Energy Group

Chapter 1435:

1435 Diamond

The results of the bombing will naturally be seen quickly. The entire position is full of flames. Of course, this is just the beginning. The Poles immediately lost their morale as high as before. At this moment, they all seemed to be The eggplants that Frost beats are the same. At this moment, if the flowers that you can regret beaten them to death, they won’t come here. Even after the bombing, there were deserters, but the observers of the Energy Group saw the Great Russia. Something is different. m

"Have you noticed Andrep? There seems to be something wrong with this matter." Li Min has been calculating for a whole day, and the people in the base don't know what this guy is doing, and Andrep also doesn't know. He spent a day calculating the losses of the Poles.

"Of course I found it. Of course something is wrong. I think if the air raid continues on Hua, the ground troops will probably retreat without having to come over. These young masters don't have the ambitions they had when they came here. I feel that this is not the place they should come to. I heard that the military camps over there have started shooting and fleeing.” Andreup thought that Li Min was talking about this problem. Do you need to talk about it? If you don't intervene, you may have bigger problems, or you may collapse.

"No, I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about Great Russia. Today they dispatched so many planes. According to our observations, there are thousands of sorties. I calculated this initially. This is tens of thousands of tons. Bombs, some of them are the latest cluster bombs. This is not a joke. There are even some ceramic bombs in it. When did Great Russia become so rich? How could they be so generous? Last time we None of these things happened in the coastal border area. I would never believe that the importance here is more important than the Primorye Territory." Li Min said with the data in his hand, if he didn’t say that everyone hadn’t I found out that the attention of a few people in the room was attracted right now. This kid was right. When did Great Russia become so rich? Didn’t they just lose a lot of money at the beginning of the year? How come there is money?

"They haven't had any large-scale exports recently. Could it be that something happened in the territory, but our intelligence department in Great Russia hasn't got anything. I don't think we need to report it for the time being. Let's see what happens tomorrow. "An old intelligence analyst thought about it and said, after all, for a large organization like Great Russia, tens of thousands of tons of bombs are thrown every day. You can't start a large-scale investigation because of such an anomaly. If something happens. Fortunately, if it is all right to lose, it is only oneself, and it is also possible to hang up his brother who is engaged in intelligence here, this is something that has happened before.

"I don't think we need to wait until tomorrow, we can have results today." A voice came from outside the door. It was Li Xian, the commander of the Polish occupation army. He should be in Poland now. How could he go directly to the front line? Is something really wrong?

"All stand at attention?" With the voice of the guard, the dozens of officers in the room stood at attention.

"Everyone, please rest a moment. I am in an urgent matter. The group has already received news. The Great Russian government has just announced an economic revitalization plan with a total of 400 billion U.S. dollars. It also implements new measures for new residents in Central Asia. The subsidy policy is almost the same as ours. The group has already started a large-scale investigation. We will also report our situation to see what happened. I believe it will be helpful to the Ministry of Intelligence. "Li Xian sat down and said, his words made everyone start to wonder. What Li Xian said is basically the truth. 400 billion US dollars is not a small amount for the group, but for Great Russia. It's an astronomical figure, but why can they still get it out?

"The report shows that the intelligence of the Great Russian Railways Department shows that they are stepping up to carry a large number of weapons and ammunition to the front line, with a total value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars. It has almost emptied several large arsenals in the European part of Great Russia. These Poles can't stop them anymore." A combat staff officer came in with an emergency message, which shocked the officers in the house. Great Russia seems to have really benefited from it, with weapons worth more than 100 billion US dollars. Ammunition wanting to reimburse these hundreds of thousands of Polish miscellaneous army is simply a breeze, and now the energy group has to rework its combat plan.

"Commander, I think we are going to retreat overnight. We have to build a new line of defense on the Polish border. I think our best result is to maintain Poland's independence." Li Min is not just a guy. He can do business, and he can see the situation very clearly at critical times. For example, he can see everything clearly at this time. At this time, he has to abandon something. With this over 100 billion weapons and ammunition, he is sure There are still a large number of troops. The Polish military is definitely unreliable. Although Poland now has hundreds of thousands of energy group troops, they can only help defend Poland and absolutely cannot come to the territory of Great Russia. Both of these are absolutely absolute. are different.

"Commander, Li Min is right. There are only a thousand people in the barracks of our observation group. It is too dangerous here. No one can guarantee that they will not air raid our place. I think you'd better go back quickly. "Andrepu also said, other people also feel right, their group is strong, but at this moment, their ability in this place is not so strong.

"Hehe, you are scared by little things. We still don’t know what kind of country Great Russia is. This is a country that is ineffective and will never do anything. We have to be careful. I’m so worried. I’m here for another reason. The Polish defenders have just found a gold reserve. There are 900 tons of gold there. We have to take away these things. These were originally from Great Russia and Europa. We’re going to take away the trade settlement. Of course, the Poles are required to do things. We are not bandits. The military department has to install the latest amphibious tanks. The gold is worth thousands. 100 million yuan, we can use hundreds of thousands of military vehicles to offset the account.” Li Xian can come for the 900 tons of gold, but only halfway through the great changes in Great Russia, and now it’s about to leave. I couldn't forget this. Several officers laughed, and quickly started to tidy up everything here in a few minutes. Now is definitely not the time to make a joke. Maybe tomorrow it will be a waste area.

There is a big problem with the intelligence of the Polish military. They don’t know how the Great Russia in front of us is different from before. They think that the financial situation of Great Russia is similar to them, so they think such a bombing might be possible. It’s only a few days. They have prepared enough air-raid shelters. It doesn’t matter if they have any more bombs. Besides, the bridge over the river has been blown up. Even if they want to come over, it will take a while. Besides, I haven’t heard that hundreds of thousands of troops can be killed by bombing. Besides, behind me is my own country. It’s really impossible to go back. There are hundreds of thousands of troops waiting on the border, so those Poland People see that the air raid is no longer going on, and they have started the life they like again. They can enjoy it for a while, otherwise they won’t recognize you if the bomb is dropped.

So when the energy group retreated, they did not follow it. Instead, they felt that the energy group’s army was not a real army at all. Some bombs could not be blown up. How could this work? The army should bear all kinds of things. In such a situation, no one knows that they are really looking for death.

The next day, the people of the energy group had retreated to Poland. The army on the territory of Belarus could be regarded as the end, and the fighting was the same as the previous day, but compared with the bombing of the previous day, it was still a little different. Today's is more violent. Now, the bombs and shells are coming here as if they don’t need money. Now the dead are gone. Compared with yesterday, it seems to be two grades. Soon they The temporary prevention and control facilities are no longer effective. The number of dead people surprised everyone. They underestimated the capabilities of modern warfare weapons. Perhaps these hundreds of thousands of people will really explain here.

After six hours of saturation bombing, less than one-third of the Polish soldiers seemed to be able to stand up. At this moment, they all knew the cruelty of the war. They didn’t need to order from above, and brought what they could bring. When they came, they rushed back to Poland ten times faster. Originally, the energy group and the Americans thought that they could use the Poles to consume Great Russia, but now they seem to be playing a real game. It is not something that the Poles can resist. The Americans, the energy group and Europa have begun to meet. The top leaders of the three parties met at the headquarters of the energy group. If Great Russia really wants to annex the flowers of Poland, this is no ordinary trivial matter. At first, the Americans and energy groups did not want Europa to participate. After all, one more family means one more business, but now that you see such a fierce attack on Great Russia, if you don’t understand it, you will suffer a lot in the future.

Moreover, the energy group has also figured out the reasons why Great Russia rushed to spend such money. This is a very big secret, that is, diamonds.

According to a report from the Investigation Department of the Energy Group on the same day, Russia recently discovered a huge diamond mine. The mine is located in a crater with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers in eastern Siberia. The reserves are estimated to exceed one trillion carats, which can meet the needs of the global gem market for 3000 years.

Scientists said that this crater, called "Popiga" (), has a history of more than 35 million years, and the amount of diamonds under it is estimated to be ten times the sum of diamond reserves in other parts of the world. Russia has concealed this discovery before in order to prevent the price of diamonds from being crushed and harm its own diamond industry interests. And they don’t have enough energy to mine. Now they started here because the red cedar tree that Li Congnong was going to go bankrupt. It was supposed to be kept secret, but where are the tens of thousands of people including mining workers? It is so easy to keep secrets, and energy groups can get news quickly.

The diamonds of "Perpiguet" are also called "impact diamonds", which are formed after objects similar to meteorites hit existing diamond mines. Its hardness is twice that of ordinary gemstones, so its application value in industry and scientific research is particularly high. The director of the Novosibirsk Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, which was captured by the energy group, said that the new resources may have a greater impact on the gem market. "We are talking about trillions of carats. In comparison, the Yakutia diamond mine in Russia, which is familiar to the public, has only 1 billion carats. Moreover, impact diamonds are valuable due to their unique surface and larger volume. higher."

Russia’s diamond production will reach its peak in 2037, valued at 11.35 billion U.S. dollars, and 98% of its products are exported to Belgium, Israel, the United States and Southeast Asia. However, due to the impact of the economic crisis, its diamond output dropped to a trough in 2039, with an output value of only US$1.35 billion. At present, the world economy has shown signs of recovery. This may be the reason why the Russian authorities chose to start mining this thing now.

The former Soviet Union is famous for its diamond production. As early as the 1950s, the world-famous "Peace" diamond pit was discovered in the city of Mirny, Yakutia Republic, located in the hinterland of Siberia. For more than half a century, several mines here and nearby have contributed 23% of the world’s total diamonds, earning at least US$1.7 trillion for the former Soviet Union and Russia, but the money is estimated to be in that treasure house. , The money may have been taken away by Li Congqi.

Overlooking the "Peace" diamond mine, you can clearly see the world's largest "man-made cave". The entrance of the cave is 1,600 meters in diameter and 533 meters deep, which is equivalent to a 161-story building, which is 25 meters more than the 508-meter tallest building in the world, Taipei 101. It is said that the air turbulence caused by the big hole will **** in the aircraft above. The temperature in the cave in winter caused the lubricant to freeze and the machine was cracked.

It was not until 11 years ago that the Mirnet mine was closed due to a sharp decline in production and safety factors. Compared with the newly discovered "Peppiguet Diamond Field", the "Peace" mine is simply not worth mentioning.

Speaking of these mineral resources, Li Cong will never be soft. If such a big thing is occupied by Great Russia, it will be fine. But Li Cong knows that this is just his own eyes. I really want to shake this big Russia. If you get the money comb, it is estimated that it will be a real fight, but how much is a diamond of ten trillion carats? Great Russia does not have its own diamond sales channels, so he can only get so little profit. Because of the business of jadeite, the energy group has its own jewelry sales network all over the world, and also has its own team in terms of design. If this diamond mine is in your own hands, it can definitely bring you trillions of dollars in profits every year. It is estimated that other jewelers will not do anything.

When Li Cong met Robert of Europa and Hank, the rotating chairman of the Skull and Bones, he found that these two people also knew the latest news of Great Russia. This is not an ordinary thing. It is estimated that these two people have also begun to worry about it. The three become tigers. , As long as you are worried about this matter, it will be easy to handle. If you are the only one, it is estimated that these two people will definitely pull their hind legs. At that time, it is really difficult to handle.

The use of valuable stones like diamonds dates back thousands of years. The rulers of many ancient civilizations used processed gemstones to show people their wealth and status. Diamonds also represent power and reputation. Many of the world’s rich and famous wear diamonds, and many women around the world receive a diamond ring when they agree to a man’s proposal. This is also an important reason why the price of diamonds in the world has skyrocketed. In fact, to put it bluntly, this thing is a kind of stone, just like Li Cong's hype about jade back then. It is necessary to make the stone more expensive than gold in order to make money. of.

Diamonds are mined underground, cut, polished, and sold all over the world at high prices. South Africa is the most famous diamond supplier in the world. For a long time, people have mined diamond ore from deep underground places. This is a very dangerous job, but at present, technological advancement has provided great help for the mining of diamond ore.

Millions of years ago, carbon elements formed diamonds under extreme high temperature and pressure more than 100 kilometers below the surface of the earth. These rocks formed deep in the earth were brought to the surface or shallow parts of the earth by volcanic activity. Most of the magma is produced in a rock tube, so it is commonly called "pipe ore" (or primary ore). This kind of original rock is called Kimberlite, the name comes from a place name in South Africa called Kimberley, where diamonds were discovered in the 19th century. De Beers bought the Kimberley Mine and soon became the largest mining company in South Africa. De Beers employs thousands of employees in South Africa. In the late twentieth century, the company improved mining conditions and rewarded the company’s profits in the form of shares to employees. What people don’t know is that more than ten years ago, the energy group has penetrated into Kimberley in various forms, and the jewelry company of the energy group has also become an important shareholder of Kimberley. From this point of view, if Great Russia produces a large amount of diamonds, The biggest loss among the three giants is Li Cong.

All over the world, valuable stones are mined from deep underground near river beds, coastal areas and alluvial sand deposits. Botswana is now the largest diamond producer in Africa. Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Namibia and Sierra Leone also have diamond mines. Some other major diamond producing countries include Australia, Canada and Russia. De Beers still controls half of the world’s diamond production. Most of the diamond ore is shipped to the company’s London headquarters and then sold to some small dealers, but independent buyers are also part of the diamond trading system. It's just that if the diamond mines in Great Russia are exposed, the original largest diamond mine in the world will be insignificant compared to others, and there is simply no comparison.

In India, one million people are engaged in the diamond processing industry. Shrenujandmpany is a major diamond production factory in Mumbai, where workers cut, polish and sculpt diamonds. Most diamonds in the world, especially small diamonds, are polished in India. Diamonds must be carefully inspected and classified according to color. The most precious diamonds are true colorless diamonds. Experts use computers to analyze the rough diamonds in detail to determine how to cut the diamonds best. Diamond is the hardest substance in nature. Only diamonds can be used to cut diamonds. Therefore, the diamond cutting machine puts diamond sand on a wheel called a polisher. Cutting diamonds is a very difficult job. With a slight error, the diamond will break.

The history of gems in India can be traced back many centuries. Sanjay is the president of India’s Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Association. He said that since the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, India has had diamonds, jewellery and gold. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Indian jewelry industry became a very large industry. Mr. said that India’s diamond exports last year were US$90 billion.

Antwerp, Belgium, on the other side of the world is the world's largest diamond trading center. Philip Klass is the Secretary General of the Antwerp World Diamond Trade Center. He said: "80% of the world's rough diamonds and 50% of processed diamonds are traded in Antwerp. This figure means that the annual transaction volume of the Antwerp Diamond Trading Center is as high as more than 400 billion US dollars."

There are more than 1,800 diamond companies in Antwerp, which is why George Reid came to this city. He is the senior vice president of ld. The company is a Canadian diamond mining company. He came to Antwerp because he wanted him Diamond appreciation. Even Li Cong’s jewelry company comes here every year to purchase or sell some of the diamonds. Li Cong has a huge number of diamond mines in Africa, but they are all high-end diamonds. You can’t just have these in your jewelry store. It is still some low- and middle-grade things that can attract popularity for themselves. After all, most of the people are of this class, so Li Cong’s jewelry company still has to go to the diamond market to buy some less valuable loose diamonds.

The weight and value of a diamond are expressed in carats. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. In addition to the carat’s weight and color, the value of a carved diamond also stems from its purity and cut level, that is, the shape and shape of the polished diamond. quality. There used to be about 25,000 people in Antwerp who were engaged in diamond cutting and polishing. Now, only a few hundred people are still engaged in this job. Belgian diamond cutters have lost their jobs and replaced them with Indians, because the wages they need are very high. less.

It is estimated that the global diamond trade is as high as 80 billion US dollars a year. Diamonds help some countries develop their economies. It provides jobs for many people in the world's poorest countries. However, diamonds are also used to support wars, oppress people and maintain dictatorships.

South Africa’s diamond mining industry is innocent, and mining machines have provided great help to workers. But this is not always the case in other parts of Africa. In Africa, more than one million people are looking for diamonds. They dig in deep pits or rivers with their hands. They earn less than one dollar a day. In recent years, armed forces and rebel groups in some countries have used diamonds as their military expenditures for fighting civil wars. In countries such as Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sierra Leone, countless civilians were killed and wounded in the conflict. So these gems are called "conflict diamonds" or "blood diamonds". Li Cong has greatly contributed to this, and this is no way. If he needs to control Africa, he has to make the whole Africa war chaotic, otherwise he really doesn't have that ability.

Global Witness is a non-governmental organization that calls for global attention to this issue. Anne Dunnbaker said that the purpose of this organization is to show people the tragedy caused by conflict diamonds. She said that Sierra Leone is the most serious country in this regard. In the 1990s, hundreds of thousands of people died in civil wars. Rebel forces cut off the hands and legs of innocent people and forced children to fight. The Revolutionary United Front controls the eastern part of Sierra Leone, which is the main producing area of ​​diamonds, and diamonds are the economic source of war. According to reports, it is correct to associate such wars with diamonds.

Two years ago, there was a movie "Bloody Diamond" that attracted people's attention to this issue. What this movie reflects is a story that took place during the Sierra Li Civil War. Leonardo DiCaprio starred as a man who sold weapons to rebel forces in exchange for diamonds. He was involved in the chase for a rare and precious pink diamond, but in the end, he gave up This diamond repelled the rebels and helped others understand the legal diamond trade. Witnesses around the world are consultants for the film, and Anne Dunnbaker said that the film had an impact on the public.

Anne Dunnbaker: "I think Hollywood delivers this message to the audience far more than our reports can deliver to readers, and it is also very valuable."

International pressure has forced the diamond industry to take action in an effort to stop the trade in blood diamonds. In 2003, the United Nations established the Kimberley Process Certificate, which requires member governments to provide proof that diamonds do not contain blood diamonds in import and export. Tom Dewedi, a spokesperson for De Beers, the world's largest producer of rough diamonds, said that the Kimberley Process certificate is an important step to stop the **** diamond trade. He said: "We have a system, although it is not perfect yet, it may be the only acceptable system in the world."

Philip Krass of the World Diamond Center said that before the implementation of the Kimberley Process Certificate, conflict diamonds accounted for 4% to 15% of the global trade in rough diamonds. Now, the trade in conflict diamonds only accounts for 0.2% of the trade in rough diamonds. However, Anne Dunnbaker said that some diamonds were illegally transferred in some African countries. Li Cong knows this best. At least the diamonds sold in the Jewelry Store of the Energy Group do not have too many formal procedures.

Experts say that diamonds are not only precious gems, they can also cause trouble to the world. For example, more than 90% of rubies come from Burma, and the Pimener government of Burma controls the sales of gems in this country. This trade makes the military government Able to maintain its power. Human rights activists are working hard to increase restrictions on the ruby ​​trade in Burma. Human rights activists hope that people can ask more questions when they buy these jewelry. It's just that such organizations often feel powerless when facing a huge energy group sales network.

Office of the Chairman of the Energy Group Board of Directors (President’s Office is now Li Er’s)

"Hehe, it's been a long time since the two of them came to me. I believe they wouldn't come without the flowers of this huge diamond mine?" Li Cong and his son met the visiting Mr. Robert and Mr. Robert and his son in the office. President Hank, in fact, this is mainly for Robert. The Skull and Bones now has a rotating chairmanship system, so one boss a year has little to do with him, but the necessary politeness is still needed, but Robert ate it. Li Cong has suffered such a big loss, and his internal situation is still unstable. If he didn't want to use Li Cong's power to intimidate Great Russia, he would not have come here. This is simply a devil.

Anyway, Li Er himself is qualified to negotiate with these two guys when he goes out, but he has his own laozi here, so he doesn’t have to speak for himself, so Li Er cleverly helped these big guys. After pouring the wine, I watched it on the sidelines. Learning experience is also very important at this time.

"Mr. Li is really joking. Now it's different from before. If you want to sit down with Mr. Li, you have to have enough qualifications. Our Europa doesn't seem to have such qualifications anymore." Naturally, Robert would not give in to words. For Li Cong, Hanke is in his forties. Although he was a bit dissatisfied with the energy group’s practices in Europa a while ago, if he continues to talk to Robert at the moment, it is estimated that this negotiation will be I don’t need it anymore, so I still have to make a good reconciliation. After Hank’s persuasion, Robert also knows that there are some things to say by himself. If he continues to talk about Li and is never happy, then he will be in big trouble. I wasn't here to be vindictive this time, but fortunately Li Cong didn't want to be vindictive.

"Mr. Li, I was wrong just now, but I don’t think Mr. Li would do anything just because of a word of mine." Robert raised his glass and said, Li Cong also smiled and nodded, looking at this guy. It seems that I am definitely not apologizing to myself, and the following "Mr. Li, in fact, I was a little confused before we started the negotiation. I want to know how many shares in De Beers you have in total." De Beers in Robert's mouth It is the world’s largest diamond company. His problem has obviously attracted Hank’s attention. Although the two of them also have shares, it seems that Li Cong is the one behind the scenes. This time, he has to make a clear calculation. The compensation was too big, and Li Cong couldn't help him make money again.

Debeers, a cartel and multinational company in the world's diamond industry, dominates 40% of the world's diamond mining and trade. debeers by Cecil in 1888? Founded by Rhodes, the company is now headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, as a private company. A subsidiary Diamond Consulting Center of its group, referred to as the Diamond Consulting Center, is responsible for marketing. In February 2008, debeers' first Hong Kong specialty store opened in the Landmark in Central.

De Beers' main business includes diamond ore mining, trading, industrial diamond production and processing, etc. De Beers' diamond mining includes: open-pit mining, underground mining, large-scale alluvial deposits, coastal mining and deep sea mining. Mining locations are in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Canada, and Russia.

Since 1888, De Beers has been a reputable name in the diamond mining and evaluation industry. As early as more than sixty years ago, De Beers established a sales organization to distribute most of the world's gem-quality diamond embryos, ensuring the stability of the rapidly growing world diamond market.

De Beers has been closely involved in all areas of the diamond industry, from the mining of rough stones to the sale of diamonds, and strives to promote support. Through its global network of diamond promotion centers and diamond consulting centers, De Beers uses 21 languages ​​to promote and publicize diamonds, providing assistance and professional advice to the jewelry industry and the media. The most important thing is to help consumers understand diamonds and drive the trend of diamond jewelry.

The name of the De Beers brand is derived from pure, flawless, natural and excellent diamond jewelry, which is endowed with the emotional connotation of love. The hard and non-deteriorating characteristics of diamonds are consistent with the public's yearning for love. The symbolic positioning of De Beers' loyal love revolves around the unchanging emotional value of diamonds to dig out consumer love elements, which develops the emotional needs of customers and creates a new concept market. This obviously plays a heart-breaking role in people's yearning and demands for emotional life nowadays, so Yuanmeng Home Textiles Co., Ltd. home textiles "De Beers" brand came into being.

The brand style of De Beers is positioned as diamond grade, classic and eternal. The products mainly highlight the noble quality of diamonds, the dream-like romantic life mood, the graceful temperament of various styles, the exquisite and warm home atmosphere and the classic love that has lasted forever. The target is the urban upstart who pursues fashion information and international taste, the urban white-collar workers who are rich in petty bourgeoisie, and the career elite who pursues a sense of life.

debeers is the world's largest diamond mining company. Since its establishment in 1888, debeers have become synonymous with diamonds. Debeers also has diamond valuations and sells most of the world's uncut diamonds to diamond cutting centers. The cutting centers cut and polish these diamonds so that they can be used in jewelry.

Debeers is a leader in the global diamond mining technology industry, operating 19 diamond mines around the world, producing more than half of the world's diamonds, and cooperating with African governments such as Bozana, Namibia and Tanzania.

Diamonds mined from these mines, as well as diamonds from other major sources, are all sold through debeers' central sales agency based in London. The central sales organization holds ten diamond appreciations every year, and sells uncut diamonds to more than 160 major diamond cutting centers around the world, all of which are customers of the debeers central sales organization.

Since the 20th century, De Beers has been known for its positional advantages in implementing a monopoly system in the international diamond market. The company has used various methods to continuously hone this way of controlling the market: first it persuaded independent producers to join With its single-channel monopoly, the diamonds that it flooded into the market were similar to those produced by those manufacturers who refused to join the alliance. In the end, it bought and stored diamonds produced by other manufacturers for the purpose of correcting the supply. Market prices are controlled. However, this transformation of the company has become more and more widespread since the end of the nineteenth century.

By 2030, many factors have prompted De Beers to change its old business model. In the 1990s, De Beers had less and less influence on industry guidance and supply control, and the effect became less and less obvious. In terms of business, De Beers is increasingly unable to use its leadership advantages or foreseeing the industry to expand its business. In addition, more and more diamond miners from Russia, Canada, Australia and other places choose to sell diamonds from channels other than De This objectively helps monopoly The elimination. Compared with other luxury goods, the diamond jewelry market has shown signs of shrinking. Regarding changes in consumer demand, the diamond industry has not responded and adjusted at a corresponding speed. In order to solve these problems, De Beers and n&mpany conducted a comprehensive and complete strategic assessment of its own business and the entire industry, and then adjusted its business model based on supply control to a model based on market demand. At the same time, De Beers also established a supplier selection sales strategy. As a result of the adjustment of strategy and business model, De Beers now occupies 40% of the market share, but the profit margin is higher than when it occupied 80% of the market share.

Compared with the pattern of ten years ago, the diamond industry today has undergone tremendous changes. The current situation is a very complex and constantly changing geopolitical scene. Today's major diamond industry giants are: African diamond-producing countries (such as the government of the Republic of Botswana, the government of the Republic of Namibia, of course, most of them are controlled by energy groups), De Beers, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Energy Group Jewelry Company, etc.

On November 5, 2031, South Africa’s Oppenheimer family mer sold a 40% stake in De Beers to Asia Resources Co., Ltd. for US$51 billion (approximately HK$397 billion). Robert suspected that this Asian resource was Li Cong's business, so he asked the law.

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