Energy Group

Chapter 1448:

Data from UNESCO shows that as many as 1.64 million cultural relics have been lost from China, which are collected by 47 museums around the world. M() The British Museum is the museum with the largest collection of Chinese cultural relics. Its collection of Chinese cultural relics can be traced back to the establishment of the museum in 1753. The current collection of Chinese cultural relics is as many as 23,000, and about 20 are on display for a long time. . These collections, together with the collections of ancient Greece and Egypt, have become the most important and precious cultural heritage of humanity in the museum's collection.

According to a person from the museum, the Chinese cultural relics collected by the museum cover the entire art category of China, spanning the entire Chinese history, including carved books, paintings and calligraphy, jade, bronze, pottery, and ornaments. After visiting the China Hall, we know that the introduction of the museum is not false. Stone tools from ancient times, red pottery bowls and pointed-foot pots in Banpo Village more than 60 years ago, jade congs and jade axes from the Neolithic period, bronze statues and tripods from the Shang and Zhou periods, bronze mirrors, pottery, lacquerware, and iron swords from the Qin and Han periods, The golden and bronze Buddhas of the Six Dynasties, the white marble Buddha statues of the Sui Dynasty, the three-color porcelain of the Tang Dynasty, the porcelain of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties and various gold and jade products, oracle bone inscriptions, bamboo slips, carved ancient books and maps, copper coins, silk, embroidery, calligraphy and painting , Enamel sculptures, cloisonne, lacquerware, bamboo weaving, etc., are dizzying. In a word, ancient stone tools, Shang and Zhou bronzes, Wei-Jin stone Buddhist scriptures, Tang and Song calligraphy, Ming and Qing porcelains and other national treasures marked with the culmination of various cultures in Chinese history can be seen here.

The cooperation between the British Museum and the United States is arguably the most powerful in history. The Atlantic Fleet of the U.S. Navy even dispatched an **** fleet consisting of two destroyers, originally to be transported by air. However, the chance of a crash in the air is too great, especially since the boss of the energy group Li has never played cards according to common sense. Karelina just finished the briefing for Li Cong, and the Energy Group headquarters there received double warnings from Europa and Skull and Bones. If Li Cong really took action on these valuable cultural relics, they would not mind starting a war. These cultural relics are worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and each one is an absolute treasure.

"Assholes, **** it. I didn't see you put pressure on Lao Tzu when you **** robbed Lao Tzu more than a hundred years ago. Now Lao Tzu will take back you **** and put pressure on Lao Tzu one by one. Good bully? You bastards." Li Cong has been scolding in the office for almost half an hour. In fact, there is no news on his side, but the people from Skull and Bones and Europa are not fools, Li Cong. This guy is definitely a small belly in the antique matter. If this guy doesn't want to take these things back, he is not Li Cong. Therefore, this batch of antiques did not send a large number of warships to escort. In fact, if Li Cong wants to do it, the two aircraft carrier brigades may not have much effect, but they have told the world that if these things are still going on, then It's Li Cong's problem, and that's why Li Cong is angry.

It's not Li Cong's style to endure it like this. "By the way, how about our battleship? Have air guns been installed?" Suddenly Li Cong thought of something powerful. The first-tier battleship of the Energy Group was developed three years ago. This thing is more powerful than the arsenal ship. Although its missile attack cannot keep up with the arsenal ship, the artillery on it definitely exceeds those of the arsenal ship. The air cannon is installed.

"Sir, our first battleship was launched last month. Because the construction time is about the same, five battleships are now launched. The air cannon has also been tested, and the power can be destroyed by one shot. Everything within the range. If you hit the aircraft carrier at a distance of 500 meters at sea, you can’t silence the aircraft carrier. However, shrapnel will definitely cause heavy losses to some radar equipment on the surface of the aircraft carrier. If the aircraft carrier enters the water, the air cannon is protected by an electric power module. The range can reach 35 kilometers, which is much more powerful than some missiles. The Ministry of Science and Technology said that if there is enough time, they can develop a range of 40 to A 50-kilometer super cannon came out.” Karelina immediately knew what Li Cong was thinking, and that was to send out the air cannon, but then these things would sink into the Atlantic Ocean and be salvaged in the Atlantic Ocean. Things are not so easy. This is not offshore, and there may be direct losses during the attack.

"These people are trying to fiddle with these flashy things. I just have these things for what use, and those things can't reach my hands. The artillery is all at once lost to Lao Tzu. What are you doing with such power." Li Cong Karelina was laughing when he scolded. In fact, Li Cong wanted one of this giant battleship, and he didn’t say he wanted to build it. He had the idea of ​​a giant sword and a cannon in his mind. It can shoot at targets within a range of tens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers, and now it can attack targets of thousands of kilometers. Such battleships are absolutely needed by the Navy, but an 80,000-ton-class battleship is too expensive to build. It’s huge. People in the Navy have never dared to bring it up. I didn’t expect Li Cong to bring it up. How could they not agree. It is estimated that it would take a long time to fight the people of the Ministry of Finance for the cost of 11 billion US dollars per ship. It's silly, but Li is completely different since he said it. Even those in the government happily said that they should support it.

Battleship (p), also known as battleship, battleship, battleship, is a large surface combat ship with large-caliber naval guns as its main combat weapon. Because battleships are equipped with powerful large-caliber naval guns and heavy armor, which have powerful attack and protection capabilities, battleships used to be the battle core of the naval formation and the main force of the surface battleship formation. Since this kind of warship developed from the 16th century until the end of World War II, it has been one of the main ships of the major sea power countries, so it was once called a battleship in the past, but due to the strategic position of the battleship after World War II Replaced by aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, they are no longer the main force in the fleet, so this name is relatively meaningless.

Battleship was once one of the largest and most complex weapon systems ever created by mankind. In its heyday-from the beginning of the 20th century to World War II, battleships were the only strategic weapon platform with long-range strikes. Therefore, it is valued by various naval powers.

From the end of World War II to the 1960s, with the exception of the US "Iowa" class, the battleships of the navies of various countries were basically decommissioned or removed from the stage of history. The "Iowa" class was still engaged in land artillery operations during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Since then, this class of ships was reactivated from reserve service and modernized from 1981 to 1988. After being equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Harpoon anti-ship missiles, it became the core of the surface strike force for a while, and there were two The ship participated in the Gulf War. In the 1990s (as of 1998 at the latest). All battleships have announced their retirement. Except for those preserved as memorial ships, the shadows of battleships have all disappeared.

In the late World War II, the aircraft carrier completely replaced the important position of battleships and became the maritime hegemon. However, after the energy group invented the air cannon, this weapon immediately became a more powerful weapon. They can instantly hit targets thousands of kilometers away. The caliber of the artillery has reached an astonishing 480 mm. The loss of the shells is the air cannons suppressed by electricity. If the old-fashioned shells of the past are estimated to be more than 1.5 tons, of course, with the weight, the range is naturally impossible to be that far, and ordinary shells can only hit a hundred tenths. It's just a target near kilometers.

The battleship Energy is one of the largest super warships built by the Energy Group Navy. When the Energy was built, the standard displacement was 75.0 tons, the trial displacement was 79,1 tons, and the full load displacement was 82,808 tons Note 1. The hull is 293 meters long. The length of the waterline is 296 meters, the vertical length is 244 meters, the width of the ship is 38.9 meters, the width of the waterline is 36.9 meters, the depth is 18.915 meters, the average draft (trial navigation) is 10.4 meters, and the average draft at full load is 10.86 meters. There are 8 480mm main guns, which can fire 15 rounds per minute if air cannon shells are fired. If it is a conventional artillery shell, it can only be one round per minute at most, with 15 secondary guns in 155mm triplex. Air cannons fired every minute can reach a staggering 60 rounds, and 15 small 129mm cannons are distributed around the warship.

There are also a large number of missile weapons on the battleship. It can launch 45 missiles in one minute. Of course, the main ones are defensive missiles. Of course, the most powerful thing about such a war monster is not its missiles. The most powerful thing is the 480mm main gun. It was simulated on the computer that if the distance was appropriate, their main gun could fire and destroy the entire New York City in ten minutes.

However, his ammunition consumption is also very severe. Although the raw material of air cannonballs is air, because the distance is far, the air cannon will dissipate when it is launched, so it can only be fixed with electromagnetic nets. A main gun It takes a lot of electricity to launch. According to the data of the group, at least about 100,000 degrees of electricity is required for each shell fired. Therefore, the most stored on the ship is electricity. This is their ammunition. Eight main guns are launched. It consumes 800,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity at a time, which is equivalent to 400,000 yuan. A full attack can cost 6 million yuan per minute. This is definitely a gold swallowing beast.

The first batch of battleships is the energy group so rich that they can only be equipped with five ships. If you want large-scale equipment, you can’t be satisfied in a short while, and a buildup at the beginning of the launch will consume about value. The environmental protection oil of about 1.2 million RMB is not a joke, so when there is no major battle, it is definitely a loss to send this thing.

There’s nothing wrong with the diamond mine recently. As long as the kid in Palermo is okay, he will be completely okay. At this moment, Li Cong thought of the navy because of antiques. The army expansion plan is proceeding in an orderly manner. At this moment, Li Cong arrived by plane. It is the largest naval base of the Energy Group and the Naha Naval and Air Force Base of the Energy Group’s Pacific Fleet. One reason Li inspected the Pacific Fleet from here, and the other is to lead the newly formed Pacific Fleet to cruise 2,000 nautical miles.

Naha was originally the site of Shurijo Castle, the capital of the ancient Ryukyu Kingdom. As early as the middle of the 14th century, it was already a trading port and is now the largest political, economic and cultural center of the Ryukyu Islands. Located on the south west coast of Chongsheng Island, it faces Naha Bay in the East China Sea. The population is 307,000 (1985). The area is 38 square kilometers. A city was established in 1921. The port can berth 10,000-ton ships. The only gateway to Chongsheng County. There are regular routes with overseas. Main air stations, through the Hawaiian Islands, Manila and Honshu. The largest industrial center in Chongsheng County. About one-third of the industries are concentrated here, mainly small and medium industries such as food processing. There are also special products such as fabrics, corals, leather products, lacquerware and ceramics. The tourism industry is booming, with over 80% of the working population engaged in the tertiary industry.

Destroyed by war during World War II, it was rebuilt after the war, occupied by the US army after the war, and returned to Fusang in 1972. It is the political and economic center of Okinawa Prefecture (Ryukyu Islands). At the same time, Naha Airport and Naha Port also serve as gateways for Okinawa Prefecture. After energy groups control Asia. Many military experts think this is a good base, so it has become the largest station of the energy group's Pacific fleet.

"Okay, generals, there are no outsiders now. I want to know what is going on with such an expensive warship. The combat power of the super warship is so much stronger than him. But you claim that his combat power is better than the super warship. Give me. A suitable explanation, otherwise the plan of this giant ship will end here.” Everyone can see the capabilities of the super battleship, but the usefulness of this battleship Li Cong only saw the magnificence and the world. The style of the previous battleship era, but this one thing cost me tens of billions. If this thing can't give me a reasonable explanation, it seems that he will end.

"Mr. Actually?? Actually? Well, we have loaded aviation equipment on the battleship. It can fly up, and it can even fly to the same height as the satellite. There is also a huge laser machine under the hull, which can be in the distance. At an altitude of 20,000 meters on the ground, vertical strikes are carried out on any target anywhere on the ground, so the cost is only???" General Wang Baosheng, commander of the Pacific Fleet, said with some fear. In fact, this aircraft Li Cong is not allowed to put into actual combat now. It's always been experimenting, and now these people use it without saying hello to themselves. However, I thought that I didn't prohibit this situation before, and just said that I don't want to use it for now. These people took advantage of such a loophole and spent hundreds of billions of dollars to create such a perverted fleet. What is the use of such a fleet on earth? If the flying warship came out like that, it would scare a large group of people to death. Li Cong shook his head helplessly. He knew that these people in front of him were militants, but he could not let such things appear at this time. He will cause a new round of military competition in the world. Don’t think that your own advanced technology can surpass others.

"Just let this matter happen like this. Next time, they will all be shot. I ordered all these battleships to be classified as the central fleet of the group. Without my order, they cannot be borrowed in any form." Li Cong thought for a while and said, this thing is still in control. It’s better in my own hands. The army has a guard, and the navy can also form a guard. Then he said, "I will appoint a part of the four major naval fleets to form a central fleet. They will become the navy in the future. The guards.” Li Cong thought for a while and said. The other deputy commanders of the fleet have their eyes bright now. Everyone knows what that means. The commanders of these fleets don’t need to think about it. They There is no chance at all. Just like the commander of the Guards, they are served by the deputy commanders of several group armies. The group commander should look at his army honestly. Now the boss has announced this to give them a chance.

"The navy will hold a live-fire exercise in the South Pacific two months later. Each of the four main fleets will send a squadron. You will decide the leader of the team. Whoever wins is the commander of the new fleet." Li Cong added. This sentence ended this navy trip. In fact, Li Cong's heart was very happy. After all, such a super killer appeared again, but he had to show some unhappiness on his face. Otherwise, If so, these people will be able to do everything, and many of the things on the drawings will come into reality, and then they will become warmongers.

The news of the establishment of the Navy’s Central Fleet seemed to have grown wings and spread rapidly among the four major energy groups in the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, and South Pacific fleets. Nearly a dozen deputy commanders saw this position and began to fight. Everyone knows that this place will be a sweet pastry in the future. If you can grab it now, it will be delicious and spicy. If you can't grab it, you will have no loss. Just continue to be the deputy commander.

In addition to the five battleships just built, the Navy’s Central Fleet. 15 super warships and 30 110,000-ton-class aircraft carriers are also being deployed in each fleet. There are 25 medium-sized aircraft carriers of 80,000 tons, 30 small aircraft carriers of 50,000 tons, 286 destroyers of 12,000 tons, 170 destroyers of 80 tons, 660 frigates of 50 tons, and more than 40 combat aircraft of various types. The strength of the entire fleet must be higher than that of the Indian Ocean Fleet. But lower than the Pacific and Atlantic fleets.

In addition to these off-the-shelf warships, the group has also developed a number of new battlecruisers. The battlecruiser is a large battleship built in the early 20th century. It is a new type of battleship with strong functionality evolved on the basis of armored cruisers. Britain’s widespread global colonial interests, which are interconnected through long maritime shipping lines and commercial networks, need to be protected by a powerful naval fleet that can be assembled quickly. The Royal Navy needs a warship that combines powerful firepower and high mobility, which can not only effectively combat enemy harassment, but also be able to quickly deploy to deal with emergencies. Therefore, the battlecruiser designed by the British Navy under the name "ideal cruiser" is a battleship that combines the powerful firepower of the battleship with the high mobility of the armored cruiser. At that time, new technologies provided the possibility of building new types of warships.

The leading idea of ​​designing battlecruisers can easily hunt cruisers. Because its main gun enables it to attack enemy ships before it enters the range of the cruiser. And its high speed allows it to hunt down ordinary cruisers, evade its nemesis battleships, or attack enemy battleships that have been damaged in naval battles. Therefore, the most classic design rule for battlecruisers is "ngest, ngerthanthefastest"-faster than the strongest (referring to battleships) and stronger than the fastest (referring to cruisers).

In actual combat, battlecruisers are rarely able to act alone as they were designed. In most cases, the commander of a fleet always hopes that the greater the firepower of his fleet, the better. The idea of ​​adding battlecruiser artillery to one's own fleet is very tempting. Therefore battlecruisers are always sent to participate in battleship decisive battles. And also used as a vanguard (because it runs fast). But in fact battlecruisers are just a kind of "functional warships", only designed to hunt cruisers. In battleship decisive battles, their speed advantage was not enough (in fact, they were only a few knots faster than battleships). Their armor could not hold the battleship’s artillery—they themselves were exposed to great danger. This is in Japan and Germany. It was obvious in the Lanhai battle.

In the Falkland Islands naval battle of World War I, battlecruisers proved their worth-hunting cruisers. In this battle, the British battlecruisers Firm and Invincible easily eliminated a German cruiser fleet in the South Atlantic (Spee Fleet). This is exactly the purpose of the battlecruiser, but this battle is also the only time the battlecruiser has played its due role.

In the Battle of Jutland in 1916. A British battlecruiser fleet tried to fight German battlecruisers and battleships before the British main fleet arrived. The result was a major defeat. The British ships Queen Mary, Indefatigable and Invincible exploded and sank. Almost all crew members except a few were killed, and the Lion was forced to flood its ammunition depot to avoid the same outcome. Although the armor of the German battlecruisers is stronger. But their ending was not much better, because they also encountered British battleships (and also the faster Queen Elizabeth-class battleships). The battlecruiser Lützov was sunk (which is still the most advanced in the German army), and the battlecruiser Sedlitz was hit hard (it sank after returning to port). Fortunately, Hipper escaped in time to avoid repeating the same cups (one thing but one thing) like a naval battle in the Falkland Islands. In this naval battle, none of the British and German battleships was sunk except one old German battleship. This battle proved that battleships are the real SS at sea, and battlecruisers are obviously difficult to take on the big task.

The battlecruiser of the Energy Group actually saw that the two large weapons of battleship and super battleship are too expensive, even the financial level of the energy group is also unbearable, so such a weapon was built, the first-class battlecruiser Named the Invincible class, the first one was built the year before, with a full load displacement of 38,000 tons, which is basically the same as the battleship of the First World War. It has eight giant 460mm air cannons, and dozens of missile launch holes are located on the scattered deck. It can launch 46 missiles in one minute, each costing 1.2 billion US dollars. This price is acceptable to the energy group. It can be seen in training. If they support the ground, their performance is not at all. Inferior to the super warships, of course, they have no air combat capability, but their own air defense system is fine. There should be no problem with the prevention and control of frigates. Therefore, with a stroke of Li Cong's pen, major shipyards around the world have received orders from energy groups. Li Cong will build 127 battlecruisers within three years and distribute them to the major In the fleet, there will be 25 super battlecruisers with a displacement of more than 40,000 tons.

In fact, Li Cong also studied the construction of battlecruisers for a while. Otherwise, the construction cost of these warships alone would cost more than US$1.8 billion. In addition to training expenses and some miscellaneous expenses, it would cost Li Cong at least US$400 billion to use his battlecruiser fleet, so this must be done carefully. Analysts within the group also said the world Ninety percent of the economically developed areas are in coastal areas. Therefore, some powerful weapons for shore attacks must be released. The ammunition carried by planes is still relatively small. Now the main ground attack aircraft can only carry a few. Tons of weapons. But with such a huge ship cannon, they can dump hundreds of tons of ammunition in an hour, and there is no need for large-scale supplies. Moreover, when dozens of such cannons are fired, they are given to people. The pressure is also obvious. As long as they are not fools, they will almost always choose to surrender. It is impossible to resist, because they will find that they can't handle it at all.

Li Cong's plan to build a battlecruiser quickly spread to several major forces. In fact, the navy of the energy group has long lost sight of the eight roads they dumped, but Li Cong is still struggling to expand his navy. This made his enemies immediately unable to sleep, just take it now. The chief directors of the Skull and Bones are all meeting at this time, but it has been five hours since no one can put forward a constructive suggestion. Now their Pacific Fleet only has a small number of troops deployed in the Hawaii Naval Port, most of them Their fleet is now in their homeland, and they are also afraid of another Pearl Harbor incident. In that case, they really don't have the capital to compete with the energy group, so they are now very careful.

"I really don't know what kind of abnormality the energy group is, how can they make warships so fast? Don't you know that this is a high-tech era? It takes at least eight years for an aircraft carrier to serve. , But looking at them, it takes as little as nine months. This is unbelievable. As for those destroyers, they can be launched in one month. I really want to go to their shipyard to see how they return. Matter.” The current rotating chairman is Harry Powell. This guy is also an admirer of the Great Sword Artillery, but he absolutely does not believe that his country can spend hundreds of billions of dollars to expand the navy, especially the establishment of Li Cong The same battlecruiser.

"In fact, people in our technical department have studied it. The navy of the energy group only built its internal wiring and weapons and equipment. Other things were carried out in docks around the world. It can be said that in the past year, Eighty percent of the world’s shipyards are cooperating with energy groups, and even a few of our domestic shipyards are like this. Because they report to merchant ships, we have no reason to refuse. The result of this is the whole world. They are all helping energy groups expand their navy." Kalmar Nett is a giant in the Skull and Bones who masters shipping, so he knows these things very well, and it is precisely for this reason that his several shipyards last year At that time, it made about tens of billions of dollars.

"Then can we rely on our influence to take the lead to prevent shipyards from all over the world from starting work? If they don't have so many helpers, then their development speed will directly slow down?" Said a guy with glasses.

"This method is not possible. The shipbuilding industry in all countries in the world is basically in decline. It is the same on our side. If we reject the energy group’s order, we will at least lose tens of billions of dollars in revenue, and our Tens of thousands of workers will face unemployment. Another is that they will seriously affect the price of steel worldwide. Unknowingly, the China Energy Group can already control the price of steel. His orders are signed when the steel price is lowest. In fact, our shipyard suffers a lot. If we use more steel, we will definitely increase the price of steel. We swallowed this bitter pill.” Kalmar Nett naturally hopes that he can continue to make money. He sees It’s very unwise to stop people from coming to your navy, and you might suffer a big loss on your side.

"Kamar is right. We can't mess around at this time, and our economic department has already warned that we can't let our economy collapse. I think we should not follow the energy group in this armament plan. There is chaos. These are the batch of warships we need most. I think we should follow our plan." The Minister of Finance does not want the arms race to drag down the entire country’s economy. They played the Soviet Union in this way. Dead, they don't want to go the same way now, but they are at a disadvantage now. If you don't chase it in the future. The end result is swallowed by them.

Our navy plan? At this moment, several people glanced sideways at the Minister of Finance. When is it all, they are thinking about saving money, what are some jokes, this year's Skull and Bones Navy procurement plan only has two aircraft carriers, five destroyers, and one nuclear submarine. Just six frigates, if the purchase of hundreds of billions of dollars a few decades ago would be good, but compared with Renjia Energy Group's trillion dollars, the gap seems to be too big.

The situation in Europa is basically the same as that of the Skull and Bones. Their naval plan is similar to that of the Skull and Bones. So they are also worried at the moment. Most of the earth is covered by water. They must be controlled by others, which they all know very well. The fundamental reason why the sun never set empire existed was because they had naval strength that was not available in other parts of the world, and now they would lose this advantage. Will those unfair treaties come to them? This can be seen by Li from the style of doing things, and this guy can definitely do it.

Just when Li Cong was enthusiastic about expanding his own navy. An unexpected incident occurred, and Li Cong’s navy was immediately useful. On the South Pacific route, two 100,000-ton tankers of the shipping company under the Energy Group were sunk and were sunk in the South Pacific. The torpedo was sunk, and the whole world seemed to have blown up. How could this happen? At this time, someone attacked the warship of the energy group. Is this a joke? The Australian Squadron of the energy group immediately dispatched two high-speed 80-ton destroyers rushing towards the accident area. Investigation ships of several other major forces also drove towards the accident area at full speed. In fact, they were afraid that Li Cong would use this as an example. Reasons to provoke a war again, no one else can fight it. Although in recent years it has been only a small fight, but the annual military expenditure is more than hundreds of billions of dollars. Li Cong is a war madman. Some of them are rich, and there is no good fruit to confront him, so it must be investigated to make sure that Li Cong cannot be given a chance to go crazy. Of course, the other three powers hope to do this with the other two, so you can do it yourself. Sit back and relax.

The two destroyers that rushed to the accident site were both Poseidon-class destroyers that came into service this year. The ship is equipped with 128 vertical launch units, 6 8-unit vertical launchers are located behind the bow of the 127mm naval gun, and 4 8-unit Mk41s. The vertical launcher is located at the back and upper part of the helicopter garage, equipped with NY-66 "Energy" kⅢB and NY6 "Energy" kⅣA ship-to-air missiles. "Energy" kⅢB is the latest model in the "Energy" 2 ship-to-air missile family, and it is one of the most advanced mid-range ship-to-air missiles in the world. The missile is propelled by a solid rocket motor, with a length of 4.72 meters, a diameter of 0.343 meters, a wingspan of 1.06 meters, a weight of 706.7 kilograms, a maximum range of 467 kilometers, an effective shooting height of 10 to 2 meters, a flying speed of Mach 2.5, and a mid-range inertial radio. Command modification plus semi-active radar guidance at the terminal stage. At the same time, a set of auxiliary infrared sensors is added to become a dual-mode terminal guidance, and the missile guidance logic calculation function is expanded, so that the missile can better handle the sensing from the ship The information uploaded by the missile and missile seeker improves the performance of dealing with important targets in the final stage of flight. The self-developed 6-seat 8-unit vertical launcher is located above the front of the helicopter garage, of which 32 units are loaded with "Tianlong" land attack cruise missiles, and the other 16 units are loaded with "Red Shark" anti-submarine missiles.

The two destroyers numbered az01 and az02 were conducting routine patrols in the South Pacific waters at the time. After receiving the order, they rushed towards the sea area with full force. Their maximum speed was announced to the public at 29 knots, but at the moment they are both Demonstrating a speed of 35 knots, it can be said that they are already the fastest in terms of destroyers.

"Az02, please pay attention, immediately release your reconnaissance helicopter to the sea area where the incident occurred. It is currently 42 nautical miles away." Just as it was about to approach the area, the commander of the small fleet, Captain Lin Haizhong, commanded az02 to take off the reconnaissance helicopter to see where it was. What's the situation? At the same time, the anti-submarine systems of the two warships are also turned on. Obviously, this is not a threat from the sea, because the satellite shows that there are no offensive warships around here, but they can’t see things under the sea. The idea of ​​this should be the submarine of which country did it. No matter who did it, the anti-submarine device on their warship can send them to the bottom of the sea.

As the order was issued, the helicopter on took off suddenly and flew towards the target area. The high-powered telescope on the warship can actually see the surroundings, and there is no hostility at all. Ships, so the senior staff of the small fleet thought it was submarines.

"The report said that no offensive ships were found on the sea. A small lifeboat was found. It was confirmed that there were survivors on it. Please send a rescue vessel." Ten minutes later, the two soldiers on the helicopter found the lifeboat near the sunken ship. The above should be the workers on the ship. az01 and az02 immediately released two small boats to speed there. I hope that something can be found on these workers.

"Does the sonar show that there is anything around?" Colonel Lin Hai asked the sonar soldier in the command room while holding the telescope.

"There is no sonar display." This result also shows that there is no submarine around. This is really evil, but it has been a few hours from the beginning to the present, and the submarine may have also escaped. I think of it in the forest. The lieutenant colonel ordered "Order the anti-submarine helicopters on our ship to expand the search range, and we must find the **** thing for me." The sinking of the tanker made the group very faceless in the international community. If we can't catch something. Is absolutely not allowed. (To be continued...)

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