Energy Group

Chapter 1480:

Although Miss Bahrain is already very knowledgeable for an ordinary person, what she said may be felt by a hundred ordinary people that she is right, but what she said is wrong here in Li Cong, but Li Cong didn’t need to correct others at this time. It’s okay to go to Mexico. In fact, Li Cong also wanted to go to Mexico. The United States tolerated Mexico’s development, which led to their current situation, which provided Li Cong with a frontier position. If it can be combined with Cuba, then this nail is even more important. Suddenly Li Cong has a big plan. Can he support Miss Bahrain’s family to establish his own armed forces in Mexico? At the beginning Naturally, it must be within the scope allowed by the Skull and Bones, and they won't care about the ordinary small-scale squabbling forces, and they will have nothing to do when they grow up. m

After sending Miss Bahrain away, Li Cong immediately asked those who had just stepped down from the frontline of the exercise to prepare to participate in a military meeting. Li Cong's topic was what kind of army can be cultivated in Mexico, and what can be commercialized in Mexico. Those generals and senior executives knew that the former president would definitely have new business, and they were very energetic.

According to data compiled by energy groups, Mexico is one of the countries with a relatively high level of economic development in Latin America. For many years, Mexico has implemented a "mixed economy" system. Since the 1990s, the privatization of state-owned enterprises has accelerated, but the state still monopolizes important sectors such as energy, electricity, and telecommunications. Mexico is one of the major countries in Latin America rich in products. Abundant resources. Great potential for economic development. Mexico’s national pasture covers an area of ​​79 million hectares, mainly raising cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens, and its honey production ranks first in the world. However, Mexico’s agriculture is underdeveloped, food cannot be self-sufficient for a long time, and domestic consumption is heavily dependent on imports; Mexico’s coastline is 10143 kilometers long. Mexico has a well-developed marine fishing industry; the industrial category is relatively complete, but the development is uneven. It is relatively developed in energy, mining, metallurgy and manufacturing industries.

During the 30 years from the 1950s to the early 1980s, the Mexican economy maintained an average annual growth rate of 6-7%. Although the annual population growth rate is as high as 3%, its per capita GDP can still maintain a growth rate of 3 to 38%. In the process of industrialization and agricultural modernization, Mexico, with its characteristics of political stability, has effectively ensured the sustainable development of the economy, thereby promoting profound structural changes in the economic and industrial sectors. The share of agriculture in the GDP fell from 20% in 1950 to 9.3% in 1980. The proportion of industry, especially manufacturing, has risen sharply. In 1980, the share of manufacturing industry had risen from 17.8% in 1950 to 24.1%, thus turning Mexico from a backward agricultural and mining raw material producer and exporter after the war into an emerging economy with diverse economic structures and relatively complete categories. Industrial country. In the process of economic and technological modernization. Driven by urbanization and the rapid development of commerce and service industries, Mexico’s employment structure has undergone fundamental changes, and the labor force in the agricultural sector is constantly shifting to the non-agricultural sector. Currently, only 6 million of the 28 million labor force in the country are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, and the urban population accounts for more than 72% of the national population. Tertiary industries such as commerce and service are very developed.

However, the debt crisis in the 1980s triggered Mexico’s economic recession and difficult economic adjustments. In August 1982, Mexico declared its inability to pay the principal and interest of its due foreign debts, and the national economy was stuck in a crisis of long-term stagnation or decline. The average annual growth rate of GDP from 1980 to 1989 was only 0.7%, and the per capita GDP was lower than the population growth rate. Inflation continued to rise, reaching a record rate of 159.2% in 1987. The heavy burden of foreign debt payment and the intensified flight of domestic capital have dried up investment funds. Various economic and social problems induced by business closures and increased unemployment have forced the government to carry out a series of emergency and structural economic adjustments and reforms. A series of policy measures and the implementation of various economic and social development plans through fiscal tightening, controlling inflation, adjusting the structure of import and export commodities, stimulating private investment, expanding opening to the outside world and improving economic efficiency. Mexico’s economy has gradually stabilized, and has begun to get out of the predicament of recession and crisis, showing a good momentum of recovery and growth.

Mexico joined the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1986, and began the transformation from an inward-oriented development model to an outward-oriented development model. Since then, the Mexican government vigorously implemented measures for adjustment, reform, privatization, and opening up to the outside world. Before 1995, the Mexican economy maintained a medium-to-low growth rate for many years. International reserves and foreign investment continued to increase, inflation fell to single digits, and its fiscal deficit turned into profit. The debt ratio reached a normal value, and imports and exports increased substantially; but on the other hand. There has also been a situation of excessive imports and mainly relying on foreign short-term capital to balance the excessively high economic project deficit. On January 1, 1994, Mexico formally joined the North American Free Trade Area. In December of the same year, Mexico's internal conflicts and political turmoil within the ruling party shaken the confidence of foreign businessmen. Withdrawal of capital one after another, leading to a substantial depreciation of the currency. The financial crisis broke out. In 1996, with the support of a large amount of emergency assistance from the United States and international financial institutions, the Zedillo government took measures such as serious fiscal discipline, rectification of the financial system, further adjustment of the economic structure, and implementation of medium- and long-term economic development plans. Emergency phase. The financial market continues to spread well, interest rates are gradually falling, the currency market is stable, public finances have achieved balance and surpluses, foreign trade has increased substantially, international payments have fundamentally improved, foreign debt repayments have been smooth, and foreign exchange reserves have increased significantly. At present, the Mexican economy has come out of the bottom of the crisis and is showing a momentum of recovery.

It's just that they are still very backward. More than half of the country is in chaos. Miss Bahrain's family wants to open a silver mine because mining is the only law in Mexico that allows you to openly own an army, according to Bahrain. The silver mine that the young lady got down, they can have an army of four thousand people, and even have heavy weapons. The Mexican government doesn't want the entire domestic military power to be so chaotic. This is nothing that can be done. The economy of their country is now mainly brought by these foreign capitalists. At the beginning, these capitalists believed in the security situation mentioned by the Mexican officials, but soon they found that they were simply not connected at all. Their factories often had social groups coming in to blackmail them, and these people They are all very brutal. If they want to kill someone, others can’t stop them. They didn’t even call the police station to answer the phone. In the long run, most entrepreneurs have suffered a lot of losses. Stupid, he formed an army. At the beginning, it was not so exaggerated, it was only a few hundred people at most, but the total number of people who have developed is tens of thousands. Nowadays, some large mine workers have as many soldiers as there are workers. The workers also want to protect their lives. The capitalists have given them military training. All the people are good for capitalists, but for the government. Saying it is dying, the result is that no one listens to their yelling. You have to come to enforce the law, yes, just don't do it in my mining area. You can go out and do whatever you like. So now the mining area in Mexico has become a small community, in which the boss is God, and the government’s laws are not working here.

"Sir, I know all the information about Mexico. I think if we want to gain a foothold locally, we must conquer two relatively large private forces in Mexico. Although they are not as powerful as the three previous drug lords, Both of them have tens of thousands of troops under them. Their relationship with us is still good, mainly because these people buy a lot of food and munitions from us every year. This is not very reliable, if they Knowing that we are going to get involved, this point of friendship is obviously not enough." Li Xian has just participated in the big exercise and is sorrowful. There is something to be done quickly to pursue improvement.

"Sir, our business department just conducted a survey in Mexico. Our total assets in Mexico are 302.5 billion U.S. dollars, plus the 18.2 billion assets of the Three Ds we just acquired. We have a total of 320.7 billion U.S. dollars in assets, but we control They are all high-level profit products, and the industries that have the military did not have our involvement. This was also the decision made by the group considering its relationship with the Skull and Bones." The person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said that they did not want to develop. It's just that I didn't have that strength at that time.

"It's pretty good. We are a large force in Mexico. Isn't their gross national product only 600 billion U.S. dollars? It's not bad if we have half of them. What about the military? We have in Mexico. How many armed personnel, give me a precise figure." Li Cong glanced at Li Xian.

"Sir, although the Mexican military has been established for a long time, it has basically no development. At present, there are only 3,000 members nationwide, but there are less than 1,000 trustworthy members. The remaining technology is still available. But their loyalty to us is not very high, and they don’t know what they should be loyal to. In short, they will help whoever gives more money, even if the person to be killed is their own friend, armed, There are five armed helicopters and more than a hundred tanks of various types. If they are assembled, they are among the more powerful warlords, but there is still a lot of difference from the two powerful ones." Li Xian looked at the information and said, no The people in the military don’t do things, but want to do things in Mexico. It’s too difficult. Those people have their own ideas. They are very free and loose. The most important reason is that the skeletons can penetrate here very well. One of the two most powerful warlords is definitely led by the Skull and Bones, and the other is not led by the Skull and Bones, but they will never be an enemy.

The strength of a thousand people is really a bit small. If there are so many armed personnel in a relatively peaceful country, it would be considered good, but in Mexico it is considered a very small force. Li Cong sees from the data A small guy in Mexico City can pull out hundreds of armed men at any time. They are not afraid of the police. Sometimes the police will give way when they see them. The police are synonymous with **** in Mexico. People who really can’t get mixed up will become policemen.

However, although the number of more than 1,000 people in the energy group is not very large, the equipment is absolutely sophisticated. In the hands of the Mexican community members, their weapons can be said to be diverse, but they are not the same as the war rioters in other parts of the world. Similarly, people in those places basically have an AK47. But here. There are no such guns, but they don't account for much. The most used guns here are still the M4 submachine guns of American origin.

The Washington Post reported that in order to buy guns, Mexican drug cartels often hid cash in spare tires, engine transmission systems, and boxes of baby diapers, transported them into the U.S. through the U.S.-Mexico border, and bought guns from the U.S. . US law enforcement agencies estimate that Latin American drug cartels smuggle billions to billions of dollars in weapons from the United States every year. In the United States, there are a large number of Mexican societies, and buying guns in the United States is basically a very common thing. Most Americans have guns in their homes. If you don't have them, it might be abnormal. The Mexican clubs buy them in the United States and then smuggle them back to Mexico to support the people there to continue fighting. Continue to pay back the money, get it for yourself, buy weapons by yourself, and support them when you go back, just repeat the same actions.

"Notify the Mexican military department and ask them to make preparations recently. The group is going to upgrade their ranks. In the future, the Mexican military department will have to expand to at least three thousand troops. If these people's brains are not very obedient. If you do, you can send them to Africa to do some control." Li Cong thought for a while and said. Perhaps the most invisible thing in the world is the human heart, and that doesn't matter. Li Cong has a way to see exactly what these people think.

"Sir, do we have any big moves in Mexico? People in the Political Department said that Mexico is preparing to wipe out drug dealers on a large scale. Are we going to replace them?" Lee Sen has matured a lot after the last time. Many things have been done in this period of time, so this time Li Xian was brought to the meeting. He can be said to be the fourth person in the military except for Li Cong, Li Er, and Li Xian. Yes, although his military rank is not very high. But this guy is capable and already has his own prestige in the military department. Although there is still a certain gap compared with Li Xian and other people, he is still very convincing compared with Li Yunhai's older generation. The most important thing is that this kid has passion, which Li Cong likes better. Because people who have this are generally good at doing things, but it is also more difficult to control.

"It is impossible to replace them. There are too many interests here. Now you are the minister of the Mexican branch. I hope you can help Miss Bahrain in the next period of time. I will take care of the things here. It will pass. You'd better develop your own power before I arrive. If it doesn’t work, I don’t care what our relationship is. You have to give up your seat. As a care, I allow you to take you. Fifty old subordinates of the United States will go over together. One billion U.S. dollars of operational funds, arms and other things can also support you, but I want you to have the ability to protect yourself at least before I arrive, and that the local military department really has its own ability. Instead of scaring people by relying on the brand of the energy group." Li said from this, but it is very heavy, in fact, recently he has also noticed that Li Sen is a little impetuous. Young people generally have this situation. In addition, he always succeeded when he was young, so Li Cong was going to give this kid a bit of hardship, and he couldn't make this kid's life so comfortable.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task and live up to Mr.'s trust." Li Sen saluted and disappeared. The virtual meeting is like this. Who knows if the following topics are related to as long as he turns around When my boss didn't want to keep himself, then he would go out. This is the rule for many years.

"Sir, don't you think about it? Although Li Sen is a good kid, he is still a child. I feel a little unreliable if you ask him to take care of this kind of thing, or I will go for a run. It's better." Li Xian said with some worry. He was also afraid that Li Sen would do something wrong and would ruin Li Cong's affairs.

"Li Xian, you helped me and our family bring out more than a dozen outstanding children. I should thank you, but you didn’t do very well in the following things. Why are you always so worried? These children I was born with a golden key from an early age. In the military department, our Li family is still a bit too weak. The rise of a family depends not on one or two people, but on a large number of people. He was born here. The family is to serve the family well. If he doesn’t have the ability, I don’t think he will be used. This is a chance." Li Cong said with a smile. Sometimes Li Xian is too insensitive. It is opened. If you don't give young people a chance, you may not grow up in your life. Li Cong also knows that he is a little anxious, but the growth rate of these younger generations is really too slow. It is necessary for him to put a little pressure on these guys. . (To be continued...)



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