Energy Group

Chapter 1432:

The result of the war directly affected both sides. How did Great Russia not expect that Poland, which was so weak before, dared to take the initiative this time, and what was even more unexpected was that the Ukrainian army was weakened to this point after so many years. The combat effectiveness of the reputation is a little better. The military expenditure of Ukraine is stronger than that of Poland. With the assistance of the Belarusian army, there can be no such thing as a one-hundred-thousand army collapsed overnight. Although the Polish side has not many casualties However, they have achieved great victories. From a historical point of view, as long as someone invades Poland, they may be defeated. It has never been the case today. It was just a shock and the enemy was beaten back. The entire country is abnormal. I’m so happy that the hundreds of thousands of people who escaped from Poland are now a bit regretful. If they could keep their anger and advance and retreat with their motherland, such a thing might not happen, but now it’s impossible. Regret the medicine.

Because of the rapid retreat of the Ukrainian army, the eyes of all countries in the world are focused again, and it is very clear that Ukraine’s escape is not a matter of life. Their decline began decades ago, but no one thought it would be so. So fast, so powerful, it can be said that the combat effectiveness of the entire army is basically the same as that of some African countries.

In January, the Ukrainian Supreme Commander personally learned about the fact that a large number of military installations were cut off due to arrears (the irreversible crisis in the army actually started). Because the Minister of Defense (held by Yuri Yekhanurov at the time) was unable to exert any influence on the situation, the armed forces had no electricity at 72 facilities in many states and autonomous Crimea. Eight of them are responsible for national air defense tasks. Former Secretary of Defense General Alexander Kuzmuk pointed out that in a few days to a week, "60 million U.S. dollars worth of combat aircraft or 90 million U.S. dollars of anti-aircraft missile systems" were illuminated by kerosene lamps and fired with small iron stoves. After President Yushchenko called on the Attorney General to intervene. Energy companies resumed supplying power to the army. Although the army only paid them 14 years of arrears, it can’t be blamed on their energy companies. Energy groups never treat them. Those who are in arrears, this period of time their energy costs are plainly paid by these domestic energy companies.

At the time, the Ukrainian Supreme Commander was "surprised" to learn that all this was due to an unprecedented inadequacy of funding for the armed forces. A series of figures show that this is indeed the case. In order to complete all the plans of the armed forces this year, its budget should be 32.4 billion hryvnia; just to enable the military to "develop and perform its own functions", it needs 17.7 billion hryvnia. The government only allocated 8.4 billion hryvnia, which is 0.87% of GDP (a decrease of nearly 1.3%. Under normal circumstances, it should account for 2% of GDP). In summary, the then Minister of Defense said: “In fact, this is the beginning of the collapse of the armed forces, because if the national budget allocates less than 1% of the GDP to the armed forces, it is a'collapsed budget'.” He reminded Said that Yushchenko personally led the government for several years in the early days of his administration. The "worried" Supreme Commander-in-Chief claimed when making changes to the 2039 national budget. He will insist on supplementing the funding for the development of the Ukrainian army. "The funding for the army cannot be said to be appropriate." If Ukraine is still an independent country, he might listen to it, but he is already part of Greater Russia. All the funds must have been given to his direct line troops. As for these second-tiers, you can only ask for more blessings.

Victor Yushchenko said this to the 96th Air Defense Missile Brigade Command and all personnel of the "Central" (Kiev Region) Air Command in February. At the same time, the Supreme Commander pointed out that he was satisfied with the work of the Ukrainian army: "The prestige of the Ukrainian army in society is increasing, and the army has won trust." At the same time. The brigade showed him the technical process of preparing the C200 improved air defense missile system for combat use. The "Guardians of the Ukrainian Sky" used this type of missile system to shoot down a 78-passenger Tu154 passenger plane of the Russian "Siberian" Airlines over the Black Sea a few years ago?? It almost became the world at that time. A big joke.

Victor Yushchenko quickly "obtained" money for the "respectable Ukrainian army"-there was 11.7 billion hryvnia in the 2039 armed forces appropriation target, of which 7.4 billion came from the common Disbursement from the fund (that is, less than planned). Another 4.2 billion will be allocated from the so-called special fund (that is, "what" the army needs to sell). The President called this figure "critical and inadequate", and "Madame Yu"'s 2039 budget is "incompetent": "This indicator-down to the level of 0.85% of GDP-does not have one in Europe. This is how the country is!” (Victor Yushchenko was wrong: In Europe, Moldavia and Luxembourg’s military spending remained at this level as a percentage of GDP. It’s just that the two countries are both. Like this, and there have been no wars for hundreds of years.

In early April, in the city of Igyeslav in Khmelnitsky Region, the President inspected the Army’s 8th Independent Special Regiment’s range and the 19th Missile Brigade, and learned about the missile system and rocket artillery and 5 operational tactical unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Situation, watched the exercise of the special operations unit formed in Ukraine.

Victor Yushchenko promised here that the Ukrainian defense industry will be able to produce the "Peregrine Falcon" campaign tactical missile system in two and a half years. It is "purely domestic and more effective than the existing "Dot У" tactical missile system. 1.55 times higher". In early October, the president once again showed "infinite joy" when he observed the exercise in the village of Novozernoy in western Crimea. Here he commented that the "unique" future domestic weapons will only have 20-25% advantages over similar foreign products. And these words were said just after the "technical part of design". And Yushchenko only "plans to allow the government to include the initial expenditures of missile system manufacturing in the 2040 budget."

By the way, as for the "best" (Yushchenko definition) frigate, the Ukrainian Navy needs 10 of these warships, according to the plan of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Four of them should start construction in 2040. At the same time, the president was not shocked by the fact that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense needed to pay the new ship design fee of 300,000 hryvnia (about 37,000 US dollars). And the project requires a total of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars... Several years have passed, and the design drawings are still on paper???

With 1.5 billion U.S. dollars to support such a huge local army, of course, if the 1.5 billion U.S. dollars passed, it might not be like this. However, this 1.5 billion US dollars has also been misappropriated nearly 600 million US dollars. On average, hundreds of thousands of soldiers’ heads are hundreds of dollars a year, which cannot keep up with the monthly salary of a soldier in the energy group. If you are a concubine in the war, it may be By chance, they could earn this amount in one day, but these were Ukrainian soldiers' salaries for one year, to support himself and at least one of his family members. How should such an army face the aggressive Polish army?

The Greater Russia side quickly made their judgment. A dozen generals in the Ukrainian local military system were immediately found to be suspected of various violations, but the letters that reported them in the past also filled the Moscow supervisory department. Yes, it's just that they took half of their receipts and handed them over to Moscow. At that time, all the report letters were thrown into the trash pool. Now that the frontline war has failed, they are quickly pulled out.

In the house of Yuri Trovsky, the First Army of Ukraine, the speculation was worth tens of millions of dollars. This guy still has hundreds of millions of dollars in his account in Huaxia Bank. (www.) If only to focus on the poor appropriations every year, he would not be able to get so many. Soon people discovered that the hundreds of thousands of standing artillery shells belonging to the First Front did not know where. I went, and some people joked that maybe their time in the warehouse was too long, so they just disappeared.

The situation of the Ukrainian Armored Forces is even worse. Jane had reached a terrifying level, and their entire army had fewer than 350 large vehicles. This is exactly the same as the number of vehicles in a company of the Energy Group's armored unit, let alone what age they are. The Moscow supervision department is asking where the remaining tens of thousands have gone? The answer is also because it took too long to disappear. How could this good result not lead to a fiasco in Ukraine?

The most outrageous and most unbearable thing for the Great Russian government is the tens of billions of funds that came directly from the central government before the war. The money was originally used to make up the salaries of the soldiers and also pay for the family. Meaning, but what did each of these soldiers receive? They didn’t even know that they had the money. The moths up and down had already distributed the money, but when the people from the supervisory department were going to arrest these people, they found that there were no traces of these people. Those who become the investment immigrants of the energy group have already entered the investment system of the energy group, and they are now protected by the energy group. If they really act on them, they will offend the energy group in another aspect.

Looking at the other side, Belarus’s troops are almost the same as Ukraine’s, and the two countries are surprisingly similar.

Belarus is a landlocked country located on the plains of Eastern Europe. It borders the Russian Federation to the east and north, Ukraine to the south, and Poland, Lithuania and Latvia to the west. The capital Minsk. The former Soviet Union joined the republic and became independent on August 25, 1991. On December 19, 1991, it was changed to "Republic of Belarus", referred to as "Belarus", and the old translation was "Belorussia", calling itself "Belarus". Belarus has a relatively good industrial foundation, with relatively developed and advanced machinery manufacturing, metallurgical processing, machine tools and laser technology; agriculture and animal husbandry are also relatively developed. It was the first organization to join the Great Russia when Great Russia was expanding westward. Although their names are very similar, the high level of Great Russia obviously did not really see this little brother who followed him. Their army this time They sent 20,000 troops, basically there is no return. Their military level is on the same level as Ukraine. This time, the entire Great Russia Alliance was ashamed and lost to grandma's home.

On September 23, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of Belarus passed a decision to establish its own defense system and army based on the "principle of adequate". On January 11, 1992, White announced to take over all conventional forces of the former Soviet Army in his territory. On March 20, the White Supreme Soviet passed the "Armed Forces Act." Decided to form this team on the basis of the former Soviet army that it took over from now on. In 1994, the Supreme Soviet of Belarus decided to inherit the tradition of the original Soviet army and set February 23 (formerly the Soviet Army's Army Day) as the Day of the Defenders and Armed Forces of the Belarusian Motherland (ie Army Day).

The Belarusian armed forces began a large-scale streamlining and reorganization at the end of 2021, and currently consists of the army and the air defense force. There will be 50,600 troops in 2029. The Army and the Air Defense Force have established service headquarters, directly under the leadership of the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff; the Army has two campaign headquarters; the Border Defense Forces and the Internal Affairs Forces are under the jurisdiction of the State Frontier Defense Administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Belarus implements a military service system that combines the universal compulsory military service system and the contract military service system. The service period of compulsory soldiers without higher education is 18 months, and the service period of compulsory soldiers with higher education is 12 months. The national defense final account for 2029 is 1,5867 billion white rubles (the money is too worthless, don’t be scared?? Although it has been merged into Great Russia, except for the Russian Federation and the part of Central Asia that belong to Russia, other republics are still implementing their own In that case, Great Russia is not capable of economic integration). About 560 million US dollars, an increase of 10% over 2028, accounting for 1.16% of GDP that year. Before the war began, I received instructions from the top leaders of Great Russia to increase military expenditure. I trained my own troops, but unfortunately they were directly damaged by the Ukrainian army.

In addition to the 100,000 troops participating in the war, Ukraine also has two divisions of the Great Russian Central Army and 40,000 people in the territory. There are 15 players in other places. At this moment, they all gathered in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Because the target of the Polish army is Minsk, the capital here, if it is occupied here, it may be possible to directly end the war and negotiate peace with Great Russia.

It's just that the current society is different from before. Peace talks can only be produced among the four major power groups, as for the so-called sovereign states. You only have to be slaughtered. Can you really shake the entire Great Russia? This is absolutely impossible.

Around Minsk, there are 200,000 people of various miscellaneous soldiers. There are 90,000 troops from Great Russia, and 450 combat aircraft of the Air Force. There were 2,800 artillery pieces, 1,900 armored vehicles, and 4,000 tanks. If the Polish army really came over recklessly, it would really be their end, because the defeat of the war made the country of Ukraine boil. In their opinion, Poland was originally. It should be a part of them, who will hit you if you don't obey. I didn't expect you to become more powerful. No one would recognize it, and directly annihilate our 100,000 army. This hatred must be reported.

The Americans and Poles have also talked about this issue many times. The Americans did not hesitate to point out that the last victory at the border was only a temporary victory. If you think that you can directly reach Minsk like this, you are really wrong. Now, those troops can’t be overwhelmed by your hotheads. If the Poles used to listen to the Americans, but now they feel that these words are extremely harsh, as if they just look down on them. Poland has never had a decent war in history, but it is different now. They have won a big victory. Look at the wars of all countries in the world. How long has it not been time to wipe out the 100,000 troops of the other side like this. It can be said to be the only one. If it weren't for the American and energy group troops on their homeland, they would even think that their army would be number one in the world.

The Americans made a mess and went back. The energy group members were much smarter. They wouldn’t be as boring as the Americans and pour cold water on others. They had already seen the whole battlefield clearly. This time, the Poles are sure It is going to fail, otherwise the Poles will not be obedient. Now the Poles have armed 800,000 people with equipment from the energy group. These people have given the front-line Poles too much encouragement. Every day in the rear The army marches to the front line. In their opinion, it is possible to win Moscow. Perhaps Poland can also enter the ranks of the four major power groups through this war. For these, Li Xian can only shake his head. These Poles are really crazy. If you look at your defense industry, you will know what your situation is. They don't know where the north is.

"Commander, do we really need to give the Polish military a little warning? They have now entered the territory of Ukraine 350 kilometers, and they are only a few hundred kilometers away from Minsk, the capital of Ukraine. I don't understand. It's that simple They can't see a strategy to lure the enemy into deep, what is in these people's minds." said Major General Liu Song, chief of staff of the Polish Garrison, which is what a child can understand. But these Poles just rushed in.

"Hehe, you know why the Americans are so embarrassed if you are in the past now. We don’t want to be that villain now. Now Poland is completely different from before. They are crazy. No one in this world can resist them. For the offensive, it’s better to suspend what we are going to aid them and keep them. Don’t let them all be used for future offensives. Bet? I don’t think it is possible for a single person to come back with their 200,000 troops in the past. "Li Xian looked at the arrows on the map and said, the group has newly arrived hundreds of T90s and some outdated Wuzhi 10s, originally intended to be given to the Polish military. But now it seems that it is no longer needed. Those things are better to be kept until they are defeated. The icing on the cake is never as good as the charcoal in the snow, and the harvest is the greatest.

"Commander, you are wrong. The Polish military has pushed up all the reserve forces on the border. Now there are more than 300,000 troops heading towards Minsk, and the heavy weapons we assisted them are brought along. "The chief of staff said helplessly, there are still hundreds of thousands of troops in Warsaw ready to rush to the border area. If that is considered an army, many soldiers are passionate men. They have only been training for less than a week. If such a person is on the battlefield, the combat effectiveness is conceivable. The end result can only be that if Poland is defeated, it may not be as simple as defeat. The young and strong domestic laborers are all on the front line, and the inheritance of this country and nation is a problem.

Minsk City (nsk, Минск), the capital of Belarus, is the political, economic and cultural center of Belarus and the capital of the Minsk region. It is located on the Svisloch River, a tributary of the upper Dnieper River, in the southern part of the Belarusian hills Minsk Highlands. The area is about 159 square kilometers. The population is 1,814,700 (in 2037). First recorded in 1067. It belonged to Lithuania in the 14th century, later to Poland, and was occupied by Russia in 1793. It has always been a trade center linking the Baltic Sea coast with cities such as Moscow and Kazan. The name of the city means a trading town. After becoming the intersection of main railway lines in the 1870s, urban commerce and handicrafts developed. It was almost razed to the ground during World War II, and it was rebuilt after the war and became an important industrial center in Belarus. Industrial output value accounts for more than 14 of Belarus. The main industrial sectors are machinery manufacturing, light industry, and food industry, of which automobiles (truck and dump truck), wheeled tractors, and precision machine tools are the most prominent. The wood processing and building materials industries are also developed. Important railways, air transport hubs, and highways lead to many cities. It is also a cultural, educational and printing center. The city is home to the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Belarusian University and other institutions of higher learning, as well as several museums, in addition to the famous circus, opera house and ballet theater. The city center is an administrative, cultural, and commercial area, and the east is a factory area with cultural, educational and scientific research institutions. The southwest is a railway hub and light industrial zone.

Minsk is a scarred city. Apart from the war, the most serious damage was the Chernobyl nuclear power plant leakage accident 20 years ago. Kamenkov, president of the "Chernobyl Disabled" Association, told reporters that Belarus was the biggest victim of the Chernobyl incident. To this day, Belarus has not been able to escape from the shadow of Chernobyl. There are still several "no man's land" in Belarus.

Now the top commander in this city is no longer the original Belarusian leader. At this moment, he has become the commander-in-chief of the front-line command from Moscow, Admiral Taf. The hundreds of thousands of troops outside are also his. At this moment, his task is to stop these damned Polish troops immediately. He doesn’t understand why these people didn’t attack Ukraine, but came to Belarus. They built all the facilities there, but they didn’t have much to come here. Aviation Reconnaissance has given exact data. About 300,000 troops rushed towards this place. If I used to be afraid, but now I won’t. I have enough troops here, and I have very good weapons. Obviously, it is one grade higher than those hillbillies, and he will never lose. The most important force in his hand is the direct units of the two divisions of Great Russia, and their weapons and equipment are all newly equipped. Don't talk about these Polish miscellaneous troops, it is no problem to face Europa and the regular army of the energy group. The situation of the Soviet Red Army at that time seems to be happening immediately.

"General, we have set up defensive positions on the outskirts of the city. If the Poles really dare to come, my armored division will just tear them apart." The commander of the armored division who came with this guy from Moscow He said arrogantly that he has this kind of capital. His troops have a lot of training funds every year. General Tuft doesn’t like this guy very much. The armored divisions are not of the same grade as the Polish troops. Of course you have to shred them. It's a very simple matter. Your opponent should be the energy group troops in Poland and the Great Russian Army. It's just that he also knows very well that this guy's enthusiasm should not be overwhelmed at this time. Any strong army needs to be tempered in the war. It is also good for them to go up and train, but the cost of training seems to be a little higher.

"Okay. I like your war-seeking mentality. I immediately order your troops to go out and attack the Polish army. Remember not to be too in love with the war. Just hurt them, and then quickly retreat to the encirclement of the city. We will have a good time with the hundreds of thousands of troops from Poland, and we must make full use of your ordnance advantages to hurt them." Taf is a very city man, which is very important in the Russian army. Of rare. After all, there are not many brains in the entire country, and naturally there are not many in the military. It's about the same if there is one at this moment.

The teacher agreed and left, he was also a background person. Taf treats him so well, he doesn’t think it’s his own reason. If he doesn’t have an uncle who can speak in the redwood tree, maybe he’s still typing documents in the staff of Great Russia. Well, people who come out of the military academy have to go there. They have been working for a few years before they have a chance to enter the frontline army, and after entering, you will not be able to get your seat right away. Where can you be like yourself and graduate for five years. That’s all, I’m already the commander of an ace armored division with only a small number of troops in the army. This kind of ascent speed is not common to most people. Who can tell you to live in such a good family? Those who are jealous of yourself are jealous. Go, here is about to make contributions, my uncle said when I came here, if I can fight a little bit brilliant in this battle, I will immediately become a lieutenant general. When there is no war, I can do it myself. It’s absolutely okay if you have gained a high speed.

However, the young teacher was still a little dissatisfied. This **** asked himself to take on a guiding task. I really look down on myself. I should act as the main attacker. It’s just that I’m also a soldier and disobeyed. If the order is suppressed, it is estimated that my path will come to an end in the future, and the army attaches great importance to this.

The Polish leadership is also a bit of excitement at this moment, but they have not lost their minds. They have traveled more than 400 kilometers, and many vehicles need to be checked. It is best to rush in with this morale. Yes, it’s even more important to check. Besides, some of the heavy vehicles have not come here yet. Some soldiers are already hungry. It is absolutely necessary to replenish them outside the city, rest for a few hours, and straighten the whole. city.

"The whole army puts on a guard formation and rests." The messenger passed the order from level to level. Hundreds of thousands of troops were stationed directly in the west of Minsk, and the soldiers in the cooking squad quickly took the things in their hands. In the hands of soldiers, the Polish army’s system is actually similar to that of Ukraine and Belarus. It’s just that they won the battle. This is completely different from before. At least now, everyone feels that they are a trump card. Military.

Their report to the Polish central government said: "We have conquered dozens of Belarusian cities and towns in one day, and we are now close to Minsk, and we can take it in a few days." The big talk has been released, and they have forgotten this battle. Unlike the defensive battle, they thought they could still rush in directly with their morale, but sometimes morale is important, but sometimes it doesn't work.

Just when the Poles had rested for less than half an hour, the scouts in front came back with news. A large number of Great Russian tank troops, more than 400 vehicles, were rushing towards their position. Look at the painting above, it is not Ukrainian or Belarusian army at all. It's the army directly under Great Russia. If it was in the past, these Polish troops might have been so scared to cross their legs at this time, but is it still the same now? Definitely not, it is definitely not on the same level as before. And only a few hundred tanks want to attack this hundreds of thousands of army? Don't you want to live anymore?

"Order immediately. Our armored troops rushed up to meet the enemy, and the armored infantry went around behind them to block them. We are going to make a good start and encircle them directly." The commander's tone was not small, if it was before. His strategy may be useful, but at this moment, there are people in front of you. How to encircle and annihilate them is still a problem.

Only one armored division was dispatched from the Greater Russia side, although the force was not very large. But their tanks are all the latest T130 products produced after 2035. These things are incomparable to those in the Polish army in terms of maneuverability and firepower. If they really match up It can only be regarded as a dish.

"Commander, the enemy has also dispatched armored troops. But they haven't found us yet. We have targeted them. Are we going to kill them?" In the tank, the scouts have found the Polish tank troops more than 100 kilometers away. But without relying on any scouts, this is the power of the new tank. It is easy to kill them now.

"What are you waiting for? The whole army immediately opened fire and hurt them." This division commander looked like a two-knife. Many old soldiers below knew that if they opened fire at this time, the results would be better than waiting. It's just that people are the division commander now, and you are just a small soldier. How can you fight against others.

With the command of the division commander, hundreds of tanks locked their targets with the help of computers. Hundreds of artillery shells flew out after a trembling. Although the computer locked them, the Polish troops are now at the extreme distance of their own artillery. The hit rate at this time must not exceed 30%. Yes, if you advance for a while, the hit rate can exceed 40%, and one round of attack can kill 40% of the enemy’s armored units. This is a great success, just because it is not very clear. Commander, it is destined to be unable to achieve any great results.

"Are these Great Russian officers all stupid? Why did they open fire at this time?" In the war room of the Energy Group headquarters thousands of miles away, a large number of tank commanders came to see this aerial photographed by three satellites. Tank duel, although not necessarily helpful, as long as you can find the shortcomings of these people, you will definitely not make such mistakes in the future.

"Maybe I haven't woken up yet, the tank commanders in several other places said loudly, which made everyone in the room laugh. After all, this kind of thing is common sense, and I don’t know what this guy is doing. Do it, let alone an officer in a country familiar with tank operations like Great Russia, even an older tank soldier knows how to operate.

"But these Poles are really courageous. These third-generation tanks want to go head-to-head with the fourth-generation tanks without knowing how they died." Several other commanders also talked, they really didn't know what to do. How do you say these Poles, praise their courage? Or is their brain flooded?

Soon the results of the first round came out. Although the elite tank commander of Great Russia is a fool, the soldiers of Great Russia are not fools. The shooting rate in this position is as high as 32%. This is already a very It’s a terrific number. All the senior officers here know the meaning of this number. It’s not surprising that the Guards’ tank regiment has achieved such results. Several ace troops are no exception, but the standing army may not reach this number. Yes, they finally can’t laugh out loud at the moment. The background of the Great Russian Army is not a joke. The previous defeats can’t explain much, because Great Russia has encountered the most elite troops of the energy group. If the standing army is really fighting, it may only be a tie. Of course, when the weapons are equal, although the fourth generation of the energy group is equivalent to the level of the four and a half generations of Great Russia, the tank soldiers are also of good quality. It did let them see the threat.

The level of the Polish army was also quickly seen. In fact, this is a group of mobs. If they guarantee that they can run faster than anyone in a victory, they will not work immediately when confronted with adversity. For example, now, hundreds of The tank was rushing forward with great momentum, but suddenly more than 60 vehicles were paralyzed. After dozens of vehicles were injured, the entire tank team immediately began to be in chaos, which made the great Russian tank troops in the distance even more arrested. When it came time to seriously injure them, some tank soldiers saw that there was no enemy on their radar and they fired artillery randomly. They directly shot the shells on the tanks next to them. The tanks over there may be the most unjustified one since the war began. It was killed by the friendly army around him, and it was still very thorough.

As for the Polish tank commander, he was dumbfounded at this time, but he still knew that he was the commander of this and shouted at his soldiers. As a result, the soldiers below seemed to understand that they were confused. The army drove around, and it turned out to be even more chaotic. The armored vehicle unit behind did not know what happened or rushed up. As a result, they even lost a place to move, and the tank unit of Great Russia in the distance The second round of the salvo is ready, but the preparation time is a bit long. The senior commanders of the group here have calculated the time. If they are replaced by their own troops, the third round of the salvo should start now, but Great Russia It just started the second round. It seems that they can't use it proficiently. This is mainly due to the lack of training. After all, Great Russia does not have so much money.

The shells of the fourth-generation tanks are now very expensive. In the third-generation, the shells cost 10,000 yuan per round without firing them. Now they are even more powerful, and the energy group still installs more powerful explosives. , The price per round is as high as 25,000. During each exercise, the tanks are required to shoot out half of their ammunition. But compared with Great Russia, it’s very good if Great Russia can put one round per vehicle in each exercise. Up.

The officers saw their own shortcomings. If the soldiers of Great Russia were in their position, they would surely be better than us, and they could not be blindly proud. (To be continued...)

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