Energy Group

Chapter 1442:

Episode 1442

How rich are the rich in Great Russia? Some people say: "They are more generous than other rich people. M" This can be known from the world's top luxury goods exhibition opened in Moscow, Russia on October 27. This four-day top-level bioassay exhibited a large number of high-priced luxury goods, hoping to make Russia's rich people consume it. However, this exhibition was criticized by some media.

The rich in Russia have always been famous for being pompous and having fun in time. And the person who issued the evaluation of "they are more generous" is the founder of this top luxury exhibition and the CEO of the Dutch Hellas Media Group, Yves Hellas. It was the opening ceremony of this exhibition, and he was asked about the difference between the rich in Russia and the rich in other parts of the world. In order to take full advantage of this characteristic of Russian rich men, many companies from all over the world worked tirelessly to bring a large number of luxury goods to showrooms located in the suburbs of Moscow. From thoroughbred horses to classic cars, from priceless jewellery to high-end furniture designed by famous designers.

According to media reports, in order to show off their mink fur coats, diamonds and other luxury goods, Russian politicians, businessmen and stars of the show business came to the conference in an endless stream in extended cars. Ekaterina Polyakova, a 43-year-old lawyer who was selecting jewelry and porcelain in the exhibition hall, pointed to her husband, a real estate agent next to her, and said: “He spends more time dealing with those rich men than I do. Now his new hobby It’s a yacht.” The organizers of the show estimate that the show will attract about 10,000 visitors every day. This is the second time Moscow has hosted the world's top luxury goods exhibition. This luxury-oriented luxury exhibition was first created in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2002. At present, it has landed in cities such as Cannes in France, Cotenet in Belgium and Dubai in the UAE.

The privatization reforms in the 1990s and the rising oil prices and raw material prices in recent years have made some people in Russia rich overnight and created an "elite" called the "new Russians." However, some media commented bitterly that compared with the martinis, flashing camera lights, and well-dressed waiters in the exhibition hall, the surrounding environment of the exhibition hall is very inconsistent. Currently, one-fifth of Russia's 142 million people still live below the poverty line. The average annual income of Russians is only US$5,000. In some remote areas, the average income of local residents is even lower.

Since people all over the world choose to grab money from these rich Russians, why not go? At this time, Li Cong also germinated the idea of ​​establishing an exposition in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but the time is not yet Very mature, I must be able to bring out some things that are on the stage. Those people are nouveau riche, but sometimes it is not so easy to want them to pay, and they must be attracted to them. Yes, after sending the old man away, Li Cong has already put three billion dollars in his pocket. This is a deposit. After the first shipment is delivered, he can receive the second 30%.

Qin Guozhong is busy in Hong Kong. Besides, I just got so many diamonds. If I don’t bring them back at this time, it’s a waste of money. You must know that these diamonds can bring this guy at least one hundred thousand dollars every day when they arrive in Hong Kong. For income, it’s even more important if there are rich people who are interested in it. Those people do everything to compare. In the past, they thought that the energy group would control it and the economy would become depressed. Who knows because The energy group's capital has become more prosperous after the large-scale entry of funds. Hong Kong is now more wealthy than ever before. Some Southeast Asian rich men have also moved to Hong Kong for their own enjoyment. For this reason, the energy group has also specially formulated an artificial island. The plan, or the sea city, is more reliable.

In fact, there are already careful plans today that sea cities may first appear on the islands near Hong Kong Island and the sea near Japan. The unique charm of the maritime city will definitely not make oneself lonely. Just traveling will arouse guests like clouds. This thing hasn't been seen in the world before, so naturally it will be fresh. It's just a little bit more invested, but Li Cong believes it will be transferred back.

The weird triangular building was created by the American architect Kevin Schopfer. It aims to minimize the damage caused by the hurricane to the building. The design inspiration comes from how to avoid the impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans in 2005 Great damage caused by the city.

The "New Hong Kong Urban Habitat" is 1,200 feet (365.76 meters) high, covers 30 million square feet (2,787,100 square meters), and can accommodate up to 40,000 residents. From hotels to shops, casinos and schools, as long as it is available in ordinary cities, there is everything here. This space-age design is even equipped with gardens, dedicated express elevators, and moving walkways for pedestrians. Of course, this is only one of the ideas, and the other is the quick return plan proposed by Li Cong, that is, the city is to be completely built into a gathering point for the rich. The poor do not have much money in their hands. How can they expect They go to live in cities on the sea. It is only correct to let those rich people pay.

This new floating city will be located off the Victoria Harbour, and it can prevent similar natural disasters. The main structure is hollow, and strong wind can pass through it. The hurricane board installed on it can ensure that the damage to the building by the hurricane is minimized.

Kevin explained that his design mainly wanted to solve three problems. "The first challenge we face is the need to overcome the physical and mental damage caused by bad weather, and it is extremely important to provide a stable and safe environment for the new Hong Kong. The second challenge is that there is too much water in the new Hong Kong, and the high water level has caused it here. Typhoons and other disasters are prone to occur. The third challenge is that the soil under the city is composed of thousands of feet of soft soil, salt and clay. Under such soil conditions, it is difficult to build large-scale centralized buildings. Therefore, we overcome The solution to these challenges is to take full advantage of these seemingly unfavorable conditions by adopting the concept of floating cities."

In addition, this drift city can also be self-sufficient, all materials are recyclable, and all energy sources will be clean energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, etc. It is definitely a major project that meets environmental standards. It is said that the core secret of this doomsday city is actually hidden under the water, where there is a disaster processing center. Once a disaster occurs, the program will be activated to drift the city to safety.

In fact, the energy group designed this thing for a reason, mainly to test the motors of large naval bases. If that thing can run, then everything is easy to say. In the future, huge naval bases can even carry hundreds of thousands of people. Wherever such a base is, it is estimated that it will surrender to the banner of the energy group.

"Okay, you can go back first. This fat guy will stay with me for the first time. When my business is done, I will go to Hong Kong together. I think my diamond mine can still be sold in Hong Kong. Putting it with jade, I don’t believe that I can’t support a diamond tycoon.” Li Cong said with a smile. At this moment, he has a lot of jewelry business, but it’s not good to say that the tycoon is not your business. The question of how many stores you have opened is a question of how much money you can make. From the point of view of profit, Li Cong can only be said to be a beginner. If there is no jade to support him, it may be still At a loss.

Qin Guozhong glanced at Fatty Zhou. This guy said he was here to give him away. He spent most of the time chatting with that Elena, and he didn't even see that he was like a ball. How could anyone look at you, Li It can be seen from Qin Guozhong that the girl is not a simple character. Although it looks harmless to humans and animals, how could it be possible to become the chief model of a model agency from among so many people?

The plane took off with Qin Guozhong and 90 million US dollars worth of diamonds. There are no large-scale shows here, so I can only take a helicopter to the nearest few special shows. Although Li Cong has plans to build, But I haven’t let go of playing in Russia until now. I’m afraid that Li Cong’s games are for military purposes. For Li Cong, they don’t worry about 100 people. Give him a sweet date for this guy. He can directly take your fruit tree away. There is no way that Li's time is money from this side. He can only continue to turn to the military division for help. He should have an idea.

When I saw this military division on the huge screen, Li Cong's first feeling was that the military division seemed to be a lot older. It seemed that he had encountered some things recently. Li Cong thought of the recent military defeat in Russia that caused a huge economy. Volatility, he has a lot of his own assets in Russia more or less, so he should have been affected by certain volatility. Although Sequoia has already received huge funds from his own hands, it seems that they don’t want to throw the money away. In terms of economics, if Li never guessed wrong, they should have used it to expand their army. After the war, they all saw the serious shortage of their army. This is what they need to change the most. The country is okay, but when it comes to the big groups, they will be much worse. High-level military chiefs have resigned because of their low combat effectiveness.

"Hehe, strategist, it’s been a long time since I saw my friend. We haven’t contacted since the last time we cooperated. You don’t look very good. Did something happen?" Li Cong said with a smile, you have The difficulty is the best, and it is best if you can’t solve it yourself. Then I have a solution. If you don’t have any difficulties, why would you bear the hat of a traitor.

"Mr. Li, hello, it’s nothing. It’s just that our stock index has dropped a bit badly recently. I thought we would take a good look at our economic problems when we had money in our hands. I didn’t expect that now we are all invested in the military. Now, I’m going against their ideas.” The military commander said depressed, this time he lost more than one billion US dollars in the stock market. For the big men of Sequoia, this little money is nothing. But for him it was quite a lot. He lost his salary for one year for no reason, and no one would be happy if he changed it.

"Hehe, it's okay. I have an opportunity to make up for your losses. I don't know if you want it or not? If all your losses are stocks, now it is a good opportunity to cover your positions, although they are all right. The money is thrown into the military, but most of your weapons are produced by yourself. Sooner or later, the money will show up in the economy. Now that the stock market is at a low ebb, you can buy a lot and then sell it when it’s good. Go, isn’t this making money?" Li Cong said with a smile. What he said is very simple. In fact, the stock market is just like that. It’s just that he doesn’t think I’m so good at all. He is a rich man, but for the military strategist, he understands that these are all okay, but at the moment he has no money in his hands. How can he cover the position without money? I will feel distressed if I want to liquidate the position at this price. He glanced at Li Cong again, he even wondered if this was Li Cong’s set, why this guy had an uncomfortable life every time he asked him to do business, and he quickly threw this idea away. Even if Li Cong wants to set himself up, it will not be so hard. It is not impossible to influence the stock market of a huge country, but it depends on whether he is worth the price. If he really wants to be tough to influence In the case of the Russian stock market, Li Cong would have to lose at least hundreds of billions of dollars. The military division understands more than Li Cong. To be honest, I really don’t want to continue working with Li Cong. If I help him, I won’t be able to die. , But the conditions he offered are so attractive.

"Mr. Li, just say it. It's not the first time that we have cooperated. You know that I am a person. I will definitely do things for Mr. Li if I am capable, but I can't help if I can't finish it. "What he said is true, and he will not bargain with Li Cong. Of course, the reason why he doesn't bargain with Li Cong is actually that Li Cong is willing to pay the price. Of course, he knows himself clearly. His abilities have something to do with it. If the price is too high, it is estimated that this guy would have died long ago. He is not the same as Gogol. The guy Gogol wants to rejuvenate his dynasty, but the military division is different. He just wants Just assure your own interests. People's ancestors didn't become the royal family, so naturally they didn't have to think about that much.

"It's very simple, I want to build an airport in my diamond mine. I don't know if it can be?" Li Cong said directly.

"Airport? This is probably not easy to handle, you know, every time your energy group proposes to build an airport, it will be yours soon. I think they will not want this, and the diamond mine The surrounding area is where their control is weak, and your technology is as advanced as yours. Maybe they brought the army in without knowing it. They would have this consideration.” Sure enough, just as Li Cong guessed. This old guy refused when he came up. This matter was very tricky. He also felt that he was incapable of that ability. Taking the diamond mine can still be said to develop the economy for Russia, but what about building an airport? There is nothing around except your diamond mine. Can you expect to build another Moscow in the weather of tens of degrees below zero? This is absolutely impossible.

"Really? That's really a shame. Is there no way?" Li Cong was still a little unwilling to give up. Building an airport is too important for his diamond mine. What if there is no airport for transportation by helicopter. Will feel a lot slower.

The military division thought for a while, hesitated for a long time and said, “I have an idea here, but I don’t know if it will work. Mr. Li can talk to the local federal government. The Russian administrative system is different from yours. The Federation here has a high degree of autonomy. If they agree to build the airport, the central government will also consider blocking it. Moreover, if it is so desolate, you can start the construction immediately after you negotiate with the federal government to create a fait accompli. There is no way, can he still let the airport be demolished?" This guy really knows the way inside, and he gave Li Cong such a bad idea after a while, if his boss knew it, he wouldn't know it. What's it like?

Russia’s administrative divisions are very special. The country is divided into seven federal districts: Central, Northwest, Southern, Volga Coast, Ural, Siberia, and Far East. Each district is composed of the main body of the Federation (the concept of the main body of the Federation) It was introduced into the judicial system by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993). The head of the Federal District is a plenipotentiary appointed by the President of Russia. Russia now has 88 federal entities: 21 republics, 7 border regions, 48 ​​regions, 2 federal municipalities, 1 autonomous region, and 9 autonomous regions. All subjects are equal and each has its own national legal status. Some are constituted according to the principle of ethnic territory, such as republics and autonomous regions, and some are formed according to the principle of territory, such as border regions, states, and municipalities. In 2004 Perm Region and Komi Permiyak Autonomous Region merged into a new region-Perm Krai.

All federal entities and states have the highest legal status of the country. The Republic of the Russian Federation is a democratic and unitary legal country. It has its own constitution and can determine its own official language, which is used in conjunction with Russian in local state institutions. The republic can even establish its own nationality, but republic nationality and federal nationality coexist at the same time. These are only two levels of the unified nationality of the Russian Federation. In addition to its own Republic’s Constitution, the Republic’s legal system also includes various laws promulgated within its jurisdiction, treaties and agreements with the Russian Federation, other federal entities, and other countries. Therefore, the Republic of the Russian Federation has certain international sovereignty and even has its own Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but they have no right to implement an independent foreign policy.

The republic has the right to own its own national emblem, flag and national anthem, and each republic has its own capital. Without the consent of the Republic, its territory cannot be changed. The relationship between the Republic and the Russian Federation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a federal treaty and a treaty on the division of powers and responsibilities between the two parties.

The national territory form of national self-determination formed in the history of Russia. Today the Russian Federation has 1 autonomous region (Jewish Autonomous Region) and 9 autonomous regions (see table above). According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, they are equal federal entities with the republic, border regions, states, and federal municipalities, although they are often distributed on the territory of other federal entities — border regions or states — such as the Jewish Autonomous Region in Krasno Yarsk Krai and Nenets Autonomous Region are in Arkhangelsk Region. Only the Chukotka Autonomous Region has been a direct part of the Russian Federation since 1992 in accordance with the law.

The status of autonomous prefectures and regions is stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the "statutes" of autonomous prefectures or regions, and no one has the right to change without their consent. Autonomous prefectures and regions have their own system of state organs, laws, official signs, and elements of international sovereignty.

The state legal status of the Territory is the same as the state of the Russian Federation, but has its own historical origin in terms of title. In the 1990s, when the current constitution was formulated, the concept of "federal municipalities" was created, which replaced the former municipalities of the republics—Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad before 1992). The 1993 Constitution strengthened their dominant position of the Russian Federation. The status of a border region, state or federal municipality is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the regional "statutes". This charter has the highest legal effect relative to all local laws and regulations. Without the consent of the border regions, states and municipalities, their territories and administrative boundaries cannot be changed. These regions have their own representative bodies of power-the Duma or the Legislative Assembly, and the executive power belongs to the administrative body. They can participate in international and foreign economic activities under the coordination of the federal authority. Unlike the Republic, these regions do not have their own nationalities, and the official language in their territories is only Russian, which is unified by the whole Federation. Territories, states, and municipalities have the right to own their own signs-district (state, city) flags, emblems, and songs. Their compilation and use specifications are regulated by local laws.

The area where Li Cong’s diamond mine is located is the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Although it is not a republic, because of the sparsely populated area and the emperor’s distance, this area is also very self-governing. In addition, it is located in central Siberia to train the army. There are not many, so the bigwigs of the border region have great rights, and Li Cong should be fine with those who want to do things.

Krasnoyarsk Territory English: ykray Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian: красноя? рскийкрай?) is located in central Siberia. It is one of the main bodies of the Russian Federation and contains Tamer (Dorgan-Nene Autonomous Region and Evenki Autonomous Region (According to the referendum on April 17, 2005, the two autonomous regions will be merged into Krasnoyarsk Territory on January 1, 2007.). An area of ​​2,339,700 square kilometers (Russia is second, accounting for 13% of the country's land area, and an area of ​​710,000 square kilometers excluding two autonomous regions), a population of 2,966,042 (in 2042, including two autonomous regions, a population of 2,908,559 excluding autonomous regions), the capital Krasno Yarsk.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in central Asia of Russia, at 51 degrees-81 degrees north latitude and 78 degrees-113 degrees east longitude. It stretches from the Arctic Ocean to the mountains of Southern Siberia (up to 2930 meters in height).

From the Arctic Ocean to the southern part of the Sayan Mountains, Krasnoyarsk Territory stretches for almost 3,000 kilometers, and the widest point from west to east is 1,200 kilometers. The Siberian trunk line is 650 kilometers long in its territory. The northernmost point of the Krai is Chelyuskin Horn, located at 77.41°N latitude, which is the northernmost point of Russia and the Asian continent.

The southeast and south of Krasnoyarsk Territory are adjacent to the Republic of Tuva, the south is adjacent to the Altai Territory, the southwest is adjacent to Kemerovo Oblast, the west is adjacent to Tomsk Oblast, and the northwest is adjacent to Tyumen. The states are adjacent, with the Sakha Republic in the northeast and east, and Irkutsk Oblast in the east and southeast.

The terrain of Krasnoyarsk Territory is divided into three parts: the Taimel Peninsula with the Belan Mountains, the Western Siberian Plain and the Central and Western Siberian Plateau. The highest point is the Kuznetsk Mountain (up to 2930 meters) in the Eastern Sayan Mountains. The main rivers are the Yenisei River and its tributaries, and the Heta River, Piasina River, and Temer River in the north. The largest lakes in the territory are Lake Temel and Lake Piasino.

The climate of Krasnoyarsk Territory is a typical continental climate. The northern part is extremely cold. The average temperature in January is minus 36°C in the north and minus 18°C ​​in the south; the average temperature in June is 13°C in the north. , The south is 20°C. The annual precipitation ranges from 200-300 mm in the north to 800-1200 mm in the mountains of South Siberia.

The northern part of Krasnoyarsk Territory is a permafrost zone with bog peat soil. The southern part of the tundra is virgin forest, gray forest soil, black soil and dark brown soil. Most of the land in Krasnoyarsk Territory is covered with virgin forests (mainly broad-leaved forests and red pine), the north is the Arctic tundra, and the southern mountains are grasslands.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of Russia's most abundant natural resources. The most abundant resources in the border region are water power, coniferous forests, mixed metal ore, iron ore, coal, gold, diamonds, and rare metals and non-metals.

The plants in Krasnoyarsk Territory are rich and diverse, with obvious zoning of warp and latitude. From 100 meters to 3000 meters in height, the scenery is different, with multi-level natural scenery. The forest coverage rate is 45%. The forest is divided into three parts: the northern forest (swamp forest), the central forest (dense coniferous forest, namely red pine, larch, and fir), and the southern broad-leaved forest belt. The southern part of the Krai is composed of grasslands and forest grasslands.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the regions with the most abundant timber reserves. The total timber reserves are 7.6 billion cubic meters, accounting for 9.3% of Russia. This includes 5.2 billion cubic meters of finished timber and over-mature timber, accounting for 68.9% of the total timber reserves in the border region.

There are more than 450 kinds of plants growing in the border region, including those with industrial value, and about 60 kinds of plants are protected by the state.

There are 342 species of birds and 89 species of mammals in the animal world, including 600,000 northern deer populations. There are white bears, walruses, seals, and ringed seals on the shore and in the water of the Arctic Ocean. There are foxes, wolves, arctic foxes, ferrets and many kinds of birds in the tundra. There are brown bears, moose, red deer, deer, roe deer, sable, lynx, and squirrel in the dense forest. There are many kinds of fish in rivers and lakes, including sturgeon, small sturgeon, tequila, grayling, pike, whitefish and other about 30 kinds of fish.

The hydropower resources of Krasnoyarsk Territory are abundant among the Russian regions. The river flow reaches 700 cubic kilometers per year, accounting for 20% of Russia.

The rivers of Krasnoyarsk Territory belong to the Kara Sea basin. There is one of the largest rivers in the world, the Yenisei River (it originates in the Sayan Mountains and is located in eastern Asia), with a total length of 4092 kilometers.

The lower reaches of the Yenisei River is 12 kilometers wide, and at the entrance of the Kara Sea it is 40-50 kilometers. There are many tributaries of the Yenisei River, such as the Pyasina and Herta rivers that flow into the Laptev Sea, and the Churem and Agara rivers that form a natural transportation network in the border region.

The flow velocity of the river ranges from 3 to 5 meters per second to 10 to 12 meters per second, and there are many rapids and waterfalls in the river. There are many lakes in Krasnoyarsk Territory, totaling 323,000 lakes, accounting for more than 11% of the total number of lakes in Russia. Among the many lakes, there are not many large lakes. 86% of the lakes are located in the north, and most of the lakes in the south are mineral spring lakes and mud lakes. In the northern part of Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are two sea areas of the Arctic Ocean, namely the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. The sea surface is covered with ice for up to 9 months each year. Despite the icebreakers, the northern route uses barges almost all year.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory has concentrated Russia's main reserves of platinum, quasi-platinum, copper, and nickel. Its main mineral deposits are located in the north, including the Taimer Peninsula and the Islamite steppe. Its gold mining occupies a dominant position in the Russian states.

The lead reserves in the Golevsk mine are relatively large. Other minerals such as silver, germanium, tellurium, gallium, and indium can be obtained while mining lead. Apatite and nepheline are the main raw materials for the production of aluminum. The content of apatite mines in the northern part of the Krai accounts for 21% of the total Russian reserves.

The magnesite base in Angarask has 500 million tons of reserves and is of high quality, making it the largest magnesite in Russia. High-purity magnesite can be used to refine metallic magnesium.

More than 10 metal-associated mines have been mined at the Noriel Copper Mine in the north. The mining methods are open-pit and non-open-pit. The Noriel Mine and Metallurgical Complex is responsible for processing the minerals. It guarantees most of Russia’s copper, nickel, Mining of cobalt and platinum.

The bauxite reserves between the Angara River and the Shiquan Tunguska River are estimated to be 100 million tons. The "central" bauxite mine base is high in rare metals and rare earths, with a total reserve of 50 million tons.

The total coal reserves of Krasnoyarsk Territory are 86.3 billion tons, of which industrial coal accounts for 7%. About 60 million tons of coal are mined annually in the central area of ​​"Krasnoyarsk Coal".

Kavonsk-Achinsk's lignite area has amazing reserves and is suitable for open-pit mining. Its total reserves are 63.9 billion tons, accounting for 66% of Russia's thermal coal reserves, of which 62.2 billion tons can be mined open-pit.

It can be said that the place where Li Cong is located is simply a treasure. If Li Cong is interested in mining some other mineral resources, it is okay. However, no matter how much other minerals make money, they can’t keep up with his own diamonds. Li Cong was stunned. He didn't necessarily need your central government's approval. It would be better to take a circuitous route by himself. In Li Cong's opinion, these local officials are better than the central officials.

After Li Cong understood what to do with the change, he gave the military division a little benefit. Of course, it couldn’t be cash. Li Cong’s point of view was that he didn’t have it. When he got it back, he wouldn’t give cash. So Li Cong picked two. A dazzling diamond was sent to the son of the military division, worth about tens of millions of dollars, and the military division also felt that he hadn't given Li Congbang a lot of money. Would it be so much money just to pay attention to others.

Things have to be done quickly. Li Cong immediately took Fatty Zhou who was thinking about how to hook up with Elena and set off. The two of them spent a few hours in a helicopter and arrived at the capital of Krasnoyarsk, which was almost the same as the name of the territory. This is the largest city in Eastern Siberia, but it looks the same as it was in the last century.

"I just said I won't come, I have to come and see what the **** this place is, huh? It seems to be pretty good here too..." Fatty Zhou saw a Russian beauty walking by in the distance, now it seems like that Jelena forgot, this man...

This is the largest city in Eastern Siberia and the capital of Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located at the junction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Yenisei River. The population is about 885,000. Built as a fortress in 1628. With the development of gold mining in the surrounding area. In 1823, it was the capital of Yenisei County. In 1896, the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed and the business developed and the population increased dramatically. Industry and cities developed rapidly after the Second World War. The industry is dominated by machinery manufacturing, metallurgy and chemicals, and the wood processing and papermaking industries are also relatively developed. There are a number of key enterprises in the city. There is the Krasnoyarsk Hydropower Station in the southwest of the city. There are many research and design units and universities in the city, as well as the former residence museum and natural park of Lenin in exile. The Soviet Building is the main building. The urban area is located on both banks of the Yenisei River. The left bank is the old city and commercial center, and the right bank is the new industrial area built during the Second World War.

The establishment of the city began in July 1628. The pioneers headed by General Andreyy arrived at the confluence of the Yenisei and Ha rivers and built fortifications on the spot as an outpost for the Russian army to prepare for the next step of the attack. Military operations by the indigenous Yenisei.

During World War II, many factories moved here from Ukraine and western Russia to avoid the war, which greatly promoted the development of local industry. After the war, many large factories providing raw materials for these industries were also established: aluminum smelters, metallurgical plants, secondary metal processing plants, and so on.

In the late 1970s, the Soviet Union began to build a phased array radar station next to the city. NATO accused this move of violating the "Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty" signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1972. Since 1983, the United States continued to demand that the Soviet Union cancel the radar station. It was not until the Soviet government admitted that the facility violated the treaty in 1989. The equipment was withdrawn until the completion of the dismantling was announced in 1992, but the equipment is likely to be reassembled at a location close to the Komsomolsk. During the Cold War, Krasnoyarsk was also a base of the Northeastern Air Force of the city, but this base became a residential area after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many large local factories began to privatize. A considerable number of companies declared bankruptcy, and the companies that continued to operate were controlled by individual wealthy businessmen or triad leaders. The unemployment rate of workers has soared, and workers in the industry often strike in protest.

In the late 1990s, the largest economic scandal broke out in the region. The businessman Anatoly Bykov was suspected of murdering his economic partner Vellore Sturuganov, and the local government deprived him of his protection against Krasnoya. Ownership of the Aluminium Plant. But the incident was exposed shortly after it was a competitor's long-planned framing of Bykov.

The local factory ownership dispute in Krasnoyarsk has continued to this day The reason is that almost all the original state-owned factories are controlled by monopolies or financial oligarchs.

Since Mayor Pimashkov came to power in 1996, the appearance of the city has gradually improved: the old historic buildings have been preserved, and the rigid asphalt sidewalks have been converted into paving stones with local characteristics. They have been developed in a fishing style. Numerous hot spring sanatoriums were protected or closed for rectification. Nowadays, in this thriving city, the ruin and monotony of the Soviet era can hardly be seen. However, the mayor passed away after only three years. After he died, the place has declined again, and it has become so stubborn.

"Fat man, you have the best way to find someone from the government. What should we do? My group does not have an office here." Li Cong originally wanted to find a local, but the report from the group said It hasn't penetrated here yet, and there is no value here, and it is just a waste of money.

"Hehe, you can't do this. My brother teaches you how to do it. Just go to the most luxurious place here. Wherever there will always be something we need." Karelina next to it is also very surprised. Nodding, Li Cong waved his hand, followed the Mercedes-Benz in front of him and left. In this city, there is such a high-class car that is also a high-ranking official. Besides, it is time for dinner again. People will definitely have a good place to go, and he can't go wrong with him.

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