Energy Group

Chapter 1428:

The answer is yes. These two people have adapted their genders. Before, An An was a female. Now she is the handsome man. As for the man An An watched, he just concealed his face. Yes, she became the woman in front of her right now. If she didn't observe it carefully, she might not be able to tell and let them go out like this. */.//*

"What do you mean by Mr. Lee? My father is the Prince of the Thai Royal Family. I hope you will give us royal respect like the people in your group in Thailand." This woman opens her mouth and is the Thai Royal Family. , But Li Cong saw the bulge on this man’s neck as if he had eaten a fly. He quickly moved away from this man, as if this man would infect himself with some disease.

The dynasty that has ruled Thailand since 1782. Also known as the Chakri Dynasty. The founding monarch of the Bangkok dynasty was Zhaopi Yachakri. The current king of Thailand Bhumibol. Adulyadej was Rama IX of the Bangkok dynasty and was born on December 5, 1927 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is the grandson of Rama V of the Bangkok dynasty and the younger brother of Rama VIII. After the energy group fully occupied Asia, although the Thai royal family still has everything before, its status is very different from before. It is like a rich man. Could it be that the entire royal family is dissatisfied with the current situation and made an act of revenge?

Soon Li Cong denied this idea. If it were really like that, they wouldn’t have exploded the royal family so easily. This didn’t suit their way of doing things. They should lead Li from other aspects. . The result of saying this may be that they want to frame the Thai royal family. It is said that the Thai royal family is very honest and does not have so many things.

The founding emperor Zhaopi Yechokri was originally a general of Thaksin, who killed Thaksin and became king in 1782, and was known as King Rama I (reigned from 1782 to 1809). Moved to Bangkok after ascending the throne. During his reign, he strengthened centralization and expanded the national territory. After 1785, he defeated Burma's offensive several times and conquered Kedah, Pattani, Terengganu and Kelantan on the Malay Peninsula. In 1851, King Rama IV (also known as Emperor Magu, reigned from 1851 to 1868) succeeded to the throne, advocating to emulate Europe and implement political, economic and military reforms. In 1855, he was forced to conclude the Pauling Treaty with Britain. In 1856, unequal treaties were concluded with 9 countries including the United States and France, turning Siam into a semi-colony. In 1868, Rama V (ie Chulalongkorn the Great) succeeded to the throne. He was only 15 years old at the time and was regent by the royal family for 5 years. After taking power, a series of important reforms were implemented, which accelerated the process of modernization in Thailand. In 1893, he was forced to sign the "French-Siam Bangkok Treaty"; in March 19, the "Bangkok-Siam Treaty" was concluded with the United Kingdom, and Thailand became a formally independent "buffer state" in the competition between Britain and France in the Indochina Peninsula. Rama VI (reigned from 1910 to 1925) continued to implement the reform policy. Especially in cultural education. The first university (Chulalongkorn University) was established in 1917, and the primary education regulations were promulgated in 1921 to gradually implement compulsory primary education throughout the country. After the outbreak of World War I, Siam joined the Allied powers and declared war on Germany. After the war, Siam and the United States, France, and the United Kingdom revised the New Treaty to withdraw consular jurisdiction and tariff autonomy. And obtained the qualifications of a member of the League of Nations. In 1925, King Rama VII (reigned from 1925 to 1935) succeeded to the throne. Thailand’s 1932 coup was a major historical turning point. This coup led to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. In December 1938, Luang Phibun Songkham became prime minister, and he monopolized national defense, foreign affairs and internal affairs. In 1939 it was renamed Thailand. In 1946 Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) succeeded the king. The king serves as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and according to the constitution. Exercising power through Congress, Cabinet, and courts. The government allocates 100 million baht (Thai currency) every year for royal family expenditure.

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is the wise leader of the Thai people and is respected and loved by the Thai people. He is also particularly concerned about the people living in more difficult areas. Find ways to help them solve problems. I have seen from Thai newspapers and television many times that His Majesty the King holds a folder in his hands to learn about the situation in the countryside and express his condolences to the people. It is particularly worth mentioning. His Majesty the King set up a milk factory in the Royal Palace of Bangkok and planted experimental fields; advocated and personally donated funds to set up a royal development project on the south side of the Giralda Palace in Phuket Province, opened up demonstration forest areas and rice experimental fields, and carried out small and medium-sized agricultural scientific research experiments , Has played a demonstrative role in improving the cultivation level of Thai farmers and increasing their income. During my tenure of office, I also deeply felt that His Majesty the King attaches great importance to the stability of Thailand and knows that only a stable situation can create conditions for economic development and enable the people to live and work in peace. Therefore, whenever there is some kind of instability in the domestic political situation, His Majesty the King issues a call with his lofty prestige and does his own work, which quickly turns the situation into peace. It is precisely because of His Majesty's wise leadership that Thailand can develop smoothly in politics, economy and other aspects. Even if it encounters some temporary difficulties, it can be resolved quickly.

King Bhumibol’s father, Prince Mahidol, was the 69th son of King Rama V, and the Prince of Daxin that the guy said was the 72nd son of the old king. It is not difficult to see how reproductive these Thai royal families are. In addition, these two people are the same father and mother, which is rare in the royal family, and only in this way can they have the title of prince.

The mother of King Bhumibol and Prince Dashin, Princess Srinakarin, was born in a civilian family and lost her father since childhood. She graduated with honors from the Midwifery Department of Sirirat Medical College in Bangkok and received a government scholarship to study in the United States. , Met Prince Mahidol, who was studying medicine in the United States, and got married in love. He has two sons and a daughter. Bhumibol's father died when he was two years old, and he studied at a Bangkok elementary school in his childhood. In 1932, the Queen Mother of Srinakarin and Bhumibol went to live in Lausanne. The Queen Mother of Srinakarin is a strong mother who has worked hard to educate her three children, hoping that they will become physically strong, punctual, knowledgeable and educated. In 1935, King Rama VII issued an abdication statement and was succeeded by his nephew Ananta Mahidun as King Rama VIII. On June 9, 1946, King Rama VIII was shot and killed in the palace. Bhumibol, who was only 19 years old, succeeded the king's brother to the throne and became Rama IX. The birth mother, Poem Nakarin, was honored as "Princess King Mother ESOTHER", because Bhumibol’s father had not served as the king of the Kingdom of Thailand. Princess Wang Ma also died of old age in the late 1990s, and the whole people mourned.

In order to finish school. King Bhumibol still returned to the University of Lausanne to study, but gave up the engineering major he had studied in the past and switched to sociology. He took professional courses such as political science, sociology, and law to prepare for better governance of the country after pro-government in the future. In addition, King Bhumibol selected linguistics, English, and French. Many foreign languages ​​such as German and Latin. During his studies in Lausanne, he was not only interested in woodworking, music, and driving a car. I also like to go skiing in the mountains in winter and use the holidays to visit nearby places such as Italy and France.

In Paris, France, the young king got acquainted with Sirikit Jidyakon, the daughter of the Thai ambassador to France. Sirikit was born in a royal family, young and beautiful. He was studying piano in France. Her beautiful shadow and beautiful piano sound deeply attracted Rama IX, who loves music. On July 19, 1949, Bhumibol and Sirikit were engaged. On February 23, 1950, Rama IX Bhumibol returned to Bangkok. He held the enthronement ceremony on March 18 and registered his marriage with Sirikit on April 28. After the traditional Thai wedding ceremony was held in the magnificent Grand Palace, King Rama IX canonized Sirikit as queen. One week after the wedding. A grand coronation ceremony was held on May 5. King Bhumibol officially began to govern and manage his beautiful country.

King Sirikit of Bhumibol married a prince and three princesses. That is, Crown Prince Wahji Lalongkorn and Princess Ubon Ratchathani. Princess Sirindhorn and Princess Chulaborn.

King Bhumibol has reigned for 63 years since he became the throne in 1946 and is the longest reigning king in Thai history. King Bhumibol loved his country and people. He is diligent in administration and loves the people, caring about social stability, economic development and people's lives. Frequently go out to experience the people’s sentiments, gift items, help poor and out-of-school children and victims, and build schools and reservoirs. In the hearts of the Thai people, Bhumibol is not a deified monarch, but the king of the people under a democratic system. As the longest reigning king in Thai history, on May 8, 1987, King Bhumibol was honored as Emperor Bhumibol by the Thai people.

In May 25th, the authorities of the LAND Kingdom held a 60-year celebration for their great king. Royal representatives from all over the world also attended.

After the energy group occupied all of Asia, things changed dramatically. Because the royal family had too high a reputation among the people, it was not conducive to ruling, so the energy group authorities made many changes, such as making kings and princes less men. Some princesses show up in front of citizens. If the boy and girl in front of you are a real woman, I believe she will be arranged for her to appear. Although his father is only a prince, he also has the qualifications, but the energy group information There is no such person.

"Take them all down first and contact the people in Thailand to confirm their identities. No matter who they are, they will be rooted out for me." Li Cong looked at the two men and said. After he finished speaking, the two men trembled. , It seems that they also know what fear is. They spent tens of millions of dollars to complete this assassination, but in the end they still failed.

"Son, I think you should go to Thailand once. This matter will be handled by you. Is there a problem? I will let the Investigation Department deploy a large number of manpower for you. You are not a child anymore. Some things have to be your own. Of course, if you can’t figure it out, it’s normal. After all, it’s the first time you encounter something like this. Dad just sees you work hard. Don’t force yourself too much. Ask more when encountering things. On the fifth, he can give you some hints." Li Cong turned around and said to his son. In the past, he didn’t specify a path for his son to take. Now I think it’s clear, since you If you want a goal, I will walk you slowly.

The expression on Li Yin’s face is very happy, but Li Cong can still see that this kid is a little nervous, "Hehe, things don’t need to be done so quickly. The relationship between Thai Princess Shilintong and us is very good, you can talk to She came to do this together." Li Cong thought of a good friend of the group, the princess who had made great contributions to the friendship between the two countries before.

Princess Sirindhorn is the second daughter of King Bhumibol, born on April 2, 1986. The princess is dignified and virtuous. Approachable, hardworking, studious, and versatile. Princess Sirindhorn often followed the king and queen to tour around Thailand and assisted King Bhumibol in charity activities. Represent the king at important state events and ceremonies. On December 5, 29, he was named the Crown Prince, entitled "Princess Maha Chakri", and had the right to inherit the throne. She loves literature, music and painting, and also serves as the vice president of the Thai Red Cross Society, and is loved by the Thai people. The princess has visited Germany, Japan, and Malaysia. South Korea and China and other countries. Princess Shi Lingtong visited China for many times and wrote a book to introduce China to the Thai people, and made outstanding contributions to enhancing the mutual understanding and friendship between the people of China and Thailand. Become a veritable envoy of Sino-Thailand friendship.

Princess Sirindhorn was smart and eager to learn. She began to learn Chinese history and literature under the guidance of the king and queen when she was young, and she loved the splendid civilization of China for five thousand years. She has read through the classics such as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" very early, studied Chinese language diligently, and can speak fluent Chinese. Appreciate ancient Chinese poetry, be good at Chinese calligraphy and calligraphy, and be able to play with Chinese folk instruments such as the Erhu. The princess' love of Chinese history and culture. Prompted her to actively engage in the cause of friendship between China and Thailand. In 21 years, at the invitation of the Chinese government. The princess's first visit to China has fulfilled her long-cherished wish. After returning home. She immediately wrote what she had seen and heard in China into a book in Thai and Chinese, and named it "Take a Visit to the Land of the Dragon", which opened a fresh and bright window for the Thai people to understand China. Since then, the princess has repeatedly set foot on the "land of the dragon" she loves. From the Chinese capital of Beijing to the remote frontiers, from the bustling and noisy cities to the remote and impoverished mountain villages, she has left her footprints. She wrote her impressions of visiting China into the book "Silk Road", and published a number of albums such as "Traveling with the Princess on the Sand", "The Princess Traveling in the Three Northeast Provinces". In 25 years, Princess Shi Lingtong went to Yunnan for inspection and visited Xishuangbanna. She felt more deeply the friendship of "Thai and Chinese brothers and family". After returning home, the princess was invited to show the slides taken in Yunnan at the China Embassy in Thailand, and explained to the embassy staff in fluent Chinese. The princess enthusiastically supports the cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Thailand, and actively helps Huaxia to hold various painting exhibitions, book fairs and large-scale theatrical performances in Thailand, and has accompanied visiting Huaxia leaders to visit various places for many times. He showed great enthusiasm for Chinese leaders' visit to Thailand. When receiving a Chinese delegation, Princess Sirindhorn said: "I know more about China, and I will continue to work hard for the friendship between Thailand and China and the two peoples." April 2019, Princess Sirindhorn 9th During the second visit to China, he learned more about the history and culture of China, and also specially inspected the development of several large-scale base areas of the Energy Group, and held a very friendly meeting with the energy group executives. The group executives also identified the princess as the group's representative in Thailand.

The princess has a very important position in the hearts of the people of the LAND kingdom, and often surpasses the influence of the crown prince. But the princess was not interested in the throne because of this. Just to maintain a humble attitude of serving the people, it is precisely for this reason that Li Congcai designated the princess as the group's spokesperson in Thailand and even most of South Asia. The influence is second only to Pi Menger. The princess is still in the charity department of the energy group The name of a deputy minister, so it is reasonable for Li Yin to go there and ask her for help.

No. 5 and Li Cong nodded and followed Li Yin out. He knew that he was going this time to train the little master, but he didn’t understand what Li Cong wanted to do. Didn’t he let the second master develop himself? Why are you intervening again now? It’s just that these are the boss’s family affair and have nothing to do with him. As long as he obeys it, I have to remember from the bottom of my heart that the current president is the successor of the energy group. Some thoughts, such as the credit for escort, maybe the husband just wanted to do it because he was more stable.

Li Cong originally wanted to do this by himself, just because there is still a more important thing, that is, the giant battleship of the Energy Group is going to be launched at the Sydney Shipyard. He didn’t want Li to cut the ribbon. Now Li Cong happened to be here, so I asked Li Cong to go there. Li Cong also wanted to see what the super battleship that the Ministry of Construction had been boasting about for a long time was, and what it said was the largest warship ever, with a displacement of up to three. With 100,000 tons, Li Cong was also the first to know that there were such a huge warship, and the entire warship cost more than 60 billion US dollars. Such a behemoth must be cautious even if it is an energy group, and cannot be mass-produced, otherwise the energy group’s finances will not be able to persist.

After taking a rest for a night, Li arrived at the Australian Navy Dockyard of the Energy Group from early in the morning, where a large number of warships, large and small, can be seen. There are three aircraft carriers under construction. Two of the large keels have already been laid, and the rest is a little bit subtle. The newest one is just a prototype, but in the near future they will sail quickly. As for the major naval bases, there are countless other small warships. Just when Li Cong arrived, two guided missile boats and a frigate were launched for trial sailing. In other countries, a destroyer may be launched. It's all amazing things. But in the energy group, things like this may happen every day, and the launching ceremony is only the participation of the officers and soldiers of the fleet. If there is such a big scene every time, it is probably not enough for the high-level to do anything.

Li has never participated in this super battleship mainly because it is the largest. Li Cong was shocked by him when he saw him. The appearance is hugely different from the previous aircraft carrier. It is a double hull. There are four runways arranged side by side in the front, and the middle is empty. The function of the catamaran is to speed up. It's as if two aircraft carriers are connected together, but if you think that is wrong, there are densely packed radars and artillery on both sides of him. No wonder some people say that he is like a hedgehog.

"President. Our super battleship is named the Emperor, and the four runways in front of it can take off four aircraft at the same time. The catapults are all newly developed by our group and can take off dozens of aircraft at one time. The United States and Europa have catapults. Half of us are pretty good, and the power is very strong. This 300,000-ton giant ship can reach a cruising speed of 28 knots and a top speed of 35 knots. It is also the fastest among other large warships in the world. The entire warship There are more than 8 carrier-based aircraft, equipped with weapons and ammunition that can be used for high-intensity operations for two months. There is a missile launcher in the rear, which is the kind on the arsenal. It can instantly launch more than 70 attack missiles and 60 defense missiles. There are many, and our own various offensive weapons can be said to be everything. We have also installed more than forty large-caliber heavy guns on the bow and on both sides, all of which are 460 mm in diameter." The person in charge on the side gave Li From explaining the basic parameters of the hull, Li Cong was also a little surprised when talking about more than forty huge heavy artillery.

So far, the "Yamato" and "Musashi" super battleships during World War II are equipped with 460mm main guns, each weighing one and a half ton and a range of about 40 kilometers. Assuming that this shell has the same insulation layer as a ballistic missile, it is allowed to accelerate to Mach 10 in various ways without being burnt by air friction. You can also regard this shell as a ballistic missile, which is reentered at Mach 10. speed....

When hitting an aircraft carrier, if the fuze is triggered, the aircraft carrier will be sunk by a huge warhead superimposed with powerful kinetic energy shock waves, and may even be torn in half. If it is delayed communication, it is estimated that the aircraft carrier will be directly pierced through a hole, but The diameter of the hole is much larger than 460mm, and it may even be 4.6 meters. It is very possible that the opening caused by the crack will reach 46 meters, because the kinetic energy caused by the speed of Mach 10 is not generally large. If it directly hits the largest in the United States now In the case of an aircraft carrier, there may be a hole in the side of the aircraft carrier. If it is for ground support, it can definitely be achieved that there is no living thing within a radius of 200 meters. Of course, if the latest gunpowder from the Energy Group is installed. , May be even more powerful.

The 460MM main gun on the Yamato battleship was definitely able to penetrate on the deck of the Eisenhower aircraft carrier! However, it is not enough to destroy the Eisenhower aircraft carrier. The damage control system of modern aircraft carriers is very complete. Even if the "Modern Ship" hits the Sunyan missile, it will not be sunk! Unless the Yamato gun is concentrated in the weapon bay!

The Yamato is world-famous for its giant gun. The main gun is a triple-mounted type 94 45-times-caliber 460 mm naval gun, with three main turrets in 3-units, two triple-unit turrets on the fore deck, and one triple turret on the rear deck. At that time, the Japanese navy kept secret the caliber of the main gun. It was called the Type 94 4mm gun with a caliber of 45 times the length. The actual size was 460mm. The gun body weighs 165 tons, and the total weight of the three artillery in a turret is 1,720 tons, plus the weight of the turret armor (790 tons) and the weight of the ammunition, the total weight of the rotation part of a single turret is 2,774 tons (some data call the Yamato turret weight 2,510 tons, the weight without ammunition). Equivalent to the displacement of the Japanese Navy's Akizuki-class destroyer. The armor of the turret shield is very thick: 650 mm on the front, 250 mm on the sides, 270 mm on the top, and 560 mm on both sides of the base. The rear of the turret is equipped with a 93-type 15-meter baseline rangefinder (equipped with a gyro. It can remain stable when sailing), and periscope-type sights are installed in the front of both sides and the top of the turret. The pitch angle of the turret is +45 degrees, 5 degrees. When the artillery is loaded with shells, it is fixed at +3 degrees, the pitch speed is 8 degrees per second, and the turret revolves for 3 minutes. The firing speed is 1.8 rounds per minute; the base number of shells is 1 round per gun, and the charge of each round is 330 kg. The raising speed is 6 seconds per round. Mechanized loading. The gun was developed by the Naval Gun Department of Wu Naval Factory. If the 9 main guns fired at one side, their recoil force reached 80 tons, and the shock wave was also very strong when fired. For this day, the ship design department took great pains. Now the artillery of the energy group is directly automatic. But because the weight of the cannonball is too large, it is impossible to turn into a rapid-fire gun. This is mainly caused by the loss of the barrel. It can reach three to five rounds per minute, which is very good.

The Type 94 460 mm main gun of the Yamato ship is the most powerful naval gun in history, compared with the MK7 type 406 mm 50 times the caliber naval gun of the "Iowa" class battleship. The Type 94 460 mm naval gun is in an advantageous position in terms of the weight of the armor-piercing projectile, the muzzle velocity, and the range. The main guns of the Yamato ship undoubtedly have stronger armor penetration than the Iowa main guns. The data published by the United States after the war also confirmed this. From the data alone, this advantage does not seem obvious. However, if the armor protection level of both sides is taken into account, the Yamato ship can penetrate the main armor belt of the "Iowa" class battleship at a distance of 20,030,0 meters (this is the long-range gun battle distance generally used by battleships) (also can penetrate The main armor belt of any battleship in the world). However, the main guns of the "Iowa" class still struggle to achieve this. It is believed that the Yamato ship’s 460mm gun has poor accuracy and has a lower rate of fire than MK7. Therefore, the actual combat effectiveness of the Type 94 gun is doubted. Regarding the accuracy of the main guns of the Yamato ship, no reliable evidence has been found to prove its poor accuracy. The artillery of the Energy Group Emperor was definitely better than the giant cannon on the Yamato when tested. With the current precise targeting facilities and power transmission, the range of the artillery shells is much higher than before. According to the estimated energy The group’s main artillery can definitely hit targets 1 km away, which means that most of the prosperous coastal areas in the world are within the attack range of heavy artillery.

It can be said that the most important short-range attack of a large warship of 300,000 tons is these dozens of giant artillery. The power of these things is much stronger than the so-called missile planes on the ship. Of course, the distance problem is also the biggest problem. Their farthest range is only 100 kilometers, but in short range, whether it is attack or The defense is very powerful. For example, for defense issues, the cannon can instantly release a huge ionization belt around the super battleship. The energy group has tested it, and it can intercept at least hundreds of missiles. This is like a Just like the short-range defensive cover, it can definitely block most of the incoming missiles. Moreover, such a super warship cannot be surrounded by its own, and they have to have various three-dimensional defense systems.

The super battleship also has a huge function that can be used as a super troop carrier. It can carry more than 20,000 soldiers including their combat weapons to the combat area at one time without affecting the combat. If it had this ability before At least a dozen transport ships are needed, and all of them must be large-scale. Of course, the food and drink problem of 20,000 people cannot be solved by a super warship. It is necessary to carry a supply ship.

The cruising speed of 28 knots is also very fast as a transport ship, and indirectly can alleviate various transportation pressures.

"Sir, please toss champagne." Captain Brigadier Tucker put a bottle of champagne in Li Cong's hands. Because this is a merger of China and the West, everything that the Westerners launch on the battleship must be carried out, and the ship There are more Western crews, so Li Cong chooses to respect Westerners first, but the Eastern customs on one side are also going on, that is, offering sacrifices to the Dragon King and a series of activities. These things are strongly requested by the Chinese crew on the warship. In fact, Li Cong himself This is also strongly requested.

After tossing about two disappearances, the entire ceremony was finished. Li Cong boarded the super battleship with some senior officials of the group. Hundreds of journalists from more than 20 large media around the world witnessed this historical era. It was as if the Great Sword and Cannon came back again.

"Go forward at full speed and fire the cannon." Li Cong stood in the position of the captain and gave an order symbolically. Today an important purpose is to test the cannon. In the Europa naval battle, a large number of original Italian naval ships were captured. At this moment, they are the target ships of these cannons. After the full set sail, these things are what the reporters and the five senses of all countries want to see.

Following Li's order, the 24 cannons on the left side protruded from the cabin at the same time. It only takes 15 seconds to get out of the state from being retracted. Thousands of tons can enter combat in just 15 seconds. State, such a thing is unique, and the Energy Group has unknowingly set a lot of records. At this moment, watching the three target ships not far away quickly turned into a pile of scrap iron, slowly sinking toward the bottom of the sea, Li Cong felt that at this moment it really seemed that the whole world was under his feet, he I really want to tell my subordinates to make every effort to build such a warship. It’s just that it hasn’t been verified, and certain calculations are needed. At this time, Li Cong is a bit unkind. I hope that the last war has not ended. If you use this to block the British Isles, I’m afraid the noble lords will be scared. It sucks.

The target of the second test firing of the artillery was even more powerful. It was a 200,000-ton tanker not far away. One shell hit the middle of the tanker as calculated. The entire tanker was cut into two pieces, as if the battleships were back when they were fighting for supremacy in the sea. .

"What is the construction period of such a warship. Once the test is useful, can we mass produce it? How much can we produce by ourselves, plus how much does it cost to train the aircraft and personnel on it?" Li Cong asked Li Xian. As the deputy minister of the military, this guy must know these things. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed from Li Cong's presence at this moment. In fact, Li Xian knew more, but Li Cong just asked about this now.

"According to our current construction method, the cycle must be at least three years, but our design department also has a manufacturing method to manufacture parts at the same time in various places. This is just an assembly place, so that one ship can be manufactured every year. , We can build in only three places in the world. Three of them are our fastest per year. All of the above aircrafts are produced by ourselves, but this also costs tens of billions of dollars. In addition to training costs, we are the most economical According to calculations, each ship that wants to form combat effectiveness also needs 1.6 billion US dollars, plus his other frigates, if we form a fleet of this kind, we will search for 15 frigates, 8 for submarines, 6 for destroyers, and two for arsenal. If you use two small **** aircraft carriers to calculate, the entire fleet needs more than 2.2 billion U.S. dollars." The data in Li Xian's mind came from opening his mouth. This project is mainly for him, so he can say that he is very familiar with these things every day. Yes, in his impression these things are like his left and right hands.

"Such a big guy is really very laborious. By the way, what happened to New Zealand recently? Haven't any discussions been made?" Li Cong's thinking is so fast. He was on the super battleship just now and he immediately arrived in New Zealand. Over there, Australia is just two countries. Australia can be said to have been completely controlled by Li Cong, but New Zealand is not so friendly to Li Cong. The current government is almost always between Li Cong and the Skull and Bones. This is not a good phenomenon.

"The situation over there is still more complicated. This is not something we can handle in a short while. Some military dignitaries over there are graduates from American schools, and they still attach great importance to the United States. Our persuasion seems to be It doesn't have much effect." Li Xian is obviously not very good at these things. In the past few years, this guy has been studying this kind of giant project.

"Haha, drive this thing and go over, first form some **** fleets from other fleets, go and conduct exercises. By the way, aren’t there many pirates over there? Help them out. Sometimes we should show our muscles. Just show it.” Li Cong knew that most of the U.S. Navy is still in Europe at the moment, it is impossible to call back so quickly, and the U.S. Navy has transferred most of its Pacific fleet to the Atlantic side due to the European war. This makes it possible that the Americans may not care about this little brother in the South Pacific, and may have unexpected gains if they move troops at this time.

The world’s major forces never thought that Li Cong would put him on the battlefield when he was just launched into the water and had not been tested. The improvised naval fleet was on the brink of New Zealand waters. The world just calmed down again. There was a storm.

New Zealand (NeZealand), also translated as New Zealand, is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and is an island country. The two islands of New Zealand are separated by the Cook Strait, the South Island is adjacent to Antarctica, and the North Island faces Fiji and Tonga. It covers an area of ​​268,000 square kilometers. The capital is Wellington, and the largest city is Auckland. New Zealand has a booming economy and is a developed country. In the past two decades, New Zealand’s economy has successfully transformed from an agriculture-based economy to an industrialized free market economy with international competitiveness. The export value of deer antler, lamb, dairy products and coarse wool ranks first in the world. New Zealand has a pleasant climate, a fresh environment, beautiful scenery, numerous tourist attractions, abundant forest resources, and varied surface landscapes. The living standard is also quite high, ranking No. 3 in the previous United Nations Human Development Index.

It has always been a British colony. After the British Empire began to degenerate, it became the home of the When the energy group began to rise, part of the power here became the energy group. From the beginning to the present, two forces are stalemate, but a recent report by the Energy Group found that the forces of the Skull and Bones began to grow too fast.

When the energy group's fleet arrived, the domestic pro-American faction sent a message to the Skull and Bones for help, and at the same time sent their pocket navy to resist.

The Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) is a maritime self-defense force. Currently, the Navy has ten ships of various types, including two frigates.

The New Zealand Army (sea, land, and air) has 9,051 active combat personnel, 2,240 reserve and 2,261 non-combat service personnel. It is said that the New Zealand Air Force has only one fighter (US-made), but the US military has an air base on the South Island of New Zealand.

New Zealand knows that it is in a remote area (too close to the Antarctic, where you can see penguins in some cities) and the country has a small population (the population of the country is about 3 million), so the slogan is: "Become the best small navy in the world" . Its main task is to protect its own maritime safety and provide international assistance. The New Zealander is more patriotic and united with his neighbor Australians, but the overall military strength is not comparable. So to say that his navy wants to intercept the energy group's fleet is just like a joke. (To be continued...)

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