Energy Group

Chapter 1458:

Although SAS has performed many missions in the past, and basically achieved success, Li Cong was still a little worried this time. First of all, they acted on the territory of the Skull and Bones for the first time, and they faced skeletons. The elites of the meeting, so this time they must not be taken lightly. The most important thing is that the things they want to destroy this time turned out to be giant octopuses that are much larger than them. Li learned the news from Rockefeller. These octopuses actually follow Like Pandora’s treasure box, even the Americans can’t directly control them. They just guide them. After all, these things are too cruel. He told Li Cong that a giant octopus had eaten dozens of them. For soldiers, the tentacles of these things are very powerful. They can cut off steel and other things in an instant. The weapons that humans are proud of seem to be useless in front of them. If they are pointed at with a submachine gun If this thing is shot, the one that dies in the end will definitely be his own. M (M_)

After SAS has expanded, there have been five groups in the world. The first group is the most primitive SAS. Their combat effectiveness may not be the strongest, but their synergy is definitely the strongest, and they are the most familiar. The place is Europa, so Li Cong left them in the Suez Canal area. If something happens, they can go to the battlefield first. The second team is the strongest team. After half a month of assessment, they and The first squad fought more than fifty times, and the first ten of them were basically the entire army destroyed. This shows that their coordination ability is not good, but after more than a month of training, they can easily ravage the first. A small team. Currently they are stationed in Fusang and can quickly move to various parts of the Pacific. The transfer of them can be regarded as their professional counterpart.

As for where the third, fourth and fifth teams are, the energy group does not have any written records at all. It just knows that they exist within the military headquarters of the energy group, and only a few senior leaders of the group know about any specific situation. Of course, Li Cong must be the one who knows best.

The second and fourth teams are fully staffed, and they both have a staffing staff of 7,000. It can be said responsibly that apart from Li Cong's Guards, they are the most powerful troops. Li Cong has to throw in at least 200,000 yuan in training expenses for each soldier every month, so they are basically some weapons all-rounders. The whole team of thousands of people can use various war machines to fly from the sky. There is nothing that they can’t do.

At this moment, everyone is ready. They are just one hundred and fifty nautical miles away from the San Diego Naval Base. It’s not that the Americans’ investigations are so careless. In fact, there are too many spies inside. At this moment, the people who helped Li Cong get the information on this base are really It's too much. Li Cong's investigation department even knows what brand of soybean oil the cook inside uses. Maybe others would never think that this place would be a training place for giant squids, but Li Cong’s spy satellites confirmed all of this. All military bases in the Americas can be observed by his military satellites, but it’s impossible here. This shows that the US military is here. Interfering here without interruption, here also stores the most important secrets of the Skull and Bones.

Brigadier General Wang Hai, the joint commander of the Second and Fourth Team, looked at the information on the San Diego Naval Base in his hand. The people in the investigation department of this **** group are really amazing. How long did it take to get this. You still make people live.

The San Diego Naval Base is located in the south of San Diego, California, on the east coast of San Diego Bay. It is the largest port of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. One third of the ships of the U.S. Navy fleet use this base as their home port. The Point Loma Naval Base in San Diego is also the main berthing and maintenance base for the US Pacific Fleet’s nuclear submarines. At present, the base is deployed with four attack nuclear submarines from the US Navy's 11th Submarine Squadron. The US Navy has a total of 98 ships that use the San Diego area as their home port, most of which use the San Diego Naval Base as their home port.

As a naval base with advanced naval technology. The current San Diego Naval Base is the home port of approximately 50 ships, of which 37 are the US Navy.

The four nuclear submarines that use the base as their home port are all Los Angeles-class. They are: Helena, Topeka. Asheville, Jefferson.

To the west is San Diego Bay in the Pacific Ocean and 160 kilometers from Los Angeles to the north. It controls the eastern waters of the Pacific Ocean and is the second largest naval base in the continental United States. Under the influence of various factors, San Diego has "three mores": First, there are more presidents. San Diego is the headquarters of the US Third Fleet, which was formerly the South Pacific Force of the US Navy. From this force, four presidents-Kennedy, Nixon, Ford and Bush Sr. They all participated in the war against Japan in World War II, and some even escaped from the dead. Therefore, when they were in power, the United States’ Asia policy was “remarkable”. The second is that there are many headquarters. The San Diego Naval Base used to be a single-function maintenance base, but with the rise of the Yatai plate, the U.S. military in San Diego has become increasingly complete. Third, there are many veterans. Due to the pleasant climate, strong military atmosphere, and multi-ethnic coexistence in San Diego, the social tolerance is high. Therefore, the entire San Diego County is home to 260,000 veterans, making it the county with the largest population of American veterans.

In the military field, the US military first opened San Diego as an important naval anchorage and fleet maintenance base in 1919. From 1922 to 1943, the primary task of the base was to repair destroyers that were retired in World War I. In 1943, San Diego was renamed the U.S. Navy Maintenance Base, and its functions were expanded to repair and maintain modern warships of the U.S. Navy. It was not until 1946 that the base was officially named "San Diego Naval Base" and its primary task was to be responsible for the logistics of the Pacific Fleet. After the end of the Cold War, in response to the overall rise of the Yatai region, the United States has built San Diego into the second largest base of the United States Navy on the mainland, with a total of 35,000 military personnel and more than 7,000 civilian personnel. At present, the base has the headquarters of the US Pacific Fleet, the US Navy's Third Fleet Command and the major subordinate headquarters of the Pacific Fleet. Coronado on the west bank of the base has an amphibious operations base, and the North Island has a naval air station. There are also a naval training center, a supply center, a fleet anti-submarine training center, a naval amphibious combat training school, a naval hospital, and a dolphin training center for military purposes.

Li Cong's goal is naturally the dolphin training center here. If they used to play dolphins or something, Li Cong would not be so aggressive. It is indeed the current squid that constitutes his global strategy. It was a huge threat, so Li Cong was going to risk the world's unwillingness to attack here. Even facing the coalition forces of Europa and Skull and Bones, he had to do it. Eliminating everything that threatened him was what Li Cong had to do.

The San Diego base has always been responsible for protecting the west coast of the United States. The task of preventing the enemy from launching an attack from the Pacific Ocean to the United States. However, after the end of the Cold War, with the adjustment of the US strategic direction, the San Diego base has become more and more closely connected with the Yatai region.

In the 1990s. The connection between the San Diego base and the Yatai region is mainly achieved through aircraft carriers. The three aircraft carriers deployed by the base-"Constellation", "Stannis" and "Nimitz" will take turns to Yatai region every year to prepare for war Training is to familiarize yourself with the combat environment in the Ya-Tai region and drill combat plans. It also shows the military presence of the US Navy in the Yatai region. In 2003, the USS Reagan, the most advanced aircraft carrier built by the US Navy at a cost of nearly US$4.5 billion, chose the San Diego base as its home port to formally succeed the Constellation. {htt/Book friend upload update} In the first half of the year, the "Reagan" aircraft carrier began a "cruising trip" in the Yatai region. In addition to aircraft carriers, submarines are also the focus of San Diego. In recent years. The United States publishes the "China Military Power Report" every year to exaggerate China's submarine threat. Duncan, chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, once chanted in Congress: "San Diego and theater forces should see this." In response, the U.S. Pacific Fleet immediately responded. In April 2004, the Pacific Fleet formally established the Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Command, which is fully responsible for the anti-submarine warfare in the Yatai area, and this command is located at the San Diego base. After the Anti-Submarine Warfare Command was established, it actively studied anti-submarine warfare methods and formulated anti-submarine warfare plans. And set up an anti-submarine warfare training center in San Diego. Not only U.S. naval fighters are trained at this center. There are also members of the Self-Defense Forces sent by the former Fuso. At the beginning of 2005, the former Fuso Self-Defense Force also sent personnel to the United States for the first time to practice the "Capture the Island" with the US military. The training location was chosen at the San Diego base.

In February 2006, with the release of the US Department of Defense’s "Four-year Defense Evaluation Report" and the expansion of energy groups, the US military officially moved its strategic focus to the Yatai region. The San Diego base has further accelerated the integration with the Ya Tai area. San Diego was transformed from the U.S. Navy’s force projection base and training ground to the Yatai region, and has become an indispensable part of the U.S. Navy’s operations in Yatai. The "Four-year Defense Evaluation Report" was proposed. To change the situation where the US Navy’s nuclear submarines in the Pacific and the Atlantic are equally distributed, 60% of the submarines will be deployed in the Yatai region by 2010. According to this request. The US Navy plans to transfer six nuclear submarines deployed in the Atlantic Ocean to bases on the Pacific coast. According to the US "Defense News" report, of the 6 submarines, 3 will be deployed at the San Diego base. At the same time, the U.S. Navy also announced that the U.S. Naval Mine Warfare Command and Training Center, which has always been located in Texas, has also moved to San Diego. It will merge with the Anti-Submarine Warfare Command in October this year to form the "Anti-Submarine Mine Sweeping Joint Command". ". In this regard, the US military claims that submarines and mines are the most important threats facing the US Navy, and some countries in the Yatai region are currently focusing on developing such equipment. Under this circumstance, the integration of the two can become the "combat power multiplier" of the US Navy, fully ensuring the US military's military initiative in the Yatai region. A few days ago, the U.S. Navy announced that each "offshore combat ship" worth 200 million US dollars, mainly used for offshore operations, will soon be deployed, and the first batch of four ships will all be deployed at the San Diego base. When explaining the reason, a US Navy official stated that this was made in accordance with the spirit of the "Four-Year Defense Evaluation Report" that "highlighted the importance of the Yatai region." The deployment of the "offshore combat ship" at the San Diego base is mainly to consider that the San Diego base not only has complete command and control and supporting facilities, but more importantly, the command centers for naval underwater operations and mine operations are located in this base, which facilitates the improvement of the surface, The combination and coordination capabilities of underwater and mine operations have created a "new era of underwater warfare in the 21st century."

Regarding the changes in San Diego facing the Yatai region, Rear Admiral Cassias, commander of the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Fleet Submarine Force, said: “The emerging threats in the Yatai region are increasing, and we must be prepared for this. This new threat is naturally As for Li Cong, Li Cong himself has this consciousness, so Li Cong felt that he had to destroy this naval base directly, although Li Cong used to directly use force against Europa and Great Russia. But this time I still have to be very energetic. Because the enemy in front of him is Europa and Greater Russia combined, he must prevent the Skull and Bones from breaking the net. At that time, he may enter his trap. .

"Sir. The call from the headquarters is the head of state." The operator was excited, holding the phone in his hand. When did he have such a good luck, the head of state actually spoke to himself. Although the head of state just said, "Troubles, hand over the phone to Wang Hai." There is no voice, but in the group of millions of troops, he is one of the few people who can talk to his husband. This is not a trouble. For fun.

Wang Hai was looking at San Diego's information at this time. He heard Li Cong looking for him now, although Li was never in front of him. But this guy still tidyed up his clothes and some things, and glanced down as if Li Cong could see him and picked up the phone carefully, "Head of State, I'm Wang Hai."

"Brigadier General Wang Hai, your people arrived very punctually. I have provided you with everything, so this time I hope you can complete the task well. Our fleet cannot come to support you. You can't let the skeletons. I will seize all the evidence. Because I don’t want to cause any disputes at this time, so at some point, more than 10,000 of you are fighting alone. You know how much time and money I usually spend training you. Our group can't let these giant octopuses stop them from developing. The group's future path depends on you. If you win. You must be an important stepping stone for the group to advance. As for the warships in the base. Yes. Time can get rid of them along the way. If you don’t have time, just forget it. Business matters.” Li Cong’s words were like asking his own hands to make trouble in the neighbor’s house, without feeling any tension at all.

Originally, Wang Hai was very nervous. This battle had made himself very nervous. From this time, Li came to join in the fun, but after hearing what Li Cong said, he was thinking about how to build a business. This Although the difference between the Brigadier General and the Major General is only the first level, the salary is different. There are now three Brigadier Generals in SAS. It can be said that there is no regular boss. If you can survive this time, the entire SAS army will be They are all in charge, so they must win.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Hai could not be calm for a long time. Although things after the victory are very beautiful, the things in front of them are also very tricky. The San Diego Naval Base is an important military base of the US military. It is for sure that the defense is tight. Besides, there are those giant squids. The task the boss gave himself this time is really not easy. If there is not a thorough task, more than 10,000 people may have to explain it here. This is still a small matter. If anyone suffers If you can't help but say it, the energy group will immediately fall into passiveness in the international community, and maybe the world war will start like that.

According to the information, there are still hundreds of thousands of veterans around here. The combat effectiveness of these people must not be underestimated. Although they are all discharged, the United States is not a country that bans guns. The people here can play guns. It is a very normal thing. I must not let my people fall into the flow of people. Then I have no hope of being able to withdraw. Besides those huge octopuses, even though I have seen the headquarters in the past. The people who demonstrated the anti-matter bombs are powerful, but they also doubt that those things can kill the octopuses. After all, the octopuses are hundreds of meters long. If these things are exposed to the sea, they are similar to a small mountain.

There used to be more than 30,000 naval and air force military personnel in this base, and 9,000 guard troops on the periphery. There are two army units nearby, and there are more than 20,000 people. The American army is absolutely mechanized, and they are all mechanized. It is highly mechanized. Some energy groups cannot keep up with the mechanization of the Americans. It is like that some energy group soldiers are still marching in trucks, but this is impossible in the US military. The US military has basically used Hummers. It’s a car, they wouldn’t be able to ride in a large military vehicle.

If there were only these, I guess they wouldn't be afraid. What's terrible is these giant squids inside. Although they can't come to the shore, the above means to destroy them all. They don't need to come up, but we need to go down. This is not a joke. If something is bad, the whole army may be destroyed. The military’s supercomputer issued a warning during the simulation. If an octopus’s tentacles were smashed directly, at least hundreds of people or more would die. Those things weighed several tons, which is naturally not. Will give you face.

"Are our people ready? Tell them. If you don't prepare carefully, you will die today. Five minutes before the action, tell them what our goal is this time." Wang Hai thought for a while. In fact, for the sake of confidentiality, these soldiers didn't know where they were after they got on the ship. The entire ship was under information control during these five minutes. At this time, if anyone acted rashly at this time, they would be out of luck. Although energy group supervision is very strict, there will be traitors in the world where there are only people, just like the Skull and Bones. Although the Skull and Bones are already very strict, some people have penetrated in. They are not I would think that the boss they sent to supervise this thing turned out to be a traitor. Rockefeller knew all the secrets in it, and now even he has defected. How can this base be kept?

Rockefeller is not idle at the moment. According to the agreement between him and Li Cong, at this time, he will put the most combative people in the base on duty. Of course, this is also for his own sake. If he transfers all the strong combatants from the base at this time, although he will help Li Cong finished the task, but he might have come to the end. It was not a good thing to wait for him. But he made a full resistance, so that he would lose his base. Or he could rise by himself without a hand or something, and at this moment he was looking at the dark sea in the distance in his office. It’s about to start in five minutes. When that happens, I will immediately find someone to stun myself, and then arrange dozens of officers to watch another "self" fighting the enemy outside, but it's still because of various things. He did not win and was hit by the enemy in the arm. At this time, he lost his left hand and came out after the operation. He may not have a left hand in the future, but he who lacks his left hand will definitely gain a lot. I don't like this bitter trick very much, but thinking of my Rockefeller Kingdom, this thing is still necessary.

Just when Locke gave up his meditation, five minutes had passed. His cronies walked in and nodded to him. Both the avatar and the doctor were ready, and they could carry out their plans at any time. When Rockefeller responded, the distant sea glowed orange. The dozens of huge sleeping guys on the beach immediately yelled violently. In fact, these things are usually under the water. Yes, they won’t come up when they’re okay. What they fear the most is this kind of glare, that is, they will come out at night. In fact, the flash bombs released by Li Cong have been modified, and they are only in a thousandths. It releases the same rays of light as the sun in one second, but that’s how it cost Li Cong two million dollars each, and only 50 of them can successfully get these guys up. It turns out that they are Yes, the flash bomb worth 100 million U.S. dollars directly made dozens of giant squids irritable. They don’t care about what’s around them, even if their own kind disturbs them when they sleep. It's also a death. Dozens of squids began to quickly entangle their chaotic partners, but his partners are not weak. They will also grab their partners and tear them hard, and soon they will be on the surface of the sea. Some black liquid appeared. Anyone familiar with these things knows that this is the blood of these things, very disgusting blood.

The warship is completely separated from this side. Some sailors don’t even know that these guys are by their side. They thought that there were still those gentle dolphins on the other side of the wall. How could there be such disgusting things? When they saw the huge tentacles and smashed the fifteen-meter steel wall at once, they finally knew what had happened. Some of the huge animals in the sea mentioned by an explorer a while ago seemed to be this, one by one navy. The officers immediately ordered their warships to aim their weapons at these squids in the distance. Although the high-level officers knew what it was, the high-ranking officers were asleep in their homes on the shore at the moment. They would not be in the harbor. They will spend time on the ship. This is not their style. The people on the ship are all low-level officers and soldiers. At this moment, they see these guys they have not seen before. The way they think of is to use the weapons on the warship. Just kill it directly. The first to face them were the four Ali Burke destroyers, because they were in their own ports and they could not use missiles without the above orders. But other problems are fine. The 129mm naval guns on the four warships quickly fired at the octopus in the distance at a speed of 20 rounds per minute. Some of the process defense weapons on the warships are also spraying. There was a torrent of steel, and soon they discovered that their efforts seemed useless at all. Their things couldn't get in, but their behavior angered those guys. They quickly rushed towards this side, and the seemingly strong steel wall was useless at the moment.

"Asshole, our weapons can't deal with them at all. Launch torpedoes, missiles, our missiles, kill them for me, and ask the aircraft carrier to take off the plane to kill them." The highest commander present was a captain. Although he does not have the full power to launch missiles, he has the right to launch torpedoes. It is impossible for the four ships to launch torpedoes at the same time because of the docking reasons. Only the first two fired four torpedoes. Quickly rushed towards the octopus school, the huge explosion directly caused the octopus rushing in front to be severely damaged, but the things behind them did not stop, they directly pulled the injured companion aside. Continue to move forward, their speed is too fast. The four destroyers had no chance to reload at all, and the two destroyers in front were quickly entangled by three big octopuses. They tried to smash this thing vigorously. For the first time, the ability of animals was shown in front of humans. Many naval officers and soldiers looked at the scene before them. They had forgotten to resist. They felt that this was the end of the world. God sent these things to punish them. Their end is coming. Looking at the usually very strong warships. At this time, it seemed as if it was a piece of paper that was split apart by these big guys. Could it be that the education you usually receive is fake? Are human beings at the top of the food chain?

"Prepare, launch???" The two destroyers not far away did not intend to be the same as the dead destroyers. They did not hesitate to open the fire control room on their warship with a hard start. They did not want to die. , So without the permission of senior officers, dozens of missiles quickly rushed into the sky. Their target was their home base a few kilometers away, and they might kill hundreds of water ice in that area because of these missiles. , But at this moment they can't take care of that much. At this moment, what they think is that as long as they can kill these damned things, it is the best.

A few large octopuses saw the destroyer in the distance fired missiles. Of course, they didn’t know what that thing was for, but they also knew that it would be very painful if it hits them, so they The tentacles desperately grabbed what they could grab and prepared to resist those things. Among them was the half of a destroyer. If this big guy was wise, he would never use this thing to resist. This thing is the destroyer’s. In the ammunition compartment, when the falling missile touched this object, the white light of the explosion directly illuminated the entire base. It is impossible for this octopus to survive, including the surrounding three giant squids and the surrounding two thousand soldiers, four The destroyer is definitely gone. This is definitely what the guy who launched the missile in the distance did not expect. The soldiers in the distance will not pity their comrades at this moment. They are still launching various weapons. The area here. It was not very big at first, and now almost every 50 square meters of the missile has been smashed down. Everything in it seems to be gone at this moment. Just when the octopuses retreated, something they didn’t expect happened. Four of the nuclear submarines from China also joined the ranks of strangling these octopuses. Dozens of large-yield torpedoes rushed over. The weapons on the sea have always been the most powerful torpedoes. The specific reason is because of them. It exploded underwater, and their power was the greatest. If they were outside in the open sea, these octopuses might not be hit by these torpedoes, but at the moment they have no extra space for activities, they can only look at them. The torpedo rushed towards this place. In an instant, almost half of the octopuses were killed. The people in the energy group in the distance knew **** these damned guys. I used to choose to fight them in the ocean because I had my own mind. Problem. If you had thought of leading them to a narrow place, you might have killed them long ago.

However, their death also gave the octopuses behind them time. Those octopuses also had brains, and they didn't want to rush out stupidly. They are also fragile in the face of modern weapons. The previous navies are still somewhat different from the navy here. For example, in terms of the number of use, the naval weapons here seem to be free of money. They feel that they have to do this to kill them.

Several planes took off from the farthest aircraft carrier, but the luck of these planes was not so good. They didn’t know that these guys were capable of long-range attacks. They were preparing for an ultra-low-altitude bombing, but it turned out to be black. When the liquid is sprayed on their bodies. Each plane turned into a turkey and went straight down with long tail smoke. The 15th Air Force was destroyed by six F35s within five minutes. This may be their biggest record.

The octopus’s counterattack did not end in this way. They swiftly moved towards the distant fleet. The first to suffer was the frigates and destroyers. Close-range weapons were of no use to these things. They It could only be slaughtered, and an aircraft carrier in the distance saw this scene and immediately set fire to prepare to rush out of the port. In their opinion, only leaving here is the best. It's just that their speed is as fast as these giant octopuses. Before they could drive out, an octopus rushed in front of him. This is a huge aircraft carrier and the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the Reagan.

The USS Reagan (VN76) is the ninth ship of the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the United States, and it is also the first aircraft carrier of the United States to enter the army after entering the 21st century. The Reagan, which was completed and launched in 2001, was named after Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States. President Reagan was the national leader who led the United States to end the Cold War and was very much loved by the American people. He was also the first former US president to be named for a warship when he was alive. However, people were unable to participate in the ceremony due to illness when the new ship was launched. Therefore, it was represented by the former first lady, yReagan, who died the next year after the ship officially entered service. He was 93 years old.

This warship was very powerful back then, but now he is not very big, and can only be used as a medium-sized aircraft carrier, but out of his love for the former president, he has always been the flagship of the Pacific Fleet. He is about to end his own life.

"Reagan" is the first American aircraft carrier named after a living president. The aircraft carrier was built at the Newport News Shipyard in 1998, launched in 2000, and named in 2001. The aircraft carrier has a displacement of 97,000 tons, a 20-story building above the waterline, and a flight deck area of ​​4.5 acres (about 18,000 square meters), which can carry 80 carrier-based aircraft and 6,000 crew members. The service period is 50 years. The two nuclear reactors on the aircraft carrier can work continuously for 20 years without refueling.

According to the "Reagan" aircraft carrier officer, the ship is still a "traditional warship." From the outside, the "Reagan" is indeed difficult to distinguish from other Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. However, according to US Navy media reports, the "Reagan" has more than 1,300 major changes in its design. For example, the underwater part of the bow of the ship uses a bulbous bow, similar to a commercial tanker, to increase speed and increase stability; the angle of the flight deck has been adjusted so that more carrier-based aircraft can take off and land at the same time; island-shaped buildings After the new design, the crew on the upper deck can have a wider view of the flight deck; the arresting ropes have been reduced from 4 to 3, thus freeing up a lot of space.

Nimitz-class aircraft carriers are equipped with short-range air defense weapon systems with independent search radars. On this basis, a new type of "rolling frame missile" system has been added to the "Reagan", which is equipped with 21 "don't care after launch" missiles that can destroy high-speed approaching targets. At this moment, his missiles can no longer come out, because at this moment they have all shot out, and now they can only watch the warship being ravaged by the monster in front of them.

The huge tentacles have been hitting directly on the deck of the Reagan. The huge cracks awakened the soldiers above. This is not watching the huge disaster movie, but the real situation. At this moment, several Phalanx systems on the Reagan. Crazy blasting bullets towards this tentacle, but the end result is that there is nothing about this thing. Instead, the bullets were shot everywhere, hurting many of their own people. Although the octopus’s attack was very powerful, it wanted It would be impossible to destroy a huge war machine at once. The pilot of a fighter jet directly pulled the plane over from the ship, facing the newly emerging octopus with two missiles, although one of them One shot directly hit the deck due to blocking, causing the explosion of two aircraft, but the other missile hit the guy’s head. The weak area of ​​this thing has always been their head. UU Reading www. At this moment, the big guy sank directly, and his luck was really good. He even killed this thing directly. Watching the tentacles on the ship slowly slide down, the remaining crew members shouted thank God , This guy is finally dead, the invincible aircraft carrier steel made this guy line up all at once, with cracks of about ten centimeters on it, they would never have thought how big a dollar string of octopuses would be. Skills?

Just when everyone thought they had escaped the catastrophe, the crew under the aircraft carrier rushed to a huge shock, and then a few people yelled from below, "Asshole, that guy came in from the bottom of the boat, our boat came in. Water." With this shout, hundreds of tons of seawater went directly under the Reagan, but if the aircraft carrier can sink in the water casually, it will not be called an aircraft carrier. At this moment, the entire ship is just one cabin. It was only water, the hatch was quickly closed, and dozens of people there would be sacrificed at this time.

The tentacles that went in didn't stop. He ran directly onto the sixty-meter-high deck. The entire Reagan was directly penetrated, and the surrounding sailors were dumbfounded. Damn, there was such a powerful thing, sixty. Although the distance of meters is not very long, there are dozens of layers of steel in it. Those things are not soft goods. At this moment, they are all turned into a huge hole. (To be continued...)

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