull out the body of his biggest competitor. How much I wished this guy would be caught by Mr. He was shot to death, but at this time, he felt a little bit of sorrow, as if he was the next one to die.

"Have you stuttered? You didn't have this problem before. I tell you, if I find something like this once, you should go with that guy. My dog ​​is still hungry. Take it for me." Guo After all, Gori was not a waste. At this time, he quickly sorted out his mood. He knew very well that the two assistants in front of him were his right-hand men. He couldn't kill this again, but he had to fight it. The spirit does things for itself.

This guy nodded quickly, as if he had come out of a ghost door, and quickly opened the video call for them.

Li Cong on the screen is very elegant holding a wine glass. Now Li Cong has taken the initiative. European countries cannot refuse. In the gap between Li Cong for two consecutive days, thousands of tons of ammunition have been poured on the land of Europa. If the confrontation continues, Li Cong will continue without hesitation. Although Europa’s air force has also begun to move south, there is still some gap in their ability. After fighting for two days, he lost hundreds of fighters. Li The loss from there is less than a quarter of my own. The most terrible thing is that the American Atlantic Fleet is less than 400 nautical miles away from the United Kingdom. If they do not strengthen the strength of the British navy and air force, they will not be able to stop the United States. The Atlantic Fleet, the western part of Europa will also be attacked by air.

"Mr. Li, you are really proud of the spring breeze recently. Your actions like this have made many people very uncomfortable, especially me. Do you know how much energy and funds my family has invested in all aspects of the whole? Is this what I changed back?” Although Gogol suppressed himself very much, he couldn’t help but say a few words when he saw Li Cong’s relaxed look. If you do, it can only mean that you don’t care and will not help you with the next bargaining. But if you behave too deliberately, Li Cong can also see it. Right now, the tone is just right. Li Cong You can also see how much you value it.

"Hehe, I don’t understand what Mr. Gogol said. It’s not that I was holding a gun and forced them to **** with me. It’s really those people who would like it. You know, I still love me. Those people are talented, but Mr. Gogol seems to have forgotten something? If I remember correctly, I remember these troops were bought with real money, my assistant. Tell me, since our cooperation till now, I have paid you more than 80 billion euros. This is not a small sum. Even if I am training an army like this, I feel it is almost the same." Li Cong is not the same. It’s simple. If you say that, you’ll be taken down by you. After so many years, you’ll be a fool. In fact, Li Cong’s words are correct. 80 billion euros can train such an army, but it needs Time? It’s impossible to come out in less than ten years. It’s like someone trains a dog. If they have everything done, you only give a cost price, and the energy they have put in is simply written off. You are willing to. , How can the one who puts in the energy be willing?

"Mr. Li, I won't talk too much nonsense. You must understand how much I am paying. We have seen what kind of results you have achieved when you got such an army. I need to compensate, otherwise our cooperation. That's it. i" Gogol knew that his brain was greatly traumatized at this time. If he quarreled with Li Cong at this time, he would not get any benefit, so he went straight to the subject. This is the idea of ​​Li Cong, and he also knows that as long as it is what Li Cong is interested in, he basically has no ability to keep it. Working with Li Cong is so sad, but he has gained a lot at this stage. At least 80 billion euros have achieved a lot of key positions by themselves. Looking at the development of this period, it is not impossible to regain the glory of the Habsburg dynasty. In the past, I could not see such hopes. Now I can see that the interruption of cooperation with Li Cong is just a statement, and I can't bear it. Now Europa is undergoing a period of major changes. It is impossible for him to stay in Africa. He needs to return to Europe. Going back to the center of power, here can only be a waste of time for yourself, but if you want to go back, you need activities, and if you want to do activities, you need money. Hundreds of millions of usable cash, these money have entered the eyes of those people, and they need a lot of money.

"Haha, isn't it money after all? I told you that money is not a problem here at all. What I have here is money, and some of the most important hard currencies in the world. Gold and silver or strategic energy. Yes, you can open your mouth. This is a cooperative attitude, instead of just opening your mouth to say something to terminate the cooperation. We have all seen the situation in Europe. I need you to help me quickly conclude the contract. I don’t want to enter such a situation now. During the war, my idea was very simple. Keep my current interests. I don’t need anything else. What I want is victory and peace talks." Li Cong said with a smile. Now his ideas are similar to what he said. He did not want to enter the war. Now he controls the two exits of the entire Mediterranean. Not only is Europe locked, but even the Black Sea Fleet of Great Russia is also locked. What will happen to the Americans even if they have control of the Turkish Strait? It's not that you have to look at your face honestly.

Peace talks? This term unexpectedly appeared again. Gogol never thought that Li Conghui would have a peace talk at this time. He thought of a lot of Li Conghui’s demands with him. He knew Li Cong very well, and of course he thought it was. Yes, he knows that he asks for money from Li Cong for no reason. This person is impossible to give to himself. Even if he owes himself to himself, he will not give it to himself. He will make his own request, such as asking himself. Cooperating to win some areas or interests, but I never thought that Li Cong would even have peace talks now. Europa is ready for a full-scale war. At this time, Li Cong wants peace talks?

Although Li Cong suffered losses in the war, how does it compare with Europa? From the beginning of the war to the present, Li Cong lost two warships worth 60 million Euros, and lost 7 warships worth 2 billion Euros. Because they were all produced by themselves, the price was relatively low. If they were replaced by Europa, I’m afraid It was five times more than this. 8,900 people died and 12,500 were injured. This loss was in exchange for Gibraltar and the Suez Canal, the entire Mediterranean.

Let’s look at Europa’s losses. The biggest direct hit by the energy group was a dozen frigates and a naval base. The loss was close to 30 billion euros and the loss of 470 aircraft, totaling more than 800, but the rest were Americans. Yes, it would cost nearly 50 billion euros for the aircraft to be supplemented by Europa, and the loss of personnel was also very serious. 136,000 people were killed and 87,000 were injured. Li suffered more than 10 billion euros from the air raid on the southern city. There is no 150 billion euros that can't be beaten. If the Americans' achievements are added, it is estimated that a loss of 500 billion euros is possible.

"You want me to facilitate the peace talks? What is my advantage?" Gogol knew that he didn't understand why Li Cong wanted the peace talks, but he knew that even if he asked, he wouldn't tell him, so he simply didn't ask. It is better to ask directly about your own interests.

"Hehe, I will give you 10 billion euros for your loss this time. I can't take it out if you have more. If you help me facilitate the peace talks, how about I support you with a batch of weapons and ammunition? I know you also have your own private army. Yes, these weapons are all your own.” Li Cong said with a smile. He captured a lot of Europa’s army and gained a lot of ordnance. In the Mediterranean alone, he captured two transport ships on top But there are thousands of tons of ordnance, valued at several billion euros. This price obviously does not reach the psychological price of Gogol. This guy started shaking his hand before Li Cong finished speaking. He was not a beggar. What are you giving?

"10 billion euros is impossible, but you can be regarded as a deposit, and I can help you negotiate peace, but I need to return to Europe before I can, and I need 10 billion euros to return to Europe. This is the minimum number. If it doesn’t work, I think we won’t be able to do this sale." This guy lit a cigarette and said, every turn is a tens of billions of transactions. If this is for the so-called merchants outside to see, Will you commit suicide in shame? After all, the big business they were talking about was nothing compared to theirs.

"Your return to Europe is your own business. I guess you will return to Europe even without me. This tens of billions of euros is your own compensation. I am a very regular person, and I have a lot of money. It will be on your account soon. If you can help me facilitate the peace talks, you will be able to accept those weapons and ammunition. If you feel that the price is not appropriate, I think I will find someone to cooperate. Throw out billions of euros, and peace talks are okay. Moreover, even if you want to fight you, you have to fight on two fronts. By the way, I have another suggestion. If you can give me some information about the Russian army, I I will consider giving you more. For example, I still have five tons of gold in the bank in Paris. Is it okay to buy information?" Li Cong said with a smile. If Great Russia came to Europe to find food this time, if I didn’t give it. It would be too cheap for him to teach him a little bit. Now the Great Russian army is fighting Europa in Sicily. It almost can't raise its head in fighting the Americans. It also gives the Americans a little bit of benefit, allowing them to help them get what they are now. The result of the battle, otherwise it would not be so easy for him to win these two places. i

There is nothing to worry about on the Suez Canal. Their 100,000 troops are already in place, and the transformation of Port Said has begun. Unless they have twice as much force as they do, they are not afraid of it, their own African Army. But if they are not far away, if they want to go to war, they will accompany them at any time.

"The deal, but the money needs to be fast. I need to move quickly. Don't worry about the peace talks. Let me start a ceasefire." Gogol thought for a while and said. Li Cong also agreed with his opinion, and the two of them were closed. Video up.

In fact, it is impossible for Li to want peace talks now. Europa is a big country after all. If it really provokes them to anger, he may not be able to eat in the end. At this moment when they have not broken out a full-scale war. Braking quickly is still a good choice.

It’s okay to betray the interests of the great Russians. Gogol shares the same idea with some nobles in European history, that is, the great Russians are backward guys. They are not a family with Europe at all. For them to dare to go to Europe. When he came, he also had an objection, thinking that even if they won, they would stay there. It was just that at the time, he was light-hearted, but no one would listen to his opinions.

Li Cong has not wasted so much time in Europe. His transport air force is being formed. What he wants now is not a neutral transport aircraft like that of 08, but now he wants a large transport aircraft, a transport air force. The importance of Li Cong can be seen. He wants to build a powerful transport air force. When this force is not up, he will not continue to participate in the war and will not expose himself to danger again.

But it’s not that Li Cong would not come to him if he wanted to withdraw from the war. Two days after he ended the call with Gogol, at 390 nautical miles off the Strait of Gibraltar, the energy group’s four transport ships carried more than 3,000 people. Soldiers, escorted by three destroyers and two frigates, were ready to be transported to Gibraltar. They encountered the first fleet of the Europa Atlantic Fleet in the middle. The two sides met with enemies and were extremely jealous. It is a pity that the energy group's fleet is too bad. Yes, although Europa’s first fleet did not have a large aircraft carrier, the 35 small aircraft carriers of the two carrier-based aircraft directly killed them.

The first fleet of the Europa Atlantic Fleet is stationed in the United Kingdom. At the moment, they have two cruise carriers and seven destroyers, all of which are the latest 45-class improvements in the United Kingdom. They have just come out of the dock. The combat effectiveness is very powerful. Eleven frigates. , Six submarines, this kind of force cannot be resisted by the small fleet of the energy group.

Fortunately, there is a desert island not far from the battle. The fleet commander saw that they could not win at the beginning. So at the beginning of the war, the transport ship was ordered to move towards the desert island at full speed. This is a bad idea. , But at least the soldiers on the transport ship could survive, and it was later proved that the command of the fleet commander was correct.

The naval battle lasted for thirty-five minutes. The entire energy group's combat fleet was destroyed. All three destroyers were sunk, all transport ships ran aground, and two frigates were severely damaged and lost combat capability. They were sinking slowly. Thousands of energy on the desert island The group army and the more than one thousand navy that came up face the danger of all being captured? ? ? ?

Europa's loss in attacking itself with absolute superiority was not small. Two destroyers, three frigates, and one patrol were sunk. Six aircraft were shot down. Two submarines lost their combat effectiveness. Two aircraft carriers also got on the same plane. A missile, but in a word, it is still capable of combat. At this moment, the remaining fleet is still very strong, and they immediately surrounded it. If the army on the island does not surrender, they will blow up the entire island.

Heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses. Although the island is not very small, they can rush to the jungle to hide, but if Europa is determined to deal with them, they will have no other way to survive by throwing bombs. They can only surrender under the order. Since the energy group has an army, these thousands of them can be regarded as number one, and they have been captured directly.

Several Type 45 destroyers from Europa passed in front of the support ships arrogantly. The pilots in the air couldn’t wait to blow these destroyers flat, but they couldn’t. There could be hundreds of energy group soldiers on each destroyer. of? ? ?

"You take care of our brothers for me. If they are a little bad, be careful, grandpa rushes directly to blow up your British Isles??" A naval officer looked at the bloodless army brothers, really hate The warships on their side can't fly faster with wings, if they can do it faster, maybe they won't need to be captured.

The former Royal Navy Type 45 (also known as the Bold Class, named after the first ship), will be the most advanced overall performance among the many new large-scale air defense ships in Europe. The cost of a single ship has reached about 850 million US dollars. The backbone of strength. The No. 1 ship Bold entered service in July 2029. The commander of the British Navy, Admiral Sir Alan West, proudly declared that this is the most powerful warship of the Royal Navy and the most advanced air defense ship in the world. Now they have done it. A large number of things that the Europa Navy has not done have allowed them to do it with such a squadron, and they have also achieved a big victory over the energy group since its inception.

Since its founding in 1546, the British Navy has been regarded as the most important service in the national armed forces. From the late 18th century to the early 20th century, the British navy used its overwhelmingly superior surface ship power to invincible in the three oceans of the world, and made great contributions to the establishment of the British Empire, which was 150 times larger than the mainland. After World War II, the British navy, which was greatly injured, began to decline. With the end of the Cold War, the British Navy continued to adjust its development strategy to meet the needs of the new national security strategy.

Alan, Assistant Chief of Staff of the Europa Navy? Major General Mays recently revealed to the outside world a new strategy for the development of the British Navy: "In order to keep the British Navy up with the pace of modernization, and to allow the Navy to participate in combat operations to a greater extent, we decided to build a multi-purpose Maritime military forces provide support for the British Army and Air Force’s land combat operations. This is the direction our navy stationed in the UK will develop in the next 20 years."

At present, in terms of scale and combat effectiveness, the British navy is still the largest navy in the world. At present, apart from energy groups and the United States, no country in the world can pose a threat to the British mainland at sea. On the contrary, various conflicts continue to involve British soldiers. Therefore, the senior level of the Europa Navy believes that the United Kingdom has no strength and no need to rebuild a navy in the traditional sense, but it must have a powerful and applicable modern navy that can safeguard the interests of the British Isles, and can support Europa in other regions when necessary. Some actions. The "Global Fleet" battle group composed of new maritime combat platforms has a powerful force, and its projection capabilities, mobility capabilities, and assault capabilities can effectively cooperate with the Army to deal with the increasing uncertain threats on land. The British navy must be consistent with the reforms of the Europa navy, "serving for joint operations," and strengthening land combat capabilities. Obviously, the British Navy's development strategy of establishing a "multi-purpose maritime military force" allowed the Type 45 destroyer to assume the important task of "all-round warrior".

In the Anglo-Mara Islands War, the Argentine fighter used the Flying Fish missile to hit the British Navy’s Type 42 destroyer. The British Navy discovered the problem of weak air defense of the fleet, and after the war began to seek new destroyers that could deal with the threat of sea-skimming anti-ship missiles and air fighters. When the plans to build Type 43 and Type 44 destroyers in cooperation with France, Italy and other countries died, Britain developed Type 45 destroyers on its own. The original intention of the UK to develop the Type 45 destroyer was to provide maritime air defense for the "global fleet." The Type 45 destroyer has a full load displacement of 8,000 tons, a designed maximum speed of more than 27 knots, and a range of more than 7,000 nautical miles.

However, with the changes in the British maritime strategy, the British Army deeply felt that the original design objectives of the Type 45 destroyer did not meet the needs of the new transformation of naval combat thinking and must be improved. The British Navy plans to establish a "global fleet" by 2040, and therefore requires that the six Type 45 destroyers ordered at a cost of US$6.6 billion must be constructed before the end of 2029. The Type 45 destroyer is the main combat ship of the British "Global Fleet". It has a strong regional air defense capability, with a high hit rate of the Astor 30 medium-range air defense missile. Its shipboard combat system can play the role of a command ship in a certain range, but it lacks other capabilities. The improved Type 45 strengthens the offshore combat capability, the ability to strike in depth on land and the anti-ship and anti-submarine capabilities. If destroyers of other countries encircle the island, Li Cong may order the army to hide, but when faced with Europa's most advanced Type 45 warship, there is really no such need.

According to the original design, the first Type 45 "Brave" ground attack weapon only had a 114 mm naval gun, which was obviously insufficient in firepower. Starting from the 4th "Dragon", the British Navy will upgrade its naval guns or adopt the American mk45

A new generation of 127mm stealth naval gun, launching Type 71 rocket extended-range guided projectiles, with a maximum range of 117 kilometers; it may also use the British self-made as90 "Brave Heart" 155mm howitzer, which will become the world's largest caliber. Naval gun. If nothing else, just talk about the naval guns. If the army really hid in the mountains and forests at that time, it is estimated that they would be baptized by these naval guns at this time.

In terms of land strikes in depth, the newly built Type 45 destroyer will use the US-made mk41 vertical launch system and be equipped with "tactical Tomahawk" cruise missiles, "standard" 2 extended range and "standard" 3a theater defense missiles. The "Tactical Tomahawk" has a longest range of up to 3000 kilometers and is the most powerful type 45 weapon for deep-land strikes. Equipped with the "Tactical Tomahawk" cruise missile, the British Type 45 destroyer cruising in the Red Sea has the ability to strike targets in the hinterland of Iran. The Type 45 warships are demonstrating his ability to strike the ground everywhere. At this moment, the senior staff of the military department understands why Li Conghui ordered them to surrender. There is really no need to resist.

The new military meeting was held at the headquarters of the Energy Group. Li Cong attended this meeting. Although he is no longer the president of the Energy Group, Li Cong still feels it is necessary to intervene about some matters of the group, otherwise The military department is expected to go to war all over the world, and Li Er also attended, but obviously his focus is not here. He believes that some things in the military department are not currently involved in him, and he put most of his energy As far as the leadership of the group is concerned, this is not wrong. There is always a priority in doing things, so the military meeting was presided over by Li Cong.

"You guys, it is unfortunate to tell you the news that thousands of us have been captured is true. I am very sorry for you seeing the expressions on your faces, because you are not worthy of being a senior staff officer. We are soldiers and soldiers. There must be sacrifices. There were other reasons why we were not captured in this way. Now we have. How do we deal with it? Is the captured officers and soldiers wrong? No, when I ordered them to surrender They all wanted to fight the enemy with their army weapons, but what was the result? The result was that those **** Europeans paid some ammunition to round them up. They are our warriors, not captives. Give me a fight. To raise your spirits, I want to know our countermeasures. I want the people of Europa to see our ability, not to look at your painful faces." Li Cong said loudly, slapped the table. People really have never experienced a blow. It’s no wonder that every time since the establishment of the Energy Group’s military, it’s the first time this is the case, but it’s a normal thing in a war. Up.

"Sir, we are ready. Our strategic air force at more than a dozen bases in Africa can immediately strike the British Isles, with a total of more than 1,000. We can guarantee that the Europa government will be subdued within an hour." Li Xian as the military headquarters The deputy minister is still very courageous, but then the lives of the thousands of fighters are a little worried. Although there is some Geneva treaty, the people of Europa will have lost a lot by then. They will not be able to care about this **** contract. of.

"Sir, the African Army Corps and the Burmese Corps can mobilize more than one million soldiers to participate in the war at any time, and the local legions can dispatch two million men. We have developed two operational routes, one for direct raids on Greater Russia from our internal area, and the other for In one month, I can transfer 400,000 troops to the European front at any cost." said Army Chief Liu Tianyuan, who belongs to the old Liu family and is also Li Cong's uncle.

"In the Navy, all the 29 aircraft carrier battle brigades have been reorganized. The two newly launched aircraft carrier brigades need two months of running-in, and then they can go directly to the battlefield." The navy ledger also said, it can be said that the three armies are now ready. They To shame.

"Calm down everyone. I personally feel very gratified that everyone can prepare so well in such a short period of time. It's just that now is not the time when a full-scale war breaks out. If we are to go to war, Europa and Great Russia will definitely embrace each other. The group, if we and the Americans are really allies, we would not be afraid, but the problem now is that we are far from reaching that level. If the three of them are united, our chances of winning can be said to be minimal. We Didn’t the military have a budget for a long time? If we were alone against the previous one, there would be absolutely no problem, but if we were careful with the previous two, we should be able to get a tie, but if there were three, there might be no chance of winning.” Li Cong took a sip of tea and signaled everyone to sit down first. At this time, the impulse is the biggest devil, and he absolutely can't do things like that.

"But the president, let us endure it like this?" Li Xian looked at Li Cong in a somewhat unbelievable way. Li never suffered such a loss in the past. Asking him to endure it now is the sun coming out from the west. ?

"Let’s bear it? It’s impossible. I have a way, but I’m just telling my own thoughts. How to do it is for you to go. We have them in our hands. Let them be responsible for going to the UK and saving people back to me. It’s best to be able to withdraw. If I can’t withdraw, I’ll open up a base area in the British Isles, and give me a perimeter to push up all the fleets on the west coast of Africa. I want to see how capable Europa’s central navy is. , But the final result is still a negotiation. If we want to take advantage, we have to deal with one or two of them individually. See how long the U.S. Atlantic Fleet has been here, but they haven’t done anything yet. Why? Just want us to fight to death, we Can we be fooled by them? All we have to do is to surround the British Isles and not allow a ship to come out.” Li Cong said his own method. In fact, it is very easy to control the British Isles. Hitler was Without the navy, otherwise the British might really have failed.

"Sir, please forgive me. In history, many countries have adopted blockades against Britain, and even Napoleon never won." A senior staff officer disagreed with Li Cong's statement. At that time, Europa was not a whole. , Just blockade and subsidize him, now it is a whole, even if the entire UK is destroyed, will it have a big impact on Europa? Besides, the blockade that year was really severe, but it failed.

An important economic and political measure taken by the French Emperor Napoleon I in 18064 to oppose Britain. In 1805, after Napoleon's direct landing plan failed, he decided to use an economic blockade to destroy Britain. On November 21, 1806, the "Berlin Edict" was promulgated: All countries belonging to France are not allowed to have trade relations with the United Kingdom, but also to sever general contacts; all British nationals in Europe under French rule are declared prisoners of war; all All British cargo and merchant ships were confiscated.

The continental blockade revealed the causal relationship between the economic policies implemented by Napoleon and his failure, and thus analyzed various factors of Napoleon's failure from a new perspective, and put forward the view that the implementation of the continental blockade system was the root cause of the collapse of Napoleon's rule. With the strengthening of legal power, the blockade policy also extended to Portugal, Spain and Russia. The continental blockade promoted the development of certain industrial sectors in France. However, the level of development of the entire French industry at that time could not replace the United Kingdom to meet the needs of European countries, which greatly deteriorated the economic conditions of many countries, especially those with traditional trade relations with the United Kingdom, and caused their dissatisfaction due to economic depression and stagnant imports and exports; At the same time, the UK took measures and carried out large-scale smuggling activities. The implementation of the mainland blockade failed to achieve the goal of stifling Britain economically. With the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire, the mainland blockade policy also went bankrupt.

"Our blockade plan will not be the same as Our navy is stronger than them. We ordered the formation of five aircraft carrier groups to form the Atlantic Task Force, giving me a complete blockade of the British Isles, giving me three In a few days, they are from the UK and they must give me a plan within three days." Li Cong directly finalized the plan for this meeting.

Although only five aircraft carrier groups are needed for the blockade, their supply is very serious. If war starts, Li Cong’s army can only be transported from Africa to the British Isles but not close. .

The people on the British Isles laughed when they heard Li Cong’s blockade order. In history, many people in power who were more powerful than the energy group said that they would block the British Isles. At that time, all the supplies on the islands were needed. The foreign country hasn’t been subjugated yet, let’s not say that most of their things are self-sufficient today, so most of the people just smiled at this, and wanted to get back thousands of soldiers from you to block the British Isles. This is simply It’s just a joke. It’s tens of kilometers away from the European continent. They will rush over. Even if it’s not possible, air transport is absolutely possible. Europa is even more happy with Li Cong’s policy. This time, Li Cong took the initiative. With his face sticking out, if he didn't slap him fiercely, I'm really sorry for the crimes he committed against Europa before. Even Gogol felt that Li Cong was too big to talk.

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