Energy Group

Chapter 1455:

Episode 1455

"That's right, otherwise, what if we two cooperate in diamond sales? I have a supply of diamonds. You can handle this land and smuggling by yourself. The quality of the diamonds on my side is complete. The highest in the world. m" Li Cong said with a smile. His diamonds are what the whole world wants. The jewelry market in the United States is so big. Nowadays, you need a diamond ring for marriage in China. This thing is still passed down from others. , The demand here is not comparable to yours, so if you want to buy and sell jewelry, you still get the nest of capitalism.

"Really? Are you kidding me. The diamond mines in this world are very precious. I visited an African diamond mine owner a few times ago. I talked to him once, and they didn’t want to talk to us. In fact, he can’t be blamed. I heard that he exports diamonds for hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn. We can only come up with tens of millions of dollars, so we don’t have that great ability. Moreover, the jewelry store is not only selling diamonds. , There are gold and other things. Those things are all valuable things. I can’t handle them if I don’t see them.” The little girl’s heart fell immediately when she got up, and she didn’t think she was involved in jewelry matters. Since he can help himself a lot, now Li Cong is just talking big words, so he didn't refute it, but the little uncle on the side can see that this person is not an ordinary person, maybe he is the benefactor of the Qin family, he sees this person When I had a feeling, that kind of feeling appeared in my master Qin Wuye before, but I don’t know why this guy seems to be better than the master. This idea was born for the first time in my life. The master is the person he respects the most, but it is strange that this person feels better than the master.

The three people talked and laughed and arrived at the Qin family’s residence in Philadelphia. It’s really low-key here. It’s not that the Qin family really wanted to be so low-key. It’s the city when the Qin family came. There is no more house, and they can only buy such a very ordinary luxury villa. Of course, it is usually said to those old-fashioned families. For ordinary people, this place still exists like a paradise, Qin Youer I looked at Li Cong speechlessly. Why did this man just follow him back, and he didn't cheat at all, as if this was his house, he was a guest, but it didn't matter, there was nothing at home. People, the last generation in the family played in the Caribbean. If nothing happened, they would not come back. This was also the agreement between the Skull and Bones and the old people in the family. Qin You’er, a child like Qin You’er, is not what they want to do. There is no difficulty at all. They are wrong about this, but they also see that Qin You’er has no idea about those dark forces. Just want to develop a genuine business, and the development of business will increase the local economic index. This is absolutely welcome to the Skull and Bones, so the Qin family has been relaxed a lot recently.

"I live upstairs and have been flying for a day. I am a little tired. I went up to rest for a while. Don't call me if you have something." Li Cong waved his hands with the two of them and went upstairs, annoyed. Qin Youer really doesn't know what to say. How could this guy be like this? Is this your home?

"Okay, You'er, sit down. This person is a mysterious person, but I feel that he is not our enemy. This guy likes it better. It's strange to say that this guy is at home. It’s like when the master was there before.” Originally, this little uncle was very happy, but thought that Qin Wuye, who had passed away, felt uncomfortable. In the past, when the master was there, he was just practicing martial arts. Where did so many things come from, besides, the master's power is already very big, and now I look at myself like a street gangster.

"Little Master, don’t you say that this person is strange? I think this person is truly fearless. Will grandpa have such a friend? It seems that his age is not right, but I also feel that way. , This person is not here to harm us." Qin You'er also knows that his little uncle's mind is not so brilliant, but who can tell him at this moment? It can only be said to this guy.

"The master made a wide range of friends when he was alive. I was just his youngest apprentice. I certainly didn’t know many people. But today, it seems like the big brothers don’t know people in the same way. It’s strange to say that I have the same thing as you Thoughts, forget it, I’m too tired. You should think about these things. I’ll go and drink some. You just need to find a place for the people I brought.” The little uncle directly gave Qin Youer to I threw it here and went to the wine cabinet to find good wine to drink. My own place is so shabby and terribly shabby. How could there be so much good wine? Come here to rob the Qin family's treasure.

How could Li take a rest from this time? At this moment, I have to be busy going out to make money, and I have to let the money come in an upright manner. There is no other place except the casino. If it is robbed, it seems a bit inconsistent with us. The quality of him, the quality of him, our quality has not been very good. Li Cong laughed and went out directly from the window, but when he came out, he was dumbfounded. Damn, he left by himself. Karelina is a road-blind person, let alone where the casino is. At this time, it may be difficult for me to get to the front entrance. Damn, the houses here seem to be the same, but it’s not difficult for Li. From, two security guards came over on the left immediately. Just as Li Cong was about to ask, the two security guards saw the window where Li Cong came out, and immediately turned around and prepared to run. Damn, Lao Tzu is not a living Hades. You see what Lao Tzu is running, there are no ghosts in this big day, but you two have ghosts in your hearts. Li Cong immediately kicked the two of them to the ground. There was no one in the community at this time, Li I'm never afraid to expose myself, but then again, there are people who are not afraid of that.

"You?? What are you going to do, we are not ordinary people, we are from the Three D parties." One of the guys stammered after turning over, the Three D parties? This thing seems to be very familiar, but why do they wander around the Qin's house, shit, pull it aside and ask.

Li Cong really didn't know what these two guys were doing here. Looking at the soft one, he hadn't done anything yet, and the two guys hurriedly said what they knew. The original Three D Party (dudluxdlan, abbreviated as ddd) is a civil organization that pursues white supremacy in American history and today, and is also a representative organization of American racism. The Three-D Party is the oldest and largest terrorist organization in the United States. The word du-dlux comes from Greek and means assembly. Dlan is race. Because the three prefixes are all d, it is called the three-d party. Also known as the White Alliance and the Invisible Empire. Speaking of them, they are not in the same group as the Skull and Bones. Wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. I heard from them that their power is still not small.

The Three D Party (dudluxdlan, onomatopoeia, whose name is derived from the sound of a gunshot and iron, abbreviated as ddd) is a civil organization that pursues white supremacy in the history and present of the United States. It is also a racist organization in the United States. Representative organization.

The Three D Party was formed in 1866 by veterans of the Confederate Army defeated in the Civil War. In the early stages of its development, the goal of the Three D parties was to restore the Democratic power in the southern United States and opposed the policy of improving the treatment of old black slaves enforced by the federal army in the south. This organization often uses violence to achieve its goals. In 1871, Ulysses? President Grant issued the Three-D Party and Implementation Act to forcibly ban this political organization, but many such atrocities have occurred since then.

The single organization using this name was created by William? Simmons was built on the top of a stone mountain near Atlanta. This is a for-profit organization whose purpose is to win the comparative advantage of white Protestants over blacks, Roman Catholics, Jews, Asians and other immigrants. Although this organization promoted racism and carried out lynchings and other acts of violence, it operated openly in the United States, and at its peak in the 1920s had 4 million members, including politicians at all levels of government. During the Great Depression, the organization's development fell into a trough, and during the Second World War it lost many members due to conscription or volunteering to join the army.

The organization's name "dudluxdlan" has also been used by many other organizations, including organizations that opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1960 and advocated racial discrimination. In the United States and other countries today, dozens of organizations still use all or part of their names. People all over the world basically think that they are not connected to each other, but Li Cong knows that the three D parties in the world are definitely one family, so their influence is not small, and it cannot be said that they are large organizations like Hongmen. It's the same, but it's not much different, at least 60% of the talents of Hongmen.

The earliest Three-D Party was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee by six lost Southern Army veterans on December 24, 1865, shortly after the end of the Civil War. The original purpose was to perform satire shows and some kind of memorial ceremony. From 1866 to 1867, members of the organization began to destroy black prayer meetings, and broke into black houses at night to **** guns. These actions partly bear the shadow of the former Tennessee’s "yellow jackets" and "Red Riding Hood" self-defense police corps. In 1867, the Three D parties convened a convention in Nashville and issued a speech by the former Confederate army George? The charter drafted by Brigadier Gordon began to develop into a national organization. A few weeks later, Nathan, a former Confederate general who had been in the slave trade? Bedford? Forester was elected as the first national leader.

In a newspaper interview, Forrester claimed that the three-D party has 550,000 male members in the country. In addition, although he does not belong to the organization, he is very supportive of the organization and is able to convene 40,000 three-d party members within 5 days. . He also declared that the biggest enemy of the Three-D Party is not blacks, but "carpetbaggers" (an allusion to northerners who migrated to the south after the Civil War) and "rogues" (alawags, the Republican whites of the secret guide. ). In fact, these words are not all lies. The Three Ds also targeted the aforementioned white groups, especially teachers who came to the south with the "Free Man Committee" after the war. Many of these teachers were active abolitionists before the war and were active in the underground railway movement. Many southerners believe that it was because of the instigation of these northerners that the local blacks voted for the Republican Party. The common people would definitely think that organizations with 550,000 members are just nonsense except for the two major political parties, but Li Cong believes it very much because he knows that there are more societies than this.

Most of the time, Forrester announced that the national organization he led did not have much binding force on the local three-d party members, which had a high degree of autonomy. A Three-D Party official declared, "The so-called director-general is only nominal. I have no authority to speak of the most active young people in violent activities beyond the purpose of the Three-D Party, such as revenge and lynching." 1869 , Forrester announced that "the organization's activities have exceeded the original great patriotic purpose and turned into a criminal act endangering public safety" and ordered the dissolution of the Three D parties. However, this order had little effect because of the lack of credible communication channels among local organizations. Therefore, there are many three-D party organizations that still operate in various places without a central authority. Just as Forrester publicly denied his membership of the Three Ds, many people believe that this order is just to protect himself from punishment by the law. These are just superficial reports. The real situation is that they need to preserve their strength to survive. They must be like this, and at the time, the timid people within them also accounted for the majority. This was their first depression.

The Second Third Party was established during the First World War. It is generally believed that its establishment is similar to Woodrow? The famous film "The Birth of a Nation" (1915) directed by President Wilson and Griffiths is highly related. After watching the film, President Wilson commented, "This is like a history written with lightning. My only regret is his perfect reality." Is this film based on Thomas? Dixon’s two novels "theclansman" and "the pardsts" (thepardsts) are adapted from the novels. The original author hopes to "reproduce a good history of the Democratic Party to revolutionize the concept of northerners." In this film, the area where the Three Ds succeeded is described as the Midwest, but in fact it should be the southern United States. After watching this film, many white people at the bottom of society believed that their poverty was caused by blacks or Jewish bankers. This propaganda method is similar to that of Nazi Germany. This film led to the popularity of the Three D parties in the United States. At the Los Angeles trial screening, actors dressed as members of the Three Ds were hired as advertising promoters, and then at the official premiere in Atlanta, the regrouped three Ds took to the streets and cheered. In some places, fanatical southern audiences even fired at the stage screen.

In this year, another important event that caused the resurrection of the Three D parties was the Jewish factory owner Rio? Frank was lynched to death. The local newspaper at the time reported a sensational piece of news: In a factory run by Jews, the owner Leo? Frank to his employee Mary? Pagan committed a **** crime and murdered her. In a questionable trial in Georgia, Frank was convicted of murder (due to the violent crowds in the court, the defendant and the defense lawyer were not present when the jury announced the result). Frank's appeal was also rejected (High Court Judge Oliver Wendell Helms expressed a different opinion because he believed that the trial did not comply with legal proceedings). The consul reduced Frank's sentence to life imprisonment, but a group of self-proclaimed "Mary Pagan Knights" took Frank from prison and hanged him during lynching. Ironically, did the evidence in the murder show that the real murderer was a black Kim with a criminal record? Coenley, he is the janitor of the factory. After the incident, someone discovered that he was washing a piece of clothing with blood stains.

For many southerners who believe that Frank is guilty, this case has an unusual connection with "The Birth of a Nation". Because they associate the victim Pagan into the female character ra who jumped off the cliff in order to avoid being raped by blacks. After this incident, the three D parties gathered again and added "anti-Semitic", "anti-Catholic" and "anti-immigrant" to their demands.

The Frank trial was judged by Georgia's politician and publisher Thomas? Watson took advantage of the magazine's editor-in-chief who later became the leader of the three D parties and was elected as a senator. In 1915, some older members of the Third D Party and members of the "Mary Pagan Knights" organization held an inaugural meeting on a hilltop to announce the birth of the New Third D Party.

The New Three Ds was a profit organization at the same time, and also participated in the popular fraternal organizations at the time. Different from the initial three-d parties: the background of the old three-d party is the U.S. Democratic Party and the southern states, while the members of the new three-d party come from both the Democratic and Republican parties (the latter has a slightly lower proportion), and its influence is throughout the United States. Even in some states it has a great influence on politics.

Since then, the New Three Ds have been involved in David? Stephenson fell into a trough in the **** and murder case. Stephenson is the leader of the Three D Party in Indiana and 14 other states (the title is grandn). In a sensational case, he was accused of **** and murdering a young female teacher, Madgeltzer. (The victim was beaten by Stephenson so many times that someone heard her say that she was "bitten by a man-eater"). In the 1930s, the second generation of the Three Ds began to weaken and was dissolved in 1944. Since then, the name dudluxdlan has been used by independent organizations.

In the 1920s and 1930s, a faction called the Black Legion in the Three D parties was very rampant in the Midwest. Unlike the general three-d party members who wore white robes, they wore black pirate costumes. The Black Army is the most violent and **** organization of the Three D parties. They are notorious for attacking and assassinating people or socialists.

American folklorist and writer ndennedy conducted in-depth investigations into the Three D parties after World War II, and provided the organization's information and even some secret codes to the "Superman" radio program group. Finally, the program launched a special program introducing the Three D parties. Dennedy tried to unravel the mystery of the Three D parties, and his explanation of the Three D party ceremonies and secret codes also had a negative impact on the organization's popularity.

In some incidents, the targets of the Three D parties began to counterattack. In North Carolina in 1958, the members of the Three D Party burned a cross at the home of two lumbee Indians who met white people, and held a night rally of the Three D Party nearby. They found that they were surrounded by hundreds of Indians armed with weapons. Up. In the end, there was a gun battle between the two sides, and the members of the three D parties were forced to retreat.

After World War II, several organizations that used the names of the Three D parties were identified as resistance to the American civil rights movement in the 1960s. In 1963, two members of the Three-D Party created an explosion in a church where a civil rights organization in Alabama held a gathering. This incident resulted in the deaths of four young girls and also aroused great public outrage. In the end, this facilitated the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In 1964, the FBI launched a "counterintelligence program" in an attempt to infiltrate and destroy the three-d party organization. The significance of this plan in the civil rights movement is multiple. This is because in the operation, intelligence personnel used methods such as infiltration, disinformation, and violence to control violence. This was not only used to deal with the Three D parties and the extreme left and right organizations such as "weathermen", but also used Against Martin? Luther? Non-violent organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference led by King. This duality is most typically reflected in Viola? In the murder case of Lewis. Lewis is a white woman born in the South. At that time, she and four other members set off from their home in Detroit to the South to attend a civil rights movement conference. Lewis was shot and killed by four members of the Third D Party in a car on the highway, one of whom was an undercover agent of the FBI. After the tragedy, the FBI spread rumors claiming that the victim was a person and abandoned his children in order to have **** with members of the black civil rights movement. Despite the dual nature of the FBI’s actions mentioned above, Jerry, a newspaper reporter who broke into the Three Ds in 1979? Thompson publicly stated that the counterintelligence program was very successful in destroying the three-d party organization. Two rival factions within the Three D Party accused each other of being the undercover agent of the FBI. In the end, the leader of the Three D Party Knights, lln, was found to be serving the FBI.

During this period, resistance to the Three D parties also began to expand. Thompson reported that during the time he was involved in the Three Ds, his car was attacked by a gun and that he himself was publicly scolded by black children. A three-d party rally was also thrown into chaos due to the disturbance by black soldiers in a nearby military base. The actions of the Three-D Party are often met with hostile protests and sometimes include violence.

The disadvantages of the Three D parties in litigation cases have stimulated people to constantly seek judicial means to combat their development. For example, Michael in 1981? The lynching case of Donald led to a judicial trial, which eventually led to the collapse of the "United Three D Party of America" ​​organization. Thompson pointed out that many leaders of the Three D parties who did not care about criminal arrests had to constrain their behaviors in order to save the cost of dealing with such legal cases in the face of a civil compensation case of millions of dollars filed by the Southern Law Center. However, litigation is also a method used by the Three D parties. For example, Thomson's book was forced to cancel the publication because of a slander lawsuit filed by the Three D parties.

Thereafter, the Three D parties can also be transformed into organizations targeting other groups of people of color, such as "Christian identity", "neo-Nazis" and skinheads.

From the mouths of these two guys, Li Cong also knows their glorious period, and he really admires them. At the peak of 1920, the Three D parties had more than 4 million members, including many politicians. . Harry in 1924? Truman paid $10 to join the Three D parties, but at a meeting, the officials of the Three D parties asked Truman not to hire any officials with Catholic background if he was re-elected as a county judge. But Truman refused this request because many of his comrades in arms were Catholics. In the end he was forced to withdraw from the organization and was refunded the membership fee. (After Truman became the President of the United States, he did a lot of work on the protection of civil rights, which incurred the jealousy of many three-D parties). In Saskatchewan, Canada, the three D parties played an important role in the 1929 provincial elections. They defeated the Liberal government and made James? The Conservative Party led by Anderson (jamest.m.n) controlled the provincial government for the next five years. Another top three D party with national influence in the United States is the Democratic senator and then the Federal Supreme Court official Hugo? Black, but he later severed contact with the organization. In Blake's early political career, he was a Catholic priest in Alabama, James? In the assassination case of Jamesyle, he defended one of the members of the Three-D Party, and finally got a verdict of not guilty by a jury controlled by the Three-D Party. David? Duke (ddude), who served as the national leader of the Knights of the Three D Party until 1978, also served as the Republican State Assemblyman of Louisiana, and then left the Three D Party in 1980. Democratic Senator Robert of West Virginia? When he was in his 20s, bertbyrd also joined the three-d party and won the title of dleagle. In 1958, 41-year-old Bird also defended the three-d party in the Senate election. After that, he once said that joining the Three D parties was the greatest mistake of his life.

However, after listening to what these two men said, Li Cong roughly estimated what was going on with them. In fact, they used all kinds of excuses such as race to cover up and develop their own power. It should be the second place in the United States. In the past, it was because the Skull and Bones were too strong, so they could not develop. Now it seems that they are also good. Li Cong has never been able to find a guide who can ignite within the Skull and Bones. Huo Suo, looking at these dumb buddies this time, it seemed that he had an idea.

In their mouths, Li Cong also knew that the three-D party that emerged for the third time was different from before. The new three-D party organization learned from the past too bloody, cruel and offensive lessons, and began to pay attention to packaging propaganda and actively intervened. Community Charity Activities". They often use rock music to sing racist songs in places where young people gather at night, instilling racial hatred into the majority of young people, and enticing many young people who have not been involved in the world to join the Three-D Party. Because the Three D parties promote white superiority and put on the cloak of patriotism and religion, they are somewhat deceptive to young people. A large number of inexperienced teenagers formed the outer organizations of the Three D Party. The Three-D Party manipulates and uses these teenagers, instigating them to insult, threaten, beat and even kill blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asians and other races.

Li Cong remembered that several major newspapers in Australia published a photo about the Australian military, which immediately aroused people's concern about whether there was racial discrimination in the Australian military. Australian Defence Force Commander Peter? Cosgrove issued a statement saying that the Australian Department of Defense has launched an investigation into the matter.

Australia’s “Daily Telegraph” published a photo on the front page on the 11th: Several Aboriginal and other black recruits were forced to sit cross-legged on the ground. Behind them stood several people wearing white hoods and dressed like the “Three Ds” of the United States. Member of the soldier. According to the newspaper, this photo was taken in September 2000. The soldiers in the photo were all from Australia's largest military camp --- Lavalack Barracks in Townsville, Queensland. After the photos were published, major Australian media reported on it. For a time, the issue of racial discrimination once again became the focus of attention.

Cosgrove said that the Australian military and human rights agencies have begun a joint investigation on the matter.

Regarding the shooting of this photo suspected of promoting racial discrimination, Lichard, a freelance photographer from Townsville? Frerie acted disapprovingly. He denied the existence of racial discrimination in the Lavalak Barracks, saying that the photo shooting was just a "joking."

In Li Cong’s view, it is good for them to always promote such a race. At least in the eyes of the Skull and Bones, they are a group of clowns. It is not worth the Skull and Bones people to take a second look, but Li Cong knows that it can survive. After so many years, they are not fools. Why don't those very clever families or organizations exist at this time? Because they are not as smart as the Three Ds.

"Hey, look at the happy faces of both of you, so let me give you a chance to take me to meet your boss. I want to meet your biggest boss. You can tell them that your three-d party is the most brilliant The time is coming again, maybe you will have millions of members." Li Cong said with a smile, he soon had his own idea, isn’t the Skull and Bones wanting to make squid? He wants your backyard to catch fire. , These three D parties are the best sign, they don't want to work for us? There is no such thing, as long as we come out in person, there will be no running of them. Li Cong still has this confidence.

These two guys looked at Li Cong stupidly. They couldn't think of what this guy could bring to their organization. When others heard about their own organization, they ran away a long time ago. Why is this guy stupidly looking for his own? Boss, although we are against blacks, we don’t have a good impression of Asians. In their minds, it seems that only white people are the best, but at this time they are beaten with black noses and swollen faces. No, who's he? The Chinese people were bullied before, so how come we are bullied so badly today.

These two guys kept telling Li Cong about human rights laws and other things along the way, but this guy Li Cong didn’t pay attention to theirs at all. He walked a little slower and immediately got kicked and punched. Someone on the side saw the miserable appearance of these two men, but no one called the police. In their opinion, the clothes of these two men are a bit funny. They may be playing some games and they can’t tell. There is more than just People from that island country can play it. There are also many people playing more attractive games here across the Pacific Ocean. Of course, if you go to the street and play it, it’s a bit awesome. After all, most people like this. It is better to just play at home.

The three people walked for about twenty minutes and they arrived at the base camp of the Three D Party. Li Cong took a look, and there were three big "d" hanging in the open door. This* doesn't put the law at all. In my eyes, I used to think they were very low-key. Now it seems that there are high-profile times. It may be because the police here don’t care much. The few boys at the door saw Li Cong beating him so miserably. They surrounded him immediately, but Li Cong could see that these people had no weapons, nor were they the vicious underworld. Some belonged to middle school students, and some belonged to ordinary people. No wonder there were so many people. Anyone wants it, but it doesn't consider what combat power is. It is estimated that this is only a superficial phenomenon, who can explain the inner things clearly.

"You? Who are you and why the one who beat us? Don't you know that we belong to the Three D Party? Don't you know how terrible we are?" The little man at the door said, Li Cong was dumbfounded, Mom I thought the two guys just now were the best, but I didn’t expect the people in this room to be even better. Isn’t there anything normal for him? Just when Li was depressed, one came out of it. The blonde stunner made Li Cong take a second look. The beauty of this woman can be regarded as the best among Europeans and Americans, but there is still some gap compared with Karelina and Aflora, but this Walking on the street will definitely cause some traffic accidents.

"Miss Bahrain, this person?" He didn't go on, because seeing the woman coming out of it no longer wanted him to continue.

"Hehe, Mr. Li came here, please come in. Our adults did not come out to meet you because of some discomfort recently, and there are many people there. Mr. Li doesn't want to be so public." Her words made Li Cong. I am dumbfounded, mom is really an expert in this? This shape of oneself would not be revealed in front of his son, how could he know himself? But then they were relieved. They might have guessed the identity of their Li Yi. After all, that identity is considered a diamond tycoon, and they can talk to them. People don't say they can't rush to recognize it.

"Thank you, for your guidance." Although this organization is very mysterious on the outside, it is not so gloomy in it, but it looks very magnificent. Are these large-scale **** organizations all This look is ordinary on the outside, but luxurious on the inside.

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Li would come to us as soon as he arrived in the United States. Just now, our buddies were offended. I hope Mr. Li can be a Haihan." From Li Cong's view, this woman in Bahrain is still very cultivated, from dressing up. It seems that she is definitely from a famous family. It seems that she is also a girl with a very background. It is just that she seems to be a little flattering. When can I ask them? Take one step at a time. Anyway, I am here to seek cooperation.

Entering a room of about 30 square meters, an elderly man with white hair and beard sitting in it, Li Cong can be sure that this person is not the superficial leader, but Li Cong is the superior person. It was very clear that this person was a little bit like himself. Li Cong smiled and nodded at her. The person did not get up and motioned Li Cong to sit down.

"The president of Tangtang Energy Group really doesn't have a big air. Is this what you Huaxia people say is low-key?" One sentence made Li Cong sweat. What the **** guy recognized was not Li Yi’s identity, but himself It seems that these people are really capable.

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