Energy Group

Chapter 1468:

Although the Qin family has begun to sell some assets in the United States, there are also a lot of assets in Philadelphia. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Li Congken provides 20 billion US dollars of diamonds. What do you want them to do? It can allow them to take over all the jewelry sales in the eastern United States in the next few months, and they can also make at least 40 billion US dollars in profits. Don't expect them to pay taxes to the US government. m bubble!*

With huge benefits, everything can be done. Miss Bahrain definitely has the ability to decide things. There is no need to discuss with the above at this moment. I immediately agreed and promised to do this thing well, immediately. The warships in the military port started to ignite and set off. The interference effect just now has not been eliminated, but the satellites can already transmit vague data. The closest to them is a destroyer squadron with about eleven Ali Boss. The Ke-class destroyers were fired by their naval guns just now, and they were also the closest ones, and they were also the chickens Li Cong was preparing to kill.

"I really don't know that the officers and soldiers on these eleven destroyers know that they are chickens, what would they think?" Li Yunhai gave Li Cong a helpless look. Such a destroyer fleet is very powerful for some small countries. But at the moment they can just plug their teeth.

"Okay, hurry up and get to work. They are all warships with the Aegis system. It is impossible to kill them with a small number of missiles. Our computer has already calculated it. If we want to kill them directly, we must be the same. Time to launch more than 300 missiles. I want to see how your fleet is doing with such a intensive launch. If you do well, the group will naturally not treat you badly." Li Cong said with the telescope. Seeing the shadow of the US destroyers, they did not escape at this moment. They also felt that the energy group did not dare to do anything to them, because there was a huge Atlantic fleet behind them, which could solve the two aircraft carriers in front of them in an instant. .

"Hehe, I might make mistakes in other things. The war is okay. Our defensive ability is strong. But our offensive ability is even stronger. Just wait to watch the show well." Li Yunhai was happy. He agreed and left. In the previous battles with Europa and the Great Russian Navy, the navies of those organizations had either poor sailors or poor weaponry. Now let’s take a look at the results of the head-to-head. He actually wants to see how his subordinates compare to those guys. The position of the First Navy may only have results in the future, but now in this small area. But you can look at the confrontation. The energy group does not have all the fleets to suppress, only the same strength as them, the combined fleet of 11 destroyers and frigates, speaking of their capabilities, is still a bit weaker than the old American Atlantic Fleet. , But that's just the weakness in tonnage. It's not clear what the weaponry is now. And they can all be wiped out, so there is no need to be afraid of some of the latest equipment on the warship. Those latest equipment is also a major reason why Li Yunhai is so confident.

"The assault fleet maintained 32 knots, and the main fleet maintained 25 knots." Soon the two fleets began to separate. There are no more merchant ships around here, and the surrounding area is tens of square kilometers. It's a warship, and the main fleet of the United States is farther away.

"The assault ship pair prepares and starts attacking after 30 seconds. The fire control department pays attention to the total sequence of naval guns releasing high-power jamming bombs. Immediately use the front air-to-air missiles to destroy the enemy's drones. The fleet is prepared for ship-to-ship missiles. After the launch of the anti-air missiles, the enemy fleet will be attacked immediately. At the same time, the ships pay attention to the enemy's counterattack, and the air defense forces are ready. When necessary, all available weapons and equipment can be used." Li Yunhai The sound came out of the loudspeaker, and everyone wiped the sweat from their heads. This is not a joke, maybe I have to explain it here today.

Li Cong took a binoculars and looked outside from the rear aircraft carrier command. He saw that the 129mm main guns of the 11 warships of various types that were separated fired hundreds of shells into the airspace. They were all directed at them. The aerial cannon fired above is the electronic attack artillery used by the Energy Group specifically to deal with the old and the United States. The function of this thing is to cut off all communication in its own area, regardless of the kind of attack from the enemy and the enemy. The result of this attack is the sky. The dozens of drones originally hovering on both sides lost contact with their controllers for a full five seconds. At this moment, their flying distances are not very high. There is a reason to choose this time to attack. , They can fall into the sea within five seconds. If their flying altitude is high, they may connect to the host in five seconds, which may not be able to attack.

"Damn, these foreign devils, I don't believe I won't be able to hit you with this shell of Lao Tzu for half a million yuan." Li Yunhai whispered from the side, this guy always calculates the cost of war every time he fights. These hundreds of shells are worth tens of millions of RMB. With the addition of those drones of my own, 200 million RMB will go in right now. It hurts me to death, but Lao Mei’s loss is even greater. People have already lost 200 million, but they have lost US dollars, which is five times that of the energy group. If you look at it this way, the energy group will not suffer.

The officers and soldiers on the old American destroyer panicked immediately. What is going on? Isn’t it said that the people of the energy group can’t attack? Why did you kill all the drones on your side? Everyone watched this scene in surprise, but immediately the red warning forecast came out. Bastard, they carried out a missile saturation attack on us. The computer immediately assigned targets to our anti-aircraft missiles. They must be taken down." If the distance is a little bit further, it is estimated that they may shoot a lot of missiles. , But now the distance between the two sides is too close, the Aegis system tells it to work.

Aegis combat system (batsystem). The most important integrated surface ship combat system in active service in the US Navy. At the end of the 1960s. The U.S. Navy recognizes that its response time, firepower, and proper operation rate in various environments are not enough to cope with the threat of saturation attack by the Soviet Union's large number of anti-ship missiles on the surface combat system. In response to this, the US Navy put forward a proposal for an "advanced surface missile system". After continuous development, it was renamed the airborne early warning and ground integration system (ntegrated System) in December 1969. So it is also translated as "Aegis" system. After hundreds of years of development, this system is now almost the most advanced combat system. Now is the time to test his defense system.

In the view of the US Navy, the "Aegis" combat system can effectively defend against simultaneous missile attacks launched by the enemy from all directions. It constitutes a strong shield of the U.S. Navy fleet. The Aegis system currently has 8 different benchmarks, called "ne". These 8 combinations not only represent the improvement of the system, but also have something to do with being equipped on a destroyer or cruiser. The Aegis system uses standard ship-to-air missiles. Aegis cruisers and destroyers are very expensive, and the price of one ship is equivalent to the price of three other ordinary destroyers. Of course, how the effect is, I guess you can see it right now.

Its response speed is fast. It only takes 0.05 seconds for the main radar to switch from search mode to tracking mode. It can effectively deal with supersonic anti-ship missiles flying in sea skimming. Its anti-jamming performance is also very strong, and it can be used in severe electronic jamming environments. Normal work; in terms of counterattack capability, the system has fierce combat firepower, can comprehensively command various weapons on the ship, and intercept multiple targets from the air, surface and underwater at the same time. It can also automatically assess target threats to give priority to destruction The goal that threatens itself the most; from the perspective of reliability. Bubble-() It can work continuously and reliably for 40-60 days at sea without logistical support. Since the successful development of the "Aegis" combat system of the US military in 1981, it has been equipped with 27 US "Ticonderoga"-class cruisers and the latest type of "Arleigh Burke"-class destroyers. Since the "Aegis" combat system represents the most advanced naval technology in the world today, its cost is naturally very high, with each combat system (excluding missiles) costing up to 200 million US dollars. It's just that the two-billion-dollar system at the moment seems a bit bad. Faced with 350 various missiles coming from all directions, they are a bit dumbfounded, as if this invincible system that they boasted would also be broken.

The core of the Aegis system is a computerized command decision and weapon control system. Although the Aegis system emphasizes the ability to track and intercept aerial targets on the surface, the core of the Aegis system is received from the ship, including radar. The data of various electronic warfare devices and detection systems such as sonar, plus other vehicles on the water, under water, and other vehicles in the air, through the tactical digital information link exchange information, through automated signal processing, target recognition. After the threat analysis, it was displayed on the large (two 42-inch by 42-inch) display of the Aegis system. Provide the commander's most real-time intelligence information. Related target data will also be displayed on the respective control panel. The computerized combat system can automatically engage in combat based on the target's threat level when necessary. Through the integration and command of the weapon control system, the combat system on the ship can give full play to the necessary attack and defense measures. The weapon control system includes the light airborne multi-purpose system (LAMPS), the Harpoon anti-ship missile, the standard three-type air defense missile, the phalanx close proximity weapon system, the torpedo launch system, and the sea monster anti-torpedo device. Because of the close distance and the speed of the energy group’s missiles, their electronic interference only destroyed 12 missiles, which made the chief military officers of the United States directly dumbfounded. According to their ideas, at least this group must be killed. One-third of missiles, but this is about one-thirtieth.

The energy group’s anti-ship missiles use semi-armor-piercing blasting warheads; solid rocket motors as power devices; use autonomous guidance and self-control flying. When the missile enters the target area, the seeker automatically searches for, captures and attacks the target. Now hundreds of missiles have entered the target. All the old American destroyers are already launching interceptor missiles at the fastest speed. It’s just that the probability of this thing is a bit small. If one-to-one interception is used, it is estimated that only a 70% success rate is quite good. Only two pieces can reach 90%. If the distance is far, Lao Mei will definitely use two-to-one, but now as long as they can kill them one-on-one, it's not bad. The old United States fleet is also constantly blazing.

Soon the results of the second round of missile interception came out. In two minutes, the US destroyers launched a total of 145 interceptor missiles. This number is also very staggering, and they have also achieved good results. It seems that the old American Aegis system is not a joke, they shot down a total of energy group missiles, which is considered to be extraordinary performance, but this can not adapt their current situation. What they have to face now is that there are more than a hundred missiles. This layer can only rely on the process defense system on the warship.

The short-range defense system on the destroyer is still very good. The two MK15 six-barreled 20mm "Phalanx" short-range weapon systems are the main terminal hard defense weapons of the DDG51 class. Its effective interception distance is 15m and the hit probability is 0.75. 2 seats The "Phalanx" system is arranged one after another, and the shooting range is wide. It's just that whether in actual combat or in exercises, the results they have achieved are conceivable, and they cannot be adapted to the overall situation.

The so-called "Phalanx" refers to the six-tube 20mm automatic rotating artillery system specially designed and manufactured by the US Navy to solve the problem of short-range air defense of warships, that is, the MK15 "Vulcan" Phalanx system. The system was put into use in the early 1980s. Mainly equipped with large combat ships. It includes warning radar, tracking radar, artillery, electronic computer and control panel. The two radars can be used together to determine the target position with a reflection area of ​​0.1 square meters within 50 meters and calculate its motion parameters. At the same time, it can also monitor the flight trajectory of one's own shells and automatically correct shooting parameters. The system can work normally under five levels of sea conditions. It can be controlled by the system console or remotely controlled, without the need for a gunner. The shell consists of a body, a core and an ejector. The core is the damaged part, made of depleted uranium material, and its density is 2.5 times that of steel.

The "Phalanx" close-in defense system is a product of American Lecion Company. More than 80 sets have been produced, equipped with almost all U.S. naval vessels and released

In more than 20 other countries, it uses 6-tube 20mm M61A1 Gatling guns to fire armor-piercing projectiles (APDS). The rate of fire is roughly adjustable at 3045 rounds per minute. The storage of 9890 rounds of ammunition has a range of about 15 meters. The entire system weighs 5,625 kilograms. The search and tracking radar works in the Ku band and adopts'closed loop multipoint technology' (gy).'Closed loop multipoint technology' is a breakthrough in radar technology. It enables the'Phalanx' to track incoming attacks. The target can also track the fired shells, so as to more effectively kill the incoming target.

The U.S. Navy has always been at the forefront of the world in the field of fleet defense by relying on its powerful technological advantages. The'Phalanx' close defense system is one of the important components of its defense system. The ‘Phalanx’ system is the last barrier of the US Navy’s ships, and it can effectively strike anti-ship missiles that have been missed from other air defense systems. 'Phalanx' is the only near defense system in active service that can automatically search, detect, evaluate, track, lock and attack threat targets (such as anti-ship missiles, surface mines, small aircraft, etc.). It can also interact with existing Some other combat systems are used in combination with fire control systems.

For close defense systems such as the U.S. "Phalanx", the internationally recognized best strategy for anti-ship missiles is "maneuvering or high-speed penetration", approaching the enemy ship at a high speed, greatly shortening the reaction time of the enemy ship. The interception success rate is reduced. However, the energy group did not use this method. They only needed to win by number. Now the Phalanx has reached the point of full-scale use, but the results they achieved were not so satisfactory. Soon, a dozen destroyers were on board. The Phalanx arrays were all misfired because their reserves of ammunition were gone, but they also had brilliant results. More than fifty missiles were knocked into the sea by them. At this moment, the dozens of missiles left in the sky were already They are completely approaching, they are like an undefended warship, and what awaits them at this moment is to be slaughtered.

The kiss between the missile and the warship is very shocking. At least Li Cong thinks so. At this moment, in his eyes, the bow of a destroyer was hit, and he could directly see a large opening with a diameter of more than two meters in the telescope. Although there were isolated compartments inside, Li Cong could see They could not resist the speed of the water entering the past. Moreover, this was only the first wave of attacks by the energy group. The submarines that disappeared as early as the departure from the port were the second wave of attacks. At this moment, there are more than twenty. The torpedo has rushed towards the only remaining warships, and their orders can be imagined. But at a distance of tens of nautical miles away from them, those old and American main fleets could only hear the sound, but what happened over there was invisible to their satellites and the radar could not detect it. Unless they go in and see what's going on by themselves, otherwise they may not know what's going on for the rest of their lives.

At the same time, something terrible was discovered in the main fleet of the old US Navy in Gibraltar. The Atlantic First Squadron of the Energy Group actually surrounded them. Not to mention how powerful the warships on the ground are, just say the air. The plane scared them directly. Since when, no matter who they are, they have not seen the scale of thousands of fighter jets. At this moment, they have seen them in the sky above them. As for the dozens of their fleets. At this moment, they can no longer find the defense forces. They were so scared that they didn't know where they were hiding. Those pilots are still thinking about what happened just now, my goodness, how come there are so many bright spots on the radar screen.

An hour later, the old American fleet off Cuba finally figured out what was going on. The destroyer squadron they sent out had been killed by this time. The Energy Group used the most powerful jammer to give them some news. No, eleven destroyers are worth more than 15 billion U.S. dollars, and there are more than three thousand soldiers on them. Except for the more than 2,000 people who were captured, the others were all killed in battle, and they also died for the country.

"Kill them all for me, leave none of them." The commander of the old American Atlantic Fleet roared, but some of his staff were still intact. Most people are looking at this guy dumbfounded because they have received an important news. At this moment, the above orders them not to act rashly, because a large number of fleets in Gibraltar were directly hijacked by the fleet of the energy group. If the task force composed of these two aircraft carriers is killed here, it is estimated that the huge fleet will be taken over there. The fleet was killed, and it was them who suffered in the end.

"Commander, I don't think we can do it. The above has given us a clear order. We can't act rashly on our side until there is a proper solution on the European side. It is estimated that this time we will suffer from this loss." The chief of staff is yes. He came from the West Point Military Academy. He understood these things very well. This guy spent most of his time studying how things were done. Now he can understand a little bit. The Energy Group seems to let them eat this bitter fruit. Of course, there are two meanings of going in, that is, let the old American navy be more careful when approaching Cuba in the future. They have the ability to kill you directly. Although hundreds of missiles are expensive, they are worth eleven. The destroyer is still a lot cheaper than that, they still make money, but they never thought that there is another important reason for the energy group to do this, that is, the drones. If it weren't for the drones, maybe Li Cong didn't dare to make this decision, but this time it gave Cuba a big deal.

"Damn, what do these energy group people want to do?" Not only his soldiers were among the three thousand people, but the most important thing was that this guy's son was inside, and the news that he just got was that his son was killed. If his son is captured, he would not dare to start a war if he is killed. The old American military system has very strict regulations. To launch an attack on a target, the commander, the chief of staff, and several senior officials must agree. Only the commander's own opinion is impossible to attack, which is doomed to this guy.

On the other side, Li Cong is pulling a hat to sleep. He can no longer intervene in the current situation. Now he can only look at the three D parties. Li Cong doesn’t know what the situation is like. But Li Congqing definitely didn't mess it up. If it messed up, it is estimated that those missiles will have to fall on his head. He can launch hundreds of missiles in an instant, and the fleet over there is even better. Even thousands of them are no problem. In the end, it’s estimated that it’s your own side. Although the European side can eat them, the loss is certainly not small. Now my fleet is the most powerful and can deter them, but if we fight with the Americans Now, it's yourself that will suffer. By then, Europa and Great Russia will probably have to bully themselves, and none of them will be vegetarian.

The Three D parties are really concerned about this, and they can't stand this temptation. They also developed when they didn't meet Li Cong, but there was not much difference between that development and Turtle Speed, but now they are not the same as before. They have funds. It is developing rapidly, and sometimes it can compete with the Skull and Bones people in some places. Of course, it is secretly. If it is obvious, they still have no guts.

After three hours of intense discussion, the three D parties finally suppressed the matter, but they also paid a huge price. They thoroughly exposed that the Skull and Bones is a very tightly organized organization. Since playing this one is a bit big, he directly exposed the Three D Party to the wrath of the Skull and Bones. It is estimated that they will not end well this time. They will face the anger of the Skull and Bones in the country. They will not be soft on the traitor Skull and Bones who eat inside and out. They are still happy to count the diamonds sent by Li Cong. , Who knows that their fate will also have twists and turns.

They naturally don’t know this. In their opinion, the bigger the conflict between the energy group and the Skull and Bones, the better. It’s best to kill the Skull and Bones. Old America is a country with a very conservative culture. It is obviously impossible for some Asians to rule them, so once the skeletons disappeared, they felt that it was time for them to come out. Because they will come out to clean up the mess.

In the end, the energy group has to pay 2 billion US dollars in compensation to settle this matter. In return, when the Lao American fleet enters the Cuban waters for 200 nautical miles in the future, it will report to the energy group’s fleet, and the two sides must have a contact system. The fleet in Cuba cannot remain so large. Only three destroyers and four frigates can be retained. A small fleet of two submarines, such a small fleet, is also very large for Cuba. From their founding to the present, they have not seen a warship of more than 6,000 tons, but they are a giant in their eyes. The energy group is just a little guy. Their largest naval base has not been opened yet, and they will be scared to death.

Correspondingly, the United States began to expand the Guantanamo naval base on a large scale, and can deploy Patriot interceptor missiles there to form a missile defense system.

Patriot missile (t) is a medium-range surface-to-air missile system manufactured by Raytheon. It replaced the ules missile and became the US military's high and medium altitude air defense weapon. This weapon system became widely known after the Persian Gulf War and became one of the representative weapons of the United States. Like many expensive American weapon systems, the Patriot missile system has witnessed a lot of controversy about its combat performance. 2 and previous missiles use missile tracking and command guidance as a midway guidance method. The terminal is semi-active radar guidance. 3 is based on midway inertial guidance plus terminal active radar guidance.

Patriot Missile (le) An all-weather multi-purpose ground-to-air tactical missile developed by the United States. Used to deal with modern equipment of high-performance aircraft, and can destroy short-range missiles in an electronic jamming environment, intercept tactical ballistic missiles and submarine-launched cruise missiles. The missile is 5.31 meters long, has a projectile diameter of 0.41 meters, a weight of 1 ton, a maximum flight speed of 6 times the speed of sound, and a maximum range of 80 kilometers. The warhead is a high-energy fragmentation type. The Patriot missile played an important role in the 1991 Gulf War.

The highest model of the "Patriot" missile is currently Type 3. The United States has recently developed a National Missile Defense (NMD) test completed by the 3, with a success rate of about 50%. The US military has begun to form a Type 3 missile battalion. Lao Mei is deploying a missile battalion here this time, hoping to respond quickly to the energy group’s missile attack, but it’s hard to say how effective it is.

The US Army claims that the initial success rates of the Patriot system in Saudi Arabia and Israel are 80% and 50%, respectively. These were finally revised to 70% and 40% respectively.

On April 7, 1992, L of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Reuven Pedatzur of Tel Aviv University testified before the U.S. House of Representatives committee. According to their analysis. The success rate of the Patriot system is less than 10%, and it may even have a 0% success rate.

On the same day, Charles A. Zraket of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and mmerman of the International Strategic Research Center testified on the success rate of the Patriot missile system in Israel and Saudi Arabia and pointed out that many of the results and analysis methods in the report were inappropriate. Place. The Investigation Department of the Energy Group dared to allow the military to agree to this condition. In fact, it has done a lot of investigations. According to the current situation, they can probably have an interception rate of 50%, as long as their number is strictly controlled. .

Moreover, the cost of the Patriot missile is very expensive. Each of his international prices has reached 4.5 million U.S. dollars, even if the Americans are the manufacturers themselves. Li Cong estimated that their price would also be between 2.5 million US dollars and 3.5 million US dollars, and their missile battalion would only deploy a dozen missiles at most. It is impossible to achieve much success, in view of this. The energy group only agreed to this condition, and even if you don’t agree, he will arrange it there. If you don’t tell you then, wouldn’t it be more troublesome, so you can know what’s going on.

After three weeks, most of the things were basically awakened. General Li Yunhai arranged the fleet to stay at the Cuban naval base. At this moment, he will return to the naval port of Gibraltar with other warships. It is safe there. , But this time a huge nail has been maturely inserted here, which is considered to be a blow to the Skeleton and Bones, and they have suffered huge losses. They should not have the strength to come over in a short time.

Originally, Li Yunhai meant that Li Cong should go with them, but now Li Cong has some other things. For example, at this moment, Mr. Fidel invited Li Cong to come to his residence again. Although this war is foreign It’s confidential, but under Li Cong’s authorization, this guy still knows something that he shouldn’t know, and also knows the power of the energy group. Even the incredible Skull and Bones can be eaten under their hands. He must follow They cooperated, and he also saw a war with advanced weapons. His own army is not enough to stuff people's teeth. Although he doesn't necessarily get much more by letting out the cigar industry, he can at least let his army get good equipment, and it will not be in such a war. Nothing can help.

"Haha, Mr. Li. My old friend, we met again. In fact, I was going to invite you to celebrate on the day you won the battle. It was only because you were still in the barracks that day that it was delayed until today. Please sit down, I really didn’t expect your naval combat effectiveness to be so strong.” Fidel said with a smile, this guy is already very capable of lying, at least Li Cong in front of him is not small compared to this guy. This guy obviously wanted to wait and see for a while, but now he turned into Li Cong's advantage and couldn't celebrate.

"It's okay, I did have something at the time, but I started a war on your land without telling Mr. Fidel. I'm really sorry, I will pay attention next time." Li Cong said with a smile, you I can't be polite to you who are hypocritical. When Fidel heard the next time, the muscles on his face moved unnaturally. Will there be another time? If it wasn't for your luck this time, or for your strength to control their fleet in Europe, I guess I will have to bury with you at this moment. Of course, he would not say this. , Just think about it.

"Mr. Li is really joking. Actually, I came to Mr. Li today to talk about the cigar that Mr. Li proposed last time. I think we should have time to study this matter now." Fidel laughed He said that this guy did not directly agree. It seems that Li Cong is not very satisfied with the opinions he put forward last time, or the price is not very suitable. It seems that Li Cong still needs to increase the price.

Li Cong smiled and glanced at the big beard in front of him. This guy didn’t look like the kind person on his face. Li Cong couldn’t naively think that this guy would do things for himself so easily, this guy. There will definitely be other ideas. As long as the ones he put forward are not too excessive, they are acceptable. After all, the industry this guy provides to him is a profiteering industry, and he needs the help of his own production in the future. .

"That's the case. I feel that some of our cooperation conditions were not very clear last time. I think this is good. I don't need the 5 billion US dollars each year. I don't know if Mr. Li can support some of our naval weapons. Last time I heard that Mr. Li can provide us with some guided missile speedboats. We are really happy, but Cuba is also considered a maritime country. Only those small boats are not allowed. We want to have some larger tonnage. Warships, I don’t know if there are any warships that are about to retire from Mr. Li?” Fidel said embarrassedly. Even if this guy is already eighty years old, he still feels a little awkward when talking to people for things. Nature.

Retired warship? It turned out that this guy was thinking about this thing. If there were other things, Li Cong would have no choice but to solve this problem. The Energy Group recently had a batch of old naval weapons to be decommissioned. They were also Those who have to go to the reserve for training, now they are given one more ship and one less ship. Now there are six Delhi-class destroyers from Nanya Asan who were originally although there are already. It’s forty years, but it’s okay to clean up and hand it over to the Cuban Navy. After all, it’s a big guy with several thousand tons.

The integrated combat data system for the Delhi-class destroyer was provided by Bharat Electronics Co., Ltd. of the former Asan Hyderabad. The bow is equipped with a 1mm Russian main gun. Other parts of the ship are also equipped with 4 Russian-made AK650 6-barrel Gatling guns. The entire ship is equipped with four quadruple "Monitor" anti-ship missile launch systems. The "Monitor" system can launch the Russian-made Kh35 (NATO number SSN25) anti-ship cruise missile, which uses a set of inertial navigation system to control the general direction of the missile, and uses active radar as its terminal guidance. The Kh35 missile has a minimum range of 5 kilometers and a maximum range of 130 kilometers. The air defense missile system of the Delhi-class destroyer is the Russian-made SAN17, NATO nicknamed "Grizzly." The maximum range of this missile is 30 kilometers. The original Asan plans to use the Trisul ship-to-air missile system to replace the SAN17 system. According to the plan, the former will begin service on 21. The Trisul missile system was independently developed by the original Asan, with a range of 50 kilometers. The "Delhi" class is also equipped with a 5-unit 533mm torpedo launcher, which can also be used to launch SSN15 "Seastar" or SSN16 "Stallion" anti-submarine missiles. The maximum range of SSN15 is 50 kilometers, while SSN16 can reach 120 kilometers. Later, the energy group also imitated these weapons and equipment, and they have been using them until now, but they did not participate in regular wars, they were defending the transportation line in the rear, and now it is also possible to pull them to Cuba to use the waste heat. Not bad. (To be continued...)

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